IRC log for #brlcad on 20100806

01:06.05 ``Erik the national cathedral is quite an impressive structure, and not just cuz it has darth vader carved into it O.o
01:52.05 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:23.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40019 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/FindGL.cmake):
02:23.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: By default, CMake's opengl logic assumes AGL is the opengl of interest on Apple,
02:23.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: and requires manual specification for anything else. We'll need to do better
02:23.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: than that - add visus file as an example of how to approach this, although it's
02:23.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: not likely to be the final solution.
02:30.38 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
02:34.07 brlcad starseeker: mpfr is used under the hod by gmp, which would be a lot "easier" to apply to our code
02:34.34 brlcad have to make a couple things work first, though
02:35.13 brlcad entire build with c++ compiler (CC=g++) and consistent fastf_t use
02:53.13 starseeker erm
02:53.26 starseeker has never tried CC=g++...
02:55.35 starseeker heh
02:55.36 starseeker checking for gcc... (cached) g++
02:55.37 starseeker checking whether the C compiler works... no
02:55.47 starseeker okay then
03:08.44 yukonbob starseeker: sometimes as simple as a non-executable /tmp
03:11.05 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40020 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: whoops, do the right malloc check.
04:34.46 brlcad starseeker: I've cleaned up specific libraries to compile in c++ mode in the past
04:35.03 brlcad it's actually a pretty good sanity/portability test
05:14.43 brlcad starseeker: curious that yours failed on the sanity check, it should get past it unless other "default" flags are in play (that are incompatible)
05:14.59 brlcad it will fail in the code, though, anyways
05:15.24 brlcad one thing you can't get away with at all is k&r-isms, which we still have some of, even in our headers
05:16.11 brlcad functions the same name as structs are also not allowed (conflicts with their constructor)
05:16.26 brlcad nothing hard, but it would be a week or two of cleanup
05:17.03 brlcad was waiting for this minor to fix at least some of the issues like the constructor conflicts
06:55.07 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r40021 10/rt^3/tags/rel-7-16-10/: tag the C++ core interface with the corresponding BRL-CAD version (i.e. 7.16.10)
07:05.52 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
10:04.07 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
11:04.47 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
14:12.33 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
14:14.05 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
14:14.09 Alexandrus moin();
14:46.34 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
14:54.06 brlcad hello Alexandrus
14:54.11 Alexandrus hello brlcad
14:54.16 Alexandrus i have a simple question
14:54.33 Alexandrus how do you modell a tube with sqare ends
14:54.38 Alexandrus (flat ends)
14:55.39 brlcad that'd be two overlapping arb8's making a + then cylinders down the sides to round the edges
14:56.20 Alexandrus so a great number of cylinders
14:56.30 Alexandrus thought maybe there is a tgc mod hidden somewhere
14:56.33 brlcad well, great number == 4
14:56.38 Alexandrus 4?
14:56.41 brlcad 4
14:56.49 brlcad 2 arb8's and 4 rccs
14:57.20 Alexandrus ok, the 2 arb8's for the ends
14:57.25 Alexandrus but the 4 rccs???
14:57.30 Alexandrus one for the tube
14:57.32 Alexandrus and 3?
14:57.37 brlcad no no
15:00.01 Alexandrus
15:00.02 brlcad so consider the shape in 2d first
15:00.20 brlcad two *overlapping* rectangles, then circles on the corners
15:00.27 brlcad like this
15:01.20 brlcad you diagram is just a slightly more complicated for where you have multiple bends, but the exact same idea applies
15:01.58 Alexandrus the problem is the smooth interval between section 1-2 and 2-3
15:02.13 Alexandrus i don't see how i do this with rcc
15:02.27 Alexandrus or tor..
15:03.16 brlcad imagine that in that image, sections 1+2+3 ARE the first arb8 rectangle
15:03.17 Alexandrus guess maybe i need an example
15:03.54 brlcad then there's another overlapping arb8 crossing through the other two horizontal sides and section 2
15:03.58 brlcad those are unioned together
15:04.14 Alexandrus not seeing the use of a second arb8, but ok..
15:04.21 Alexandrus now we have a "cross"
15:04.25 brlcad a "+"
15:05.34 Alexandrus ah, i see what you mean...
15:06.08 Alexandrus guess this doesn't work with constant surface though
15:06.25 Alexandrus (seen from end to end, surface must stay constant)
15:06.40 brlcad what do you mean by constant?
15:06.59 Alexandrus very pratical, you get a tube and flatten it (hammer, heat)
15:07.24 Alexandrus A(x)=const
15:07.29 Alexandrus (approx)
15:08.38 brlcad ah, a taper
15:08.49 Alexandrus otherwise i could just + the tube with two recs..
15:08.56 Alexandrus hmm...
15:09.04 brlcad you can make that work, that's just a tgc with different ends
15:09.26 brlcad rcc == tgc with equal ends, tgc is generalized where they're not equal
15:09.36 Alexandrus hmm
15:09.44 Alexandrus and then plus
15:10.06 Alexandrus ok, this might work..
15:11.41 Alexandrus still...i think 1 arb8, one rcc and two tgc's should do the job
15:11.50 Alexandrus unless i have forgotten something
15:12.10 Alexandrus yes...the cut...another rcc and two tgc
15:14.07 brlcad so sort of like this:
15:14.33 Alexandrus hmm...just much more soft
15:14.47 Alexandrus i could try using two outer tgc at one end
15:15.05 Alexandrus to get a smooth curve from rcc to arb8
15:15.10 brlcad yeah, the cylinder would taper and there's another arb8 that would run tangent at 90 degrees, then a big arb8 in the middle to fill it in
15:15.44 Alexandrus the second arb8 isn't necessary to what i can see now
15:16.17 Alexandrus i will try modelling it
15:16.56 brlcad for a 4-sided rounded edge tube, you will have to use at least 3 arb8's and 4 tgc's
15:17.37 brlcad or 5 arb8's and 4 tgcs for a more optimally oranized tube with minimally overlapping primitives
15:18.10 brlcad at least in order to capture an arbitrary taper
15:18.13 brlcad depends on the shape
15:18.29 Alexandrus i guess i will just modell one end first
15:18.31 Alexandrus show it to you
15:18.38 Alexandrus and you give me advice on how to improve it
15:18.59 Alexandrus the second end is equal, so shouldn't be a problem
15:42.40 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40022 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Ah, handy - Ogre has FindCarbon and FindCocoa files - add them in. There may be a few other items of interest in Ogre's CMake packages.
15:53.54 Alexandrus @brlcad:
15:54.02 Alexandrus this is a rough approximation
16:02.25 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
16:06.18 Alexandrus i have to go shopping..see you later
17:17.11 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
17:17.19 Alexandrus re
19:00.30 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40023 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Expand the tests for functions and headers. It looks like some of this should probably be handled by Find* files, but still figuring out how to approach this.
19:07.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:27.34 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
19:34.29 *** part/#brlcad cjdevlin (
19:44.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40024 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindPkgMacros.cmake: Whoops - OGRE macros are using routines in this file. Probably will need to do some utility routine consolidation later.
19:58.55 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:05.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40025 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Tweak things a bit - for some reason generating the brlcad_config.h in the out-of-dir build location isn't working for including, need to investigate.
20:18.26 starseeker hah, this is actually quite interesting:
20:29.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40026 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt:
20:29.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: Gonna need to set the PNG options ahead of the ADD_SUBDIRECTORY call in the
20:29.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: THIRD_PARTY macro unless we want to require two passes before building - has its
20:29.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: drawbacks since if an external png lib is used these options are useless, but
20:29.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: mark as advanced to hide them from casual site. Could be worse - it also
20:29.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: highlights specific functionality needed by BRL-CAD.
21:07.02 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r40027 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/ (3 files in 2 dirs): working button commands in bot editor plus minor interface changes
21:27.28 starseeker bemusedly notes that none of the sourceforge binary files for linux or bsd seem to follow the convention...
21:29.27 starseeker yipe - binary file is almost 400 megs...
21:29.31 starseeker checks why...
21:33.23 starseeker ooh, right, docbook html files, lots of new libraries since last binaries... (wow it has been a long time...)
21:35.54 *** join/#brlcad cjdevlin (
22:03.32 starseeker winces - this is gonna be one doozie of an upload...

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