IRC log for #brlcad on 20100812

01:19.05 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40122 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake: Add in the ResolveCompilerPaths CMake module from Jed Brown's repository (added CMake license per email from Jed) - potentially useful for more advanced Find*.cmake scripts.
01:24.47 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40123 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindLEX.cmake: Flesh out the license statement as noted in the original file.
01:27.41 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40124 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/ (FindLEX.cmake FindYACC.cmake): Do the same license inclusion for FindYACC
02:07.01 louipc Hey guys. Is it OK if I commit this patch?
03:34.57 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
03:43.09 brlcad louipc: sure, I personally haven't gotten that far down my email list yet to review
03:43.23 brlcad but if you have tested it out, great!
04:00.20 louipc hehe thanks
04:03.58 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * r40125 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/ (mgedrc.tcl openw.tcl): (log message trimmed)
04:03.58 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: mged: Add config option to turn off statusbar.
04:03.58 CIA-42 BRL-CAD:
04:04.26 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: From: Rob Shinn <>
04:04.26 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:47:41 -0400
04:04.27 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: Subject: [brlcad-devel] mged_default(status_bar)
04:04.27 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: I needed a .mgedrc option to turn on and off the status bar because I
04:15.53 brlcad louipc: be sure to credit him in AUTHORS as well under code contributions
04:16.13 brlcad and thanks for doing the review
04:22.31 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * r40126 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: AUTHORS: Credit Rob Shinn
04:26.18 louipc my pleasure
05:12.26 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40127 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: rob shinn wrote a small patch to allow the status bar to be toggled on/off via the .mgedrc; applied and verified by louipc. awesome.
05:15.32 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40128 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: first to get added, nick reed added a new 'bot' command that looks up and reports on current BoT parameters
05:41.30 brlcad starseeker: here's a "project" that might be worth integrating:
05:41.50 brlcad looks like he's got some decent 2D capability implemented that would be compatible with our representation
05:55.00 brlcad e-mailed the author to ask about collaboration
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11:36.47 d-lo Merning all!
11:49.31 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
11:59.50 d-lo
12:17.26 starseeker brlcad: that does look interesting, if he'll convert from GPL to LGPL
12:38.34 d-lo
12:38.41 d-lo
12:40.46 d-lo I really like this artist :)
13:31.04 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40129 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Add in test for Xlib.h, since libfb wants this particular variable defined... is this an appropriate job for FindX11.cmake?
13:44.30 d-lo is it safe to assume the presense of 'find' on all modern *nix systems?
13:55.56 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40130 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libfb/CMakeLists.txt: Whoops - add the standard definitions to libfb's CMakeLists.txt
14:10.24 brlcad starseeker: one of his deps is gpl is probably why he's gpl, but fortunately it's one that can be replaced with our functionality if he's interested in collaborating
14:11.15 *** join/#brlcad zhangzz04 (ddb62e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:11.35 starseeker ah good
14:11.50 starseeker hope he responts
14:11.54 starseeker er responds even
14:12.10 brlcad d-lo: heh, those are pretty funny
14:12.23 brlcad reminds me a bit of farside
14:12.40 brlcad (and not just because of the chicken) :)
14:12.48 zhangzz04's my first time here~
14:12.59 brlcad zhangzz04: hello and welcome, then
14:13.06 d-lo Why hullo there zhangzz04!
14:13.17 zhangzz04 :)
14:16.03 brlcad d-lo: yeah, 'find' is safe .. BUT .. there's a strong philosophic philosophic debate out there that build systems should be deterministic (for predictability, security, stability, consistency, .. other reasons)
14:16.04 d-lo continues to hammer on FindBRLCAD.cmake
14:16.26 d-lo what do you mean by deterministic?
14:16.27 brlcad and if you're searching the filesystem, it's not going to be deterministic, no matter what the reasoning
14:17.00 d-lo Hrm, other than ENV vars, how else can one find external deps?
14:17.40 brlcad most platforms define a system mechanism for finding resources
14:17.51 zhangzz04 I want to know more about brlcad such as how can I add the function I need, I am new to brlcad, so some questions may be naive...
14:18.38 brlcad d-lo: in practice, you either rely on the system mechanism or you give the user the means to specify
14:19.00 brlcad I've seen violent e-mails from users for software that searched their filesystem
14:19.07 d-lo lol, I bet
14:19.55 d-lo so I wonder what the underlying mechanism for CMake's FIND_FILE FIND_PATH FIND_LIBRARY and FIND_PROGRAM are then...
14:21.11 brlcad for finding brl-cad, we're either a) in a sysmem location where linking against -lbrlcad just works or b) we in our default location and linking against -L/usr/brlcad/lib -lbrlcad works or c) the user tells us where brl-cad is installed --with-brlcad=/path/to/brlcad
14:22.05 d-lo when you say 'us' what do you mean?
14:22.12 brlcad FIND_LIBRARY almost certainly searches the system library paths, plus any specified to it
14:22.48 brlcad 'us' would be some cmake option we provide
14:22.57 d-lo ah, okie.
14:23.03 brlcad that would make FIND_PROGRAM work, for example
14:24.01 d-lo gotcha
14:24.47 brlcad user specifies --whatever-find-brlcad-here=/usr/whatever/brlcad .. then in the CMake logic, that ends up appending to PATH (for finding binaries), the library search paths (equivalent to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but not directly), and cpp search flags (equivalent to CPPFLAGS, but again not directly)
14:25.11 d-lo right on. Working that right now, atm.
14:25.20 brlcad there have to be other examples of such flags existing too, guaranteed
14:25.25 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40131 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Make the include stuff slightly closer to what it should be - need a cross platform way to capture user and machine, as well as some way to increment count.
14:25.47 d-lo was thinking about putting in logic to check for a $BRLCAD_HOME env var.... thoughts?
14:26.08 brlcad dear god please don't :)
14:26.17 brlcad took years to undo that from our old cake build :)
14:26.29 brlcad you know how many analyst and modelers files I had to edit ....
14:26.38 d-lo what are the cons?
14:27.05 brlcad it gets set to something and that becomes a fixed setting
14:27.17 brlcad months/years go by and the next update they try, it's still set
14:27.23 brlcad and mysterious things can happen
14:27.41 brlcad especially when the old is still installed and it becomes a run-time override too
14:27.50 d-lo ah, that makes sense.
14:28.18 brlcad also breaks convention, at least nobody does that I know of for compilation
14:28.31 brlcad we do have run-time overrides, BRLCAD_ROOT and BRLCAD_DATA
14:28.47 brlcad configure checks for them now and bitches very noisily if they're set
14:29.06 d-lo hehe
14:29.27 brlcad they should really only be used to adjust run-time resources to a different path than what it was compiled for (for finding things like our tclscripts)
14:32.13 brlcad needs more than two hands to count the number of times some mysterious mged failure, rt failure, muves failure, and compilation failure was directly caused by BRLCAD_ROOT being set
14:32.55 d-lo alright then, I work on getting cmake looking for BRLCAD_HOME to simplify search logic ;)
14:32.59 d-lo muwahahahaha
14:33.39 brlcad it really was a substantial time-consuming problem that took a while to undo behavior on, just ask D or one of the other guys about how often it came up
14:33.57 brlcad surprised you didn't run into it, though I think I'd squashed it by then
14:34.26 brlcad it's all run-time derived now with much better auto-sensing behavior
14:36.08 zhangzz04 brlcad: I am such a beginner for both programming and brlcad, I totally have no idea where to start, I have found informations on the brlcad website, but I am afraid of I need more detailed documents for developping, is there any suggests for me?
14:37.24 d-lo zhangzz04: I'd say it all depends on what you are wanting to do!
14:37.35 brlcad zhangzz04: it sounds like you really don't quite know what you're trying to accomplish yet
14:37.55 brlcad once you figure that out, the how becomes a lot easier to explain
14:37.55 zhangzz04 err....T_T
14:38.14 brlcad at least, you haven't articulated what you're trying to do yet
14:38.51 brlcad so what's your question, specifically?
14:39.08 brlcad you ask for suggestions, suggestions for what exactly?
14:39.36 zhangzz04 I wanna add some function I need like mesh the geometry as I wish, then creat parallel rays, get the crosspoints of the rays and geometry
14:40.29 brlcad zhangzz04: is there a particular reason why you need to mesh the geometry? you can shoot rays without meshing
14:41.14 zhangzz04 I also want to get the crosspoints of rays and meshes
14:41.34 brlcad I get that, but why does it need to be a mesh?
14:42.13 zhangzz04 wait a minute, I need to think how to explain it in English...
14:43.19 brlcad converting to mesh is more work that makes the results less accurate, so I'm curious why you wouldn't just evaluate the cylinders or other geometry directly
14:43.56 ``Erik *readread* from what I've seen, BRLCAD_HOME environment variable is the cmake way, with the usual way of setting it being "cmake -DBRLCAD_HOME=/usr/local/blrcad .", but I might be looking at horrible examples
14:45.02 ``Erik getenv_path() in the .cmake file, et
14:45.04 ``Erik etc
14:45.45 ``Erik (but everything I've been looking at is ogre3d or ogre3d related)
14:46.28 zhangzz04 I need to solve PDE in 3D geometry, it's not accurate when in a large scale, so mesh a geometry into small pieces can make it accurate
14:49.17 zhangzz04 there is a source in the geometry, it only can be thought a const if if in a small pieces
14:50.44 ``Erik hm, our ray firing on CSG is pretty fast, converting to a mesh is either slow and prone to failure, or really slow and produces horribly huge meshes
14:51.29 ``Erik (indeed, the later actually works by firing parallel rays to get the intersection points and tries to create triangles from the results)
14:54.40 zhangzz04 err~~I think my mesh is not really what you mean, it's more likely to make a large geometry to small regular pieces, not must be or needn't to be triangles
14:55.51 brlcad zhangzz04: solving a PDE has little, if anything, to do with meshing .. it's just a common technique by finite element analysis codes
14:56.11 brlcad if you're writing the code and performing the PDE, then you don't really need to mesh, you can just sample the geometry as you like
14:56.24 ``Erik ah, can you run your simulation on 'regions', which represent a single item of homogeneous material?
14:57.02 brlcad for what it's worth, "mesh" means explicit polygonal boundary representation
15:00.30 brlcad d-lo: here's some related background rationale loosely related to what we were just talking about regarding deterministic behavior:
15:00.59 brlcad there, they are specifically talking about PATH and auto-searching the current dir, and the impact with regards to security
15:01.34 brlcad but it's all part of a larger philosophic view (security is only one concern across about a half-dozen aspects)
15:01.51 zhangzz04 I think I didn't explain it clearly, I am studying on method of characteristics, it need to perform on smaller "mesh", and the "mesh" can be smaller sphere, cylinder, etc~
15:02.29 d-lo brlcad: thanks for the link!
15:03.23 d-lo zhangzz04: so when you say 'mesh' you are talking about a collection of geometric shapes?
15:04.35 zhangzz04's more likely small parts of a large geometry
15:05.20 d-lo okay then, for the sake of conversation then, can we just call this 'mesh' of geometry, 'geometry' ?
15:05.21 zhangzz04 I am shamed for my English and expression
15:05.49 d-lo Don't worry about it :) You speak better english than a lot of English speakers :)
15:06.00 zhangzz04 of course, thanks a lot~
15:08.05 brlcad zhangzz04: okay, so you want to shoot rays at some geometry, and perform some calculations, yes?
15:08.28 zhangzz04 so, my goal is to describe a geometry with 'geometry' and then fire parallel rays, get all the crosspoints of the rays and all 'geometry'
15:09.04 zhangzz04 yes, finally, you know it, sorry again...
15:09.18 brlcad and you said you're new to programming
15:09.23 brlcad have you done any programming?
15:09.41 brlcad if not, that's going to be your biggest hurdle by far
15:09.46 zhangzz04 on brlcad? no
15:09.50 brlcad on anything
15:11.00 zhangzz04 I did some small program, it's really difficult for me
15:11.37 brlcad in what language?
15:12.04 zhangzz04 C and fortran, by the way, my OS
15:12.09 zhangzz04 is windows
15:12.17 brlcad sorry to hear that
15:12.25 brlcad just makes things even harder
15:12.54 zhangzz04 I am sorry too when I found most program is under UNIX
15:13.04 brlcad so your next step is probably to 1) create some geometry with mged
15:13.11 brlcad mged is brl-cad's GUI modeler
15:13.13 zhangzz04 yes
15:13.27 brlcad there are extensive tutorials on the website
15:13.51 zhangzz04 I have read the tutorials
15:13.54 brlcad once you have some geometry, then step 2) is shoot a ray at your geometry
15:14.01 brlcad reading them is not sufficient
15:14.07 brlcad you have to DO them
15:14.12 brlcad at least a couple of the lessons :)
15:14.24 zhangzz04 what do you mean DO?
15:14.26 brlcad or you're just going to make it even HARDER for yourself
15:14.57 brlcad do, execute, perform .. not just read them, but use them and create geometry
15:15.13 zhangzz04 ok, I see
15:15.54 brlcad once you have a .g file with some geometry, go to step 2 and compile the example ray-trace application
15:16.11 zhangzz04 by the way, is there any differences between the ray you mean and I want?
15:16.19 brlcad once you get that far, then you get to modify the code to shoot a grid of rays
15:16.54 brlcad zhangzz04: what do you mean?
15:17.07 brlcad I can't read your mind :)
15:17.15 zhangzz04 sorry...
15:17.18 brlcad at least not on thursdays
15:18.32 zhangzz04 haha, I want to ray on all 'geometry' which are parts of a geometry
15:19.17 zhangzz04 I think now language is the most difficult...
15:23.45 brlcad sounds like you want to shoot rays at all _regions_ which are parts of a _model_
15:24.36 zhangzz04 yes, I also want to ray in a model
15:25.07 brlcad maybe you should draw a picture of what you mean in 2d :)
15:25.27 zhangzz04 can I post a pic here?
15:25.33 brlcad regardless, that still doesn't changes steps 1 or 2 and you still have a LOT of learning just to get those two completed
15:25.54 brlcad you can post a LINK to a pic here
15:25.57 brlcad this is IRC, text only
15:26.34 brlcad can uplaod an image to here:
15:27.02 zhangzz04 yes, I will follow your suggest
15:31.02 zhangzz04 can the history of the chat here be saved after I exit?
15:32.14 zhangzz04 here, it's a simple one, I don't know it can express my idea clearly
15:39.23 brlcad yeah, that doesn't really show much :)
15:39.34 brlcad but yeah, you can definitely do that :)
15:40.24 zhangzz04 oh
15:42.04 zhangzz04 thank you so much, the grid I draw can be any shapes, is that also ok?
15:45.01 d-lo brlcad: libterm... what is that?
15:45.15 d-lo terminal related stuff?
15:47.16 zhangzz04 all I need are these:1) creat a geometry; 2) divide it into small pieces; 3) shoot rays, get the crosspoints of the rays and the pieces(including the pieces inside the geometry). Can it be realized?
15:47.43 d-lo zhangzz04: yes, that should be very easy to do.
15:48.15 zhangzz04 really? I think the hard part is 2)
15:48.51 d-lo while making your geometry, I suggest making lots of regions, each with their own, seperate RegionID.
15:49.17 d-lo this way, when you shoot rays with brlcad, it makes the regions the rays hit easily identifiable.
15:50.24 zhangzz04 yes, I also need the RegionID:)
15:50.30 brlcad d-lo: libtermio, it's for controlling and talking to a terminal
15:50.44 brlcad so yes, terminal-related -- think mged classic mode, or nirt interactive mode
15:51.11 brlcad if it's got a command-line interface, it's related to libtermlib in some fashion
15:51.35 brlcad (the lib has tons of names, too -- there's a substantial section of our dedicated to it)
15:52.42 brlcad zhangzz04: that's all pretty easy stuff to do
15:53.23 zhangzz04 Oh, thank you so muchT_T
15:53.31 brlcad from what I understand of what you're doing, you can certainly do 2 but you don't have to either
15:53.47 brlcad your grid density defines a set of subdivision voxels
15:53.49 zhangzz04 ?
15:54.25 brlcad you can explicitly divide into pieces like FEA codes, but that's fully unnecessary with ray-tracing
15:54.36 brlcad just use your rays
15:55.08 zhangzz04 my rays?
15:55.11 brlcad and still doesn't require or involve polygonal meshes, you're just working with sections and pieces of geometry, represented by the sampling ray
15:59.57 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40132 10/rt^3/trunk/include/: Add new libpkgcpp.h (generated) header to svn:ignore
16:03.04 zhangzz04 :) I have got much tonight(my place here is midnight...) I will DO it and focus on it~ I appreciate all your help.
16:04.54 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40133 10/rt^3/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)
16:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: Much needed love to FindBRLCAD.cmake. Script now looks for the presence of a
16:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: BRLCAD_BASE_DIR cmake variable to derive brlcad's bin/ lib/ and include dirs.
16:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: If BRLCAD_BASE_DIR is not present, then a search is conducted on the Environment
16:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: Variable 'PATH' for the appropriate dirs. Changes to this file propagated to
16:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: g3d and coreinterface. Additionally rolled up the Major, Minor, and Patch
16:04.56 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: version finding logic from the coreinterface CMakeLists.txt into
16:09.04 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40134 10/rt^3/trunk/src/ (CMakeLists.txt libPkgCpp/ libPkgCpp/CMakeLists.txt): Wire in libpkgcpp into cmake. svn:ignore cmake byproducts.
16:10.30 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40135 10/rt^3/trunk/src/libPkgCpp/PkgClient.h: Make the incoming connection cstr PUBLIC so PkgServer can use it.
16:11.11 d-lo brlcad: i'd appricate any feedback about 'configure' logic i am using and assumptions I am making (knowingly or not) with the rt3 cmake stuff!
16:11.26 d-lo it's my 'first time' building a config system.
16:12.51 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40136 10/rt^3/trunk/src/libPkgCpp/ (PkgServer.cxx PkgServer.h): Ack! Keep QT out of this lib. Also, simple bugfix for the callbacktable
16:13.02 d-lo and now.... lunch!
17:31.03 brlcad d-lo: the quick scan through the FindBRLCAD.cmake looked pretty good actually
17:31.10 brlcad was a quick scan, though :)
17:31.26 brlcad rips tkhtml3's cssprop a new one
17:32.05 ``Erik heh, the tcl to generate it doesn't seem to be consistent on where to put it O.o
17:32.20 brlcad yeah
17:32.32 brlcad pwd seems to shift between top and src somehow
17:33.32 ``Erik I've had it show up in ${builddir}, too
17:58.30 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40137 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/tclconfig/: ignore depcomp
18:10.23 starseeker supposes he's as close to working as he can expect until he stops using the system Tcl/Tk framework and actually builds Tcl/Tk for X11...
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18:54.04 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40138 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: OK, get real for now - gonna need X11 on Apple until the framebuffer/dm stuff is sorted out.
19:28.17 brlcad think I finally found the cause of the problms, at least one of many culprits
19:28.49 brlcad tkhtml was using VPATH to fake out make into finding targets in a variety of locations
19:29.12 brlcad which was causing havoc on the source generation rules, which assumed one location or the other
19:29.22 starseeker gah
19:29.29 brlcad so it'd satisfy a dependency rule only to fail on the next rule that needed it
19:30.32 brlcad have it reworked, though humorously (albeit successfully) compiling in triplicate
19:31.04 brlcad once through with the dynamic lib, then twice more with libtool (pic + non-pic)
19:41.10 brlcad mm, got the parallel build failure fixed too
19:48.20 starseeker sweet!
19:48.25 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40139 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/step/CMakeLists.txt: Don't stomp all over CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE now that we're doing something with it...
19:52.52 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40140 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/src/mkdefaultstyle.tcl: quirks and *.c are not special
19:53.33 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40141 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ sort so we match the
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40142 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ (log message trimmed)
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: rework the logic so that cssprop.c is not half-hazardly being dropped into . or
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: src/. depending on the mood of build fairies. get rid of the horrible VPATH
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: causing most of the problems. this allows the built source rules to actually
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: work by letting them find their resources. add a nil libtool library for
19:57.09 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: testing and with that, we can get rid of all the .o rules. still need to
19:57.10 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: manually specify that all of the sources are dependent on cssprop.h so that
19:58.37 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40143 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/: don't ignore the generated sources. they're not products, so they indicate an unclean build.
20:01.51 brlcad there, that should do it
20:01.59 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40144 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/
20:02.00 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: and with this tiny tweak, we can eliminate the triple object compilation (once
20:02.00 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: pic for tea, then pic+nonpic for the libtool library). we don't actually need
20:02.00 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: to build the nil library, we just need the convenient object rules that it
20:02.00 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: provides so that the tea lib can build. does the trick nicely, though switching
20:02.00 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: off tea to libtool may be desirable down the road as takeover continues.
20:09.33 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40145 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt:
20:09.34 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: Add more status printing, make the strict option actually append some strict
20:09.34 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: flags (right now it's applying them to the source other builds - will probably
20:09.34 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: need to work around that somehow if libs that we don't 'own' anyway fail
20:26.37 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40146 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Don't need this message now that the summary is reporting it.
20:48.20 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40147 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ tweaks to make distcheck work. need to look in srcdir for include files for the built sources that are packed into the dist.
20:49.08 brlcad hopefully that's the last time tkhtml fails for at least a little while
21:10.25 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r40148 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/boteditor/ (botEditor.tcl botTools.tcl): implemented interface to bot_decimate; improved interface behavior
21:17.43 ``Erik hm,14558
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21:51.48 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.16.10 is posted! (20100805)
22:15.30 _psilva damn these storms
22:15.47 _psilva moco is ground zero for everything
22:15.48 _psilva :(
22:16.18 ``Erik had some flooding here, both aberdeen blvd and maryland blvd were closed this morning O.o and all these idjits stopping in the middle of puddles
22:17.00 _psilva sucks
22:17.33 _psilva at least we didn't lose power.. yet
22:17.37 _psilva underground power ftw
22:17.47 _psilva brb, restart
22:21.13 *** join/#brlcad _psilva (
22:21.51 ``Erik rewhatnow? O.O
22:22.22 _psilva heh
22:22.29 _psilva what's your uptime
22:22.33 _psilva 5yrs?
22:24.55 ``Erik heh, nah, only 92 days
22:26.14 ``Erik best on that machine is only 241
22:26.39 ``Erik was moving from fbsd 7.2 to 8.0, and I think I put a ups on at the same time
22:45.33 brlcad starseek1r: FYI, there's some folks in India that are bundling BRL-CAD onto a scientific applications DVD to distribute to several thousand students
22:45.49 brlcad and they're going to include our documentation from off the website
22:46.03 brlcad so if there's any updates worth making, now's probably the time
22:46.10 brlcad we have until the 20th
23:07.33 *** join/#brlcad willdye (
23:37.50 louipc nice
23:49.41 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (

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