IRC log for #brlcad on 20100826

00:00.21 brlcad mafm: installing into /usr is usually very *bad*
00:00.43 brlcad that may result in installed system libraries getting overwritten
00:00.55 brlcad rendering your system unusable
00:09.23 mafm hmm
00:09.39 mafm well, no hope to get it in Debian repositories then :|
00:11.59 ``Erik yeah, was a long fight with gentoo, iirc
00:12.20 ``Erik like the ray trace library is, but sometimes there's a /usr/lib/ for realtime stuff on leenewx
00:12.40 ``Erik and I think libbn has a conflict with openssl?
00:13.16 ``Erik the fbsd maintainers were pretty easy to go with /usr/local/brlcad/ I think... pedro did that work
00:13.42 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
00:16.00 mafm well
00:16.19 mafm it is nice to have it in the official repositories (and Debian means Ubuntu...)
00:16.26 mafm but if it cannot be, cannot be
00:19.05 ``Erik debian has a bit of a crusade going, is ubuntu more flexible?
00:21.27 ``Erik (debian was my favored linux before I switched to fbsd, I like it... but if they're unwilling to give a little to solve a conflict like what we have...)
00:24.37 mafm debian follows linux filesystem hiearchy standard, I think
00:24.37 ``Erik if this cat keeps going after my phone wire, imma take her around the corner to the chinese restaurant O.o
00:24.45 mafm that's problably the cause of the problems?
00:25.22 ``Erik um, I vagually recall LSB having contingencies for this
00:26.36 mafm and Ubuntu imports most packages directly from Debian (the ones not very important for the desktop, at least, in the "universe" repository)
00:27.42 ``Erik hm, from the LSB FHS stuff, /opt/brlcad looks 'optimal'
00:28.04 ``Erik
00:28.33 ``Erik and it doesn't seem to say that /usr/brlcad is wrong
00:32.00 ``Erik having bloodied myself up on more *nix than you can shake a stick at, the notion of putting verydamnthing in /usr/bin seems horrible to me, so'z ya won't find me trying to make that ok for any software I work on... :)
00:32.44 ``Erik everydamnthing even
00:46.35 mafm mmm
00:47.40 mafm dunno, I think that /opt is reserved for other installed software not coming from the OS/distribution (e.g., the same software that goes to /usr/local)
00:48.36 mafm all the packages in the repositories are installed under /usr with no separation except for /usr/share/brlcad, /usr/lib/brlcad and so on
00:49.50 mafm in fact, all the tools checking the package quality blackmail you threatening to rape your bicicle and crash your dog, or something to that effect...
00:50.47 mafm when you use strange directories, when the non-arch-dependent data files are shipped in arch-dependent binary packages, etc
00:51.05 mafm so in the case of Debian, it is more than clashing with existing libraries
00:52.27 mafm actually, what I (or another person packaging for official Debian repos) should do is to create many different packages from brl-cad source package, e.g. for opennurbs or any other of the 3rd party software not present in Debian
00:53.12 mafm and split brl-cad itself in data, libs, -dev, bins...
00:54.13 mafm openoffice, for instance, is splitted in different packages for each of the tools, plus some common packages (core, doc?, one for every l10n and help manual translated, etc)
00:55.38 *** join/#brlcad Nohla_ (~Nohla@
01:27.47 mafm well, time to sleep
01:43.42 brlcad mafm: see what was done for gentoo, it was a reasonable compromise
01:44.32 mafm ops, still here
01:44.52 brlcad
01:45.08 mafm brlcad: it's not about *my* compromise, the people in charge of approving packages to the repositories wouldn't admit the package having those "problems"
01:45.25 brlcad mm, actually looks like they actually let us live in /usr/brlcad in that latest ebuild
01:46.01 brlcad but at the time, the idea was to install in some place like /usr/share/brlcad then create symlinks in /usr/bin, /usr/lib etc
01:46.36 brlcad mafm: is there a clobber-detection mechanism in debian for .deb packages?
01:47.28 brlcad if there is, then you might actually get away with it -- do you already have a /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/ ? those are the usual conflict suspects
01:49.11 mafm there are such mechanisms in place
01:49.58 mafm but more than that, the ftp masters carefully check the contents of the packages, specially the new ones
01:50.17 mafm that includes licensing, directories, 3rd party software shipped inside...
01:50.54 brlcad so you can go for broke -- try /usr but I'd be shocked if you didn't encounter a conflict with something by installing there even on your system
01:51.01 mafm anyway, I can create the package and give it to you, the users can then install it easily
01:51.15 brlcad just don't want that deb to hose their system :)
01:51.28 brlcad mafm: there is sh/ .. you should update it :)
01:51.51 mafm then, with time and after feedback from usrs, we can work towards that
01:52.02 brlcad have you seen the other guy's efforts?
01:52.14 mafm the last time that I tried there were problems with Jama and other things, as far as I can remember we even sent patches to upstream
01:52.16 brlcad two other guys actually
01:52.30 mafm nope, is that in the repository?
01:53.04 mafm ah, I see it
01:53.33 brlcad Giuseppe Iuculano
01:53.38 brlcad
01:53.50 brlcad the guy recently active on the lists
01:54.02 brlcad alas, he slapped gpl on his files, so can't add them
01:54.25 mafm mmm
01:54.48 brlcad more specifically, added a debian dir (which should have been in misc/ );a=tree;f=debian;h=95c1ef639d51ce10a6979231dfe97ad7d9d5d38a;hb=cfe02b5bfc8b33745e3431216cb4872302ac3cff
01:54.51 mafm that script only creates the commands, but the control-files are not in your repository
01:55.41 brlcad ah, yeah, .. the control files were removed a LONG time ago because they fell out of maintenance
01:55.50 mafm 18 months ago Move to debian-science team master Giuseppe Iuculano [Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:24:44 +0000]
01:56.18 mafm I saw other guys trying to package this for Debian since a few years ago, nobody succeeded :D
01:57.35 mafm I was more inexperienced the first time that I tried, I'm much more experienced now, let's see what I can get :)
01:57.46 mafm I'll let you know in the following days...
01:57.52 mafm now of to bed, for real!
01:57.53 mafm bye
02:01.45 *** join/#brlcad velociostrich (
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08:21.32 *** join/#brlcad mafm (~mafm@
09:39.40 mafm would people installing the deb want the files in /usr/brlcad/include ?
11:20.12 ``Erik some probably would, there're a few programs that use the libs
11:20.37 mafm all right
11:20.56 mafm I can't find any other packages being called librt or things like that
11:21.11 mafm so probably there would not be any conflicts
11:21.50 d-lo I get linker warnings when compiling with Qt 4.6.2 on my system. there is some librt.somethin.somethin in Qt somewhere :/
11:25.23 mafm dunno, but at least libbu, librt, libbn do no exist
11:25.43 mafm maybe with soversions appended it happens
11:25.51 d-lo Probably not an issue, just mentioning it :)
11:26.20 mafm W: brlcad-dev: non-standard-dir-in-usr usr/brlcad/
11:26.21 mafm W: brlcad-dev: file-in-unusual-dir usr/brlcad/include/brlcad/RtServerImpl.h
11:26.23 mafm W: brlcad-dev: file-in-unusual-dir usr/brlcad/include/brlcad/analyze.h
11:26.24 mafm ... :D
11:26.33 mafm do you use debian-based systems, d-lo?
11:26.44 d-lo no, I don't.
11:26.51 d-lo I still a *nix newbie
11:27.00 d-lo so I am sticking with RHEL at work and Ubuntu at home.
11:28.48 mafm Ubuntu is debian-based :þþþþþþ
11:35.08 mafm E: brlcad-data: shell-script-fails-syntax-check ./usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.16.10/tclscripts/ami.tcl
11:35.09 mafm E: brlcad-data: shell-script-fails-syntax-check ./usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.16.10/tclscripts/ampi.tcl
11:35.54 mafm and there are a lot of... W: brlcad-data: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.16.10/tclscripts/mged/plot.tcl
11:39.22 ``Erik probably debhelper being... stupid. Looking for a shebang on an 'include' file
11:39.22 ``Erik are the files +x?
11:39.31 ``Erik (the C equivalent would be complaining about not finding main() in a library)
11:42.58 ``Erik can't remember if he added a debian/ thingie to BRL-CAD... pretty sure he did an rpm spec file
11:46.09 ``Erik I'd actually be curious to see a modern deb thingie, it's been many years since I've logged into a debain based machine :)
12:06.13 starseeker mafm: what do other packages with .tcl files do?
12:08.10 starseeker ponders - I know brlcad won't like this suggestion, but is there some autotools magic that could produce libraries named libbrlcad* instead of lib*? CMake appears to provide such a hook, but I don't know about autotools. Would break naming convention expectations I know, if if that's the ONLY way to get the thing into the repositories...
12:09.01 ``Erik probably... but the people who give us money care a whole lot about conventions and don't give a flying eff about linux repos
12:09.24 starseeker ``Erik: I know - I'm not suggesting WE do that, but perhaps mafm could figure it out for Debian
12:09.45 starseeker Debian isn't likely to give a flying eff about not obeying our lib naming expectations
12:10.30 starseeker Gentoo fought it for five years before they gave up, and generally they're more flexible than Debian
12:10.39 ``Erik heh
12:10.49 ``Erik debian is a religious movement, gentoo is for ricers :D
12:11.09 ``Erik if the hook isn't there to generate names, libtool could be tweaked to force it, methinks
12:11.20 starseeker Debian is the distro that took out some of the original dictionary content for one of the spellcheckers when they couldn't verify it was open, IIRC...
12:12.18 ``Erik yes, which is why you see a LOT of apt repos for stuff that isn't guaranteed friendly to the gpl...
12:12.54 starseeker nods - even on ubuntu I think I had to set up four or five repositories other than the standard ones to get what I wanted
12:13.10 ``Erik had some of his software in, uhhh, sam hocevar's repo awaiting "blessing"... dev repo's are common
12:13.55 starseeker I do have to admire Ubuntu's mechanisms for that stuff - they are making good use of signing mechanisms
12:14.33 starseeker bit of a pain, but less so than many I've seen and probably about as simple as it can be without missing the point
12:15.33 ``Erik pkg_add -r
12:15.35 ``Erik ftw.
12:15.36 ``Erik :D
12:15.57 mafm ``Erik: the files (executables) are +x, yes
12:16.50 ``Erik mafm: that's probably what's triggering it, and that actually might be our bad, using tcl_SCRIPTS instead of tcldir_DATA... can you sed/awk down a list and dump it on a pastebin?
12:17.03 mafm starseeker: you can only execute a file if you can do "./file" and works, because it's an elf binary executable, or an script. Probably those .tcl files are none, so they can't be executed, so being +x is not needed (it's just a Warning).
12:17.33 starseeker mafm: we DO have some .tcl files that can be run that way, IIRC
12:18.05 starseeker not completely sure, and it's more likely some of them have exe set incorrectly, but don't dismiss it out of hand
12:18.09 ``Erik is going to guess that the deb checker sees +x and does not see the shebang... that'd be malformed
12:19.10 mafm ``Erik: look for "executable-not-elf-or-script" (being produced in real time, it might take a few seconds more to finish)
12:19.21 ``Erik mged/plot.tcl, for example, is an inclusion file and should not be +x
12:19.55 mafm probably all the cases are similar to that, yes
12:19.58 ``Erik well, I'm about to put on some pants and drive tot he office, so I'm not exactly in a rush :D
12:20.21 mafm (just reading the backlog and have to go to lunch in a minute, I'll reply you later)
12:20.35 starseeker yeah, most of those probably shouldn't be exe
12:21.35 starseeker not so sure about /usr/brlcad/bin/ssampview.tcl
12:21.45 starseeker the location suggests it is intended to be run...
12:24.54 starseeker as for the man pages, it's a fairly good bet that some of those will stomp over other man pages... I know some of the mged command ones would (ending in .nged if I recall, although I don't see those in the log - are you building with or without Docbook based docs?)
12:25.33 starseeker heads to the office too...
13:26.19 mafm starseeker: without docbook, I think
13:27.14 mafm I didn't require any dependencies outside bison, flex and X-windows stuff... you should tell me which ones are needed to generate a package that it's generally useful
13:51.00 starseeker mafm: that's fine, it just means the documentation system in mged won't be active
13:51.04 starseeker the software will work find
13:51.07 starseeker fine even
13:52.16 mafm well, yes, but the point of creating the package is to be useful for people :)
13:52.41 mafm it's you, devels and users of the software, who have to say me which stuff would be useful
13:53.02 starseeker well, hopefully the extra docs would be useful...
13:53.07 mafm I'm trying to help brl-cad, but I don't known which things are useful and which are not :)
13:53.24 starseeker mafm: you only need the docbook stuff to build the files
13:53.34 mafm also, the warnings about the package that I posted, are warnings and do not in general prevent it from including it in Debian
13:53.34 starseeker it's not required at run-time
13:53.55 mafm I can easily create an script to set -x on those files
13:54.15 mafm but I just thought that it would be useful to report it, so you can inspect them (even if it's a minor error)
13:54.35 starseeker generates a bunch of html and man pages (and pdf if you happen to have FOP, but that's probably n ot as useful)
13:54.42 starseeker mafm: sure :-)
13:55.10 mafm mmm, let's see, I will tell you the packages (dependencies) that I declare for the package
13:55.36 starseeker mafm: build time dependencies or run-time dependencies?
13:55.45 mafm Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.0), make (>= 3.8.0), ccache, bison, flex, xserver-xorg-dev, libx11-dev, libxi-dev, libpng-dev, zlib1g-dev, tcl8.5-dev (>= 8.5), tk8.5-dev (>= 8.5), itcl3-dev, itk3-dev, iwidgets4, blt-dev
13:56.09 mafm debhelper is a debian thing, ccache for fast compilation in the developer or build farm Debian machines
13:56.20 starseeker ah. OK. If you also have xsltproc you can build the docbook stuff
13:56.30 starseeker dunno which package that is in Debian
13:56.43 starseeker libxml something or other probably
13:56.47 mafm I run ./configure directly, I hope that there's no problem with this, so I don't declare autotools as dependencies
13:57.03 starseeker mafm: should be fine for the tarball
13:58.56 mafm I see that there are lots of checks for opengl libs headers... would be useful to include those?
14:01.41 mafm also, is libncurses5 a substitute of termlib in src/other?
14:50.20 starseeker um
14:50.58 starseeker mafm: not sure about those two - opengl is probably something we would want on, but I don't know if it's "stable enough" to advise turning it on
14:55.11 mafm starseeker: that's what my configure lines look like
14:55.44 mafm I'd like to use the system packages, e.g. with --with-tcl=/usr/include/tcl8.5/ and the like
14:55.49 mafm but it does not seem to work
14:55.52 mafm the questions are:
14:56.23 mafm 1) do I need to enable anything else, for the regular functionality that you want to support?
14:56.54 mafm 2) the --with-tcl thing doesn't seem to work, could anybody help me with that?
14:57.43 mafm I'd like to use the system packages at least for all the Tcl/Tk-related stuff
15:17.30 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40329 10/rt^3/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Stub in a wrapper class for QThread. Will enable us to track the creation and status of threads much easier.
15:19.20 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40330 10/rt^3/trunk/tests/libNetwork/CMakeLists.txt: Modified cmake for libNetwork tests to reflect new lib name.
15:34.26 starseeker mafm: try adding --enable-docs and see if that works
15:38.34 brlcad mafm: what are your current configure flags?
15:39.11 brlcad enable-docs implies adding a dep for xsltproc and fop
15:39.26 brlcad ideally configurable, especially the latter.. fop is a beast of a dep
15:42.19 brlcad mafm: ncurses should suffice for termlib
15:46.18 mafm brlcad:
15:47.05 mafm the ones commented out are the ones trying to use the system installed software
15:47.56 mafm and the package exists:
15:48.20 brlcad building regex? that might be in base
15:48.21 mafm sorry, I mean "the path provided with --with-tcl exists"
15:49.34 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
15:49.34 brlcad shouldn't need --enable-tcl --enable-tk --enable-itcl --enable-iwidgets
15:49.56 brlcad if you list them as deps, they should be disabled
15:50.11 brlcad (which you got by --disable-all)
15:51.37 brlcad suggest adding xsltproc but not fop as dep, so html and embedded docs will get built and enabled, but avoids a java dependency for fop
15:51.47 brlcad (so just no pdf)
16:08.46 brlcad mafm: reading back through the log .. there wouldn't be packages for -- it's a really old "real-time" posix extensions library that would be in base/core
16:09.03 brlcad it was deprecated for like 10 years, so might have finally removed it
16:11.00 brlcad the syntax failures on ami.tcl, ampi.tcl, and friends are a failure of shell-script-fails-syntax-check .. the scripts are fine -- they're dual-syntax tcl AND shell scripts
16:12.21 brlcad and yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to change our name, especially when we can change our install location and avoid conflicts just as easily, putting things into subdirs
16:14.32 brlcad those tcl files can be directly executed (try running "ami.tcl", it works)
16:14.56 brlcad that's why they're +x, that's right
16:15.36 brlcad is done
16:17.25 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40331 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/README.Linux: include a list of the required and optional Debian package requirements
16:18.20 brlcad mafm: feel free to install your debian package files into misc/debian or misc/apt if they're not gpl
16:46.18 mafm doens't it need image libraries other than libpng, e.g. libtiff?
16:46.43 mafm re: misc/debian, do you mean in the official brlcad repo?
16:49.21 mafm re: the enable-tcl and the like, I need them because it doesn't detect when I have the system tcl and use --with-tcl=/usr/include/tcl8.5 (same error as yesterday, as if it couldn't include the tcl)
16:49.46 mafm I think that it's missing the -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 when trying to compile the conftest.c
17:01.00 brlcad mafm: nope, just libpng .. and yes, misc/debian in the repo
17:01.34 brlcad it is missing the include dir -- try specifying it manually: --with-cppflags=-I/usr/include/tcl8.5
17:03.21 brlcad alternatively, you could do something like --with-cppflags="`sh && echo $TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC`"
17:03.51 brlcad make sure "sh && echo $TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC" works, of course
17:05.13 mafm but would I have to do the same for tk8.5, iwidgets, etc?
17:05.25 mafm maybe the cppflags is better in this case
17:05.27 brlcad in theory, that's how tcl's set themselves up
17:06.18 brlcad the config script "knows" where the include files are, even for whacky builds. putting /usr/include assumes that never changes
17:14.45 mafm I see
17:15.42 mafm $(sh && echo $TK_INCLUDE_SPEC)
17:15.51 mafm that's the one for TK, right?
17:15.57 mafm or is not needed?
17:16.32 brlcad trun running it
17:16.42 brlcad *try
17:17.01 brlcad in theory, you need it for all of them
17:17.48 brlcad basically a custom pkgconfig
17:18.36 mafm <PROTECTED>
17:18.48 mafm these ones are in really akward directories
17:19.51 brlcad grep "/usr/share" `which`
17:19.54 brlcad does it show up?
17:20.44 brlcad there might be a standard location for tcl/tk "packages", which could lead you to that dir without hard-coding it
17:23.58 mafm the thing is that if I have to hardcode the path to them, I can as well hardcode th path with --with-cppflags
17:24.38 mafm currently the "standard" version shipped is 8.4, so there's a link tcl->tcl4.4 and so on for this version
17:24.42 mafm but not for 8.5 :D
17:26.59 mafm well, this seems to be starting to work
17:27.40 mafm and other than the possible clashes with other software installed in the system, is there a compelling reason for have it running under /usr/brlcad ?
17:29.00 brlcad clashes with system software is by far the dominant problem, I've simply yet to hear of a single system successfully installed into /usr
17:29.54 mafm even when using the system provided tcl and so on?
17:30.18 brlcad iirc, openssh has/had a, there was in core for many linux and irix systems
17:36.59 starseeker mafm: yeah, the conflict is our own libraries
17:37.41 starseeker we predate all the others, but since BRL-CAD wasn't open source until 2005 we weren't in the "ecosystem" early enough to have people name around us
17:40.23 mafm I see
17:44.03 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r40332 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): Added routines for reconciling the tree view with the database.
17:46.01 mafm new error :(
17:46.17 mafm checking for Tcl configuration... configure: WARNING: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions
17:53.53 starseeker bemusedly reads the slashdot article about someone shooting a server - that's like that story on CNN about how the flight attendant announced he had had enough and was quitting over the intercome before bailing out of the plane
17:54.23 mafm these are the commands
17:54.23 starseeker although I suppose this sounds a tad less sane...
17:54.24 brlcad half-rhetorically notes that while Intel 64-bit is 'x86_64', their 32-bit architecture is officially 'i386' or 'ia32' .. does it matter?
17:54.35 brlcad (and not x86)
17:54.45 starseeker checks HACKING
17:55.31 brlcad hacking says uname -a
17:55.41 starseeker ah yeah - hacking lists x86 and x86_64 - though that implied x86 was used for the 32 bit case, but maybe not...
17:55.52 starseeker (line 1015)
17:56.01 brlcad yeah, I listed x86, but that was just for usability consistency
17:56.24 brlcad I probably had the same internal debate back then to, deciding for simplicity
17:56.31 brlcad *too
18:00.11 starseeker brlcad: ah, here's that link flag thing I was talking about yesterday: "-flat_namespace -undefined suppress"
18:00.12 brlcad mafm: that Tcl configuration failure is from Tcl itself .. it probably is expecting to be in a known location (--with-tcl=/path/to/tclconfigshdir/.))
18:00.22 brlcad starseeker: yep
18:00.43 brlcad even our libs do that, libtool magic
18:00.52 starseeker that's on the stepcore library - only one so far that seems to need it
18:02.25 starseeker seems like we need a two-fold test for that - does the compiler support those flags, and are they actually needed on the platform in question
18:02.59 mafm actually, it seems to need --with-tcl*config* and --with-tk*include*
18:03.21 brlcad (gnu) libtool achieves that with our libs by using gcc -dynamiclib instead of -dynamic .. that tells (apple's) libtool to link in -noall_load mode, which is the same as -undefined suppress
18:03.22 mafm (I searched for it in configure script)
18:04.42 starseeker brlcad: that's find for libtool, but CMake will need another approach
18:04.45 brlcad starseeker: I'd question why stepcore is different -- maybe other linker flags on it are wrong or non-optimal causing -dynamic to be used instead of -dynamiclib or -module or some other linkage flag
18:05.47 brlcad cmake is supposed to encompass how to build libraries, so what does their documentation say about linking libraries?
18:05.55 starseeker checks
18:06.09 brlcad this is guaranteed to be a problem for other projects
18:06.12 starseeker normally add_library and target_link_libraries are all that's needed
18:07.32 brlcad mafm: OUT configure has a --with-tcl and --with-tk options that can help point out the tclconfig -- tcl adds more specific flags for their build system -- either should work
18:07.40 starseeker
18:08.17 mafm hmm, well, --with-tcl didn't work, I tested several times since yesterday :-?
18:09.30 starseeker hmm, doesn't mention this but a good page to remember:
18:09.45 brlcad starseeker: that's a way around it, I suppose, but not a great way in the least
18:10.01 starseeker is still looking
18:10.04 brlcad that's basicaly what we'd do if we were an autoconf+automake project without libtool
18:10.41 brlcad what is your CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_CREATE_C_FLAGS set to?
18:11.02 brlcad sounds like that's where there's a mistake
18:11.03 starseeker uh - probably the default, let me print it out
18:11.35 brlcad bets it's -dynamic or -bundle
18:12.08 starseeker -bundle
18:12.17 starseeker CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_CREATE_C_FLAGS: -bundle -headerpad_max_install_names
18:18.12 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r40333 10/rt^3/trunk/tests/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Rename test directory for libNet to reflect new lib name.
18:19.23 mafm is this stuff needed, or can I disable some of them? --enable-libregex --enable-urt --enable-opennurbs --enable-tnt --enable-tkhtml3 --enable-tkimg
18:21.22 starseeker even replacing bundle with dynamiclib doesn't work though
18:35.10 starseeker sighs - can't find much more on the issue
18:35.44 starseeker well, still a lot of basic hookups to accomplish before things like flag tuning begin
18:57.51 brlcad you sure it's using dynamiclib when you replace it?
18:58.20 starseeker I did a make VERBOSE=1
18:58.25 starseeker looked at the actual line
18:58.35 brlcad fresh build object files?
18:58.49 starseeker pretty sure - I'll try again if you like
18:59.35 brlcad mafm: be sure to read the INSTALL file ... those enable/disable flags enable or disable our *compilation* of them, not whether they are used
18:59.44 mafm yay, packages created again, this time without tcl, tk and a few others
19:00.23 brlcad they are technically aliases for much longer option names, e.g. --enable-libregex is technically --enable-libregex-build
19:01.34 brlcad so if you --disable-all (which is really an alias for --disable-almost-everything), it will attempt to use system libraries for everything and is equivalent to adding --disable-regex --disable-opennurbs --disable-tcl, etc...
19:03.02 mafm brlcad: yep, I understood that, but I'm not sure to understand what is your point?
19:03.50 mafm reading the INSTALL file, it seems that the options that I enable are "auto" -- enabled if not present in the system
19:04.18 mafm and are enabled if not present in the system, because they are really needed for some brl-cad programs
19:05.02 mafm now, my question was if some of them are not needed really, or at least is not important that the users of this package
19:05.45 mafm e.g., they are only used for experimental programs (like the opengl thing), or by core developers which won't use the deb (they compile from source and update almost everyday)
19:05.57 mafm (finished my exposition :) )
19:07.27 starseeker brlcad:
19:29.35 mafm the debian tools create the following warning (it's not a problem for the package itself, but you might want to take a look) --
19:30.18 mafm I have a question though... where do the files create by xsltproc go? they're just man files or what?
19:32.45 starseeker the man output is, but they also create html files
19:35.05 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40334 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Commented out line tweaking CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_CREATE_C_FLAGS - just there for convenience at the moment
19:39.16 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40335 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (11 files in 11 dirs): Add FindREGEX.cmake. Also, it's time to stop hard-linking to ../other/tcl/generic for tcl includes.
19:39.35 mafm oh thanks starseeker, I see that they are in a different directory
19:42.49 mafm another bunch of warnings, this about man pages:
19:46.14 starseeker I'm not surprised about the mann stuff - there are mged commands that conflict with system names, hence the .nged name to try and ensure a unique man page naming
19:46.27 starseeker mann was the closest match
19:46.48 starseeker we're kinda abusing the man page system in a way, making documentation about internal application commands available as man pages...
19:50.15 starseeker I suppose debian wants /usr/man/mannged with that extension or some such?
19:50.28 starseeker (which I doubt is a legal man directory...)
20:15.17 mafm no idea what that should be
20:15.52 mafm
20:37.42 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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20:57.59 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40336 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: This should be TERMLIB
20:59.51 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40337 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTERMLIB.cmake: Not ready yet - just working out the TRY_RUN test approach
21:12.29 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r40338 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: A few minor tweaks.
21:13.25 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r40339 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added updateCombEditView.
21:19.19 brlcad mafm: my point was in response to your question ( "is this stuff needed, or can I disable some of them" )
21:19.33 brlcad you can disable all of them and yes they are all needed :)
21:21.42 brlcad the only optional components that come to mind are ones we do not bundle including X11, lex, yacc, xsltproc, fop, and java .. along with external plugins with cubit, unigraphics, and protoolkit
21:27.08 brlcad starseeker: yeah...
21:27.37 brlcad undefined suppress is needed for that library in particular (for now at least) due to the stupid sdai binding
21:28.04 brlcad that is a hard case where the library calls symbols that it never defines, expecting the front-end application to provide those hooks
21:28.33 brlcad keith talked a bit about reworking step to remove that stupidity iirc, even if they were just simple empty stubs
21:37.28 brlcad somehow, libtool figures out that libstepcore has undefined symbols and automatically adds the undefined suppress
21:38.34 brlcad the build can be forced to fail with LDFLAGS=-no-undefined, sure enough I can reproduce
21:44.13 mafm is java needed?
21:49.36 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:51.02 brlcad mafm: er....
21:51.16 brlcad "the only OPTIONAL components that come to mind are ones we do not bundle including ...."
21:53.07 mafm yeah well, was a rethorical question, in astonishment
21:54.00 mafm also, it seems to compile fine without java
22:18.58 brlcad ``Erik: scheme bindings for ftgl and iphone:
22:19.07 brlcad (see video at the bottom)
22:19.47 brlcad mafm: it should compile fine without any of those optional components.. otherwise, they wouldn't be optional now would they? :)
22:21.00 mafm brlcad: the thing is, as I have said a few hours ago in the channel, that I'm not an user of brl-cad per se
22:21.11 mafm I don't know what would be useful and what would be not
22:21.28 brlcad x11 gets you a gui for about a half-dozen apps, lex and yacc are used by a converter and point-acquisition interface in mged, xsltproc is used to generate html/manpage documentation, fop gives pdf documentation, java is for a jnilib binding to librt (and for fop)
22:21.57 mafm so if I'm not compiling the package for myself, and I don't know what the users would expect, I'm not in position what is optional-but-desirable, and things like that
22:22.20 brlcad so you compile it, see who complains about what .. :)
22:22.43 brlcad better to have it in debian than not at all in any form
22:23.27 mafm well, if there's no 3rd party package shipped and it's not in /usr/brlcad, certainly it would be easier to have it approved for official debian repositories
22:23.57 mafm but I don't know if having a package with opennurbs disabled, for example, would be useful at all
22:25.18 mafm and the first idea was to put the package in sourceforge and not (yet) in debian official repos, I think
22:27.14 mafm if I leave only the "disable-build-all" and don't enable anything in "--disable-build-all --enable-libregex --enable-urt --enable-opennurbs --enable-tnt --enable-tkhtml3 --enable-tkimg", would the package still be mostly useful?
22:34.16 brlcad mafm: again, you're misunderstanding the --enable/--disable flags .. you cannot disable opennurbs, you can only disable *building* opennurbs
22:35.17 mafm hmm
22:35.18 brlcad the things that are optional have no enable/disable flags, except indirectly for --disable-documentation
22:35.56 mafm I understand that, the thing is that the system doesn't have any of those packages
22:36.16 brlcad which is why we bundle and auto-detect by default ;)
22:36.53 mafm so in those cases, no external package installed (nor available in any way other than compiling from source) in the system, it's not that optional
22:36.55 mafm :)
22:37.29 brlcad we've also become the effective maintainers for some of them (urtoolkit, libutahrle, step, jove, and tkhtml)
22:37.53 brlcad I agree -- I never said the items in src/other are optional
22:37.56 brlcad they're required
22:38.05 brlcad "the only optional components that come to mind are ones we do not bundle including X11, lex, yacc, xsltproc, fop, and java"
22:38.28 brlcad the only "option" you're given is whether to let us build it for you or not
22:38.46 brlcad download convenience
22:40.29 mafm tkhtml is also required?
22:40.53 brlcad if it's in src/other, consider it required
22:42.09 mafm I do not enable step nor jove, are they built unconditionally?
22:43.41 brlcad step, yes; jove, no -- it's deprecated, soon to be removed (but was required)
22:44.05 brlcad the configure summary says what is enabled/disabled for compilation
22:53.52 mafm hmm
22:53.59 mafm well then
22:54.39 mafm svn: Failed to add directory 'src/librt/comb': a non-directory object of the same name already exists
22:54.44 mafm funny
22:54.52 brlcad you have an old build in the way
22:55.11 brlcad rm -rf src/librt/comb* && svn up src/librt
22:55.32 brlcad (or get a fresh checkout)
22:55.41 mafm yep, I did
22:55.51 mafm can I commit the directory at any time?
22:56.06 brlcad which directory?
22:56.29 brlcad "a non-directory object of the same name already exists" says that nope, you didn't
22:57.17 mafm misc/debian
22:57.17 brlcad there used to be a binary called "comb" .. now there's a directory called "comb"
22:57.18 brlcad sure, you can commit misc/debian whenever
22:57.28 mafm I mean that I had already figured out how to solve the error by having done already the same that you said later
22:57.32 brlcad just make sure to keep misc/ up-to-date with EXTRA_DIST so it's included in the source tarball
23:00.37 mafm I'm trying to use the system's TNT library but I expect that it fails, as the last time
23:01.11 brlcad TNT is just a bunch of headers, so just add the corresponding --with-cppflags=-I/path/to/tnt
23:02.11 mafm anyway, I got to narrow down the 3rd party libraries to "--disable-build-all --enable-urt --enable-opennurbs --enable-tkhtml3" plus maybe tnt, and the rest one which are compiled unconditionally
23:02.39 mafm mm, the problem with TNT was some clashing of namespaces or something, don't you remember that we even sent a patch upstream?
23:02.56 brlcad mmm, vaguely remember that
23:03.05 brlcad std:: collisions
23:03.18 brlcad min/max
23:08.53 mafm yep, something like that
23:09.14 mafm is ./usr/share/scl/3.2.0/data/ needed in the binaries that I ship?
23:09.25 mafm binary packages
23:11.33 mafm -> W: brlcad-doc: zero-byte-file-in-doc-directory usr/share/doc/brlcad/html/manuals/mged/mug.jpg
23:15.49 mafm brlcad: the extra_dist files, can I just add the dir or each file has to be added individually?
23:21.41 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40340 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: talk briefly about code smells, sacred code, and perfection under the refactoring section.
23:24.53 brlcad mafm: i'm not sure if scl's data dir is needed
23:25.04 brlcad it'd be used by our step-g converter
23:25.10 brlcad don't think it's used
23:25.28 brlcad each file has to be listed individually
23:26.18 mafm good, then I nuke it and let's see if somebody complains :þ
23:26.33 mafm rudimentary smoke testing
23:28.17 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40341 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/html/manuals/mged/ ( mug.jpg): remove the unused zero-length mug.jpg image file. thx mafm
23:32.27 mafm brlcad: *misc*/ is the one that I have to edit?
23:37.39 mafm ok, done!
23:40.24 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03mafm * r40342 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ (17 files in 3 dirs): Adding Debian dir, for creating Debian packages
23:54.47 brlcad cool
23:54.55 brlcad (and yes, it is/was)

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