IRC log for #brlcad on 20100831

00:05.27 ``Erik O.o cdc used to be a black hat group way back in the day heh
00:27.07 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:45.25 ``Erik O.o wow
00:45.34 starseeker hmm?
00:46.15 ``Erik "even though we know dinosaurs survived the flood (on noah's ark) we don't know if jesus ever rode them. But he probably did!" from the "beginner's bible coloring book" ... new elementary book from texas, perhaps?
00:46.24 ``Erik
00:46.32 starseeker winces
00:50.15 ``Erik wonders if anyone's gotten rt^3's ogre working ok on a mac O.o
01:19.21 starseeker brlcad: do you already have this report?
01:25.22 ``Erik bets that's one of the appendices in the "big huge BRL-CAD multi-volume set"
01:26.06 starseeker ``Erik: can't scan those though :-/
01:27.46 starseeker at least, not without unbinding one which is a no-no
01:28.45 ``Erik hm, can't seem to find it for d/l, but found a couple from deitz that reference it
01:30.29 starseeker I know brlcad has a lot of them - I know we have at least one or two that DTIC only has as poorly scanned black-and-whites
01:39.59 ``Erik heh, goofy cats O.o the bubbles in the clear hose while topping off the fish tank are incredibly interesting for some reason
02:19.02 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40379 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTCL.cmake:
02:19.02 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: Start fleshing out logic for a more comprehensive config search - again this
02:19.02 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: comes at the expense of search time, but that is a fairly inevitable tradeoff -
02:19.02 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: may be able to mitigate it some by testing if each directory exists before
02:19.02 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: adding it to the list.
02:25.10 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40380 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTclPackage.cmake: Catch on package require in case it wants to error out.
02:32.17 ``Erik can anyone get to ?
02:45.25 raininja ``Erik: yup
02:45.54 raininja Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
02:50.58 ``Erik um, I know what it is, but the webpage isn't loading for me :D
02:51.08 ``Erik ah, there it goes
02:51.13 ``Erik musta been having issues earlier
03:13.19 brlcad starseeker: I think I have that report, looks like the old 1983 report
03:13.44 brlcad yeah, its the first one listed in the bib
03:15.08 brlcad didn't have an accession number on it though
03:15.16 brlcad heh, neat .. chinese citation
03:17.36 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40381 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/BRL-CAD.bib: document the accession number
03:18.13 ``Erik mwahahha, chromakey plugin for blenders VSE... now I can become the new star wars kid!
03:18.32 Ralith VSE?
03:19.18 ``Erik video sequence editor
05:16.11 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
06:40.39 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
09:05.35 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (~mafm@
11:33.45 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
11:46.31 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
12:04.20 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
14:05.51 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (~mafm@
15:17.26 mafm_ brlcad: haha, there you have you reply! my MUA is stronger than yours :þ
15:31.41 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40382 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTCL.cmake: Not in a working state right now, but making progress on the new path logic.
16:09.46 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r40383 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ell/ell.c:
16:09.46 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: Within function rt_ell_tess corrected the stop value for a 'for' loop so that
16:09.46 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: memory is not read outside array bounds. Within functions rt_ell_tess,
16:09.46 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: rt_ell_tnurb and rt_ell_prep corrected tolerance tests to compare 'tol->dist_sq'
16:09.46 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: instead of 'tol->dist', improved bu_log messages to correctly indicate function
16:09.47 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: name.
16:31.18 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r40384 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Minor tweaks to rsyncTree.
17:15.47 starseeker notes that the binary-without-manpage items are actually quite useful from the deb package
17:18.18 starseeker brlcad: I suppose the thing to do for debian is just not build the man pages from Docbook for MGED - html only may do fine, and won't result in wrong-directory errors...
17:20.38 _psilva brlcad: is there a hook for luxrender in brlcad?
17:47.46 ``Erik reads up on luxrender O.o
17:49.41 mafm starseeker: I don't understand "binary-without-manpage items are actually quite useful from the deb package"
17:49.53 mafm you mean that the warnings from debian tools are useful for you?
17:50.01 mafm you as in brl-cad :)
17:51.41 starseeker yes
17:52.06 starseeker the errors on the man pages are more of a problem
17:53.35 mafm well, they might generate some artifact when displaying, I don't know if they are important
17:53.46 mafm anyway, glad that they are useful, that's why I posted them :)
17:54.17 mafm having too many errors would probably make any developer willing to upload my package afraid
17:54.26 mafm errors/warnings/whatever
17:57.15 ``Erik looks at the OpenEXR image format and ponders... librt actually returns pixels as tuples of doubles which get binned down to 8b ints...
17:59.32 starseeker what does openexr do?
17:59.41 starseeker heard good things about it at siggraph
17:59.57 ``Erik it's a high dynamic range image format
18:00.39 ``Erik 32b per pixel type stuff
18:00.48 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r40385 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: reminder to look more into OpenEXR
18:00.57 ``Erik erm, or 32b per color channel per pixel
18:01.20 starseeker ah - you're thinking we could return openexr type data?
18:01.25 ``Erik ILM released the image format crap under BSD
18:02.03 ``Erik more like rt -o img1.exr
18:02.23 ``Erik
18:34.31 _psilva dazstudio will support a luxrender render path
18:34.34 _psilva will be neat
18:34.59 _psilva i certainly dont get the whole using wavelengths instead of rays approach
18:35.19 starseeker potentially, that could support interferrence effects
18:35.47 _psilva the output is certainly pretty(ier) :)
18:36.07 starseeker interference even
18:57.54 ``Erik raytracing the double slit experiment, pheer
18:58.14 ``Erik virtual inferometer, anyone? :D
18:58.48 starseeker that would be very cool :-)
18:58.49 ``Erik (iirc, there is some stuff in BRL-CAD or stuff built on BRL-CAD to do that, I think it was for radio propogation/interference stuff?)
18:58.55 starseeker might even have some uses
18:59.21 starseeker I don't think we support distances small enough, at least in our default config
18:59.51 starseeker not for light wavelength type distances anyway...
19:00.40 ``Erik nm range? we're ok on that for some of our calculations
19:01.09 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40386 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTCL.cmake: OK, this rework of the library logic is functioning again on Mac. As usual, much testing needed.
19:02.09 ``Erik 0.00001 isn't a strain on doubles
19:05.51 ``Erik lemme see, human eyes have peak sensitivity at 0.000555 mm wavelengths
19:08.13 ``Erik cool, my pirate flag shipped today
19:30.14 brlcad mafm: "MUA" make-up artist? your mail agent probably is stronger
19:30.40 brlcad _psilva: there's a hook for everything! .. it's just what shape hook are you looking for? :)
19:32.49 brlcad libmultispectral is where we do wave propagation, used by our infrared renderer and a couple other tools
20:03.21 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40387 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt src/other/incrTcl/CMakeLists.txt): start working on build for incrTcl
20:15.38 _psilva brlcad: ah
20:23.48 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40388 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/FindTCL.cmake: ws
20:32.05 mafm MUA is mail user agent, isn't it?
20:43.24 mafm brlcad: starseeker: some pages are pretty fouled up
20:44.01 mafm <PROTECTED>
20:44.03 mafm <PROTECTED>
20:44.15 mafm that's what appears with "man -l awf.1.gz" at least
20:45.29 mafm or is this content actually OK because it is a nroff processor?
21:02.23 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
22:02.28 ``Erik "whisky made from diabetics' urine" O.O
22:06.38 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r40389 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/malloc.c: corrects bug where bu_malloc did not allocate at least sizeof(int)
22:06.54 mafm ``Erik: news for nerds, stuff that matters?
22:07.31 mafm couple that with heavy drinkers "outliving" non-drinkers, and you have a good reason to test it :)
22:09.11 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40390 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/malloc.c:
22:09.11 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: be more explicit about the minimum allocation size needing to be big enough to
22:09.11 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: fit a pointer address. also, change the vintage zappo safeguard to be 32 bits
22:09.11 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: explicitly all set to 1 instead of casting through an int pointer set to -1.
22:09.12 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: document some of the reasoning for why zappo exists while we're at it.
22:10.37 ``Erik I'll stick with bushmills, myself :)
22:12.34 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r40391 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/malloc.c: uint32_t has 32 bits, not 16..
22:12.56 brlcad oopsa
22:13.26 brlcad don't know what I was thinking
22:13.41 brlcad so that will definitely wipe out a magic
22:14.11 ``Erik ah, thus my confusion when you said magic was more than 32 bits
22:14.34 brlcad thinks we could use 0x4655434B for fun too
22:14.46 ``Erik 0xdeadbeef.
22:15.10 brlcad too common
22:15.12 ``Erik 0x00c0ffee
22:15.16 brlcad heh
22:16.00 ``Erik ponders hitting /usr/share/dict/words with a regex to find all matches
22:20.21 _psilva that blew my mind..
22:20.24 _psilva coffee
22:37.44 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40392 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/malloc.c:
22:37.44 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: this commit could use an additional pair of eyes to make sure I caught all the
22:37.44 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: cases correctly, but the intent is to make 'size' only refer to the object size,
22:37.44 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: not the entire buffer size. this way, we get the same minimum buffer
22:37.45 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: protections that r_weiss fixed in r40389 but allows calloc() to still be passed
22:37.45 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: count and size.
22:44.40 CIA-88 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40393 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/malloc.c: figure out the hard way if this works on windows.. update the zappo explanation comment too. if it doesn't work, need to investigate why.
23:12.29 ``Erik HAH, lispbuilder-sdl's cocoahelper itself makes okra take focus
23:48.21 brlcad hm? who what?
23:48.38 brlcad hits the road
23:51.02 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)

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