IRC log for #brlcad on 20100918

00:54.29 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:55.19 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
02:14.25 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:46.25 starseeker Nohla: hola!
02:53.21 Nohla starseeker, hola : )
02:53.34 Nohla hey! mañana es Software Freedom Day!
03:02.43 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (Prez@
03:28.37 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:16.54 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:57.02 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
06:44.25 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
07:35.32 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
07:58.12 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (
10:39.36 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
11:13.53 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40605 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt src/CMakeLists.txt): Conditionalize librtserver on finding the jni.h header, and fix some labels.
11:48.03 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
15:15.09 starseeker arrrgh - not working on Ubuntu
15:15.21 starseeker does clean checkout and build to be sure...
16:02.55 ``Erik heh
16:03.10 ``Erik (srry, find that amusing)
16:06.26 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40606 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Whoops - put defs in config file AFTER doing the find...
16:43.42 starseeker hah, worked building clean
16:45.33 ``Erik so no cononical info on gift registry yet?
16:46.05 ``Erik has given up on code this month O.o too many other
16:46.09 starseeker not yet - Sarah says Target and Crate-and-Barallel
16:46.11 ``Erik "more important" issues
16:46.21 starseeker checks how to spell that
16:46.42 starseeker but Home Depot gift cards would be awesome
16:46.43 ``Erik ok, steph mentioned that crate place, uh, need the appropriate name to bring, too
16:47.12 starseeker checks whether Home Depot does registry stuff...
16:47.23 ``Erik gotta be careful with that, we have friends in cecil... comes to mind
16:47.39 ``Erik oh, did you catch dave?
16:48.24 starseeker yeah - he's checking with the better half
16:49.00 starseeker ``Erik: don't see a registry link at Home Depot, but there is a "personalize gift cards" thing
16:49.50 ``Erik aight
16:50.15 ``Erik so I can't just show up and throw scrap wood at you?
16:50.16 ``Erik :D
16:50.34 starseeker heh - it might not jibe with the proceedings
16:50.51 starseeker notes there is a wedding gift card on the "specialized cards" list
16:50.53 ``Erik ooh, that reminds me, I have to add the extra holes to my old ac/dc tshirt for that
16:51.11 ``Erik and see about borrowing a trans-am
16:51.17 starseeker watch yourself, what if Sarah checks the chat logs? :-P
16:51.22 ``Erik um
16:51.26 ``Erik then she hits you a lot
16:51.28 ``Erik and I laugh a lot
16:51.30 ``Erik win/win
16:52.41 ``Erik you're talkin' to a guy who's using a flannel shirt with a blown out elbow as a seat cover in his car, dude...
16:52.48 starseeker hehe
16:53.43 starseeker reflects that we'd have to mess up reno-ing pretty bad to look worse than our pink carpeted wallpaper room
16:55.22 starseeker ``Erik: heh, you must have a lot of accomplishments if you can't code for weeks to record 'em :-P
16:58.36 ``Erik heh, well, there was a pretty hefty list of 'crap' that was sent to me, that's PARt of it
16:58.45 ``Erik I think 12 pages of fine print in
16:59.07 ``Erik then I ran diffs on all of 'em to try to figure out what the hell it was and how to phrase 'impact'
16:59.12 starseeker O.o
16:59.25 ``Erik got it down to 2 pages of breakless 8pt text
16:59.45 ``Erik with like 4 lines for all of the MC stuff heh :/ that'll have to be fluffed
16:59.52 ``Erik and a lot of isst stuff ignored
17:00.10 ``Erik amusingly, nov/dec was my big hotspot
17:00.16 ``Erik when mgmt types were gone
17:00.42 starseeker wait - did they send you 12 pages of stuff they wanted you to talk about, or was that the generic "instructions"?
17:01.12 ``Erik 12 pages was teh big log
17:01.19 starseeker ah
17:01.28 ``Erik I sent I think 1.75 pages of 'stuff' that ignored a lot of bits I did
17:01.36 ``Erik or collapsed a lot into 'made things more robust'
17:02.37 ``Erik I was actually in the process of c&p'ing it from vim to word when ed hollared that he was leaving last night
17:03.02 ``Erik btw, it was something like 6 hours of effort and ~30 of staring at it going "I don't wanna do this"
17:03.05 ``Erik :D
17:03.17 starseeker wondered... :-P
17:03.43 ``Erik I'm predicting mebbe ~4hr of serious effort left, and another ~30 of staring saying "I don't wanna do this"
17:03.58 ``Erik thus my 'clobbered week' statement
17:04.10 starseeker heh
17:05.28 ``Erik janelle thinks it's pretty stupid to have this fake deadline so early, also thinks it's stupid to have the fortnight hour reports due so early... her statement was that it just makes more work for everyone O.o
17:06.14 ``Erik and she knows her shit, so, uh, yeah, I'm annoyed and reticent here
17:07.19 starseeker lovely
17:08.07 ``Erik at least I'm not depending on mike for my next paycheck ;> *duck*
17:09.38 starseeker needs to grab a nap - was driving most of the morning
19:09.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
19:09.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
22:26.32 kanzure yowza (careful, it's a tarbomb)
22:28.04 ``Erik hm, step files
22:28.11 kanzure nods
22:28.20 kanzure it's, after all
22:28.21 ``Erik ascii variant, even
22:29.13 kanzure yeah i've been playing around with them in heekscad/opencascade and am about to test out step-g on 'em
22:29.58 ``Erik I d'nu 'nuff about step to know what I'm looking at
22:30.30 kanzure you should try loading it into step-g so that you can look at them in brlcad instead..
22:30.41 ``Erik :D
22:30.51 ``Erik I'll pass the url to the step guy on tuesday heh
22:31.14 ``Erik I'm more focused on triangles lately, and this month, clobbered with end of FY stuff
22:31.26 kanzure who is "the step guy"
22:31.29 kanzure is it me?
22:31.31 ``Erik indianlarry
22:31.34 kanzure oh
22:31.57 ``Erik he hasn't been on irc lately
22:32.11 ``Erik not paying attention, anyways
22:42.44 kanzure woo, step-g totally segfaults on "5-Axis Vertical Mill Machine Assembly.stp"
23:01.27 kanzure looking good :) (sorry, it's not brlcad viewing it)
23:03.10 ``Erik heh, robocop sure does a lot of stuff on the history channel O.o

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