IRC log for #brlcad on 20101007

00:11.45 starseeker Ouch
00:16.14 ``Erik might be worth passing that around work
00:23.41 starseeker nods - was thinking that
00:25.01 starseeker government needs to retain control when hiring contractors to do work...
00:27.45 starseeker brlcad: do you know of any environment we need to support that needs AC_HEADER_STDC or AC_HEADER_DIRENT? (or, for that matter, other macros identified as obsolete by the Autoconf manual?)
00:28.15 starseeker I'd hate to go to the trouble of duplicating them if we don't need 'em
00:51.18 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40909 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (405 files in 91 dirs): Update cmake branch to r40906
01:18.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40910 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt:
01:18.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: The LIBSTDCXX variable is used only in misc/pkgconfig/ (which already
01:18.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: includes LIBM anyway) and src/other/step. This test is somewhat difficult to
01:18.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: set up in CMake - the standard CHECK_LIBRARY routine won't do it - and since it
01:18.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: shouldn't be an issue anywhere except src/other/step remove it - if step
01:18.45 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: libraries need the LIBM option add it. Will have to set up an OpenBSD system to
01:18.46 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: check this out.
01:28.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40911 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CheckFunctions.cmake): Don't duplicate obsolete Autoconf functionality unless there is a compelling reason
01:29.28 brlcad starseeker: AC_HEADER_STDC is more a sanity test to make sure we're at least compiling with a c89 compliant environment
01:31.17 starseeker brlcad: I can't find anywhere in the code we actually conditionalize on it (although I could be missing something...) - it's apparently so little used that no one has duplicated it as a CMake macro
01:31.32 brlcad AC_HEADER_DIRENT is used, defines HAVE_DIRENT_H
01:32.06 brlcad conditionalize on what?
01:32.15 starseeker STDC_HEADERS
01:33.22 brlcad that's the one direct symbol it defines, but there are various other secondary ones too
01:33.27 brlcad for the various headers it tests
01:39.18 brlcad that said, the check was before we required c89 and that's specifically what it tests for
01:40.03 brlcad so it's really just a sanity check in for the log .. not necessary for cmake
01:41.11 starseeker well, I actually did duplicate most of it...
01:41.17 brlcad starseeker: the -lstdc++ test possibly fails because we rely on a trick
01:41.29 starseeker figures... the one one we need, DIRENT, is the one I don't have done yet...
01:41.42 brlcad it's just a header test
01:42.04 brlcad granted, a really nasty header to test for if we try to really make things backwards compatible to olden days
01:42.10 brlcad but that's not necessary
01:42.26 brlcad we can assume that if the header is there that it's good
01:42.36 starseeker brlcad: phew :-)
01:42.43 starseeker that'll save a day or so
01:43.00 brlcad i mean, we need to test HAVE_DIRENT_H
01:43.10 brlcad just not the complex testing that AC_HEADER_DIRENT performs
01:43.21 starseeker oh, gotcha
01:43.40 starseeker that would explain why it worked when I did the basic test a while back...
01:44.33 brlcad AC_HEADER_STDC isn't needed (at least, STDC_HEADERS definitely isn't needed)
01:45.10 brlcad might be useful to log whether the standard headers aren't available merely as a sanity test during configuration, but not really necessary
01:45.11 starseeker brlcad: I think I actually did duplicate AC_HEADER_STDC more or less correctly, so if you like we can leave it in for logging here too
01:45.17 brlcad k
01:45.40 starseeker amusingly enough, I don't think it passes on the Mac...
01:45.47 brlcad -lstdc++ is almost certainly going to be needed for portability
01:46.01 brlcad hm, that doesn't sound right
01:46.16 starseeker I believe that gets added in by CMake itself for CXX builds...
01:46.26 starseeker let me check my vanilla brlcad build
01:47.00 starseeker ah, wait - it did work
01:47.08 starseeker oh, that's right - that one test wasn't behaving
01:47.18 brlcad the reason is that we need (or at least needed) to compile everything with gcc, NOT some with gcc and some with g++
01:47.36 brlcad otherwise, symbols end up wrong
01:47.41 starseeker hrm
01:48.02 starseeker come to think of it, I haven't tried raytracing nurbs with a CMake build yet
01:48.52 brlcad it was a really obscure issue when it happened, not easy to reproduce
01:49.31 brlcad like loading a .so via java or jnilib maybe
01:50.03 brlcad or linkage on a platform that requires resolved libraries
01:51.34 brlcad fwiw, the "trick" in configure was that it tested for 'main' .. which isn't actually in the library, but of course is a symbol that can be referenced if you make and run a program from an autoconf test .. if cmake tests differently, looking for 'main' as a library symbol could easily fail
01:51.39 starseeker hmm - apparently I lied - STDC_HEADERS is getting defined now...
01:52.27 starseeker brlcad: the failure in the log is a conflict for "main" types - apparently the standard C file used for that test isn't happy in the CXX compiler
01:53.36 brlcad sure, that makes sense
01:54.10 brlcad they're apparently testing different, perhaps just by declaring a k&r style forward declaration and trying to reference it, and the conflict makes it unhappy
01:54.37 brlcad testing for 'main' is wrong if that wasn't clear .. it was just simple and effective for an autoconf test
01:54.59 brlcad it should test for a symbol actually in the library
01:55.29 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40912 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CheckFunctions.cmake): Go ahead and put back the working tests - a basic dirent.h test should be sufficient these days, so don't spend any more effort on it.
01:56.19 starseeker nods - here's the C code they're using:
01:58.34 brlcad yeah, char CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS() is bogus
01:58.40 brlcad that's dumb
01:58.52 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40913 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/CMakeLists.txt: vas4 is no more
01:59.08 brlcad autoconf's method is much better..
01:59.18 starseeker brlcad: when I traced that stdc++ test back in the svn logs, it appeared to have been added as a consequence of OpenBSD needing -lm when using -lstdc++
02:00.08 starseeker
02:00.10 brlcad that sounds secondary
02:00.27 ``Erik watches new southpark O.o
02:00.28 starseeker oh, wait, that's when the second conditional was added
02:00.45 starseeker dig dig dig...
02:01.13 brlcad r27473 is the add but doesn't say why
02:01.49 brlcad adding openNURBS was definitely the timeframe, but only because it was the first c++ code to be added
02:01.54 starseeker nods
02:02.24 brlcad you could let cmake do it's thing and see if the problem resurfaces
02:02.32 starseeker nods
02:02.53 starseeker that would be my preference, but I need to stake out a defensible position that I'm not introducing regressions :-P
02:02.58 brlcad several of the flags and tests are due to compiling c++ with gcc
02:03.21 brlcad the -fexeceptions flag for _Unwind_Resume
02:03.24 starseeker there's this brlcad guy at work who keeps a close eye on things... :-P
02:04.19 brlcad you very likely will introduce several regressions by the vary nature of the rebuild
02:04.32 brlcad the hope is just to minimize as many as possible and hopefully they're not expensive
02:04.46 starseeker wonders if we should add Keith's duck to the standard raytrace benchmark and/or regression tests...
02:05.01 brlcad or hopefully, the investment pays for itself quickly in time and effort saved
02:05.17 starseeker nods - well, only one way to find out...
02:05.53 brlcad I wouldn't add any new benchmark images until we can baseline on a vgr=1
02:06.07 brlcad simh
02:06.13 starseeker ah yes, ``Erik's missing original image :-P
02:06.29 brlcad hm?
02:06.58 starseeker he had put together an emulated environment of the original BSD4.4lite or whatever that was used back then, and then lost it
02:07.06 brlcad ah
02:07.10 brlcad I have one somewhere too
02:07.15 brlcad in my archive
02:07.19 starseeker IIRC, the missing simh piece was IO throttling - dunno if they've added it
02:07.42 brlcad doubt it, but wouldn't be hard to add
02:07.54 starseeker suppose we could set up some kind of qemu virutal machine with slow IO, install simh in that, then run :-P
02:08.11 starseeker they did have a new release since ``Erik last tried it, iirc...
02:08.12 brlcad literally, just a sleep() call tossed in with gettimeofday() to try and emulate a specific clock cycle
02:08.19 starseeker ah
02:08.53 brlcad I was already getting a tiny vgr count
02:09.00 brlcad like single or double digits
02:09.23 starseeker Oo, real close then
02:09.38 starseeker shudders to think about a NURBS raytrace on vgr=1 hardware
02:10.43 ``Erik did I tell ya that I found some simh stuff when prepping my mac for upgrade?
02:10.55 starseeker oh, you did mention that - was it The Image though?
02:11.22 ``Erik um, I don't know if it was the installed image, but it was all the bits to build one... I have one named ra81.img which I THINK is the 'disk' I installed to
02:11.34 starseeker sweet
02:11.56 ``Erik (the ra81 was a hard drive the size (and sound) of a washing machine, supposedly the drive would start to walk across the floor if it got a bit unbalanced
02:12.00 ``Erik )
02:12.25 starseeker notes we also need an ascii NURBS format before any such file could become a "standard"...
02:12.30 starseeker now that's hardware :-)
02:14.24 ``Erik at one point, kermit was going to look for old manuals with timing information to help us 'fix' simh some
02:15.05 ``Erik faking seek and scan times as well as bus delays might be ... interesting
02:15.09 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40914 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/proc-db/CMakeLists.txt: terrain is now wavy
02:15.13 starseeker we need a PDP-11 vax?
02:15.41 starseeker er PDP-11 or VAX
02:16.25 ``Erik vax 11/780, with mods
02:16.43 brlcad vgr was a vax 11/780
02:16.59 starseeker where do we get documentation on the mods?
02:17.07 ``Erik from kermit... he did them
02:17.59 starseeker ah
02:18.12 ``Erik iirc, he and mike turned vgr into the only dual core vax ... ever...
02:20.20 starseeker if you found your image, this might be a good time to remind him :-)
02:20.41 ``Erik um, he's probably busy shuffling money right now
02:20.56 starseeker heh
02:21.11 ``Erik 'real soon now', I'll drift by to chat to him about that and isst
02:21.22 starseeker nods
02:22.09 ``Erik (amusingly, lee's trying to claim he's busy shuffling money, too)
02:22.57 ``Erik I think he got funded to try doing some, uh, upstairs type code using nvidia's "optix"
02:23.21 ``Erik might be interesting
02:23.35 starseeker well, if you have 2 dollar bills you can "shuffle", right? :-P
02:23.55 ``Erik isn't there actually a valid legal tender $2 bill?
02:24.03 starseeker yep :-)
02:24.23 starseeker if you want to mess with a cashier's brain, find a few and use 'em :-)
02:24.28 ``Erik yeh
02:24.51 ``Erik woz likes to buy sheets of money and have a printer perf them to mess with people... he's gotten 'detained' for it :)
02:26.12 starseeker blinks - who's been working with randmt.c in libbn?
02:27.41 ``Erik me, why?
02:28.03 ``Erik yes, it's ugly, it almost looks like c++ or java, shup
02:28.04 starseeker /src/libbn/randmt.c:59: warning: integer constant is too large for ‘long’ type
02:28.14 starseeker and a few other such errors
02:29.17 ``Erik oh, hah, magic is too wide
02:30.51 ``Erik testing a build now
02:31.25 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40915 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: Comment out unused parameters so strict flags don't complain about these lines - this reduces the errors to complaints about integer constants being too large and missing initializer
02:31.45 ``Erik heh.
02:31.50 ``Erik so much for that testing pass
02:32.02 starseeker heh, sorry
02:32.07 starseeker figured I'd swat the one I could
02:32.19 ``Erik auto* stuff got confused, so I had to start an
02:32.28 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40916 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/randmt.c: Do the commenting in the trunk too.
02:33.02 ``Erik my program to convert a word into hex added the newline character at the end, that's the issue I think
02:33.20 ``Erik the 0A at the end of the magic is wrong
02:33.52 starseeker ah
02:36.14 ``Erik heh, 'ghougle'
02:37.02 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r40917 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/randmt.c: fix magic overflow
02:37.31 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40918 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml/ let the build work even if we're configured to use our own tcl/tk because we need to be able to include built files in the source distribution (before tcl is built).
02:39.27 brlcad starseeker: instead of commenting params out, you can also wrap the variable name with UNUSED()
02:39.46 brlcad e.g.: int main(int UNUSED(argc), char *UNUSED(argv)[])
02:39.51 starseeker oh, OK - that's cleaner?
02:39.51 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40919 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: grab the MERSENNE_MAGIC fix from trunk
02:40.05 ``Erik usually does self assignment in the body for 'stuff in progress'
02:40.24 brlcad that implies, "hey, this is the API and it's supposed to be this way, but we're not yet using these parameters)
02:41.44 starseeker ``Erik: still getting a missing initializer warning
02:42.00 brlcad self-assignment only works because gcc is stupid or we have some flag that says obey us even when we're stupid
02:42.10 starseeker randmt.c:59: warning: missing initializer
02:42.18 starseeker randmt.c:59: warning: (near initialization for ‘’)
02:42.19 brlcad UNUSED should work cross-platform
02:42.24 ``Erik oh, hrmmmm
02:42.28 ``Erik I kinda cheated on that one
02:42.46 ``Erik stop using that bustedassed gentoo crap
02:42.47 ``Erik ?
02:42.50 ``Erik :D *duck*
02:42.58 starseeker nope, on Mac at work :-P
02:43.15 ``Erik huh, worked on my mac with the strict flags all on
02:43.25 ``Erik I'm still 10.5, though
02:43.46 brlcad maybe has --enable-warnings on, adds more
02:43.46 starseeker 10.5.8 <shrug>
02:43.57 starseeker no, it's the cmake build
02:44.05 starseeker hang on, here's the line...
02:44.21 ``Erik cheated with a partial fill of a static struct
02:44.22 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40920 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: Use UNUSED to wrap variables instead of commenting out
02:45.16 starseeker cd /Users/user/brlcad/cmake-build/src/libbn && /usr/bin/gcc -Dlibbn_EXPORTS -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DBRLCADBUILD=1 -g -ggdb3 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I/Users/user/brlcad/cmake-build/include -I/Users/user/brlcad/cmake/include -I/Users/user/brlcad/cmake/../brlcad-install/include -pedantic -W -Wall -Werror -Wno-long-long -o CMakeFiles/libbn.dir/randmt.c.o -c /Users/user/brlcad/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c
02:46.11 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r40921 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/randmt.c: set the first element of the array, hopefully this is good enough to silence the warning
02:47.40 brlcad curious, those are just the strict warning flags
02:47.55 brlcad different versions of gcc perhaps
02:47.58 ``Erik yeah, looks like about the same that my macS are fine with
02:48.11 starseeker huh. Anyway, that got it
02:48.15 starseeker thanks ``Erik
02:48.30 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40922 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: Import fix for initializer from trunk.
02:48.30 ``Erik np, my mess anyways
02:48.41 ``Erik (even though I'm doing that for s2)
02:49.15 starseeker is just making sure CMake is still building after syncing to latest trunk
02:49.28 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40923 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/randmt.c: Switch trunk to UNUSED as well.
02:56.32 brlcad UNUSED(*is) wrong, *UNUSED(is) right
02:56.46 starseeker oh, sorry
02:56.52 brlcad just the name -- it still needs the right type
02:59.14 starseeker will fix in a sec - defining the HAVE_CARBON_CARBON_H variable revealed a problem
02:59.35 starseeker is forced to wonder if focus.c is still necessary, since it was apparently off in his build and he didn't notice it...
02:59.41 starseeker probably just didn't use things enough
03:02.22 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40924 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: Fix use of UNUSED
03:03.41 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40925 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/libbn/randmt.c: whoops, get both
03:03.44 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40926 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/randmt.c: fix use of UNUSED in trunk too.
03:03.49 brlcad focus brings mged to focus if you invoke within Terminal
03:05.18 starseeker ah
03:12.26 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40927 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: Now that the Carbon header flag is on, we need the results of FindCarbon for
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: libdm - in the process, discovered that we need to special case framework
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: arguments when passed in as part of a lib list to the BRLCAD macros - they (and
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: only they, so far, in that they are multi-word non-list returns from a find
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: macro) need a space between arguments to be preserved. We're now building
03:12.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: successfully on Mac again, although functionality testing is not done yet.
03:18.31 starseeker ``Erik: you're familiar with the QTIME and XTIME parameters described here?
03:20.41 starseeker or I suppose those timing parameters is what we need historical notes on...
06:42.11 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
07:04.37 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
13:06.31 starseeker wonders if the "EXPRESS" file for IFC is the express the NIST tools work with...
13:08.51 ``Erik don't recall seeing those parameters, but yeh, need the info on what exactly we had to figure out the statistical delays
13:11.06 starseeker pulls his brain out of the winding twisty passages of CAD standards and gets ready to head in...
13:36.38 brlcad starseeker: yes, it is
13:37.01 brlcad
13:37.36 brlcad remember that step covers end-to-end product lifecycle data management
13:38.19 brlcad interesting .. they have some real numbers on the bloat incurred with step vs step-xml
13:38.32 brlcad 3x to 4x larger
13:41.01 starseeker so in principle we could grab that ifc file (if its license permits) and pipe ifc files through the step convertor? (at least in principle?)
13:41.14 brlcad sure
13:41.25 brlcad the converter wouldn't know what to do with it, but it could read it
13:41.30 starseeker schweet
13:42.13 brlcad they're just part 21 files (i.e., step files) for both
13:42.27 brlcad but then that's basically just a container format
13:42.54 brlcad what's in that container is the AP that it conforms to, which we read AP203 .. but those building files are certainly not 203
13:43.07 starseeker nods - I guess the real work would be translating ifc concepts into geometric primitives or attribute data
13:43.40 starseeker might be fun, but certainly not a priority
13:46.03 brlcad yeah, it looks like they're using their own "AP" set of entity classes, just using the step container format (express)
13:46.27 brlcad doesn't look like they map to any AP in 10303
13:46.27 starseeker hah -
13:46.31 brlcad they even cover geometry
13:47.00 brlcad yeah
13:47.15 brlcad <-- search for Body
13:47.42 starseeker might be a useful format for importing/exporting building descriptions, but probably not much beyond that
13:48.59 brlcad wonders why he received five copies of cliff's brlcad-devel mail
13:49.05 starseeker O.o
13:49.14 starseeker erm. sorry
13:49.21 brlcad two of the first, five of the second, seven in all
13:50.41 starseeker not sure what happened - did the list get spammed too?
13:52.13 brlcad if I got that many copies, probably
13:52.53 starseeker growl... sorry
13:53.29 starseeker ``Erik: you seeing multiple copies of the emails?
13:53.43 brlcad might just have been me or some mixup with
13:54.05 brlcad or maybe just me, who knows.. doesn't matter unless it keeps happening :)
13:54.31 starseeker I don't see any extra addys in the gmail header...
13:55.11 starseeker heh - well, we'll see if I scared off Ganesh
13:55.15 brlcad forum archives only list the messages once (though gets the threading wrong), so maybe just sourceforge accidentally sending out multiple times due to some failure
13:55.54 starseeker is rather intrigued by that document
13:57.07 starseeker and their download files for that matter, although I'm not sure how to convert them into somthing usable...
13:58.50 starseeker OK, really on the road this time
14:01.10 brlcad could get in touch with those guys
14:03.06 ``Erik is not seeing duplicates, but entourage may be searching for those
14:57.07 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
15:08.28 brlcad finds david's draft and forwards
15:10.17 brlcad wonders when tkhtml will finally get put to bed
15:10.27 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40928 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml/ missing line-continuation slash causing MISSING FROM DIST errors
15:11.13 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
15:44.32 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40929 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt src/other/openNURBS/CMakeLists.txt): Add some more checks for header files.
16:47.06 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40930 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Cleanup, add in custom check for ALLOCA that mimics the autoconf test, check for dtrace header if that option is enabled.
16:56.19 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
17:02.58 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r40931 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/rt.c: Keith found a breakage while using preview (the gd_rt_cmd struct was referring to memory locations that were no longer valid due to a call to zap). This fixes it.
17:17.10 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40932 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CheckFunctions.cmake):
17:17.10 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: add a few defines present in the autotools build - getting closer. Lot of
17:17.10 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: specialized AC macros to duplicate for types, although AC_C_CHAR_UNSIGNED is
17:17.10 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: considered obsolete and won't be ported - only tcl/tk seem to use it in our
17:17.11 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: code, and their build systems can handle it.
17:34.33 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40933 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CheckFunctions.cmake): Check for members in structures
17:56.42 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40934 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/rt.c: if the else is wrong, there's no point in keeping it around.
17:57.59 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40935 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/rt.c: ws
18:02.33 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40936 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: keith and bob fixed a bug in mged where it was crashing while doing a preview.
18:11.59 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r40937 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c: Set variable 'scanline' to NULL after free. If not NULL 'rt' would try and release a second time. Problematic when raytracing multiple frames.
18:29.53 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40938 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Add some more type checks, try to perform the YYTEXT_POINTER test for lex.
18:45.42 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
19:12.37 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r40939 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
19:12.37 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: keith fixed a bug in the raytracers where they were crashing if you tried to
19:12.37 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: render multiple frames (e.g., via -M script). the problem was freeing a
19:12.37 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: scanline but not setting it to null afterwards, causing it to free erroneously
19:12.37 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: later.
19:33.28 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
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19:55.57 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:00.31 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos_ (
20:01.50 starseeker ``Erik: aw, great - it seems to be looking for the Tcl source dir to get the private headers, and of course that doesn't exist since it's a /usr/tmp/ports/... path
20:03.58 starseeker ``Erik: why does the BSD portage install assign that variable if it won't exist after the portage process is finished?
20:05.07 ``Erik it defines it? O.o
20:05.21 ``Erik (and it's called ports, portage is what ricer weenies call their bad clone)
20:05.30 starseeker less /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/
20:06.02 ``Erik ah, probably just what tcl does and it's never broken for anyone (or other people worked around the breakage)
20:06.34 starseeker nods - well, a vanilla itcl build chokes I can tell you that
20:07.33 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
20:07.44 ``Erik huh, there's a /usr/ports/lang/itcl
20:07.48 starseeker 'course, it's itcl's fault for using private headers in the first place, but it looks like I'm gonna have to validate that directory in FindTCL and turn on the local tcl/tk build if it's not there
20:07.53 ``Erik wonder who mai... aw feck, me again. damnit.
20:08.12 starseeker ``Erik: you could install that of course - that would avoid my building it, but it wouldn't fix the problem
20:08.51 ``Erik like like there was stuff to work around that someone did before I adopted it
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22:33.13 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40940 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/ (3 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
22:33.13 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: This appears to be about the minimal change to get this working - IncrTcl's use
22:33.13 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: of the private Tcl headers is a severe problem when trying to build using a
22:33.13 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: system Tcl/Tk - in practice, it shouldn't work at all. The workaround is to use
22:33.14 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: the headers from the local Tcl/Tk when building - this works if the system
22:33.14 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: version and local version are compatible. We need 8.5 from the system version
22:33.15 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: now too so this should work without needing to add local copies of the 8.4
22:33.35 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
22:38.59 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40941 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: FreeBSD wants newlines at the end of these files, so go ahead and add them - doesn't break at least on the Mac, need to check Linux
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23:12.12 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40942 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CheckFunctions.cmake): We want to check /usr/local - try to define the variables needed
23:30.57 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r40943 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Need some more instances of TCL_INCLUDE_PATH. With this change, we have now build successfully on FreeBSD.
23:31.46 starseeker ``Erik: you BSD guys are annoying, you know that? :-P
23:31.56 starseeker good shakedown though
23:36.34 starseeker hmm - not seeing the pix files in srcdir/pix/...
23:37.40 ``Erik :D
23:37.45 ``Erik you linux guys are wusses
23:37.58 starseeker hey, I made it in the end
23:38.12 starseeker itcl/itk is the real annoyance
23:39.20 starseeker will check on why those scripts are wiping out later...
23:39.35 ``Erik yeh, that's the issue... the levels of kluge are staggering...wonder when 86 will be final
23:40.24 starseeker dredges scientific notation from his memory to handle the big numbers...
23:41.00 ``Erik numbers beyond taking off your shoes to count to? :D
23:41.16 starseeker heh - it's Tcl/Tk, whadya you think?
23:41.44 ``Erik oh, hah, thought you were off on a tangent :D
23:41.50 starseeker first define units of course - years or decades
23:42.03 starseeker ah :-P
23:42.29 ``Erik at some point, you just stop using number and give it names
23:42.42 ``Erik mesazoic, cenezoic, tclazoic
23:42.45 starseeker hehe
23:43.20 starseeker was actually studying a geologic time chart recently as a way to organize software history - that might be able to handle Tcl/Tk, come to think of it
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