IRC log for #brlcad on 20101017

00:01.56 starseeker O.o gdb bwish can't source archer, while plain bwish can
00:02.00 starseeker what the bleep
00:03.18 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41020 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/ (CMakeLists.txt incrTcl/iwidgets/CMakeLists.txt): Try Cmake version of iwidgets.
04:04.39 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41021 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (CMakeLists.txt src/other/CMakeLists.txt): Couple of minor tweaks, and now able to generate Visual Studio files. Next step, see what fails to build.
04:44.38 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41022 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/include/common.h: For whatever reason, ActiveState doesn't have this and the standard tcl sources do. Include it so we can build with ActiveState.
05:15.11 starseeker well, a lot of projects fail (some that shouldn't) but getting somewhere
05:34.26 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41023 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Take care of an item I've let slide for a while - make sure the timestamp message is printed before ALL other targets, including the custom targets used for things like docbook handling and file generation.
05:44.50 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41024 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: Oh yeah, probably don't want the debug message now.
05:58.08 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41025 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt: More defines for librt. There are probably a fair number of these tucked in the windows build logic - probably will have to do a systematic sweep.
12:49.51 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
14:55.15 brlcad quite a productive weekend starseeker!
15:07.10 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
15:12.52 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
15:30.38 ``Erik <-- a bit boggled that Sarah puts up with it O.O
15:32.24 ``Erik grumps at how "special" mac is at times :/ dlopen() issues, library location/version issues, ...
17:37.16 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (
17:37.16 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
17:50.33 starseeker needs to figure out why regex is a problem with his CMake build...
18:02.49 ``Erik O.o
18:42.36 starseeker building it isn't a problem, but linking against it isn't going well and I'm not sure why
18:43.47 starseeker wonders if he can just define _CONSOLE everywhere there are fb-* and pix-* binaries...
18:46.02 starseeker more disturbing is archer crashing on my gentoo box with OpenGL complaints
18:46.13 starseeker need to try a vanilla build and see if that's my fault or not
18:46.41 ``Erik well, we all know gentoo sucks :D
18:47.38 starseeker heh - not sure if my last nvidia driver upgrade did something wonky
18:48.41 starseeker wants SO bad to do a tcl/tk CMake build, but after this last experience with I now understand what a lot of those tests in the configure scripts are actually doing
18:48.49 starseeker that'll make them harder for me to ignore
18:49.56 ``Erik there's a lot of... special. it had to be dealth with.
18:51.28 starseeker winces - looks like another KDE upgrade has appeared since my last update
18:58.58 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41026 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/fb/CMakeLists.txt: As a first cut, try doing this define for all the framebuffer tools.
19:10.05 ``Erik kde--
19:11.09 louipc ouch don't use kde
19:11.36 ``Erik even qt is bad enough
19:12.07 louipc wasn't the new gui going to use qt? hehe
19:12.16 ``Erik qt+ogre, yes...
19:12.21 louipc kewl
19:12.32 ``Erik I haven't been subtle in my complaning.
19:12.41 ``Erik anything that touches c++ has issues, imnsho
19:13.00 louipc hah that's a lot of issues
19:13.19 ``Erik working on another project that uses ogre and bullet... you cannot start to grok the level of bitching I've been shooting out
19:14.05 ``Erik once you touch c++, you add a level of effort that typically dwarfs the core you're trying to use just to get it to talk
19:14.37 ``Erik might as well be using haskell libraries for everything
19:14.40 louipc what's bullet?
19:14.58 ``Erik um, physics sweep engine by the guy who put together havok
19:15.10 ``Erik it does things like contraints really well
19:15.22 ``Erik
19:15.31 louipc well I guess if people expect c++ to be c then they might be disappointed
19:15.34 louipc cool
19:16.07 ``Erik C has a standard interface, c++ does not
19:16.08 louipc pro stuff
19:17.15 ``Erik trying to roll a game using bullet, ogre, ois, sbcl, etc... ralith is too lame to join me in it O.o
19:18.05 louipc ah what kind of game?
19:18.14 ``Erik 3rd person shooter, inspired by 'socom 2'
19:18.27 ``Erik and mal is just all sorts of lame
19:18.43 louipc nice
19:19.06 louipc mal the 4 core, real-time rendering guy?
19:22.21 ``Erik yes
19:22.44 ``Erik 6 core now
19:22.51 louipc I think it's funny how 4 core is not a big deal any more
19:23.20 ``Erik I used to measure cpu's in kilohertz.
19:24.05 louipc whoa cool look what I stumbled upon
19:24.07 louipc
19:24.52 ``Erik heh
19:24.57 ``Erik yes.
19:24.58 ``Erik that's us.
19:26.51 louipc I can help with testing :D
19:27.29 ``Erik heh, I'll probably be throwing out calls far and wide for alpha testing
19:27.42 ``Erik which I think will be in the nest few weeks...
19:27.57 louipc oh nice
19:28.37 louipc hope you guys can find a publisher
19:29.10 ``Erik I'm cool with indie
19:29.34 ``Erik frankly, I can't see a publisher as anything but a liability these days
19:29.58 ``Erik the best music is from indies, the best software is from indies, even movies are moving to indies
19:30.35 louipc indie publisher?
19:31.45 louipc it would take more than just development to get a game out there
19:32.27 ``Erik yeh... *shrug* it'll be interesting :)
19:33.16 louipc look forward to hearing more :D
19:33.27 ``Erik trust me
19:33.29 ``Erik you're on my list now
19:33.34 ``Erik :>
19:33.41 louipc hides
19:39.45 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41027 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (conv/CMakeLists.txt util/CMakeLists.txt): Try stuffing in a couple more broad-brush defines - it's possible this won't work and I'll have to do per-target stuff, but trying to avoid it for now.
19:53.03 Ralith ``Erik: it's by the havok guy?
19:53.12 Ralith ``Erik: huh, what posessed him to switch to oss?
19:59.04 *** join/#brlcad starseeker1 (
19:59.53 starseeker1 humph. almost tempting to try irssi on Windows, but their notion of a terminal is kinda... primitive
20:00.31 ``Erik notta damn clue, but bullet is supposedly the hot wet nasty brainchild of the guy who was behind havok O.o
20:02.35 starseeker1 ``Erik: is bullet pulling ahead as the general open source leader in its problem domain?
20:03.31 ``Erik it seems so... there was discussion on how ode is a bit ahead on constraints, but bullet was in the process of overrunning it... and that was a few years ago
20:03.50 ``Erik everyone seems to agree that it's the top dog in cd, even years ago
20:05.03 ``Erik it might be useful to BRL-CAD... convex hull overlap, generalized constraints, ...
20:05.25 ``Erik MIT license
20:06.39 *** join/#brlcad starseeker2 (~Cliff@
20:07.00 ``Erik so ya missed all that
20:07.47 ``Erik 16:02 < starseeker1> ``Erik: is bullet pulling ahead as the general open source leader in its problem domain?
20:07.50 ``Erik 16:03 < ``Erik> it seems so... there was discussion on how ode is a bit ahead on constraints, but bullet was in the process of overrunning it... and that was a few years ago 16:03 < ``Erik> everyone seems to agree that it's the top dog in cd, even years ago
20:07.54 ``Erik 16:05 < ``Erik> it might be useful to BRL-CAD... convex hull overlap, generalized constraints, ...
20:07.57 ``Erik 16:05 < ``Erik> MIT license
20:10.16 starseeker2 heh - thanks
20:10.25 starseeker2 sorry, using pidgin on windows
20:11.12 louipc starseeker2: irssi has a windows build that uses urxvt I believe
20:12.33 starseeker2 nods - don't have any of the msys/mingw/cygwin setup present though - deliberately trying to be "pure" for the Windows build of BRL-CAD
20:12.36 starseeker2 sucks
20:13.15 louipc I don't think it requires cygwin
20:13.25 starseeker2 urxvt is standalone?
20:13.46 louipc yeah as far as I remember
20:13.58 starseeker2 hmm
20:14.19 starseeker2 if I'm compelled to spend a lot more time on this abomination, that might be worth checking out
20:14.24 louipc it's all bundled up
20:15.00 starseeker2 especially loves how the Microsoft banners are printed just before every project is compiled - even when compiling they spam
20:15.23 louipc haha
20:17.37 ``Erik you're using their spamware version... what'd you expect?
20:19.24 starseeker2 <snort> yeah, I suppose. Maybe the version at work will do better
20:30.04 ``Erik interesting, laurence fishburne, famous for being morpheus in the matrix trilogy, disowned his daughter because she decided to do porn O.o
20:31.10 louipc also interesting is that she uses her real name, rather than a made up porn star name
20:32.42 ``Erik indeed
20:33.02 ``Erik may've been trying to wrangle 'daddys fame'
20:33.12 ``Erik a la haris pilton
20:34.36 starseeker2 huh, I'll be darned - there's a putty for unix
20:39.43 starseeker2 sticks the build log in a pastebin and retreats to a sane OS to review it
20:39.58 *** part/#brlcad starseeker2 (~Cliff@
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22:50.44 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
23:00.15 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (

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