IRC log for #brlcad on 20101106

01:00.53 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (
01:00.53 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
02:14.05 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41260 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/tcl/CMake/tcl.cmake: Whoops, copy-paste error.
02:25.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41261 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/bwish/CMakeLists.txt: whoops - put the X libraries and libdm where they belong
03:26.19 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
04:00.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41262 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
04:00.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: OK, referred to the trunk bwish to figure this out - need the auto_path set by
04:00.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: tclcad_auto_path if the default init fails - I'm not sure why we wouldn't want
04:00.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: to use the tclcad paths for bwish by default, so just put the call in until it's
04:00.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: clear why we shouldn't. Add the paths we need for this CMake build
09:58.29 *** join/#brlcad mafm (~mafm@
13:03.23 brlcad hehe:
13:18.40 louipc odd thing to put on ebay
13:26.53 ``Erik an odder thing would be
13:26.56 ``Erik doh
13:27.02 ``Erik
13:27.04 ``Erik there we go
13:30.47 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41263 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/incrTcl/itcl/CMakeLists.txt: Copy paste - this isn't the TCL dir
13:31.25 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41264 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/incrTcl/itk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Make a stab at itk conversion to a working CMake config.
13:33.25 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41265 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/incrTcl/ (itcl/CMake/tcl.cmake itk/CMake/tcl.cmake): Don't include ac_std_funcs - it may not be needed here, don't include it until it is.
13:41.09 starseeker louipc: someone who knows nothing about open source might go for a CD like that - they might feel a bit foolish if they actually figured it out later though
13:41.31 ``Erik ... I bought a cd sorta kinda almost like that once
13:41.45 ``Erik because it was cheaper and easier than downloading it over an analog modem
13:42.08 ``Erik and I still don't feel foolish
13:42.16 ``Erik at least, not over that
13:42.36 ``Erik (ok, th eone I bought was a 3cd walnut creek set with the exact stuff listed on the website)
13:43.28 louipc well, it's only $5 or something
13:50.16 ``Erik heh, and the walnut creek one had something called 'pcc', personal C compiler, for dos... :D the doodling with the c64 C compiler was lame since I liked asm and had a monitor and a basic interpreter... on dos, allz I had was pcc so'z I had to adapt hardcore
13:54.43 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, if it's a "cheaper bandwidth via mail" CD that's one thing, but they don't need all the fancy pictures and whatnot for that
13:54.58 ``Erik I d'no
13:55.14 ``Erik back before the riaa went all fucktarded suicide asshole, I liked to buy cd's with good cover art
13:55.45 starseeker has see this with other things - there'a a "book publisher" who is infamous for re-publishing every bit of free content they can find and trying to come off as something else
13:55.47 ``Erik wasn't the point, but was part of the package :)
13:55.59 ``Erik hey now
13:56.08 ``Erik don't knock penguin publishing, they're a great source for cheap classics
13:56.13 ``Erik :>
13:56.18 starseeker shrugs - yeah, if you want cover art for software that might be a good way :-)
13:56.47 ``Erik I bought the 'collectors edition' for the world of warnerd wrath of the dork king expansion
13:56.50 starseeker nah, I was thinking of those guys who effectively spam amazon and whatnot with government reports, wikipedia articles, etc. as books
13:56.57 ``Erik at a premium... came with a book, a mousepad, a nice box, ...
13:57.41 ``Erik in my old age, there's more to life than bits :)
13:57.51 starseeker sure penguin, Dover, etc. do a lot of good stuff
13:57.59 ``Erik and I can appreciate the packaging of apple products *shrug* even though it's transportation trash, it's well done
13:58.17 starseeker (although it annoys me that Dover does just enough tweaking on the stuff on their art CDs to claim new copyright"
13:58.32 ``Erik I tend to go with penguin, myself
13:59.11 starseeker is tempted to look at what's on the Dover CDs, track down the original sources, and re-scan 'em
13:59.20 ``Erik project gutenberg?
14:00.10 ``Erik had a script to roughly TeX-ize the txt from pg to make a pleasantly readable version at one point... still needed hand tweaking, but it did a lot of the heavy lifting
14:00.33 starseeker nah, gutenberg likes ASCII text, although I guess they've started branching out a little
14:00.43 starseeker ah, cool!
14:01.14 starseeker did find on Google books scans of some of the original Strand magazines with the Sherlock Holmes stories
14:01.44 ``Erik I should get a library card :/ it sucks that I'm not in walking distance from teh library
14:02.19 ``Erik in memphis, I'd go for an evening walk and come back with something like beowulf or the prince for reading until my next walk, was nice :)
14:03.21 ``Erik printed out my own copy of sun tzu, though... that ain't readin', that's an operatin' plan :>
14:04.37 starseeker hehe
14:05.06 starseeker one of my "most wanted" things for the house is a good couch or chair for reading
14:07.23 ``Erik you should have a couple, they're made of porcelain ;> *duck*
14:07.56 ``Erik um, there's a supposedly decent place real close, uhhh
14:08.03 ``Erik grande furniture or something? I'll find the url
14:08.43 ``Erik
14:08.51 ``Erik on jarretsville rd
14:09.14 ``Erik otherwise, ryan furniture on 40 (near bill batemans) seems like they have a reasonable selection
14:09.49 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41266 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/incrTcl/ (itk/CMakeLists.txt itk/generic/itk.h iwidgets/CMakeLists.txt): We apparently require Itk 3.4? Not quite sure where that is coming from, need to check - for now, fake it.
14:10.17 starseeker ``Erik: sweet, thanks!
14:10.28 ``Erik if you find other places, let me know
14:10.35 starseeker will do
14:10.44 starseeker supposes Goodwill really doesn't count :-P
14:10.58 ``Erik my living room has a single reclining loveseat with a broken side, not company friendly
14:11.17 ``Erik last night, I had to sit ont he broken side, so suddenly it's a problem ;>
14:11.17 starseeker nods
14:11.22 starseeker hehe
14:11.45 ``Erik I'd like to fix the old thing, but that'd involve wood and a hammer and time
14:11.59 ``Erik and Id' still need an appropriate living room set
14:12.23 starseeker crosses fingers... MIGHT be able to complete a BRL-CAD build using only CMake now, although I think I still need some foo on the other tcl packages
14:12.37 ``Erik (heh, can I borrow your wife? I have to do furniture shopping O.O *duck* jk)
14:13.21 ``Erik due to a recent issue with 'that damn game', I have a little bit of hdd space and can be a test weenie for the cmake build if you need... osX.5 and fbsd8
14:13.27 ``Erik um, crit shoudl have enough space, too
14:13.37 ``Erik and on monday, the work machines
14:13.54 starseeker sweet - if this test succeeds, it might be worth firing off the builds
14:14.08 starseeker osX ought to succeed, fbsd8 who knows
14:14.30 ``Erik otherwise, I think a large portion of my day will be lisp related
14:14.50 starseeker well how can I interfer with Lisp programming?
14:15.21 ``Erik um, fbsd has two ways it can go... it can use the GNU chain, which means if it works on osX and linux, it'll have no issue... then theres' the BSD way, which will be fairly strict and pedantic, but if it works on that, it SHOULD work ANYWHERE (that matters... like... not windows)
14:15.24 starseeker that's like interrupting a painter at a masterpiece to paint a wall grey
14:15.42 starseeker go strict - no point in half measures
14:15.54 ``Erik my lithp will be figurin' how to make my bullet libraries happy in an .app bundles Frameworks/ directory using sbcl with a :executable t and a toplevel listed
14:16.09 ``Erik apparently you were unhappy when I did that to the amd machine at work
14:16.19 ``Erik you couldn't even operate the damn shell :D
14:16.24 starseeker hmm? oh, right
14:16.38 starseeker well, you're starting the build, so there's no problem :-P
14:16.47 ``Erik but if I'm a tester
14:16.52 starseeker since all you need is bits and a keyboard
14:16.52 ``Erik I'll approach it like a tester
14:17.04 ``Erik and submit an error report because I get "cmake: command not found"
14:17.05 ``Erik :D
14:17.21 starseeker and you'll get the response you deserve
14:17.36 ``Erik and then i'll submit a luser bug report
14:17.50 ``Erik zomfg, ur shit is teh sux, it can't even build! zomfg, wtf is this cmake crap???
14:17.53 ``Erik :D
14:17.57 starseeker fbsd probably needs "licensed users" before they're turned loose on the internet
14:18.07 ``Erik heh
14:18.12 ``Erik I'd actually argue that for linux
14:18.45 ``Erik every time there's a stupid argument between fbsd and linux, my old stodgey arse sees fbsd guys just trying to make stuff work and linux being stupid
14:18.52 starseeker on the other hand, all but the very worst bsd/linux users will probably be better than your average Windows user
14:19.16 ``Erik I mean, fbsd said "oh, library conflicts? you want your own subdir? sure, that's cool, just make a reasonable link into the pathed bin dir so people don't get confused, and a msg would be nice, too"
14:19.21 ``Erik gentoo, however... how many years?
14:19.41 starseeker hey, that would solve the national debt! Make computer users get a "license to surf" like they get a license to drive
14:19.56 starseeker this country is so addicted they could charge almost anything
14:20.02 ``Erik I think I'd vote for a license to breed before a license to surf
14:20.36 louipc does windows have a decent package manager yet?
14:20.59 ``Erik no... nsis does some... microsoft actually released something undder a decent license that might be worth investigating
14:21.10 starseeker wix?
14:21.14 ``Erik yeh, that's it
14:21.32 starseeker is waiting for the CMake support for Wix to go mainstream... drool...
14:21.34 ``Erik they released it under an ass 'microsoft community license' or soemthing, but then re-licensed under an OSI license iirc
14:22.12 starseeker yeah, it's kinda freaky - there are a few instances of honest to goodness open source from Microsoft these days
14:22.18 starseeker F# was another one, IIRC
14:22.34 louipc I guess it's making more business sense
14:22.40 ``Erik (knowing a couple guys who work for ms... the tech guys actually are smart and want to do good.. but they gotta go through marketing and legal... and, well, ... yeah...)
14:22.54 starseeker yeah, I've heard that too
14:23.11 louipc they should start their own companies
14:23.15 ``Erik most do
14:23.16 starseeker Microsoft Research puts out a lot of awesome stuff, but that apparently doesn't help the "world domination" agenda much
14:23.34 ``Erik but ms is a nice place to stay for a couple years for a fat resume bullet and stock options
14:23.45 ``Erik oh yeah, ms research is effin' awesome
14:23.53 ``Erik hoppe is a god in our field
14:26.22 starseeker Wooooot! Build completed. Still needs one friggin huge amount of cleanup, and I need to figure out what itk 3.4 is and why we need it (3.3 is the last release they have on the website) but making real progress!
14:26.48 ``Erik (is cmake on crit?)
14:27.15 starseeker if it is, I think it hung when I tried it
14:27.28 starseeker not in my path currently
14:27.30 ``Erik nope... installing now
14:27.44 ``Erik building...
14:28.16 ``Erik you might be thinking a work machine with an nfs mount to a server that is just... plain wrong... y'know, like trying to run an nfs server on linux ;>
14:28.32 starseeker oh yeah :-)
14:28.40 starseeker shudders in memory
14:28.43 ``Erik sure wishes he had a solaris nfs server *cough* *duck*
14:29.18 ``Erik (I imagine I'll pay for that later)
14:29.55 ``Erik anyways, I think my library issue isn't actually with lisp, but with mac
14:30.26 ``Erik using the dyld stuff instead of straight elf, rpath info is... handled... oddly...
14:30.38 ``Erik @executable_path is a complete directory, for example
14:30.49 starseeker ah yeah, mac is funny that way
14:30.52 ``Erik and my bullet libraries are striaght up plain dumb elf, so things go weird
14:31.07 starseeker recalls reading something about that when he was setting up that part of CMake
14:31.16 starseeker (thank you plplot guys for finding something that worked...)
14:31.21 ``Erik <-- ponders rigging up a buclet sub to hard link the bullet .a files into the buclet .dylib
14:31.47 starseeker <-- ponders food
14:32.03 ``Erik <-- patiently waits to be served brunch O:-)
14:32.28 starseeker is that what you call being pelted with catfood? :-P
14:33.15 ``Erik heh
14:33.32 ``Erik buddy has started growling during the initial fooding :/ annoying me
14:34.14 starseeker oh, that's easy - if he growls, take the food away
14:34.28 ``Erik the first time, I split the wet food up into two and seperated them
14:34.34 starseeker he's the smart one, he should get the drift
14:34.36 ``Erik now I just say "buddy!" and he stops
14:34.40 starseeker heh
14:34.49 starseeker that's one scary cat dude
14:34.57 ``Erik ?
14:35.06 starseeker he's gonna start selling your stuff on the internet for catfood at this rate
14:35.10 starseeker smart bugger
14:35.10 ``Erik heh
14:35.32 ``Erik yesterday while waiting for my friend, he got on the chair behind me and put his paws on my shoulder, it was a bit... odd?
14:35.48 ``Erik shoulderS, one on each sid
14:36.01 starseeker huh. probably just hanging out
14:36.19 ``Erik yeah, it was attention and a comfortable position I guess, but a bit.. discerning
14:36.30 starseeker yeah, I'll bet
14:36.47 starseeker could be worse - he could have decided to hang out ON your head
14:37.03 ``Erik well, he starting kneeding my hair
14:37.12 starseeker ah, that sucks
14:37.24 ``Erik didn't hit skin *shrug*
14:37.41 ``Erik aanyways, I lock all my laptop screens at home
14:37.47 starseeker heh
14:37.56 ``Erik (cats walk on keyboards)
14:38.21 ``Erik (plus robbery paranoia)
14:38.39 starseeker (could program it so that if keys are pressed in a way that suggests cat walking on it, play a loud buzz :-P
14:39.15 ``Erik I really want to get some of those, uh, time triggered stink dispensers with the electric spritzer
14:39.26 ``Erik gut the timer and wire it to a motion sensor and fill it with water
14:39.33 starseeker <snort> short of grabbing the whole machine, I doubt your average robber is gonna know what the heck to do with your setup
14:39.34 ``Erik and drop those where I think cats should not be
14:39.57 ``Erik the data far outvalues the equipment
14:40.01 starseeker hehe - that sounds like a money maker
14:42.09 ``Erik ohyeh, I got sent a new model of an m82 that I promised to load up in the engine and make screenshots of, better do that O.o
14:45.33 ``Erik huh, msnbc indefinitely suspended keith olbermann because he made private unpublicisized contributions to democratic candidates...
14:47.31 ``Erik (how awesome would it be if someone dug up records on the msnbc corporate donations and demanded execs step down?)
14:47.52 starseeker sounds like a job for a hacker ;-)
14:48.16 ``Erik I almost said something stupid
14:48.24 ``Erik I was going to say that the records should be public by law
14:48.43 ``Erik (and I don't see what writing good code has to do with this)
14:49.32 ``Erik it might be an interesting episode where some technologically capable person is forced to break the letter of the law to uphold the spirit of the law, yes, that might be interesting :)
14:49.42 starseeker simple - take all public financial information (whatever that may be - corporate earnings statements, tax records, whatever) and process it - look for where the money goes
14:50.12 ``Erik that'd be a lot of supercomputer time to sort and analyze all those games
14:50.39 starseeker given the stated spending results on adds, it should boil down pretty quickly into a small set of possibilities who have income enough and expenditures enough to cover it
14:50.58 ``Erik but this dude is suspended for pocket change
14:51.01 starseeker might be a good job for a seti style setup
14:51.15 ``Erik he gave 2400 to one candidate, and roughly the same to 2 others
14:51.19 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, he was suspended for violation of corporate policy, not the law
14:51.28 starseeker kinda like that NPR thing a while back
14:51.37 ``Erik 2400*3 ~= 7199.883 according to my intel based calculator
14:52.13 ``Erik hm, the bits I read made a point to say that he did not state it on any televised thing until he was directly asked about it
14:52.52 starseeker yeah, but if it does come out (like it has) it weakens the network by making it look less impartial
14:52.52 ``Erik it was private until he was explicitely questioned about it, and then he told the truth... that's what I read, d'no the details
14:53.06 ``Erik I'd kinda argue the opposite
14:53.24 ``Erik it weakens the network that a journalist was open and honest when questioned?
14:53.53 starseeker in principle, I guess analysts aren't supposed to do ANYTHING that might consititue an admission of bias
14:54.03 starseeker or even preference
14:54.15 ``Erik there's a difference between private and professional, though
14:54.28 starseeker kinda like how companies get uptight about Facebook crap due to company employees even when it's on their own time
14:54.47 ``Erik yeh, if they're not leaking fouo grade info, that's just fucktarded
14:54.47 starseeker that's a nice thought, but in practice unfortunately it's somewhat blurred
14:55.23 ``Erik and when hp went and did the espionage shit, well, that was just far enough down tha tslippery slope that people said "WHOA, that is fucked up, lets not go there"
14:55.34 starseeker company exec gets wasted and does stupid stuff, gets it posted, it reflects on the company even if it was in "off time"
14:55.56 ``Erik <-- shows off the pics of our bosses bosses boss wearing a pink feather boa and dnacing on tables *cougH*
14:56.11 starseeker winces
14:56.28 starseeker ah, good - that knocked down my appetite far enough for it to be safe for me to eat lunch :-)
14:56.30 louipc what's dnacing? exchanging dna?
14:56.44 ``Erik I'd argue that saying we need to be careful about that kinda representation at that level is counterproductive
14:57.25 ``Erik if it's a touchy subject and you refuse to laugh and be cool with it, you're making it more of a touchy subject
14:58.04 ``Erik I effin' adore when a black comedian makes a joke about black people and then rips on the audience because no white people laughed, I think that's a deep social commentary :)
14:58.15 starseeker welcome to America, a "Chistian nation founded on Christian principles" or some such (cept for the whole forgiveness and love thy neighbour bits)
14:58.28 ``Erik or the uncomfortable silence at a good gay joke that the gay folk love
14:59.00 ``Erik heh
14:59.09 ``Erik I'm fighting that revionistic history :D
14:59.14 ``Erik revisionistic
15:00.02 ``Erik we have to be able to accept and laugh at ourselves, and the more people we laugh at, the more ourselves there are
15:00.07 ``Erik that's my thinkin', anways
15:00.21 starseeker heads to lunch with a quote he got from one of Issac Asimov's books "Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain"
15:00.39 ``Erik hasta la pasta, mi homoner
15:01.25 starseeker (should note I don't necessarily agree with it, but it does give a nice feel for the magnitude of the task)
15:01.59 ``Erik einstein said that the universe and human stupidity are both inifinite, and he's not so sure about the universe
15:02.09 ``Erik he had some clever quips
15:47.29 brlcad I've thought about putting together a pay-for CD set similar to freebsd distro with pre-compiled versions for various platforms included, for those that want the "hard copy"
15:47.37 brlcad small fee to cover costs and time
15:48.06 ``Erik a lot of the world pays per mb or whatever
15:50.17 ``Erik the 'constraints mean finish libpc' thing, I'm not sure I agree... I can see {bullet|ode|whatever} integration being a quick better solution for that, and handling the draping issue down the road
15:55.33 brlcad starseeker: I got my main recliner chair from arhaus, quite awesome if I do say so myself -- perfect for reading and coding
15:55.54 ``Erik where is arhaus?
15:56.11 brlcad they have a pretty price tag but they often have floor models in perfect shape that are half price
15:57.38 ``Erik s exeter in bmore is the nearest?
15:57.50 brlcad there's a few around the area -- one down in harbor east (just west of fells point), one in VA
15:58.14 brlcad
15:58.22 ``Erik I see one on s exeter and one down in annapolis
15:58.41 ``Erik the finder there failed, my adblock and script mgmt stuff may be confusing things
15:59.01 brlcad fwiw, libpc and ode do very different things
15:59.28 ``Erik yeah, and I was under the impression that the jtapic need was way more ode/bullet than libpc
15:59.46 brlcad both, the ode/bullet stuff is 3rd year
16:00.14 ``Erik hm, have you run the bullet constraint demo yet?
16:00.17 brlcad they're basically helping us get infrastructure in place that helps a lot of things
16:00.31 brlcad yeah, I have
16:00.44 ``Erik I think THAT is what kermit is looking for in the end
16:01.02 brlcad that's one of *many* things he's looking for in the end, but yes
16:01.04 ``Erik he wants the ragdoll "put a hand on a steering wheel, the joints move 'right'"
16:01.09 brlcad sure
16:01.16 brlcad that's 3rd year stuff
16:01.21 ``Erik I've bugged ed about having a meeting to hash it out
16:01.57 brlcad they're not the same task -- libpc is more about the 'p' than the 'c'
16:02.02 ``Erik I think I may have surprise issues with dave this year.. and steph came in and said "oh yeah, those 5 reports you're doing? add 4 more."
16:02.05 ``Erik ok
16:02.24 brlcad the constraint aspect is merely a brl-cad object representing the constraint, which we need regardless of ode/bullet
16:02.42 ``Erik I don't understand, then. we need to talk shop some at some point if I'm going to accept what I signed up for
16:03.12 brlcad the ability to store parameters and calculate basic equations and relationships is where parameterization comes into play and there's no dynamics or gravity or connectivity involved with that
16:03.29 ``Erik so basically a prim that holds strings
16:03.33 brlcad i was actually entirely planning on using bullet or ode for the rigging
16:03.41 brlcad basically
16:03.48 brlcad a little more to it than that :)
16:03.53 brlcad but not much more
16:03.58 ``Erik there always is
16:04.29 ``Erik I told ed that I'm on it, it's written into my objectives and signed up the chain... I just wanna know what I'm committed to, y'know?
16:04.32 brlcad parameters gets us one step closer to having parametric geometry
16:04.42 brlcad where your sphere's radius is actually not a value
16:05.05 ``Erik this smells like a whiteboard conversation
16:05.08 brlcad if sure
16:05.45 brlcad so yeah, this first year stuff isn't strictly needed in order to do that 3rd year rigging stuff he wants
16:05.55 brlcad but brl-cad needs it and he's willing to support the improvements
16:06.13 brlcad and it fit in the timeline AND will still benefit his needs
16:06.19 brlcad so it's a win win
16:06.20 ``Erik kermit is willing to throw money and say "do good stuff" I think... but he has to report up, and we have to help him do that
16:06.53 brlcad right, this is exactly part of that "do good stuff", when one of the specific goals is far out in the third year
16:07.02 ``Erik and I have the orthogenal constraint of the gubmint obj/acc cycle, so I have to figure how to match those and make everyone happy
16:07.25 brlcad from an architecture design, libpc gives us a clean framework for defining primitive parameters
16:08.27 brlcad so the basic structs and functions that let something like tgc say that it has a position, radius1, radius2, vect1, and vect2 parameters
16:08.32 ``Erik I will... have to look more.. libpc... he did a lot of work, but it kinda gives me a feeling of, um, ... c++/java style object thinking? archicture astronaut? moar objects, less thinking!#~!@
16:08.44 brlcad so then the GUI can automatically present info for each object with the *object* describing itself
16:08.51 brlcad not way up in mged/archer like it is now
16:08.56 ``Erik likes the MUVES-3 feeling, frankly, but in c++, not java
16:09.10 ``Erik and I'm a very objc/smalltalk oriented feller, so the smell hurts
16:09.13 brlcad and moreover, the primitive being able to say what's a valid value for that parameter since there are some funky requirements for some primitives
16:09.52 ``Erik so we should sit down and jabber in person at some point
16:10.00 brlcad I think anything c++ just smells to you whether it's good or not :P
16:10.37 ``Erik frankly, if I were to take libpc... it'd probably end up C and I'd consider it a win if we replace our ginormous boost dir with a couple tiny lex and yacc dirs
16:11.05 ``Erik I was a huge c++ advocate for a long time.. I learned the hard way that it's applicable where it's applicable and a hinderance everywhere else
16:11.32 brlcad I think that'd be a huge waste of effort throwing away all the time invested already, considering libpc is hooked in and works now
16:11.42 ``Erik does it?
16:11.55 brlcad sure, there are even demo files
16:12.07 ``Erik *point* I said look at, not dismiss
16:12.17 ``Erik I just have low expectations
16:13.22 ``Erik I'm not sure the notion of libpc benefits the jtapic issue ... at all... not discouting, but *shrug*
16:13.27 ``Erik that's all'z I'm saying
16:13.27 brlcad there are undoubtedly some constraint evaluation problems, because nobody has solved that for arbitrary equations (except mathematica) .. but that doesn't affect us for how it's being used
16:13.56 brlcad you are just a fountain of FUD
16:14.13 brlcad amazing :)
16:14.28 ``Erik I'd hope I'm somewhere inbetween the fud factory and the hopeless idealist factory, actually
16:14.36 ``Erik pragmatacism is my goal here
16:14.39 brlcad find something specific
16:14.54 ``Erik well, that's exactly what I'm saying
16:14.57 brlcad if it ain't fixable, then we can refactor
16:15.01 ``Erik I don't know what jtapic wants
16:15.07 brlcad that's not what you're saying exactly, but maybe what you meant
16:15.09 ``Erik so I'm not willing to say that libpc is the answer
16:15.15 ``Erik that's all...
16:15.32 brlcad libpc was (by definition) intended to be the answer
16:15.37 brlcad so if it's not the answer, then it's not libpc
16:15.52 brlcad also doesn't mean libpc can't change or get fixed if there are issues
16:16.19 brlcad it was merely the implementation detail behind the DB objects representing parameters and constraint objects
16:16.31 brlcad ala openNURBS behind our brep object
16:16.41 ``Erik I may have a wrong impression of libpc, as well.. my stance is that I want to talk to a couple key people before stamping an approved "thou shalt" plan stamp
16:18.06 ``Erik when ya get into customers of customers of customers situations.. it's risky, we can very easily end up looking like asshats cuz we delivered B when they thought they asked for A
16:18.40 ``Erik whcih can be 1 bit difference, but it's still a fail in the eyes of the money holders...
16:19.05 brlcad well so far everyone has been on board (except your recent comments), so your the only one injecting risk by proposing drastic direction changes
16:19.40 brlcad this is really a whiteboard conversation to go over parameters first, though
16:20.08 ``Erik don't think I agree with that 'everyone on board' statement.. not knowing enough to argue is not agreeing
16:20.13 ``Erik *shrug*
16:20.28 ``Erik I think we need more info from kermit before we commit, taht's all I'm arguing
16:20.54 brlcad we're already committed, the how is still up to us
16:21.10 ``Erik well, on the gov't side, that 'how' is being committed to signed record last week
16:21.37 ``Erik with grading in a year based on it, and that's not terribly comfortable... that was richards beef
16:21.43 brlcad this isn't a conversation for here
16:21.49 ``Erik yes, it's a whiteboard conversation
16:22.35 brlcad richard is pure FUD, and almost entirely F
16:22.56 ``Erik we'll talk about it during the week :)
16:23.08 brlcad and his perrogative, and the least educated on this domain of all, so irrelevant to the task imnsho
16:23.56 ``Erik when'll you be in and not stomped commiting to the solaris servers? sometime monday? tuesday?
16:24.53 ``Erik manana?
16:24.54 brlcad people who don't know how things fit into the big picture really shouldn't be designing or architecting unless failures and learning curves are acceptible, we have a lot of big picture tasks that several development efforts address
16:27.31 ``Erik reck'ns he's going to tkae some time to big picture his house a little bit cleaner
18:50.34 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
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22:54.50 starseeker Weird - archer does this on my gentoo box when trying to expand a tree in the new file browser:
22:56.42 starseeker tries a regular build to see if this is CMake specific

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