IRC log for #brlcad on 20101208

00:05.48 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41557 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: Update the Changelog
00:07.15 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41558 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS include/conf/MINOR): Update revision numbers to 7.18.0
00:14.21 starseeker Oooo - AMD Phenom II X6 1100T - 6 core CPU for $265
00:14.33 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r41559 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/preview.c: inline the call to _ged_setup_rt(). no logic change.
00:14.43 starseeker wonders if they have motherboards that support two of them - 12 core raytracing :-) :-)
00:15.21 brlcad ehh..
00:15.53 brlcad came out in august
00:21.06 starseeker starting at $5k though :-)
00:21.41 starseeker is hoping for inexpensive PC motherboard...
00:23.08 starseeker awesome Apple though :-)
00:23.24 brlcad sounds about right, the motherboard and each cpu are about $1k a pop, so 3k + 2k for base system (memory, buses, bridges, drives, etc)
00:23.55 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41560 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (15 files in 10 dirs): Sync STABLE to trunk r41558
00:24.05 brlcad nice to see amd undercut that price though
00:25.12 starseeker hopes his current PC lasts long enough that his next one can be a 12+ core machine - that'll be one heck of a performance boost
00:26.51 brlcad heh, a loaded config with *everything* they'll let you add comes to $18k :)
00:27.01 starseeker urk
00:27.09 brlcad 8TB spinning raid
00:27.20 brlcad over fibre
00:27.36 starseeker how does that stack up against SSD?
00:27.50 brlcad amazingly, applecare is just $250 ...
00:29.30 starseeker jeez - up to 4 512GB solid state drives
00:29.35 starseeker unreal
00:51.30 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41561 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c: Hmm, missed a few of the Tcl_DoOneEvent removals somehow.
00:51.53 brlcad tree diff?
00:52.03 starseeker yep
00:52.14 starseeker big merge this time, figured better safe than sorry
00:52.54 starseeker ready to roll now - next commit should be the tag
00:57.03 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41562 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-18-0/: Tagging release 7.18.0
01:01.22 ``Erik w00t
01:05.46 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41563 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS include/conf/PATCH): Increment the version numbers into the next developer cycle, now that we're tagged.
01:06.17 brlcad er, you missed README..
01:06.21 brlcad following HACKING?
01:06.49 starseeker whoops
01:06.54 starseeker slip of the eye
01:07.03 starseeker (HACKING is in front of me right now)
01:08.00 brlcad technically missed a bunch of .bat files for windows too, but those aren't in HACKING on purpose so Bob or someone(tm) else will eventually fix them
01:08.19 brlcad no reason there should be version numbers outside of our top-level docs and the include/conf files
01:08.20 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r41564 10/brlcad/trunk/README: Increment README too
01:10.21 starseeker nods - actually, part of the CMake plan was to try and address those and generate everything from the one source
01:11.36 starseeker src tarball building now - I'll upload that and then put together an email announcement, unless you'd like to do it brlcad - whatever you prefer
01:16.44 brlcad starseeker: i wouldn't mind proof-reading somewhere, but go for it
01:17.01 starseeker righto
01:17.42 brlcad starseeker: cmake doesn't really fix the .bat files -- at best you wrap and auto-generate them
01:17.56 brlcad the problem is that they CONTAIN a version number, they shouldn't
01:18.28 brlcad there's no reason for them to, that's the whole point of the bu_brlcad_root and bu_brlcad_data interface
01:18.39 starseeker Ah
01:18.48 brlcad they may even "just work" if the versions are removed, but need someone on windows to test and possibly debug
01:19.03 brlcad it'll just be petty assumptions if it doesn't work, or it'll just work and they can come out
01:19.36 starseeker nods. K, I was figuring there was a reason for 'em and I'd autogenerate them, but removing them is of course better
01:19.59 starseeker did we have a brlcad-news announcement for 7.16.10?
01:20.20 brlcad shouldn't even need a batch file, really, but that's a bit more involved for some of them
01:20.53 brlcad I don't believe we did
01:21.27 starseeker should I address items from that in the categorized changes?
01:21.59 brlcad I usually combine previous unannounced releases into one
01:22.18 starseeker k - this could be a long email :-)
01:22.46 brlcad e.g.,
01:23.28 brlcad 7.16.8 was pretty long:
01:23.53 brlcad I did this for 7.16.4 when it had been too long:
01:24.02 brlcad I doubt we're that long
01:24.26 starseeker alright
01:24.32 brlcad there were two hundred user visible changes getting announced for the 7.16.4 release
01:24.36 starseeker starts uploading tarball...
01:25.27 brlcad just 52 changes since 7.16.8
01:25.59 brlcad can write it up and we'll see how it looks
01:58.05 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
02:17.09 starseeker brlcad: draft sent
02:21.22 starseeker packs up and heads out
08:05.06 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
10:10.27 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r41565 10/rt^3/tags/rel-7-18-0/: tag the C++ core interface with the corresponding BRL-CAD version (i.e. 7.18.0)
10:36.22 ``Erik hm
12:01.42 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
12:59.00 ``Erik
12:59.23 d-lo ahahahahaha, thats awesome!
13:47.49 starseeker actually may have somewhere the original and NG technical manuals, if he didn't get rid of them
13:48.12 starseeker (hope I still have the original - that might be worth something nowadays)
14:34.15 starseeker starts saddling up and heading in
15:13.48 ``Erik hm, X seems to be using libcheck now
15:23.57 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
15:44.44 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Image:Business-credit-card.pdf]]"
15:45.13 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:Ygozisise]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked): Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages: fucker
15:46.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Image:Business-cash-advance.pdf]]"
16:01.26 d-lo brlcad: can i waz ceezeballs?
16:01.49 brlcad heh, sure
16:02.06 d-lo danke
16:02.15 d-lo they've been taunting me all morning :/
16:02.17 brlcad hehe
16:02.19 brlcad excellent
16:02.36 d-lo you've got an evil streak, i see :)
16:08.23 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
16:09.53 brlcad mauahahahahaha
16:10.04 brlcad er, I mean .. no, of course not
16:17.47 d-lo is nom nom nom
16:35.00 brlcad so this is a pretty big one
16:36.03 brlcad I've set up a publication portal in our wiki as a pipeline for suggesting, writing, reviewing, and editing upcoming publications
16:37.09 brlcad the gist is that most of our community publications will go through there so we can collectively see who is working on what and even help collaborate on the documents as well as providing editorial revision control and document history as things are written
16:38.30 brlcad it's a pretty effective mechansim for online collaboration that I've used elsewhere, so your feedback and comments would be appreciated
16:38.36 brlcad pokes CIA-55
16:39.02 brlcad
16:39.33 brlcad I've left it without any content for starters just so people can become familiar with it sans content first
17:02.27 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2357 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: add editing standards along with formatting standards
17:10.35 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2358 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: briefer
17:29.43 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
17:29.49 d-lo
17:30.23 d-lo two part-er
17:30.44 d-lo I wonder if Jackson will leave the storyline a bit more intact on this one :)
18:09.09 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
18:17.27 starseeker d-lo: I'd be nice, but I have to admit by hollywood standards he did pretty well with the LOTR stuff
18:18.08 starseeker I would probably have been more OK with messing with the Hobbit than LOTR though
18:21.13 d-lo Im still mad about Tom Bombadil not being in the movies at all.
18:21.43 d-lo there's like 12+ hours of movie. Plenty of time for environment setting characters like that.
18:21.50 d-lo grumble.
18:24.09 ``Erik "by hollywood standards" heh
18:26.48 starseeker I was most annoyed by a) Faramir (and to some extent Denathor) getting a bad rap b) the Ents getting tricked into attacking and c) the apparent inability of Gondor's troops to do squat when fighting orcs
18:29.11 starseeker must say I didn't miss Bombadil much - was more annoyed by their handling of Aragorn looking into the Palantir
18:29.27 d-lo Yeah, Faramir was supposed to 'understand' that Frodo was doing something big and he needed to go.
18:29.47 d-lo missed the mark totally on his character
18:30.17 d-lo if i remember correctly, the elves didn't show up to helms deep either (in the books)
18:30.22 d-lo thats a rather large change :)
18:30.57 starseeker yes, true - I could have forgiven that one, but it was unnecessary/annoying
18:31.33 d-lo then there's that whole added part at the end of the second movie
18:31.41 d-lo that ruins of a city or whatever it was
18:31.58 d-lo that frodo and sam get caught in the middle of a battle
18:32.17 d-lo ...all added so Sam can deliever that 'emotional' speech.
18:32.33 d-lo that was annoying.
18:32.57 d-lo But you and my wife agree on the Aragorn thing
18:33.04 d-lo they messed his character up
18:33.23 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
18:33.31 starseeker I never got the sense in the books that Aragorn was avoiding his destiny at all
18:34.09 d-lo exactly
18:34.35 d-lo i always viewed him as that 'make of iron' badass
18:35.25 starseeker the Palantir thing was (IMO) vitally important in the books because it was the real test of Aragorn as king - even Galdalf was wary of doing that, and Aragorn eventually wrested control of the Palantir from Sauron himself
18:36.51 d-lo that was the magic ball of communication, right?
18:36.57 starseeker yep
18:36.59 d-lo never was good at all those stupid names :)
18:38.26 starseeker it never made it into the original movie, and even in the extended edition it wasn't any big deal
18:39.46 starseeker not to mention the ghost army never came to Gondor... although I guess if Gondor's soldiers were gonna be such wimps I suppose they had to do something like that
18:40.08 starseeker hmm... maybe they didn't do as well as I thought
18:52.15 d-lo Now that we are talking LotR... i wonder if we shouldn't try to do the trilogy for Lunchtime Theatre....hrm....
18:54.31 ``Erik wait, what? they wrote books about the lotr movies? :> *duck*
18:55.55 starseeker heh
18:59.18 ``Erik heh, a seaquest dsv model, even...
19:00.41 d-lo hahaha neat
19:01.20 d-lo
19:02.53 ``Erik no models downloadable from coolhand, he sells 'em at :/
19:04.34 d-lo bah
19:04.48 d-lo well, they are high wuality enough, i suppose it makes sense he'd want a few $ for em
19:06.51 d-lo s/quality/quality/ damn home keys :)
19:11.00 d-lo Atlantis... nice!
19:43.47 d-lo ``Erik: i got that arauna running if you wanna see it.
19:54.56 d-lo
20:42.14 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2359 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: add final draft revision of 7.18.0 release notes from cliff, ready for review
21:09.49 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
21:35.46 starseeker O.o
21:40.56 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:04.30 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r41566 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/CombEditFrame.tcl: Modified CombEditFrame::toggleSelect to check if the row in question exists or not.
22:17.22 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r41567 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/CombEditFrame.tcl: Change the cursor for the relative-edit tables.
22:55.04 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r41568 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ (bwhisteq.c pix3filter.c pixmorph.c rle-pix.c wavelet.c): more checking of return values for fwrite/fread/scanf that were queued up on release tagging.
22:55.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r41569 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ (log message trimmed)
22:55.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: Updated the '' script. Removed the 'conversion time limit exceeded'
22:55.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: log messages. When the time limit is exceeded it now shows 'extl' next to either
22:55.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: 'bot' or 'nmg' instead of 'fail'. I did this to make is easier to compare
22:55.26 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: between runs of the script, i.e. reading the 'diff' is a little easier. I also
22:55.27 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: changed capitalization of some messages just for consistency and to simplify
22:55.28 CIA-55 BRL-CAD: running 'grep' on the log. I am sure there is a better way to make these changes
23:08.11 brlcad aua, but that touches disk!

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