IRC log for #brlcad on 20110113

00:05.30 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42189 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/tclscripts/ (18 files in 18 dirs):
00:05.30 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: Alright, I'm tired of fighting with trying to get the custom tclscripts to run
00:05.31 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: cleanly in parallel when they're doing copy commands after the btclsh script
00:05.31 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: runs. Put copies of the tcl files in the build dir and run the scripts there.
00:05.32 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: Simplifies the logic and avoids the hackery of copying things around as part of
00:05.32 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: the custom command.
00:06.20 starseeker mmm... bu_brlcad_data clearly isn't up to what I'm trying with archer...
00:12.03 brlcad how so?
00:12.15 brlcad it has a pretty well-defined usage contract
00:12.53 starseeker it may just be I don't have the right things in place in the build dir
00:13.29 brlcad if which in reality should end up in just one or two file/dir stats if everything is set up right, the rest of the logic being just for failure backup
00:13.30 starseeker rror in startup script: couldn't read file "/usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts/itk_redefines.tcl": no such file or directory while executing
00:13.33 starseeker "source [file join [bu_brlcad_data "tclscripts"] itk_redefines.tcl]" (file "./bin/archer" line 62)
00:14.05 starseeker prefix isn't /usr/brlcad for this build either, but once I do a make install it finds things OK
00:14.15 brlcad it shouldn't need to be /usr/brlcad
00:14.21 starseeker right
00:14.35 brlcad bu.h has the search priority ordering
00:14.46 starseeker checks...
00:15.01 brlcad first step is to make sure itk_redefines.tcl is actually in /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/version/tclscripts/itk_redefines.tcl (or whatever your data root is)
00:15.32 brlcad then can make sure bu_brlcad_data "." is reporting the data root just by running bwish
00:15.48 brlcad then bu_brlcad_data "tclscripts" to make sure it's there, etc
00:17.05 brlcad that looks right to me, the archer logic might be wrong
00:17.59 starseeker weird... from the build directory it's returning /usr/brlcad/share/. but once installed it's /Users/user/brlcad-install-svn/share/.
00:18.17 starseeker will look into it later, not a huge deal
00:18.26 starseeker dunno if archer is even set up to run from the build dir at all
00:18.59 brlcad if it cannot find it pre-install, it will fall back on /usr/brlcad where it's undoubtedly finding an old root
00:19.13 starseeker ah
00:19.17 brlcad
00:19.48 starseeker nods
00:20.31 brlcad yeah, I'm not seeing that file anywhere
00:20.47 starseeker yep - if I make a share directory, it finds it. That's also why that archer CMakeLists.txt change played such havoc with mged - it found a data dir with nothing in it
00:21.17 starseeker brlcad: that file is specific to the CMake branch so far - it's what allows archer to run with vanilla Itcl/Itk
00:21.31 brlcad ahh, okay
00:22.10 starseeker it looks like if I want to do this right I'll have to fully populate the share dir in the build dir
00:22.11 brlcad if you're working on pre-install build states and with partial empty install trees, you probably should familiarize with the search path rules it uses
00:22.30 starseeker nods
00:22.59 starseeker I don't recall ever trying - does archer run from the build dir in trunk?
00:23.12 starseeker maybe I should worry about this later
00:23.26 brlcad it has for me
00:23.38 starseeker crud
00:23.40 brlcad haven't tested latestly
00:29.00 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42190 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/TODO.cmake: Update TODO.cmake
00:32.29 brlcad hm, looks like trunk has problems running uninstalled, but it's due to ... Tkhtml3 :)
00:32.46 starseeker growl
00:33.17 starseeker wonders what possessed him to ever fool with tkhtml...
00:33.39 brlcad ah, looks like tktable too
00:34.22 brlcad you can't just add dependencies and everything gets found -- you have to tell the code that looks for things where to look for the new things when they're added
00:35.01 starseeker wants the computer to be smart, doggone it
00:36.01 brlcad royal you, not you specifically :)
00:36.11 brlcad not that you aren't royal
00:36.12 starseeker ah :-)
00:36.28 starseeker <- royal pain
00:37.32 starseeker I'll dig into this, but it looks like studying usage of bu_brlcad_data will be the key - thanks!
00:39.57 brlcad don't be shy to fix archer
00:40.46 starseeker brlcad: I'm more concerned about the notion of a build-dir share directory and how it fits (or doesn't fit) with how bu_brlcad_root and bu_brlcad_data are working
00:41.05 brlcad bu_brlcad_data/bu_brlcad_root *should* be suitable for any use .. there are lots of places in archer that probably don't use it yet or call it correctly
00:42.12 brlcad there is no such notion to bu_brlcad_root/bu_brlcad_data other than to check the current directory
00:42.20 starseeker the thing is, I'm going to want bu_brlcad_root to return the build directory root if I'm not running installed, but the installed root directory if I am
00:42.28 brlcad the package require system is completely separate foo
00:42.42 starseeker package require I'm getting a handle on
00:43.34 starseeker I can already package require Tkhtml/tkpng/etc from ./bin/bwish
00:44.16 brlcad an easy solution is to make the resources locatable w.r.t. archer
00:44.41 starseeker nods
00:45.15 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (
00:45.16 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
00:45.19 starseeker that itk_redefines.tcl file should probably fold straight into archer itself
00:45.21 brlcad so if something does rely on bu_brlcad_data, calling bu_brlcad_data "tclscripts/archer" is going to find src/archer/tclscripts/archer or something similar
00:45.57 starseeker um
00:46.12 brlcad you build instal an uninstalled install root?
00:46.51 starseeker basically - the build dir is a pseudo-install tree
00:47.07 brlcad but are they only binaries or also data files?
00:47.18 brlcad like tclscripts
00:47.28 starseeker so far binaries, libraries and whatever tcl/tk stuff I've needed to get package require working
00:47.48 starseeker I haven't rebuilt the tclscripts install dir yet, but even if I did I'm not sure it would work
00:47.51 brlcad well that'd be most of our tclscripts dir too then
00:48.41 brlcad our tclscripts dir has a slew of packages defined in there, package require Archer for example, package require GeometryBrowser, etc
00:49.18 starseeker right - it was trying to get those working that I ran into the problem with a share dir in the toplevel build dir blowing up mged
00:49.59 starseeker tclAutoPath has a bunch of paths for the tclscript dirs - I figured I could leverage that
00:50.35 brlcad yeah, that's the separate system
00:51.02 brlcad what about just making the build tree be an *exact* replica of the install tree?
00:51.04 starseeker even copying the complete installed share dir from the install back into the build dir didn't make mged happy, which worries me
00:51.24 brlcad so installing is literally the same as cp -R buildTree /usr/brlcad
00:51.35 starseeker brlcad: that gets back to the bu_brlcad_root - in that instance, it would have to use the toplevel build dir as its root dir
00:51.48 starseeker and it's not set up to do that right now, unless I'm missing something
00:52.02 starseeker I could make it do that, but I figured I'd get in trouble :-P
00:52.32 brlcad no, that'd definitely work if it's a full root
00:52.49 brlcad the third rule for bu_brlcad_root
00:53.11 starseeker tries again...
00:53.26 brlcad it searches an env override if set first, then the compile-time install path if it exists, then the current RUN TIME path if it doesn't .. that'd match
00:54.01 starseeker ah - what if the compile-time install path exists but is empty?
00:54.08 brlcad then that's a problem
00:54.16 brlcad it looks for directories
00:54.34 brlcad the code calling bu_brlcad_root/data is then supposed to verify files
00:55.17 starseeker I always use brlcad-install-svn for my target, so that directory already exists
00:55.33 brlcad delete the dir?
00:55.54 brlcad install should create it
00:55.56 starseeker I can, but shouldn't it be robust enough to recognize that there is nothing in there and try the next possibility?
00:56.16 brlcad it has no idea what you're looking for
00:56.22 brlcad e.g., bu_brlcad_root .
00:56.44 brlcad how do you know if it found root or not, other than it exists?
00:56.55 brlcad at least maintainably without some random assumption
00:56.59 starseeker sure, but a totally empty root may as well not exist
00:57.28 brlcad right, so ideally, code calling bu_brlcad_root should be more specific than "."
00:57.35 brlcad and most places are
00:57.45 brlcad bu_brlcad_data tclscripts, for example
00:58.11 starseeker ok, but if it doesn't find tclscripts in the first possiblity will it move on to the second?
00:58.18 brlcad yep
00:58.33 brlcad bu_brlcad_root (subdir)
00:58.57 brlcad it searches for (subdir) in those search-order paths returning the first found
00:59.28 starseeker then how can an empty share dir in the toplevel build make mged crash, and removing it allows it to run?
01:00.24 brlcad it wouldn't make sense to assume if ROOT/some/subdir is empty, then skip it (e.g., ROOT/.) .. because it just as easily could be a read/write location we're using, (e.g., ROOT/caches/rt)
01:00.58 brlcad you've got the crash, debug it! :)
01:01.05 brlcad shouldn't crash regardless
01:01.13 brlcad that should be easy to stack trace fix
01:02.06 starseeker package require Itcl is failing
01:02.58 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
01:03.33 starseeker uh... why? bwish and btclsh do fine...
01:04.19 brlcad cutting a narrow path through the forest just wide enough to slip through isn't going to be safe route for travel
01:05.56 starseeker hmm? Right now I've got no path
01:06.59 starseeker also has to get home
01:09.55 brlcad right, but the goal isn't just getting any path and then later widening it too
01:10.08 brlcad that's the super-expensive way
01:10.31 starseeker brlcad: oh, I'm going to try and figure out what's going on and what the right way is to handle it
01:11.25 starseeker but this seems to be right in that ugly underbelly of interaction between data path searching, tcl/tk weirdness, and application initialization from a build directory - that's pretty much a poster child for "tangled web"
01:11.32 brlcad I know, just noting that you found a crash but aren't actually working on fixing the crash :)
01:12.07 starseeker <snort> I will tomorrow - I've got a 6:30am gym session, and if I'm up late tonight I might never make it in at all tomorrow :-P
01:12.21 brlcad because even if the right way masks the problem for now, it's almost guaranteed to bite someone down the road
01:12.28 brlcad and the older a bug gets, the harder they bit
01:12.39 brlcad even ones you rediscover later
01:13.12 brlcad mm.. gym is the perfect excuse, stay healty ;)
01:13.31 starseeker well, it remains to be seen if this is truely a bug, since I'm in a very different setup than the autotools build and I could quite easily being doing Something Wrong with the build logic
01:13.46 starseeker I doubt this behavior has ever been observed with autotools
01:13.53 brlcad I seem to be having a lot of one-byte erors tonight :)
01:14.15 starseeker ouch
01:14.25 brlcad "something wrong" that makes mged crash is still mged's fault
01:14.29 brlcad and preventable
01:15.02 brlcad that just means mged/archer/whatever was assuming something -- there should be no assumptions, you test everything
01:15.08 starseeker this is an altered mged though - remember how I switched it from using Itcl's C interface to using package require?
01:15.29 starseeker so it's almost certainly my fault
01:15.54 brlcad the code is still at fault for crashing -- you can catch the problem state in code before crashes occur
01:16.17 starseeker nods
01:16.37 brlcad you may have made it more brittle or just differently brittle, but the code is still at fault for crashing
01:17.03 starseeker was hoping that using package require instead of the C api would make the migration to 8.6 easier, when it comes
01:17.12 brlcad even if you feed it /dev/random, or bang on they keyboard and randomly move files around while they're being read, it shouldn't crash
01:17.31 starseeker nods
01:18.01 brlcad package require should be better
01:18.06 brlcad just means you're not done :)
01:18.22 brlcad though time really is running out, GS is REALLY going to be hurting
01:18.42 starseeker this can be put on hold
01:18.48 brlcad says to pot to the kettle as I make some more size_t fixes
01:19.07 brlcad s/to pot/the pot/
01:19.28 starseeker last time I talked to DaveLo, it sounded like the code wasn't in any shape to be talking to any test harness...
01:19.57 starseeker still, I guess if that's the case step one will be to rewrite it until it is...
01:20.03 brlcad your test harness should show that, it's fully independent effort
01:20.19 brlcad and once you get to the point where you see where it's not, you can help with exactly that next step
01:21.15 brlcad coupled development is a major no-no for any project of value
01:23.24 brlcad starseeker: I see why archer is failing to load (at least current set of problems)
01:23.37 brlcad it is just blindly setting the data root and trying to load
01:24.04 brlcad the previous code checked if it was running in a source configuration with a neat bu_brlcad_data "src" trick :)
01:24.16 brlcad see src/archer/plugins/Wizards/humanwizard.tcl for an example
01:25.01 brlcad basically it's falling back onto the last rule that bu_brlcad_data uses, looking for paths relative to the current directory
01:25.49 starseeker that doesn't get hijacked by the presence of /usr/brlcad?
01:26.36 brlcad sorry, second to last rule ;)
01:26.45 brlcad /usr/brlcad is checked even if it's not the build dir
01:26.50 brlcad er install dir
01:28.30 starseeker yeah - isn't that kinda a bad idea? the presence of /usr/brlcad will kill any possibility of the current directory being used
01:29.43 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42191 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/TODO.cmake: Few more notes about current state of CMake - will probably have to leave this for a while.
01:29.48 starseeker ok, I really do have to go
01:33.36 brlcad starseeker: no, it'll check current dir before it
01:33.44 brlcad see the search order rules in bu.h
01:42.51 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42192 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/archer: try a little harder to find data resources so archer can run uninstalled
01:43.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42193 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl: if hv3/tkhtml won't load, it's not the end of the world.
01:45.28 brlcad aha, that is the problem, looking for "." is not what you'd expect for a multi-root install since it'll find the /usr/brlcad hail mary case
01:54.48 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42194 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: search harder here too for aboutArcher.png and mike-tux.png
01:55.02 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42195 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: look for src dir too
01:59.59 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42196 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: hopefully not lost in the indentation cleanup, make bu_brlcad_data only check for one subdir, then use [file join] on the rest
02:21.47 brlcad heh, interesting
02:22.05 brlcad src/tclscripts/nirt/ <-- starseeker, you might find that amusing
02:22.25 brlcad a prototype interface around nirt by pjt
02:22.30 brlcad check it out before updating, because I'm killing it
02:27.21 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42197 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/ (13 files in 3 dirs):
02:27.21 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: bu_brlcad_root should ideally only be called with one subdirectory for
02:27.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: portability, then use tcl's [file join] on the rest of the path. this is likely
02:27.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: the problem that necessitated adding '.exe' extensions to the binaries for
02:27.23 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: windows because the lower-level C code was trying to stat the file. this should
02:27.23 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: simplify things nicely.
02:28.35 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42198 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( src/tclscripts/ src/tclscripts/nirt/):
02:28.35 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: remove the nirt tclscripts directory. there was just one source file in there,
02:28.36 CIA-43 BRL-CAD:, which was a prototype interface by pjt for nirt. long since
02:28.36 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: overcome by events and not that great a prototype anyways... sorry paul. :)
02:30.25 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42199 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/ (FbPage.itk PictureTypeE.itcl): unnecessary but consistent
02:31.14 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42200 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/PictureTypeF.itcl: missed one, wrap in quotes for consistency
02:42.41 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42201 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl):
02:42.42 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: remove brlcadDataPath since you really don't want to look for '.' unless you
02:42.42 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: absolutely have to, otherwise you risk getting a non-usable /usr/brlcad default.
02:42.43 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: looking for the subdirectories individually makes them try the run-time relative
02:42.43 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: path first, which means we don't even need to try a separate 'src' search unless
02:42.44 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: it's for items that are in a different place hierarchically in the source tree
02:42.45 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: than they are after install.
03:02.45 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42202 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl: gracefully handle a failure to create a slave interpreter
03:13.13 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42203 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl: catch the other place we create an interpreter too
03:28.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42204 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c:
03:28.23 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: for some reason, 'create interp' goes through a different initialization process
03:28.24 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: which causes a failure to find init.tcl if we try to run uninstalled. it checks
03:28.25 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: [tcl::pkgconfig get scriptdir,runtime] but does not respect $tcl_library. it
03:28.26 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: DOES, however, respect env(TCL_LIBRARY) so make sure we set that too when we're
03:28.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: initializing unless the user already has it set to something.
03:36.13 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42205 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c:
03:36.14 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: error message is very obtuse. is the type printed not supported for a given
03:36.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: use, or not supported because it wasn't compiled. the latter was meant but not
03:36.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: stated. reword for clarity and provide some instruction for when things go bad.
03:36.18 brlcad there, that should bring archer back into a working state
03:36.24 brlcad uninstalled
03:36.40 DX^ "Several BRL-CAD developers are working on implementing a full STEP converter."
03:36.43 DX^ who are these developers?
03:37.40 brlcad DX^: <-- developers with activity in the past year
03:38.39 brlcad there is already initial support for import, with more work happening this year to complete it
03:39.04 brlcad there has been rumbling talks about an exporter (which is WAY easier), but nobody is working on it yet
03:42.48 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42206 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ wow, long time since I've seen THIS particular build system bug.. heh. add missing \ line continuation after timetester.c in EXTRA_DIST so CMakeLists.txt isn't left out.
03:49.45 DX^ brlcad: I did minor modificiations to g_xxx-facets.c to output JSON (javascript)
03:50.25 DX^ I am very interested in IGES/STEP import/export
03:50.57 DX^ I also think there should be a tool/script that takes one file format directly to another, without having to do foo->g->newfoo, but haven't really figured out how this would work yet
03:51.13 DX^ the code is massive and complicated, and I have difficulty understanding what is going on most of the time to be honest
03:52.09 brlcad DX^: you know we have pretty extensive support for iges import/export
03:52.34 DX^ I submitted an IGES bug not too long ago
03:52.35 brlcad it was (and still is in some ways) our most extensive converter
03:52.44 brlcad just quite aged and lacking attentino
03:52.59 DX^ it won't import the 2011/2012 Autodesk versions of IGES for whatever reason
03:53.19 brlcad not surprising, it was written around version 5.1
03:53.30 DX^ brl-cad or autodesk?
03:53.35 brlcad probably something very very minor
03:53.37 brlcad iges
03:53.39 brlcad iges 5.1
03:54.03 brlcad current/last iges is 5.3 or 6.0 draft if they were on the drafting committee before it collapsed
03:54.22 DX^ hmm
03:54.42 brlcad so it could be something as simple as a header having a 5.3 in it and our converter choking on it
03:54.43 DX^ I wonder the amount of work required to support IGES 5.3
03:54.53 brlcad more than likely a "little" more complicated than that, but probably not much more
03:55.21 brlcad there weren't huge changes, the format itself is the same -- just slightly different entity details
03:55.57 brlcad the spec is available:
03:56.00 DX^
03:56.02 brlcad so you could review and compare
03:56.05 DX^ was what I submitted
03:56.10 DX^ Add_nurb_loop_to_face: Edgeuse/vertex mixup!
03:56.59 brlcad yeah, that's not even format-related -- it parsed all of the entities as shown in the summary
03:57.31 DX^ yep, not sure what the deal is
03:57.41 brlcad it's some deficiency or bug in importing that specific object type
03:57.56 DX^ but the same file imported into older versions of inventor and exported as IGES imported into BRL-CAD just fine
03:58.09 DX^ so I think they changed something (obviously)
03:58.26 brlcad the method it uses isn't the best because when the converter was written it had to turn most iges entities into polygons during import -- so that's what it's trying to do and failing on
03:58.53 brlcad that's the (eu == edge use) toplogy failure
03:59.42 brlcad DX^: could be LOTS of reasons why it failed really
03:59.54 DX^ yeah
04:00.02 brlcad simple subtle changes in the floating point alone after reconverting could have made it work
04:00.16 brlcad would have to compare the summary reports from the one that worked
04:00.24 DX^ I need to brush up on more advanced C before I can touch this code base
04:00.32 DX^ I'd love to help but I'm afraid my meddling hands would break too much
04:00.52 brlcad anything you did would get reviewed by others, so don't be too afraid to dig in ;)
04:01.09 brlcad you're not going to break anythign that will hurt anyone but yourself :D
04:01.12 DX^ thing is that I just don't know what the hell is going on yet
04:01.46 DX^ I'm more focused on the converters.. I think a solid suite of geometry converters would bring more attention to BRL-CAD
04:01.48 brlcad you should turn your g_xxx-facets.c work to a proper g-json tool
04:02.11 DX^ I will make it more robust and submit it
04:02.21 brlcad it would, we have more converters than anyone, and the hardest ones at that (iges, step, dxf, etc)
04:02.58 DX^ an export to COLLADA would be immensely powerful, but that spec is confusing as all hell
04:03.36 brlcad for what it's worth, your tracker item hasn't been commented on mostly because the library that iges-g is using there is undergoing a massive review for robustness/stability
04:03.43 brlcad collada would be easy
04:04.39 DX^ think so?
04:04.54 brlcad there's an MIT-licensed SDK, so it would just be a matter of wiring it up
04:05.02 brlcad no more complicated than writing json really
04:05.14 DX^ hmm I'll look into the SDK
04:05.21 DX^ another problem I was having is finding the top level object
04:05.33 DX^ I got it from mged, but its kind of confusing that you have to type it in manually at the command line
04:05.48 brlcad common point of confusion for new users
04:05.58 DX^ I get the robustness of having it typed in, but shouldn't it default to all objects if the arg is omitted?
04:06.11 brlcad there's a todo-item to make all of the converters work on all top-level objects by default, but that's pretty low priority
04:06.47 brlcad one of the reasons (though not the whole story) is that many formats only have support for single object export
04:06.51 brlcad e.g., stl
04:07.32 brlcad so do you export one of the top-levels, which one? combine all of them into a new top-level and export that? it's not well-defined
04:07.47 brlcad so the user has to learn what their situation is and decide
04:08.38 brlcad not great, but not terrible -- everyone figures it out pretty quickly, even faster if they go through any of the intro tutorials
04:13.57 DX^ yeah I certainly understand the dilemma
04:14.06 DX^ perhaps list all top level objects and allow the user to choose one
04:14.07 DX^ ?
04:14.22 DX^ or write each one to a separate file
04:21.03 brlcad yeah, ideally you'd just write each one to a separate file and make the usage default to specifying a filename template so it's defined and not surprising
04:21.13 brlcad and scriptable
04:21.44 brlcad not an insurmountable problem, just nobody working in that particular area at the moment -- sounds like a great patch though ;)
04:22.08 brlcad src/libged/tops.c shows how to get a list of top-level objects
04:22.23 brlcad plenty of folks here to help walk through code
04:23.41 brlcad ``Erik: the very first error on the mac issues file is a failure in metaball.c saying parameter mismatch. they match here, so maybe not up-to-date or something? many of the errors that followed were just cascade failures from librt not compiling
04:52.25 ``Erik I looked at it and the types all looked correct, I'd verified with svn revert and svn diff before running that build... I just recall lots of signed/unsigned, lots of %lu vs size_t, and lots of unused parameter stuff showing up *shrug* I'll look at it some more tomorrow after the GS meeting
05:03.29 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42207 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/slave.c: another BU_STR_EQUAL() conversion
05:03.54 brlcad the linux log looks valid
05:04.15 brlcad for whatever reason, the machine I tested isn't kicking those out with my build
05:04.55 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42208 10/brlcad/trunk/src/burst/ (burst.c error.c fb.c ui.c): a lot more manual BU_STR_EQUAL conversions
05:06.59 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42209 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ (6 files): fix a slew of warnings from erik's linux build log. don't ignore the return values from fread/fwrite/read/write/scanf.
05:07.58 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42210 10/brlcad/trunk/src/fb/ (cat-fb.c fb-bw.c pl-fb.c pp-fb.c): more fixing of warnings from erik's linux build log. don't ignore the return values from fread/fwrite/read/write/scanf.
05:08.18 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42211 10/brlcad/trunk/src/bwish/cmd.c: BU_STR_EQUAL
05:08.42 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42212 10/brlcad/trunk/src/anim/chan_permute.c: strcmp -> BU_STR_EQUAL
05:09.45 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42213 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ remove strict flags until all i/o funcs have return values checked
05:37.34 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
05:37.34 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
05:38.23 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42214 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ (29 files): fix the remainder of the fread/fwrite/scanf/read/write return value warnings, adding simple diagnostic perror() error reporting if a failure is detected.
05:42.42 brlcad awesome, only about 3000 issues remaining (TOTAL)
05:43.25 brlcad should compile 7.0 to see how far we've come along
05:44.06 brlcad ``Erik: that should be all of the linux error issues unless I missed something
05:46.32 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42215 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/readglobal.c: another COMMA case
06:33.46 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42216 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (77 files in 32 dirs): mass conversion from \!strcmp() to rossberg's newly added bu_strcmp() via the related BU_STR_EQUAL() macro. improved readability. 300+ calls modified.
07:05.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42217 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ pixcmp and pixblend missing from dist
07:06.19 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42218 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/ bntester.dat missing from dist
07:08.11 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42219 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tktable/ misc directory is missing from dist
07:10.50 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42220 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libz/ another trailing slash missing
07:25.21 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42221 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (146 files in 29 dirs): another even massiver conversion from strcmp()==0 to rossberg's newly added bu_strcmp() via the related BU_STR_EQUAL() macro. improved readability and consistency. 800+ calls modified.
07:39.06 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
07:44.28 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42222 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (27 files in 12 dirs): a smaller conversion from strcmp()!=0 to rossberg's newly added bu_strcmp() via the related BU_STR_EQUAL() macro. improved readability and consistency. 70+ calls.
07:56.47 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42223 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (9 files in 7 dirs): even smaller conversion from strcmp()==0 to rossberg's newly added bu_strcmp() via the related BU_STR_EQUAL() macro. improved readability and consistency. 20+ calls.
07:58.38 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42224 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/tedit.c: what the hell.. !(!(!(really???)))
08:09.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42225 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (17 files in 6 dirs): more conversion from !strcmp() to rossbergs new bu_strcmp() func via the related BU_STR_EQUAL() macro. improved readability and consistency. 30+calls.
08:22.45 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42226 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (12 files in 8 dirs): handle a few more strcmp cases where the value returned is indeed important, so convert to bu_strcmp() intead of macro.
08:33.56 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42227 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (38 files in 14 dirs): and yet even more. set !BU_STR_EQUAL() for handling a few remaining strcmp cases used to test for non-matching.
08:36.12 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42228 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: prevent null crashes and improve readability. strcmp() gets added to the avoidance list.
08:40.17 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42229 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: add distribution test for the HACKING-listed functions/globals to be avoided in favor of bu_* routines
08:44.14 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42230 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ ( fonts/):
08:44.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: might as well disable the fonts for now until it's time for them to be actively
08:44.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: worked on. hopefully by then cmake system will be up and running and we won't
08:44.16 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: have to fix the distcheck failure due to spaces in names. otherwise, revision
08:44.16 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: history will hold them in trust even if their web sources asplode.
08:54.30 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
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13:34.09 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
13:36.21 d_rossberg compiler error on debian squeeze: primitives/arbn/arbn.c:1026: error: format '%lu' expects type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'size_t'
13:41.23 starseeker anybody know if we can convert cline primitives to something else?
13:47.34 brlcad d_rossberg: short fix is just to cast since %z isn't really portable
13:49.50 d_rossberg starseeker: cmake's INSTALL ignores BRLCAD_PREFIX, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is empty
13:50.26 brlcad d_rossberg: or --disable-warnings if you have other things to deal with :)
14:06.04 brlcad looks like I did quite a bang-up job last night .. and now I can reproduce erik's failures on linux (had to be optimized, I think)
14:06.20 brlcad kicks CIA-43
14:06.21 CIA-43 ow
14:06.49 brlcad at least a dozen commits its not reporting
14:12.30 d_rossberg it looks like CIA-43 is still asleep
14:12.38 brlcad doing a review on all of the %lu's now
14:13.10 starseeker brlcad: what about incorporating some printing logic that does handle %z into libbu?
14:13.25 brlcad starseeker: we already handle %z in libbu
14:13.57 brlcad I really don't want to wrap every single call to scanf/sscanf/printf/fprintf/...
14:14.07 starseeker ah
14:33.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42231 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpkg/pkg.c: libpkg doesn't depend on libbu
14:44.49 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42232 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: error: macro bu_strcmp passed 2 arguments, but takes just 1. now it takes 2.
14:47.57 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42233 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/fast4-g.c: oops, there is no bu_strlen()
14:50.52 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42234 10/brlcad/trunk/src/irprep/irdisp.c: need bu.h
14:51.05 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42235 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/g_diff.c: renamed everyone except the first, ret_eq.
14:53.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42236 10/brlcad/trunk/src/sig/ (d-a.c dwin.c ihist.c): more that need bu.h
14:54.27 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42237 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pixrect.c: helps to actually set the variable.
14:54.37 brlcad heh, cia must be really overloaded
14:55.39 brlcad yeah, looks like someone rebased a git repo (it ends up replaying all commits)
14:57.04 starseeker ow
14:58.18 brlcad ah, fork of mandriva linux
15:03.06 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r42238 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/BrlcadCore.def: export the new bu_strcmpm() too
15:06.01 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
15:07.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r42239 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/CMakeLists.txt: fixed CMake configuration for library-testing tools
15:31.24 brlcad starseeker: I just noticed your changes to the mged/bwish startup .. remind me what was the issue was there?
15:33.00 starseeker basically I did a fair bit of reworking of how libtclcad was setting paths - I don't know that I did the right thing, but the upshot for mged was I made changes to bwish to accomidate my changes to tclcad but never went back around and did it for mged
15:33.13 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42240 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (374 files in 75 dirs): Update cmake branch to trunk r42239
15:33.21 brlcad reason I ask is because setting tclcad_auto_path() is a crutch, one that shouldn't be needed, so the code was trying to start without it before, then retrying if that fails -- new code seems to just punt
15:34.00 starseeker uh. maybe I'm abusing the mechanism, but package require mechanisms need the extra paths...
15:34.48 starseeker except for archer, it's working pretty reliably now
15:34.56 brlcad package require needs them because they've not been setup correctly
15:34.59 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42241 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/tclscripts/CMakeLists.txt: nirt subdirectory is no more.
15:35.32 starseeker by "set up correctly" do you mean placed where Tcl will seem them by default?
15:35.53 brlcad something to that effect, but not necessarily a system installed path
15:36.20 brlcad using one of tcl's various searching rules, a means to specify beyond auto_path
15:36.40 starseeker where are those rules defined?
15:36.54 starseeker I had a heck of a time trying to figure out what governed search paths
15:36.58 brlcad technically, we should be able to get away with one init_mged.tcl and with the right pkgIndex.tcl and tclIndex files, everything is found
15:37.29 brlcad tclcad_auto_path() is the painful way to do all that in C code
15:37.51 brlcad embedding search dirs into C code isn't a good idea
15:38.28 starseeker sure - I thought about just having tclcad_autopath point to one guaranteed to be there tcl file to do all the path extensions...
15:38.56 starseeker but figured I'd stay as close as i could to our current setup while doing what I wanted to do with it
15:41.00 brlcad as close to current would have left the two-pass loop -- that seems unrelated to any changes made in tclcad_auto_path()
15:41.42 brlcad why was mged failing as it was written?
15:41.56 brlcad (that prompted r42244)
15:49.56 starseeker without tclcad_auto_path, auto_path had only the install directories
15:50.56 starseeker it got as far as trying to load libitcl.dylib from the install directory and wiped out
15:52.07 starseeker however those initial pre-tccad_auto_path paths are being set, even running from the build dir it was picking up the installed directory's paths
15:53.40 starseeker that's why it succeeds if I remove the install dir - without the install dir in place, auto_path ends up populated with the build dir paths
15:55.38 starseeker rather than depend on the black magic that seems to be the Tcl paths, I used the tclcad_auto_path mechanism to always ensure it was looking where it needed to look, based on current conditions
15:57.26 starseeker the question of course is how a build dir execution of ./bin/mged was getting the install paths - I've been searching
15:58.46 starseeker my best guess is the Tcl_FindExecutable("mged") line - if that's picking up the system path mged, it's pulling in the wrong lib paths
15:59.22 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42242 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/conv/fast4-g.c: bu_strlen undefined, not seeing it in libbu - probably something going on, use strlen for now in cmake branch.
16:02.05 brlcad starseeker: but there's part of my confusion -- if init failed without tclcad_auto_path() (e.g. libitcl.dylib not loading), the very next thing it should have been trying was to run tclcad_auto_path() to try again -- or are you saying the second pass also failed?
16:02.46 starseeker I'm saying the first pass crashed - it never got to the second pass. It crashed somewhere in Tcl itself
16:03.55 brlcad that sounds familiar, there was a bug in earlier versions of tcl that necessitated a private Tcl library call in order to not crash
16:05.43 brlcad my biggest concern is complacency because if it works, nobody is going to go back and look at the init code until something breaks yet again
16:06.21 brlcad I don't have a big problem with the change, but do want to make sure we are moving closer towards no tclcad_auto_path and no btclsh/bwish .. not tighter assumed/required coupling
16:06.23 starseeker that's why I thought the tclcad_auto_path approach might be worthwhile - then we don't care what Tcl is doing, because we're feeding it exactly what we know it needs
16:06.32 starseeker oh
16:07.07 brlcad what you mentioned about calling a tcl init and having all the logic there would be a great decoupling
16:07.30 brlcad theoretically, we could embed a generic Tcl_Interp(), load that file, and have everything we need
16:07.40 brlcad that's the cleanliness goal
16:07.40 starseeker nods
16:08.00 starseeker OK, that's probably doable - I had assumed there were reasons we weren't trying that
16:08.23 starseeker Bu_Init, Bn_Init and friends are definitely C...
16:08.43 starseeker although even there we could probably make a package require mechanism that would work
16:08.47 brlcad those are one step closer towards "package require bu", "package require bn"
16:08.50 starseeker did it for isst after all
16:08.55 starseeker nods
16:09.10 starseeker I can work towards package require bu if that's the goal - I'd vastly prefer that
16:09.12 brlcad I believe they're actually sufficient, they just don't have a pkgIndex.tcl file
16:09.19 starseeker messing with the C underbelly of Tcl is nasty
16:10.42 brlcad mged should just "package require brlcad" or something similar, and have our core libs load up as sub-packages including bu, bn, rt, wdb, ged
16:12.02 starseeker yeah, $5 that's it - bu_getprogname is returning mged, which in turn is causing Tcl_FindExecutable to find the installed mged (which is in the path) and populate based on the installed exe name, not the local one
16:12.53 starseeker if mged isn't installed, Tcl_FindExecutable isn't coming back with anything usable (or possibly it's finding /usr/brlcad/bin/mged and is smart enough not to use that, not sure which)
16:13.29 starseeker since there's nothing, Itcl fails to load and it comes back around for the auto_path enhancements (which does work)
16:15.57 starseeker bingo. If I force-feed Tcl_FindExecutable the full path to the build-dir mged, it works
16:22.38 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42243 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (gtools/g_diff.c tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl): Restore some CMake branch tweaks I wiped out with the previous update.
16:40.57 brlcad starseeker: there's a separate bu routine to get the full path so perhaps the bug is calling bu_getprogname()
16:41.42 brlcad bu_argv0_full_path()
16:42.50 brlcad I believe bu_getprogname() was set up to mirror what getprogname() returns, which is just the name instead of the full path
16:47.00 brlcad <PROTECTED>
16:47.00 brlcad <PROTECTED>
16:47.01 brlcad Failures: 95595 NMG, 99486 BoT
16:47.01 brlcad NMG conversion: 84.2% (508474 of 604069 objects)
16:47.01 brlcad BoT conversion: 83.5% (504583 of 604069 objects)
16:47.03 brlcad <PROTECTED>
16:47.07 brlcad hehe, that's just terrible :)
17:00.14 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42244 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/mged/setup.c:
17:00.14 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: <smack> why'd I fix the bwish startup to account for the changes to the
17:00.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: libtclcad logic but not mged? Make mged init look more like the bwish init -
17:00.15 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: this whole setup probably needs review but mged should at least behave better
17:00.16 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: now. Archer still isn't happy yet.
17:10.25 brlcad poor CIA
17:11.10 brlcad an hour and a half behind
17:34.32 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:39.10 brlcad downloads 7.0.2
18:05.06 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42245 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/mged/setup.c: OK, revert to the previous two pass code, but use bu_argv0_full_path instead of bu_getprogname to prevent the build dir mged from getting the path info from the installed mged.
18:07.04 starseeker returns from lunch
18:07.28 starseeker brlcad: yeah, stumbled onto argv0 and tested - works
18:07.38 starseeker oh, heh - there's the commit message
18:30.50 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42246 10/brlcad/trunk/src/halftone/main.c: fb.h for fb_common_file_size()
18:44.51 starseeker ah, there we go - thanks Sean for the examples of how to do it right. Archer now runs from the build dir
18:52.57 brlcad awesome
19:04.20 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42247 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/bwish/ (cadAppInit.c main.c):
19:04.24 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: Migrate the btclsh/bwish logic back closer to the trunk. Of course, if we get
19:04.24 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: proper package require handling working for all of BRL-CAD these may reduce
19:04.25 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: entirely to setting up tcl and loading one .tcl file, but that's for later.
19:05.52 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42248 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/archer/ (CMakeLists.txt archer): Follow Sean's lead with making Archer better about looking for files - archer now runs successfully from the build dir.
19:14.34 brlcad ahh, I remember those days... 7.0 built in about 2 min :)
19:15.23 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r42249 10/rt^3/trunk/src/other/sqlite_3_7_4/CMakeLists.txt: conditionalize libdl based on OS (should probably be an explicit test eventually)
19:24.41 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42250 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
19:24.42 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: myself, daniel, and cliff arrived at a(n unverified) fix for the mged crash
19:24.42 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: reported by tom browder on the devel mailing list where it'd crash if you didn't
19:24.43 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: have one of the default editors installed due to unreliable strcmp() behavior
19:24.43 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: when provided NULL arguments. fix was propagated throughout brl-cad code with
19:24.50 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: new bu_strcmp() interface from daniel.
19:39.18 starseeker hmm... may have spoken too soon
19:40.57 starseeker archer is using /usr/brlcad/ files
19:52.46 starseeker brlcad: I must still be doing something wrong :-(
19:56.43 brlcad starseeker: you can verify before by kicking of btclsh and running the same commands, test bu_brlcad_data with the parameters provided, for example
19:58.53 starseeker <PROTECTED>
19:58.54 starseeker btclsh> bu_brlcad_data tclscripts
19:58.54 starseeker /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts
19:58.54 starseeker btclsh> bu_brlcad_data src
19:58.54 starseeker ./src
19:59.13 brlcad yeah, that's the issue
19:59.21 brlcad bu_brlcad_data tclscripts on trunk doesn't do that
19:59.37 brlcad so something's different
20:00.01 starseeker gotta be me messing with libtclcad
20:00.04 brlcad sushi:~/brlcad morrison$ src/bwish/btclsh
20:00.04 brlcad Using Tcl library at /Users/morrison/brlcad/src/other/tcl/library
20:00.04 brlcad btclsh> bu_brlcad_data tclscripts
20:00.07 brlcad ./src/tclscripts
20:07.44 brlcad starseeker: you can set BU_DEBUG_PATHS to see the actual start-up search logic being used
20:08.14 starseeker is that a compile flag?
20:08.26 brlcad run-time flag
20:09.16 starseeker so just export it into the environment?
20:09.42 brlcad btclsh> set bu_debug 0x1000
20:09.42 brlcad 0x1000
20:09.42 brlcad btclsh> bu_brlcad_root .
20:09.42 brlcad bu_brlcad_root: searching for [.]
20:09.42 brlcad Does [/usr/brlcad/dev-7.18.1] exist? NO
20:09.44 brlcad Does [lt-btclsh] exist? NO
20:09.47 brlcad Does [/usr/brlcad] exist? YES
20:09.50 brlcad Does [/usr/brlcad/.] exist? YES
20:09.52 brlcad Found: /usr/brlcad default path [/usr/brlcad/.]
20:09.55 brlcad /usr/brlcad/.
20:09.57 brlcad btclsh>
20:10.12 starseeker O.o - would never have thought of set bu_debug 0x1000
20:10.28 brlcad all the bu_debug flags are listed in bu.h
20:10.47 brlcad almost every tool exposes debug flags through -x and -X command-line options
20:11.10 starseeker the 0x1000 is a hex value?
20:12.45 brlcad yeah
20:12.57 brlcad -\! for bu debugging on most commands
20:13.14 starseeker brlcad: what's the sequence in your build tree for the search?
20:13.29 brlcad rt -\!0x1 sets coredumping, for example
20:13.39 brlcad which search?
20:13.46 starseeker the bu_debug
20:13.52 starseeker root
20:14.22 brlcad sequence for what though?
20:14.47 starseeker I guess it finds lt-btclsh before /usr/brlcad?
20:15.18 starseeker nevermind - I'll build trunk
20:18.46 brlcad
20:20.39 starseeker thanks :-)
20:21.16 starseeker ah - it's using the version number of brlcad
20:21.36 starseeker that could be one of my problems
20:22.23 starseeker checks to see whether he incorporated version numbers into his data setup...
20:22.25 brlcad /usr/brlcad/dev-7.18.1 is my prefix for that build, but other prefixes should work too iirc
20:23.12 brlcad the only version incorporation are the tests on lines 3 and 53
20:23.20 brlcad the rest of the version numbers are just part of prefix
20:24.48 starseeker it's looking for share/brlcad/7.18.1 though, not share/brlcad
20:25.12 brlcad right
20:25.43 brlcad src/libbu/brlcad_path.c
20:27.52 brlcad uses BRLCAD_DATA if set, or BRLCAD_ROOT/share/brlcad/VERSION if unset .. those two should match, though since BRLCAD_DATA == ${bc_prefix}/share/brlcad/${BRLCAD_VERSION}
20:27.58 brlcad from m4/prefix.m4
20:28.53 starseeker here's what I'm seeing:
20:28.54 starseeker
20:29.16 brlcad remember intentionally configuring the search logic so that there was a highly minimized chance of getting the wrong install of something, unless there really was just nothing else left to try
20:31.48 brlcad if you have a /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts then that sounds like that's a problem -- it's already so far down the failure list that it thinks it found a usable install
20:32.47 brlcad s/a problem/the problem/ .. if you actually have an install in the standard install place, then it's going to prefer that before it attempts to fall back on source installations
20:33.06 starseeker great. I can't do anything about that
20:33.09 brlcad it has to do that for proper user behavior, their paths come first, then devs
20:33.21 starseeker isn't sure he agrees
20:33.39 starseeker would expect to try local files first, then installed
20:33.43 brlcad I'm not sure I understand why you have a /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts in the first place..
20:34.24 brlcad that'd be a security vulnerability
20:34.35 brlcad applications that try local files first can be easily exploited
20:35.32 starseeker but if we're running from a build directory, isn't using files in that build directory first reasonable?
20:36.04 starseeker I agree if the binary is installed that makes sense, but if it's not installed...
20:36.05 brlcad sure, but there's no reliable way to tell you're running from a build directory or someone who actually installed into their build directory
20:36.21 brlcad your build directory is another person's home directory
20:37.13 starseeker huh? I've never seen anyone build using their homem directory toplevel
20:37.32 brlcad build *into* thier home somewhere
20:38.05 starseeker sure - but if the build path and the install path are both known to the program, it knows exactly when it is installed and when it isn't
20:38.07 brlcad I've done that plenty of times, seen others do it where install dir is a subdir under brlcad/src or brlcad/ or somewhere else
20:39.04 brlcad only the compile-time install path is known
20:39.04 brlcad where the application actually ends up is not known
20:39.25 brlcad you have absolutely no guarantee that it'll end up in the install location and that's desirable (to the user) -- application relocatability
20:39.38 brlcad that's what lets you drag a mac app all around and it just works
20:40.25 brlcad a lot of work went into the current setup so it similarly works in a deterministic safe manner too
20:40.46 starseeker that's really a problem for development though - you can't develop on a machine that has an installed BRL-CAD
20:41.02 brlcad I do it all the time without problem... :)
20:42.02 brlcad the log I showed you has an existing install and /usr/brlcad/{bin|share|man|etc} symlinks
20:42.53 brlcad so again, my claim is that you should not have a /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts unless you modified the install paths from what autoconf does
20:44.52 brlcad if you think the search logic should change, feel free to write it down .. but I can pretty much guarantee a use case exposed to exploit if you look for dev paths before the existing search ordering .. bu.h has the high-level ordering
20:46.10 starseeker OK, I'll buy that
20:46.22 starseeker but it means I'm stymed for now
20:48.51 brlcad not necessarily
20:49.03 brlcad the search ordering provides several ways to override
20:49.30 brlcad you still haven't read the search ordering in bu.h yet have you? :)
20:49.47 starseeker I know, the environment variables
21:09.40 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r42251 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: We need to append the BRL-CAD version to the data install dir.
21:14.42 brlcad not strictly necessary -- the only requirement I think is that BRLCAD_ROOT/share/* should not be the same as BRLCAD_DATA/*
21:15.02 brlcad though having the version does match the autotools build presently
21:15.47 brlcad it's on the build-system-to-do list, though to sort out multi-version installs vs single-version install defaults. right now it's a mix of the two.
21:17.40 starseeker well, if you have a scheme in mind now's the time :-)
21:17.51 starseeker is about ready to rip his hair out
21:18.01 brlcad having a build option so that it will default to /usr/brlcad/{rel|dev}-VERSION for ROOT with DATA being simple "ROOT/share/brlcad" ;; and another option that inverts the version so you can install into ROOT as /usr/brlcad with DATA as ROOT/share/brlcad/VERSION
21:18.58 brlcad the latter being the one that would allow multi-version installs into a /usr prefix for example
21:21.22 starseeker nods
21:23.50 brlcad would be nice to have a version management system like 'alternatives' where there's a base root (e.g. /usr or /usr/brlcad) that has symlinks IN /usr/bin or /usr/brlcad/bin to some other place like /usr/share/brlcad/rel-7.20.2/bin/ and you could toggle the symlinks to different versions installed in a given location
21:24.40 starseeker could probably add an option to add or not add the symlinks
21:27.01 starseeker brlcad: if I may, a stupid question - why do the debug flags require setting via hex numbers?
21:30.41 ``Erik debug flags are designed as bit masks, so it's easiest to refer to them in hex... dunno if the parser can take decimal, but bitwise ANDing 32768 and 256 can be a bit tedious
22:14.19 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42252 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/nastran-g.c: replace commas with a #define COMMA since multichar string literals are not valid to the preprocessor and will be caught more easily during compilation if they get expanded with a space.
22:15.41 brlcad starseeker: they are scanf("%x") iirc
22:18.40 brlcad plus they are recorded in bu.h and raytrace.h in hex format where they are compact and it's easy to make sure there is no bitwise overlap -- so what you see in the public header is what you can feed to the application
22:41.59 starseeker combines environment variable overrides with a test of a local share directory and sees (mostly) success
22:42.32 starseeker so be it - the build tree will become a duplicate of the install tree, insofar as it's possible/sensible
23:04.13 brlcad awesome, that'll make it really easy to test out a
23:31.28 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42253 10/brlcad/trunk/src/fb/ (cat-fb.c fbcolor.c pl-fb.c): more COMMA preprocessor conversions for safety
23:32.19 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r42254 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (21 files in 13 dirs): cast size_t's to unsigned long ints during printing, use %zu if it's a bu_log or other bu_* routine since they have support for the 'z' size_t specifier.

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