IRC log for #brlcad on 20110208

00:32.33 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43103 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/TODO.cmake: Add todo note for XCode
01:14.48 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43104 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: try ORIGIN first - if the binary is running locally, pulling a system lib would be both subtly unexpected and potentially subtly wrong.
01:47.14 *** part/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
01:52.31 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
02:03.14 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43105 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt: quote the flag string - it's not a list in the CMake sense
02:05.11 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
02:10.02 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
02:12.37 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43106 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (INSTALL README Start working on docs - part way through install, but there are a lot of options to cover...
02:27.22 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43107 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/CMakeLists.txt:
02:27.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: Was right the first time - can't be sure what impact symbolic links and the
02:27.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: links may have on ORIGIN. Have to go with the install path first, and just make
02:27.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: sure it doesn't conflict with a system path if the idea is to make something
02:27.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: relocatable.
03:53.51 brlcad starseeker: that bug doesn't seem entirely relevant
03:54.27 brlcad or did you hit the "unimplemented" message?
03:55.01 brlcad either way, a different fix is likely going to be needed -- merging that back to trunk will likely break optimized (strict) build
03:59.01 brlcad s/likely/should/
03:59.22 brlcad that was specifically added to fix an inline failure
04:07.06 starseeker I hit the unimplemented message
04:07.11 starseeker refused to compile at all
04:38.38 *** join/#brlcad jmoore (
04:45.24 jmoore Hi. Is their a simple way to get a list of leaf's and combs using c? tying to duplicate the functionality ls in mged for use in another function. I found the tree walk function but they take a starting dir and I am having truble figering out how to exrract all of the used ones in dbi_Head
04:56.27 brlcad starseeker: goes without saying, though, that another fix will be needed -- you just shifted the failure from one platform over to another
04:57.55 brlcad jmoore: there are about a half dozen differen tree walkers for that purpose -- you can see how the ls command does it, for example, in src/libged/ls.c (ged_ls())
04:59.34 brlcad the src/libged commands build on top of the underlying librt API
05:01.01 brlcad jmoore: probably more useful than the ls command, however, is the "l" aka "list" command -- src/libged/list.c
05:01.45 brlcad ends up calling rt_functab[id].ft_describe() which writes the listing to a string
05:02.17 jmoore thanks
05:03.29 brlcad jmoore: have you seen this:
05:04.10 brlcad not entirely what you're asking as you don't need to walk recursively to just display members of a combinatino
05:08.19 brlcad jmore: db_lookup() + rt_db_get_internal() + db_flatten_tree() will give you a simple array of the combination elements listing the CSG operator and the name of the object
05:08.50 jmoore No I had not. I looks like a starting point good you all redy have a base shape's name.
05:10.00 brlcad a couple more useful dev resources including a ray-shooting example at
05:10.08 jmoore been piling threw
05:10.16 jmoore
05:11.13 brlcad it's a huge API to traverse that way -- encourage you to ask questions here or on the devel mailing list
05:16.08 brlcad 2000+ public functions across a dozen different libraries, numerics, generic routines, ray tracing, geometry, image processing, .... it's easy to get lost
05:17.19 jmoore k thanks.
05:17.40 jmoore that is for suer.
08:40.49 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:42.53 d_rossberg starseeker: first the good news: i was able to build ALL_BUILD in reasonable time, INSTALL it, run mged, load a database there and raytrace into a pupup window :)
08:44.20 d_rossberg and i was able to reproduce the OPENNURBS & UTAHRLE error:
08:45.45 d_rossberg after removing all from the installation directory the configuration went through
11:24.45 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
11:40.28 *** join/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
12:31.24 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
13:03.39 starseeker d_rossberg: what's happening there is the find routines are identifying previously installed BRL-CAD files
13:04.18 starseeker is your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set to C:/brlcad.cmake/aInstall ?
13:06.13 starseeker looks like the summary thinks it is...
13:10.01 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43108 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Don't try getting properties from openNURBS unless we're actually building it.
13:10.28 starseeker that may fix the error (and was legit enough) but the real issue is why it's looking in the install path
13:11.04 starseeker logic in the root CMakeLists.txt file starting line 116 is intended to prevent that
13:49.46 d_rossberg right: my CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to C:/brlcad.cmake/aInstall
13:50.31 d_rossberg my build directory is C:/brlcad.cmake/aBuild
13:51.11 d_rossberg my brlcad checkout directory is C:/brlcad.cmake (for the cmake build)
14:32.19 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43109 10/geomcore/: Since parts of rt^3 are being used, make a branch of it to thrash around in.
14:36.06 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43110 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/ (CMakeLists.txt ogre/ ois/): Don't need ogre and ois in here right now, dated anyway
14:36.55 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43111 10/geomcore/trunk/src/g3d/: This is in the other branch, not the focus of current efforts - remove from this one
14:38.17 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43112 10/geomcore/trunk/src/ (rt^3/ rt^3d/ rt^3dbd/ scratch/): Not added by CMakeLists.txt, confusingly named - remove
15:01.11 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r43113 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ ( add the option to build openSUSE rpm packages
15:12.20 *** join/#brlcad Zaebos (
15:39.45 dloman oh, one last thing starseeker and ``Erik : No laughing at my code, I have thin skin and a violent temper!
15:39.49 dloman =D
15:39.56 starseeker you too?
15:40.06 ``Erik I laugh at everyones code, even my own :D
15:41.16 starseeker dloman: is the signals and slots TODO taken care of?
15:41.39 dloman quite likely
15:41.48 starseeker k - rewording to make more general
15:41.53 dloman i haven't been keeping that file uptodate
15:43.36 dloman checks out Geomcore....
15:43.43 dloman ...slowly, lol
15:43.53 starseeker should be faster without ogre in there...
15:44.27 dloman yeah, it is. Network pipe or SF is slow though.
15:44.46 dloman I keep my personal projects/code on a friends server... svn is wiked fast.
15:44.57 dloman only has to deal with 10 or so projects, nothing like SF's load
15:44.57 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2462 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: article on rpm/deb efforts by jordi
15:45.12 dloman so.... Im super spoiled and think that SF svn is wicked slow
15:45.18 starseeker heh
15:45.28 starseeker it is a bit slow, must admit
15:45.53 brlcad svn from is slow, but it still far beats having to manage it ourselves
15:47.14 brlcad server availability, svn upgrades, security, web services, hardware backup recovery, ... lots of "one less thing" to worry about at the cost of a little waiting during update/checkin
15:47.39 dloman roger that. Just sayin' =D
15:48.00 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43114 10/geomcore/trunk/ (AUTHORS COPYING HACKING INSTALL NEWS README TODO): Lot more to do here - quick scrub to set up focus on geometry engine and geometry server.
15:48.28 brlcad it actually encourages better commit practices, since the delay is worse with bigger commits
15:48.54 brlcad smaller frequent commits and the delays aren't really an issue, especially svn commit -m "asdf" &
15:49.10 starseeker true
15:49.15 starseeker hadn't thought of that
15:51.39 dloman brlcad: I'm spreading the infection. Got a friend in WA hooked on Zombie Trailer Park now :)
15:51.55 brlcad excellent
15:52.01 dloman and he works at MS with a bunch of guys, so lets see how viral it will go!
15:52.06 brlcad dloman: beat level 4 yet?
15:52.11 dloman ha, nope.
15:52.39 dloman verizon started screwing with the lines in my development yesterday afternoon. Internet and phone dropped out around 3pm :/
15:54.52 starseeker dloman: are the docs you've been working on the last couple weeks in the docs subdirectory, or just on the wiki?
15:56.03 dloman been keeping thr graphics in the docs dir, text on the wiki
15:56.10 dloman s/thr/the/
15:56.37 starseeker dloman: k. I may snarf it and stick in docbook, if that's OK
15:56.57 dloman sure, they were quickei photochop's, so take that for what it is :)
15:57.15 starseeker no problem :-)
15:57.38 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03ronaldbowers * r43115 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/main/java/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ (5 files): - splitting GeometryService into basic functionality and a caching layer. The caching will be relocated to Gomez.
16:02.56 dloman ``Erik: would it be good/bad practice to make a dir (save level as src/) to hold all the 'interface' libs?
16:03.21 ``Erik um, ya mean src/client/{c,java,python,ruby}/ ?
16:03.43 dloman ya those
16:03.54 dloman or would src/interfaces/* be better?
16:05.02 ``Erik d'no *shrug*
16:05.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43116 10/geomcore/trunk/src/client/ (CMakeLists.txt c/ c/CMakeLists.txt c/gsclient.c c/gsclient.h): C stuff stubbed
16:12.32 dloman preference?
16:12.48 starseeker likes interfaces
16:30.08 dloman ``Erik: preference?
17:45.35 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
17:56.13 ``Erik have none
17:57.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43117 10/geomcore/trunk/src/ (client/ interfaces/): move client to interfaces
17:58.49 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43118 10/geomcore/trunk/src/CMakeLists.txt: Update build reference
18:10.08 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43119 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Try finline-limit expansion instead of the always_inline attribute - perhaps this will be more portable
18:10.28 dloman okie then
18:10.53 dloman starseeker: we dropping coreInterface out of Geomcore?
18:14.27 starseeker dloman: uh, whoops - did I chop too much?
18:15.05 dloman nope. Just saw coreInterface in geomcore/src and figured i'd ask.
18:15.19 starseeker are we using it?
18:15.31 dloman not to my knowledge
18:16.06 starseeker um... not sure about that one yet. It's not a slam dunk the way ogre was
18:16.30 dloman okie, no worries. like I said, just askin.
18:16.47 starseeker nods - fair question, I just don't know enough to answer it yet
18:23.34 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43120 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/README: Add README with small blurb about intent and design
18:23.58 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43121 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/CMakeLists.txt: Removed iBME verbage. Stopped using that acronym a while ago as it doesn't describe the GS project correctly.
18:25.18 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43122 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/ (. org/ org/brlcad/ org/brlcad/geometryservice/): Add in packages
18:25.39 dloman Hrm. Should the interfaces ALL bewired into cmake? That might make the cmake build a living hell....
18:26.02 starseeker dloman: how so?
18:26.38 dloman ruby, java, etc... wouldn't cmake need to know how to compile all of those languages? ...or does it already?
18:26.55 ``Erik ruby isn't compiled, there're hacks to call javac for java
18:27.08 ``Erik (but not all machines necessarily have java)
18:27.16 dloman well that's my point.
18:27.28 starseeker you conditionalize on finding java - BRL-CAD cmake build already does that
18:27.33 dloman plus, those that do might not have the same java.... but thats a different can of worms.
18:28.02 starseeker dloman: don't worry too much - we have to do SOMETHING to build them all, and CMake is probably as good as any
18:28.04 ``Erik well, I'd hope the implementation would be in java 1.4, which should be an ok baseline for everywhere
18:28.26 dloman the other angle i was thinking about was: if someone is looking for an interface to the GS, they might not be interested building the rest of hte code.
18:29.05 ``Erik so'z they copy the file(s) and wire them into their own build systems? :)
18:29.14 starseeker OPTION(ENABLE_INTERFACES "Enable external language interfaces" OFF)
18:29.24 dloman okie.
18:29.58 dloman just thinking about 'should the interfaces be wired into the main build or not' ...thats all :)
18:30.09 starseeker nods - it's OK if they aren't initially
18:30.48 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43123 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/ (. src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ Move GSClient into proper package structure.
18:31.00 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43124 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GE/CMakeLists.txt: no QT used here, remove flags for it
18:38.29 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43125 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/README: Keep it simple and, rather than copy classes that are under development, make jBRLCAD an dependency. Hopefully this will change in the near future.
18:40.36 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43126 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/test/ (. org/ org/brlcad/ org/brlcad/geometryservice/): Add in test dir structure
18:42.14 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43127 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ (. msg/): Add in net and net.msg packages for upcoming work on implementing the GSNet protocol in java.
18:58.06 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43128 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/auto-props.cfg: Add an autoprops file
19:08.03 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43129 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ ( Create dedicated statics class. Move statics into it.
19:13.01 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43130 10/geomcore/trunk/src/ (date/CMakeLists.txt libPkgCpp/CMakeLists.txt): remove unnecessary QT references
19:26.39 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r43131 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Override ArcherCore::zap
19:28.28 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43132 10/geomcore/trunk/src/date/: Remove date - not been used in a while, and if it's for build config we have other approaches
19:32.05 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43133 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ (3 files): Add in ByteBuffer helper classes. These will be needed for serialization/deserialization of AbstractNetMsg subclasses.
19:36.10 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43134 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ ( Add read/write support for java's UUID to ByteBuffer helper classes.
19:37.10 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43135 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/ (CMakeLists.txt sqlite/ sqlite_3_7_4/): Let's not use the version number in the directory name
19:40.22 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43136 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ ( Add explicit read/write support for java's Boolean to ByteBuffer helper classes.
19:40.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43137 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/sqlite/ (shell.c sqlite3.c sqlite3.h): Update sqlite to sqlite-amalgamation-201101281703, add sqlite3.h
19:55.16 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43138 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ ( net/msg/ Move NetMsg types out of GSClient and into a dedicated class in the .net.msg package.
19:56.21 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43139 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ First cut at implementation of AbstractNetMsg in java.
20:02.00 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43140 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Add helper cstr to ByteBufferReader that defaults endian flip to false.
20:02.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (MK@2607:f0d0:3001:68::2)
20:04.46 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43141 10/geomcore/trunk/src/CMakeLists.txt: date is gone
20:09.18 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43142 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Stub in the skeleton for a simple netMsg factory.
20:43.08 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43143 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Stub in the first round of GSConnection work. Nowhere near functional yet, still building infrastructure.
20:43.56 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43144 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Import cleanup.
21:35.26 ``Erik cd src/libNe
21:35.28 ``Erik woops
21:38.15 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43145 10/geomcore/trunk/ (41 files in 14 dirs): Start rework of the CMake build - no longer generating libutility.h and friends, so update the code accordingly
21:47.10 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43146 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (6 files in 5 dirs): MFC 43145
22:16.15 brlcad outstanding, looks like distcheck is clean 32-bit and 64-bit now
22:16.26 brlcad starting release
22:41.08 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43147 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/uuid/ (50 files): Preliminary steps to getting off of using Qt's uuid feature - use ossp uuid, but there's a complex test for va_copy that I haven't reproduced in CMake yet.
22:46.16 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43148 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/uuid/CMakeLists.txt: give uuid a project setting. Also note that there was a change to the source of uuid_str.c - a couple of #if statements were changed to #ifdef
23:07.01 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43149 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/ (CMakeLists.txt uuid/CMakeLists.txt uuid/uuid_ac.h): Add uuid to build, also switch uuid's config.h to uuid_config.h to avoid conflicts with the main config file

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