IRC log for #brlcad on 20110209

01:00.15 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
01:45.21 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
01:53.11 starseeker ``Erik: unless BSD has done some serious hacking, APR and APR-util are mandatory for subversion
02:01.49 *** join/#brlcad dli (~dli@
02:07.28 dli hi, I wonder whether it's possible to add openGL support for brlcad, so rendering, can be in real time
02:11.30 starseeker that depends on what you mean by rendering
02:11.51 starseeker if you mean 3D shaded display, the hard part is converting our geometry to the triangles needed to feed OpenGL
02:12.15 starseeker if you mean raytracing, you may want to take a look at adrt
02:12.55 dli starseeker, raytracing is still slow, I know this part. I just mean to use more features from modern video cards
02:13.35 starseeker robust tessellation is a foundation for any shaded display using OpenGL, unless you're talking about raytracing using the GPL
02:13.39 starseeker er GPU
02:13.59 starseeker we haven't done much in the raytracing with GPU direction
02:14.22 dli starseeker, no, I don't expect raytracing on GPU, too much work :(
02:15.21 dli starseeker, so, you think it's possible. if true, it would very much exciting, CAD can be a real time simulator then
02:15.50 starseeker it's certainly possible, but robust tessellation of CSG geometry is not a simple problem
02:17.04 dli starseeker, which level is the cause of problems? conceptual, algorithm, or just have to rewrite a lot?
02:19.07 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43150 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/subversion/COPYING: Whoops - add the subversion COPYING file
02:19.22 starseeker dli: both algorithmic and lot of code to wrangle
02:19.33 starseeker take a look at the nmg code in librt to get an idea
02:20.47 dli starseeker, I will try. I hope I can understand something first
02:21.23 starseeker dli: brlcad may be able to give you a better overview of the various options and where a good starting point is
02:21.53 starseeker most of the issues I'm familiar with involving tessellation and shaded displays involve "diving off the deep end"
02:22.44 dli starseeker, yes, long time ago, I wanted to contribute to this project, but too busy at that time. now, I have should have some time for algorithm and coding
02:23.22 dli starseeker, thanks a lot, I will talk to brlcad later
02:23.33 starseeker dli: awesome :-)
02:24.09 starseeker dli: one good starting point might be to look at one of the convertors in src/conv
02:24.21 starseeker most of them invoke tessellation logic
02:24.50 dli starseeker, sure, I will try to read as much as possible, to help understanding
02:33.36 starseeker looks at the apr configure process and turns white
02:36.56 starseeker checks the subversion code a little...
02:41.07 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, there's no way they've avoided requiring apr - the entire code base is thick with apr types and calls
02:41.20 starseeker removing apr would amount to a total rewrite
03:35.52 brlcad dli: technically, we already have opengl support -- you can see it in action with a private debug setting on an opengl-enabled build
03:36.54 brlcad the problem is that the way it's currently implemented is at least np-hard, error-prone to numeric drift, slow as balls, and not robust (because it's np-hard)
03:37.25 dli brlcad, I see, so, it's not really useful as is
03:37.32 brlcad so you can either work on making it more robust (which would be fantastic, but hard) then make it faster (probably the easiest part)
03:38.10 brlcad the problem is mostly algorithmic
03:39.12 brlcad consider two overlapping spheres, for example, simply defined by a point and a radius, unioned together
03:39.16 dli brlcad, I will read the code first :)
03:40.21 brlcad current approach basically turns each of the two spheres into a set of polygons (trivial) then evaluates interior, exterior, and overlapping polygons
03:40.36 starseeker reluctantly concludes libgit2 is too immature feature wise to be an option for some time, even if we could switch horses now (which we can't)
03:40.36 brlcad that's also trivial/easy
03:41.04 dli brlcad, how could this be NP?
03:41.06 brlcad since it's a union, it throws away the interior polygons, keeps the exterior, and stitches together the overlapping ones trimming away and splicing together correctly
03:41.33 brlcad dli: I'm showing you one of the very most simple cases just for understanding of the basic algorithm
03:42.00 brlcad it's actually a relatively simple algorithm, but the devil is in the details
03:42.53 dli brlcad, because we build the geometry part by part, I suppose the complexity of adding one more primitive is O(N), for N existing primitives
03:42.57 brlcad it's not robust for a variety of problems, including floating point drift during the trimming/splicing stage but also because we're evaluating the boolean AFTER tessellating all primitives where we're no longer matching the original surface
03:43.30 brlcad that'd be linear complexity, which it is not :)
03:43.52 brlcad it's exponential to evaluate the N+1 primitive against the previous N set
03:45.24 brlcad there are tons of optimizations possible, you could get the performance down to reasonable levels with some basic space partitioning -- in fact the current code does this for some cases
03:45.31 dli brlcad, the complexity of voronoi cell analysis is N log(N), I feel it's similar
03:45.57 brlcad the problem with the approach, however, is that it's still basically a lossy approach
03:46.47 brlcad so even if you solved the robustness problem with careful numerics and consistently handling all edge cases, there are STILL going to be some comparisons that fundamentally cannot be solved without making a blind guess
03:47.00 brlcad that's where NURBS comes in
03:47.26 brlcad it's the new approach that will eventually make the current approach obsolete -- the boolean is evaluated prior to tessellation
03:48.49 brlcad instead of converting each primitive to a mesh, each is converted to a spline surface, surface-surface intersection calculations are performed (just like done with meshes, marking interior/exterior/overlapping surfaces), surfaces are trimmed according to the boolean, and the resulting *evaluated* surfaces are then trivially tessellated
03:48.51 dli brlcad, sounds very interesting to me, I feel I could contribute something here. I did molecular dynamics, genetic aglorithm, voronoi cells, and have some time for coding now
03:49.54 brlcad dli: that's fantastic, there are plenty of places you could jump in
03:50.47 dli brlcad, give me some clues :)
03:51.12 brlcad basically you can either work on our mesh support (i.e., the current approach, which will still be needed even with nurbs, for polygonal surfaces) or..
03:51.37 brlcad you can work on the various outstanding issues with our new nurbs support
03:52.36 brlcad surface-surface intersection calculations to derive an intersection curve is one problem still TBD -- robustly tessellating a nurbs surface is another
03:53.07 dli brlcad, under src/others/openNURBS/ ?
03:53.10 brlcad the mesh processing is much more approachable but will require systematically reviewing thousands and thousands of lines of code, hundreds of functions
03:53.46 brlcad depends what your exact goal is :)
03:54.33 brlcad I'd set a specific small goal and then it'll be easier to point you in the right direction towards implementing that goal
03:55.09 dli brlcad, I think I would try the surface-surface intersection first
03:55.59 brlcad okay
03:56.34 brlcad then your starting point is probably:
03:57.13 brlcad there are tons of approaches and research on the subject, but that's a good primer
03:57.55 starseeker dli: I have a few links to papers I can dig up tomorrow
03:57.57 brlcad code-wise, src/other/openNURBS is a good starting point along with where we hook openNURBS into our code for ray-tracing at src/librt/primitives/brep
03:58.24 dli starseeker, thanks
03:58.54 brlcad you're basically writing a function that takes two ON_Brep objects and returns an ON_Curve
03:59.11 brlcad or an ON_Surface or similar "intersection result"
03:59.19 starseeker dli: ah, wait - found it :-)
03:59.47 dli brlcad, nice, quite specific at this stage
04:00.13 brlcad dli: you can start with src/proc-db/brep_simple.cpp
04:00.29 brlcad that shows how one manually creates a b-rep box using openNURBS
04:01.04 brlcad you could easily extend that example to just create two surfaces, then evaluate their intersection
04:02.03 brlcad a summer student attempt this about a year and a half ago, their effort is in src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp
04:02.20 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43151 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/subversion/CMake/ThirdParty.cmake:
04:02.20 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: Chop third party macro stuff down to just autoconf - need to sync with the newer
04:02.20 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: one in BRL-CAD, but this has specific improvements to the autoconf routines that
04:02.20 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: will need to be merged back into the main version (BRL-CAD trunk no longer does
04:02.20 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: third party builds with autoconf, but apr and friends look to be very difficult
04:02.21 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: conversion prospects for CMake.)
04:03.09 dli brlcad, good enough :) so, I will read the brep_simple.cpp, and figure out the data structures, then, write a function to to find intersection of two ON_Brep objects
04:03.30 starseeker brlcad: we may have to settle for building apr using their Visual Studio files on Windows as a precursor to building our subversion stuff - I don't know that I've found any successful examples of external projects in Visual Studio, although I can't yet say that for certain
04:08.55 brlcad more info at or with more rigor (he's published an update in 1997, but don't have a link for it)
04:09.53 brlcad starseeker: not worried about external deps for GS until it's fully implemented -- dev rule can simply be "install it first" in the meantime
04:10.06 dli brlcad, got them. some reading time now
04:10.26 brlcad run cmake test(s), if not found -- print a message saying they need to install it
04:11.30 brlcad build system integration isn't an issue until it's time for public deployment (which isn't on the table this year)
04:11.38 brlcad dli: great
04:17.37 brlcad dli, if you start making progress on code, let me know and we can get you set up with commit access so your efforts can be incrementally visible to others, traceable, and easier to understand the end-result
04:18.31 dli brlcad, sure, we will see :)
04:25.55 *** join/#brlcad jmoore (
04:25.55 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
04:25.55 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
04:25.55 *** join/#brlcad kanzure (~kanzure@
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04:30.27 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (~IriX64@
04:32.38 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
05:26.40 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43152 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: include write-up highlights for 7.18.2 emphasizing the v4 compatibility work along with the platform integration efforts from new contributor jordi sayol.
05:28.08 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43153 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: jordi also improved platform support on Fedora, so call it out. leave openSUSE for the next release since it's not as well-tested.
05:31.51 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43154 10/brlcad/trunk/include/conf/PATCH: bump patch to .2 for release 7.18.2, final stages
05:32.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43155 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: update ChangeLog for release 7.18.2
05:42.04 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2463 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: initial notes for 7.18.2
05:44.38 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2464 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: not a pre section
06:09.59 *** join/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
06:15.41 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2465 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: /* Sean Morrison: Release 7.18.2 */ expand, reorganize, and reword accordingly
06:15.58 brlcad gah, svn: Revision 43155 doesn't match existing revision 43150 in 'src/other/togl'
06:17.28 brlcad that's why it's bad to delete and readd directories, even when updating revisions -- they have to be merged
06:20.06 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2466 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: /* Sean Morrison: Release 7.18.2 */
06:27.01 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2467 10/wiki/Community_Publication_Portal: final draft, ready for posting as soon as merge completes
06:37.07 brlcad apparently a problem that was fixed in a later 1.4 version of subversion
06:40.09 *** join/#brlcad jmoore (
11:47.51 dloman Merning all!
11:57.01 dloman *readreadread*
12:10.52 dloman starseeker / ``Erik either of you good with threading? I just remembered that GS's JobManagement system is backed by QThread objects
12:37.48 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43156 10/jbrlcad/trunk/libs/ (. jscience-4.3.1.jar junit-4.1.jar): Added a libs dir with the two required .jars for compilation. jScience 4.3.1 is antiquated and no longer available to the general public but we still want the average jBRLCAD to be able to jump in, compile and help out.
12:38.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43157 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/test/java/org/brlcad/ Add in missing package statement.
12:40.33 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43158 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/test/java/org/brlcad/geometry/ Import cleanup.
12:54.23 starseeker dloman: probably want to look at pthread-win32 + system pthreads on other platforms
12:54.38 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
13:10.42 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
13:37.19 dloman Yeah, but isn't that swapping the dep on QT for a dep on something else?
13:38.35 dloman hangs a Chicken Bone Necklace on his monitor.
13:38.40 dloman go go slow network!
13:41.31 dloman finishes 1.5 hours of timesheets and other red tape :/
14:02.42 brlcad finishes resolving his first tree conflict
14:04.11 brlcad at least one of the new svn 1.6 variety
14:05.17 starseeker dloman: pthread-win32 is much smaller than Qt
14:07.15 brlcad dloman: you know that jbrlcad doesn't have support for all object / primitive types?
14:07.24 brlcad it has support for just four of them
14:07.29 dloman yuppers :)
14:07.50 brlcad k
14:08.07 dloman the OCD in me couldn't stand the fact that jbrlcad is linked against libraries that are only stored in 'their' private repositories
14:08.46 dloman so i pulled the antiquated version of jScience (4.3.1) and checked it into the jBRLCAD module.
14:09.02 brlcad saw that but was more referring to a commit I saw yesterday
14:09.08 dloman this way, 'anyone' can compile jbrlcad properly.
14:09.10 dloman which one?
14:09.15 brlcad looked like you're using jbrlcad in the java bridge to GS?
14:09.36 dloman ...not to my knowledge. That's not my intent. Likely bad wordage on my part then.
14:09.46 dloman Im not very good at engrish
14:10.29 brlcad r43125
14:10.38 brlcad "Keep it simple and, rather than copy classes that are under development, make jBRLCAD an dependency. Hopefully this will change in the near future."
14:11.31 dloman was talking about the interface that Ron created in jbrlcad/src/geometryservice
14:11.47 dloman thats the 'interface' we are both coding to.
14:12.10 dloman since its likely going to change, i figured copy/paste from jbrlcad into rt3 was a maintenance issue.
14:12.30 dloman I need to work with Ron on getting all the java source into one place.
14:13.03 brlcad where the java code lives isn't really a major concern
14:13.34 dloman true, but if its living in two places, that's annoying and makes life harder. But that's my problem =D
14:13.36 brlcad it's the reliance on there basically needing to be a librt written in java (which is basically what jbrlcad is)
14:14.37 dloman ... that's 'their' issue... right?
14:15.55 brlcad well, yes and no -- more than likely a misuse of the geometry service since it's supposed to avoid managing geometry on their end
14:16.05 brlcad geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java
14:16.12 brlcad is that what ron is working on?
14:16.24 brlcad or is that the bridge you're working on?
14:21.38 dloman sorry, got attacked by red tape again
14:21.52 dloman geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java is what I/we are working on
14:22.16 dloman Ron checked his 'bridge definition' into jbrlcad
14:22.31 brlcad so r43125 applied to that path and is where you have the comment about it using jbrlcad
14:23.05 dloman correct. in jbrlcad/src/main/org/brlcad/geometryservice
14:23.27 dloman there is a java Interface (aka pure virtual class) called
14:23.31 brlcad if it's using jbrlcad, then it sounds like there's a problem -- what's it using?
14:24.20 dloman rather than copying that file over to geomcore/src/interfaces/java, i chose to simply make jbrlcad an ext dep untill we can get all the java code into one place.
14:24.22 brlcad the issue is the dev path forward -- if it's using it for geometry management, while only supporting 10% of geometry, then there's a future cost that will have to be realized before it's complete
14:24.29 dloman its a temporary thing for now.
14:24.46 dloman heh, you're way over thinking it :)
14:24.52 brlcad probably
14:25.13 dloman i just need that file and don't want to (possibly) dev against antiquated Interface
14:25.29 brlcad just trying to understand what's going on, since this is potentially a low risk / high risk changer that I'd have to report on and/or address
14:25.41 dloman its a non-factor
14:25.48 brlcad so if it's just that one interface, why not move it?
14:26.11 dloman cause 'they' need it to, and 'they' are developing in jbrlcad module
14:26.19 dloman s/to/too/
14:29.02 brlcad sounds like something that will need to be discussed in more detail
14:29.19 brlcad that's their perrogative, but implies the GS isn't doing something they need
14:30.32 brlcad or that they're crossing over into geometry management land on the java side, which they're not supposed to be doing
14:31.53 brlcad either way -- a "GeometryService" class makes no sense in jbrlcad other than as a commit location for all java code
14:32.52 brlcad it'd imply either moving the java code you're working on over to the jbrlcad module or moving that class out of jbrlcad into where you're using it and providing it as an interface from there
14:33.32 brlcad I suspect it was just added just as a dumping ground for all geometry-related java code, not because it made sense
14:34.57 dloman naming-wise, I agree. GeometryService is a rather incorrect name for an Interface that will be sitting in their code base
14:36.05 dloman GSAccessPoint perhaps
14:36.45 brlcad even with that name, that doesn't really have anything to do with "jbrlcad"
14:36.54 dloman true :)
14:37.08 brlcad it's a GS thing so it should live with the GS code
14:37.57 dloman i think i am going to 'out-dev' them rather rapidly, so I'll likely just take any/all GS related java code out of jBRLCAD module anyways.
14:38.58 brlcad it's basic "separation of concerns"
14:39.18 brlcad sounds like a communication needing to be had regardless
14:39.42 dloman agreed. I'll zip an email up to Ron John (*snicker*) or walk up there later
14:40.24 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
14:41.43 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43159 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/application-x-brlcad-extension.xml: set eol-style
14:42.02 brlcad 15 minute commit ruined by a single line ending failure
14:42.52 dloman =D
14:43.50 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43160 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/.settings/ (. org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs): Putting in Eclipse .settings directory. Contains project settings that are not machine specific, but allows for auto insertion of BRLCAD header.
14:45.21 dloman FYI, Ed's in today.
14:47.04 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43161 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/auto-props.cfg: Update sample auto-props file with more mime-types.
14:49.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43162 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ (9 files in 3 dirs): Clean up existing and add missing headers.
14:59.35 brlcad dloman: heh, what's with the sample auto-props?
15:00.47 dloman getting autoprops on winderz is a PITA, especially here at work. so i figgered i'd put in a file to help
15:00.52 brlcad much more extensive "sample" on the website:
15:01.55 dloman kk, i'll link that. danke.
15:03.48 brlcad begins final release distcheck
15:04.37 dloman the word 'distcheck' still makes me take look twice
15:06.33 brlcad you have to look twice to find it?
15:06.45 brlcad oh SNAP! no he didn't
15:07.17 dloman ohnoe u dint! (repeat x4)
15:09.23 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43163 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (4855 files in 354 dirs): merge trunk to STABLE from r41558 to HEAD r43158
15:18.04 starseeker brlcad: heh - ruined commits due to prop issues suck - I still wish svn let us check that before we go through the network process...
15:18.18 starseeker especially fun when upgrading tcl/tk
15:21.55 ``Erik *readreadread* np my ass
15:23.39 dloman eh?
15:25.03 ``Erik dlo: I think, uh, we'll move GS to bu, then fix win32 bu threading
15:25.20 dloman okie.
15:25.33 dloman I was just thinking about all the areas that QT is in
15:25.41 dloman and realized its in the threading also.
15:25.51 ``Erik jbrlcad is, uh, ... probably not very relevant
15:28.42 ``Erik aight, all caught up
15:29.10 ``Erik yeh, I'm de-qt'ing it pretty heavily, it winds all up and down, but we'll get there :) 'sall good
15:30.22 ``Erik (the np comment was about tesselation, I'm fairly certain it's not np, I'm thinking more in the n^2 or nlgn if done right... we have a feeble implementation)
15:38.58 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43164 10/geomcore/trunk/src/other/sqlite/ (CMake/ CMake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake CMakeLists.txt): Try looking for dl for sqlite
15:41.26 starseeker dloman: does that help?
15:41.33 dloman one sec
15:42.43 dloman Sure does! *thumbs up*
15:47.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43165 10/geomcore/trunk/cmake/FindTCL.cmake:
15:47.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: Ironically, our new FindTCL isn't suitable for finding BRL-CAD's tcl/tk, since
15:47.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: it requires the .sh config files from Tcl and the new CMake build isn't
15:47.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: generating or installing them (did our autotools build, for that matter?). Need
15:47.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: to have the CMake build for tcl/tk generate those .sh files
15:55.38 ``Erik heh
16:08.03 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2468 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: Update MsgType chart with accurate info.
16:09.12 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43166 10/geomcore/trunk/ (89 files in 9 dirs): removal of some unnecessary QT-isms
16:09.17 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2469 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: Changed verbage and added 8byte generic msgtype
16:34.09 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2470 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: Typo fix
16:39.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43167 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ ( msg/ Sync msgTypes with GeomCore module.
17:15.22 *** join/#brlcad jay_ (~jay@
17:18.00 jay_ hello
17:19.35 jay_ you guys know of any linux architectural CAD app?
17:55.36 starseeker jay_: depends on what you're after - commercially, there's this
17:56.24 starseeker maybe this is of interest?
17:59.16 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43168 10/geomcore/trunk/src/utility/DataStreamUtils.cxx: fix ambiguous overload error
18:03.28 brlcad ``Erik: with floating point math, solving boolean evaluation for polygonal topology is not just n^2 even though the core algorithm is
18:03.31 starseeker ``Erik: that's got it on the mac
18:04.45 brlcad it becomes a search problem, you have to make blind guess decisions at which point there's no longer a single "final solution" .. there's a set of solutions and you're looking for a valid solution, which is not easy
18:05.19 starseeker still one in Linux - GenericEightBytesMsg.c:31: prototype not matching
18:05.45 starseeker error: prototype for 'GenericEightBytesMsg::GenericEightBytesMsg(uint32_t, quint64)' does not match any in class 'GenericEightBytesMsg'
18:06.33 starseeker few others...
18:07.55 brlcad consider the simple example of the subset sum problem, which is np-complete -- it states given a set of integers, do any non-empty subset of them add up to zero
18:08.49 brlcad that same characterization can be made of vertices during evaluation, given a set of points, do any non-empty subset of them coincide (i.e., are the same point)
18:09.55 brlcad that and other hard questions get repeatedly asked, a decision is made, and the underlying O(N^2) algorithm continues to the next edge/vertex/face/shell/object
18:12.58 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43169 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ Implement RemoteNodeNameSetMsg in java.
18:14.54 jay_ starseeker: thnx
18:21.01 dli brlcad, do you mean any repeated point?
18:21.22 dli brlcad, or give a list of subsets, any repeated?
18:21.30 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43170 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libNet/PortalManager.cxx: add missing parameter
18:25.05 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43171 10/geomcore/trunk/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): snprintf type fixes
18:32.49 brlcad dli: given a set of points, which are equal to other points within a given tolerance
18:34.45 brlcad even with exact non-floating point computation, if you add a "within tolerance" qualifier, you suddenly have np-hard decision searching
18:35.04 brlcad floating point just adds an implicit tolerance on top of a geometric tolerance
18:36.03 dli brlcad, partition the coordinates according the tolerance, so, from real x -> integer i_x = [ x/dr +0.5], now, you only have to search within i_x plus/minus 1, j_y plus/minus 1, etc. O(N)
18:40.16 dli brlcad, if we can waste on memory, partition points to a 3d array, search is still O(N)
18:42.19 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43172 10/geomcore/trunk/ (40 files in 9 dirs): switch from QT typedefs to standard typedefs
18:43.12 dli brlcad, suppose the wanted tolerance is tiny, partitioning to 1/dr is impractical, we can simply use an intermediate (dr0), now, only have to search within neighbours of (dr0), divide and conquer
18:57.11 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43173 10/geomcore/trunk/cmake/ (10 files): Clean out some of the unneeded .cmake files - may be more scrubbing to do here.
18:57.28 brlcad dli: the tolerance is generally very very tiny in relation to the value
18:57.53 brlcad moreover, depending on how you group points will affect the resulting decision
18:57.58 dli brlcad, then, use a reasonable intermediate dr0
18:58.29 brlcad there is no definition of reasonable that applies to arbitrary geometry
18:58.36 dli brlcad, only search within neighborhood of dr0
18:58.46 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43174 10/geomcore/trunk/ (12 files in 9 dirs): Start working on getting the tests running again - leave them off for now, as there's a fair bit of work to do.
18:58.47 brlcad define neighborhood
18:58.55 dli brlcad, no, but as far as it's fast for most cases
18:59.13 brlcad so you get a wrong answer fast .. that's not very useful :)
18:59.31 dli brlcad, no, this algorithm doesn't get any wrong answer
18:59.41 brlcad this is a problem best explained with a white board
18:59.50 dli brlcad, anything outside of dr0 wont be within dr
19:00.17 brlcad if you have a proof, then you'd have a ground-breaking research paper -- the geometry is nowhere near as rigorous or clean as it sounds like you're presuming
19:00.46 brlcad the tolerance has to be big enough so points will merge together, this is a good thing
19:01.01 brlcad but too big, and it'll join topology that should not be joined
19:01.34 brlcad in practice that is a weighted local tolerance that might take curvature, topology, and other factors into account
19:01.48 brlcad just assuming a hard 0.000# tolerance just doesn't work
19:01.56 brlcad no matter how small you make it
19:03.07 brlcad and it STILL doesn't address the impact of deciding a coinciding point that are within tolerance
19:03.22 brlcad consider three points: A, B, C
19:03.24 dli brlcad,
19:03.42 brlcad A is within tolernace of B, B is within tolerance of C, but A is not within tolerance of C
19:04.37 brlcad how you join those will result in different topology, and there is no knowledge about which choice is right other than the final geometry being considered "valid" or not
19:04.49 dli brlcad, I'm still not clear whether voronoi cell is relevant here, voronoi is n log(n), more robust than neighbor searching algorithms
19:06.37 brlcad dli: not sure what you're trying to show with that paper, but at a glance it looks like a simple spatial partitioning of your comparisons -- that's merely optimization (and not particularly relevant since you're generally not comparing that many neighboring points)
19:07.17 dli brlcad, neighbor searching is not robust, I know that, but voronoi is robust
19:07.19 brlcad it's the same problem even if you try to carve up voronoi neighborhoods
19:07.47 brlcad you have to decide where to split and there is no definition of how/where to split
19:07.58 brlcad take that three-point example -- that's about as basic as it gets
19:08.34 dli brlcad, original voronoi problem doesn't require definition of neighbors,
19:09.14 brlcad how is that helping?
19:09.24 dli brlcad, it will generate voronoi diagram on any 3 points on plane, I'm not clear how the algorithm with behavior with repeated points
19:09.42 brlcad how is that helping?
19:09.59 dli brlcad, let's suppose no repeated points, all points a different by tiny distance
19:10.24 brlcad sure
19:10.31 dli brlcad, then, generate voronoi cells, find the small cells, test the points with its neighbors (as defined by voronoi)
19:11.02 brlcad test them for what?
19:11.31 brlcad take the simple ABC case, what's being tested?
19:11.32 dli brlcad, for each point, get the distance to its voronoi neighbors
19:11.46 brlcad okay, that's distance AB, BC, and AC
19:11.54 brlcad now what?
19:12.10 dli brlcad, now, decide whether within tolerance
19:12.26 brlcad okay, AB are within tol, BC are within tol, AC are not
19:12.26 dli brlcad, the good thing is that, after voronoi, it's O(N)
19:12.28 brlcad now what?
19:12.54 dli brlcad, oh, that's another question :(
19:13.12 brlcad follow this through, you're still not getting the problem -- I know what voronoi are and do, but finding neighbors isn't the problem
19:13.44 dli brlcad, I thought the problem is finding neighbor, now, it's the definition of neighbor
19:13.52 brlcad bingo
19:15.28 brlcad topologically with A, B, and C, you might want to join A+B and keep C separate .. or join B+C and leave A separate .. or loosen the tolerance and join A+B+C
19:15.34 dli so, what about just give it tighter tolerance? then, just randomly combine points, until no overlap exists
19:16.07 brlcad tighten the tolerance, and you avoid joining A B and C altogether, and your topology is broken/invalid
19:16.52 brlcad in practice, you'll want either [A+B, C] or [A, B+C] .. but you just don't know which one is right (or if either of them is right)
19:17.13 brlcad generally one of them is right, the other is not but it becomes a decision tree
19:17.20 dli brlcad, no, I don't understand this. tighter tolerance shouldn't break anything
19:17.56 brlcad understandable, hard to see with just three points
19:18.17 brlcad topologically, you're stitching together geometry -- polygon faces or spline surfaces
19:18.37 brlcad you're trying to decide whether polygon 1 attaches to polygon 2
19:18.53 brlcad so you might compare the vertices of 1 with the vertices of 2
19:19.35 brlcad for solid geometry, all meshes must enclose space
19:19.44 brlcad otherwise they are just infinitely thin dangling faces
19:20.37 dli brlcad, yes, I see the rough picture now
19:20.41 brlcad if you tightened your tolerance to .. 0 .. then only vertices that are exact-exact matches join (which isn't practical with floating point), so it basically won't think those two faces are topologically connected when they should be
19:21.18 brlcad loosen the tolerance too much and you end up joining faces that are "close" but shouldn't be joined _toplogically_
19:21.52 brlcad it really is a pretty fucking hard problem (pardon my language) to make robust
19:22.29 dli brlcad, I suppose to write a function to generate intersection, so, I have to handle this problem
19:22.47 brlcad in an ideal world, you'd keep track of your decision tree as you progress through the evaluations, use a floating/variable tolerance that adjusts to topology, and have a means to unroll back through decisions when you end up with invalid results
19:23.22 brlcad strictly speaking yes you will, but it's not nearly as bad for surface surface evaluations
19:23.53 brlcad it's a problem for the code that will USE your surface-surface function :)
19:24.30 dli brlcad, let try and see how it works out
19:24.35 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43175 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/GeometryServiceTest.cxx: Make a stab at GeometryServiceTest
19:25.48 brlcad dli: mind you, in practice, you can generally find a "sweet spot" tolerance or set of tolerances that will make it all work and evaluate correctly for a given input -- my ranting is merely addressing the np-hardness of the underlying decision problem
19:26.06 brlcad you can make AB/BC/AC decisions for 99% of geometry just fine
19:26.48 brlcad the issue is usually error accumulation, that's where NMG (our polygon library) has problems
19:27.10 dli brlcad, if so, can we use integer instead?
19:27.14 brlcad like I said earlier with the [A+B, C] or [A, B+C] decision case, you'll probably pick one of those two results
19:27.32 brlcad but whether you join A+B or B+C .. what value do you actually use?
19:27.48 dli brlcad, 64bit integer would be good enough
19:27.52 brlcad A+B -> A's value? B's value? the midpoint of A+B?
19:28.09 brlcad all three options results in point drift
19:28.54 dli brlcad, still error accumulating
19:31.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43176 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/ (libEvent/BasicEventTest.cxx utility/configTest.cxx): de-QT some more
19:34.05 brlcad dli: yep, the all _potentially_ accumulate error
19:34.55 brlcad if "A" is right, then C won't be merged ... if you pick B's value or midpoint of A+B, then you might actually even now be within tolerance of C .. which effectively collapses to A+B+C
19:36.13 brlcad whether you use floating point or integer comparisons won't really make much of a difference is my gut feeling. it might give you locally stable behavior but not algorithmic stability
19:36.56 brlcad the best results I've seen use interval arithmetic, which can be done with floating just fine
19:37.12 brlcad it's basically a way to track the error
19:38.30 brlcad you can get the same result by recording a ULP and the local per-vertex error
19:44.17 dli brlcad, instead of seeing error accumulating, I feel it can be self-healing, to adjust points according to the direction/side of solid
19:45.03 dli brlcad, whatever the adjustment, it never gives broken topology
19:46.30 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43177 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/utility/CMakeLists.txt: copy test config file to bin dir
19:51.01 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43178 10/geomcore/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Gets the tests almost building, although not sure how correct the changes are.
19:51.19 brlcad dli: that's not a bad idea, and probably possible, but definitely not easy
19:51.41 brlcad our NMG library does something like that now, trying to make sure it's never broken as evaluation progresses
19:52.34 dli brlcad, nice, good enough for me to try
19:52.40 brlcad the problem is that it's still a decision tree and there are invalid decision nodes that might lead to valid (desireable) final states, or numerous competing valid states ( like [A+B, C] or [A, B+C] )
19:53.55 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43179 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/libEvent/BasicEventTest.cxx: There we go - get BasicEventTest compiling too.
19:56.49 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43180 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ ( Updated AbstractNetMsg's deserial cstr to take the msg type. Type will be deserialized in order to determine how to construct an AbstractNetMsg object anyways, so it needs to be set by a subclass.
19:59.43 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43181 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: linux is using __USE_BSD and __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED in order to get to the getpagesize() declaration.
20:00.35 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43182 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ Add a static for libpkg's header size.
20:00.55 starseeker GenericEightBytesMsg.cxx:44: error: no match for 'operator>>' in '* ds >> ((GenericEightBytesMsg*)this)->GenericEightBytesMsg::data'
20:01.55 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43183 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: merge r43181 from trunk
20:02.26 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43184 10/geomcore/trunk/src/utility/Config.cxx: simplify and correct line parsing logic
20:03.26 brlcad bah
20:20.56 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43185 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: it actually needs __USE_XOPEN and __USE_BSD to get to the decl, so add them both with ifndef protection. this suckage belongs in libbu.
20:21.54 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43186 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: merge r43183 from trunk for the getpagesize() fix when compiling with ogl enabled on linux
20:22.23 epileg I want to improve the brlcad mime type on Linux. It appears that all geometry db files begin with "76 01 00 00 00 00 01 35 76". Is this correct?
20:24.02 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43187 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ Implement NewSessionReqMsg in java.
20:26.29 ``Erik not necessarily... 0x76 is the magic for our version 5 db, but the second byte is flag information
20:26.38 ``Erik um, include/db5.h shows the on disk header
20:26.56 brlcad the first 8 bytes should be right
20:27.22 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43188 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ Implement SessionInfoMsg in java.
20:27.28 brlcad but yeah, that only applies v5 too -- v4 looks rather different
20:28.43 epileg but the db version is so variant?
20:29.28 epileg and what's the header bytes on v4?
20:30.00 brlcad don't worry about v4, they're older files
20:30.58 epileg just for people who has some db v4 files
20:32.45 brlcad if you really want to be flexible, you can only count on the first byte being 76 and the eigth byte being 35 for v5
20:35.12 ``Erik I don't think there is head magic for v4
20:35.31 epileg hmmmm, I'll try just for v5.
20:37.46 brlcad v4 files start with an 'ident' record
20:38.12 brlcad so it'll be something like 'I?v4' 49 01 76 34
20:38.44 brlcad version key again being 76 and 34
20:39.22 ``Erik should probably have a bit more magic for v6 O.o
20:39.22 epileg aha
20:40.35 brlcad yeah, [0]==76 [7]==36 :)
20:41.02 epileg for v4?
20:41.09 brlcad that'd be "v6" :)
20:41.14 brlcad which doesn't exist yet
20:41.33 epileg ops, ok
20:43.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43189 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/
20:43.52 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: Implement first pass at a GSConnection object. GSConnection contains a static
20:43.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: factory method that will create a GSConnection, handshake and authenticate with
20:43.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: a GS Server. Socketing is blocking as the responsibility for polling/selecting
20:43.53 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: is tossed to the user of this interface.
20:47.16 brlcad initial release build seems to work
20:47.57 brlcad funkyness in archer (rt crashes, display doesn't update on start) but rtwizard and mged seem to be doing alright
20:57.08 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43190 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/include/config_win_cmake.h: This should be coming from src/other now...
21:37.19 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43191 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-18-2/: tagging release 7.18.2
21:53.26 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43192 10/brlcad/trunk/include/conf/PATCH: release is tagged, bump to 7.18.3
21:53.57 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43193 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS README): prepare for next expected 7.18.4 release
21:58.55 brlcad would someone else mind sanity testing the 7.18.2 tag?
21:59.11 brlcad BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.2 is posted (20110209)
22:06.56 brlcad have at it ``Erik
22:07.09 starseeker brlcad: I'm compiling now
22:09.43 brlcad thx
22:15.38 ``Erik hm, regress 3 off by many
22:15.55 ``Erik on 32b fbsd, but not on 64b linux
22:16.00 ``Erik interesting
22:17.42 brlcad yeah, I've seen that one before too
22:18.33 brlcad I put a note in the BUGS file for it, been failing with an (one) off-by-many error on an optimized mac build
22:18.57 brlcad iirc it was grazing the edge of an arb8
22:22.18 CIA-53 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43194 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/ (tcl/CMakeLists.txt tk/CMakeLists.txt): Looks like these flags may be causing trouble - comment out for now...
22:27.38 starseeker urm. Getting Itcl_Init ERROR
22:28.30 starseeker looks like is there, but not the .so
22:31.13 starseeker installed version does OK though
22:31.17 starseeker just build dir
22:31.43 ``Erik does a fresh checkout to see how bad he broke it
22:32.13 *** join/#brlcad CIA-62 (~CIA@
22:43.19 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43196 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/ (tcl/CMakeLists.txt tk/CMakeLists.txt): Let's try this again without nuking all the TK_FLAGS in the process...

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