IRC log for #brlcad on 20110311

00:05.57 dli brlcad, my second try for rt_revolve_xfrom():
00:10.30 starseeker Gah, what happened to Project Ideas
00:11.10 starseeker oh, that's the Code_In
00:11.13 starseeker nevermind, carry on
00:21.30 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2532 10/wiki/MGED_Sketch_Editor_Migration_and_Enhancement: Sketch editor
00:34.47 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2533 10/wiki/Ayam_Editor_Feature_Integration: Ayam editor integration
00:45.37 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2534 10/wiki/Analytical_Raytracing_Visualization: analytical raytracing GUI
00:59.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2535 10/wiki/Level_of_Detail_Wireframes: LOD wireframes
01:10.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2536 10/wiki/BoT_Editing: BoT editing
01:21.16 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
02:27.28 *** join/#brlcad dli (
02:33.12 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2537 10/wiki/NMG_Editing: NMG editing
02:48.30 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2538 10/wiki/Graph_layout_based_geometry_hierarchy_view: graph based viewing
02:49.33 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2539 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
02:50.10 starseeker Well, at this rate I'll be done in a few more days :-/
02:50.40 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
02:55.02 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2540 10/wiki/Geometric_Constraint_Solver:
02:57.00 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2541 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: move HDR entry
02:57.46 KimK On the homepage,what does it mean "...licensed at over 2,000 sites..."? Licensed how?
02:58.11 starseeker KimK: I think that refers to the pre-open-source days
03:00.07 KimK OK, thanks. I could only find BSD, GNU, and similar in the FAQs, Wiki, etc. , and I was confused.
03:00.37 starseeker KimK: BRL-CAD being open source is a relatively recent thing (compared to its overall history)
03:01.25 starseeker
03:01.56 KimK OK, very good what year did it open? I missed that part. So that text should perhaps read " use at over 2,000 sites..."? Oops, I'm typing too slow again, I'll bet you're ahead of me.
03:10.20 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2542 10/wiki/Analysis_Library: analysis library
03:21.04 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2543 10/wiki/Geometry_Conversion_Library: geometry conversion
03:24.16 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2544 10/wiki/Geometry_Conversion_Library:
03:24.51 brlcad dli: I saw that, commented right after you left -- that's totally awesome
03:26.08 brlcad dli: can you post that patch file to our patches tracker?
03:26.38 brlcad
03:40.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2545 10/wiki/GED_Transactions: GED transactions
04:04.59 KimK I tried installing the BRL-CAD .deb (Ubuntu 10.04), Gdebi says I need libncurses5 (>= 5.7+20100313), I have what must be the latest, it is 5.7, but it's 20090803-2ub. Any advice?
04:10.50 KimK Go plead my case to the Ubuntu libncurses5 maintainers, I guess? Please post any advice and I'll check back later. Thanks in advance.
04:11.41 louipc you sure the deb is appropriate for your distro?
04:13.05 louipc as far as I understand debian and ubuntu are not quite interchangable anymore
04:13.53 dli brlcad, thanks, still testing it, need to get it work before posting to tracker
04:13.57 louipc so you may need to alter some things if you want a debian package to work with ubuntu
04:14.14 brlcad dli: ah, thought you already had it finished :)
04:15.20 dli brlcad, not yet. still have to test how it work. also, I'm still not sure I can simply keep the 2d vectors
04:15.21 brlcad louipc: are you interested in being a gsoc mentor?
04:16.41 brlcad ~seen jordisayol
04:16.42 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'jordisayol'
04:16.47 louipc brlcad: I would, but I don't have much free time unfortunately :(
04:18.02 KimK louipc: OK, thanks, I had not considered that I might not be able to use a .deb on Ubuntu anymore, I'll look into that.
04:18.17 louipc brlcad: Not really sure how I could mentor either since I'm not horribly active in the project :/
04:18.39 louipc KimK: you can use .deb packages, but they should be packaged specifically for Ubuntu
04:19.38 brlcad louipc: anyone who has contributed enough to be trusted enough with commit access is eligible, participation is voluntary for everyone
04:20.16 KimK louipc: Do you know if there a BRL-CAD developer who packages for ubuntu? Maybe from his own web page or PPA?
04:20.28 louipc I could mentor as in "It works" "it doesn't work, fix it" :D
04:20.41 louipc KimK: not sure
04:21.03 KimK louipc: OK, thanks.
04:21.19 brlcad KimK: jordi put together the recent .deb files
04:21.36 brlcad ~seen epileg
04:21.37 ibot epileg <~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 2d 13h 6m 39s ago, saying: 'here in spain, exactly same as ``Erik'.
04:21.45 brlcad that's him
04:23.34 brlcad louipc: good to know -- we have a decent number of "auditing" mentors this year, so just putting out feelers for folks in our community interested in taking on a student
04:23.43 brlcad which is generally 10-20 hours a week
04:24.13 louipc oh man that would be too much
04:26.08 brlcad add's up fast -- just an hour or two a day of discussion on IRC will add up to around that much
04:26.33 brlcad but no problem, figured worth asking -- let me know if you change your mind
04:26.58 louipc is that like a 3mo gig?
04:27.20 brlcad roughly
04:27.59 brlcad
04:49.30 starseeker brlcad: If I can't get to 40, we may just have to live with it...
04:49.39 starseeker I've got to sleep soon, been a long day here
04:49.45 brlcad heh, that's great
04:50.07 brlcad it's plenty, better to have 30 that are solid than 40 that are all half-arsed
04:50.36 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
04:51.22 starseeker I'm at 16 now, and given I need to review them all once more... I'll work it tomorrow morning too, of course
04:51.49 brlcad me too, started on the application a while ago
04:52.40 starseeker moron former homeowners claimed they didn't need the sump pump, and we didn't have to worry about it
04:52.56 starseeker Wrong
04:53.20 ``Erik lame
04:53.29 ``Erik you're not in a designated flood area, I imagine?
04:53.47 starseeker no, but the front half of our home is partially underground
04:53.53 ``Erik so'z no flood insurance or anything...
04:54.01 starseeker nah, we'll have to eat it
04:54.06 ``Erik 4 days of solid rain is weird for md
04:54.11 brlcad you also believed them :)
04:54.29 starseeker brlcad: Oh, I know - I'm not claiming any medals
04:54.47 ``Erik I'm glad mine is a slab, back yard turns to swamp, but no flooding :)
04:54.48 brlcad any hole in the ground is subject to water pressure
04:55.25 starseeker figured if they had gotten away with it so long, must mean the local lay of the land was such that there wasn't significant water presence
04:55.37 starseeker turns out they were just really friggin lucky
04:55.52 brlcad or they never went down there ;)
04:56.08 starseeker <snort> yeah, that may be too
04:56.35 starseeker also, they only added the carpet in 2008 (we found out today) so perhaps they wouldn't have noticed earlier incidents
04:56.44 brlcad I'm wanting to dig and install a french drain down mine, plenty of hydrostatic pressure here
04:57.04 brlcad really just wants an excuse to buy a jackhammer
04:57.05 ``Erik I'm sure you're well above the aquafer and have permeable soil, these last few days have been massive with the consistent rainfall, the soil is all saturating and there's nowhere for it to go...
04:57.10 starseeker hehe
04:57.33 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, noticed that - grounds as wet as squishy as I can ever remember seeing it here
04:58.11 starseeker we may be "lucking out" and getting that right set of circumstances the former owners never happened to get
04:58.14 ``Erik um, I kinda got a bit stuck at work... in the grass/mud... with 4wd :D tore up a bit of grass this evening
04:58.25 starseeker but still, I should have known better - they didn't add the sump system for nothing
04:58.39 starseeker it cost money to add, and lord knows nothing in this place cost more than it had to...
04:58.42 ``Erik standing water all along the grass strip there
04:59.13 starseeker nods - when I had to park in grass this morning, I didn't even consider going in front first
04:59.48 ``Erik was able to get out fine for lunch, it was after another few hours of rain that it just turned to mud
05:00.41 starseeker brlcad: you're getting as bad as Bob, considering the relative sizes of your properties - for you a jackhammer would take almost as much relative storage space as Bob's backhoe
05:00.56 ``Erik gonna have to wetvac one of the carpet bits, van drug in all sorts of mud O.o
05:01.09 starseeker ick
05:01.21 brlcad naw, they don't take that much space
05:01.32 ``Erik heh, jackhammer would fit down brlcad's suicide hole
05:01.47 brlcad that's exactly where I intend to start
05:02.16 brlcad if i'm going to install a sauna down there, I want the hydrostatic pressure released
05:03.47 ``Erik gym has a sauna, make it a combo wine cellar/humidor :D
05:04.56 brlcad it'll have a wine rack, shower, sauna, sink, and toilet; still debating on the hot tub
05:05.03 ``Erik or put a rack down there to hang your car
05:05.28 brlcad oh I totally thought about installing an elevator to lower my car into "the pit"
05:05.34 ``Erik has been wondering about putting in a slab under his deck to put a hot tub on
05:06.16 brlcad kind of like these:
05:06.46 brlcad ah, right -- this one almost exactly:
05:07.29 ``Erik just bolt a couple handles on the side and pick it up :D
05:12.23 ``Erik brlcad: do you have the gsoc corrospondance concerning 'more detail' available for starseeker? is it volume, or information density?
05:13.02 brlcad what?
05:13.05 ``Erik (or did everyone get the same 'guidance' to push the mentors?)
05:14.01 brlcad oh that was a private conversation directly to me while they were reviewing our application in '09
05:14.48 ``Erik hm, so nothing to help steer starseeker with that olympian task
05:15.22 brlcad it's not quite as bad as it sounds, it's not really volume or density, just sufficient variety to attract a wide range of students
05:16.03 brlcad what was there for '09 is what we ended up with *after* I expanded the list in response to them saying we need more
05:16.13 ``Erik ah, 'k
05:16.14 brlcad so that's about par
05:16.17 starseeker ah, that's different
05:16.41 ``Erik clarification, w00t
05:17.24 brlcad it should basically have at least that much detail, but more importantly be clear that there is a wide range of skills and it is easy for -randome_student- to figure out which topics might be of interest at a glance
05:18.43 ``Erik also; starseeker has been breaking things down into a heirarchy with links to the meat, are the goog reviewers going to be cool with that, or do they want a single page view? it'd be fairly simple sql to generate a single "big honkin' page", I'd think
05:19.16 brlcad they're unlikely to dive deep
05:19.39 brlcad they have hundreds of these to go through, they're going to sweep through the site in all of 30 seconds
05:19.52 starseeker we can flatten it at the end, if we must - this is a better way for me to keep track of what is and isn't done yet
05:20.32 brlcad hence the focus on clarity and organization, dumb simple clear that there's a lot of topics and possibilities
05:20.50 brlcad maybe a shallow hierarchy would be a good balance
05:21.15 brlcad like grouping each of the major categories all onto one page together
05:21.41 ``Erik they already are, under === == = headers, but the task description is a link
05:21.41 brlcad then just have to consider what type of variety those top-level categories convey
05:22.35 brlcad right but instead of kicking you off to a page with just one topic (which is kinda useful), it'd kick you over to a page for that category with the other dozen ideas in that topic area
05:23.02 brlcad so even if they only click one level deep, they get to see that there are lots of project ideas
05:23.47 brlcad I'd stick with the one per page and massive top index for now until they're mostly all fleshed out and named in non-brl-cad-technical terms
05:23.54 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2546 10/wiki/Geometry_Selection_Functionality: geometry selection
05:37.57 brlcad an iges task would be good
05:38.42 starseeker I'll see what I can do - convert iges to spit out openNURBS nurbs?
05:41.27 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2547 10/wiki/Libsvn_within_Geometry_Database_Format: libsvn in .g
05:42.32 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2548 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Tools */
05:50.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2549 10/wiki/IGES_import_improvements: IGES updates
05:50.31 starseeker ok, I gotta sleep now
05:51.21 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2550 10/wiki/Talk:Error_Messages:
06:15.39 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
08:12.18 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
09:43.21 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43841 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libNet/Portal.cxx: Cleaned up a bit of messageLen checking logic. twas wrong.
09:46.28 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43842 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Performing some java<->c/c++ bug troubleshooting. Added the ability to down sample 16bit character strings to 8bit character strings.
10:48.38 dli how do I disable -Werror?
10:54.57 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
11:07.18 dli src/conv/patch/patch-g.c in 7.18.2 fails with -Werror
13:28.20 dloman my prayers to all of you in or have family near the Pacific.....
13:35.08 dli dloman, no wonder 'tsunami' is a japanese word. no news of tsunami losses out of japan yet
13:42.06 starseeker dli: disable strict
13:44.12 dli starseeker, yes, I found out that, but someone may still have to fix patch-g.c
13:44.44 dli or it's my compiler, patch-g.c looks alright to me
13:47.08 starseeker 7.18.4 should have a lot of strictness fixes
13:49.22 dli starseeker, the warning is about uninitilized variables, but it should not happen to me. I will try whether some reorganizing helps the compiler
13:50.22 starseeker dli: I'd suggest checking out the lastest subversion trunk and trying that
13:50.46 dli starseeker, I will try that
13:57.18 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2551 10/wiki/Space_Partitioning_for_Tessellation: tessellation space paritioning
14:02.01 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
14:09.21 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2552 10/wiki/STEP_Libraries: STEP improvements
14:10.44 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2553 10/wiki/STEP_Libraries:
14:21.59 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2554 10/wiki/NURBS_Intersections: surface/surface
14:27.33 dloman dli: death toll (worst guess i've read thus far) is at 60 and climbing.
14:27.50 dloman based only on the video footage i've seen, that number's going to go waaay up.
14:28.27 starseeker it's bad, but fortunately Japan is accustomed to dealing with earthquakes
14:28.53 dloman heh, the quake was nothing, its the tsunami that's destroying everything
14:29.03 starseeker nods
14:29.27 starseeker if large waves hit less prepared areas of the world, the results could get a lot worse
14:30.02 dloman reuter's is reporting that country's oil refineries are on fire, most of their nuclear power plants have experienced an emergency shutdown, etc.
14:30.33 dloman righto, that's what most people are saying. the warning system has been greatly enhanced since the indonesia disaster in 2004
14:30.40 starseeker nods - 8.9 is a bad earthquake no matter how prepared you are
14:31.25 dloman waiting on news from my cuson Josh. he's station at the naval medical hospital in Okinawa
14:31.47 dloman heh s/cuson/cousin/
14:32.02 starseeker I imagine he's probably OK
14:32.28 starseeker probably rather busy though
14:32.29 dloman he is, i'm just wanting to hear it from him, not his Command :)
14:32.35 starseeker ah
14:32.50 dloman oh yeah, that slacker is going to finally earn his pay :)
14:38.00 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2555 10/wiki/NURBS_Tessellation: nurbs tessellatoin
14:40.12 dloman wow.... a whirlpool...
14:41.59 starseeker grr s/tessellatoin/tessellation
14:54.04 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2556 10/wiki/Generalized_abstracted_spacial_partitioning_capability: abstracted space partitioning
14:56.03 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2557 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
15:03.39 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2558 10/wiki/Rework_of_libbu/libbn_to_not_require_Tcl: tcl scrubbing
15:13.05 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2559 10/wiki/Complete_bu_image/libicv_and_redo_all_pix_tools_to_use_it: libicv
15:14.23 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2560 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
15:31.30 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2561 10/wiki/Add_exec_option_to_search: search exec
15:34.13 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2562 10/wiki/Add_exec_option_to_search:
15:34.54 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2563 10/wiki/Add_exec_option_to_search:
15:59.36 brlcad dloman: so what would a tsunami feel like from inside a sub near the surface but not on the surface? a can of beans?
16:00.27 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2564 10/wiki/SVG_renderer: vector line rendering
16:00.29 dloman probably be a lot of rocking and rolling (angles n dangles) but no real biggy.
16:00.45 dloman we were at 100ft under a cat 4 hurricane once
16:00.55 dloman was lots of pitching, but thats it.
16:00.59 brlcad don't think you could get a barrel roll?
16:01.03 dloman heh
16:01.24 dloman nuclear sub does a barrel roll and you'd have a pretty sizeable nuclear accident :)
16:02.04 ``Erik
16:03.32 dloman not loading for me :/
16:03.38 dloman but I think i have seen that one before.
16:03.51 ``Erik cargo ship heeling at 80 or so?
16:03.59 dloman ya
16:05.32 dloman but on the note of nuclear accidents, seems Japan is going to have one of those too :/
16:05.54 dloman once of their plants scrammed out and they can't get emergency cooling established to the core :(
16:06.18 brlcad "shut it off! SHUT IT OFF!"
16:06.25 dloman =D
16:06.27 brlcad fuck, RUN!
16:06.48 starseeker that's Not Good
16:07.02 dloman Yeah, they learned something from the chernobyl plants :)
16:07.13 starseeker I thought modern plants were supposed to fail safe
16:07.19 brlcad dli: curious, now have two impls that are nearly identical but with interesting differences
16:07.27 dloman "Whats that big red light and that alarm for?" "Nothing, just keep on with the test"
16:07.46 dloman it is 'safe' from a meltdown standpoint.
16:08.03 dloman pressurized water reactors shut themselves down on high temp
16:08.30 starseeker so what's the accident part? ruin all the core machinery?
16:08.42 dloman but the byproducts of the fission process are always activated and have to shed their energy
16:08.54 dloman so even a shutdown core will generate heat for weeks.
16:09.16 brlcad weenie roast party!
16:09.23 dloman run a core at 100% for a few months then scram it and you will see about 7% heat generation for a few hours.
16:10.07 dloman that 7% decays to 0% (aka heat gen is < than the losses to ambient) in usually about 15-21 days.
16:10.18 dloman the entire time, however, you must provide heat removal
16:10.32 dloman which is the problem the Japanese plan is having.
16:10.50 dloman the tsunami flooded a lot of their facilities and messed up a bunch of equipment
16:11.05 dloman so they are having trouble removing the decay heat.
16:11.54 dloman which, if let go unchecked, could reach a high enough temperature to start melting some of the cladding around the fuel rods, thus releasing activated fission products into the coolant.
16:12.00 ``Erik read that most of japan's nukes went emergency shutdown and oil refineries are on fire
16:12.07 dloman still contained, but a naaaaaaaaaasty cleanup.
16:12.49 dloman however, if the tsunami has damaged any of the coolant piping, that nasty stuff could get out....
16:13.42 dloman But, unles they build 'em stupid over there in Japan (not likely) there is usually a backup to the backup to the backup
16:14.11 dloman and if their emergency cooling system has failed, then they will prbably fallback on the emergency emergency cooling system :)
16:15.50 dloman </AccidentialNukeTheoryClass> ...sorry
16:16.36 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2565 10/wiki/NMG_Raytracing_Performance_Improvement: nmg raytrace performance
16:17.39 starseeker hopes they get it handled, and not just for their sake - last thing the world needs is another reason to be skittish about nuclear power
16:18.40 starseeker crap - sounds like that death toll from Japan is going to get a lot higher
16:18.50 dloman seen the videos on cnn ?
16:19.04 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43843 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: apply an initial (reportedly non-working) version of rt_revolve_xform() from dli
16:19.11 dloman i watched over 20 cars get swallowed by water.... its going to be really bad
16:21.08 starseeker good god - what IS that whirlpool from?
16:21.24 dloman dunno, but it stops toward the end. really wierd.
16:21.48 ``Erik small fissure opening up? tsunami water draining strangely?
16:21.55 dloman
16:22.18 starseeker wondered if it was some subterranian crack in the sea floor...
16:22.37 dloman Dr evil's secret lair flooded?
16:22.42 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43844 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: move up in order to compare patch
16:24.00 starseeker dloman: what's a "nuclear emergency situation"?
16:24.10 dloman intentionally vauge
16:24.15 dloman =D
16:24.19 starseeker humph
16:24.30 dloman the article states that they 'cooling the reactor is not going as planned'
16:24.49 dloman which means they got th reactors safelt shutdown, but are having issues mantaining cooling to the core.
16:25.00 dloman to remove the above mentioned 'decay' heat
16:26.05 dloman push comes to shove, the did just have a tsunami, so they have plenty of water to use for cooling. :/
16:35.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43845 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c:
16:35.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: and then merge in his version that reportedly works with a couple changes. we
16:35.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: do need a copy of the bu_vls, so init and cat accordingly. skt was apparently a
16:35.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: typo and MAT4X3VEC instead of MAT4X3PNT is probably what got it working.
16:35.38 dloman ah, looks like the waves have finally reached cali
16:38.22 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43846 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: doxygen + ws
16:39.54 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43847 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/revolve/revolve.c: eip/eop was specific to extrude. use rip/rop for revolve.
16:40.49 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43848 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/table.c: dli implemented rt_revolve_xform and it compiles, so turn it on for testing
16:42.48 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2566 10/wiki/Plate_Mode_NURBS_raytracing: plate mode NURBS
16:44.00 starseeker Just under 20 to go
16:45.23 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43849 10/brlcad/trunk/ (AUTHORS NEWS): Dongxu Li implemented support for applying matrix transformations (scale, translate, rotate) to the revolve primitive. promote him up from the special thanks section to being recognized as a code contributor.
16:45.47 brlcad kicks off a final release build while he works on the gsoc application
16:48.11 brlcad really curious to know whether the the libbu mmap bug affects other tools on windows
16:51.48 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43850 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
16:51.48 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: cliff and I apparently (hopefully) squished the 'red' command bug where it
16:51.48 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: wasn't working on windows. the problem was two-fold. the regex code wasn't
16:51.48 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: breaking on newlines and (apparently) libbu's mapped_file fallback support had
16:51.49 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: an off-by-one error where it wasn't terminating the mapped file with a zero
16:51.49 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: byte. that was causing regex to scan beyond the buffer extent. that issue very
16:51.49 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: likely affects other tools and interfaces that use our mapped file support on
16:51.55 brlcad amazing, went from being a tiny patch release to looking more and more like a full minor update
16:55.46 brlcad ``Erik: you have any gimp skill? need a small image to represent the TIE BoT enhancement (max 256x256)
16:57.34 brlcad was thinking maybe a two 128x128 images in opposite corners of the 256x256 space, one partially rendered 20%, the other at 100%, with text above/below each respectively saying old mesh rendering and new approach
16:58.11 brlcad or maybe a new validation image of the truck showing the pixdiff differences, scaled down
16:58.20 brlcad (or rendered at that size even better)
17:10.15 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2567 10/wiki/CSG_to_NURBS_conversion: finish up CSG->Brep
18:01.24 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2568 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: Remove a few entries - getting down to the wire
18:26.06 ``Erik nope, no gimp skill at all, I can click on 'script-fu' and click 'scale', that's about it
18:26.18 ``Erik starseeker: vic reports red is not working on mac
18:26.35 ``Erik a very recent change broke it
18:54.27 brlcad probably the regexes
18:55.21 brlcad will look after the application is done
19:27.03 ``Erik hm, too late for new ideas for gsoc?
19:28.18 ``Erik "voxelize", like facetize, to spew out a big honkin' union of arb8's, mebbe using the marching cubes grid stuff... to feed cfd's and stuff
19:31.09 starseeker ``Erik: not too late if you want to add it
19:31.43 starseeker had to take down some stuff in his house - I'll try to get a couple more done..
19:32.15 starseeker still got work going on - drywall out everywhere...
19:33.20 dloman ever find that leak?
19:33.39 starseeker dloman: it was the friggin sump pump (or rather, lack thereof)
19:33.48 dloman broke or missing?
19:33.54 starseeker previous homeowners assured us they'd never needed it (they took it out)
19:34.02 starseeker we though "well, OK..."
19:34.06 starseeker oops
19:34.11 dloman oh man.....
19:34.20 starseeker one of my more expensive mistakes
19:34.24 dloman i thought it was regulation to have one?
19:34.31 starseeker ?
19:34.33 starseeker dunno
19:34.52 dloman looking to build my next house, so i have a reg book at home. I'll check :)
19:34.57 dloman SUE THEM!!!!
19:34.59 dloman j/k
19:35.19 dloman is the piping/wiring to a sump pump still in place?
19:35.38 starseeker <snort> I doubt it's "on the books" - we asked about it durning the home buying process, and one of the pros would have said something if it was actually required...
19:36.06 starseeker dloman: sure - there's a sump, an outside pipe and an outlet. They just took out the indoor pipe and pump and turned it into a closet
19:36.45 starseeker now that I've got the mirror wall off the staircase, there's a much bigger mold spot
19:37.01 starseeker too high for recent activity, so looks like the pipe to the faucet outside may be having issues
19:37.11 dloman oh hell.... mold... im so sorry man :(
19:40.26 starseeker they cut out like four feet of drywall and sprayed some stuff, so the mold is gone, but we look like a home rennovation show down there
19:42.21 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2569 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* BRL-CAD Core Library Enhancement */
19:45.47 ``Erik what was the name of that thing mike did? uh, qubit or something?
19:45.58 starseeker cubit
19:46.22 starseeker
19:46.41 starseeker was never much interested in it, as it's not open source
19:47.00 starseeker (at least, the interesting parts related to mesh generation don't seem to be)
19:47.30 brlcad ``Erik: I need your link_id not your google id this year
19:48.06 brlcad dloman: did you see my message about a poster? :)
19:48.20 dloman message?
19:48.22 dloman negative
19:49.18 brlcad we're going to need another gsoc poster this year, it's a chance to take some creative artistic liberty and make a neat page enticing students to apply
19:49.37 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2570 10/wiki/Material_and_Shader_Objects: material and shader objects
19:49.38 brlcad you'd be perfect for that, as shown by other graphics you've worked on of late ;)
19:49.41 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2571 10/wiki/Voxelize: New page: Voxel data sets are commonly used in computational fluid dynamic simulations. The current technique for creating voxels from BRL-CAD geometry is to use the proprietary cubit framework. Th...
19:49.42 dloman where was the message? Or was that it?
19:49.47 starseeker and you don't want me doing it :-P (see archer icons)
19:50.09 dloman yeah, starseeker MS paint isnt that great of an editor :P
19:50.25 brlcad you can see the previous two years posters by me and cliff at
19:50.49 starseeker <snort> Gimp + inkscape + baby
19:51.17 brlcad cool, the initial submission is DONE
19:51.22 brlcad now to tweak
19:51.24 starseeker awesome
19:52.41 starseeker ``Erik: any of the existing ones you want to fill in? (shader enhancements might be a good one, you have more knowledge about 'em than I do)
19:52.47 ``Erik huzzah, a menu items appear, it is effective!
19:53.47 ``Erik nah, starseeker, I'm good :D (not sure what the shader thing is about)
19:58.12 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2572 10/wiki/GUI_Animation_editor/creator: New page: Creating animations using BRL-CAD is currently a very manual and tricky process. A GUI editor to create Bezier splines for moving objects, lights and the camera and generating rt scripts a...
19:58.39 starseeker ``Erik: I was thinking investigate Open Shader Language and how we can benefit from it
19:58.46 starseeker maybe too vague for a gsoc project though
19:58.51 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2573 10/wiki/GUI_Animation_editor/creator:
19:59.08 ``Erik I dunno the open shader language... similiar to renderman?
19:59.16 starseeker yeah...
19:59.18 starseeker <PROTECTED>
19:59.33 starseeker
19:59.40 starseeker was a big thing at siggraph
19:59.57 brlcad mm, shader objects
20:00.21 starseeker brlcad: did I miff that one?
20:00.27 starseeker may be typing too fast here...
20:00.41 brlcad I haven't read any of them yet, delegation my dear watson
20:00.45 brlcad taking a lot of time just to prep the app
20:00.49 starseeker nods
20:01.00 brlcad it's in, but I still have at least an hour of editing and re-reviewing to go
20:01.04 starseeker got it
20:01.18 brlcad leaving it all on you guys :)
20:01.23 starseeker well, if it gets buy gsoc review we can polish it later
20:01.27 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r43851 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ ( modify deb/rpm building packages dependencies
20:06.03 dloman brlcad: when u need the poster by?
20:06.46 brlcad whenever it's ready really
20:06.53 ``Erik yesterday morning
20:06.59 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2574 10/wiki/Shader_Enhancements: New page: Shaders for the ray-tracer are currently coded in C and explicitly added to the active shader list. A shader to bridge the RT shader system to the BSD licensed implementation of OSL ( [htt...
20:07.18 brlcad if you want to make sure you don't waste time, then as soon as org applications are approved
20:07.29 starseeker ``Erik: heh, beat me too it - thanks!
20:07.39 brlcad since ours has a high chance of acceptance, then anytime really
20:07.40 ``Erik probably needs cleanup/editing anyways
20:07.58 ``Erik I'm just spewing out rough draft quality stuff here... :D
20:08.22 starseeker checks...
20:08.28 starseeker ``Erik: you think I'm not?
20:08.35 starseeker I tend to ramble in the best of times
20:08.40 starseeker writing fast makes it worse
20:10.14 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2575 10/wiki/General_Tree_Walker: New page: There are currently several slightly different functions to recursively walk the CSG tree. This task would be to implement a new tree walking function capable of replacing them all and alt...
20:12.22 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2576 10/wiki/Shader_Enhancements: Tweak shader enhancements entry
20:13.19 starseeker hits blender-g
20:16.09 brlcad should probably be blend-g ;)
20:16.17 starseeker er, right
20:16.35 starseeker heh - blender-g, toaster-g, eggbeater-g...
20:16.35 brlcad remember to try and avoid brl-cad specific conventions at least in the project titles and initial sentance descriptions
20:16.54 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2577 10/wiki/Converter_completion_so_all_current_formats_have_both_import_and_export: New page: BRL-CAD implements numerous importers and exporters for a wide variety for formats, but not every format has both an importer and an exporter. An old list is available in the repository [h...
20:17.05 brlcad it should be worded as if BRL-CAD did not exist (e.g., "Blender geometry importer")
20:17.15 starseeker brlcad: I'll try to make a pass and eliminate as much of that as I can...
20:17.22 brlcad then can go into detail on the specific page
20:17.27 ``Erik next time I make a disposable geometry format, I am so calling it spatula.
20:17.57 brlcad really liked avoCADo :)
20:18.17 brlcad (dead for 3 years now)
20:18.36 starseeker is it on sourceforge? we could try a takeover :-P
20:18.37 brlcad there's some nurbs code you could look into snarfing starseeker
20:18.44 starseeker what license?
20:18.55 brlcad sourceforge project name sucks -- "avocado-cad"
20:19.21 brlcad ah right, gpl
20:19.26 brlcad bleh
20:19.46 starseeker there are least two other nurbs libs I'm aware of that are will remaing GPL
20:19.49 starseeker very frustrating
20:19.56 starseeker (especially SISL...)
20:21.10 brlcad dloman: the only stipulation is that the poster should be predominantly made with brl-cad imagery ;)
20:21.17 brlcad which shouldn't be hard for you of all people
20:25.04 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2578 10/wiki/Blender-g_importer: blend-g
20:28.11 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/move: [[SVG renderer]] moved to [[Vector output from raytracing]]: retitle
20:29.28 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/move: [[Blender-g importer]] moved to [[Blender file format converter]]: retitle
20:29.38 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2583 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
20:30.24 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2584 10/wiki/General_Tree_Walker:
20:37.42 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
20:37.43 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
20:49.05 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2585 10/wiki/Overlap_tool: overlap tool
20:52.23 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r43852 10/brlcad/trunk/ (misc/debian/rules sh/ sh/ update "make" simultaneous jobs, during deb/rpm building process
20:52.29 ``Erik pics
20:53.10 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2586 10/wiki/Automated_exploded_view_tool: exploded view
20:53.46 brlcad i guess it did happen
20:58.49 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2587 10/wiki/Automated_cutaway_view_tool: cutaway view
20:59.52 starseeker pants - thanks ``Erik for the assist
20:59.56 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r2588 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: remove stray links
21:01.36 starseeker just before 4pm EST
21:02.13 starseeker now has to head in - ``Erik if you want to flatten the page in some way shape or form you're welcome
21:02.45 brlcad thanks starseeker, tis great rogress
21:05.23 starseeker brlcad: your welcome, my pleasure - we'll hope it's enough
21:11.20 ``Erik
22:41.30 brlcad dloman: do you have a link_id?
22:45.34 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03128.63.32.5 07 * r2589 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: stray text
22:57.18 starseeker hmm:
23:00.08 brlcad adds the final finishing touches
23:03.31 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43853 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (8 files in 6 dirs): MFC r43852
23:03.44 starseeker wonders if he can attend a two day virtual conference...
23:06.56 brlcad that's probably the best-worded GSoC application to date
23:07.20 brlcad invariably reorganize every time, clean up the organization and writeup structure
23:07.29 starseeker cool :-)
23:09.18 starseeker yeow, what the heck...
23:09.29 brlcad 430 orgs applied
23:09.34 starseeker rebuilds clean - hopefully this is just a messed up build...
23:09.44 starseeker brlcad: is that more than last year?
23:09.54 brlcad yeah
23:10.04 brlcad but then org acceptance has increased every year too
23:10.19 starseeker how long typically before we find out?
23:12.01 brlcad
23:12.19 starseeker ah, right
23:12.33 brlcad ~gsoc
23:12.33 ibot gsoc is probably the Google Summer of Code, a program run annually by Google to provide (paid for) jobs to students to code on open source projects over summer. See for details.
23:12.46 brlcad ~timeline
23:13.15 brlcad ~timeline is the GSoC 2011 timeline is at
23:13.15 ibot okay, brlcad
23:20.43 starseeker interesting... red works on my Mac
23:20.53 starseeker let's try with system regex
23:21.26 brlcad that is interesting
23:21.39 brlcad he wouldn't have likely compiled with system regex on mac
23:21.44 brlcad because of system tcl/tk
23:21.54 brlcad unless he specifically turned on system regex
23:22.25 starseeker that's cmake build... suppose I should try autotools
23:22.58 brlcad at least, auto doesn't work on 10.6 because system tcl IS a compatible .6, but mged/libdm crashes trying to make X11 calls
23:24.35 starseeker ah... in principle, the CMake FindTCL should spot that system Tcl/Tk isn't X11 - will have to try that out
23:28.03 starseeker may have to ask him more specifically what failed
23:28.24 brlcad technically, configure is checking correctly
23:28.27 brlcad our code is wrong
23:30.08 brlcad hopes for an ogre/qt dm project
23:30.35 starseeker That'd be awesome
23:31.43 starseeker no, system regex worked too
23:32.02 starseeker wonder if his build got into a weird state - I had to flush my cmake build and redo
23:32.28 starseeker will check with him on Monday, assuming he doesn't have to be home for more contractor fun
23:52.51 dli starseeker, how big is the whole svn repository? it has been downloading for two hours
23:52.58 starseeker uh oh
23:53.09 starseeker dli: you don't want the whole thing
23:53.31 starseeker try svn co brlcad-svn
23:55.21 dli starseeker, oh, I only put there :( my bad
23:55.33 starseeker ouch
23:55.48 starseeker yeah, that'll pull all tags, all branches, all of everything
23:56.46 starseeker I'll generally use the svn browse functionality to check the structure of a repository prior to downloading
23:59.59 dli starseeker, I'm putting this together for a gentoo ebuild:(

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