IRC log for #brlcad on 20110315

01:40.16 KimK Hi, I can't install the 7.18.2 .deb in Ubuntu 10.04 due to dependency issues (my libncurses5 is too old, it's current). Would it be a reasonable project to compile BLR-CAD from source on my machine, or would I hit the same libncuses5 wall anyway?
01:40.52 KimK s/libncuses5/libncurses5/
01:41.38 KimK s/BLR-CAD/BRL-CAD/
01:42.26 KimK is sure glad he caught those mispellings before that went out, whew!
02:19.33 starseeker might be able to get his hands on a neo1973 phone...
04:02.21 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
04:23.18 dli_ KimK, still couldn't get 7.18.2?
05:35.40 KimK dli_: Hi, I have the .deb of course, but gDebi says my libncurses5 is too old, I have 5.7+2009xxxx and it wants 5.7+2010xxxx or something. So I thought I might be able to persuade a dev to freshen the Ubuntu 10.04 libncurses5, but I haven't managed that yet either. I think even the Debian libncurses5 is too old. So then I thought, maybe compile from source on my machine? Anyway, no, BRL-CAD still not installed here.
05:39.57 KimK dli_: And I have the source tarball, but I'm trying to learn git and brlcad is on Sourceforge with SVN. So I've been fiddling with git-svn to load the development source, I have done that several times, lol. Maybe Sourceforge's SVN doesn't play nice with git-svn? I haven't got that sorted out yet.
05:43.16 KimK dli_: Thanks for checking on me. Any and all comments and advice appreciated. Again, I would like to install BRL-CAD on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS by any method. No hurry, I just wanted to try it and see what all the fuss is about, lol!
05:49.59 KimK dli_: Pursuing this problem from another angle, I wonder if you could help me find out what OS the BRL-CAD developers are using, where they got this new libncurses5? I have virtualbox, and I'm getting the new Debian 6.0 DVD (slowly). If I installed Debian 6.0 in VBox, would I be able to install BRL-CAD there? Just thinking about other ways to skin the cat.
05:54.15 Ralith there's fuss?
06:16.08 KimK Haha, sure! Powerful and free/open, if perhaps not easy to learn and use? Such are the reports I hear, anyway.
06:21.54 KimK If it's in the same class as SolidWorks, and is free/open and Linux-friendly, I'd certainly like to have a look at it.
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11:01.59 dli_ KimK, you may try to rebuild it. First make sure you have deb-src lines in your sources.list, then: apt-get build-dep brlcad; apt-get -b source brlcad
11:25.11 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2599 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines */
11:29.02 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2600 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Display Managers / Framebuffers */
11:35.11 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2601 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Graphical Interface Enhancements */
11:40.50 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2602 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
11:49.36 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2604 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Project Ideas */
11:50.38 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2605 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Graphical User Interface Infrastructure Projects */
11:50.52 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2606 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* User Interface Enhancement Projects */
11:54.19 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2607 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: separate into two categories
11:56.57 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2608 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Tool Projects */
12:32.14 ``Erik it should build fine from source on any reasonably recent *nix... the developers use mac, freebsd, rhel and gentoo for the most part
12:53.49 cjdevlin KimK: i have installed on 10.04 several times from source. i had no issues.
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13:19.11 cjdevlin i just did a wget on this link:
13:19.11 cjdevlin and the tarball i got was 7.18.0?
13:31.54 KimK dli_ , cjdevlin: OK, I will try building from source. I did try installing Debian 6.0 in Vbox and then installing BRL-CAD there, that seemed to work, but I'd prefer to have BRL-CAD on my main screen. So this MGED is the main app screen? Are there tutorials on the Wiki? I looked at the wiki and downloaded a bunch of manuals, but I'm starting from zero here, and this doesn't look like any other CAD program I've ever run across. Anything on YouTub
13:31.54 KimK e? Where do you recommend newbies begin?
13:31.57 KimK Opps
13:32.01 KimK Oops
13:32.37 cjdevlin there is a tutorial on the wiki. before you try to build run: sh
13:33.25 cjdevlin the tutorial is still *pretty* close, but there are some inconsistencies.
13:33.36 cjdevlin did you ask about this in the ubuntu forums a week or so ago?
13:33.41 cjdevlin ubuntu irc*
13:36.29 KimK OK, thanks, I will. That's not in the wiki? I may have asked about updating libncurses5, were you there? I didn't really get anywhere with that though. Where does everybody put the tarball if they might want to have SVN later too? I presume SVN (devel) is broken once in awhile?
13:37.50 KimK Or do I have to pick one or the other and use only ~/brlcad/ ?
13:38.26 cjdevlin the tutorial is available . . . let me see if i can find it. i kind of remember something like that when i first tried to build. autogen took care of it. you can use checkinstall to install programs as a 'package'
13:40.43 cjdevlin
13:41.13 cjdevlin the introduction to mged is a complete tutorial. you can be up and running in a few hours if you can sit that long :-)
13:41.59 cjdevlin and the code is hosted on sourceforge:
13:42.13 cjdevlin sourceforge went down a few weeks ago, but that is very uncommon
13:42.22 KimK OK, thanks for looking. I was just thinking that it would be nice to have both the tarball source for the latest release version and the SVN source for the devel version, even if broken sometimes, but I don't want to do anything that's non-standard. Who knows, maybe I can even help later on.
13:43.41 cjdevlin i am not a developer. i am relatively new myself. the guys that really know what they are doing read the logs, so if you stay logged on long enough you will definitely get the help you need/want
13:44.24 cjdevlin are you building now?
13:44.25 KimK Yes, I was wondering about sourceforge. I'm a git fan and I tried to download with git-svn, which I've done before other places. But it didn't seem to work, it started, then stalled out. If I use SVN, it works fine.
13:44.56 cjdevlin for sourceforge i usually just do a wget
13:45.23 KimK That doesn't work for SVN, does it?
13:45.27 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
13:47.25 cjdevlin not sure. i have never tried it. i have just stuck with the stable releases so far.
13:48.49 KimK Ha, thanks for the tip about staying logged on. I'll add this channel to my auto sign-on. A friend of mine has access to 1 seat of SolidWorks, but that may turn out to be temporary, who knows? So it would be good if I could learn BRL-CAD as an alternate. But I'm more in favor of it becasue of the free/open thing. SW may be nice, but I don't own it. I can own BRL-CAD.
13:50.20 cjdevlin i know a windows version is in the works and they are converting from autotools to cmake for cross platform-ability </madeupword>
13:50.49 cjdevlin are you trying to build now?
13:53.08 KimK No, I haven't tried yet. I was still wondering about whether the tarball/scripts/automake/etc will be happy if I put them someplace besides ~/brlcad/ ? Can I put it anywhere?
13:54.46 cjdevlin yes.
13:54.58 KimK How about ~/brlcad7182/ ? Would that be OK?
13:55.18 cjdevlin i download all of the files i build into ~/source/<nameofprog>
13:56.05 cjdevlin when you extract it, it will create a directory in a format of: brlcad-7.18.2
13:56.21 KimK OK, I'll try that. I usually use git, so I haven't done a tarball for anything yet. But that sounds OK.
13:56.53 cjdevlin it's just a compressed version.
14:00.29 KimK The wiki mentions ./ is that what you meant when you wrote sh ?
14:01.37 cjdevlin yes, that does the same thing
14:02.06 KimK OK. I hadn't seen that sh before, just the ./
14:03.06 cjdevlin ./ runs executables, sh invokes the shell directly. *.sh is the shell file type, so ./ will call the shell anyways
14:03.19 dloman Mernin all.
14:03.32 KimK Wait, before I do that, wasn't there some brlcad-build-essentials or something? Let me scroll back...
14:03.59 cjdevlin regular build-essentials
14:04.41 KimK brlcad-dev maybe? I thought there was something. No?
14:05.09 KimK I should already have build-essentials
14:05.32 KimK OK, I'll try it and see if it warns me
14:05.36 dloman I know i'm jumping in the middle of this and havent read the backlog yet, but are you trying to get brlcad built from source?
14:05.46 KimK Yes, I am.
14:05.54 KimK HI, thanks for asking
14:06.02 cjdevlin there are no ubuntu brl-cad dev packages.
14:06.14 KimK OK, thanks.
14:06.29 dloman KimK: having problems then?
14:09.10 KimK Well, had some other problems before, but just starting to build from source right now. OK, it says it's prepared and to run ./configure and then make. I'll start it.
14:09.49 dloman you have multicore machine?
14:12.07 dloman My oh my, things are looking grim at the Dai-Ichi plant in Japan....
14:13.27 KimK No, one core. And I run 32-bit Ubuntu even though it's an AMD64 (small, cheap one though) because I stick with the EMC2 folks and 64-bit real-time isn't quite soup yet.
14:14.05 dloman okay then, you're in for a bit of a wait. brl-cad takes a while to build.
14:15.39 KimK I saw one medium-sized warning about >>>>>>>>>>>>>Floating Point May not be Compatible>>>>>>>>>>>> or something. And a couple of small warnings. But it didn't stop, it completed. It said type make, so I did.
14:15.50 dloman right on.
14:16.11 dloman if configure succeeded, then you are probably good to go.
14:16.20 dloman the make will take some time, though.
14:16.58 cjdevlin KimK: i had the same issue w/ the libncurses i think. running took care of it for me. i had the same floating point warning, but haven't run into an issue yet.
14:17.42 cjdevlin just built on a sempron: Elapsed compilation time: 1 hour, 5 minutes, 24 seconds
14:17.42 cjdevlin Elapsed time since configuration: 1 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
14:17.46 cjdevlin not too crazy :)
14:20.28 KimK OK, no problem. cjdevlin , dloman , thanks very much for your help. Ha, I was just going to ask if it would be about an hour or more. I have a recent but unremarkable motherboard, 4G of ram (well, 3.7after the on-board-graphics robbery), and a cheap proc.
14:21.22 dloman as long as you can afford the time, then 1+ hrs is no biggie :)
14:22.04 cjdevlin KimK: the machine i built on is a fossil of sorts. it shouldn't take you quite that long.
14:22.28 cjdevlin but if you are planning on upgrading/working on release code often, i would recommend using checkinstall
14:22.33 KimK Don't feel like you guys have to stick around. If you've got someplace to go, go. Thanks for your help. I might let it run and come back later myself. Should I follow the wiki "build from SVN" (skipping the SVN part) to finish the install? I saw some stuff about adding symbolic links and so forth.
14:23.23 dloman oh I work here, so I'll be here all day =D
14:23.34 KimK Ha, OK, thanks.
14:26.20 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (MK@2607:f0d0:3001:68::2)
14:28.57 dloman simply put, after the 'make' is finished, you can 'make install' to install the compiled binaries to your machine.
14:29.11 dloman then just run any of them from the command line.
14:29.24 dloman its likely you are looking for the graphical editor: mged
14:31.00 KimK Ha, you're ahead of me, but I had already started typing: OK, so (reading from wiki) when make is done, make test, make benchmark, make install, bunch of symbolic links, fis the path, benchmark, mged. Does that sound about right?
14:31.21 KimK s/fis/fix/
14:31.27 dloman could even be easier than that.
14:31.29 dli_ KimK, I still suggest you run the debian/rules script to build, better than checkinstall
14:32.11 dloman if you are installing to a dir that is already on your PATH, (and you have perms to do so) then it should be as simple as 'make install' then, once finished, 'mged'
14:33.27 KimK dli_: OK, how do I do that? What do you suggest? dloman: Shall I fix the path first, when make is done?
14:33.49 dloman what os are you running anyways?
14:34.01 dli_ KimK, apt-get build-dep brlcad
14:34.14 dli_ KimK, apt-get -b source brlcad
14:34.26 KimK Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32-bit with EMC2 special-patched RTAI real-time kernel.
14:35.30 dloman KimK: at the end of the ./configure run, did you happen to see where it said it was set to install to?
14:35.39 KimK dli_: OK, can I do that while make is running?
14:36.29 dli_ KimK, oh, I didn't realize brlcad is not in ubuntu :(
14:36.35 KimK dloman: No I didn't think to check, and I'm pretty sure it's scrolled off now. But I had deleted my ~/brlcad/ dir, so if it's back, it created it.
14:36.47 dloman dli_: if KimK is already configured and compiling, why try getting packages via apt?
14:37.01 dloman nm
14:37.30 dloman KimK: do you have sudo perms on this machine?
14:38.11 dli_ dloman, make install is basically bypassing apt, checkinstall should be avoided, whenever possible
14:39.00 cjdevlin dli_:
14:39.21 dloman what are the detremental effects of compiling and installing manually? Its never cause me a problem.....
14:40.08 KimK dloman: Yes, my machine. I'm the owner. Hey, I really appreciate the help you guys. You probably all have a lot of experience with BRL-CAD now, but think back to when you first started with it. How long did it take before you could make simple cubes and cones and sort of have a clue what's going on with it?
14:40.21 cjdevlin dli_: why do you recommend avoiding checkinstall (just curious - as i have said, i'm pretty new)?
14:40.55 cjdevlin KimK: if you work through that tutorial you can make a simple radio in the first 1/2 hour
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14:41.58 dli_ cjdevlin, if you have the debian/ script folder in source
14:42.02 KimK cjdevlin: OK, I'll find it. I downloaded about any PDF I ran across.
14:43.40 cjdevlin dli_: i would think just running checkinstall would be easier for someone new that is just trying it out over dpkg-buildpackage or debuild?
14:44.55 dli_ cjdevlin, we need a debian/ubuntu repository, so user can do: apt-get build-dep, and apt-get -b source
14:46.55 cjdevlin dli_: i don't disagree with that, but at this point, afaik, that isn't an option?
14:47.09 KimK dli_: I did apt-get --dry-run on those packages. It was as you guys suspected, they were both "E: Unable to find a source package for brlcad"
14:47.34 dli_ cjdevlin, I have no idea, I thought there must be a repository for brlcad already:(
14:47.53 dli_ couldn't believe it, gentoo seems to be the only one has brlcad in main tree
14:48.05 KimK (And I've got something like 109 repos cranked in!)
14:48.19 cjdevlin there is not, the previous link i posted is the 'request for packaging' in debian (which will then make it into ubuntu)
14:48.57 cjdevlin if the group would be so kind as to help me out, i wouldn't mind building/maintaining a ppa for brl-cad on launchpad
14:49.50 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43863 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/utility/uuidTest.cxx: Minor print verbage change. Removed WS.
14:50.29 KimK Oh, BTW, make is done. Probably for a few minutes now. (Put your money into more RAM, every time, lol!)
14:51.28 KimK cjdevlin: That would be great, ppa's are always a great convenience.
15:00.30 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43864 10/geomcore/trunk/src/utility/Config.cxx: WS and Formatting.
15:00.40 dli_ cjdevlin, KimK just want to double check before 'checkinstall', what is your prefix during ./configure
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15:01.51 cjdevlin after make, just do: sudo checkinstall
15:02.06 cjdevlin for checkinstall you shouldn't have to do anything different
15:03.36 cjdevlin (outside of making sure checkinstall is there: sudo apt-get install checkinstall)
15:12.31 KimK Oh, sorry guys, I was following the wiki. So far I've done make test and make benchmark. And I skipped ahead to fix the paths because I haven't quite figured out what to do with that bunch of symbolic links yet. Different versions installed at the same time? dli_ OK, how can I check the prefix? The directory I was building in was ~/source/brlcad-7.18.2 I have no knowledge of checkinstall, but I'll check up on it. OK, I have checkinstall now. I
15:12.31 KimK <PROTECTED>
15:15.24 dli_ KimK, better to check config.log
15:17.02 dli_ KimK, if your prefix is /usr it mean mess up the whole system, better in /opt/brlcad, or /usr/brlcad
15:18.28 KimK There's a bunch of stuff in config.log, I'm not sure what you're asking for.
15:19.12 dloman can easily just run ./config again, and note the install paths at the end
15:19.44 KimK Would you like me to pastebin the config.log file?
15:21.09 KimK Especially, how can I tell if this "mess up the whole system" thing has occurred?
15:21.31 dloman KimK: did you do a 'make install' ?
15:25.07 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43865 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/Config.h src/utility/Config.cxx): Added int and short getter to Config. Simplify via code consolidation
15:25.43 dli_ KimK, you can pastebin config.log
15:26.10 KimK dloman: No, I haven't. I did the autogen thing, configure, make, make test, make benchmark, passed on make install, took a pass on the symbolic links, skipped ahead to fix the paths and wait for more advice, haven't got to benchmark and mged yet.
15:27.19 dloman The sym links are an optional setup for having multiple versions of the brlcad libraries installed. (its just standard ops for any libraries installed that require olderversions to remain on the system)
15:27.36 dloman so from this point on, if all you are trying to do is get mged up and running:
15:28.17 dloman 1) Verify your installation path by: either runing ./config again or check the config.log to see where the PREFIX path is set to.
15:28.28 dloman 2) 'mged'
15:28.33 dloman and you should be good to go.
15:28.57 dli_ dloman, what's the default prefix? /usr/loca/?
15:29.20 KimK Apparently that file is too big for pastebin. Do you guys have a place you like to post that file?
15:29.27 dloman I believe so.
15:30.09 dloman im on RHEL, but I'll check the default prefix here.
15:30.21 KimK OK, running ./config again
15:30.36 dli_ KimK, only beginning part, like: head -100 config.log|wgetpaste
15:31.05 dloman looks like /usr/brlcad/ is default for RHEL.. and likely ubuntu also.
15:31.53 cjdevlin it is
15:32.16 dli_ ac_default_prefix=/usr/local
15:32.23 KimK prefix: /usr/brlcad Does that sound right?
15:32.32 dloman so as long as you have perms to install to /usr/brlcad, you should be gtg.
15:32.37 dloman sure does.
15:32.40 dli_ AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr/brlcad])
15:32.50 KimK There are some subs below that too
15:33.06 dloman right. standard stuff: lib, include, share.....
15:33.38 KimK Still need the short pastebin?
15:33.55 cjdevlin in the directory where you ran the config and make scripts, if brl-cad is something you sure you want, you can just do: sudo make install
15:34.13 cjdevlin if you aren't sure (it's something you might want to remove) then you can look into using checkinstall
15:34.57 dli_ cjdevlin, always use checkinstall instead of 'make install', whenever possible
15:35.12 dloman even if someone does a 'make install' and want to uninstall it later.... its as simple as rm -fr /usr/brlcad
15:35.18 dloman or even 'make uninstall'
15:35.25 KimK I want it, but I might at some point want to upgrade to the next newer tarball. How would that affect things?
15:36.06 dli_ KimK, do checkinstall and let apt to handle it :(
15:36.20 cjdevlin agrees with dli_
15:36.43 KimK Oh, OK. So just delete the dir ~/source/brlcad-7.18.2 and install new in ~/source/brlcad-7.18.4 (or whatever?)
15:37.18 KimK OK, so use the checkinstall?
15:37.34 KimK Sorry, I'm a slow typer. Or I type to long.
15:37.44 cjdevlin KimK: yes, use checkinstall
15:37.49 KimK s/to long/too long/
15:37.55 cjdevlin sudo apt-get install checkinstall
15:38.36 cjdevlin then in the directory where you did the config and make do: sudo checkinstall (and then just go w/ the defaults and a simple package desc. i.e. 'brl-cad')
15:38.38 KimK I have checkinstall now. And abandon the make install that I never did?
15:39.04 KimK And abandon the symbolic link business?
15:39.16 dloman not to argue, because checkinstall certainly is a good tool, but brlcad has its own uninstall rule plus it installs to its own directory, so its non-intrusive. *shrug*
15:39.38 dloman i use make install and make uninstall on my ubuntu 10.10 machine all the time. never had an issue.
15:39.39 cjdevlin KimK: checkinstall will essentially do the make install for you, but it will treat the install as if you had installed it via synaptic/apt
15:39.58 KimK I don't mind running out of a directory. The EMC folks call that running-in-place.
15:40.03 dloman KimK: Yes, the sym link stuff is optional.
15:40.28 cjdevlin dloman: i agree with you also, but it's nice to have it come up when you do dpkg -l (esp when newer people need other help that this may affect)
15:41.00 KimK The EMC folks use run-in-place to have assorted versions of their programs all installed at once.
15:41.34 KimK Maybe some call it compiled-in-place?
15:44.01 KimK Let me ask you this. Assuming in the future there might be a release of brlcad-7.18.4 (as above), then I could have both .2 and .4 installed at once if I leave apt-get out of it? But if I use checkinstall twice, then apt-get will want to remove the older version, even though it's in a separate directory, is that right?
15:45.01 cjdevlin KimK: both options allow for multiple installs. at this point it is up to you to determine which method is easiest for you.
15:45.13 KimK Sorry, I'm not really familiar with checkinstall, I'm just trying to get a handle on all this.
15:45.36 cjdevlin but either way it is very possible to have multiple versions of brl-cad installed concurrently
15:45.57 cjdevlin and neither choice is really the *wrong* one.
15:48.54 KimK Well, I don't mind whether I type 20 characters or 30 characters on the command line, but what I do know is that I'm pretty new at BRL-CAD, and I expect to install it again on other PCs, and there's a written procedure on the wiki that I can refer to again, however imperfect it might be. So I think I'd like to refer to the wiki just because it's written on the wall there, if you guys don't mind.
15:50.01 cjdevlin it is your computing machine :-) and people will be here to help either way.
15:50.56 KimK And this should not be taken as any type of criticism of you guys, I appreciate your help very much and am just trying to stumble my way through the jungle here.
15:51.03 dloman download->>configure->make->make install
15:51.22 dloman if everything goes well, it should be that easy
15:51.52 dloman if some of the libs that brlcad needs are not present on the machine, then './config --enable-all'
15:52.04 dloman and brlcad will build everything it needs to run
15:53.37 KimK OK, easy is good, lol! And until there's a PPA or a repo or something better, installing by tarballs in ~/source/brlcad_revision_number/ seems like an OK thing to do?
15:53.53 dloman yuppers.
15:54.10 dloman if you have any Winderz machines, the binaries are precompiled. == even easier
15:54.54 dli_ looks like Nishchay is working on brlcad in debian:
15:55.41 KimK OK. So now to tidy up the loose ends here, I should just have to say make install? Then benchmark and mged?
15:56.04 dli_ KimK, checkinstall
15:56.18 cjdevlin KimK: sudo make install
15:56.24 cjdevlin that will install it
15:56.43 KimK checkinstall? sudo make install?
15:57.06 cjdevlin if you are trying to stick to the wiki, just do: sudo make install
16:03.24 KimK I finally got around to the short pastebin, I just grabbed the first several hundred lines and pasted them.
16:10.11 KimK I looked at the bugs.debian link above, there was a git repo of BRL-CAD at Debian, at least in Aug 2010? Nice! It would be nice to think it's still there.
16:10.35 dli_ --prefix=/usr
16:18.00 KimK dli_: What's that?
16:19.31 dli_ KimK, redo it :(
16:20.50 dli_ ./configure --prefix=/opt/brlcad --with-opengl=/usr/lib --with-tcl=/usr/lib --disable-strict-build
16:21.04 dli_ KimK, this is what I use for archlinux
16:28.44 dli_ KimK, ./configure --prefix=/usr --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --libdir=/usr/brlcad/lib64 --prefix=/usr/brlcad --enable-strict-build --datadir=/usr/brlcad/share --mandir=/usr/brlcad/man --disable-almost-everything --disable-regex-build --disable-png-build --disable-zlib-build --disable-urt-build --disable-tcl-b
16:28.44 dli_ uild --disable-tk-build --disable-itcl-build --disable-tkimg-build --disable-jove-build --disable-tnt-install --disable-iwidgets-install --enable-opennurbs-build --with-ldflags=-L/usr/lib64/itcl3.4 -L/usr/lib64/itk3.4 --with-x --with-x11 --disable-debug --disable-optimization --disable-runtime-debug --disable-verbose --disable-warnings --disable-progress --disable-documentation --enable-models-install --enable-parallel --with-ogl --with-jdk=/opt/
16:28.45 dli_ sun-jdk-
16:29.42 dloman wow, thats a heck of a config line... why you need all that?
16:31.54 KimK OK, it ran the benchmarks in 9:23 and mged gives me a big black screen and a smaller white screen. Of course, I have no clue what to do with either of them, lol! But I think it's working. And I do thank all you guys for your help, I really appreciate it. I'll keep hanging around here, but first I've got a lot of intro manuals and tutorials to look at. Thanks!
16:32.44 dli_ dloman, not sure, it's autogenerated from gentoo ebuild
16:49.37 KimK I have to go now, but I'll leave this window open in case you guys think of any advice for me while I'm gone. Thanks again.
16:52.27 dli_ Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 4859
18:16.42 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
18:16.42 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
18:27.13 starseeker dloman: as long as I'm asking dumb questions, is this of any interest to us?
18:30.37 dloman maybe, i had looked at generalized object serialization, but thre are some limitations associated with it. Not to mention that we really dont need to send an entire object across the net, usually just specific pieces fo data.
19:23.31 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43866 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: Nothing useful yet with testclient - just a note that raw msg types down the socket isn't going to cut it for any msg type, even simple cases.
21:26.59 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43867 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/ (CMakeLists.txt gstestclient.c tpl.c tpl.h): OK, start over with testclient. First job is to put together a valid GSNet Msg to send. Have a look at tpl and see if it can be of any help for this.
21:53.41 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43868 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: get as far as getting what's expected into a struct.
22:04.06 CIA-14 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43869 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/CMakeLists.txt: Don't want the value in the cache - just set it locally so only the tests directory gets it.
22:46.39 starseeker O.o
23:34.55 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (

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