IRC log for #brlcad on 20110321

01:04.12 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
04:16.11 starseeker O.o
04:16.26 starseeker too bad it's GPL, but that's still nifty
06:57.52 Ralith oo, neat
06:58.08 Ralith mightn't it be better to target that X replacement canonical is backing though?
07:37.49 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:42.48 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
09:07.45 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
09:07.45 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
10:03.06 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
11:10.21 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
11:32.13 dloman Mernin
11:36.54 dloman brlcad: gource is a fun little tool =D
11:37.20 dloman brlcad: did you do all of the brlcad commit history? If, so, I'd love to see the visualization!
12:30.18 brlcad dloman: yeah, the whole thing -- had to modify the source to get it to behave, but it works reasonably well
12:31.29 brlcad the physics unfortunately goes nuts with the whole tree causing the graph to get stuck
12:37.22 dloman so did it turn out at all?
12:37.54 brlcad oh yeah, it works great "most" of the time
12:38.27 brlcad it might work if it's allowed to incrementally build up from scratch
12:38.52 brlcad it'll rebuild the tree from any point on the timeline, which is how you skip forward/backward .. and those tend to get stuck
12:39.01 brlcad trying to rebuild the massive tree after massive edits
12:39.18 dloman cool, drop something on youtube if/when you get a chance :)
12:39.31 brlcad haven't found a good way to capture to video yet
12:40.21 brlcad plus, even sped up to about 4days per sec, it's still like a half-hour video :)
12:40.38 brlcad any faster and it's just a ton of whizzing about
12:41.00 dloman tee hee
12:43.55 starseeker hah, that is cool
12:44.12 starseeker like how it uses the little figures to indicate who's changing what
12:45.20 starseeker brlcad: if you could capture video(s), that'd be a really cool briefing tool
12:45.32 starseeker dloman: you in today?
12:46.08 brlcad starseeker: I'm working on getting video .. I have one video screencast tool working, but it's shareware and watermarks the video
12:46.31 brlcad the tool itself will output ppm that would be a hell of a lot of frame data
12:46.44 starseeker brlcad: ah. I think I stumbled on one or two tools that do opengl video specifically
12:47.18 starseeker
12:47.31 brlcad just found that :)
12:48.24 brlcad the question du jour is whether it'll run .... bah, looks like it's windows only?
12:48.47 brlcad dloman: so we're good to go needing a poster ;)
12:49.08 brlcad one page of awesome
12:49.10 dloman starseeker: not today no, tomorrow. Whats up?
12:49.16 starseeker yukon might be an option:
12:49.38 starseeker dloman: I'm wondering how close we are to having commands in geomclient that could retrieve and send .g files
12:49.47 dloman brlcad: I can work on it *after* march 31 =D
12:49.51 dloman close.
12:50.03 brlcad oh, that's way too late :(
12:50.07 dloman can't promise COB today, but def by COB tomrrrow
12:50.39 Ralith looks like gource can output a ppm stream itself
12:50.46 Ralith which could then be encoded
12:50.47 starseeker is trying to remember if yukon is how he made the videos of g3d...
12:51.07 brlcad Ralith: 08:46 < brlcad> the tool itself will output ppm that would be a hell of a lot of frame data
12:51.27 brlcad missing a 'but' in there
12:51.47 dloman brlcad: sorry, but RL has kicked me square in the nuts and I have had to take a lot of time off... so i am behind with the GS.
12:54.21 brlcad someone else will have to come up with something then, hopefully
12:54.22 Ralith that's what I get for not keeping up.
12:54.24 brlcad students are submitting applications by the 28th, so that's just way too late
12:54.31 Ralith still, too much data?
12:55.24 starseeker brlcad: ah -
12:55.36 brlcad looks
12:56.51 brlcad starseeker: looks like that only works with x11 glx contexts?
12:57.36 starseeker possibly
12:57.56 brlcad I'd hate to go through all the steps again, but I might be able to crunch the frames out on a remote linux box with tons of disk, and convert to video there
12:58.53 brlcad it was just a bit of a time sink to compile with all its deps, paying some lil shareware dev becomes appealing :)
12:58.55 starseeker nods - surprisingly, there just aren't a whole lot of good solutions (that I know of, anyway)
13:01.25 starseeker dloman: do you think you could spare a little time from the java side to get the .g files moving back and forth?
13:04.25 dloman that's what Im doing ;)
13:04.36 starseeker dloman: cool, thanks :-)
13:05.06 starseeker got his butt kicked by a bunch of topics he knows disturbingly little about last week - sorry for not being of more concrete assistance
13:05.21 dloman no worries
13:05.33 dloman i havent exactly been productive recently
13:06.04 starseeker dloman: that's not up to you - hope everything is going a little bette
13:06.07 starseeker better even
13:07.54 dloman heh, its when things start going better that i get scared. Murphey and his laws are having a field day ;)
13:09.07 dli starseeker, like undo/redo?
13:09.25 starseeker dli: how's that?
13:09.53 dli starseeker, when you mentioned 'moving back and forth'
13:10.31 starseeker dli: the most basic function of any client/server system is to communicate between client and server
13:10.53 dloman brlcad: is there a quick way to print a bu_vlb to console or string as HEX ?
13:11.01 starseeker dli: we have that (thanks to dloman) but we need to be able to send geometry back and forth
13:11.29 starseeker dli: once we can communicate geometry files, we can think about how to store revisions of them
13:12.15 starseeker dli: the next stage beyond that is to communicate just specific changes to parts of the .g files, and be able to retrieve specific versions of geometry from the server
13:12.27 starseeker dli: the latter means revision control and is not easy
13:13.31 starseeker dloman: yeah, if I ever run into Murphy I'm gonna have a word with him...
13:13.51 dli starseeker, not easy with .g format :( maybe, easier as database entries
13:14.31 starseeker dli: basically what's needed is to customize version control software for our specific purposes
13:16.41 starseeker gathers up his stuff and heads in - first stop gym...
13:25.09 ``Erik unsigned char *p = bu_vlb_addr(myvlb); for(i=0;i<bu_vlb_buflen(myvlb);i++){ printf("%02x ",*p); p++; }
13:28.07 dloman ``Erik: thanks
13:30.37 ``Erik (there're tricks to make that shorter, but starseeker starts sobbing when I do those)
13:36.08 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43890 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/bitv.c: don't try to cat the str/title if it is null
13:38.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43891 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/vlb.c):
13:38.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: add a new bu_pr_vlb() routine for printing out diagnostic information for vlb
13:38.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: structures. optionally prefixed with a title, this prints out each byte as a
13:38.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: space-separated hex value. could probably use some pretty printing to group
13:38.38 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: together for readability, but go simple for starters.
13:38.55 brlcad dloman: turned erik's one-liner into a new bu routine, bu_pr_vlb(), see if that's suitable
13:40.43 dloman kk will try
13:40.44 brlcad dli: unless I missed part of the conversation, it's not specific to .g data
13:41.34 brlcad the service allows transactional edits with history preserved, so it's just a matter of how to encode the transactions as commits
13:42.55 brlcad the simple way is to commit the honking .g file after each change, but that's not really efficient since it's an opaque entity to revision control systems - it's not easy to extract the semantic differences between two changes
13:47.42 dli brlcad, does it make sense to use a database backend, so, database queries can be logged (reverted), efficiency problem left to the database side
13:48.26 brlcad that's basically what's being done with the revision control system -- it uses a database backend
13:49.23 dli brlcad, oh, didn't realize that :(
13:49.37 brlcad we could implement revision tracking on top of some existing rdbms, but then that would basically amount to reimplementing a version control system (like git, svn, whatever)
13:50.09 brlcad and even then, you'd still have the problem of storing/retrieving *semantic* information from the commit
14:00.13 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43892 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ ( msg/ Move message serialization entirely over to AbstractNetMsg. Consolidates serialization logic.
14:16.44 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
14:26.42 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43893 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ Forgot to serialize type. Ooops.
14:27.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43894 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Remove debug printing. Kills performance when trying to print large bytebuffers.
14:27.54 brlcad could maybe add a size parameter
14:28.30 dloman it was a t-shooting debug print statement anyways :)
14:28.48 dloman turns out, printing a 1 meg byte array to console is slow. who knew?!
14:32.23 brlcad probably someone ;)
14:32.33 dloman most likely everyone :)
14:54.58 ``Erik a lot faster if you dump it in a screen and swap, or pipe through less O.o the effort to display a linux kernel build in an xterm was a significant slowdown on my old 120mhz cyrix, went way faster when I put it in a screen and dropped it :)
14:56.41 dloman now that's a new one. localhost just resolved to
14:57.07 ``Erik neat
16:02.17 dloman oh bloody hell. the silly null character at the end of the string has the UUID parsing all bent out of shape :/
16:06.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43895 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Validate parsed string is == 36 characters long to allow for proper UUID generation. The UUID 'standard' for the GSNet Proto needs to be standardized.
16:09.50 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43896 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Fill out the NetMsgFactory's switching table so that NetMsg's can actually be deserialized
17:13.07 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43897 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: Need to do some testing and confirm this, but have a report that keep is changing units to unknown on output files and dbconcating a file with unknown units wipes out the units in the parent .g
17:34.55 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
17:34.56 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
19:02.45 *** join/#brlcad chinu (~chinu@
19:11.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
19:26.47 *** join/#brlcad chinu (~chinu@
19:28.15 *** join/#brlcad sofichinu (~sofichinu@
19:46.10 sofichinu hii all, can anyone help me out for gsoc 2011 project idea - Qt Display Manager
19:47.13 starseeker sofichinu: you've seen the posting on the website?
19:48.27 starseeker
19:51.12 sofichinu yes i have gone through that link, and it says to review current display manager code. From where do i get to access that code?
19:51.36 starseeker BRL-CAD's subversion repository:
19:51.48 starseeker specifically, the trunk branch:
19:52.01 starseeker svn co brlcad
19:52.42 starseeker also a good idea to get BRL-CAD (specifically MGED) compiled and running to see what a display manager does
19:52.46 sofichinu thnx :)
19:52.58 starseeker no problem
19:56.01 sofichinu do one has to use any ide for compiling the code, because I usually use g++ compiler in ubuntu for coding in c++
19:56.23 starseeker nope - most of use go with command line gcc
19:57.10 sofichinu ok
19:57.48 starseeker sofichinu: you have Qt experience?
19:59.11 sofichinu nopes, I started using it only after getting to know about it via gsoc
19:59.33 starseeker nods. Just curious - what appealed to you about that project?
20:01.08 sofichinu to be honest , requirement skills for the project is C++ and I am good at this only :P
20:01.46 sofichinu this all made me interested in this
20:02.00 starseeker fyi, OGRE is also C++
20:03.17 sofichinu yes, many other organizations are, and I am trying to go deep into project ideas to find out which one is best for me.
20:03.35 starseeker I was thinking more about the other display manager task - the OGRE display manager :-P
20:04.10 sofichinu oh i am sorry,
20:04.19 sofichinu I had started using Qt
20:04.29 starseeker the openNURBS library is also C++, if you're into mathematical stuff
20:04.33 starseeker sofichinu: Qt is fine too
20:04.34 sofichinu before and heard about OGRE now only
20:04.48 starseeker we're interested in both - if you're more comfortable with Qt that's great
20:05.28 starseeker openNURBS would pertain to the NURBS tasks on that list
20:06.24 sofichinu which one gives more chance for getting into gsoc ?
20:06.38 starseeker depends on your proposal and the other proposals
20:07.02 starseeker Qt vs. OGRE won't be a make-or-break
20:07.09 sofichinu hm...
20:08.30 sofichinu do i need to make out some patch like usually many organizations demand that?
20:08.31 starseeker sofichinu: I'd suggest taking a quick look at both and see which one looks more managable to you
20:09.18 starseeker see step 9:
20:10.21 starseeker sofichinu: what's your background/interest?
20:11.07 sofichinu I am a student of 2nd year in Computer Science and Engineering
20:13.20 starseeker well, my advice would be to take a very quick look at Qt and OGRE - get a basic window up and draw a line, say, in both - just to get a feel which one you would prefer working with
20:14.55 sofichinu ok
20:15.39 starseeker OGRE is an accelerated 3D context, and Qt is unaccelerated but runs (or should run) pretty much anywhere without requiring any fancy hardware
20:16.09 starseeker sort of the difference between our dm-ogl and dm-X
20:16.44 starseeker (which is why OpenGL embedded in Qt is ruled out - the point of a Qt display manager would be "it always works")
20:17.03 sofichinu sorry but i did not get the difference still.
20:17.55 starseeker OpenGL provides an accelerated graphics context - when you see objects rotating around in real time in 3D, it's usually OpenGL based (unless you're on Windows, which tends to use DirectX more these days)
20:18.15 starseeker typically, the graphics card in the computer is assisting with the drawing when OpenGL is used
20:18.42 starseeker Raw X11 (dm-X) does NOT use any specialized acceleration hardware - it uses only the X calls themselves
20:19.41 starseeker which means the CPU has to do a lot of work instead of offloading it to the graphics card, but ALSO means if the graphics card (or drivers) aren't working you can still bring up the display
20:20.29 sofichinu so can we say that Qt is better
20:21.12 starseeker Qt will work under more conditions
20:21.40 starseeker but it also won't be able to do things like shaded display and take advantage of graphics hardware when displaying really large models
20:21.52 starseeker it's a tradeoff - that's why we're interested in both
20:22.13 starseeker Ideally, you do accelerated when it's available and fall back to unaccelerated when it's not
20:23.10 sofichinu hmm....
20:23.43 starseeker so Qt would be using the 2D graphics stack:
20:23.57 starseeker and OGRE would be using the 3D
20:24.23 starseeker (OK so those are Linux specific, but the general idea is the same)
20:25.40 sofichinu and what about in windows terms
20:27.12 starseeker The Windows stacks look similar, just with different components at the various stages
20:27.14 starseeker (e.g. DirectX instead of OpenGL)
20:27.24 starseeker OGRE and Qt should abstract all that for us
20:27.38 sofichinu ok
20:28.29 sofichinu cant we implement the similar thing for OpenGL too?
20:28.35 starseeker sofichinu: I'd try playing with QtCanvas and see how it behaves - for example, can you get it to draw and update 2D lines quickly?
20:29.01 starseeker sofichinu: we can (in fact, we do - that's dm-ogl and dm-wgl) but OpenGL itself is not a fully cross platform API
20:29.36 starseeker that's why we have one for wgl (Windows), one for GLX (Linux), and we would need one for Mac if we wanted to get the native Aqua interface running
20:30.33 sofichinu oh, I am actually downloading Qt, for sum reasons, I lost it
20:31.14 starseeker Ideally, we would replace all of the platform specific display managers with one accelerated (OGRE) and one unaccelerated (Qt) display manager - between those two, we should get broad coverage of machine configurations and operating systems for minimal code
20:32.34 starseeker My guess would be that the main challenge with Qt will be figuring out how to do "fast enough" 2D drawing without relying on OpenGL
20:33.22 dli or ogre simply figure out how to run without no 3d support underneath
20:33.54 starseeker dli: that's a bit like saying you're going to figure out how to drive without a car :-P
20:34.22 dli starseeker, yes, because a bike is always available
20:34.54 starseeker the main point and benefit of OGRE is that it does take advantage of 3D acceleration
20:35.57 starseeker if someone wants to propose an alternative toolkit for either the unaccelerated or the accelerated display manager that's fine, but they'll need to make a very good case for it
20:37.40 starseeker issues to consider there are license compatibility, portability, how well maintained and widely used the toolkit is, etc.
20:38.34 starseeker we don't want to take over maintainance for a cross platform graphical toolkit - we want to use one that is already in good shape
20:39.02 starseeker OGRE and Qt have a lot of momentum behind them and are licensed in a way we can use them
20:39.51 sofichinu Its just like making a best deal from both of them.
20:46.57 starseeker sofichinu: this may be of interest:
20:52.30 *** join/#brlcad niels_horn (~niels@
22:32.38 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:32.38 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.4 ETA 20110321 || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2011 Google Summer of Code! Students: speak up, ask quesions! :)
23:23.12 brlcad thinks we're good with a simple socket connection for the forseeable next couple years
23:23.54 brlcad local port performance is going to be the main customer at first, not even over tcp, for the beginning (e.g., mged use)
23:24.57 brlcad getting beyond that and I'd want to start considering more advanced network services like automatic replication and persistance .... but only long after the protocol is established for simple net

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