IRC log for #brlcad on 20110322

00:24.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2609 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: /* [[Google_Summer_of_Code/2009|GSoC 2011]] */
00:25.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2610 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: accepted
00:29.33 brlcad in theory, you should be able to get an accelerated and non-accelerated context from both Qt and OGRE -- it's really just what toolkit does someone want to use and which one will integrate best (be easiest to maintain)
00:30.21 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
00:30.42 brlcad e.g., qt with an ogl context could be accelerated or it could be a pure raster context; ogre might be harder to get unaccelerated, but there's always software render ogl :)
00:32.41 starseeker ah, ok - I had assumed we would want to go with something like OGRE for accelerated in order to support more advanced work to come
00:37.59 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43898 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/: Add a branch for some experiments
00:38.43 brlcad ogl for the dm definitely makes the most sense
00:38.55 brlcad something that has scenegraph management
00:38.58 starseeker plain opengl?
00:39.18 brlcad plain ogl with custom scenegraph management is a bitch
00:39.33 brlcad that's where ogre becomes a big win over qt for the dm side
00:39.41 brlcad for the fb side, either would be a win
00:39.48 brlcad fossil scm?
00:39.48 starseeker oh, you mean OGRE for the dm?
00:39.54 starseeker yes
00:39.59 brlcad heh, neat
00:40.06 starseeker BSD licensed as of mid last year
00:40.16 brlcad nods
00:40.22 starseeker I didn't notice at the time - would have hopped on it quicker
00:40.35 brlcad you know it's almost entirely built on sqlite?
00:40.37 starseeker yep
00:41.30 starseeker wasn't so worried about its backend storage mechanism as long as it doesn't cause us some kind of significant trouble
00:42.06 starseeker more annoying is his fondness for global variables
00:42.12 starseeker that's what I was grousing about earlier
00:47.40 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43899 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (17 files in 6 dirs): For now, clear other contents - keep the build logic simple during early phases.
00:53.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43900 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (48 files in 8 dirs):
00:53.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: Add what work has been done so far - the first goal is to get db.c and
00:53.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: everything it needs compiling without warnings about implicit definitions. No
00:53.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: global 'g' structure with settings either - pass it properly, even if it does
00:53.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: mean updating all the functions to do it.
01:08.11 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43901 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (CMakeLists.txt src/CMakeLists.txt): comment out dirs not active yet
01:15.41 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43902 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (3 files in 2 dirs): add a content.h header to manifest and diff, fix accordingly.
01:56.57 brlcad ah, yeah
01:57.20 brlcad it's endemic of fast but lazy coding
01:57.54 brlcad great for getting things done, but crazy maintainability for new developers
01:58.32 starseeker my favorite bit is he generates the headers based on what the .c files need
01:59.40 starseeker brlcad: is sqlite a concern?
02:00.02 brlcad nope
02:00.25 starseeker breaths a sigh of relief
02:00.31 brlcad implementation detail that might affect scalability, but not a problem until it's a problem
02:01.16 brlcad have trouble seeing it scale to multiGB databases, but maybe
02:01.33 starseeker yeah, huge meshes could be a problem
02:01.50 brlcad single models could be a problem
02:02.06 brlcad not to even consider hundreds or thousands
02:02.45 starseeker well, ``Erik has some wicked test cases we can toss in
02:03.06 starseeker brlcad: I was kind of thinking one sqlite file per .g namespace...
02:04.23 starseeker under the hood, of course
02:04.31 brlcad single db by itself is probably fine, thinking db with full revision history, hundreds of edits like you'd have if you start from scratch - that's where it'd get big
02:04.39 brlcad yeah, possibly
02:04.48 brlcad that'd definitely be better than one honking db
02:05.14 brlcad but then merging/branching and linking across namespaces becomes really nasty, no?
02:05.23 starseeker ah, yeah - was thinking a few rotates and translates at the toplevel plus lots of xpushing for edit testing
02:05.26 brlcad with svn it was just across files using path convention
02:05.36 brlcad all still within the revision system
02:06.09 brlcad either way, interesting test
02:06.09 starseeker brlcad: not sure how nasty it would be - I've been thinking about it, but nothing concrete to toss on the whiteboard yet
02:06.48 brlcad get stuck with svn libs?
02:07.04 brlcad or looking for better performance?
02:07.14 brlcad or just having fun? :)
02:07.37 starseeker heh - combination of the latter two
02:08.42 starseeker I was hoping a "speak .g language" approach to the revision control would let us avoid the region breakout and still have reasonable performance, but looking at that level of subversion/apr just got downright scary
02:09.22 starseeker fossil appealed because it's smaller, distributed and for a bonus has that web server stuff integrated
02:09.50 starseeker thought it might be more practical to get it commiting individual geometry objects as binary blobs and checking out into .g files
02:10.45 starseeker however screwed up its "yay global variables" approach is, once straightened out it should build portably and without fun like the apr libs
02:12.49 brlcad be sure to consider the big picture management advantages/disadvantages too then, user management isn't nearly as well integrated, generic properties, proven stability across massive dbs, repository mirroring, efficient binary management, .. ;)
02:14.06 starseeker actually it does seem to have some user management abilities, although I haven't looked hard at that
02:14.30 starseeker I'm assuming it's got to be fairly good at mirroring, being a dvcs...
02:14.31 brlcad if performance were the only consideration, that new libgit toy would be a viable candidate
02:14.38 brlcad it has user management
02:14.41 starseeker <snort> I took a look at that
02:14.45 brlcad it's not just nearly as well integrated
02:14.46 starseeker doesn't have the feature set yet
02:14.56 brlcad svn's is pretty extensive
02:15.19 brlcad there's a whole lib dedicated to it that can be coupled to the various remote connection mechanisms
02:15.55 starseeker brlcad: is user management a big deal at the revision control level? I thought user management stuff was gonna live higher up the food chain, but maybe I was wrong
02:16.13 brlcad initial stab was a complete punt, just let svn do what it does
02:16.32 brlcad anything we do higher up is just going to suck
02:16.38 starseeker ah
02:16.52 brlcad that's trickty to get right, even stupid username+password management
02:17.14 starseeker fossil does have at least some capability for username+password
02:17.20 brlcad it has to :)
02:17.39 brlcad it's an unintegrated home-grown solution iirc
02:18.12 starseeker yeah, it's self-containment is one of its selling points
02:18.23 brlcad yep
02:18.30 brlcad it's a plus and a negative tradeoff
02:18.42 brlcad super limited, but super simple
02:19.42 brlcad to me spells "super inadequate" for long-term without hacking a completely separate user management layer on top, but that's not a concern for a while
02:20.00 brlcad it's worth testing regardless
02:20.33 brlcad anything we implement shouldn't be so tightly integrated that we cannot switch out to a different versioning engine without a couple weeks effort
02:21.48 starseeker my plan was to get it refactored/reworked to the point where I could directly pass it librt's db byte arrays as objects, and check them out into a .g file instead of files
02:22.05 starseeker then see what performance was like
02:32.48 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43903 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/src/libgeomvcs/ (CMakeLists.txt checkin.c): Still problems with this file, but can't continue tonight - check in what I've got.
02:33.50 brlcad starseeker: the scrolledwidget ttk fix .. is that from upstream?
02:34.07 brlcad worth pushing to upstream?
03:50.22 starseeker brlcad: if you can call it a "fix" - just going for uniform ttk usage when possible
05:28.52 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
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10:22.03 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
10:37.15 dloman Mernin all.
10:50.16 brlcad so approximately 92 seconds of that 30min animation took up about 5GB of disk in image frames... think I'm going to need a bigger disk
10:51.16 brlcad or I'm going to need to make a smaller animation (was aiming for 720p)
10:52.23 dloman yikes.
10:52.31 dloman that's totally raw image data i take it?
10:53.12 brlcad basically, it's a ppm stream
10:53.20 dloman at 5GB per 92 seconds, you're looking at about 100GB for the 30 min stretch.
10:53.42 dloman I've got a 2TB external you can borrow if ya need :)
10:54.18 brlcad yeah, which by itself isn't too shabby, except it's not exactly something I can upload to vimeo :)
10:54.40 brlcad i'll figure something out
10:56.22 dloman I have Adobe Premere elements and I *think* it can encode a ppm stream to something like mp4, avi, wmv, etc.
10:56.26 dloman if ya need.
10:57.33 brlcad that part I'm actually not worried about at all, plenty of ways to encode from the stream
10:57.51 brlcad more the processing size and size of end result video
10:58.33 dloman well, its not ideal, but you can always hack it into parts if its too big for upload.
10:58.40 brlcad this should work.. just need to make some room :)
10:59.14 dloman hehehe.
10:59.45 dloman on that note: I am seriously considering picking up a pair of 2TB internals... time for some upgrading of the data server!
11:00.28 dloman <Tangent> brlcad: Have you neard of a group called Improv Everywhere?
11:06.49 *** join/#brlcad sofichinu (~sofichinu@
11:15.10 dloman
11:15.18 dloman That's the kinda stuff IE does :)
11:15.25 dloman basically, hilarious stuff :)
12:04.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Tbrowder 07 * r2611 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
12:15.06 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Rossberg 07 * r2612 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: probable a copy-and-paste error
12:21.21 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43904 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/Config.h src/utility/Config.cxx): Added some zero length string checks for the UInt and UShort helper functions in Config class to keep from attempting to parse an empty string. Added a hasConfigValue() for performing simple mapping checks.
12:27.14 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43905 10/geomcore/trunk/src/utility/Config.cxx: Made getConfigValue() perform a check to see if the internal config map actually has the key prior to attempting to return the value.
12:29.08 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43906 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/geomserv.cxx: Simplify startup of geomserv by making Config do all the data conversions for the 'port' parameter.
12:29.15 starseeker brlcad: I'll try and sync to stable today
12:41.10 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43907 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Reordered GemetryService args to be more intuitive. Removed GeometryService's need to store a localnodename as it was redundant (it was being stored as the thread name anyways)
12:43.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43908 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/geomserv.cxx: Geomserv now correctly parses config file for listenAddy and listenPort. If not present, use defaults.
13:12.40 starseeker here's a quick stab at a poster - I don't expect it'll pass muster but maybe it'll prod somebody:
13:12.44 starseeker
13:13.16 dloman Im instantly grooving on the TRON font =D
13:13.41 ``Erik yeah, int he lower right, that's cool
13:14.04 ``Erik but the drop shadows? ortho view of a ginormous screenshot? (not saying I could do better, just being the peanut gallery)
13:14.16 starseeker that's the GSoC logo - I'm not sure how to do that font
13:14.32 starseeker ``Erik: that's why it's to prod, not proposed as a final
13:15.10 ``Erik hm, matt wanted to do german today, you should call him up and go, bring up the poster, he or nikki might be interested in chattering about it, if not helping :)
13:15.23 starseeker ``Erik: heh
13:15.34 starseeker unfortunately, I doubt I'll be up there in time
13:15.39 ``Erik we're programmers, not artists :D
13:15.41 ``Erik ah, bummer
13:15.44 starseeker amen
13:15.59 ``Erik (or, rather, our art is code and math, not visual)
13:16.06 starseeker the drop shadow effect was a stand in until someone figures out how to do that google font thing
13:16.36 ``Erik looks like the tron font done in gimp with the glow and outline script-fu smacked on it?
13:16.48 starseeker shrugs - maybe
13:16.56 ``Erik script-fu is neat, it used to all be scheme, d'no if they've "fixed" that
13:16.59 starseeker doesn't have strong script-fu
13:17.21 starseeker ``Erik: if you want to hack around with it I can send you the xcf
13:17.38 ``Erik nah, getting ready to shower and head down to union memorial
13:17.52 starseeker a good visual for this might be a nice full-screen isst view of something cool
13:18.55 ``Erik hm, what about a handful of keen images (archer, isst, stryker/rise, a few rt's) canted at like ~20 degrees in the z (so they're all parallelograms in outline)
13:19.18 starseeker cool - can you do that?
13:19.21 ``Erik semi-randomly placed
13:19.23 ``Erik um, no? :D
13:19.30 ``Erik just throwing ideas, dude
13:19.32 dloman starseeker: you in today?
13:19.37 starseeker later today, yes
13:19.39 dloman kk
13:19.40 starseeker dloman: what's up?
13:20.09 dloman well brlcad is here already, so i figure the three of us + Photoshop CS5 can get hte job done relatively quickly.
13:20.24 starseeker dloman: you don't need me for that
13:20.31 starseeker you and brlcad can handle it fine
13:20.36 dloman collective input
13:20.47 dloman is stupid busy.
13:21.04 starseeker nods - I won't speed up the process much, trust me
13:21.36 ``Erik photo shop? that's the windows imitation of gimp, rgiht? :>
13:21.56 dloman lol
13:22.04 dloman i use both pretty extensively
13:22.21 dloman and, this is the one area where the Commercial package spanks the FOSS version.
13:22.46 starseeker ``Erik: I know - we could use a snapshot from brlcad's gource visualization :-P should be guaranteed to scare off the weak
13:25.21 ``Erik hm, don't hvae gimp on my laptop, compiling it and it's chain would take too long, and sketchup looks wrong for what I want to say, damn
13:25.36 starseeker inkscape?
13:25.52 starseeker or xfig? :-P
13:26.13 dloman ``Erik: you run a gui of any sorts?
13:26.35 ``Erik dlo: mac.
13:26.50 dloman ..theres no precompiled GIMP binaries?
13:26.54 ``Erik probably are
13:27.00 dloman kk
13:27.09 ``Erik heh
13:27.21 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43909 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (27 files in 17 dirs): Sync STABLE to trunk r43908
13:27.31 starseeker there we go
13:27.36 starseeker gets moving
13:27.47 starseeker lots to do, too few hours...
13:30.37 ``Erik mebbe brlcad will go to prost and talk to matt about critiquing what we do or hints on how to not suck?
13:31.20 ``Erik hits the rainlocker and heads off, hasta
13:43.29 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
13:54.38 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43910 10/geomcore/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Rework DataSource interface to better represent current repo design initiative. (plus cascading changes.)
14:05.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43911 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Stub in SvnDataSource class
14:06.55 ``Erik 10:06AM up 313 days, 16:43, 2 users, load averages: 0.05, 0.11, 0.14
14:07.18 ``Erik doh, wrong machine :D
14:07.21 dloman thats good to know ``Erik , thanks!
14:07.22 ``Erik 10:06AM up 414 days, 4:55, 17 users, load averages: 1.91, 2.03, 2.02
14:07.44 ``Erik starting to get heavy again, might break the old record
14:08.25 dloman ``Erik: whats your FB post about?
14:08.56 ``Erik just everything all happening at once, crazy couple of months
14:09.03 dloman ah, got ya.
14:09.35 ``Erik I mean, that whole area is lighting up like ww3 is about to start, natural disasters of unprecidented scale elsewhere, ...
14:10.33 dloman maybe, just maybe, there will be some finality to the (seemingly) endless conflict in/around the middle easy.
14:10.36 dloman lol
14:10.37 dloman east
14:11.19 ``Erik perhaps, if they modernize, but we're regressing on the flipside, so...
14:11.48 ``Erik (mebbe that's the REAL pole shift to be scared about :D )
14:12.03 dloman =D
14:12.55 dloman That would make a decent 'what if' scifi story: Earth's axial tilt gets knocked to near 90 degrees.....
14:15.03 ``Erik ever read "lucifers hammer"? pournelle and niven, I think?
14:15.15 dloman can't say that I have.
14:15.28 ``Erik similar situation, amusing enough book :)
14:16.07 dloman wonders if there is an audiobook for it.....
14:16.47 dloman if pournelle can tame niven's habit for painful science detail, then it could be good :)
14:17.13 ``Erik hehehe, I dig niven, I like the detail
14:17.19 dloman the ringworld series was interesting, but it felt like i was reading a tech manual / textbook at times ;)
14:17.36 dloman "Screw plot development, lets talk about cool geeky things"
14:17.40 ``Erik needs to pick up pratchets discworld series
14:17.40 dloman =D
14:17.51 dloman heh, we have all of them
14:17.54 dloman well, most of them.
14:18.04 dloman he got really preachy in his latests books.
14:18.34 dloman He's a faithfully devout Athiest and started to use his books to evangelize :/
14:18.55 ``Erik hm
14:19.00 dloman that was kinda annoying, but the first, oh, 8-10 books in the series were great.
14:19.09 ``Erik also need to restock on harry harrison and mercedes lackey O.o
14:19.20 ``Erik does robert asprin still write? is he still alive? O.o
14:19.23 dloman I have a few audio books for pratchet if you want.
14:19.31 ``Erik oh, he died in '08 :(
14:19.33 dloman no idea. Who's that?
14:19.46 ``Erik the 'myth' series and 'phules company'
14:19.54 ``Erik camp comedy scifi
14:20.15 ``Erik was his big series
14:20.54 ``Erik kinda mel brookes goofy
14:21.30 dloman hrm, looks interesting.
14:21.37 dloman bookmarks.
14:21.52 dloman so I was wondering...
14:21.57 ``Erik the blue pill
14:22.05 dloman i found a website pertaining to the whole Ringworld thing
14:22.22 dloman some guy, back in the 80's, tried to do a simulation of the Ringworld.
14:22.34 dloman but hit a wall due to computer limitations
14:22.44 dloman ....think we could model it in brlcad?
14:22.46 ``Erik hm, we do have a hair more computational power these days, I think
14:22.50 dloman simply of course
14:23.06 ``Erik model it? sure, um
14:23.12 dloman although, an algo that would generate terrain in addition to the ring would be neat.
14:23.15 ``Erik accuracy will get gimpy due to the sizes
14:23.26 ``Erik I thought we had a few of those
14:23.37 dloman ....but on that scale? :)
14:23.44 ``Erik fractal noise generators that create dsp's, etc
14:23.53 ``Erik sure, big enough fractal, it's just a memory constraint
14:24.12 dloman ponders
14:24.22 dloman down to what resolution though....
14:24.31 dloman 1km ? 10m ?
14:24.36 ``Erik could alter one to do 'bound' fractals to chain them along by preseeding one side and generate a metric buttload of dsps' to cover the inner surface
14:25.04 dloman i think its funny how you can spew tech stuff and still work the word 'buttload' into it.
14:25.10 dloman =D
14:25.39 ``Erik 10m should be okish, I'd start getting nervous about 1m... um, the estimated orbital distance is about jupiters orbit, and we store purely in mm
14:26.11 ``Erik I'm under the impression that jupiter is (let me figure a better word) a whole metric assload of mm's from the center of the sun
14:26.28 ``Erik so double precision will start stretching out a fair bit
14:26.43 dloman right, but we have 64 bits of storage to work with right? And with doubles, we get what.... 15 decimals of precision?
14:26.54 ``Erik 15 decimals is a falacy
14:27.09 dloman ...hence the question mark :P
14:27.18 ``Erik it's a logorithmic encoding, with the most accuracy right at 1.0ish
14:27.34 ``Erik if you get too small or too big, the discernable difference increases
14:27.44 dloman well forget float then, why not go with pure integer?
14:28.36 ``Erik I was actually trying to come up with a system in the late 90's, wanting to right an xwing/wingcommander type game for an entire solar system, did the math and double was 'good enough', after being mocked for trying to come up with a tiered integer system
14:29.25 ``Erik but that was a space fighter sim, the speeds and distances were assumed to be significant, so mapping between model and world space ... I don't recall :/
14:29.27 dloman what was your minimum accuracy with that system? 1m 10m?
14:29.58 ``Erik I want to think a full double was down to a handful of cm, but I really don't remember
14:30.17 ``Erik that's 64b packed, 80b computation, the norm for intel
14:31.10 ``Erik of course, a ringworld model could hold translation matrices all up the chain to gain accuracy, ya just might get weirdness if you xpush'd
14:31.23 dloman hehehe
14:31.43 ``Erik might be a fun diversion in april :D
14:31.53 dloman that'd be a pretty awesome ISST demo
14:32.00 dloman april == offsite?
14:32.29 ``Erik nah, offsite should be serious, but we all have too much to worry about this month, can't have diversions like that
14:33.23 ``Erik (mebbe we shoulda made geomserv the offsite, it was postponed because geomserv was more important, from what I understand)
14:42.09 dloman well now, work on the Infinity engine has certainly come along nicely. Eye candy:
14:52.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43912 10/geomcore/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Modify GeometryReqMsg to carry 'Path' and 'Recurse' vars instead of 'ReqType' and 'Path' vars
15:08.55 *** part/#brlcad sofichinu (~sofichinu@
15:09.17 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
16:23.07 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43913 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (5 files in 4 dirs): MFC r43912
16:57.06 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43914 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/ (geomserv.config geomserv.cxx): Clean up and standardize Datasource declarations in the .config file
17:02.45 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43915 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/DataManager.h src/GS/DataManager.cxx): Simplify DataManager by only allowing it to handle a single DataSource.... for now.
17:42.57 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43916 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libbu/booleanize.c libged/red.c): Two things to fix red behavior - need blank and not space in one place in the regex matching, and recognize (null) as a boolean 0 in bu_str_true
17:48.01 starseeker pwd
17:48.10 starseeker whoops
17:50.41 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43917 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/ (libbu/booleanize.c libged/red.c): Sync STABLE to trunk r43916
17:52.48 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43918 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (libbu/booleanize.c libged/red.c): MFC r43917
18:09.14 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43919 10/rt^3/trunk/ (27 files in 25 dirs): Purge out all GeometryService related stuff. This now lives in the GeomCore module.
18:10.16 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
18:11.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43920 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/color.c: edcolor was eating the colors - check for the right number of digits in the scan line
18:14.38 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43921 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: edcolor was removing old color tables and not accepting new ones - fixed scan logic to expect the actual number of digits being scanned for.
18:16.50 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43922 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (NEWS src/libged/color.c): MFC r43921
18:17.45 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43923 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (NEWS src/libged/color.c): Sync STABLE to trunk r43921
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19:44.19 bhinesley Hello everyone, I'm a student participating in the GSoC. I would appreciate any suggestions for project proposals. I have about 5 years of professional experience in 3d CAD design (designing commercial plumbing systems in AutoCAD). I have minimal experience with C++ and Java, but I have coded dozens of VBA programs for the companies I have worked for. I use Linux all the time, personally, and I also have about 3 years of
19:44.19 bhinesley experience administering a Linux server on a ~25 workstation network.
19:45.49 bhinesley Also, I am somewhat familiar with Python, and I believe I could get up to speed quickly.
19:50.50 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob_ (
19:50.53 starseeker do you have particular interests?
19:51.56 starseeker bhinesley: if you have experience with modeling interfaces, you might want to take a look at our ideas for GUI enhancement
19:52.42 starseeker We're using Tcl/Tk, which is a bit different from Python, but not tremendously difficult
19:54.35 starseeker
19:55.00 bhinesley I don't have any particular interests, that I can think of yet. I don't have experience with modeling interfaces.
19:55.15 starseeker well, you used AutoCAD yes?
19:55.17 bhinesley Learning a new language isn't really a problem
19:55.23 bhinesley yes
19:55.29 starseeker that's experience :-)
19:56.00 starseeker bhinesley: the first thing I'd suggest is compiling BRL-CAD and taking a look at MGED and Archer
19:56.11 starseeker they're where the current GUI development action is
19:56.31 bhinesley I think I misunderstood you, I thought you meant programmer-modeling user interfaces
19:56.51 bhinesley okay
19:56.55 starseeker Was your pipe design work in 2D or 3D (drawings, or three space)? (there's no wrong answer)
19:57.01 bhinesley 3d
19:57.07 bhinesley for fabrication
19:57.09 starseeker nods
19:57.42 bhinesley although, obviously I am proficient in 2d drawings as well
19:57.55 starseeker If you're not afraid to get down and dirty with Tcl/Tk, I'd suggest taking a look at the sketch editing task and possibly the Ayam task
19:58.05 starseeker do you have any mathematical background?
19:58.29 bhinesley yes, I have finished calculus 2 (out of 3; I'm on a semester system)
19:58.48 starseeker OK - Ayam is related to NURBS, which is pretty heavy duty in the mathematical department
20:00.29 bhinesley interesting... I am assuming it involves more mathematics than I am familiar with(?)
20:01.42 starseeker It depends... the mathemathical requirements may not be absolutely essential for mapping Ayam nurbs editing to our nurbs editing, but you'll have to become familiar with NURBS structures
20:03.12 starseeker Our sketch editor needs help rather badly, so if you're more comfortable with 2D drafting you can take a look at our sketch editor, at what TkCAD can do, and where to go from there
20:04.33 starseeker
20:04.44 starseeker
20:05.13 starseeker those will have links to get you started
20:05.18 bhinesley thank you
20:05.44 bhinesley not sure if this helps, but here is a picture of some of my work:
20:05.48 starseeker remember those are just suggestions - be sure to pick something you find interesting
20:06.12 bhinesley certainly
20:06.49 starseeker I base those suggestions on the fact that you've worked at modeling tasks before, and thus have background interacting with graphical modeling tasks
20:07.40 bhinesley that's great, that is exactly what I was looking for
20:08.16 starseeker If you're familiar with Python Tcl/Tk shouldn't seem too alien, although Archer in particular makes heavy use of Itcl/Itk
20:09.31 starseeker bhinesley: you'll want to get BRL-CAD built first and foremost, since everything follows from that, and get MGED and Archer running
20:09.47 bhinesley yes, I'll do that right now.
20:10.17 starseeker then explore the sketch editor (I'll offer a shortcut - when you have mged running, create a basic sketch and then edit it to get the gui)
20:11.00 starseeker from the MGED command line:
20:11.03 starseeker make sketch.s sketch
20:11.14 starseeker sed sketch.s
20:11.51 starseeker (remember to compile using --with-ogl to get Archer working)
20:12.19 starseeker bhinesley: I can't seem to see that link
20:14.05 bhinesley Hmm, I was afraid of that. I'm trying to find an alternative.
20:16.22 bhinesley try this:
20:17.11 bhinesley that doesn't show much solids modeling, but I've done that too
20:17.37 bhinesley let me clarify: a tool was used for sizing the pipe
20:17.58 bhinesley all routing/placement was done manually
20:18.36 bhinesley I modeled all of the pumps/tanks to spec though
20:21.05 starseeker cool
20:26.45 bhinesley so what kind of stuff do you do for BRL-CAD, if you don't mind me asking/
20:26.49 bhinesley *?
20:29.29 starseeker bug fix, development, support
20:30.11 starseeker the guy to really listen to is brlcad, he'll probably appear in channel later
20:30.38 bhinesley oh okay. founder?
20:30.58 starseeker he's the lead of the open source project
20:31.08 starseeker the actual founder of BRL-CAD itself is Mike Muuss
20:31.43 starseeker it's a very old project:
20:32.05 starseeker is a newbie, relatively speaking :-)
20:33.06 starseeker bhinesley: if you want to ask questions, go ahead and post them - it may be a few hours before anyone responds, but that's normal - we read backlogs
20:33.36 bhinesley hey, that's cool
20:33.37 bhinesley is a newbie, in absolute terms
20:33.51 bhinesley thanks for your help
20:34.00 starseeker no problem - any of that look interesting?
20:34.58 bhinesley I haven't looked yet, I'm working on getting the source
20:35.09 starseeker nods
20:35.25 starseeker remember not to check out the whole thing - you only want the latest development sources:
20:35.38 starseeker svn co brlcad
20:35.53 bhinesley oh thanks, I wasn't sure which to checkout
20:37.04 starseeker the toplevel files have instructions for building - ideally, ./ && ./configure --enable-all --with-ogl && make && make install will do it
20:39.10 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43924 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Get checking building, albeit with a lot of implicit warnings
20:39.59 starseeker bhinesley: be sure you review the checklist - do you have a sourceforge account?
20:41.38 bhinesley I will in about 30 seconds
20:51.33 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43925 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Add find_option to basic, but this does not belong in a library (none of the argc/argv stuff does) and will be part of a restructuring
20:56.01 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43926 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/src/libgeomvcs/checkin.c: update find_option
21:31.51 *** join/#brlcad Emma (
22:30.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r43927 10/geomcore/branches/fossil/ (10 files in 2 dirs): Declare some more functions.

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