IRC log for #brlcad on 20110328

00:12.47 brlcad kunigami: they imply different concepts, so yes
00:13.07 brlcad the language just describe *how* something should be rendered
00:13.21 brlcad the shader system implements the rendering
00:23.11 kunigami hmm, in liboptical we have a shader language or a shader system?
00:33.38 brlcad heh, system
00:35.38 brlcad the shader strings we set on objects could be construed as a primitive language, example: "plastic di=0.4 sp=0.2" another "stack {{plastic} {texture src="file" name="foo.png"}}"
00:39.42 kunigami cool. I think I'm understanding
01:05.44 kunigami I saw your commentary on my patch. I'm switching from malloc/strncpy to the wrapped version. bu_malloc has a const char *parameter, but I couldn't get its meaning from the commentaries. Looking its definition, it seems that it has debug purposes (or not?). So I'm passing NULL to this function. Is that ok?
01:10.44 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
02:25.29 *** part/#brlcad kunigami (~kunigami@
03:21.48 starseeker full movie clocks in at just over a gig
03:34.14 starseeker and just over 45 minutes
03:34.36 starseeker layout's a bit skewed by trunk and brlcad always being present
03:36.25 starseeker brlcad: I'll probably have to bring you a dvd - I don't know that my upload connection will tolerate such a huge upload even if bzflag has room
06:18.42 *** join/#brlcad bhinesley (
06:20.51 bhinesley I'm having build issues in Windows/Cygwin. Is Cygwin used to build the releases of BRL-CAD?
06:23.58 bhinesley *windows releases
06:33.39 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 0399.125.83.101 07 * r2761 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Checklist */ Updated status
06:34.33 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 0399.125.83.101 07 * r2762 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Checklist */ removed item no longer working on
06:43.12 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
06:52.58 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:28.05 bhinesley Nevermind, found README.Windows
10:05.04 brlcad starseeker: more importantly, does the graph go nuts after 2004?
10:06.13 brlcad bhinesley: it's not, but it 'should' build .. it's just not a configuration that's tested very often at all. shouldn't be more than a few minor tweaks but if it is, that could be a patch submission
10:12.42 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
10:13.16 brlcad hello sachinjain, what's your question?
10:13.57 sachinjain yeah...
10:14.27 sachinjain I was talking about the project....."Vector output from raytracing"
10:15.31 sachinjain I wanted to does brlcad generates raster images?
10:15.40 brlcad through raytracing :)
10:16.05 dloman Mernin all!
10:16.14 sachinjain generates a set of pixels?
10:16.17 brlcad so a ray is fired for every pixel, if it hits something, that pixel is shaded according to the properties of what it hits
10:16.21 brlcad hello dloman
10:16.46 sachinjain ok...
10:17.22 sachinjain so...what do u mean by "generate vector drawings"
10:17.42 sachinjain we can only generate vector drawings if we assume that we have raster image
10:18.12 brlcad the idea with getting vector output is two-fold -- you either are going to still shoot rays and interpolate vector lines (i.e., edge/object detection) ... OR ... you're not really going to shoot rays but instead extrace outline representations "somehow" and project those onto a vector image plane
10:18.44 brlcad s/extrace/extract/
10:20.07 sachinjain I have done a project....where I have to a construct a vector image out of raster image
10:20.18 sachinjain by using bezier splines
10:20.30 brlcad that would be the first method I mentioned
10:20.37 sachinjain hmmm
10:21.08 brlcad it can work that way, but you have to be really careful about how those curves are constructed
10:21.36 brlcad they don't tend to sample well for small resolution images
10:21.43 sachinjain yeah
10:21.57 sachinjain how small resolution images are we talkin about?
10:22.07 brlcad you either need to really increase the grid size or you need adaptive sampling where there are areas of large derivatives
10:22.24 brlcad it's user-specified, so pretty much anything
10:22.33 brlcad it should still give a sensible result though
10:22.59 brlcad if it's basically giving the raster image scaled, that's rather useless
10:23.18 brlcad the whole point is to have smooth edges that scale and interpolate cleanly
10:24.43 brlcad that's why the method that doesn't involve sampling is superior, but a bit harder
10:25.09 sachinjain so what other method you can suggest?
10:25.33 brlcad you extract outline representations "somehow" and project those onto a vector image plane
10:25.45 sachinjain you mean the second approach
10:25.45 sachinjain ?
10:26.01 brlcad that would be the other method
10:26.35 brlcad note that there are lots of degrees of freedom here
10:27.14 sachinjain what do you mean by "extracting outline representations"?
10:27.31 brlcad you could, for example, query each individual primitive, shoot a grid of rays at it, evaluate bezier curves for that outline, then perform boolean evaluation of the bezier curves all the way back up to the resulting vector iamge
10:28.28 brlcad or instead of shooting a grid of rays, you could use the conversion to a boundary representation format (NURBS) and then calculate the edge contours from the NURBS surface, and once again, perform boolean eval of those curves up the hierarchy
10:30.45 *** join/#brlcad AbhijitKane (~Abhijit@
10:31.44 brlcad sachinjain: feel free to post any more questions if they come up -- it's a tricky subject but if you already know how to interpolate bezier curves then you already have an advantage
10:31.57 sachinjain yeah.....I know
10:32.01 brlcad otherwise, I have to go walkabout for a bit to tame this congestion
10:32.02 sachinjain how to interpolate
10:32.54 sachinjain but...I am still trying to understand your above suggestion
10:37.10 sachinjain ok....
10:37.21 sachinjain so what I understood from your explaination
10:37.24 sachinjain is that
10:37.36 sachinjain for every object in a scene
10:37.51 sachinjain we find the outline of that object
10:38.09 sachinjain construct a bezier curve on that outline
10:38.10 brlcad yes
10:38.29 sachinjain n then do some...."boolean evaluation"
10:38.41 sachinjain what is this boolean evaluation?
10:39.12 brlcad
10:39.42 brlcad so look at that image on the bottom right
10:40.04 brlcad that's basically our CSG hierarchy, with primitives at the bottom, boolean operations that combine them up to the final image on the top
10:40.10 sachinjain
10:40.12 sachinjain this one?
10:40.16 brlcad we want a vector version of what is on top
10:40.24 brlcad yes
10:41.08 sachinjain hmm
10:41.15 sachinjain that seems pretty interesting
10:41.22 brlcad gotta run, others in here should be able to help further .. look forward to talking more!
10:42.21 sachinjain yeah sure
10:42.26 sachinjain some specific time?
10:43.01 sachinjain last question...what do I need to work upon this project?
10:44.44 sachinjain Hi starseeker
10:45.52 dloman sachinjain: 'what do I need to have' in software installed on your computer?
10:46.24 sachinjain dloman: I didn't got u
10:46.25 sachinjain ?
10:48.00 dloman your question: "What do I need to work upon this project?"
10:48.12 sachinjain yeah
10:48.15 dloman do you mean: "What software do i need to have installed to work on this project?"
10:48.30 sachinjain I already have that software installed
10:48.51 sachinjain trying to go through its documentation
10:49.16 sachinjain is there any specific part of documentation which I need to go through...for this project
10:50.25 dloman you are working on the "generate vector drawings" that you and brlcad were talking about just a few minutes ago?
10:50.35 sachinjain yup
10:50.54 sachinjain I think I got the whole idea of the project
10:51.38 dloman I'm no expert, but I'd suggest diving into the code. libbu was the most informative library for me when I started, and I'd imagine libRT will be very good for you also.
10:54.42 sachinjain where can I find these libraries?
10:55.04 dloman in the source code: /src/libbu and /src/librt
10:55.32 dloman their header files would also be good to start with: /include/bu.h and /include/rt.h
10:59.46 sachinjain there is no such file in this path
10:59.57 sachinjain :-/
11:00.16 sachinjain I am working on windows
11:00.33 sachinjain and the version installed is 7.14.8
11:00.45 dloman ah, winderz.
11:00.59 sachinjain should I do my work in linux?
11:01.03 dloman okay then, wherever you have it installed:
11:01.13 dloman <installpath>/include/bu.h
11:01.25 dloman <installpath>/include/rtfunc.h
11:01.32 dloman <installpath>/include/rtgeom.h
11:01.33 sachinjain no file with name "bu.h"
11:01.58 sachinjain I can only find "rtgeom.h"
11:01.59 dloman well that's not right
11:02.11 dloman did you download binaries or the source?
11:02.32 sachinjain just the exe files
11:02.33 sachinjain :D
11:02.36 sachinjain file*
11:02.47 dloman ah, well then that's the issue.
11:02.58 dloman if you are going to develop, you are going to need to get an SVN checkout
11:02.59 sachinjain hmm
11:03.08 sachinjain on eclipse?
11:03.41 dloman that's one way to do it, however, I have never built brlcad using eclipse... so i dunno if its possible.
11:03.55 dloman most windows developers for brlcad use some flavor of visual studio
11:04.02 sachinjain ohhh
11:04.14 sachinjain it easy to do through linux?
11:04.28 dloman in my opinion, yeah, much easier.
11:05.03 sachinjain I can work on one of my servers....
11:05.06 sachinjain it has got linux
11:05.40 sachinjain how do I get binaries or source on linux?
11:05.56 dloman how familiar with *nix are you?
11:06.22 sachinjain never heard of it
11:06.24 sachinjain :-/
11:06.45 dloman *nix == unix, linux, bsd, etc
11:06.48 dloman general term
11:06.52 dloman aka 'not windows'
11:06.56 sachinjain kk
11:06.57 sachinjain kk
11:07.09 sachinjain very familiar
11:07.10 sachinjain then
11:07.25 sachinjain I do all my coding on unix only
11:07.42 dloman just get an svn checkout of the brlcad repository.
11:08.27 dloman
11:08.59 dloman aka: svn co directoryOnYourHD
11:10.13 sachinjain so...I have to just run this command....
11:10.18 sachinjain "svn co brlcad"
11:10.40 dloman well, that's the generic 'svn checkout' command that sourceforge gives
11:10.49 dloman the proper version of it is what i wrote above
11:11.03 dloman are you familiar with using Subversion at all?
11:11.12 sachinjain kk
11:11.19 sachinjain I have used once
11:11.24 sachinjain while building a compiler
11:11.31 dloman okie
11:11.42 dloman there's plenty of tutorials on the net
11:11.49 dloman but all you really need to know are:
11:12.02 dloman svn checkout (or: svn co)
11:12.10 dloman svn commit (or: svn ci)
11:12.12 dloman and
11:12.15 dloman svn up
11:12.20 sachinjain okie
11:12.32 sachinjain I am following them
11:12.58 dloman however, commit permissions are not automatically granted and you will likely have to 'submit a patch' via the sourceforge website.
11:13.14 dloman once you get the code checked out, lemme know.
11:13.21 sachinjain kk
11:13.23 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
11:13.26 dloman i *should* be here for the next 8 (ish) hours.
11:13.44 sachinjain I will try to do soon as possible
11:15.00 dloman is diggin the new GSoC web UI.
11:24.32 dloman hrm... where's my profile editing link? Not liking the new UI that much anymore... its pretty, but that's about it.
11:27.33 dloman Nice... I can't 'apply' to be a mentor without first applying to be part of GSoC. But the only way to be part of GSoC is to apply to be a mentor. LOL i love it.
11:30.30 sachinjain hey dloman....where are you from?
11:30.53 dloman I am currently living in Pennsylvania, USA
11:30.54 dloman you?
11:31.30 sachinjain I am living in Hyderabad, india
11:32.21 sachinjain are one of the developer in BRL-CAD?
11:33.58 dloman A newbie, but yeah :)
11:34.24 sachinjain it seems a very big open source project
11:39.05 sachinjain how much time does it generally takes to download all the source and binaries...
11:39.19 sachinjain through brl-cad repository
11:39.48 sachinjain its taking a hell lot of time
11:43.54 dloman its abig repo. we maintain nearly all required deps internally in case they are not present on the current system.
11:54.52 sachinjain okie....while other files are being downloaded
11:54.57 sachinjain I have
11:55.01 sachinjain "ru.h"
11:55.09 sachinjain "rtedge.h"
11:55.15 sachinjain n "rgeom.h"
11:55.22 sachinjain what should I do with them?
11:55.39 dloman I'd say read them. Get to know the code base a bit.
11:56.04 dloman before you can do any develop that's worth anything, you have to get familiar with the existing code.
11:56.18 dloman not *all* of it, but enough to know where you will be primarily working.
11:57.53 sachinjain "ru.h" is very big
11:58.05 sachinjain how can I get familiar with something like that
11:58.07 dloman bu.h?
11:58.12 sachinjain yeah....
11:58.15 sachinjain "bu.h"
11:58.52 dloman I'd think that looking at the build system, seeing what executables and libraries are made is a good start
11:59.19 dloman launch mged and get a feel for what brlcad's primary modeler looks like.
11:59.39 dloman then start tracing backwards from the build system.
11:59.50 dloman see what the app touches in the way of source files.
12:00.15 dloman that should give you a feel for where your project fits in to the big picture, 'source-wise'
12:00.54 dloman its a big code base and takes years to get familiar with, so don't sweat it if its still mostly foriegn to you at the end of hte summer :)
12:01.14 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
12:04.04 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43974 10/geomcore/trunk/include/IDataSource.h: Require classes implementing IDataSource to have a init() fn. (Even if its a stub). This is needed for both the FS data source(DS) and SVN DS.
12:05.06 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43975 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/FileDataSource.h src/GS/FileDataSource.cxx): Implement minimal init() checks for the FS DataSource.
12:05.53 sachinjain is there any README file?
12:06.06 dloman yes, should be in the root of the checkout.
12:12.34 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43976 10/geomcore/trunk/include/FileDataSource.h: Oops. Can't make an interface mandated function private. Change visibility to public.
12:22.42 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43977 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/FileDataSource.cxx: Log success/failure of IO tests on the repo path.
12:24.37 dloman brlcad: How does Ohloh know about the brlcad repo? Did you have to add the url to ohloh's database or did it just all happen automagically?
12:25.00 dloman I only ask cause it seems that ohloh isn't seeing the /geomcore module.
12:25.13 dloman and was wondering if that new module needs to be added somewhere
12:26.40 dloman hah, nevermind.
12:58.19 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43978 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/GeometryService.cxx: Quick Type Fix
12:59.53 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43979 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/DataManager.cxx: Wire in FileDataSource init() call and return check.
13:08.51 dloman digs into coreInferface. Need to get ejumakated on dis.
13:15.43 *** join/#brlcad AbhijitKane (~Abhijit@
13:30.23 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2763 10/wiki/TypeOnlyMsg: Enter the simple wiki page for TYPEONLYMSG
13:32.03 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2764 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: Admit that this list is not up to date :(
13:36.02 ``Erik *readreadread* yowza, blew out my buffer this weekend O.o
13:37.28 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2765 10/wiki/GenericFourBytesMsg: Remove caps
13:37.40 sachinjain Dloman: From where should I start checking binary files
13:37.45 sachinjain I am stuck all along
13:37.53 dloman 'stuck' ?
13:38.00 dloman as in you are lost in the code ?
13:38.06 sachinjain I mean...I dont know from where should I start
13:38.17 sachinjain which file should I look into
13:38.28 sachinjain first
13:38.42 dloman have you compiled yet?
13:38.45 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2766 10/wiki/GenericEightByteMsg: Write up description for GenericEightByteMsg
13:39.12 sachinjain I have run....
13:39.15 sachinjain sh
13:39.19 sachinjain ./configure
13:39.22 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2767 10/wiki/GenericEightByteMsg: Drat! CopyPaste strikes again! Fixed.
13:39.31 sachinjain n now.."make" is running
13:40.17 dloman ``Erik: any 'esssssspert' advice on where a good starting point for learning the code is?
13:40.42 ``Erik um, to what end? there're lots of good starting points for different end pionts
13:40.43 ``Erik points
13:41.13 dloman "generate vector drawings"
13:41.45 sachinjain yeah...erik...
13:41.46 ``Erik hrm, like an svg outputting tool with an rt interface? lemme read the wiki
13:41.49 sachinjain please help
13:42.57 ``Erik obviously, check out
13:42.59 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Dloman 07 * r2768 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: Add in some descriptions for the simpler messages
13:43.45 dloman ``Erik: FYI the wiki was correct on the PING and PONG. HEADER + a single 8byte field.
13:43.56 ``Erik doh, musta missed that
13:44.11 ``Erik lists some useful tools/files to look at
13:44.32 dloman no worries, i only write wiki pages in bad-engilsh and stupid. You should feel good you're not fluent in those :)
13:45.18 ``Erik nah, I'm used to seeing pings only done as "send a ping, save my time locally... wait for the response, compare it to the local time", since clock drift between two machines is inevitable
13:46.13 ``Erik my guess is that brlcad means to take an approach similar to rtedge (src/rt/viewedge.c) to sample and then string it together into a vector set by line/curve fitting
13:47.02 ``Erik so running rtedge and looking at viewedge.c would be the right beginning point for the BRL-CAD side, the papers good for the algorithm, then figuring out the ps/pdf/svg format for the write phase
13:47.18 sachinjain just these two files
13:47.28 sachinjain "src/rt/viewedge.c"
13:47.36 sachinjain "src/rt/view.c"
13:47.37 sachinjain ??
13:47.54 ``Erik that's the starting point... in understanding how it works, many other files will be involved :) all the way down to libbu stuff
13:48.33 ``Erik a tool like cscope (or an IDE that does that kind of thing) can be very useful in exploring
13:50.38 ``Erik I wonder if finishing up the 'time per ray' raytracer would be a good "acceptance patch"
13:52.58 dloman hey brlcad: Can i write the GS in java? I'd be done by the end of the day! ;)
13:53.16 dli looks like brlcad need to update 7.18.4 ETA daily :)
14:00.14 d_rossberg dloman: any questions about the coreInferface?
14:00.28 *** join/#brlcad sachi1325_ (75d3557b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:02.52 dloman d_rossberg: not yet, still reading :)
14:09.30 starseeker dloman: depending on where we are Wednesday, you may have to try it :-/
14:09.53 dloman i just cant seem to program fast in c or c++ :/
14:10.13 starseeker is down the svn rabbithole
14:10.41 starseeker dloman: if it really would help, can you prototype the whole thing in java in a day and have something working?
14:10.55 dloman quite likely
14:11.26 starseeker unless ``Erik disagrees, I'd say having SOMETHING that runs is critical right now
14:11.42 dloman currently, it runs just fine =D
14:11.50 starseeker geometry is moving across the wire?
14:12.05 dloman .... it runs just fine! =D
14:12.23 starseeker lol
14:13.05 starseeker I can disassemble and reassemble most (not all) of the .g, but I can't yet apply changes
14:13.37 starseeker that's what I'll be having to tackle over the next few days
14:14.39 starseeker I'm hoping the file backend will suffice to iron out the "moving bits of geometry across the wire" issues (even if the .g file is a rather... large bit of geometry)
14:15.50 starseeker dloman: I'm guessing byte arrays of the bu_external variety are well suited to your needs?
14:16.22 dloman so long as its got ALL the data for the dbobject, yup!
14:16.43 starseeker one of the outstanding issues is why the region_id information is getting stripped by the approach I am taking
14:17.27 starseeker I'm using the internal to external and external to internal routines, which is pretty much the same level the dbio layer uses
14:18.12 starseeker unfortunately, that means where precisely I'm losing the region_id info is a bit murky
14:19.08 dloman ``Erik: lynx is pretty neat :)
14:20.52 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43980 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: add start (clientside) timestamp
14:22.00 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43981 10/geomcore/trunk/prototyping/: Add in a prototyping directory for in process work.
14:33.45 dloman starseeker: so what did we descide: we are, or are NOT compatable with the Apache license?
14:33.53 dloman Apache v2.0 that is.
14:33.57 starseeker we're fine to use it, we just can't mix code
14:34.32 starseeker that's why the big change with the svnTest app
14:34.57 starseeker I originally started by taking the svn client code and modifying, but now I'm just using the library APIs
14:35.21 dloman kk
14:35.42 starseeker which would have had to happen eventually anyhow, since the client APIs are too high level for us, but it kills two birds with one stone
14:36.13 starseeker if we ever do a geometry specific backend, that'll probably have to be Apache
14:36.14 *** join/#brlcad adityag (~ADITYA@
14:36.32 starseeker but as with most things, we'll do that if/when need to so it's not an immediate concern
14:36.59 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43982 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: woops, bufp, not buf
14:38.32 starseeker ``Erik: do you know enough about the db read/write interface to know why rt_db_cvt_to_external5 would strip out region_id?
14:39.43 starseeker I thought the functions it called would preserve attributes...
14:42.05 starseeker I know why _GLOBAL information isn't there, but the region_id thing I don't get
14:59.10 ``Erik region_id isn't an attribute, though.. it's a field, no?
15:03.21 ``Erik hrm, hm, looks like it's also in the standard attribute set
15:06.30 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
15:06.30 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
15:06.49 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43983 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Stub in interface requirements for and FileDataSource implementation of putObj(...), the ability to put a single db object into the datasource
15:07.27 ``Erik looks like there's stuff to set the attribute to be the same as the GIFT region_id code in rt_comb_export5
15:07.47 ``Erik librt/comb/comb.c:405
15:14.36 dloman d_rossberg: are there samples of how to use your classes to load/save/create .g files anywhere?
15:14.54 *** join/#brlcad adityag1 (~ADITYA@
15:20.21 d_rossberg is a simple example of how to load a database and perform a simple operation on it
15:21.07 dloman awesome thanks
15:21.20 d_rossberg however, first you have to decide which kind of database you want:
15:21.41 d_rossberg readonly file, read/write file or in memory
15:21.54 dloman reading thru your code, I think 'memory' is best for what I am working on.
15:22.07 d_rossberg there it depends if you may or have to save you changes
15:22.31 dloman just looking to to read/write from/to disk quickly
15:24.35 d_rossberg to get an in memory database in the above example you have to replace BRLCAD::ConstDatabase by BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase, that's all
15:25.17 dloman and, to verify, i can still dump an in memory dtaabase to file simply by calling save()... correct?
15:25.33 d_rossberg correct
15:25.41 dloman awesome. thanks! =D
15:25.54 d_rossberg for creating elements and saving the database see e.g.
15:28.13 d_rossberg and for walking down the tree and writing the elements names to stdout (as an example)
15:29.27 dloman nice. just read all your wiki pages. Dunno why i didn't think to check there, lol
15:30.45 d_rossberg you may find the Get(objectName) and Set(object) methods handy too (in Constdatabase.h and Database.h)
15:39.48 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (
15:44.56 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43984 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: add more display stuff
15:57.28 *** part/#brlcad adityag1 (~ADITYA@
15:59.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43985 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: indent
16:00.11 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43986 10/geomcore/trunk/include/ (brlcad/ conf/): Drop unused headers
16:00.30 dloman ``Erik: got a second to swing by?
16:00.41 ``Erik sure
16:01.21 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43987 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/ (21 files in 2 dirs): indent
16:05.56 *** part/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
16:09.06 dloman Hrm... too bad d_rossberg logged off. it looks like his common.h is trying to clobber brlcad's common.h :/
16:12.57 dloman never mind on that, it looks as thought coreInterface's common.h isn't being installed! Ack!
16:16.39 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43988 10/rt^3/trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Change core interface's common.h to cicommon.h and add it to cmake's install routine. It is needed for using the coreInterface libraries.
16:17.30 dloman There. that's a quick fix. renamed common.h to cicommon.h and installed it :)
16:18.27 dloman ``Erik: FYI, im wiring up geomcore to have libge as an external dep. So soon, you will need to have rt3 compilied and installed for geomcore to compile nad link.
16:18.36 dloman i haven't committed that yet, just giving a heads up
16:18.59 dloman 'compile nad link' that paints a funny picture.
16:36.09 dloman starseeker: you still around?
16:37.39 *** join/#brlcad AbhijitKane (~Abhijit@
16:38.13 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43989 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: add login
16:42.25 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
16:42.25 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
16:45.52 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43990 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libNet/netMsg/NetMsg.cxx: print msgType as hex
17:06.36 *** join/#brlcad siddharth (~siddharth@
17:13.52 dloman starseeker: Had a thought. You could hack that video into 10 minute segments and put it on youtube.... let them deal with the storage.
17:20.04 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2769 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: guessing at payloads
17:20.33 starseeker figured to run it by brlcad and see what he thinks of it - probably more tweaking to do
17:20.50 starseeker now that the streaming thing appears to work, he can tweak it on his own box too
17:25.59 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43991 10/geomcore/trunk/src/utility/GSUuid.cxx: Tricky, uuid returns the length including the trailing 0 where std::string does NOT want it. Was causing an extra byte to be written into the packets.
17:29.01 dloman ``Erik: was that was was causing the lockup?
17:29.21 dloman ...cause I thought I fixeded that one already... :/
17:29.48 brlcad thx starseeker -- I was thinking that there'd probably need to be some more tweaking
17:30.24 brlcad i guess sachinjain was having quite a tough time with some basic concepts
17:31.22 ``Erik nah, but it was causing issues... caused an extra 0 to be written behind the uuid, since the geomclient used the same function, it worked (both sides expected the extra byte) O.o
17:31.49 dloman righto, but I caught that one with the java junk i was making for the guys upstairs....
17:31.55 dloman guess i didnt commit it :/
17:32.24 ``Erik hm, *shrug* goes to show that completely seperate implementations are valuable :D
17:32.24 brlcad region_id is stored as an attribute in v5 during comb export, but in memory, it's both an attribute and a field in the comb internal structure
17:33.58 brlcad dloman: anyone can add new projects to ohloh, I forget how brl-cad was added but I took ownership and set up the svn repo links
17:34.07 brlcad you do specify checkout points for them to track
17:34.33 dloman yeah, i saw that right after i posted in the channel :)
17:34.56 brlcad for the statistics to work, the specifically mention not listing branches unless they're fully self-contained/separate codes
17:35.18 starseeker brlcad: I'm using rt_db_cvt_to_external5 to export and rt_db_external5_to_internal5 to import, but somehow g_diff is reporting region_id differences
17:35.26 brlcad which geomcore would qualify, but not rt^3 with all of the other code
17:35.37 brlcad starseeker: why so low?
17:36.19 starseeker getting miminal bu_external byte arrays to feed directly into the subversion fs
17:38.08 brlcad db_get_external() should give you the appropriate bu_external()
17:38.34 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
17:39.23 starseeker do I still use rt_db_external5_to_internal5 to reassemble?
17:39.40 brlcad not sure what rt_db_external5_to_internal5()'s purpose specifically is
17:39.45 brlcad have to look it up
17:39.49 starseeker k
17:39.49 brlcad I've used db5_get_raw_internal_ptr() in the past
17:40.09 brlcad it'll take that raw bu_external and give you an uncracked internal
17:40.10 starseeker actually, looking closer it's only the region_id -1 cases where it didn't preserve it
17:40.39 brlcad you still probably uncovered api inconsistency
17:40.47 brlcad what'd it do with then?
17:41.08 starseeker either didn't preserve them or didn't assign them on import, not sure which
17:41.23 starseeker wonder if it's a signed/unsigned assumption somewhere
17:41.25 brlcad so just no attribute
17:41.29 starseeker right
17:41.59 starseeker region_id WAS preserved on regions that had region flag and non-negative region id, from the looks of it
17:42.51 brlcad there's no definition of valid region_id values, so technically, that's just like it dropping a region id of 1000
17:43.11 starseeker nods
17:43.36 starseeker I can try the db_get_external and db5_get_raw_internal and see if that does the trick...
17:43.50 sachinjain hi brlcad
17:44.11 starseeker is a little itchy operating at this level of dbio - new turf
17:44.31 starseeker plus I've still got to start slogging through how to do and apply diffs...
17:44.36 dloman brlcad: if I wanted to get the byte equivalent of a memory database out of an rt_i, where would I look?
17:44.59 *** join/#brlcad sachi1325 (75d3557b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:45.03 brlcad starseeker: looks like your routine calls my routine :)
17:45.14 starseeker heh
17:45.16 starseeker phooey
17:45.21 brlcad plus does some more work
17:45.26 starseeker so much for dodging the bullet that way
17:45.37 sachinjain brlcad : do you remember me
17:45.43 sachinjain we had a talk
17:45.44 starseeker what I am doing seems to work surprisingly well, except for that one case
17:45.48 brlcad the docs on rt_db_external5_to_internal5() sound like it should do what you want
17:45.57 brlcad so it's more who's messing up
17:46.07 starseeker nods - was afraid of that
17:46.12 brlcad sachinjain: yes
17:46.15 starseeker yech - bug hunt
17:46.39 starseeker at least that -1 thing is a clue
17:46.42 brlcad isolated and trivial to reproduce... doesn't get much better
17:46.55 sachinjain brlcad : what should I do to get myself considered for that project?
17:47.04 starseeker mutter... I suppose
17:47.09 brlcad dloman: what do you mean by the "byte equivalent"?
17:47.11 starseeker starts setting up the simple test case
17:47.38 brlcad sachinjain: we provide a detailed checklist and lots of info on the website
17:48.23 dloman brlcad: preferably, a byte array of bytes read from disk that constitute the database file
17:48.48 brlcad starseeker: db5_import_attributes() seems to be completely unaware of attribute values so it's got to be during export
17:48.52 dloman im working with Daniel's classes now, and am planning on using them to load a .g in
17:49.14 dloman at that point, i'd like to simply dump the entire DB into a byte array and sling it down the socket.
17:49.56 dloman or could i just read the entire db_i struct from memory?
17:50.00 starseeker brlcad: sounds good - I did a keep with one of the -1 combs and am stepping through now
17:50.13 brlcad dloman: there are lots of routines related to this (several that starseeker and I are talking about right now) ... it depends
17:50.23 brlcad dloman: do you want there to be object awareness?
17:50.31 dloman not at this point no.
17:50.37 brlcad as in, "im expecting 10 and I received 10 objects"?
17:50.53 brlcad then it has absolutely nothing to do with the rt_i
17:51.24 brlcad the db_i has a pointer to both a disk pointer and a byte array
17:51.27 dloman well right now, I am trying to just get an entire file read and sent. next step is to break the db into objects then send.
17:51.45 brlcad dloman: the g_transfer tool does the latter already
17:51.48 dloman and be able to cat it togeher on the other side.
17:51.59 brlcad src/gtools/g_transfer.c
17:52.06 brlcad that's a sender and a receiver all in one
17:52.13 brlcad with object counting
17:52.13 dloman kk
17:52.17 dloman danke
17:53.11 brlcad it also works entirely with in-memory databases on the receiving in, which is what you want for service handling
17:53.24 brlcad starseeker: curious, what has a -1 region_id set?
17:53.45 dloman heh, g_transfer looks strikingly similar to a pkg test file i saw once..... ;)
17:53.51 brlcad that could very well be some signed/unsigned nasty
17:54.29 brlcad dloman: yeah, it was based off of it .. tpkg implemented ttcp over libpkg, g_transfer implements the same thing but with .g object awareness
17:54.58 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
17:55.27 starseeker brlcad: ktank.g has a number of assemblies that have that setting
17:55.36 brlcad very preliminary "geometry service" work way back when long before geometry service was being pushed, making sure that in-memory database processing worked
17:55.39 starseeker possibly havoc too, but haven't confirmed that yet
17:55.40 brlcad (it didn't originally)
17:55.47 brlcad k
17:56.55 starseeker Oooo!
17:57.11 starseeker a keep on the same object also wipes out that region_id setting
17:57.26 starseeker so it's not just my low level stuff, it looks like a legit bug
18:00.28 brlcad so now, does the in-mem have it set as -1?
18:01.03 brlcad looks like the attribute import/export code is ignorant, just treats them as strings
18:01.18 brlcad that leaves the comb code
18:02.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2770 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: GSPONG is 0x62, not 0x61
18:05.41 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2771 10/wiki/GeometryServiceNetworkProtocol: Message Length does not include magic/length values.
18:06.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43992 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: add transmission of remote node name. Fix off by 8 error causing lockup. Formatting cleanup
18:06.46 dloman brlcad: looking at Daniel's code. He loads a database by calling rt_dirbuild and getting back a db_i*
18:06.57 dloman and a err,
18:07.14 dloman i ment 'and getting back an rt_i*'
18:07.55 dloman since you're the expert, will the db_i* that the rt_i* have be in a condition where I can use it to get the data I need?
18:08.02 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r43993 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/comb/comb.c: use atol() instead of atoi() since the fields are long. adjust printing routines to print long too.
18:08.20 brlcad dloman: yes
18:08.30 brlcad an rt_i contains a db_i
18:08.40 dloman sexy, thanks!
18:09.00 dloman btw, heard you're under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!
18:09.45 brlcad the db_i is your handle to the database, it uses a plain FILE * or memory buffer or mapped file, depending on how the data is being managed (e.g., an in-memory-only database has no FILE *)
18:09.58 brlcad there are routines for getting the memory buffer or traversing objects on a db_i
18:10.16 brlcad it's easy to get both but iterating over objects is actually problably a little easier
18:10.27 brlcad yeah, I think ed gave me a cold
18:10.46 dloman well, if its any form of justice, he's out again today. ;)
18:10.47 brlcad at least, I'm comfortable blaming him for it :)
18:10.51 dloman lol
18:10.52 dloman nice
18:11.08 brlcad I slept for 14 hours last night trying to recover
18:11.25 dloman see, now you've gone and made me insanely jealous
18:11.51 brlcad I'll gladly come in and cough all over you so you too can feel this "blessing"
18:11.57 dloman aahahaha.
18:12.14 dloman i have 1600% DV c vitamins coursing thru my veins
18:12.26 dloman (dont forget i have virus generators, err, kids, at home)
18:13.00 brlcad I rarely ever get sick and get tons of exposure to sick kids too
18:13.36 brlcad I'm chaulking this one up to weakened immune system from the long travel combined with complete lack of exercise
18:14.30 dloman brlcad: how familiar are you with Daniel's coreInterface stuff?
18:14.44 brlcad i've read through it a few times
18:14.48 dloman kk
18:14.57 brlcad pretty awesome use of in-mem db's
18:15.17 dloman is an rt_db_internal* the representation of an object?
18:15.45 brlcad that gets a database object in "internal representation" form
18:15.53 sachinjain brlcad : is it necessary to submit a patch?
18:16.09 brlcad sachinjain: it's highly recommended, however small and simple
18:16.17 brlcad just to make sure you can actually read and write code
18:17.14 brlcad most orgs have a similar request of applicants, it helps characterize your ability to become familiarized with the source code and communicate a trivial change
18:18.08 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43994 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: more display stuff
18:18.29 brlcad dloman: there are two types of internal representation -- an uncracked and a cracked form -- the GS should never have to deal with a cracked form (i.e. where it becomes aware of the radius value on a sphere)
18:19.03 dloman nods.
18:19.05 brlcad iirc, rt_db_get_internal is going to be the uncracked from, where you have the name and entity type
18:19.49 brlcad major performance win to not deserialize fully
18:19.55 dloman right no.
18:20.01 dloman err, right on.
18:20.53 dloman I am trying to use coreInterface as much as possible, fyi. The Object class has a db_i* pointer, rt_db_internal*, directory* and resource*
18:21.02 *** part/#brlcad kunigami (
18:21.28 brlcad sounds like the appropriate minimum
18:21.50 dloman from what little I know (via crash course over the last 24 hours) I think i have to grab the 'serialized' data out of the rt_db_internal.... correct?
18:22.46 brlcad db_i is a pointer to the object's container, rt_db_internal is a pointer to the object's data, directory is a pointer to a tree-prep'd record from the db_i, and resource is "magic" that makes it all work faster on multiprocessor systems
18:23.16 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2772 10/wiki/NewSessionReqMsg: New page: Two (GS style network order uint32_t followed by ascii, no terminating 0) strings First is username Second is password (in plain text)
18:23.29 dloman "Object's Container" ... as in the database file?
18:23.36 brlcad the rt_db_internal IS the object in a half-serialized, half-deserialized form .. for schlepping it over the wire, you want to convert from internal to external form
18:23.41 starseeker ok, rt_db_get_intern returns an intern that DOES have a populated idb_avs structure...
18:23.49 brlcad dloman: it's not necessarily a file, but yes
18:23.56 brlcad it's just "the database"
18:24.09 dloman doh. I used the word file. ;)
18:24.40 starseeker and correctly populated
18:25.18 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2773 10/wiki/Common_NetMsg_Exchanges: list initial connect pattern
18:25.35 dloman brlcad: the internal->external conversion somewhere in raytrace.h ?
18:26.08 ``Erik rt_*_export5
18:26.45 brlcad dloman: of course :)
18:26.53 brlcad dloman: see send_to_server() in g_transfer.c
18:27.03 brlcad does exactly what you should be needing
18:27.28 siddharth hello
18:27.37 ``Erik ah, db_get_external
18:27.50 siddharth for the patch thing,what should we do exactly?
18:27.54 siddharth any ideas?
18:28.04 brlcad you can go lower-level and use the export routines, but db_get_external() is a lot simpler, just taking a directory pointer
18:28.18 brlcad siddharth: it's entirely up to you
18:28.30 brlcad the more impressive your patch, the more impressive your submission
18:28.39 dloman ``Erik: thanks for all the wiki-fu. My heads spinning :/
18:28.46 brlcad something simple to show that you can read/write code is a minimum basic, siddharth
18:28.57 siddharth ok thanks :)
18:29.06 brlcad siddharth: you can start with just about anything in our BUGS file or TODO file or something in one of our trackers
18:29.12 ``Erik complete circles? will there be split pea soup vomit, I skipped lunch :/
18:29.38 brlcad starseeker: jeez, I'm not seeing anything reading code on my end
18:29.41 dloman okay, see... there's the 'line'... and you just crossed it.
18:29.49 brlcad hopefully you have better luck with the debugger
18:30.56 siddharth more question,what can we do in BUGS file?
18:31.35 brlcad siddharth: next you're going to ask me where and how to fix the bug?
18:31.38 brlcad is this 20 questions? :)
18:31.48 siddharth lol :P
18:31.57 brlcad you can do any of them...
18:32.33 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (
18:32.34 brlcad some are hard, some are easy -- you have to figure that out
18:32.35 siddharth ok ill try them out :)
18:32.40 starseeker brlcad: yeah, this is an annoying bugger
18:33.10 brlcad siddharth: if you need more specific hand-holding, there are some code projects listed at
18:33.39 siddharth thanks
18:33.47 brlcad some of those, however, are harder than the BUGS and TODO items
18:34.33 starseeker brlcad: ah HAH
18:34.48 starseeker the internal representation is being altered by rt_comb_export5
18:35.09 starseeker that's where the ip->idb_avs.count changes from 1 to 0
18:39.03 dloman Hrm, hitting a C++ knowledge wall. The only way to know what type class you are dealing with is to attempt a dynamic_cast<> and then check the result for NULL ?
18:39.08 dloman ...anyone?
18:39.29 starseeker brlcad: I think I've got it
18:39.43 starseeker not sure what to do about it though
18:40.14 starseeker comb.c:358 - encodes "other stuff" as attributes
18:40.37 starseeker the region_id of the comb itself (internally) is out of sync with the region_id string attribute
18:41.38 starseeker line 405 checks for a non-zero comb->region_id
18:42.05 starseeker it doesn't find it (because it's checking the comb's data structure, not the string attribute)
18:42.36 starseeker so it runs bu_avs_remove on the avsp and strips region_id
18:44.14 starseeker in effect, this aspect of the comb export makes it impossible to have separate values in the comb data structure and the associated attribute
18:44.45 starseeker dloman: uh, not sure
18:45.07 ``Erik for c++, you can enable rtti and do 'isInstanceOf()' or something
18:45.32 ``Erik but there's overhead to enabling rtti
18:45.35 dloman just looked it up. FYI dynamic cast will return a NULL if a type cast fails and you're dealing with pointers, but throws an Exception if you're dealing with references.
18:45.45 starseeker does typeid help any?
18:46.27 starseeker
18:56.06 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43995 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/testclient/gstestclient.c: hoist time function
19:05.40 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
19:06.45 *** join/#brlcad cjdevlin (
19:07.33 brlcad starseeker: it's saying you have to create a profile before I can add you (on
19:07.58 starseeker k, one sec
19:08.50 brlcad same thing for ed's account
19:09.03 brlcad dloman: did you create a link_id yet?
19:09.09 dloman neat. coreInterface just bombed me out:
19:09.17 dloman ....can't say that I have.
19:09.31 dloman
19:10.02 dloman I've registered that site and applied to be a brlcad mentor.
19:10.07 dloman that a link_id ?
19:10.46 dloman man, what a terrible day.
19:11.02 dloman im missing blantantly obivous things
19:11.09 dloman brlcad: yes, i have a link_id
19:11.14 dloman do you want it?
19:11.14 starseeker brlcad: uh... where do I create a profile?
19:11.16 brlcad dloman: when did you submit the request?
19:11.21 starseeker this new site is less than helpful
19:11.34 dloman
19:11.37 brlcad if you sent it before the site change, then you'll have to resubmit it
19:11.49 dloman brlcad: this morning, if it didn't mess up on me.
19:11.56 brlcad regardless you'll need to resubmit it because you're not in the pending requests queue :)
19:11.59 dloman brlcad: am i not showing up?
19:12.05 dloman okie, will do.
19:12.11 brlcad daniel's came through
19:12.21 starseeker dloman: that site isn't accessible because I don't have a profile
19:12.38 starseeker Oh, I see it
19:12.45 starseeker growl
19:12.50 brlcad likes the new look
19:12.56 brlcad work in progress, but it's better
19:13.10 dloman i like the look also, the navigation needs a bit of work
19:13.12 brlcad just not quite ready for production
19:13.18 dloman brlcad: submitted
19:13.36 brlcad got it and approved
19:13.47 dloman smashing old chap!
19:15.37 brlcad note that anything that redirects to may be blocked ... but works, just edit the url manually
19:15.58 brlcad someone needs to send a request in to get it unblocked
19:17.04 ``Erik beat, I broke it :D
19:17.07 ``Erik neat, even
19:17.15 brlcad yeah I see that
19:17.33 brlcad I can withdraw it, but not approve
19:17.41 brlcad looks like admins are auto-mentors this year
19:17.41 ``Erik when I click anything either 'accept' or 'reject', I get "You cannot be a mentor for BRL-CAD to access this page."
19:18.12 brlcad heh, it let me withdraw the request
19:18.12 starseeker brlcad: sent
19:19.22 brlcad just need to get ed, larry, tom, and curly registered
19:20.00 dloman Moe?
19:20.08 brlcad that'd be ed
19:20.15 dloman *snicker*
19:20.29 brlcad although he does a great curly
19:21.50 starseeker brlcad: what do you think about comb and attributes?
19:21.57 brlcad was just looking at that
19:24.02 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
19:35.35 bhinesley FYI, ACM student membership is dirt cheap, and it comes with a MSDN Academic Alliance account, which provides Visual Studio 2005 Professional (and many others) for free.
19:42.01 brlcad dloman: FileDataSource::getObj() .. when is the iterator incremented?
19:42.41 brlcad during Good()??
19:42.48 dloman nice catch, thanks :)
19:43.01 brlcad same in FileDataSource::getObjs()
19:43.31 dloman getObj() is only supposed to get ONE object, so no inrementing needed.
19:43.44 dloman this is still just a 'proof' that I can actually do this :)
19:43.50 dloman cleanup to follow
19:43.56 *** part/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
19:44.25 brlcad should toss-in FIXME's though when the code doesn't do what the function suggests, so it's not lost down the road
19:44.36 dloman right on
19:44.37 brlcad and ends up being a multi hour/day debugging
19:45.21 dloman Hrm, even with the iterator incrementor, it still bombs.
19:45.48 brlcad it's bombing an uninitialized vls .. which could be lots of things
19:46.09 dloman righto. I'll check it out tomarrow.... I'm fried :(
19:46.11 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43996 10/geomcore/trunk/CMake/FindBRLCAD.cmake: Make FindBRLCAD.cmake find libge. Likely not the best spot for this lib, since its in the rt3 module, but it works for now.
19:46.13 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43997 10/geomcore/trunk/ (8 files in 2 dirs): Wire in libge (aka coreInterface) classes for loading and saving .g databases. Implement bare bones read/write for .g files in the FileDataSource class.
19:46.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r43998 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/ (CMakeLists.txt FileDataSourceTest.cxx):
19:46.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: Implement basic test for FileDataSource class. A database with a primitive at
19:46.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: top works fine, however a combination at top with a primitive as a child causes
19:46.36 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: a bomb: Will investigate asap.
19:46.36 dloman well that took a while.
19:52.42 ``Erik this is requiring rt^3 now?
19:53.29 dloman ya, just put that in
19:53.40 dloman rt3 should compile and install with no problem.
20:03.19 ``Erik heh, libge doesn't seem to be linking libbu :/
20:08.45 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r43999 10/rt^3/trunk/src/ (coreInterface/CMakeLists.txt libge/CMakeLists.txt): add BRL-CAD link libraries
20:25.58 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2774 10/wiki/GSNet_String: mention lack of terminating NULL
20:26.34 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2775 10/wiki/Category:Geometry_Service: New page: Pages related to the GeometryService
20:28.36 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Erik 07 * r2776 10/wiki/NetMsgTypes: fix link
20:29.24 kunigami hi, how do I add a regression test? I want to implement one for a function of a library. Should I provide a code with main function calling this function and perform some assertions?
20:31.58 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
20:33.19 kunigami ok! thanks!
20:33.35 brlcad kunigami: if it's only testing the interface, then it's just a unit test and can be added as a noinst binary in any directory (e.g. the examples erik mentioned)
20:34.01 brlcad if it's going to compare an interface with known good input that might change down the road, then it can be added as a regression test in the regress/ directory
20:34.24 brlcad most of those are shell scripts that perform integration testing and/or regression testing
20:36.05 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44000 10/rt^3/trunk/src/ (coreInterface/CMakeLists.txt libge/CMakeLists.txt): woops, old cache, update to new variable names
20:44.02 kunigami the function I'm referring to is 'bu_basename', which I think lies on "testing interface" case. What do you mean by 'noinst' binary?
20:44.36 starseeker a noinst binary refers to a binary that has build logic to create it but not install it
20:44.44 starseeker e.g. a "make install" won't do anything with it
20:45.03 starseeker check the in src/libbn for bntester, for example
20:45.40 kunigami hmm perfect! thank you
21:02.22 kunigami ok, so I also have to modify template. I need to add a rule to compile my tester program and declare it to be noinst_PROGRAM. one more doubt: what means FAST_OBJECTS on the Makefile at src/libbu?
21:02.40 kunigami *
22:51.51 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (

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