IRC log for #brlcad on 20110329

00:51.01 starseeker huh - asymptote has the ability to plot a NURBS surface, apparently:
01:10.22 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
01:40.23 brlcad kunigami: you don't really need to worry about FAST_OBJECTS -- you can either list there or not, inconsequential
01:44.45 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
01:56.59 brlcad how goes the application sachinjain
02:08.18 sachinjain I just woke up
02:08.34 sachinjain I have started to get familiar with the application
02:08.58 sachinjain even the installation tool so much of my time
03:14.29 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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03:18.16 *** join/#brlcad bhinesley (
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03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad dloman (~claymore@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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03:19.35 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (
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03:56.17 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
04:18.55 *** part/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
04:37.27 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
04:57.40 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
05:00.36 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
05:30.57 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44001 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/FileDataSource.cxx: Remove the simplistic (likely poor) read/write locks in FileDataSource for now.
05:44.18 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
05:47.52 *** part/#brlcad siddharth (~siddharth@
05:56.23 dloman Anyone still around?
05:57.21 bhinesley probably not who you're looking for, but I am :)
05:57.59 dloman Well now, you're correct, but nice to meet ya :)
05:58.33 bhinesley you too
05:59.30 dloman so, hang out here much?
05:59.39 bhinesley pretty much constantly
06:00.13 dloman quiet then? I don't see you chatting much.
06:00.45 bhinesley I try not to interfere unless I have an important question, or significant contribution to the conversation.
06:01.34 bhinesley I'm working on understanding the source, patches, and my GSoC proposal.
06:01.53 dloman how long you been involved with brlcad?
06:02.17 bhinesley just a week or two
06:03.30 bhinesley probably closer to a week
06:03.32 bhinesley how about you?
06:04.06 dloman oh wow.... um. close to 3 years now, i think?
06:04.11 dloman i lost track a long time ago
06:04.14 dloman heh
06:04.52 bhinesley that's cool. where are you?
06:05.00 bhinesley (geographically)
06:05.20 dloman 'south central' PA, usa. joo?
06:05.34 bhinesley California
06:06.24 dloman brlcad: I've narrowed that vls bad magic down to a bu_vls_free() call on lin 757 of Combination.cpp (coreInterface)
06:06.57 dloman brlcad: I just don't know where to go from here (at this point), although Im gonna keep picking away at it.
06:07.07 dloman bhinesley: first year at GSoC?
06:07.46 bhinesley yeah
06:08.33 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
06:08.33 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
06:09.23 dloman well enjoy it, its a blast.
06:09.56 dloman we got a good crew here, so i hope you stick around
06:10.08 dloman what caught your interest in brlcad anyways?
06:10.16 bhinesley I plan to, and I hope I can help.
06:11.16 bhinesley I have a fair amount of experience modeling 3D in AutoCAD, which I really loved doing. I like coding even more.
06:12.07 bhinesley putting the two together sounds like a lot of fun
06:12.44 dloman could be :)
06:14.08 dloman where oh where is d_rossberg when ya need him! :)
06:32.46 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
06:34.27 dloman hullo d_rossberg !
06:34.52 dloman if you got a few moment's, I'd like to chat a bit.
06:35.02 d_rossberg dloman: ? it's half past two!
06:35.23 d_rossberg about common.h?
06:35.36 dloman actually its a bu_vls failure
06:36.20 d_rossberg ok, where is the problem?
06:37.36 dloman Combination.cpp:757 is seemingly causing a 'ERROR: bad pointer 0x1454eb10: s/b bu_vls(x89333bbb), was Zero_Magic_Number(x0)' failure
06:38.30 dloman geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/FileDataSourceTest.cxx is the file I was using to perform a simple test
06:38.47 dloman to open a .g, and iterate over the top items
06:38.55 dloman err, 'top objects'
06:39.01 dloman with a single object it works just fine
06:39.34 dloman with two objects in the db, it bombs out with this backtrace:
06:40.06 dloman I am admittedly not very familiar with the inner workings of the brlcad libraries.
06:40.14 dloman all the C and Macros really really confuse me.
06:41.24 d_rossberg i'm looking at it right now, may take some moments ...
06:41.40 dloman I appriciate it!
06:59.32 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44002 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Combination.cpp: improved test for an only partly generated m_internalp (rt_comb_internal) after a long jump (C exception)
06:59.49 d_rossberg this is not the entire solution, it only solves the error after the long jump
07:00.41 d_rossberg i think, that db_dup_subtree fails if the database was removed (or something like this)
07:03.52 d_rossberg i'll test it ...
07:11.38 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
07:18.12 dloman thanks d_rossberg !
07:18.24 dloman i got a bit side tracked from the irc window, my apologies!
07:41.56 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44003 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Combination.cpp: initialize the VLS before first usage (in bu_vls_strcpy here)
07:42.15 d_rossberg this should solve it, sorry ;}
07:47.43 dloman Awesome thanks!
07:48.07 dloman I'm gonna crash get some sleep, but I'll check it out later today. Thanks d_rossberg!!
07:56.06 d_rossberg dloman: something for the notes:
07:57.34 d_rossberg you should delete the object at the end with its Delete() method (not so important for your example, but if you have a real server ...)
08:25.40 d_rossberg the common.hs: i've never installed the basic BRL-CAD's and and the C++ interface's headers into the same directory, i.e. there was always a distinction between common.h and brlcad/common.h
08:42.38 d_rossberg see also the rt^3/include/brlcad/readme.txt file
08:44.37 d_rossberg if there is a need to install both into the same directory i need to think over the C++ interface's naming conventions
09:11.19 d_rossberg next: every Object has a static ClassName() and virtual Type() method (see Object.h)
09:12.01 d_rossberg they can be compared by == (guess why ;)
09:12.42 d_rossberg e.g.: if (obj->Type() == BRLCAD::Combination::ClassName()) then ...
10:23.23 dloman d_rossberg: great stuff! You really did a bang up job on the coreInterface.
10:50.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
11:23.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44004 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/FileDataSource.cxx: Add iterator incr for proper iterating.
12:07.50 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44005 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/FileDataSourceTest.cxx: Expand test out to getting a single object and then getting a list of all objects at top.
12:09.24 dloman so... who can pick me up a Mt Dew on the way to work? ;)
12:09.46 dloman has the need... the need for caffene!
12:11.19 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
12:19.56 dloman d_rossberg: still around?
12:21.53 d_rossberg yes
12:22.20 dloman okay, so I've moved on to Add() ing objects to a memorydatabase.
12:22.27 d_rossberg and probable the next 3 hours
12:22.30 dloman and, as usual, i broke things, lol
12:23.00 dloman made an Arb8 using two vector3d objects, but failed to give the arb8 a name.
12:23.18 dloman and attempting to add that is causing a segfault.
12:24.16 dloman I can see why at Database.cpp:229
12:24.19 d_rossberg the name is a property of the Object
12:24.36 d_rossberg see for example
12:24.38 dloman where the call to object.Name() is returning a null char*
12:24.56 dloman okie. Is this expected behavior then?
12:26.06 dloman btw, great wiki entries. They'ev been most helpful.
12:27.10 dloman I am wondering, in the event that someone like me attempts to .Add() an Object before setting its name, should there be a check or default name?
12:27.28 d_rossberg that Name() returns 0 is OK, but i should probable test for a valid name before calling wdb_export
12:32.10 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44006 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Database.cpp: test for the presence of a name before trying to add a new object to the database
12:49.28 d_rossberg dloman: every Object has a virtual Valid() method to test if it's ok
12:51.21 dloman alirghty, good to know
12:51.28 dloman hehe, more questions:
12:53.27 dloman it seems that if I try to add two Arb8's in a row, the second one clobbers the first.
12:54.03 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44007 10/rt^3/trunk/src/coreInterface/Database.cpp:
12:54.03 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: corrected the test for a non empty object name
12:54.03 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: not using object.Valid() here because it should be possible to add "broken" objects e.g. during copying a broken database
12:54.30 d_rossberg it looks like you add the arb8s always to an empty database
12:54.59 dloman so should I add, save, add ?
12:56.14 d_rossberg BRLCAD::MemoryDatabase md; creates an empty database
12:56.47 dloman lol, duh. Okay. Thanks, i see my mistake.
12:57.35 d_rossberg if you want to save the database after every operation you should consider using FileDatabase instead
12:58.05 dloman Righto, I have seen my mistake. Error with the wetware :)
13:03.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44008 10/rt^3/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Make the GeometryEngine header file installable since this will serve as an excellent search point for FindLibGE.cmake
13:17.52 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44009 10/geomcore/trunk/ (CMake/FindBRLCAD.cmake CMake/FindLIBGE.cmake CMakeLists.txt): Give libGE its own cmake FIND file. Un-hack the ge find routines out of FindBRLCAD.cmake
13:17.55 dloman there we go ``Erik give it a shot now. Unless you installed rt3 in some silly place, it should be found. Also, you will need to update rt3 as i changed it a bit so it will install GeometryEngine.h
13:20.00 dloman oh dayum:
13:20.22 dloman 100 R water in a tunnel. Oh yeah, that's a core containment breach....
13:27.49 kunigami hi, I've updated my patch to basename. Comments are welcome. thanks.
13:40.51 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44010 10/geomcore/trunk/CMake/FindLIBGE.cmake: allow libge directory to be fed explicitely
13:41.05 dloman didnt work eh?
13:42.52 ``Erik not quite yet
13:43.25 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44011 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/CMakeLists.txt: add LIBGE_INCLUDE_DIRS
13:49.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44012 10/geomcore/trunk/CMake/FindLIBGE.cmake: we already refer to brlcad/header.h, so do not include the brlcad/ in the search path
13:53.54 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44013 10/geomcore/trunk/ (CMake/FindLIBGE.cmake src/GS/CMakeLists.txt): adjust include dir name to be consistent
13:56.26 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44014 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/CMakeLists.txt: link libraries from Find* variables
13:56.43 ``Erik there we go
13:56.58 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44015 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/CMakeLists.txt: add new libge stuff
13:59.10 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44016 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libNet/netMsg/GenericEightBytesMsg.cxx: fix type warning
14:01.14 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
14:28.31 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44017 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/svntest/main.c: Start figuring out repo level commits, as opposed to doing it manually - not working yet
14:29.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
14:29.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
14:39.33 brlcad first couple applications are in!
14:39.45 brlcad thinks this cold nonesense needs to stop
14:40.59 *** join/#brlcad Jesselnz (
14:41.10 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.4 ETA 20110401 || Welcome GSoC 2011 Students! Speak up, ask questions, start here:
14:41.23 brlcad hello Jesselnz
14:41.28 Jesselnz Hi
14:42.54 Jesselnz A summer of code application involves doing a small task and sending in a patch, correct?
14:42.56 brlcad starseeker: so a refresher from yesterday now that my head has cleared up a little bit and the tiny little hammers have taken a lunch break
14:43.12 Jesselnz Do you have any suggestions for a task to get started with?
14:43.12 brlcad Jesselnz: not *strictly* required, but highly highly recommended
14:43.29 Jesselnz Alright
14:43.32 brlcad you should get your proposal in first and say you're working on a patch at a minimum
14:44.06 brlcad otherwise, I'd suggest just picking something tangible from our BUGS list or TODO file
14:44.29 Jesselnz Okay
14:45.12 Jesselnz I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the codebase for my proposal.
14:45.16 brlcad sure
14:45.25 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44018 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: there is a pending patch from Guilherme Kunigami (kunigami-dev) that should fix this issue, so remove the todo on bu_basename()
14:45.27 brlcad if you find some that sound easy and want confirmation, just speak up
14:45.54 Jesselnz I was planning to work on the conversion library, but I noticed it involves C++ (which I have no experience with)
14:46.29 brlcad the patch shouldn't take more than a couple hours -- we just want to make sure you can actually code, at it gives you the opportunity to shine above other applicants if everything else is equal
14:46.42 brlcad Jesselnz: what languages do you have experience with?
14:47.02 brlcad it doesn't have to involve C++, it could be pure C
14:47.09 Jesselnz Aside from scripting languages (Javascript, Per, Tcl), only C
14:47.16 Jesselnz * Perl
14:47.30 *** join/#brlcad willdye (
14:47.42 brlcad at least one of our converters has an implementation in C++, so that's why C++ is also listed, not because the library has to be in C or C++
14:47.50 brlcad a good design can arise from either
14:47.54 Jesselnz Alright
14:49.59 brlcad so are you really from new zealand? :)
14:50.25 Jesselnz Me?
14:50.34 brlcad you
14:50.44 Jesselnz No, I'm from New Jersey
14:50.52 brlcad aha, k
14:51.23 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:52.06 brlcad Jesselnz: how strong is your math?
14:52.34 Jesselnz Well, first-year university level
14:52.36 Jesselnz I'm a math major
14:52.38 brlcad and do you have any computational geometry or computer graphics background?
14:52.47 brlcad okay, cool
14:53.14 Jesselnz Not really, but I've researched the basics
14:54.06 brlcad instead of the geometry conversion library, you might want to consider proposing the image conversion library
14:54.28 brlcad or the de-tcl project
14:54.43 Jesselnz I'll look into those
14:54.50 brlcad both don't involve any c++
14:55.30 brlcad what brought your interest to brl-cad?
14:55.50 Jesselnz I just find CAD interesting
14:56.00 Jesselnz Since I'm going into engineering, and I enjoy math
14:56.40 brlcad how'd you come to learn Tcl as a first-year?
14:56.55 brlcad covered in some first semester scripting class or something?
14:57.30 Jesselnz I haven't taken any programming classes - just projects I've done on the side
14:57.41 brlcad interesting
14:58.30 Jesselnz I tried to write a 2d CAD program in high school using Tcl's C library
14:58.47 brlcad then I'd definitely like to see some code or even work through some code with you, just to see exactly where you're at -- all skill levels are welcome if you have the passion, but need to make sure the project is scoped accordingly
14:59.55 Jesselnz From the project I just mentioned?
15:00.01 brlcad hah, then removing Tcl C api calls from our core library would essentially be the opposite :)
15:00.25 brlcad no, I mean in terms of developing a patch to go with your proposal
15:00.38 brlcad and scoping your proposal appropriately
15:00.38 Jesselnz Alright
15:01.18 Jesselnz Yeah, after looking through what exists of the gometry conversion library, it's a bit more algorithm-intensive than I was expecting
15:03.16 brlcad and huge, that project entails wrangling up over 250k lines of code into an API
15:03.33 brlcad the image processing library is less than half that
15:18.01 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44019 10/geomcore/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Implement FileDataSource's putObj() function.
15:31.00 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44020 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/GS/ (CMakeLists.txt SimpleCoreInterfaceTest.cxx): Implement a simple core interface test.
15:36.39 *** join/#brlcad |Elrohir| (
16:08.50 *** join/#brlcad sachinjain (~sachin@
16:37.33 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44021 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): GeometryChunk needs to be aware of its path. Added a path field, modified associated test.
16:42.54 dloman brlcad: i get a byte[] from a socket... whats the quickest way to turn it into a brlcad struct that i can write to disk as a .g ?
16:45.31 dloman i just noticed that starseeker isn't around today.
16:51.16 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r44022 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/dem-g.c: Fixed two bugs in the dem-g converter which were introduced in recent edits. One was a correction to the parameters for 'bu_calloc/bu_malloc' and the other was several duplicate 'bu_free'.
16:56.54 starseeker brlcad: I took a look at the red problems on OSX 10.6.7 - it's a bit scary
16:57.12 starseeker it's not anything I can pin down - the gedp pointer itself seems to have corrupt information
16:57.40 starseeker at least according to gdb, but if it were going to wipe out I would have expected it to do so sooner than what I saw
16:57.57 starseeker do you have a 10.6 mac by any chance?
17:02.06 starseeker dloman: I'm around, just getting yanked here, there and everywhere
17:12.45 brlcad dloman: you've really not spent any time reading g_transfer.c have you? once again, the answer to your question is in there, server_geom()
17:13.52 brlcad there are a few ways you can turn (presumably bu_exported bytes) back into an object
17:14.04 dloman i'm very tired, i got no sleep last night and am having trouble concentraiting. thanks for the reminder where it was.
17:14.25 brlcad sure :)
17:14.58 brlcad transfer uses a low-level method, cliff's test program used a slightly higher level function call that should work too
17:15.31 brlcad starseeker: I do, although I've not updated to .7 yet
17:15.50 brlcad any specific reproduction steps to try?
17:22.53 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
17:27.29 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44023 10/brlcad/trunk/ (doc/deprecation.txt include/raytrace.h): formally deprecate the GIFT field elements on rt_comb_internal objects: region_id, aircode, GIFTmater, and los. they are now stored as attributes.
17:31.58 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
17:38.52 brlcad starseeker: what steps were you using to debug the keep issue?
17:40.00 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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17:43.38 brlcad man, the comb5 export function is messed up
17:43.58 brlcad forcibly deconsts, clobbers data
17:44.04 brlcad hate to fix this before a release
17:44.41 brlcad starseeker: all of that logic in comb.c doesn't even belong there
18:04.38 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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18:09.29 starseeker brlcad: for red, just try to edit a combination - hard crashes mged
18:09.47 starseeker for keep - tried a keep of computer in ktank.g
18:10.17 starseeker was watching the status of the avs list
18:10.38 brlcad okay
18:11.17 brlcad I'm getting a handle on the import/export problem
18:11.25 starseeker awesome
18:11.41 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44024 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: two issues to resolve now
18:11.41 starseeker sorry we kept pestering you yesterday when you felt like crap :-/
18:11.53 brlcad comb export sucks, but that's old code so I don't want to edit any more than I have to this release
18:12.02 starseeker nods
18:12.15 starseeker it's not any more broken than it ever was
18:12.27 starseeker only shows up when region_id and the comb struct aren't in sync
18:12.28 brlcad no way to verify that :)
18:12.35 brlcad well, there is a way, but would take too much time
18:12.51 brlcad so the question is exactly when/where they get out of sync
18:13.01 brlcad because that export code is just fine assuming they are in sync
18:13.11 brlcad still sucks, but it's not wrong with that assumption
18:13.25 brlcad so the problem is either during import or elsewhere
18:19.01 starseeker I suppose in principle you might have some asc2g type thing where you import a comb and then set the region_id to -1 after creating the comb itself
18:20.36 starseeker iirc red was capable of doing things like that before I added all that sync logic... and the .g files ktank.g and havoc.g are the product of running asc2g
18:22.09 starseeker interesting - getting a more useful backtrace
18:24.25 starseeker
18:26.15 starseeker wooot - it DOES crash on my 10.5 mac
18:26.21 starseeker wonder when that happened?
18:26.24 starseeker ok, phew
18:26.30 starseeker starts binary search
18:36.31 brlcad while you're progressing from that direction, i'll see if I can find where the two get out of sync
18:37.40 starseeker k - it looks like (surprise) some of the recent regex tweaking for red broke something
18:39.34 starseeker yep - r43832
18:41.01 brlcad hmmm, interesting
18:43.04 brlcad so either freeing something that shouldn't be or not initializing something after free
18:46.40 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44025 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: revert r43832 since it reportedly is causing red to crash. needs more investigating since this should have been a safe refactoring change.
18:48.09 brlcad waits for builds to recompile so he can debug appropriately
18:51.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44026 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (14 files in 10 dirs): MFC r44025
18:51.46 brlcad oh shizzle
18:51.51 brlcad how'd that happen
18:52.08 brlcad looks like an == 0 got turned into a != 0 in that commit
18:52.58 starseeker ah, line 164?
18:53.21 brlcad yeah
18:53.50 brlcad if that's the culprit, then r44025 should still crash
18:54.00 brlcad since it's still !=
18:54.21 starseeker it's not - at least not in my build here - 44025 works
18:54.30 starseeker (well, 44026 in cmake0
18:54.36 brlcad huh
18:55.09 brlcad per the logic, == 0 should be right == if regex is successful
18:55.29 brlcad i think :)
18:55.43 starseeker it may not handle a matrix right, but it doesn't crash and does apply the changes in the simple case
18:56.58 starseeker Ohhhhh
18:57.21 starseeker I think my logic on red.c around line 425 may be screwy
18:57.46 starseeker you have ret=0, and I was counting on -1 or 1
18:58.23 brlcad it was ret 0 previously
18:58.26 brlcad I see what i did
18:58.36 brlcad I swapped the if/else so != become an == case
18:58.47 brlcad
18:58.53 starseeker oh, ok
18:59.22 brlcad so it's just back to being confusing as to why one works and the other doesn't
18:59.47 brlcad functionally equivalent ... unless...
19:01.04 starseeker matrix_substring is inited inside an if test...
19:01.34 starseeker no, that doesn't look like it...
19:04.22 brlcad smelling more like red herring
19:10.03 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44027 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: Take another stab at the refactor - this seems to work, but needs more testing
19:13.35 brlcad hm, I just don't believe that to be the direct cause of any crash
19:13.46 brlcad that's functionally equivalent
19:14.10 brlcad init of the vls earlier was the only change, but that vls isn't accessed outside that one block
19:14.18 starseeker nods
19:14.27 starseeker can you confirm the crash prior to 44025?
19:14.40 brlcad haven't tested
19:14.46 starseeker k
19:16.00 brlcad oh there's something different
19:16.12 brlcad you made it always return 1 :)
19:16.20 brlcad ignoring the ret var
19:17.07 brlcad now that I'd believe .. that code elsewhere is at fault for not handling other return values correctly
19:17.13 starseeker ah whooops
19:18.28 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44028 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: return the value that was set
19:22.17 starseeker urm... still working here
19:23.10 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
19:24.35 starseeker I take that back - it's not handling an example with a matrix right
19:24.38 starseeker growl...
19:31.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
19:31.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
19:36.10 starseeker blast it the full matrix regex isn't matching
19:36.18 starseeker I could have sworn I tested all that
19:36.30 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44029 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_io.c: init the external before trying to fill it. random stack memory is evil.
19:36.43 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44030 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/dir.c: save some time, don't init until we need to
19:36.56 brlcad starseeker: maybe also related to the [:blank:] vs [:space:] change
19:37.15 brlcad should be the same for any value that might continue to another line
19:37.27 brlcad this begs for a proper regression
19:37.35 brlcad bunch of input red files
19:38.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44031 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_io.c: ws
19:39.28 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44032 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/dir.c: ws cleanup
19:40.58 starseeker "[[:space:]]+([+-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[[:space:]]+) {15}([+-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)"
19:42.02 brlcad for what it's worth, I get a rather different stack trace from yours
19:42.41 brlcad same all the way up to rt_db_put_internal5(), mine never gets to rt_db_free_internal()
19:43.10 brlcad so it's going wrong somewhere before there
19:43.15 starseeker hmm
19:45.35 starseeker hates regex
19:48.23 starseeker it's not blank vs space
19:49.15 brlcad we must gain deeper understanding as to what is failing and why, not just chase symptoms
19:49.39 starseeker brlcad: I know - I'm after why it's not matching the matrix
19:50.01 starseeker that has to be fixed toto
19:50.03 starseeker to even
19:50.06 brlcad nods
19:50.24 starseeker I take it you're still crashing?
19:50.37 brlcad i've been in the debugger on the same crash
19:50.44 starseeker ah
19:50.59 brlcad cleaning up code as I review up and down the stack
19:50.59 starseeker jeez what a lousy time for this
19:51.09 starseeker nods
19:58.35 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44033 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_io.c: cleanup rt_db_cvt_to_external5(). make sure we check all inputs and initialize our bu_externals.
20:09.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44034 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: Ooops. one logical if statement error and a stray space in the full_matrix regex string
20:13.28 kunigami brlcad: I'm taking a look at your comments of my patch. How do I enforce that callers of bu_basename release memory? Are there something like smart_pointers in c?
20:14.03 brlcad kunigami: no way to enforce, just have to give them a quick sanity check
20:14.14 brlcad s/way/need/
20:14.36 brlcad it's only because it's an api change (and deviation from basename()) that it even needs to occur
20:14.49 starseeker bhinesley: did you get a chance to play with the Tcl/Tk code?
20:15.56 kunigami hmm, what do you mean by "sanity check"?
20:18.15 brlcad kunigami: a grep through the code to find all the callers, make sure the string is released or copied and released
20:19.07 brlcad iirc, that routine is not called in more than a couple places -- if it's more than 15 min work, lemme know
20:20.00 kunigami ok!
20:20.00 kunigami One thing: if we're going to change interface, I'd suggest we also change the input to non-const (like basename). I think it would do less harm. Also, it would be compliant with basename (3), which may change the input string.
20:20.49 kunigami then there's no need to allocate memory
20:28.02 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44035 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/ (libged/red.c librt/db5_io.c librt/dir.c): MFC r44034
20:31.30 bhinesley starseeker: Yes, I changed the export->ASCII to a tk_getSaveFile. It stands alone without the bug fix, so I'm submitting it in a few minutes.
20:31.53 bhinesley I have gotten closer to finding the bug, but it is not in Tcl/Tk.
20:32.04 starseeker brlcad: awesome :-)
20:32.14 starseeker er bhinesley: awesome :-)
20:32.41 starseeker note to self - read then post :-P
20:33.12 bhinesley at least he wasn't talking about a family member dying or something
20:33.48 starseeker heh
20:36.36 brlcad kunigami: that's a good thought but then there are a couple issues
20:36.41 bhinesley part of the problem, is that Windows 7 moves files into VirtualStore that are exported anywhere but the user profile. To the user, they're just not there.
20:37.13 brlcad one being that dirname/basename suck .. they're the way they are because they were implemented that way a LONG time ago and it's painful to change API that old
20:37.17 bhinesley the other problem is incorrect handling of windows paths, which is what I'm still tracking down
20:37.24 brlcad they're not re-entrant or thread-safe, for example
20:38.04 starseeker bhinesley: ah yes, Windows paths
20:38.34 starseeker bhinesley: how are you building on Windows?
20:38.40 brlcad kunigami: the other issue is consistency -- we have to be self-consistent so whatever is done for bu_basename() needs to be done for bu_dirname() too
20:39.37 brlcad kunigami: so either both match dirname/basename or both match each other, provide thread safety, but require callers to bu_free()
20:39.49 bhinesley starseeker: I started with Cygwin, but ran into build errors. Anyways, once I read that releases are built in Visual Studio, that's what I started using. I just finished building for the first time, and there are some errors. I have yet to see how bad.
20:40.48 kunigami wow I didn't think of these issues! ok. I'll keep the interface and add a commentary at bu.h and also perform sanity checks. do we have any such automatic checker, where I could add these tests?
20:42.04 brlcad kunigami: what sort of tests?
20:42.05 starseeker bhinesley: the cmake branch may be a good bet for building on Windows with Visual C++
20:42.35 brlcad kunigami: bu_dirname() already takes const, returns nonconst, and documents the need for bu_free() so it would be a good example to follow
20:42.59 brlcad the issue is just making sure bu_basename() callers are calling bu_free() like bu_dirname() callers are
20:43.31 bhinesley starseeker: in the repo?
20:44.32 kunigami brlac: hhm nevermind I don't think such sanity checkings could be automated.
20:44.33 bhinesley I see it now
20:44.47 kunigami brlcad: ok. I'll follow that example
20:45.15 starseeker bhinesley: svn co brlcad-cmake
20:46.47 *** join/#brlcad siddharth_ (~siddharth@
20:47.31 siddharth_ brlcad, How to apply for gsoc brlcad?
20:48.17 brlcad siddharth_: see
20:49.25 starseeker bhinesley: you'll need cmake (2.8.4 is probably a good idea) and Visual C++ (or Visual Studio should work)
20:49.37 starseeker If you want to build the installer you'll also need NSIS
20:50.09 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44036 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/cl/ (. gsclient.asd gsclient.lisp): quick and dirty lithp client
20:50.17 bhinesley starseeker: alright, thank you
20:57.20 *** join/#brlcad Marjo_ (~Marjo@
20:57.46 starseeker ``Erik: that's pretty cool, actually
21:04.08 Marjo_ Hello, everyone!
21:05.51 brlcad hello Marjo_
21:23.21 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44037 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/comb/comb.c: check in the order passed
21:26.47 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Markhobley 07 * r2777 10/wiki/MGED_CMD_who: displayed objects
21:38.25 brlcad there's a gsoc project I forgot to add .. syncronize wiki pages with doxygen pages ;)
21:39.35 brlcad er, docbook
21:40.04 starseeker yeah! that's a really good candidate for those interested in web stuff
21:42.54 Marjo_ I'm very intersted in the code maintenance project. Filling out a proposal right now.
21:44.04 brlcad Marjo_: fantastic, which one?
21:44.30 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2778 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: sync docbook and wiki docs
21:45.06 Marjo_ brlcad: I'm very interested with Code Reduction / General Tree Walker / Fixing Bugs under Code Refactoring Projects.
21:45.46 Marjo_ I'm only a 2nd year Computer Engineering Undergrad so I'm still a novice.
21:56.13 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2779 10/wiki/Synchronize_Wiki_with_Docbook: initial wikidocbook idea
21:56.21 brlcad Marjo_: then code refactoring sounds like a great place to begin
21:56.30 brlcad that said, you could have 10 years experience and still be a novice ;)
21:57.33 brlcad if experience is limited, I wouldn't necessarily recommend starting with code reduction since that usually entails a lot of careful testing and API design
21:57.36 *** join/#brlcad adityag (~ADITYA@
21:57.45 brlcad the other two ideas, however, bug fixes and tree walking, are more tangible
21:58.11 Marjo_ brlcad: Haha, agreed. I would love to get a small taste of what real-world programming looks like.
21:59.11 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2780 10/wiki/Main_Page: there is no support, neat showing dead links in red erik
22:00.36 brlcad Marjo_: it's mostly about taking things to completion -- proof-of-concept is never enough
22:01.14 brlcad docs, testing, performance profiling, tweaking, more docs, more testing
22:02.54 Marjo_ brlcad: To test this code, what kind of IDE would you recommend? Is either Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 or Eclipse on Ubuntu a proper IDE?
22:03.17 brlcad whatever you're comfortable and productive with is fine
22:03.28 brlcad it's worth investing the time and effort to learning how to use one of them well, though
22:03.51 brlcad personally, I prefer emacs, eclipse, or vim (in probably that order)
22:04.49 brlcad most graphical IDEs are just a crutch, and tend to get in the way more than they help -- learn the underlying concepts first and it won't matter
22:07.56 brlcad if you end up not understanding build failures or avoiding looking into compilation failures, then you probably shouldn't be using an IDE yet
22:11.16 Marjo_ How would students address code maintenance if they don't see the errors through an IDE? Throughout the duration of my 2 years we've only been using Eclipse and Visual Studio to write code and debug.
22:19.01 brlcad Marjo_: your confusion is exactly what I'm referring to :)
22:19.22 brlcad the IDE isn't a magical black box, it's making calls and performing operations under the hood
22:20.06 brlcad as a young developer, it's critical to learn what those things are otherwise "when things go wrong", deciphering what's going wrong can seem impossible
22:20.14 brlcad or worse, lead to cargo cult programming
22:20.45 Marjo_ brlcad: OH! I see what you're talking about. Does it basically boil down to white box testing?
22:21.25 brlcad you should be able to write and debug software with a simple text editor, a compiler, and a linker .. next learn a decent debugger and you'll be more experienced than most developers
22:22.12 brlcad it's not related to white box testing -- it's knowing how your tools work
22:23.53 Marjo_ Ahh, my current Data Structures and Algorithms professor touched upon this subject during the beginning of the semester, but she said that is probably too advanced for our class right now.
22:23.54 brlcad car analogy: it's like being a car mechanic but not knowing how to use a wrench, avoiding wrenches or even anything with a bolt on it because you've never used a wrench before
22:24.39 Marjo_ I wonder why we didn't start out our curriculum by "learning the insides" first...
22:25.09 brlcad a power wrench might save time and effort, but damn .. it's just a wrench .. don't fear learning how to use a wrench first ;)
22:26.18 brlcad Marjo_: that's because the average CS student is stupid (because the average person is stupid) and they try to not scare people away too quickly, ease them into core concepts
22:26.46 Marjo_ Haha, I fully understand. :)
22:26.48 brlcad decades of people before you learned the basic tools just fine, you'll do just fine too
22:34.24 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44038 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: (log message trimmed)
22:34.24 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: yay understanding. document how RT_GET_TREE() and RT_FREE_TREE() are/were
22:34.24 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: working. it's basically a linked list that reuses free'd tree items so we never
22:34.24 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: allocate more than the largest amount in use at any one time. pretty nifty.
22:34.24 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: (allocating in batches might be even better) add a new RT_INIT_TREE macro that
22:34.25 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: will initialize a union tree to zero with the magic set, make RT_GET_TREE init
22:34.26 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: every tree returned so callers never have to deal with the magic number
22:35.13 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44039 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (comb/db_comb.c db_tree.c tree.c): now that RT_GET_TREE initializes, we don't need to manually set RT_TREE_MAGIC any more. should also help guarantee that reused tree nodes have zero'd memory.
22:37.39 Marjo_ Wow, thank you for the inspiration. I will still apply for the project so that I can learn of the different ways to program.
22:45.58 adityag brlcad: is it cool if i have not submitted patches in BRL-CAD ? . i have submited a few patches in drupal. will that help ?
22:49.51 brlcad Marjo_: great, look forward to seeing your application
22:50.52 brlcad again, you can use whatever you like
22:50.54 brlcad we'll only push you towards specific tools if you're taking too long
22:51.08 brlcad the tool is just a tool, better to obsess over code than over the tools :)
22:51.19 brlcad adityag: are you serious? :)
22:53.25 brlcad "is it cool if I didn't do the assignment for your class ? . i did the assignment for another class. will that help ?"
22:53.28 brlcad you tell me ;)
22:55.04 adityag <PROTECTED>
23:01.20 brlcad a patch isn't technically "required", so you should submit your application with or without it regardless (you can attach a link to the patch later)
23:01.48 brlcad but trying to pawn off work for another org isn't cool or useful, the point is seeing how you deal with our code
23:04.37 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44040 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (4 files in 3 dirs): no longer need to set RT_TREE_MAGIC now that RT_GET_TREE() sets it.
23:05.57 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44041 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (8 files): no longer need to set RT_TREE_MAGIC in here too now that RT_GET_TREE() sets the magic.
23:09.22 adityag brlcad: yeah cool.
23:17.00 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44042 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: functions that use zero for success result in reverse boolean expressions. less error-prone to explicitly test for zero. go a step further and document intent with matched/no match labels.
23:21.10 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44043 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/red.c: aha, source of the errant space. auto-formatting sees the ){ and wants to clean up the formatting. break up the string.
23:57.09 starseeker brlcad: nice. I didn't realize you could feed two separate strings into the printf logic like that
23:58.01 adityag brlcad: Im interested in these project ideas : Code Reduction, Fix Bugs, Benchmark Performance Database. Can i submit multiple applications ?

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