IRC log for #brlcad on 20110402

00:35.53 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
01:11.19 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
02:15.47 bhinesley Whew, my proposal is in. Best of luck to you all. I'm taking the rest of the night off.
02:49.13 brlcad bhinesley: awesome!
02:49.31 brlcad perfect timing too
02:57.24 brlcad kunigami: that's sort of the gist ... but not exactly interpolating rtedge output
02:58.09 brlcad rtedge shoots a grid of rays, one ray per pixel, keeping track of what is hit
02:59.26 brlcad anywhere there are two neighboring rays that hit two different objects, it colors one of the two pixels so an edge is drawn
02:59.47 brlcad repeat over all pixels and you have an edge outline of the model in raster image form
03:00.38 brlcad to make a vector image instead of a raster image, you need spline curves, so you're trying to evaluate and "fit" a curve that will match the edges that you detect
03:01.39 brlcad you could use rtedge's output, but that will generally result in a very crappy set of curves unless you shoot a very very dense grid (i.e., a big image)
03:03.22 brlcad better would be to detect edges at a given resolution, then refine to even higher resolution so you "hone in" on the real edge, then use that for the spline curve control points, trying to find a balance of not too many or too few control points, and producing a vector image within a reliable timeframe
03:11.44 starseeker brlcad: would it be correct to say that the focus for an image conversion library would be on robustness and efficienty rather than covering a lot of formats?
03:16.54 starseeker (robustness referring to things like handling very large images without wiping out on ram limitations and dealing with corrupt data...)
03:29.30 brlcad starseeker: my priorities would be on 1) API design, 2) robustness, 3) breadth of support, and 4) performance
03:30.12 brlcad it's hard to perform slow image processing, I'm not too worried about that unless it's abysmal :)
03:30.38 brlcad getting the API right is the hardest part that probably deserves a couple solid weeks attention
03:31.33 brlcad surveying and overviewing/reviewing all of the current image processing tools, figure out how they might fit into the API ...
03:31.54 brlcad figure out a way to make the library emminently extensible pluggable
03:32.41 brlcad bhinesley: really nice work on your proposal, additional feedback should be sometime this weekend
03:37.09 starseeker was under the impression that handling really large images in low memory situations was something of a problem...
03:40.19 brlcad sure, I think every one of our image converters presently assumes the image will fit in-core
03:40.36 brlcad if the API is right, then it's just an implementation detail to optimize that later
03:40.47 starseeker ah, k
03:40.48 brlcad where you tile and use scratch disks or whatever
03:41.12 brlcad we don't exactly hit that limit very often
03:41.48 starseeker true
03:42.22 starseeker guess I'm thinking about it due to those gargantuan scans from the National Archives, but that's a one-off situation
03:43.33 brlcad yeah, you scan data that big .. but you rarely render an image that big :)
03:43.58 starseeker heh - high res posters ftw
03:44.49 brlcad still if it's done right, then merging in support for a given filter or conversion format could make sure the iterators are all 64bit unsigned ints
03:45.43 brlcad or at least 32bit unsigned ints .. 4294967295 x 4294967295 is a pretty big image..
04:11.39 bhinesley brlcad: thank you, I look forward to it
04:28.46 *** join/#brlcad adityag (~ADITYA@
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12:05.09 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
14:49.15 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (
14:52.43 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik__ (
15:12.09 ``Erik huzzah, I has intarwebz again
15:57.52 *** join/#brlcad adityag (~ADITYA@
16:11.09 *** part/#brlcad adityag (~ADITYA@
17:22.45 starseeker ``Erik: do you know of any lisp or scheme implementation that bootstraps itself using only assembly and has no C code?
17:23.42 ``Erik most schemes
17:23.49 ``Erik oh, wait, no C? hrm, no
17:24.18 ``Erik C is lingua de franca, it's hard to find anything at all that doesn't use it to bootstrap :/
17:24.53 ``Erik ooooold lisp 1.5 is asm only, but for the, uh, ibm 704 and pdp1 iirc
17:25.42 ``Erik graham says you can be working with 7 primitives, right? self-bootstrapping shoudln't be TOO hard
17:25.53 starseeker yeah, that's why I was wondering if someone had done it
17:26.03 starseeker maybe movitz, have to check
17:27.11 ``Erik (mebbe we shoulda asked sbcl to submit a self-bootstrap to gsoc O.o)
17:27.36 starseeker 7 primitives is very basic though - don't know if you can get to threads or system file io stuff with that...
17:27.39 starseeker hehe
17:28.15 starseeker is goofing off by digging around the whole "minimal bootstrap, literate lisp" thing again
17:29.26 starseeker two most interesting sources so far are the islisp spec (which unlike ANSI is explicitly public domain, albeit quite a bit smaller) and sacla
17:29.47 ``Erik given that on most os's, any syscall is a C function, I don't know how well you'll do avoiding C without working directly on the metal
17:30.14 starseeker what about writing directly in assembly?
17:30.40 ``Erik doable, if you happen to match the kernels call convention... which can be tricky
17:31.18 ``Erik my brainfuck compiler to asm has "if mac, do this, if bsd, do this, if this version of linux, do this, if that versino of linux, do that..."
17:31.56 starseeker hmm
17:32.20 ``Erik most of that is just frontmatter... generally, it breaks down to unix/bsd/mac style vs linux/dos style... but there're still gotchas
17:32.43 ``Erik (yes, linux is closer to dos than unix at that level.)
17:32.48 starseeker ow
17:34.31 starseeker huts for old lisp 1.5 sources...
17:34.46 ``Erik I got mine at the simh site
17:39.59 starseeker hah - no license info though
17:41.06 starseeker this one still has unisys propritary notes on it:
17:52.55 starseeker ah:
17:54.04 starseeker probably would have to check with MIT, but that might be usable...
18:11.03 starseeker hmm.
18:40.53 kunigami brlcad: thank you for the clarification. I couldn't get a draft of the proposal. I'm considering focusing in the two other proposals I've submitted.
20:13.47 CIA-52 BRL-CAD: 0399.30.66.238 07 * r2795 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: GSoC proposal information removed (has been submitted)
20:25.19 *** join/#brlcad AbhijitKane (~Abhijit@
20:25.43 AbhijitKane I've submitted a draft proposal on the GSOC website.
21:40.23 kunigami hi, is there some reference on rt stand-alone usage? I've seen mged reference, but I'm confused with rt, specially with defining the objects. thanks!
21:44.40 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
22:21.28 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
22:21.50 kunigami sorry, I was too hasty in asking that. I found a lot of documentation in brlcad/doc/.
22:24.04 brlcad np
23:28.36 *** join/#brlcad dassouki (~ahmed@
23:29.39 dassouki this might seem like a silly question, but where can I find sets of plans for architecture related projects
23:29.42 dassouki like full projects
23:51.11 *** join/#brlcad dassouki (~ahmed@

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