IRC log for #brlcad on 20110411

00:29.23 *** join/#brlcad bhinesley (
01:11.40 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
03:26.39 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
03:33.43 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:36.10 *** join/#brlcad stevegt` (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
07:31.23 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
07:31.23 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
07:49.21 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
09:09.48 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:25.05 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r44293 10/brlcad/trunk/sh/ ( Properly handle errors during GNU/Linux packages building.
13:09.49 dloman yawns
13:10.03 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
13:22.32 brlcad resists the yawn
13:23.00 brlcad totally bummed though
13:23.03 brlcad no furlough
13:23.33 dloman had two big brown eyes staring at me starting at 0100. Youngest wouldn't sleep!
13:23.59 dloman heh, speak for your self. I still have a paying job because of 'no furlough' ;)
13:37.38 ``Erik vacation woulda been nice O.o
13:37.57 dloman still a chance for it :)
13:37.59 ``Erik brlcad: migration? accounts?
13:54.32 dloman brlcad: was looking at VLB over the weekend and saw that a bu_vlb_write() call could potentially trigger a bu_realloc(). In order to know this ahead of time, the caller would need to know both the vlb's 'nextByte' and 'capacity'. bu_vlb_buflen serves to get the 'nextByte' but there's nothing for capacity. I was thinking about adding a bu_vlb_capacity() and/or bu_vlb_remaining() functions. Comments/concerns/tips ?
13:58.40 ``Erik the struct is public and the math is trivial O.o
14:00.00 ``Erik iirc, vlb's default to 4k 'chunks', so that's a straight up page mapping, quick and cheap on linux (not on fbsd/mac)
14:01.20 brlcad dloman: sounds good to me
14:01.36 brlcad should make the function name mirror the vls api, though
14:01.46 dloman nods
14:04.51 brlcad very curious that you'd need to know the size, though -- the mechanism by which the bytes are stored is supposed t be a black box
14:05.14 brlcad could be a bu_list of individual bytes, for example, or some c++ construct or a static buffer
14:05.33 dloman was looking at vlb_write and saw that there is a possiblity of a realloc
14:05.55 dloman and without knowing capacity a head of time, you'll never know if that realloc will happen or not.
14:06.01 brlcad so?
14:06.07 brlcad anything that adds bytes is going to be a potential realloc
14:06.18 brlcad part of the black box
14:06.36 dloman would exposing the capacity break the black box mindset?
14:06.54 brlcad pretty much
14:07.04 dloman okie
14:07.15 brlcad still, what does the realloc matter?
14:07.17 ``Erik I think it's more "why do you care?" O.o reallocs aren't terribly slow on occasion
14:07.27 ``Erik premature optimization? O.o
14:08.14 dloman just trying to think ahead ;)
14:08.37 brlcad or "a little knowledge is dangerous"
14:09.05 brlcad std::string foo = "hello"; foo += "world"; may or may not cause a realloc too
14:09.16 brlcad you don't know, shouldn't care -- vlb is the same
14:09.23 dloman okie
14:10.28 ``Erik (no forward motion on the server? I'm out today, thought maybe I could start a system update and get some stuff installed)
14:10.59 dloman is bug fixing and generally de-stupifying things.
14:12.44 brlcad ``Erik: noted, i'll create your account
14:13.01 brlcad context switch thrashing a bit at the moment
14:19.49 brlcad ``Erik: gmail
14:20.45 brlcad was leaving those default passwords until accounts got migrated
14:22.27 brlcad so the coverity scan is really frelling awesome
14:33.41 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44294 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/ (files.c objects.c): Hrm. Something strange - simply calling gvm_obj_in_model was enough to cause a crash - reorganizing the initializations in gvm_object_in_model was enough to make things work.
15:03.58 brlcad if anyone is interested in actually working on fixing coverity bugs, let me know with an e-mail address to provide so I can get an account created (let me know via e-mail or PM)
15:05.00 brlcad please don't bother if you're just interested or want to peek at results, rather not waste david's time
15:05.09 brlcad or mine for that matter
15:05.33 brlcad here's what some of the results look like, though:
15:06.17 brlcad <-- detected potential null dereference
15:06.31 brlcad <-- security issues
15:07.20 brlcad <-- more elaborate (and awesome) detection of potentially uninitialized data being used
15:07.44 dloman neato.
15:07.47 dloman that a pay service?
15:07.54 brlcad just a sample of the 2k or so issues reported
15:08.12 brlcad it's paid for, but not something we're paying for
15:08.52 brlcad DHS funded an initiative a few years ago to evaluate (and improve) security of open source software
15:09.03 dloman =D
15:09.04 dloman nice
15:09.40 dloman so its "free" =D
15:10.47 brlcad I applied and we were one of the first to get added to the scan ladder (when there were only a couple dozen being scanned), but our scan (of an old version) got stuck on a build failure in src/other
15:11.05 brlcad wasn't fully resolved until the past friday
15:11.55 dli brlcad, I can have a look on the coverity bugs, not sure how hard it is to fix them, without collateral damage at least
15:12.28 dli brlcad, do you have some examples for me to digest
15:12.39 brlcad dli: just screenshotted three :)
15:13.36 dli brlcad, too bad. :( no text report?
15:14.04 brlcad dli: what do you mean?
15:14.41 brlcad there's a full-blown website around the report generated, pretty sure there are export options too -- but the website lets you manage the issues so you know which ones are fixed and which are not
15:15.10 brlcad dli: can you not view images at the moment or something?
15:15.39 dli brlcad, of course, I can view images
15:16.26 brlcad then what's the "too bad"?
15:17.34 dli brlcad, I expected a list with file locations, line numbers, and explanation of findings, etc.
15:20.17 dli
15:20.26 dli not found
15:21.28 brlcad dli: it has that list of files, explanations and a lot more
15:21.36 brlcad the screenshots show three specific bugs
15:22.37 brlcad I can dump out the various reports (there are many, all configurable) as csv, but that's not really effective for fixing them collaboratively
15:22.49 dli brlcad, found, 178,135 lines, that will take ages to fix :(
15:23.10 brlcad dli: that's the stalled scan
15:23.18 brlcad that webpage hasn't been updated in years
15:23.39 brlcad it found 690,667 lines
15:23.41 dli brlcad, so, I have to sign in to get updated
15:24.00 brlcad that's lines of code analyzed, not # issues
15:24.15 brlcad it found 1892 issues, 700 of which are like cov2.png
15:24.24 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44295 10/geomcore/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Ah, there we go - got changes committed to the repository. Approaching full parity with the old svnTest example.
15:25.05 dli brlcad, a link for cov2.png?
15:25.26 brlcad points up
15:26.45 brlcad those where the screenshots I mentioned
15:27.50 dli brlcad, to fix like sscanf(), we use atof(), etc., right?
15:33.13 brlcad dli: it depends, strtol/strtod with manual string parsing or regexp parsing are generally more robust to sanitizing input
15:33.55 starseeker brlcad: in that case, should we pre-package some regex logic for the common parsing cases?
15:33.56 brlcad preferred over the ato*() family of functions because they don't report error
15:35.41 dli brlcad, but the idea is to replace all sscanf(), rather than trying to keep sscanf() safe by limiting buffer size, etc
15:35.44 brlcad starseeker: bu routines that get values from strings would be useful (however the underlying mechanism does it)
15:36.41 brlcad dli: to best solve the problem, yes
15:36.56 brlcad the quickest solution is to just add precision specifiers like the comment states
15:37.33 brlcad depending on how many there are, that could be a first step or could be skipped in leu of an API solution
15:39.47 dli brlcad, I think I can help fixing the issues here
15:40.12 brlcad e-mail me a username and an e-mail to give the coverity guys
15:41.18 dli brlcad, using the sean address in topic?
15:43.15 dli brlcad, sent
15:45.37 brlcad thx
15:47.50 dli brlcad, I will ask about ideas before actually fixing anything, my biggest fear is still the collateral damages :)
15:48.19 brlcad okay, no worries
15:49.25 brlcad i'll mostly be concerned with people actually using the coverity website when bugs are fixed so we don't get people wasting time looking into issues that have already been solved
15:49.35 brlcad so using the various status markers they provide
15:49.41 brlcad inspected, uninspected, fixed, etc
15:51.31 dli brlcad, right, with so many lines to check, need an way to assign/partition
15:54.07 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44296 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/gvm.h: Nevermind these functions - handled in a couple for loops. Add them later if needed.
15:54.07 brlcad nods
15:54.41 brlcad some are downright trivial to fix, some are downright tricky logic
16:09.00 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (
16:26.24 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44297 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/ (files.c gvm.h objects.c): Clear out a few more functions of dubious utility, assing some names to the commit actions.
16:37.35 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44298 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/func/gvmtest/main.c:
16:37.35 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: Add a test to create an empty repo. May need to add one additional parameter to
16:37.35 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: all these functions - the ability to pass a local subpool (presumably as a void
16:47.56 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2821 10/wiki/Main_Page: add a section on code cleanup
16:55.19 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2822 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: stub in initial page, link to HACKING
17:01.01 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2823 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: coverity section
17:05.19 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:CoverityExample1.png]]": Example Coverity scan issue showing a potential (albeit unlikely) NULL dereference
17:25.24 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:CoverityExample2.png]]": Coverity analysis showing secure coding practice suggestions
17:27.48 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44299 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/objects.c: Er, oops - need a textdelta if we're going to add content...
17:27.49 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:CoverityExample3.png]]": Coverity analysis showing an elaborate detection of a variable being used that was potentially uninitialized
17:28.47 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2827 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: link in the images and site
17:29.55 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44300 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/objects.c: Use the gvm_info_clear_objects function
17:31.18 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2828 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: add a section on code reduction and using simian
17:31.19 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2829 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: swap the order so lays out better
17:33.14 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2830 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: add an example of the output
17:35.46 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2831 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: break the long line
17:46.46 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2832 10/wiki/Code_Cleanup: add one more section on strict compilation, yay TOC
17:50.47 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44301 10/geomcore/trunk/CMake/FindCppUnit.cmake: Check in a quick n dirty cmake find module for finding CppUnit
17:53.48 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44302 10/geomcore/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Setup cmake to find CppUnit if the UnitTests are enabled. Split out subdirectory addition for Functional and Unit test dirs. Stub in unit test dir CMakeList.txt
18:06.05 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:10.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
18:10.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
19:04.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:14.17 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
19:27.46 starseeker hah - Manassas, Virginia
19:43.47 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44303 10/geomcore/trunk/tests/unit/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Wire in CppUnit to cmake build. Added a sample cmake unit test that will eventually be ByteBuffer's Unit Test.
19:47.33 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44304 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Implement ByteBuffer. Combines the functionality of ByteArray and DataStream, since those were mostly redundant. ByteBuffer is backed by a bu_vlb and, at this point, is completely untested.
19:57.19 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44305 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/TODO: Add a TODO for libgvm
20:16.54 ``Erik hrm?
20:26.21 starseeker ``Erik: Tcl/Tk conference this year is in Virginia
20:30.30 ``Erik ah, roger
20:40.14 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
20:40.14 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
20:41.17 brlcad perfect nearby location for a presentation or three
20:44.34 brlcad ``Erik: login worked?
21:03.31 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
21:05.53 brlcad starseeker: did you make red delete or keep the original if the user edits the object name?
21:06.28 starseeker uh... I thoght I made it delete the original, but not sure
21:06.48 brlcad okay
21:07.18 brlcad i was thinking about the usability implications of both and intent
21:09.01 brlcad given cases where both might be expected, I'm thinking it'll be safer to err on keeping the original
21:09.32 starseeker make it a cp, instead of a mv?
21:09.43 brlcad basically
21:09.50 starseeker that kind of violates the paradigm of "changing this object" we're using with red
21:10.03 starseeker the fact we use a temp copy is an implementation detail, after all
21:11.00 brlcad the tradeoff is make those expecting copies having to cp first vs. those expecting rename having to rm after
21:12.19 brlcad that's only if you expect red to "change this object" ... I can just as easily see someone pulling up the text editor, and expecting the name change to mean "give me a copy using that object's values"
21:12.55 brlcad more than likely with some value(s) changed
21:13.12 starseeker as opposed to every other parameter in the text editor changing the original object? dunno, seems a bit inconsistent (not to say someone wouldn't expect it...)
21:13.16 brlcad basically boils down to cp+ed vs ed+rm
21:14.05 brlcad i'm not sure someone wouldn't expect it frankly
21:14.10 brlcad there are good use cases for both
21:14.41 brlcad and every other param wouldn't change the original, it applies to that copy
21:15.18 brlcad you wouldn't edit the original AND make a copy .. that'd just be wrong
21:15.39 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44306 10/geomcore/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Grrrrr. Can't get recursive assembly to function. Am I hitting some issue with pool memory size or something?
21:15.55 starseeker oh, I agree - I just was thinking in the paradigm of "if you red an object, you're working on that one object. Period"
21:16.06 brlcad it's the intent of changing the object name, did they mean rename or did they mean make me a new one based on the original
21:17.22 brlcad the other consideration is that even if they are thinking that way, that it should rename the original .. the only surprise is that the original object is still there and they have to manually delete it
21:18.13 brlcad if they're thinking the other way, that it should make a copy .. then much to their surprise, the original is deleted (along with the destruction of any original values they maybe still wanted)
21:19.26 starseeker could make two commands - red and rcp
21:19.27 brlcad that alone is pretty strong case for not deleting, maybe adding a flag to red to force one behavior
21:20.09 starseeker yeah, I suppose until we have undo support not deleting is safer
21:23.15 brlcad of course, copy or move behavior will have to check if that object name already exists, and similarly abort (unless there's a force flag)
21:24.21 brlcad ah, and I see you already have code for that, excellent
21:27.05 brlcad hm, what's a similar command that has cp/mv options
21:36.25 *** join/#brlcad yiyus (
21:42.42 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44307 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/ (files.c models.c): OK, that worked. Wasn't cleaning up after myself. See if I can put the content assignment back.
21:45.18 CIA-105 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44308 10/geomcore/trunk/src/libgvm/ (files.c models.c): Yep, that was it - just needed to clear the list.
22:24.29 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
22:40.06 brlcad hello KimK
22:40.39 KimK Hi brlcad, how's it going?
22:40.47 brlcad pretty great!
22:41.00 KimK Ha, excellent
22:44.21 KimK You might be interested to know that I have now managed to install BRL-CAD on several machines, one defeated me, I'll look into that one again on a return visit there. Unfortunately, I'm no smarter on operating BRL-CAD yet, but I have stumbled across some tutorials, I hope to have time to work on those.
22:48.16 brlcad KimK: outstanding
22:48.30 brlcad yeah, the tutorials on the main website (under Documentation) is really the place to begin
22:48.49 brlcad several of the documents listed there are very helpful for learning the basics
22:55.40 KimK I have been trying to get the Ubuntu menu to start BRL-CAD. The LibreOffice-dev group has a similar problem, they start scripts to start the locally-built development versions. A developer friend gave me a little bash trick to put in the Ubuntu menu command to start them, example: bash -c 'cd /home/username/libo/install/program; ./swriter' But I haven't been able to apply it in the expected ways to start mged, I don't know what's up with that
22:55.40 KimK .
22:56.00 KimK Bah, flooded by one, need a character counter, lol!
22:57.56 brlcad KimK: hm.. in more recent versions jordi sayol has menu and icons working for fedora and debian
22:58.23 brlcad might check out the .deb to see how he did it
22:58.41 brlcad (it's not in apt, it's up on the website)
23:00.15 KimK More recent as in your development version? OK, no problem, I only installed from the 7.18 tarball. Do you guys have a git repo yet?
23:00.32 brlcad 7.18.2
23:00.43 KimK OK, 7.18.2
23:00.51 brlcad no plans to move from svn to git any time soon
23:01.46 KimK Oh, you're on svn? Maybe I can use "git svn". (Git is really nice.)
23:01.58 brlcad quite familiar with git
23:03.01 KimK Excellent, maybe git will be an option someday and you can advocate for it?
23:04.57 brlcad if a revision control system needs advocating, then it's not mature enough yet for our use
23:06.01 brlcad didn't advocate for cvs when switched from rcs, didn't advocate for svn when switched from svn ... the benefits were clear and downsides non-existent
23:06.22 brlcad git doesn't have that case yet, several downsides
23:06.44 brlcad maybe someday, but then maybe svn will have those features by then too or maybe some other system will have stepped up
23:08.00 KimK What do you see as the downsides of git? Is svn in the group of one-repo cvs's, is that the issue?
23:08.31 brlcad don't understand the second question
23:09.29 KimK well, some are bothered by the idea that there's no "official central repo" in git (except by agreement or convention).
23:09.53 KimK Any repo is equal to any other repo.
23:09.58 brlcad that could be seen as a downside (or a benefit), depending on the community
23:11.57 brlcad there are social impacts that are pretty extensively discussed, potential for community fragmentation, potentially increase in antisocial behavior (comparitively, since collaboration isn't forced)
23:12.14 brlcad practical downside is the windows support, but that's improving
23:13.12 brlcad the fact that it's a relatively new version control system, not nearly as extensively tested due to age alone
23:14.21 KimK The EMC2 group hasn't had fragmentation problems that I have observed. They do have an agreed central repo. I would put decentralization in the benefit category, especially when there are internet connectivity issues, as might be expected more frequently now. (Earthquakes, tsunamis, sunspots, disasters, emp, what-have-you.)
23:14.40 brlcad size of repo clone compared to checkout requires increased disk (particularly for large histories)
23:15.09 brlcad that's a bit ridiculous imho :)
23:15.21 KimK Ease of anyone browsing full history might be helpful?
23:15.24 brlcad "might be expected more frequently now" .. no more or less than before unless people are just ignorant of the planet :)
23:16.16 brlcad I think I can count on one hand how many times I've been offline and needing to commit over the past five years
23:16.40 brlcad that would be a benefit, but it's minor (and it's also something that svn is working to implement too)
23:16.52 brlcad in the end, I think the systems will become so hybridized that it just won't matter
23:17.47 brlcad in which case, a central repo that can be distributed would win over a distributed repo pretending to be central
23:18.01 brlcad but that's many many years out, of course
23:18.52 KimK Well, git does have an impressive array of projects, even if you discount the Linux kernel one. (Admittedly some bias there, lol.)
23:19.05 brlcad the point about switching, though, was that up until now, it's been very clear and strong benefits with NO downsides ... that's simply not the case quite yet
23:19.12 brlcad popularity means nothing
23:19.56 brlcad git tends to be the most vocal but by far not the most popular yet, last estimate I saw had it at maybe 20% (across industry)
23:20.16 brlcad course stats can be fudged to show just about anything :)
23:20.49 KimK Well, not completely nothing, it means that some groups saw an advantage to switching (to whatever).
23:21.12 brlcad the fact that the benefits and downsides have to be weighed means it's closer to a wash .. which would simply be busy work right now
23:21.19 brlcad not solving any specific problem we're having
23:21.36 KimK Yes, well, you guys do have your hands full.
23:21.54 KimK Hope it's going well, generally?
23:22.01 brlcad it solves a big problem when the dev team scales beyond a communication point
23:22.05 brlcad git, that is
23:22.40 brlcad that point is around 50-100 active developers, if I recall correctly
23:23.41 KimK Due to its history, are most brlcad developers in the US? I think that makes a difference too.
23:23.42 brlcad I did the math a couple years ago, but it's basically the point at which NxM communication points slow down development where having a distributed infrastructure lets you have islands of communication
23:24.33 KimK Not in the US, but in the same time zone, makes chatting difficult, or at least delays email.
23:24.34 brlcad i don't think that makes any difference -- same issue with other communities I work with that are predominantly non-US
23:25.24 brlcad if you have active devs, then the method and time of communication plays only a minor part .. they're reading logs, mailing lists, whatever
23:25.28 brlcad impact is minimal
23:25.53 brlcad it's the point at which there is too much activity, too many devs to have centralized communication
23:26.08 brlcad that's the 50-100 dev metric
23:26.19 brlcad that's why it was dead-obvious for linux
23:26.27 brlcad hundreds of active devs
23:27.40 KimK OK. Well, hopefully brlcad will continue to grow and you'll have more developers too.
23:27.55 brlcad yeah, that's a problem I'd LIKE to have ;)
23:28.42 KimK Haha, you'll get there.
23:37.55 brlcad starseeker: on further inspection, red will also *create* a new combination (from nothing) .. so that seems even more pertinent that the editing intent is "write an object I've named with these values" and the in-editor object name might simply be them changing their mind on that name

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