IRC log for #brlcad on 20110527

00:23.56 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
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11:50.50 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
11:50.51 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
12:53.03 dloman so ``Erik, i did some data szie calcs in my head yesterday..... might have a memory issue :)
12:53.08 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
12:54.04 dloman 1.6x10^6 pix x 1.6x10^6 pix image is about 2.56 x 10^12 pixels... and at 1 byte per pixel... yeah, thats a bit large :)
13:10.56 ``Erik 1552000000000000000000 square meters.
13:12.35 dloman m or km ?
13:12.48 dloman i though we were saying 1 pix == 1 km
13:13.08 ``Erik meters
13:13.16 ``Erik um, at 1km res, 1.5 petabytes
13:14.08 ``Erik even when ya think you grok the scale of that puppy, it's still ungrokkable
13:18.55 ``Erik hm, 606x^2 widths of area
13:19.59 ``Erik 1284.5 km pixels will produce 1g of surface 8b elevetion data
13:20.18 ``Erik or wait, no, my math is wrong
13:20.51 ``Erik 1245.6 km edges will produce 1g
13:22.20 ``Erik sooooo, the US would be ~6 pixels at that resolution
13:22.44 dloman lol
13:22.53 dloman question, since i know nothing of the process:
13:23.27 dloman when brlcad 'preps' geometry... is that a good place to put in a LoD Proc Gen function(s) ?
13:24.01 ``Erik no, LoD requires some understanding of the viewpoints location, and prep doesn't know anything about that
13:24.17 ``Erik we cannot do LoD with the raytracing data as it stands
13:24.33 dloman hrm, so does the geometry have *any* idea where the viewport is at anytime?
13:24.59 ``Erik the geometry does not, the app is responsible for setting ray start points
13:25.57 ``Erik hm
13:26.12 ``Erik mebbe a fractal procedural displacement shader might work
13:26.35 starseeker one of the things we need to do longer term is have the primitives provide the ability to take a view/geometry size and return an appropriate wireframe
13:26.58 dloman so whats the order of operations then?
13:27.23 dloman call 'rt', prep geometry, then start firing rays?
13:27.30 ``Erik yup
13:27.45 ``Erik all prep is completed before the first ray is shot
13:27.56 starseeker has been tempted to start that level of re-org once or twice, but it's deeply invasive and probably a fair bit of work
13:28.01 dloman aka, if the geometry is prepped *after* the call is made to rt, then the viewport data should be 'somewhere' that a function could get at.
13:29.15 ``Erik starseeker: I'm setting up a git repo using the svn bridge on my desk fbsd box, um, /usr/tmp/brlcad.git I think? if you want to clone it for playground activities
13:29.21 dloman course, this is 'logic' speaking and that may need not apply :)
13:30.18 ``Erik sets is schedule to involve; finding pants. getting coffee. cleaning house on his day off here O.o wee.
13:30.40 dloman oh you taking a 4 day then?
13:30.46 ``Erik yup
13:30.56 ``Erik CN today
13:32.26 dloman starseeker: you taking a 4 day weekend also?
13:39.06 starseeker no, i'll be in
13:52.14 dloman Well that's a great way to kick off the weekend. my bank called. Accounts been comprimized :/
13:56.45 ``Erik ow, an actual compromise? not a false positive?
13:57.29 dloman they shut down all my cards :) I have all my money. So whether it was a true compirmise or not, i really don't care :/
13:57.51 dloman However, now i have to jump thru a ton of hoops to get my accounts back up
13:58.03 dloman kinda annoyed atm :)
14:03.13 ``Erik better'n bein' empty handed, ah surpose
14:03.21 dloman true that
14:03.33 ``Erik cranks up poplamoose while cleaning O.o
14:03.37 dloman pretty much why im not beating down the door of the base Bank of America
14:03.40 ``Erik pomplamoose, even
14:04.19 ``Erik (if'n ya don't know them, check them out on the youtubez, 'beat it' 'put a ring on it' 'nature boy'... awesome covers)
14:05.49 dloman oh god, they did a christmas commercial this last year......
14:06.16 dloman they annoyed the hell out of me, lol
14:07.06 ``Erik the hyundai one, yeah.. but they really don't suck, that was just a corporate obnoxiousness
14:07.10 dloman seems it was the editing on the commercial, these arent that bad :)
14:07.27 ``Erik their version of nature boy is effin' awesome
14:07.32 dloman heh, is that a moog?
14:37.21 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44701 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/BrlcadDb.h src/GS/BrlcadDb.cxx): Verbage change from 'path' to 'gPath' for clarity.
14:45.58 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44702 10/geomcore/trunk/src/GS/BrlcadDb.cxx: Was mistakenly using StringUtils::getLastStepOfPath() as a .g file path validation check. Fixt. Now correctly using BrlcadDb::_isValidPath() call.
14:49.56 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44703 10/geomcore/trunk/include/BrlcadDb.h: "//TODO Move these to a more common place?" added in reference to common return values dealing with errors for BrlcadDb function calls.
15:47.12 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44704 10/geomcore/trunk/include/BrlcadDb.h: Add some notes about ByteBuffer::wrap() failure handling.
15:49.18 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44705 10/geomcore/trunk/ (include/ExtObject.h src/GS/ExtObject.cxx): Add in a serialize method to ExtObject that creates a ByteBuffer and passed back a pointer to it. This allows the ByteBuffer to be exactly the size required.
18:12.09 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
18:12.09 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
19:17.52 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
19:17.52 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r44706 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_bool.c:
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: Corrected logic in functions 'nmg_booltree_evaluate' and 'nmg_boolean' within
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: file 'nmg_bool.c'. This fix stops the error 'nmg_boolean() result of
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: nmg_booltree_evaluate() isn't tp' which occurs occasionally when performing nmg
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: boolean operations such as when using the mged 'facetize' command. This change
20:32.19 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: also allows boolean operations to return a null result without failing.
20:44.04 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
20:44.04 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
21:17.17 *** join/#brlcad indianla1ry (~indianlar@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
21:18.06 starseeker dloman: ouch, sorry to hear that about your accounts!
21:18.23 starseeker ``Erik: just curious, do you know anything about Lua (scripting language?)
21:26.33 ``Erik unfortunately
21:26.47 ``Erik it's an ugly language, but it's simple and very embedable
21:27.38 ``Erik you can use luac to generate luab files, compiled things... um, I heard lua 5 was supposed to fix a lot of stuff, I mostly dealt with lua 4 a llllong time ago, doing a platformer video game
21:34.05 starseeker hmm... how's it compare to Tcl?
21:34.21 starseeker notes 5 has been out for quite a while...
21:35.50 ``Erik my info is outdated, at the time... tcl was worse to integrate and slower, but tcl felt "lisper"
21:36.09 ``Erik lua reminded me of basic
21:36.15 starseeker winces
21:36.41 starseeker darn... the "easier to integrate" bit really appeals...
21:36.53 ``Erik it's a tiny language, easy to integrate... compile yourself up a version and experiment
21:37.18 starseeker was looking over the Tcl build logic again and having bad things happen to his blood pressure...
21:37.56 starseeker has evil thought... stick a Tcl parser on top of Lua :-P
21:38.05 ``Erik tcl is stuck in the 80's, lua is designed for src/other/ type stuff... but the language panders to javascript/java/c++/perl programmers
21:39.52 starseeker hmm... wonder if I can re-create the "mged command prompt" type environment
21:39.54 ``Erik give it a shot, it's an easy one to learn... *shrug* all I can give is my opinion, and opinions are like a**holes :)
21:40.11 starseeker wouldn't have Tcl under the hood though, so I suppose it's a guaranteed fail for acceptance
21:41.02 ``Erik my vote is for removing tcl from teh core and providing a more abstracted interface so we can use python, ruby, cl, scheme, lua, ... perl... whatever anyone wants
21:41.48 ``Erik C is lingua franca, so that should be our exposed interface
21:42.30 starseeker would looove to find a way to get Tcl/Tk out of src/other altogether
21:43.38 ``Erik that'd be interesting, I'm more concerned with doing "make librt" with no tcl having to be involved
21:44.09 starseeker heh, CMake perspective talking for me I guess - making sure Tcl/Tk builds integrated and everywhere is like hauling around a 50 pound anchor
21:44.56 ``Erik you're the one who decided to start not liking automake and push the cmake migration... you did it to yourself :D
21:45.28 ``Erik so release today is not happening?
21:46.19 ``Erik <-- all sorts of awesome
21:46.49 starseeker ``Erik: well, having autotools and Windows builds separate is another and worse sort of boat anchor
21:47.12 ``Erik yes, windows is a definite ... issue
21:47.17 starseeker ``Erik: unfortunately, probably not today
21:47.46 starseeker that little change of Bob's got rtwizard up, but means we need another round of testing
21:47.52 ``Erik if you can get a build on thor, awesome... if not, well, it's a .0 and we expect pain in the transfer
21:48.09 starseeker plus I suppose I should really figure out why rtedge isn't displaying in the rtwizard framebuffer...
21:48.41 starseeker oh, and I didn't START not liking autotools - I NEVER liked it :-P
21:48.47 ``Erik part of me wants to say "just throw it out" and take out lumps, and .2 will be a big cleanup release
21:48.56 ``Erik s/out/our/
21:49.08 starseeker ``Erik: <shrug> we can do that
21:49.28 starseeker ``Erik: you can do the release too you know - I don't have some "magic key"
21:49.45 ``Erik I'm taking the day off, I'm not allowed to do work :D
21:49.50 starseeker heh - cop-out
21:50.17 ``Erik indeed. I'll go back to scrubbing toilets and floors now. :/
21:51.04 ``Erik (almost tagged yesterday, btw... seriously, fuggit, it'll suck and we'll get "it don't work", but ...)
21:51.28 starseeker yeah, I know
21:51.33 starseeker updates...
21:53.27 ``Erik 7.20.2 will see the fixing of the osX ogl bug, the 32b tie bug, ... but 7.20.0 will not.
21:53.54 starseeker ``Erik: if we're going to do it - anything we should toss in the deprecation list now?
21:54.03 starseeker (i.e. we want to get rid of this ASAP?)
21:54.04 ``Erik and the 7.20.0 winderz binary will be huge for the community, I think... 99% instead of 25% of the tools
21:54.36 ``Erik um, mro and the libtie change is all I can think of
21:55.12 starseeker heh - mro is kinda "whoops, it's gone now" instead of "deprecated, will go away eventually"
21:55.12 ``Erik maybe a statement about the altered attribute handling?
21:56.07 ``Erik "deprecated 7.20.0, deleted 7.20.0. Sucks to be you."
21:56.37 ``Erik it's a minor bump, we're allowed to be a bit mean
21:57.36 starseeker yeah, I guess we'll go with condition c
21:57.46 ``Erik btw, I started a cmake migration of the project who would lament the mro removal... it's making me nervous
21:58.55 ``Erik can trunk succeed at a distcheck? I tried to keep my modifications synced between cmake and automake, but ...
21:59.33 ``Erik if automake can do a distcheck, benchmark and regress, I say tag and go
21:59.39 starseeker nods
21:59.47 starseeker I'm trying an automake distcheck now
22:00.40 ``Erik seriously, crank up, get the sub going, tell bob it's for his own good
22:00.57 starseeker heh
22:01.04 starseeker he's not in, actually
22:01.16 ``Erik PLAY IT
22:02.28 starseeker is
22:02.52 ``Erik since you're doing the gruntwork of releasing today, and it's a monster change, um, I will do a fbsd port cook on tuesday, and thinking this will be a very short run release
22:03.10 ``Erik we might target 7.20.2 for, uh, 2 weeks from now?
22:03.23 starseeker nods
22:03.40 starseeker um... PomplamooseMusic
22:03.43 starseeker ?
22:03.45 ``Erik yes
22:04.11 ``Erik pomplamoose is a duo band out of nyc, their cover of nat king coles nature boy is ... awesome
22:04.33 starseeker they seem to bet getting a lot of attention
22:04.36 starseeker do you know them?
22:04.39 ``Erik I've been a fan of the for a few years, last winter they had a contract deal with hyundai on a commercial
22:05.15 starseeker cool
22:05.45 ``Erik I like to pretend that I find awesome bands before they become popular, I'm very "scene" like that
22:06.02 starseeker nods - it does happen, once in a while
22:06.35 ``Erik I think there're 4 that I've told people about that have gone on to commercials or some kinda recognition when I pointed to them as subs
22:07.02 ``Erik goldfrapp, 2 weeks after I messaged every I knew about them, they showed up in a commercial
22:07.10 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44707 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: Abrupt, but close to minimal and what appears to be the least painful way forward - mro is going, all hail bu_attribute_value_set.
22:07.20 starseeker awesome
22:07.26 ``Erik (they probably shot the commercial before I heard them, but *shrug*)
22:07.48 starseeker awaits the thunderbolt from brlcad...
22:08.37 ``Erik the boy has a mini-me. the thunderbolt is 3 months out at the soonest
22:09.12 ``Erik and this is explicitely permitted in the rules set down
22:09.35 starseeker hehe
22:09.57 starseeker well, for loose definitions of minimal
22:10.01 starseeker close though
22:10.08 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
22:10.16 starseeker and I still think it's the least painful approach
22:10.37 ``Erik the, uh, favor you volunteered for, I started on it, it's gonna be rough... they have a very intertwined dep chain with lots of #include action
22:12.02 ``Erik #include <Ap.h> instead of #include
22:12.09 ``Erik #include "Ap/Ap.h"
22:12.19 starseeker winces
22:12.21 ``Erik so a lot of -I action
22:12.36 starseeker I suppose untangling it isn't an option
22:12.39 ``Erik or C changes...
22:13.17 ``Erik if you can convince geoff...
22:13.26 starseeker uh... yeah
22:13.42 starseeker -I it is
22:13.51 starseeker initially at least
22:14.02 ``Erik frankly, I started my 'acst' branch to superseed both teams
22:14.23 ``Erik unfortunately, we lack a dietz
22:14.43 ``Erik "nothing succeeds like success", my gut feeling is that success will be punished
22:15.17 starseeker well, all we can do is try
22:17.00 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44708 10/brlcad/trunk/ (README include/conf/MINOR include/conf/PATCH): Here we got - bump the version numbers.
22:19.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44709 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog
22:21.02 ``Erik w00t
22:29.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44710 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (427 files in 165 dirs): Merge trunk r44709 to STABLE
22:30.11 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi477 (
22:34.11 starseeker notes he somehow missed that the byacc maintainer also maintains a version of flex
22:35.23 starseeker hmm...
22:59.31 starseeker hmm, cool
23:00.34 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44711 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-20-0/: Tag 7.20.0
23:00.53 starseeker ``Erik: there ya go
23:01.36 starseeker ahhh, crud - forgot to update the date of release
23:02.16 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44712 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Ah, nuts - forgot to fix the date.
23:05.06 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44713 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS README include/conf/PATCH): Bump numbers.
23:05.24 starseeker needs to get outta here...

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