IRC log for #brlcad on 20110607

00:01.09 brlcad yeah, once you start making a little progress, your commits (and your commit messages) will be just as important if not more important than progress updates .. good stuff
00:01.58 bhinesley nods
00:02.03 bhinesley there will be a lot going through today
00:10.31 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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00:26.32 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
01:09.43 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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01:24.13 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44769 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): (log message trimmed)
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: This was an incremental step towards: 1) adding the man command to archer 2)
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: creating a megawidget for the manual page browser, to eliminate code duplication
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: among Archer and MGED. Progress already made on the actual megawidget will be
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: added in a bit.
01:41.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: -Man command now works in Archer
01:41.08 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: -Changed the method of adding commands to the Manual Page Browser ToC from "insert end" to using -listvariable as recommended here:
02:44.55 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44770 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Removed doarcherMan, and set Help->Man Pages to call the man command directly
03:22.01 brlcad woot
03:31.18 bhinesley :-P
03:31.36 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44771 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: brandon added the 'man' command to archer.
03:33.03 bhinesley ah
03:33.19 bhinesley shall I make an effort to keep that updated?
03:33.28 starseeker it's usually easier
03:33.39 starseeker add user-visible stuff
03:34.00 bhinesley ok
03:34.52 starseeker brlcad: what plans did you have for the architecture of libgcv? I've been reading up on the issue indianla1ry ran into with trying to turn the step-g factory mechanism into a library - the whole "compiler removing static" thing
03:35.12 starseeker there appears to be No Good Solution if you stick to straight C++
03:35.44 starseeker not compiler, linker stripping out static rather
03:35.46 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44772 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
03:35.47 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: brandon also improved the manual page browser gui behavior with improved
03:35.47 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: performance (using listbox variable binding instead of adding items manually)
03:35.47 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: and adding a ListboxSelect event binding so keys, clicking, and dragging work.
03:36.15 brlcad bhinesley: yeah, any time you make a change that is *user* visible, it warrants a one-line entry in the NEWS file
03:37.10 brlcad the file has a specific format (described at the bottom) and the commit message per line is important
03:38.01 starseeker is getting desperate enough to consider embedding scheme or lisp to escape the limits of C++/C...
03:38.02 brlcad the svn log is automatically parsed with a script that pulls each commit message for each feature line which we use to review features, so try to only commit one line at a time and make your commit message as descriptive as needed
03:38.39 brlcad starseeker: not sure what you're referring to
03:39.01 brlcad step-g's factory mechanism isn't a very good way to do things..
03:39.18 starseeker erm. what's the better way?
03:39.45 brlcad first, what's the goal? :)
03:39.45 starseeker was under the impression the factory design was the recommend approach to that sort of problem...
03:39.50 brlcad factory sure
03:39.57 brlcad there's lots of ways to make factory
03:40.06 bhinesley brlcad: I'm not sure I follow... you're saying keep commit messages brief?
03:40.32 starseeker architect the library in such a way that you can write one file per format, add it to the library without changing anything else, and have the conversion routines be able to find it when some program using the library asks for it
03:40.50 brlcad bhinesley: no no, the messages can/should be any details not encoded in the 70-char news line, like why or bug report numbers or who reported a bug or who requested the feature, ets
03:41.09 bhinesley oh okay
03:41.13 brlcad starseeker: one file per format is probably not feasible
03:41.15 bhinesley that's what I figured
03:41.25 starseeker growl
03:41.39 brlcad i mean, there'd be just one set of function hooks per format
03:41.49 brlcad ala src/librt/primitives
03:41.55 brlcad but it's a set of funcs that you'd need
03:42.08 brlcad probably not just read and write
03:42.26 brlcad but even those two, rather different requirements
03:44.30 brlcad starseeker: as for the rest (add it to the library without changing anything else, and have the conversion routines be able to find) .. that's pretty easy
03:44.48 brlcad even a simple freshman textbook factory implementation will do that
03:45.02 brlcad or dynamic loaded library snippets
03:45.42 starseeker what's the problem with step-g's implementation then?
03:45.55 starseeker I was under the impression indianla1ry designed it fairly carefully
03:46.58 brlcad it's using the sdai (app interface) from the step class libraries
03:47.28 starseeker I'm not sure that's the reason it wouldn't work as a lib though...
03:47.29 brlcad it static-initializes variables, then searches at runtime for those classes
03:47.48 starseeker right - most of the C++ Factory discussions I can find do something like that
03:47.55 brlcad the problem was there was some compiler (erroneously) optimizing away those static classes so they didn't exist iirc
03:48.08 brlcad not the way sdai did it
03:48.14 brlcad it was a nit pick detail
03:48.15 starseeker shakes his head - that's not a compiler error, according to everything that I can find
03:48.25 brlcad the overall approach they intended was 'okay'
03:49.12 brlcad it relied on static variable initialization ordering, which isn't guaranteed
03:49.33 starseeker
03:49.51 starseeker that article mentions the linker stripping out "unreferenced" static variables
03:50.01 brlcad they needed to require an init point other than main() (like loading a library or an explicit init() method)
03:51.01 brlcad right off the bad, that write-up isn't entirely accurate
03:51.22 brlcad lack of an ability to instantiate an object at runtime given the name of a class .. you can, it's just complicated
03:52.29 starseeker it must be, I can't find anything so far telling me how to do it
03:52.57 brlcad he states the problem: "you won't be referencing these classes and objects directly, so you have to force the linker to include them by adding references"
03:53.32 brlcad it's all in how you build up the factory, and there are lots of ways to go about it
03:53.47 brlcad sdai's method was a little sucky, but a simple reference fixes the optimization problem
03:54.02 brlcad actual code example I wrote a few years ago:
03:55.02 brlcad that's the abstract factory, here showing a real factory:
03:55.34 brlcad and then the 'simple fix' that lets the linker know that you don't want it to optimize away:
03:55.45 brlcad (see the _init() function)
03:56.32 starseeker yes
03:56.41 brlcad if I wanted to avoid the explicit list of types (which isn't all that bad really, factory lists don't really tend to change that frequently)
03:57.01 brlcad I'd just have made loadable library modules, and load / register them all in _init()
03:57.32 brlcad think dlopen() style
03:58.02 starseeker um... wouldn't that get rather messy if you started to have hundereds of types floating around?
03:58.39 brlcad not really, it's still just an entity list
03:58.43 starseeker also, is that portable? (loadable library modules)
03:58.56 brlcad pretty much, but I'd start with an explicit list
03:59.51 starseeker so is that _init call in a library or an executable?
04:00.04 ``Erik might be worth seeing how OS's deal with, say, network cards... I think that might be somewhat analogous. FBSD has a set of common functions and some macro fu to 'register'
04:00.18 brlcad starseeker: an exectuable in that case, but it could go into a lib too
04:01.53 brlcad the libgcv api should get written down first before getting mired in implementation detail like this, issues that might screw up the api if done poorly
04:02.00 ``Erik my concern is that different formats hold different kinds of data, so your intermediate format is either a massive superset or a minimal subset :/
04:02.47 brlcad .g or .step are both fairly massive supersets
04:02.55 brlcad or at least have arbitrary storage capability
04:03.23 starseeker massive superset doesn't worry me - a pivot format in a conversion library of this nature will be conceptually broad of necessity
04:03.33 brlcad in-mem .g ftw imnsho ;)
04:03.47 starseeker we we need is a technically sound way to manage that complexity and extend it cleanly
04:03.51 brlcad that's how most of the code is already written anyways, least effort
04:04.19 brlcad best performing too, of known options
04:04.55 starseeker if we focus on just what .g supports, yeah that's the simple route. But it means the conversion library will remain special purpose, because there are a LOT of things we don't support now in the .g format
04:04.58 brlcad but the api shouldn't care -- it's more "import from X" .. then "export as Y"
04:05.14 brlcad using in-mem .g or whatever else is just the in-between implementation detail
04:05.25 starseeker sure, but the devil's in the details
04:05.54 brlcad nothing says we have to only focus on what .g supports
04:06.11 brlcad just need a mechanism for storing and recovering
04:06.16 starseeker uh... if we're using .g as the in-mem pivot format...
04:06.17 brlcad which .g has
04:06.27 brlcad example
04:06.57 ``Erik bones, keyframes, animation stuff, programmable definition (povray), ...
04:07.17 ``Erik v5 has deficiencies
04:07.30 brlcad I can store opengl-style pixel shader information into a .g file along with textures and texture mapping data ... even though brl-cad can't use it
04:08.05 brlcad just need to know that's what was stored so when an exporter wants the data, it can pull it
04:08.41 starseeker but if you need to convert that to format FOO pixel shader information for three other export formats, where does that logic live?
04:09.02 ``Erik you can shove lightwave objects and scenes in an attribute, but without knowledge of the magic black box, conversion is impossible
04:09.05 starseeker I doubt we want each exporter to implement all of its own conversion logic for that sort of thing
04:09.12 starseeker there will be lots of overlap
04:09.50 brlcad starseeker: how's that different than asking "if you need to convert that sphere to format FOO, where does that logic live?"
04:10.01 brlcad it lives in format FOO's converter
04:11.22 brlcad the only thing an underlying format is going to give you is structure, not necessarily easier access or reduction of export logic
04:11.36 brlcad *memory* structure
04:12.25 brlcad so .g doesn't have a memory structure for pixel shaders, boo hoo .. don't care really .. libgcv defines a structure and shoves it in, knows the structure, so it can pull it out
04:13.11 brlcad this isn't unique to .g in the least .. there's not a single format that doesn't have this issue and would need a similar 'fix'
04:14.22 brlcad step would be the closest to being a format that has in-memory structure for almost everything, but it's still NOT everything and you pay for the complexity
04:14.47 brlcad can see either working, though, easily enough (step or .g)
04:14.54 starseeker 's instinct is that the complexity might be worth paying for...
04:15.36 brlcad write a complet g-step and say that again :)
04:16.23 starseeker fair enough - but that gets back to trying to understand how to Do It Right - and explicit lists get long fast when we're talking about STEP
04:16.34 ``Erik d'no, starseeker... it's not our job to be a zomfg utility conversion toolkit... we do better than most already, but that's a hell of a calling
04:16.48 brlcad it's not? :)
04:16.53 starseeker ``Erik: I'm not saying we need to be that overnight, but I'd like to architect so that we can grow into that
04:17.04 brlcad we do better than everyone at this point (open source)
04:17.37 starseeker thinks the best way to get other interests on board is to position ourselves to do it better than ANYONE, closed or open
04:17.50 brlcad my thoughts were to leverage existing code as much as possible, because it really is a huge task once you involve more than a couple formats
04:18.38 ``Erik some commercial packages do a very impressive job of importing and exporting, but they have tons of resources to throw at satisfying their customers
04:19.06 brlcad take the converters main() as they stand now, rewrite them so that stl-g's main is something like stl2g() but the g is opened as an in-mem db and a context is preserved
04:19.12 starseeker sure. That's why it's so important we be able to grow incrementally, being clean from the start and gradually expanding our abilities
04:19.36 brlcad repeat for all formats, and you have a slew of conversion funcs from files to in-mem .g with very very minimal code change
04:19.40 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44773 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/ (archer/Archer.tcl man_browser.tcl pkgIndex.tcl): Added the ManBrowser mega-widget (nonfunctional). This will eliminate code duplication of the Manual Page Browsers among Archer and MGED.
04:20.07 ``Erik many conv/ files can be simplified by migrating them to the existing libgcv tesselation functions
04:20.08 brlcad register all of those funtions into a table in libgcv and bingo, universal converter
04:20.13 starseeker brlcad: My understanding was that we were going to have a lot of code changes anyway as we reduced the duplication of logic during the libgcv conversion
04:20.19 ``Erik triangles are a good lcd
04:20.21 brlcad ``Erik: yeah they can....
04:20.26 brlcad but it's a royal pita
04:20.32 brlcad i've tried a couple times
04:20.52 ``Erik I've made an attempt, as well :)
04:20.53 brlcad almost all of them have slight tweaks, write out different data at random points in the output, etc
04:21.48 ``Erik I threw in a generalized tesselation function into the new stuff I'm doing that'll return a full tree of BoTs, it might be the change we need to migrate
04:22.24 brlcad starseeker: ideally, but not necessarily .. reducing the code duplication there is not nearly as trivial as what I described
04:22.58 brlcad ``Erik: I saw .. by trying to tessellate from scratch with a different algo... good luck with that ;)
04:23.22 brlcad even if it works reliably, that's still 100k lines of code to refactor
04:23.31 ``Erik have a working java example, surprisingly small
04:23.32 brlcad even if it reduces 10-fold, that's weeks of work
04:23.38 ``Erik nmg is just plain horrible
04:23.57 brlcad because it guarantees topology
04:24.13 brlcad what's the approach you're using do for that?
04:24.27 ``Erik there's a trick in the latest approach that kinda surprises me, slicing all intersecting triangles before catagorizing
04:25.16 ``Erik the original '86 paper has a whole chain of refinements, UnNBoolean seems to be the latest real example. I think the NMG stuff was originally based on that old '86 paper, then prematurely abstracted and implemented... poorly.
04:25.31 brlcad there's only three or four methods I'm aware of that preserve topology
04:26.10 ``Erik at the heart, this is still the same approach that nmg was supposed to be
04:26.54 ``Erik lee admitted that he didn't know what he was doing and screwed it up, daytona noted that too much information was thrown away at the beginning of the pass, ... *shrug* we'll see
04:27.00 ``Erik and I think my cat just farted at me
04:27.28 brlcad nmg is the radial-edge method, there's winged-edge, half-edge, quad-edge, doubly linked faces, ..
04:28.37 ``Erik most of those assume arbitrary polygons, i'm sticking to pure triangles
04:29.06 brlcad I'm not defending nmg as much as saying it's hard to do it while still guaranteeing topology, preserving the manifold property
04:29.36 ``Erik
04:30.07 ``Erik s/N/B/
04:31.08 louipc huh replace N with B?
04:31.33 ``Erik yeh, louis, I said unnboolean, shoulda been unbboolean :)
04:31.38 brlcad ``Erik: fwiw, the polyhedral paper they reference came *before* radial-edge
04:31.56 ``Erik erm, the portugeuse 2008 paper?
04:32.06 louipc ah cool
04:32.34 louipc new competitions?
04:32.46 brlcad by a couple years
04:32.54 brlcad he states it: Constructive Solid Geometry for Polyhedral Objects, by D. H. Laidlaw, W. B. Trumbore, and J. F. Hughes
04:33.19 ``Erik there's a chain of papers that go from 86 to 08
04:33.35 brlcad the portuguese paper he wrote :)
04:33.38 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 0399.144.90.118 07 * r2908 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Log */ Yesterday, today, and plan for tomorrow.
04:34.21 brlcad I have trumbore's paper around here somewhere
04:34.35 brlcad it's decent, simple
04:35.08 ``Erik *grouse* pine frequently crashes on, and mutt won't even run. need to migrate
04:35.12 brlcad definitely wouldn't declare the approach better (or worse)
04:35.59 louipc what os?
04:36.00 brlcad iirc, the method also attempts to preserve manifold, but fails for some n-manifold cases that radial solved
04:36.41 brlcad radial solved the problem, but with complexity .. the failure in nmg isn't the method but the implementation
04:38.54 ``Erik there seems to be a lot of success with the KISS deviation from what nmg tried, shouldn't take too long to implement and would bump up a couple 9's on success rate for real geometry
04:40.01 ``Erik I'll read up on radial edge, but the task as stated is pretty low investment
04:40.48 brlcad done again from scratch, I'd probably be looking at winged edge or radial
04:40.58 brlcad the bigger issue for CAD is the manifold property
04:41.48 brlcad if something has three holes, it should preserve those three holes through conversion, not some other number .. or catastrophic for analysis, turn into a non-manifold
04:42.19 brlcad the latter is the biggest problem and the hardest to guarantee without structure
04:44.41 ``Erik I'd love to just use nurbs as the intermediary and focus effort now, but several people want visual tesselations to shove in ogl, that's what I'm working towards... not serious interrogation, just quick visualization
04:45.24 brlcad except the very next thing they'll want is to dump that to something other than opengl and shoot rays at it, pretending it means something
04:45.29 brlcad you know it as well as I
04:47.32 ``Erik unfortunately, they'll try... so we call BoT's an approximation and push 'em towards nurbs
04:48.08 ``Erik time for sleep, catch ya'll later :)
04:48.16 brlcad hey, it's your seconds ticking by
04:48.21 brlcad I just think it's a waste of time
04:49.34 brlcad and I'll annongly keep saying it .. we should be focusing on robust solid modeling and geometry managemenet
04:50.06 brlcad anything else is outside our domain, a distraction, wasted divergent resources and wasted effort
04:50.59 ``Erik dude, I agree... I tried to pitch putting my funded time to nurbs... but was told I had to have improved tesselation by the end of the fy, it's on my objectives, need something for accomplishments in late sept... :/ process is screwing product yet again
04:51.51 louipc I'd say UI is the most important at this point :P
04:51.55 brlcad so give them g-egg ;)
04:52.07 brlcad louipc: it is to the community at large
04:52.31 ``Erik they were trying to put me on tweaking marching cubes, which is simply wrong for our kind of geometry, so I think I managed a small victory in changing that direction
04:52.37 brlcad but not to the elephant contributor that pays to get what they think is most important :)
04:52.53 louipc hehe
04:53.07 louipc name the price ;)
04:53.54 ``Erik after all the overhead (equipment, facilities, mgmt, support staff), I think it's in the neighborhood of 240000usd/year
04:54.01 brlcad louipc: nominally,
04:54.58 brlcad heh, that's probably missing a digit
04:55.22 louipc waow
04:55.59 brlcad or did you mean per year per person
04:56.13 ``Erik disturbingly, I'm pretty sure that the failbomb upstairs has already cost more than all of BRL-CAD
04:56.17 ``Erik I meant per person per year
04:57.28 ``Erik so yeh, sleep. hasta la pasta
04:57.43 louipc nite
04:57.50 brlcad still thinks the easiest path forward is unit testing libbn then libnmg, evaluating robust up the call hierarchy
04:57.56 brlcad cheers
05:02.36 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44774 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff and erik developed a tcl/tk version of isst made available through the cmake build for 64-bit platforms. recommit for docs.
05:02.59 brlcad starseeker: did you see the bug report about the bindings?
05:03.25 brlcad said both mouse buttons now zoom out, probably related to "zoom out keybinding fixed on Linux/*BSD" made prior to release
05:05.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44775 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
05:05.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: cliff fixed the zoom-out mouse binding on linux/bsd that probably stopped
05:05.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: working after I made a fix for Mac bindings. problem may need revisiting,
05:05.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: though, becuase there's already a report that both left/right mouse now zoom out
05:05.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: for some platform.
05:08.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44776 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: both mouse buttons zoom in now on some common platform
05:10.25 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44777 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff improved the mged 'search' command so you can specify multiple paths now and it will report them appropriately. recommit for docs.
05:13.46 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44778 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: richard reportedly fixed a segment splitting bug that would affect all tessellation and polygonal conversions. recommit for docs.
05:15.14 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44779 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: richard fixed a crash that was occuring during facetization/conversion of large models. bad book keeping? recommit for docs.
05:18.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44780 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob fixed a bug introduced in asc2g where the new standard attribute logic was causing the color tables and other attribute data to not get converted properly. recommit for docs.
05:20.41 brlcad starseeker: "improve path resolution logic for search paths" means what?
05:22.01 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44781 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: remove items that weren't user-visible. annotate is not yet 'published', attribute standardization is all under the hood, libtie was already announced in 7.18.4
05:23.18 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44782 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff added a -q quiet lookup option tot he ls command so that the lookup failure message can be suppressed (particularly important for scripting)
05:28.00 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44783 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: multiple names separated by commas for parsing, using past tense
05:33.05 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44784 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
05:33.05 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: cliff and I addressed numerous stability and robustness issues in the red
05:33.05 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: command. now should handle standard attributes more consistently, be robust to
05:33.05 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: bogus user input, be robust to empty/null input, and correctly preserve values
05:33.06 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: creating a copy if the name is changed.
05:40.01 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44785 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
05:40.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: previously undocumented keith's modification because the change wasn't expected
05:40.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: to be user-visible, but it turns out it was (for pixel accurate grazing
05:40.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: selection), so credit us both for changing the spatial partition traversal
05:40.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: ordering. keith originally fixed a traversal 'bug' where it was walking cut
05:40.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: planes something like XYXYXYXYX (missing Z). he changed it to traverse
05:40.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: YZXYZXYZX, but that caused a different cell to get selected first and
05:44.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44786 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
05:44.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: I added a LIBRT_BOT_MINTIE environment variable override that lets the user
05:44.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: specify at what level libtie is used to evaluate a bot. lets you override
05:44.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: during database loads affecting subsequent raytrace calls (better suited to
05:44.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: repeat single-ray shots ala muves).
05:46.00 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44787 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff changed the search output order to list shallow items prior to deeply nested items.
05:48.20 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44788 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff extended search's power by adding support for '.' relative path search results where object lists are returned instead of full paths
05:52.34 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44789 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
05:52.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: I added a -f flag to the red command to force overwriting any existing
05:52.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: combinations. if you run red, change the object name while editing, yet that
05:52.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: new name already exists, it will abort. with the -f flag, it will overwrite.
05:56.21 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44790 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: technically, many of our items are verbless clauses as the action verb is implied (usually 'added').
05:58.43 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44791 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/ (CMakeLists.txt add the new man_browser.tcl file to the dist
06:15.46 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44792 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: reword the intro description with details about the new cmake build and additional reasoning for the migration.
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08:08.49 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.4 is posted! (20110412)
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11:37.38 starseeker brlcad: the search path thing is the whole "make sense out of .././.././" type paths
11:38.13 starseeker there's another new zoom bug? I thought the only zoom bug was the one introduced by the mac keybinding change
11:54.07 starseeker that report was 7.18.4 - I think thats the mac thing
11:54.28 starseeker will check later
12:03.50 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44793 10/geomcore/trunk/: Add /Debug to svn:ignore (Build byproduct)
12:06.30 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44794 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/: Add /bin to svn:ignore (Build byproduct)
12:45.19 kunigami_ hi, do I already have an SVN account for commit? If so, which is my password?
12:49.49 ``Erik it's your sourceforge account
12:50.15 ``Erik you should have uploaded ssh keys
12:51.28 kunigami_ hmm how do I do that?
12:53.36 ``Erik log into the web page at sourceforge, click account at the top right, click services, click edit ssh keys
12:54.29 ``Erik is the help page for all of that
12:55.02 ``Erik (might be able to do https with your sf password, but I think ssh is the recommended route)
12:59.28 kunigami_ thank you! I seems that there may be a delay when updating the ssh-keys. I still don't have acess, so I'll wait a bit
13:03.39 brlcad starseeker: I must have missed that the report was for 7.18.4
13:03.55 brlcad that would be more promising, I'll follow up
13:04.23 brlcad kunigami_: your username/password should work just fine too
13:05.17 kunigami_ I'm getting the following error:
13:05.20 kunigami_ svn: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
13:06.01 kunigami_ <PROTECTED>
13:06.32 kunigami_ brlcad/trunk/include/osl-renderer.h : svn:mime-type is not set
13:07.09 ``Erik you have to do a propset, it should tell you exactly what to do in the error msg
13:07.39 kunigami_ oops. you're right. sorry for that
13:08.57 ``Erik has an example autoprop file to avoid that in the future
13:13.26 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03Paydayway 07 * r2909 10/wiki/Forex_Trading-_How_To_Understand_FOREX_Market_Sentiment: New page: Investors can trade almost any currency in the world. Investors, as individuals, countries, and corporations, may trade in the forex if they have enough financial capital to get started an...
13:13.55 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44795 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): This is my first commit. It adds a ols shader as well as a osl-renderer which by now just sets a color
13:14.12 ``Erik w00t, grats
13:14.27 kunigami_ yay! cool!
13:25.39 brlcad woohoo
13:27.10 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/protect: protected "[[Forex Trading- How To Understand FOREX Market Sentiment]]": [edit=sysop:move=sysop]
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete:
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: deleted "[[Forex Trading- How To Understand FOREX Market Sentiment]]": content
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: was: 'Investors can trade almost any currency in the world. Investors, as
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: individuals, countries, and corporations, may trade in the forex if they have
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: enou...' (and the only contributor was
13:27.22 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: '[[Special:Contributions/Paydayway|Paydayway]]')
13:27.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:Paydayway]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked): Spamming links to external sites
13:47.39 ``Erik brlcad: is sf backend 1.5 now?
13:48.04 brlcad kunigami_:
13:48.27 brlcad ``Erik: I haven't migrated it, so unless they did for us, probably not
13:48.39 brlcad could be something to work on today
13:49.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44796 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Changed .c to .cpp and now I'm exporting the osl-renderer functions so that C code can call them
13:54.25 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44797 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: Remove the LIBRT_BOT_MINTIE task. Bump bottie crash and repo backend to next release.
14:21.43 brlcad woot, another logo submission
14:35.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44798 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
14:35.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: in retrospect, my addition of the LIBRT_BOT_MINTIE variable was during prep,
14:35.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: which erik replaced with override during database load, so credit him on the
14:35.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: change that toggles tie BoT raytrace optimization on/off as an environment
14:35.45 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: variable override.
16:03.55 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r44799 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: correct spelling
17:02.52 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
17:02.52 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
17:21.43 kunigami_ a question regarding the macro BRLCAD_ADDLIB(libname srcs libs)
17:22.25 kunigami_ when I pass libs as "abc.dylib;def.dylib" is does not call target_link_libraries
17:23.07 kunigami_ but when I pass libs as "abc.dylib def.dylib", that is, replacing ";" for " " , it does call target_link_libraries
17:23.55 kunigami_ that's strange because there's a replacement: STRING(REGEX REPLACE " " ";" libslist1 "${libs}") right on the beginning of the macro
17:33.02 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r44800 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/README.Linux: correct relative path typo for 32-bit configuration
18:33.38 brlcad that wasn't a question :)
18:36.27 kunigami_ hehe, let me complete :) Is that true or am I missing something?
18:39.48 brlcad 'yes'
18:40.08 brlcad those aren't mutually exclusive options ;)
18:40.17 brlcad that said, sounds like a starseeker question
18:52.00 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44801 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Moved osl-renderer.h from /include to /src/liboptical. there's no need to such headers to be public
18:55.11 brlcad ~kunigami++
18:55.20 brlcad was going to comment on that yesterday
18:56.11 brlcad you should also change the #include to be a relative path reference so it's "private" status is clear (e.g., #include "./osl-renderer.h")
18:56.33 kunigami_ ok!
18:56.57 brlcad kunigami_: have you been able to make a (brl-cad) shader do anything yet?
18:58.15 kunigami_ I made the polka dot shader: it's very ugly, but I think I got the idea
19:30.12 starseeker ``Erik: were you refering to the kernel module loading process? (kldload and friends?)
20:10.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:10.56 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.4 is posted! (20110412)
20:11.32 ``Erik gets some popcorn
20:13.04 starseeker brlcad: I guess it comes down to what we consider immediate needs to be
20:13.15 brlcad if dynamic loading becomes desirable, that can be added *very easily* using any number of methods
20:13.47 brlcad so what is the immediate need? what is dynamic loading fixing?
20:13.54 brlcad (again, forget step-g for a minute)
20:14.40 starseeker for me the immediate question is "can we design an API/library that can expand to handle arbitrary geometry files"
20:15.47 starseeker step-g aside, it's quite clear there are an awesome number of object times we *potentially* will want/need to convert
20:15.50 brlcad case in point .. you can design an *API* to handle arbitrary geometry files with or without dynamic
20:16.07 starseeker s/times/types
20:16.46 starseeker if the api design can be considered fully independent of the implementation, we can start with the api - I wasn't sure that was a practical reality
20:16.48 brlcad right, and if it's going to be "arbitrary", you don't even really know what all the types are
20:17.24 starseeker right. which is why flexible and general mechanisms for expanding what types the library can handle are so important
20:17.38 brlcad right
20:17.40 brlcad but mind you, the API is agnostic to the implementation
20:18.10 brlcad the library *architecture* is not necessarily agnostic, as that's basically the implementation detail nuts and bolts
20:18.34 brlcad but if you don't have the API nailed down yet, you don't really have a grasp on requirements to be designing architecture anyways
20:18.51 brlcad whereas you can easily come up with an architecture that might mess up your API
20:19.08 brlcad horse -> cart ;)
20:20.09 starseeker was worried that the issue with Factory classes and C++ (which is by no means unique to step-g) meant that a good mechanism for generality might be problematic
20:20.43 starseeker hence my interest in learning enough about the approaches to implementing that generality to be sure it wasn't a complete and total blind alley
20:21.13 brlcad sure, but that's where a lil knowledge is leading to fear .. there are hundreds of other proof-positive implementations of factories and c++ that do this just fine
20:21.33 brlcad and of dynamic loading and of scripted loading and of network loading .... etc
20:23.00 starseeker brlcad: the existence of the Apache mod system I guess I can accept as proof that it can be done
20:23.12 brlcad if you really want to make it type AWARE and type extensible, that will definitely affect the API
20:23.31 brlcad just about every single commercial game loads data modularly ;)
20:23.43 starseeker uh... don't we want it to be type aware?
20:23.44 brlcad heck, even liboptical does it .. we just don't have any
20:24.15 brlcad I haven't thought about an API too much yet (which is really what's needed first), but my inclination would be no
20:24.26 starseeker O.o
20:24.31 brlcad there are too many entity types, and there will always be some entity type you don't recognize
20:24.44 brlcad basically akin to keeping it as a typeless system
20:24.57 starseeker so we handle the ones we do recognize, and gracefully fail on the ones we don't
20:25.02 brlcad interactors know what they can interact with (and they are types in themselves)
20:25.29 brlcad each geometry format module can handle the ones they recognize
20:25.50 brlcad we have some abstract way for registering annotated "data"
20:27.00 starseeker I guess what I need to do is lay out my notion of an API
20:27.06 starseeker maybe that'll clarify it for me
20:27.08 brlcad yeah
20:27.54 brlcad try to write the public header, or a main() that shows how the API might be used in simple terms
20:28.18 starseeker at this point I don't agree that it should be typeless, so I guess I need to run head-first into why it should be
20:28.26 brlcad there you answer questions like, do you allow iterating over individual objects
20:28.28 starseeker nods - will do
20:28.40 brlcad how to deal with hierarchy information
20:28.45 brlcad what to do with metadata, etc
20:29.00 brlcad "typeless" is being used very loosely here
20:29.45 brlcad typeless in the language sense .. if it were C, there wouldn't be a sphere struct; if c++, there would not be a sphere class .. that's what I mean by typeless
20:30.17 starseeker yeah... I'm not seeing that, but let me play with the API thing for a day or two and I'll see
20:30.18 brlcad there'd be some bundle data saying "I'm a sphere and I have these parameters and these values"
20:31.36 brlcad it's the difference between librt reading objects off disk and knowing "this is a sphere entity with some data" and having an actual rt_ell_internal object with sphere data in it
20:32.05 brlcad the latter is going to be a veritable hell for a conversion library, and I'd argue probably unnecessary
20:32.42 starseeker well, let me crunch on it
20:32.48 brlcad it'd just make the library way more complex when you can perform the same work, turn that sph into a set of polygons and write out stl *without* an rt_ell_internal in memory
20:33.00 starseeker how?
20:33.26 brlcad just like how librt does it now
20:34.04 starseeker uh... don't the tessellation routines need to know the details of the sphere?
20:34.51 brlcad yep
20:35.01 brlcad they don't necessarily need an rt_ell_internal though
20:36.11 brlcad data-driven object-oriented design
20:36.31 brlcad I think one of my game programming gems has a relevant article, I'll see if I can dig it up
20:37.33 starseeker nods - that might be helpful
20:37.47 starseeker I'll try and cook up an API
20:40.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44805 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): add/use dlfcn wrapper
20:43.57 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44806 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/material.c: remove the HAVE_DLOPEN stuff, since that's handle in bu now
20:45.36 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44807 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_stack.c: more HAVE_DLOPEN removal
20:48.10 brlcad starseeker: if you haven't yet, I'd suggest looking briefly into both liboptical and librt, how they deal with extensible types
20:49.02 brlcad not what I'd suggest going with for gcv, but they are about as simple as it gets, scalable to hundreds of entities, and should be understood (how their types relate to the *API*)
20:59.36 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44808 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/dlfcn.c: take a whack at porting these functions to windows
21:07.32 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44809 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: add dlfcn.h for RTLD_*
21:26.21 starseeker hah, cool:
21:27.40 kunigami_ I'm getting compilation error for material.c -- ‘RTLD_NOW’ undeclared.
21:28.08 kunigami_ I'll check later, but that could have been introduced by r44806
21:28.18 kunigami_ I'm off by today
21:28.23 ``Erik which os?
21:28.28 kunigami_ mac os
21:28.53 ``Erik that'd be the one fixed in 44809 :)
21:29.54 kunigami_ oops sorry. I did update from src/ dir
21:31.19 *** join/#brlcad kunigami_ (
21:52.11 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
21:52.46 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44810 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (10 files in 5 dirs): Apple includes stdbool.h in dlfcn.h, so change our various typedefs of bool to their actual type.
22:47.11 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (DC@
23:01.17 ``Erik aw man, I can't compete in the logo contest? shucks
23:12.13 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r44811 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: Keith and Richard probably qualify as developers instead of contributors at this point.
23:30.52 *** join/#brlcad piksi (

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