IRC log for #brlcad on 20110609

00:04.42 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44845 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Don't need to keep the window name around, since ManBrowser has getBrowser
00:14.22 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
00:22.30 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44846 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/man.tcl: Removed existing MGED man dialog code, inswitching to the ManBrowser mega-widget. Now MGED/Archer Manual page dialogs are identical, but ToC may vary depending on configuration.
00:24.50 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44847 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: The manual page browser behavior improvements applied to Archer are now found in MGED as well, since they both use the same ManBrowser mega-widget.
00:26.33 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (
00:32.50 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44848 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: removed period from sentence fragment
00:56.33 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 0399.144.90.118 07 * r2916 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Log */ Yesterday, today
01:22.10 starseeker bhinesley: I can't run archer from build dir:
01:22.21 starseeker <PROTECTED>
01:22.21 starseeker can't find package ManBrowser 1.0
01:22.21 starseeker ERROR: Unable to load Archer
02:27.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist_emc (
03:00.51 bhinesley starseeker:works for me
03:01.00 bhinesley anyone else confirm this?
03:01.22 starseeker bhinesley: are you doing an out of source directory build?
03:01.28 bhinesley yeah
03:02.10 bhinesley you mean running archer from the bin directory under the svn trunk?
03:02.44 starseeker yeah, uninstalled
03:03.14 starseeker not from source dir, but from the build bin dir without anything in the final install location
03:03.18 bhinesley I've noticed that it will use the tclscripts that are in your install directory, rather than those in your source directory
03:03.45 bhinesley but that was true far before I made any changes
03:03.52 starseeker yeah, that's not really avoidable
03:04.16 starseeker let me try flushing out my install dir...
03:04.20 starseeker rebuilds
03:12.16 bhinesley I'm a bit confused though... how would it work uninstalled, since the tclscripts wouldn't be in the install location
03:15.39 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44849 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/CMakeLists.txt: Add man_browser.tcl to CMakeLists.txt
03:16.08 starseeker bhinesley: the CMake build logic goes to some trouble to re-create (functionally, at least) the installed layout in the build dir
03:16.42 starseeker including build and install versions of configuration files, if need be
03:17.57 starseeker that's what all the extra foo in the BRLCAD_ADDDATA macro is about
03:18.56 bhinesley okay... but you just removed man_browser.tcl from the list of tclscripts and added a second menu_override.tcl
03:19.05 bhinesley starseeker: what does that achieve?
03:19.21 starseeker no - I added man_browser.tcl and re-aligned menu_override.tcl
03:19.36 starseeker man_browser.tcl wasn't in that list previously
03:19.47 bhinesley oops, forgot to update
03:20.05 bhinesley well menu_override is in there twice
03:20.34 starseeker ah, whoops
03:21.00 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44850 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/CMakeLists.txt: only need menu_override.tcl once
03:21.14 starseeker there we go
03:21.33 bhinesley does it work as expected now?
03:21.36 starseeker yep
03:21.40 starseeker nice :-)
03:21.47 bhinesley cool
03:21.53 bhinesley you live you learn
03:22.25 starseeker no problem - that's something of a custom feature of our build system, not a "normal" CMake setup
03:22.31 starseeker easy fix
03:23.08 starseeker really needs to properly document this thing in a writeup...
03:23.24 starseeker right after all my other problems go away (sigh)
03:23.28 bhinesley haha
03:23.54 bhinesley so if I add a file, as far as building goes, is that the only place I need to add it?
03:24.06 starseeker for a tclscript? yeah.
03:24.19 bhinesley yes, that's all I meant
03:24.22 starseeker or in the CMakeLists.txt file in the appropriate subdirectory
03:24.36 bhinesley nods
03:25.05 bhinesley what time is it for you?
03:25.07 starseeker technically we should probably add 'em to the lists, at least until we finally remove the old logic
03:25.15 starseeker closing in on 11pm
03:25.55 starseeker I lied - closing in on 11:30pm
03:26.01 bhinesley ah okay... I wasn't sure if you were a night owl or an early riser :)
03:26.21 starseeker night owl by inclination - occasional early riser by necessity
03:26.45 bhinesley yeah, me too
03:27.48 bhinesley but not tonight ;-) see you later
03:29.05 starseeker later
03:38.51 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44851 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/points/main.c: let both of them work together, wrap in COMPILE_STANDALONE instead of ambiguous if 0
03:39.46 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44852 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/points/process.c: key off PRINT_DEBUG instead of 0
03:52.20 brlcad bhinesley: er, and (for the time being) also add new files into the .. parallel build systems until deprecation process is completed
03:53.33 brlcad (which you did, I believe)
03:56.44 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44853 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/points/process.c: quell warning, PRINT_ARRAY, not PRINT_DEBUG
04:03.11 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44854 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
04:03.11 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: the commit message must be reiterated when lines are edited so that our
04:03.11 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: auto-processing of this file will pick up the right (last) comment in reports.
04:03.11 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: erik and I added a handful of new cmake build files that were missing from the
04:03.12 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: source dist.
04:07.56 brlcad bhinesley: NICE
04:08.03 brlcad the browser looks fantastic
04:08.24 brlcad like the bindings
04:17.16 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
04:19.36 brlcad starseeker: am I correct recalling that the cmake build does not produce a unified brlcad lib (brlcad.dll,, etc)
04:19.59 brlcad because everything would need to compile multiple times
04:49.23 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44855 10/brlcad/trunk/ (91 files in 34 dirs):
04:49.24 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: A Big Code Deadness Elimination Fest, G. Huzzah... Remove code that is #if 0'd
04:49.24 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: out unless there's a comment or some other strong evidence that the code really
04:49.24 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: needs to hang around because it's useful, is part of a recent work in progress
04:49.24 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: (still should document why it's if 0'd), or is code that is clearly
04:49.24 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: demonstrating some useful purpose (beyond "this 'might' be useful some day").
04:49.25 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: Reduction of 2680 lines.
05:05.40 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44856 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: changes to the spm interface in libbn (to include bn prefix) are minimally impacting changes)
05:08.44 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44857 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: two more spm macro types getting updated
05:36.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44858 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 6 dirs):
05:36.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: spm functions, types, and macro symbols get the bn prefix added. this makes the
05:36.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: bn api more self-consistent and easier to identify origination. fortunately,
05:36.03 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: minimally impacting too, so just update symbol names accordingly.
06:21.57 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
06:45.50 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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08:54.51 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44859 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/dlfcn.c: made it compile with MSVC
10:05.23 starseeker brlcad: correct
10:44.35 kunigami brlcad: they were there because I wanted to remove warning flags that were causing compilation errors due to osl headers. I'm now turning them off through cmake parameters. I'll remove them.
11:09.23 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
11:09.36 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
11:30.13 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44860 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindOSL.cmake: Changed FindOSL so that it searches osl libraries from the OSLHOME environment variable (the path was hard-coded before)
11:33.44 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44861 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ (CMakeLists.txt osl-renderer.cpp): removed unused cpp flags
11:34.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44862 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Added some documentation and a try/catch to catch the thrown exceptions.
11:47.26 brlcad kunigami: so warnings are disabled or enabled? we should default to fully enabled and accommodate quelling the warnings if at all possible
11:47.47 brlcad strict compilation is the golden standard
11:48.49 brlcad with a couple auto-generated code (lex/yacc) exceptions where we can't fix them, the entire source code has been made compliant for improved portability, maintainability, security, consistency, etc
11:49.40 brlcad also, doesn't that memset() defeat the VMOVE's that immediately preceede it?
12:03.48 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44863 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/msg/ Implement a simple change tracker class with pooling.
12:05.07 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44864 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/net/ Move ByteBuffer resize functions into ByteBufferUtils
12:08.28 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r44865 10/geomcore/trunk/src/interfaces/java/src/org/brlcad/geometryservice/utils/: Add a utils package
12:13.11 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44866 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ (render_svc.cpp render_svc.h): missing files for osl-renderer to compile
12:30.28 kunigami brlcad: I can't compile OSL code if I do not use -DBRLCAD-ENABLE_COMPILER_WARNINGS=OFF and -DBRLCAD-ENABLE_STRICT=OFF
12:30.41 kunigami I mean link
12:31.52 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44867 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (librt_private.h primitives/ell/ell.c primitives/epa/epa.c): consolidate and move rt_ell_ang() from epa.c to ell.c since it's used by ehy, epa, and hyp. Add to librt_private.h since it's private reuse API.
12:31.56 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44868 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindOSL.cmake: Modified FindOSL so that it can find the libraries on linux too
12:34.23 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44869 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (ehy/ehy.c hyp/hyp.c): no longer need the forward decls for rt_ell_ang() since it's in librt_private.h
12:34.43 kunigami brlcad: thanks for spotting that! I'll fix it
12:35.07 brlcad kunigami: sure, but what are the warnings
12:35.16 brlcad it *should* stop the build
12:35.34 brlcad until the source code issues get fixed or accommodated
12:35.43 brlcad that's part of the strictness
12:36.09 brlcad so the question isn't whether it works or not, it's what's the warning?
12:36.50 kunigami ok. I'll run it again to get these warnings
12:36.57 brlcad if that can be dealt with (in any fashion) without disabling warnings, then we should if only so that we can compile OUR code with strict reporting
12:37.32 brlcad i.e., the code in if_osl.c and osl_renderer.cpp should be strict compliant
12:37.57 brlcad it's possible that the warnings can't be squashed, but we should try
12:39.56 brlcad also, if you're going to readd new files, make sure you update and CMakeLists.txt so the build isn't broken in the interim :)
12:40.25 brlcad trying not to call out too much at once, hopefully not overwhelming -- one bit at a time... :)
12:42.33 kunigami I always forget to update! On cmake files I'm trying to maintain them inside ENABLE_OSL code, so that normal builds will keep compiling
12:43.08 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44870 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (5 files in 5 dirs): rename rt_ell_ang() to ell_angle(). it's not public librt API, so it shouldn't have the rt_ prefix. ell_ prefix is appropriate living in ell.c and given what it does.
12:43.58 brlcad yeah, I saw that
12:44.14 brlcad for, you can keep it simple
12:44.50 brlcad since they have all those extra deps and build logic needed, your stuff can just get added to EXTRA_DIST so it's at least in the source tarball
12:45.18 kunigami ok!
12:45.22 brlcad would be a waste of time to add duplicate build logic to both now that the autotools one is deprecated
12:46.24 kunigami wouldn't be better to add those files to only after they are functional?
12:49.07 brlcad nope
12:49.35 brlcad it will actually halt our ability to make a release
12:50.28 brlcad there's a validation check to make sure any file available on checkout is in a source tarball
12:50.52 kunigami ok
12:50.53 brlcad so all files have to get listed at least as EXTRA_DIST
12:51.08 brlcad it won't attempt to compile them as EXTRA_DIST, just adds them to the source tarball
12:51.38 brlcad that was a source tarball can still be prepared with autotools, but you'd have to compile with cmake to get the osl shader
12:51.54 brlcad which is all good, cmake will be prime within 3 months
12:52.12 kunigami perfect
12:55.29 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44871 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ ( osl-renderer.cpp): including added files on EXTRA-DIST
12:55.30 ``Erik *readreadread* yeh, I was thinking EXTRA_DIST
12:55.41 ``Erik hopefully, cmake will be primary in 3 weeks.
12:58.14 kunigami the file in src/other/iwidgets/pkgIndex.tcl seems to be written on building and is versioned
12:59.52 kunigami oh I'm confused. I'm able to compile even with strict flags on >.< I'll check if it was not a cache issue
13:01.31 ``Erik brlcad: the compile fails he was getting were with the fruity osl headers, it's legit
13:02.05 ``Erik (or, the ones he reported a few days back were osl headers, ... I'll shut up and let it unfold here :) )
13:02.19 kunigami haha :)
13:04.08 ``Erik starseeker: I'm getting bad memory assertions on winderz from btclsh... I'm not in today, but if you want to borrow my winderz pooter to look into it, be my guest. it's stopping the ampi stuff from doing it's thing. (and I have the spare key, had it on the dash of my truck when I turned around and went home this morning. if I don't see you tomorrow, I'll either leave it on my desk or stop by your place over the weekend)
13:04.35 starseeker cool, thanks
13:05.33 starseeker growl... Windows Strikes Again...
13:05.39 ``Erik (and one of these days, I'll take ya guys to dinner as a danke)
13:05.58 starseeker ``Erik: no worries - I owe Bob at least a steak...
13:06.37 starseeker kunigami: you might try mentioning OSL header issues to the OSL devs
13:07.03 ``Erik yeah, I should probably give bob a bottle of 1800 or something for the tree
13:07.23 ``Erik get him spoiled on 'good' stuff :>
13:07.32 starseeker heh
13:07.46 kunigami starseeker: ok
13:07.50 ``Erik mebbe cabo wabo
13:08.28 brlcad I don't doubt they were legit, it's whether they can be squashed on our end or not, like we do for other headers that have issues
13:09.43 kunigami ouch I just ran cmake inside brlcad source directory and made a mess. Any easier way to cleanup that instead of a clean checking out?
13:09.46 ``Erik I still need to look up details on the tnt/jama ... thing. external headers can be a bear :)
13:10.15 ``Erik rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles ; find . -name Makefile -or -name CMakeFiles | xargs rm -rf
13:10.23 brlcad kunigami: if you ever want to verify the autotools build in addition to the cmake build, this should do it: sh && ./configure --enable-all --enable-warnings --without-ogl && make distcheck
13:10.26 ``Erik I think that'll clobber it well
13:10.55 brlcad tnt/jama we can fix :)
13:11.28 brlcad they're warnings were trivial, but easy edits
13:11.41 ``Erik "best practice" is to build out of srcdir... mkdir -p build/auto build/cmake ; (cd build/cmake && cmake ../.. && make) ; sh && (cd build/auto && ../../configure && make)
13:12.12 brlcad though in-dir should work too .. just gets messy
13:13.15 ``Erik if ya make a mess using out of dir, rm -rf is an easy cleanup :) indir is the trivial case, so of course it should work
13:13.46 kunigami I always use a build directory with cmake ../brlcad but if I'm on blcar directory, ../brlcad goes to the source directory. Maybe I should change brlcad-build level :)
13:17.00 ``Erik brlcad: what do you think of a toplevel "models" repo? is MoRe a flop? I think I've been volunteered for a small construction project and want to crank a model for verification and materials list... (toddler sandbox)
13:31.19 *** join/#brlcad kunigami_ (
13:31.56 kunigami_ Here's the error when compiling with strict:
13:32.37 kunigami_ note that most of the errors come from two files I copied from OSL. There's one at oslclosure that is from the library itself
14:19.17 brlcad likes to use .build dirs, old legacy
14:19.58 brlcad more consistent for NFS mounted filesystems too where you have multiple binary builds simultaneously
14:22.58 brlcad kunigami: all except the one in oslclosure.h are fixable since they're in our source tree
14:23.09 brlcad and since it's just an extraneous ';', it's worth an edit on oslclosure.h too so strict can remain enabled
14:24.37 brlcad worth a patch to the osl dev, since it's probably just something overlooked
14:37.20 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44872 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libbn/CMakeLists.txt libbu/CMakeLists.txt): removed a flag that is set in the BRLCAD_ADDLIB macro anyway
14:41.55 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r44873 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libz/CMakeLists.txt: now there will be build a static zlib library too if the BUILD_STATIC_LIBS flag is set
14:45.40 kunigami brlcad: ok!
14:50.00 ``Erik huh, jra called
15:46.08 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
15:46.08 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
15:53.50 dloman jra? Where is he now... Florida?
16:15.57 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
16:15.57 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
16:23.48 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44874 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/CMakeLists.txt: Modified CMakeLists. Libraries paths are not hard-coded anymore
17:18.34 ``Erik he's still local, he has grandkids in the area
17:18.52 ``Erik he noted your abdication, dlo
18:24.21 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
18:34.00 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:43.25 dloman brlcad: was in your neighborhood today and saw this: and figured I'd let you know that a cop might stop you since the car seat isn't facing backwards. Just a heads up.
21:44.41 dloman =D
21:57.35 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44875 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: ManBrowser window naming collision is no longer a factor; renamed window.
23:26.14 *** join/#brlcad mafm (

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