IRC log for #brlcad on 20110613

00:16.09 CIA-61 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r44907 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Some tests I was running regarding a bug in the ls command were accidently included in the last commit. Reverting
00:27.28 *** join/#brlcad crazy_imp (~mj@
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07:20.41 *** join/#brlcad yiyus (
09:03.02 *** join/#brlcad CIA-12 (
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10:55.26 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03Kunigami 07 * r2918 10/wiki/User:Kunigami/GSoc2011/Reports: /* Reports */
11:46.58 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44908 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/deprecation.txt: little more aggressive multiline matching even though it still will skip function pointer arguments
12:18.04 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44909 10/brlcad/trunk/ (65 files in 27 dirs): the days of supporting pre-ansi C compilers are long past. remove the BU_EXTERN() wrapper macro as a minimally impacting change. functions should be fully descriptive per ansi with type qualified parameter lists.
12:25.14 brlcad has wanted to do that for more than 10 years!
12:34.27 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44910 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ (CMakeLists.txt osl_rt2.c): Added a simple c osl raytracer to call functions from osl_render. it does not leak memory
12:36.19 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44911 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/osl_rt.cpp: Changed osl_rt (cpp version) to use the wrapper functions instead of the class methods directly. it does not leak memory
12:37.40 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r44912 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_osl.c: Changed sh_osl so that the reference to OSLRenderer is stored in shader_specifics. It does leak memory :(
12:51.18 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44913 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/batch-indent-region.el: don't mess with the backslashes
13:24.03 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44914 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ (15 files): ws indent cleanup after BU_EXTERN removal
13:24.22 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44915 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/testlib.c: ws indent cleanup
13:35.33 kunigami actually osl_rt2.c leaks memory too
13:53.34 brlcad do you know why? :)
13:55.51 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44916 10/brlcad/trunk/include/tclcad.h: gah, remove the commas
14:57.01 kunigami I know "where" :) it's on an open image io function called "OpenImageIO::v0::ustring::make_unique". It's probably that the raytracer is not freeing it. Unfortunately it has a lot of calling in between, including some LLVM code
14:57.21 kunigami I'll have to dig further
15:06.06 kunigami ouch, this leaking occurs also in osl code, namely the testshade application.
15:17.02 starseeker kunigami: has the osl list been of any help with stuff like this?
15:41.38 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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15:43.21 kunigami hmm, I've once asked by the usage and they did not answered me. But I didn't ask about the code. I'll check if is not a silly mistake and then send an email them.
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16:09.53 kunigami When I run with valgrind, rt finishes without crashing. This image: is a render of a scene where the floor has an osl yellow shader. Note the weird black strips on it
16:15.53 starseeker kunigami: so does that image consitute the first ever BRL-CAD + OSL raytrace image?
16:16.02 kunigami yes :)
16:16.31 starseeker those black lines might be scan lines that never completed (if there were memory issues or something... you say it crashes without valgrind?)
16:17.34 kunigami starseeker: yup
16:18.04 starseeker I'd work on the crash first
16:19.13 kunigami here is the gdb backtrace:
16:28.03 kunigami Could that be an issue with multiple threads?
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17:23.57 brlcad woot, another logo submission
17:25.24 brlcad kunigami: fwiw, OSL is pretty much a one-man show
17:25.50 brlcad unfortunately he's not particularly interested in providing support (help) unless you find a bug or write patches, but it's good that you've been talking on the list anyways
17:26.17 kunigami I had that impression too. Larry Gritz seems to be ahead of both OSL and OIIO
17:26.29 brlcad nods
17:26.43 brlcad nice guy, but not a lot of time
17:27.13 brlcad kunigami: run rt -P1 and you won't get thread contention
17:27.23 brlcad that image is fantastic progress, though :)
17:27.32 brlcad worth posting to your log
17:34.25 bhinesley what does the debug flag do besides change the install directory?
17:34.28 bhinesley oops
17:34.41 bhinesley ignore that... accidentally sent history
17:39.40 bhinesley brlcad: We talked about a libged command registry a few days ago. Did you have any particulars in mind with regard to how you'd like the registry to work?
17:45.30 brlcad definitely, started working on the interface over the weekend
17:45.54 bhinesley oh, did you commit anything?
17:52.24 kunigami running with rt -P1 stops the crashing! (actually I had tried with -P1 before, but I did "./rt example.g scene.c -P1" and just discovered that the order matters >.<)
17:52.34 kunigami the strips are still there though
18:31.16 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (
18:50.22 brlcad kunigami: so two separate issues -- the strips are probably not threading related then and the crashing may be
18:50.34 brlcad P1 just means use one processor
18:51.42 kunigami yup. I'll check if it's not the case that the OSLRenderer is returning black pixels (I don't believe so)
18:51.49 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44917 10/brlcad/trunk/include/fb.h: common comes before all system headers
18:51.59 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44918 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h: common comes before all system headers
18:56.27 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r44919 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewg3.c: comment ws indent style cleanup
18:59.00 brlcad yeah, not likely
18:59.31 brlcad osl wouldn't know about a scanline
18:59.45 brlcad undoubtedly something in sh_osl.c
19:16.37 kunigami It was actually OSLRenderer that was returning the black points :) The random erand48 depends on the y-coordinate :P
19:19.09 kunigami I'm not sure how we'll deal with the recursion.
19:19.57 kunigami OSLRenderer finds a multiplier, generates a new ray and recurse
19:20.12 kunigami the problems is that not all objects are using osl_shaders
19:21.02 kunigami OSLRender would have to return this multiplier back to brlcad system
19:27.15 kunigami but how to deal with reflection and refraction?
19:53.38 kunigami -
19:54.15 kunigami should I use "struct bu_vls" instead of "char *"?
19:54.49 brlcad that's pretty interesting
19:56.54 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r44920 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_bool.c:
19:56.54 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: Made additional corrections to logic in functions 'nmg_booltree_evaluate' and
19:56.54 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 'nmg_boolean' within file 'nmg_bool.c'. This fix stops the error 'nmg_boolean()
19:56.54 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: result of nmg_booltree_evaluate() isn't tp' which occurs occasionally when
19:56.55 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: performing nmg boolean operations such as when using the mged 'facetize'
19:56.55 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: command. This change also allows boolean operations to return a null result
19:56.56 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: without failing.
19:57.06 brlcad those are (sometimes) shader properties, so it'd be the shader shooting any new rays needed (via librt) .. user might write some interesting osl shader that requires thousands of new rays to get generated for each pixel
19:57.57 brlcad kunigami: vls vs char* => "it depends"
19:58.20 brlcad if you need a dynamic string in C, vls is the way to go
19:58.26 brlcad if you're in c++, just use a std::string
19:59.16 brlcad if you're just storing a name or label and there's no need for the string to be variable in size, then a char[] might be appropriate
19:59.43 brlcad when in doubt, vls
20:00.06 kunigami I'd like to add a parameter to sh_osl so that the user can specify which osl shader to use
20:00.16 kunigami I think vls is better then
20:04.14 brlcad what about embedding an actual osl shader?
20:15.34 kunigami do you mean independent from rt?
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20:26.27 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.18.4 is posted! (20110412)
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21:04.49 brlcad kunigami: I mean embedding new shader descriptions, like this:
21:05.42 brlcad so you could define new shaders and new shader behavior at runtime or at least without recompiling brl-cad
21:05.52 brlcad (or osl)
21:21.59 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r44921 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/viewg3.c: fix C comment formatting
21:24.32 starseeker bhinesley: I'm getting a problem with Archer
21:24.46 bhinesley what's that?
21:24.59 starseeker bhinesley: when I launch archer and open a .g file with the File->Open menu option, I can't raytrace the result
21:25.29 starseeker when I launch archer and supply the .g file name from the command line (e.g. ./bin/archer m35.g) I can raytrace it
21:25.46 bhinesley I'll take a look
21:25.57 starseeker thanks
21:30.52 starseeker I think it has to do with the path that is being passed to rt
21:31.56 starseeker I'm seeing :
21:32.00 starseeker opendb /home/user/brlcad/brlcad-build//home/user/brlcad/brlcad-build/share/brlcad/7.20.1/db/m35.g~
21:33.10 starseeker when I specify from the command line I get:
21:33.13 starseeker opendb /home/user/brlcad/brlcad-build/share/brlcad/7.20.1/db/m35.g~
21:41.54 bhinesley hm, I'm getting the same (wrong) result no matter how I open the .g file
21:43.48 starseeker bhinesley: could that be a consequence of your recent changes?
21:44.03 bhinesley I'm not seeing how... they're minor/straightforward
21:49.18 bhinesley yeah, it's definitely not that
21:49.49 starseeker hrm
21:54.45 bhinesley Okay, it runs for me when I am in the directory of the .g file. If I give it a full path it fails even from the command line.
22:12.24 starseeker bhinesley: weird... this must be some kind of recent change, it worked just a little while ago...
22:13.12 bhinesley starseeker: yeah, I've looked through recent svn logs on related files but haven't found anything interesting yet
22:42.42 starseeker bhinesley: yeah, me either
22:53.34 bhinesley starseeker: well, you're right about it being a recent change. I updated to r44873, which was 4 days ago, and it works fine.

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