IRC log for #brlcad on 20110715

00:00.14 dli starseeker, yes, I figured it out by trying brutal force :(
00:00.33 starseeker sorry - been busy
00:00.48 dli starseeker, how do I add LDFLAGS for itcl and itk? still broken after 98% built
00:01.24 starseeker growl. pastebin?
00:02.03 dli usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -litcl
00:02.35 starseeker um - are you using system itcl or the local one?
00:02.46 dli starseeker, and itcl is at: /usr/lib64/itcl3.4/ , using system one
00:03.54 starseeker what does your CMakeCache.txt say for ITCL_LIBRARY?
00:03.57 dli starseeker, do I need CMAKE_LINK_FLAGS or could it auto detect system itcl/itk
00:04.16 starseeker I thought I had set up detection for Itcl/Itk
00:04.43 dli starseeker, grep ITCL_LIBRARY CMakeCache.txt found nothing
00:04.47 starseeker I seldom build with system libs, so it's possible the Find* logic for Itcl/Itk isn't functioning quite right
00:05.09 starseeker hmm - you do have a CMakeCache.txt file?
00:05.18 dli starseeker, grep ITCL found something:
00:06.17 starseeker hmm - so the question is what the find routines are doing
00:08.05 dli starseeker, for the time being, I will try CMAKE_LINK_FLAGS
00:09.19 starseeker If the find routines were working, you wouldn't be getting itcl
00:10.04 dli starseeker, do you mean be getting itcl/itk trouble?
00:10.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45496 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Quote some path strings for robustness - need more testing of the logic with spaces and other unfriendly characters paths
00:10.31 starseeker dli: I'm assuming your using system Tcl/Tk?
00:10.40 dli starseeker, yes
00:11.04 starseeker dli: what happens if you just run cmake without forcing off libraries?
00:11.18 starseeker (i.e what does the summary report at the end?)
00:11.28 starseeker it will try to use system libraries if it can find them by default
00:11.53 dli starseeker, I will try that later, it's building with CMAKE_LINK_FLAGS now :( slow core2duo
00:12.12 starseeker k - if it's not using system Tcl/Tk, there's probably a reason
00:12.34 starseeker forcing system lib usage when the cmake logic doesn't select them by default is problematic
00:12.49 starseeker if the cmake logic is doing its job, it is rejecting them for a reason
00:13.31 dli starseeker, summary of report:
00:14.07 starseeker and your CMakeCache.txt file still doesn't have ITCL_LIBRARY?
00:15.10 dli starseeker, no, still no ITCL_LIBRARY
00:17.04 starseeker OH. I know what's going on
00:17.14 starseeker this is a consequence of switching back to using the Itcl/Itk C API
00:17.45 dli starseeker, so, I probably need a patch for 7.20.2
00:17.59 starseeker I had changed things so that we were simply doing package require Itcl where needed - brlcad got a report of some breakage somewhere
00:18.07 starseeker I never could reproduce it
00:18.24 starseeker dli: you might try the autotools build - that should still work
00:18.40 dli starseeker, already tested, it works
00:19.13 dli starseeker, I'm trying to make a gentoo ebuild for cmake building
00:19.14 starseeker brlcad: do you recall what the problem was with using package require and what the conditions were to reproduce the bug? If it's a choice between fixing that bug and reworking the Itcl/Itk detection logic to find the C API I'd vote for fixing the bug
00:20.53 starseeker dli: this isn't all that simple - the Itcl/Itk C headers require internal headers we can't count on from an installed system version
00:21.27 dli starseeker, but autotools still build it properly
00:21.43 starseeker dli: yes, because all the necessary scary logic is already in there
00:22.09 starseeker we shouldn't actually need the Itcl/Itk C api at all - I yanked it out once, but there was a report of a bug
00:22.23 starseeker something about loading iwidgets twice IIRC, but I couldn't duplicate it
00:22.47 dli starseeker, I would love to see itcl/itk removed. :(
00:22.58 starseeker dli: we can't remove it - it's used extensively
00:23.13 starseeker once we can just do "package require Itcl" it gets a lot easier
00:23.52 starseeker The Tcl/Tk headers are horrible about API separation - lots of extensions need access to "internal" headers just to build
00:24.06 dli starseeker, for the time being I can force local building of itcl/itk, seems to be a workaround
00:24.14 starseeker dli: yeah, that should work
00:24.29 starseeker although if you're doing a gentoo ebuild they'll never go for it
00:25.12 dli starseeker, let me try ;(
00:28.26 dli starseeker, I have to enable tcl/tk local building, not simply itcl/itk, right?
00:28.40 starseeker um. You can try just itcl/itk
00:28.58 starseeker not sure if that'll fly without the tcl/tk internal headers, but you can give it a shot
00:29.28 dli starseeker, no such flag ITCL/ITK in CMakeLists.txt
00:29.44 starseeker -DBRLCAD_BUILD_LOCAL_ITCL=ON
00:29.55 starseeker -DBRLCAD_BUILD_LOCAL_ITK=ON
00:29.57 starseeker try those
00:32.24 kunigami__ Is there any way I can get the identifier of a thread in a sh_xyz code?
00:33.14 dli starseeker, no, no effect, cmake still found system itcl/itk
00:33.25 starseeker one sec...
00:34.12 starseeker crud - yeah, you may need to enable tcl/tk then
00:34.37 starseeker I was probably thinking a "sane" Itcl/Itk build couldn't depend on a system tcl/tk install having what it needed anyway
00:37.07 kunigami__ This identifier should be passed along application and probably set at do_pixel
00:37.28 starseeker kunigami__: sorry, that's a little outside my expertice
00:40.09 starseeker dli: the only reason we can even "mix" system Tcl/Tk and local package builds in the old autotools setup is due to our logic supplying our own local include directories in src/other to the builds of those extensions that need them
00:40.11 dli starseeker, still no luck, cmake still found system tcl/tk/itcl/itk
00:40.36 kunigami__ starseeker: no problem :) I'm just thinking aloud to see if I can get some feedback
00:40.36 kunigami__ ]
00:41.11 starseeker or rather -DBRLCAD_BUILD_LOCAL_TCL_FORCE_ON=ON
00:44.02 dli starseeker, yes, FORCE_ON does the trick
00:54.41 kunigami__ <PROTECTED>
00:59.19 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45497 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Comment out the --no-undefined linker option until I figure out how to test it.
01:17.15 kunigami__ thanks :)
01:18.09 dli starseeker, yes, with FORCE_ON, it builds properly. Thanks
01:19.28 starseeker dli: no problem
01:23.44 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r45498 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ (liboslrend.cpp liboslrend.h sh_osl.cpp): changing OSLRender methods to static. I think this will be necessary to increase parallelism
02:28.22 bhinesley When I have argc > 1 and my command returns GED_HELP, Archer prints the error "No ledger entry found for help." What am I missing?
02:28.48 bhinesley in that case, argv[2] was help
02:29.41 bhinesley excuse me, argv[1] was help
02:37.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45499 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ged.h: moved ged_edit to more appropriate place
02:43.55 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45500 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Validate subcommand names, add ged_edit stuff to a few places I missed before, cleanup.
02:45.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45501 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: quiet compiler warning about unused variable
02:52.13 *** join/#brlcad epileg (~epileg@unaffiliated/epileg)
03:12.36 brlcad kunigami__: libbu's parallelism passes the cpu/thread id to the worker callback
03:12.54 brlcad for rt, that's the worker() function in src/rt/worker.c, which in turn calls do_pixel() with the cpu
03:13.44 brlcad the application struct's a_resource is then set to a cpu-specific resource structure safe for that thread to use without blocking
03:14.18 brlcad why you'd need to know that is a bit of a mystery, though ... :)
03:15.28 brlcad bhinesley: I'm not sure what archer was set up to use, but it may be pulling help from src/tclscripts/helplib.tcl and/or src/tclscripts/help.tcl ... old help interface
03:15.59 brlcad the modular command refactoring that I started is the beginnings of making those obsolete
03:16.57 bhinesley brlcad: that was sort of a bad example. It prints "No ledger entry found for <whatever argv[1] is>"
03:17.42 bhinesley assuming that I return GED_HELP
03:18.09 brlcad both mged and archer tell you that or just archer?
03:18.13 bhinesley just archer
03:19.36 bhinesley you weren't kidding... there really are a lot of places to make changes when you add a command
03:19.52 *** join/#brlcad dli (
03:21.46 brlcad yeah, it's really terrible
03:22.23 brlcad 15 years of a very active dev not doing hardly any proper refactoring, at least not for the DRY principle
03:24.17 brlcad part of the problem is that even with a clean refactoring towards libged, a silly route was taken to make it fit the existing archer interface .. once again needing to repeat all commands
03:24.43 brlcad all of the *_obj.c files should be killed, but that's a refactoring task in itself -- feel free to tackle any and all of them
03:25.46 bhinesley nods
03:25.55 bhinesley definitely no lack of things to do
03:31.53 brlcad he's also like the 3rd or 4th most experienced tcl dev on the planet (at least as measured by ohloh), so (for him) he's very adept wandering around the bowels of mged and archer
03:32.14 brlcad sort of has his own perspective on maintainability
03:34.02 bhinesley is he ever in here?
03:34.12 bhinesley or lists only?
03:37.52 brlcad mostly mailing list
03:38.08 brlcad so that ledger issue, more replication crap
03:38.36 brlcad and it's not code I really understand, so can't be of much help -- might make a good mailing list question if you have any
03:38.42 bhinesley alright, well, it's not inhibiting the functionality of the command, so I won't worry about it right now
03:39.00 brlcad tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl AND tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl .. both list commands for some reason
03:39.19 brlcad I presume if you don't list the command that it's calling some generic wrapper, and pulling the wrong argv for your command or something
03:39.54 bhinesley looks into this
03:40.07 bhinesley hey, ohloh is pretty neat
03:40.10 bhinesley just now checking it out
03:40.17 brlcad really? :)
03:40.33 brlcad
03:41.37 bhinesley first thing I did was search for brlcad ;-)
03:51.20 bhinesley 96 commits... hm... I'd better step it up a notch
03:59.40 brlcad add two orders of magnitude and you'll be in the #3 spot ;)
03:59.59 brlcad that's like two years
04:11.19 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3008 10/wiki/Non-vacuum_gravity_simulator: missing paren
04:20.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3009 10/wiki/Celestial_mechanics_particle_system: link to some 3rd party libs
04:21.08 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3010 10/wiki/Non-vacuum_gravity_simulator:
04:41.35 *** join/#brlcad dli (~dli@
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09:18.18 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
09:56.23 kunigami__ brlcad: it seems I need to set different vars for each thread when first calling OSLRender and I dont know how to do that without an identifier for each thread.
10:08.14 kunigami__ unless I initialize OSLRender right in do_pixel
11:02.51 *** join/#brlcad dli (~dli@
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14:50.42 brlcad kunigami__: you could use the address of the struct resource in the application struct -- that is unique per process/thread
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17:11.42 __name__ Hello! I've been reading your SOCIS projects and would be interested whether there are any tools of preference for the web applications (language, DB, whether it's supposed the be ajaxy, etc.)
17:21.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r45502 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri.c:
17:21.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Updated the prototype version of function cut_unimonotone within file nmg_tri.c.
17:21.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: This function supports the prototype version of function nmg_triangulate_fu.
17:21.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: These prototype functions are disabled by default. This is a work is progress.
17:21.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Changed the test for an infinite loop and added more error checking. Also did
17:21.49 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: code cleanup.
18:11.18 *** join/#brlcad name (~name@sburn/devel/name)
18:34.55 brlcad hello __name__
18:35.45 brlcad __name__: there isn't a strong preference, but something that works for most users, is easy to install and maintain, and does the job best
18:36.16 brlcad current website is a drupal+mediawiki combo
18:46.45 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalff (DC@
18:48.44 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r45503 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Clean up C90 warning on some compilers.
19:12.08 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r45504 10/brlcad/trunk/src/irprep/ (Compile.sgi sgi files are gone in irprep - let the know about it.
19:34.37 *** join/#brlcad epileg (
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19:50.42 brlcad wootness
20:35.14 starseeker brlcad: hmm?
20:35.30 __name__ brlcad: Well you cannot really base a benchmark web-UI on either of those.
21:08.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r45505 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri.c:
21:08.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Updated the prototype version of the function nmg_triangulate_fu within file
21:08.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: nmg_tri.c. This function is disabled by default. This is a work is process. The
21:08.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: majority of the changes were code cleanup. Added logic to prevent unnecessary
21:08.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: processing of already triangulated faceuse.
21:09.19 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45506 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Clang likes to complain about unused command line arguments, and we don't really care.
21:19.19 starseeker first crack at building BRL-CAD with clang/clang++ in XCode 4:
21:19.45 brlcad __name__: sure you could -- I could make plain html work too
21:19.50 brlcad all in the design
21:20.02 brlcad doesn't mean you're constrained to those, just saying what's already handy
21:20.08 starseeker doesn't know enough about why those externs are there to know if they are still needed...
21:20.09 __name__ brlcad: Doesn't sound like a good idea though.
21:20.21 brlcad that's a different statement ;)
21:20.31 __name__ (Generating pure HTML.)
21:21.05 brlcad big difference between "cannot" and "not a good idea" ;)
21:21.15 __name__ brlcad: Fair point.
21:21.20 brlcad you have a windows build handy?
21:21.29 brlcad sry, starseeker:
21:21.38 brlcad bah .. starseeker: you have a windows build handy?
21:23.13 __name__ brlcad: Anyway. I'd be happy to do the web-application (or any other not-too-physics-heavy task).
21:24.12 starseeker brlcad: not at the moment - problem?
21:24.13 brlcad starseeker: huh, interesting warnings .. apparently llvm thinks that declarations can shadow declarations
21:24.34 starseeker liboptical isn't happy either:
21:25.16 brlcad starseeker: the good news is that those are just duplicate decls and llvm can help weed them out
21:25.49 brlcad just remove the redundant duplicate
21:26.32 brlcad starseeker: and no, not a problem -- I just have an implementation of fchmod() for Windows that will likely break the Windows build, need someone to test
21:26.51 starseeker ah
21:27.25 starseeker yeah, probably would take me at least an hour or so to kick my Windows build back into gear
21:28.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45507 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libfb/fb_generic.c librt/tcl.c): remove duplicate decls (XCode 4 clang no likie)
21:28.54 starseeker bounces over to the Windows box...
21:29.09 starseeker brlcad: whats the MFUNCS thing all about?
21:29.31 brlcad hold a sec, looking
21:31.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r45508 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/fchmod.c:
21:31.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: implement fchmod() for Windows. this will likely break the Windows build, but
21:31.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: committing it since the only issue should be minor header and preprocessor
21:31.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: symbolage. in order to implement fchmod on Windows, we rely on chmod() instead
21:31.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: which is available but requires a filename. this is normally not knowable, but
21:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: windows provides a roundabout way to get it, so run with it.
21:42.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45509 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/sh_wood.c: duplicate declarations in sh_wood.c
21:47.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r45510 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri.c:
21:47.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Updated the prototype function nmg_plot_fu within file nmg_tri.c. This function
21:47.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: supports the prototype function nmg_triangulate_fu. These functions are disabled
21:47.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: by default. This is a work in process. The changes were code cleanup.
21:55.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45511 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (14 files in 10 dirs): Remove all non-liboptical shadowing warnings.
22:00.01 starseeker ah right, the optical/multispectral thing
22:02.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45512 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/init.c:
22:02.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Some of these MFUNCS are declared in the header for libmultispectral - for
22:02.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: those, don't do the extern struct part of the original MFUNCS macro. Add a
22:02.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: DMFUNCS macro for both the extern and the mlib_add shader call, and make MFUNCS
22:02.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: just do the mlib_add_shader bit.
22:04.04 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45513 10/brlcad/trunk/src/fbed/fbed.c: f_Stop doesn't take any arguments
22:07.46 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45514 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libmultispectral/init.c: Same trick for libmultispectral as for liboptical.
22:09.08 *** join/#brlcad piksi (
22:10.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45515 10/brlcad/trunk/src/gtools/beset/population.c: resp was unused here? Not really sure what the intent of that statement was.
22:11.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45516 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (viewarea.c viewfrac.c viewpp.c): Some more duplicate declarations.
22:13.38 brlcad starseeker: MFUNCS is how each shader is registered with liboptical
22:13.53 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45517 10/brlcad/trunk/src/lgt/do_options.c: More functions that don't take any arguments.
22:14.26 brlcad the problem is that a few shaders might have to be declared for libmultispectral, so some are declared in optical.h
22:14.56 starseeker brlcad: right - I had forgotten about that, something I think from the Windows build
22:14.59 starseeker I got is straight
22:15.17 brlcad they shouldn't need to be declared in optical.h
22:15.21 starseeker Woot! clang build with XCode 4 finished
22:15.30 brlcad sort of breaks the whole modularity DRY principle
22:17.42 brlcad pretty cool, yay for portability
22:18.08 starseeker brlcad: what was the intent of that bset/population.c line I wonder?
22:29.50 brlcad I don't see a beset line
22:34.05 starseeker r45515
22:34.32 starseeker svn diff -r45514:45515
22:40.52 starseeker Ouch
22:40.59 starseeker benchmark results:
22:41.07 starseeker clang vgr: 13540
22:41.21 starseeker gcc vgr: 14944
22:41.30 starseeker (debug builds in both cases)
22:47.05 ``Erik optimized?
22:47.12 starseeker ``Erik: working on it now
22:49.14 starseeker brlcad: fchmod.c Windows build failures:
23:03.53 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45518 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/utility1.c: clang is reporting these as unused. Looks like this is part of the stuff that has moved to libged - nuke.
23:16.46 starseeker gcc vgr (optimized): 33425
23:18.01 starseeker can already tell the clang results will be slower
23:20.45 *** join/#brlcad webmaster (
23:30.26 starseeker clang vgr (optimized): 30409
23:30.56 starseeker sigh. Oh, well - at least it's a useful tool for debugging - I like the error messages

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