IRC log for #brlcad on 20110811

00:00.21 abhi2011 though in my original program, I was detecting a region by passing over the region list in the rtip and checking for name matches
00:03.43 abhi2011 so to detect the fact that the user has passed a region in a struct rt_db_internal , there should be a field in the struct rt_db_internal that identifies the contents as a region
00:04.47 abhi2011 or the user would need to pass the model's directory so I can try name matches to detect
00:20.10 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r45912 10/osl/trunk/osl/src/cmake/externalpackages.cmake: force cmake to ilmbase, openexr and llvm in the path os osl/trunk
00:21.32 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r45913 10/osl/trunk/osl/src/testshade/CMakeLists.txt: disable testshade_dso app because it uses an oiio version that is not stable (its not used by brlcad)
00:52.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45914 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c:
00:52.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: With the improved edit_*_get_arg_head()'s, individual subcommand init functions
00:52.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: are no longer necessary; a generic edit_cmd_init() can handle it all. Reduces
00:52.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: the number of functions needed for each subcommand to 4; nice. Also in this
00:52.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: commit: noticed a variable for a return value being initialized to a literal
00:52.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: value, rather than GED_OK.
01:53.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45915 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: regrouping/sorting functions a bit
02:05.14 starseeker bhinesley: um. that's probably the html viewer not finding its stuff
02:05.25 starseeker looks at what mged is up too...
02:06.11 bhinesley starseeker: yeah, it's the one that I wrote :-P
02:06.31 starseeker can you see where it's failing?
02:06.37 bhinesley yeah
02:07.05 bhinesley man_browser.tcl:124
02:07.48 starseeker what's in $path?
02:07.56 bhinesley I'm checking
02:08.01 starseeker will see if he can duplicate the failure, one sec...
02:08.44 starseeker regardless, we probably want to add -nocomplain to that glob - that's not a reason for archer to fail to start
02:08.55 bhinesley ah there it is; its using the default for the class itself on :68
02:09.17 bhinesley starseeker: true
02:11.26 bhinesley seems the other help browser needs it as well
02:14.33 bhinesley hm, or not.
02:14.47 bhinesley I'm still getting an error, even with -nocomplain
02:17.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45916 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: I think we want to get helplib.tcl from the tclscripts dir?
02:18.15 starseeker bhinesley: I'm guessing share/brlcad/7.20.3/html doesn't have anything in it?
02:18.59 bhinesley there are folders and files
02:19.05 starseeker O.o
02:19.06 starseeker weird
02:19.22 starseeker what does puts $path print out?
02:21.55 bhinesley well it's looking for ./share/brlcad/7.20.3/html/mann/en/
02:22.09 starseeker which does exist?
02:22.20 bhinesley mann doesn't
02:22.34 starseeker urm. that's the problem then
02:32.04 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45917 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/man_browser.tcl: Don't refuse to start archer just because the html docs aren't around.
02:32.22 bhinesley was just about to do that ;)
02:33.28 starseeker one remaining wrinkle - when I nuked all of html and then re-ran make, the docs rebuilt but toc.html wasn't present - it's copied during the configure process, not the make process
02:33.49 bhinesley meh... your way looks better anyways
02:33.56 starseeker probably should have the archer help viewer check for that file as well as one of the generated files
02:35.51 starseeker wonders reworking the "copy during configure" cases into build rules... wonder if that's practical/worth it...
02:40.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45918 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl:
02:40.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Check for toc.html as well, since it comes from the configure process and not
02:40.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: the make process in the build directory. May want to consider adding a copy
02:40.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: build rule for things like this so make puts everything back where it belongs,
02:40.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: but not a huge deal since re-running cmake takes care of it.
02:44.15 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45919 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: A bug in Archer's help browser code resulted in Archer failing to start if it was unable to find the html files used for the help system - it now starts even if those files are not present.
02:44.28 starseeker ok, we should be good to go again
02:44.40 starseeker abhi2011: does that fix it for you?
02:45.15 starseeker bhinesley: still begs the question of why your mann directory wasn't present
02:45.57 bhinesley I reconfigured and I'm rebuilding... perhaps it is now. Do you periodically reconfigure? I tend to just 'svn update' and make
02:47.15 bhinesley it should trigger a reconfigure if it needs one, right?
02:54.06 bhinesley starseeker: no dice
02:59.11 bhinesley ok iiii'm an idiot. BRLCAD-BUILD_EXTRADOCS=OFF
03:01.10 bhinesley that's what I get for using ccmake
03:15.46 starseeker bhinesley: yeah, normally cmake is pretty good about reconfiguring/rebuilding when it needs to
03:16.08 starseeker earlier case where brlcad had to recommend a clean rebuild was a bit surprising
03:16.56 starseeker heh - yeah, if you tell it not to build the html docs it shouldn't :-P
03:17.10 bhinesley imaging that! :)
03:17.14 bhinesley *imagine
03:17.31 starseeker did that fix everything?
03:17.37 bhinesley yes
03:17.50 bhinesley thank you
03:18.18 starseeker np
03:18.30 bhinesley looks like there was no cmake issue?
03:19.13 starseeker I didn't see one - looked like just a few tcl file tweaks
03:20.52 bhinesley oh I see it now, help.tcl
03:22.14 bhinesley well, at least it exposed some problems
03:22.52 starseeker sure - good stuff :-)
03:23.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45920 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/man_browser.tcl: set -nocomplain on glob, just in case; we don't want to fail to start due to some missing files
04:35.47 brlcad starseeker: the earlier clean rebuild case wasn't cmake's fault -- just coincidentally hitting a magic number failure after the magic numbers were converter to uint32_t, but he was passing a bad pointer (so the magic failure was the right thing to do)
04:37.54 brlcad abhi2011: they can pass in any object, maybe even non-geometry
04:38.13 brlcad note that the name, rt_bound_dbfullpath(), is no longer right
04:43.55 brlcad finishes organizing the logo submissions
06:43.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45921 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c:
06:43.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Now that there are functions to convert path+objects+offsets to coords,
06:43.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: arguments that had to be split into multiple structs (due to -x/-y/-z options)
06:43.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: can be consolidated. It would be slightly more efficient to do this as the
06:43.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: arguments are parsed, but IMO not worth muddying up ged_edit() over.
06:58.41 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 0399.125.86.110 07 * r3069 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Log */ today
07:22.18 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
09:14.25 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3070 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
09:42.04 abhi2011 brlcad: so I would need to find the list of primitives in the region represented by the rt_db_internal
11:02.42 abhi2011 bhinesley: did the mged and archer launching errors get resolved after the latest checkout
11:13.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r45922 10/osl/trunk/boost_1_46_1/: adding latest compatible boost version with osl. doing it by parts
11:14.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r45923 10/osl/trunk/boost_1_46_1/boost/: adding latest compatible boost version with osl. part 2
11:38.34 abhi2011 ok, db_walk_tree() allows a nice set of functions to be provided for accepting and rejecting regions while building a boolean tree of the regions, I will try and use it for adding the primitives of the passed regions to the wdb
11:52.11 kunigami hmm just saw that boost has ~ 500MB. should upload it to svn anyway?
11:53.03 kunigami I didn't have to change anything on it from the original version. maybe add a line on the script to download it directly?
12:12.37 kunigami llvm is pretty big too ~ 250MB
12:36.21 abhi2011 kunigami: doesnt boost source already ship with brlcad in src/other/boost
12:42.44 abhi2011 ok passing a leaf function to db_walk_tree() wont work because its never called even after a missing primitive is detected, was hoping to use the function to add the primitive
13:31.06 starseeker abhi2011: mged and archer should launch now
13:52.25 abhi2011 starseeker: yes its fine now, thanks!
14:01.18 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (~kunigami@
14:05.50 brlcad kunigami: that's a bit large to add, maybe see if you can identify the portion used? boost has a tool to identify the headers/deps needed so you don't have to download the kitchen sink
14:06.05 brlcad llvm can be expected as a system install
14:19.41 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r45924 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/wfobj/ (5 files): Using more readable names. Removed unused typedefs and some cryptic size checks of questionable utility.
14:36.21 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
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18:47.58 kunigami1 brlcad: ok
18:51.24 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
19:12.44 abhi2011 brlcad: currently the librt function for finding the bb works on shapes, but if I pass regions then the db_walk_tree() detects that the shapes of the regions are absent and causes the bounding box to not be calculated
19:13.44 abhi2011 so I am going to use the code in db_walk_tree() to add primitive leaf nodes when they are detected to be absent, which will involve significant amounts of duplicate code
19:14.56 abhi2011 so I was wondering if there is an easier way to find and add the primitives to the rt_db_internal representation of a region
19:17.02 abhi2011 db_walk_tree() allows call backs when a region is started and ended and for leaf nodes, but the leaf node callback is never called if a leaf (primitive) is found to be missing from the model tree
19:40.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45925 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/incrTcl/itcl/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Take a stab at moving the itcl compilation logic over to the cleaned up logic being used for tcl itself
19:43.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r45926 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Ged.tcl:
19:43.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Need to destroy the ray object whenever the ged object is destroyed or when
19:43.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: opening a different database. This fix was prompted by database turds being left
19:43.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: on Windows platforms whenever the ray object was used. That is, the ray object
19:43.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: also has the database copy (i.e. the turd) open and so the code that removes the
19:43.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: database copy fails.
19:49.30 brlcad abhi2011: I don't think you can call db_walk_tree .. you don't know the name of the rt_db_internal that you're trying to calculate a bounding box for
20:07.48 brlcad at least, you can't call it for that dbi -- you could call it for all of the comb's members to recursively get their bbs
20:08.48 brlcad it might be easier to just implement ft_prep for combs
20:10.22 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45927 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Do as MGED does and default to Navy
20:12.33 brlcad abhi2011: aha, I think I have a solution, but it depends on what your code looks like now
20:12.59 brlcad since you DO have it working for primitive, just work on cleaning up the code and make your patch
20:13.47 brlcad make it gracefully fail on combs for now, then once your patch is integrated, can work on bb of comb
20:14.31 abhi2011 brlcad: hint to the solution :P
20:15.06 brlcad if you have an rt_db_internal that is a comb, then you have a union tree pointer
20:15.17 abhi2011 yes
20:15.22 brlcad if you have a union tree pointer, then you can call the other/existing bbox routine, rt_bound_tree()
20:15.53 abhi2011 ah yes thats the other function i used in my program before too
20:17.05 brlcad you may still need to call rt_gettree/rt_gettrees to load/evaluate the tree, but that's easy
20:17.05 abhi2011 rt_bound_tree(regp->reg_treetop, reg_min, reg_max)
20:17.31 brlcad that'd only be for regions
20:17.34 brlcad you have combs
20:17.40 brlcad combp->tree
20:17.40 abhi2011 ah yes
20:17.52 brlcad see rt_comb_internal in raytrace.h
20:18.15 abhi2011 ok
20:18.26 brlcad basically, implementing much of what _ged_get_obj_bounds() does
20:18.43 brlcad just instead of using db_full_path objects you're using rt_db_internal objects
20:23.30 abhi2011 ok
20:31.27 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
20:55.31 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r45928 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: The backgroundColor routine should be calling ::cadwidgets::Ged::get_rgb_color instead of getRgbColor for consistency.
20:57.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r45929 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: oops... edit_cmd initialization routine introduced r45921 tried to set pointer that was pointed to by uninitialized pointer to NULL
21:18.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45930 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (7 files in 4 dirs):
21:18.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Make a stab at itk, probably the trickiest of these extensions. Need to do some
21:18.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: more logic consolidation into tcl.cmake and the src/other CMakeLists.txt
21:18.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: settings probably need some more study (there are a lot of possible cases) but
21:18.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: getting there. Need to study STUBS usage in the standard Tcl/Tk build more and
21:18.01 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: see if I need some conditionalization logic for those flags...
22:10.31 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45931 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/progname.c: We need a static buffer here, otherwise our path disappears on us.
22:11.33 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
22:45.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45932 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/progname.c: avoid overwriting the full argv0 path - bu_getprogname was storing its basename in the save variable as argv0's full path information.

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