IRC log for #brlcad on 20110816

00:01.57 brlcad basically it's a double-use variable so you'll have to conditionalize somewhere, even if you split it into two variables
00:02.37 brlcad unless you change the logic to always go to a -o output file then pix-fb that file
00:02.54 brlcad but then you'll need rm logic if it's a preview too
00:03.12 brlcad nothing at all tricky, but not a one-character fix ;)
00:03.33 brlcad OSL solids up from siggraph:
00:04.13 brlcad unfortunately, he pulled the cool images from alice in wonderland and the amazing spider man that showed OSL in production use
00:07.55 brlcad bhinesley: heh, either of those options sound fine -- you only need to push the logic up into libged, but if you want to push it further (up into librt or into librt's individual primitives), even better
00:08.55 brlcad anytime there is a switch or if table that itemizes primitives, that is a clear indicator of functionality that need to be refactored up into librt
00:09.25 brlcad so that is the long-term goal, libged gets that code one step closer so it's still an improvement if that's as far as you take it
00:11.09 bhinesley brlcad: alright. If moving it to libged is supposedly easier, then I should probably do that for now. I don't want to get sidetracked from edit/translate just yet.
00:11.16 brlcad plaes: thanks for the patches, will review
00:14.37 brlcad kunigami: if it works compressed, just commit it uncompressed then .. the size isn't critical, it just doesn't seem "right" if it's huge huge
00:16.29 brlcad bhinesley: as for the "required to stop", you have it spot on -- that's just for the official code tarball that has to be uploaded to google, you dont' have to stop coding in the least
00:17.34 brlcad technically, you're being paid to "test google upload infrastructure" .. that's how they legally pay students for work that they don't directly evaluate
00:18.04 bhinesley brlcad: interesting
00:18.45 brlcad yeah, it's pretty funny
00:19.49 brlcad bhinesley: oh and libged is going to be easier because it's almost as simple as move block of code from mged to libged .. whereas to put it into librt properly would require adding a function to each individual primitive
00:20.07 brlcad maybe two hours difference, but more work nonetheless
00:20.18 bhinesley ah, I see. the "OOP interface"
00:20.41 brlcad nods
00:20.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45997 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/ (FbPage.itk PictureTypeBase.itcl): Ah, not quite so simple - the same command feeds both the preview and the file-out operations, so we need to accomidate both.
00:21.30 starseeker brlcad: there we go - both preview and png output
00:22.02 brlcad you left a debug puts ;)
00:23.20 starseeker picky picky... :-P
00:23.40 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45998 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/PictureTypeBase.itcl: remove stray debug output
00:26.47 starseeker brlcad: does rtwizard work on Windows?
00:27.24 starseeker probably shouldn't ask that...
00:28.43 starseeker brlcad: something up with those BU_ASSERT changes you made, by the way...
00:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r45999 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
00:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: rtwizard can output png files now, handing it the same way rt itself does (use
00:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: .png as the file name suffix). Was primarly a matter of distinguishing between
00:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: framebuffer and file targets - previously the 'file output' was just a
00:31.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: framebuffer dump to a file.
00:32.02 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46000 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Changing memory allocations for structs to use BU_GETSTRUCT. Simplified/reduced some things. Added some error checking. Nothing major.
00:32.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46001 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: png in rtwizard, check.
00:32.46 brlcad starseeker: understood -- investigating, they should have been good to go as I was pretty careful but "-1" is a special case
00:33.01 starseeker brlcad: thanks
00:33.03 brlcad that might be what is causing the current problem even, just in a different way
00:33.33 brlcad it writes out a -1 to mean "this is an identity matrix, don't write it out"
00:34.35 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46002 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (CMakeLists.txt get_solid_kp.c): Migrating edit/edsol.c:get_solid_keypoint() to libged. It compiles cleanly, but is otherwise untested.
00:36.56 starseeker brlcad: how were you figuring to do the temp color thing for rtwizard?
00:39.06 brlcad plaes: would like to talk about your libfft patches when you got a sec, questions 1) what's the impact (performance, correctness) using fftw3.. our used to be much faster; 2) can't call PKG_* macros and that build system is deprecated anyways, cmake build is where the action is at (which I see you had a separate patch for); 3) again performance check, the fixed size convolutions are highly optimizable .. what's the impact?
00:39.13 brlcad starseeker: options to rt
00:39.42 brlcad probably set variables
00:39.50 starseeker erm. don't know that trick
00:40.43 brlcad basically, get it to work with rt first, rtwizard just calls rt
00:40.59 starseeker nods
00:41.06 brlcad rtwizard needs some gui interface to set/unset the colors
00:41.15 brlcad but then those just turn into command line opts
00:41.32 starseeker are the rt options already in place to override colors?
00:41.35 brlcad do you know how rtedge options work? same basic idea
00:42.02 brlcad no, they're not -- that's pretty much 90% of the task
00:42.15 brlcad the rtwizard gui part is nothing
00:42.44 starseeker right
00:44.08 brlcad bhinesley: oof! .. so "moving code" probably wasn't the best term to use
00:44.18 brlcad those globals gotta go
00:44.59 brlcad the statics will need to be non-static since libged is supposed to be stateless
00:45.09 brlcad that may or may not break it
00:45.38 brlcad params should be const that can be const
00:46.15 brlcad mged gets away with a lot of shit that isn't tolerated for libged (as that is the entire point of the library, clean refactoring)
00:47.10 brlcad finally, function should be added to ged_private.h (and renamed) so it doesn't accidentally become public libged api
00:48.49 bhinesley brlcad: alright
00:48.56 bhinesley still, I'll see if I can get it working first
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01:19.46 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46003 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Need to make the FindGL logic match up with the FindX11 logic to make sure the two are in sync. Needs more testing.
01:27.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46004 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ (BRLCAD_Util.cmake ThirdParty_TCL.cmake): more case correction logic is needed - try this.
02:04.13 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46005 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (ged_private.h get_solid_kp.c): Make compliant with libged standards (rm global/static vars). Declare in ged_private. Temporarily disable support for ARS/BSPLINE, which will require a little more work.
02:05.09 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46006 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: remove (temporary) cast to void
02:11.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46007 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Enabled support for using the natural origins of primitives as a reference point.
02:13.18 bhinesley starseeker: Thank you, again, for helping me with that. I doubt that I would have been able to figure that out any time soon.
02:29.07 starseeker bhinesley: np - that's what mentors are for :-)
02:29.32 starseeker bhinesley: you've got the fun part - turn it into a viable libged function
02:33.20 bhinesley starseeker: well it seems to work just fine. Just need to make ARS/BSPLINE work; they used a couple globals that were set elsewhere. Making mged call the libged version is another matter.
02:35.22 brlcad bhinesley: looks much better, nice work :)
02:36.18 bhinesley brlcad: great, thanks!
02:36.51 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46008 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Yikes; dynamically allocate a character buffer since _ged_get_solid_kp() writes to it.
02:37.24 brlcad where's that string freed? :)
02:37.38 bhinesley ... in the code I'm about to write because you said that
02:37.45 brlcad heh
02:38.23 brlcad also very minor point, but recommend bu_calloc unless you're in some performance-critical loop
02:38.40 bhinesley okay; why is that?
02:38.49 *** part/#brlcad milamber (
02:38.51 brlcad zero-initialized memory
02:39.02 bhinesley right, but why?
02:39.52 brlcad in general, zero-initialized memory is much faster at exposing initialization/deinitialization bugs in code
02:40.10 bhinesley ah
02:40.26 brlcad some compilers will even make malloc() zero-initialize by default unless you turn on -O# optimization level
02:40.36 brlcad for that same reason
02:41.40 brlcad but the standard doesn't require it, so it's better practice to do it intentionally yourself, then you also have the added benefit that you can test for nullity or 0-values
02:41.53 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46009 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Forgot to free string.
02:42.03 brlcad r46008 leaks memory, btw ;)
02:42.22 brlcad and r46009 should make it crash ;)
02:48.26 starseeker make a note of these slides -
02:49.02 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46010 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Use *calloc* and *sizeof* like the grown-ups.
02:49.50 bhinesley alright, wth
03:00.11 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
03:00.21 starseeker bhinesley: problem?
03:01.11 bhinesley NO. heh. Dumb mistake that I am not able to fix instantly for some reason.
03:02.01 brlcad bhinesley: need a hint?
03:02.25 bhinesley nah, then I will feel even stupider
03:02.52 starseeker bhinesley: you might as well - it saves time, and I need those hints all the time :-P
03:03.02 bhinesley sighs
03:03.21 bhinesley Alright. brlcad, is it because I need to use bu_strlcpy?
03:03.25 brlcad how would I know that r42009 will crash?
03:04.35 brlcad that should take you down the rabbit hole
03:05.42 brlcad damn server shut down during my latest nurbs performance testing after about 80% completion .. arf
03:05.53 starseeker winces
03:16.33 starseeker bhinesley: try stepping through with a debugger (I'd start with the char *str; line)
03:24.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46011 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Util.cmake: Er, oops - normalize, THEN check.
03:24.58 brlcad nifty, some oklahoma country music show wants to use our logo contest rules
03:25.21 starseeker hah, awesome
03:28.53 starseeker bhinesley: focus on why brlcad said 46008 leaks memory
03:31.05 starseeker brlcad: should we revert that BU_ASSERT size_t change for now? it crashes on my gentoo box too
03:33.06 starseeker dli: hah - saw the brlcad-9999 ebuild appear in one of the overlay updates :-)
03:34.35 dli starseeker, still, 7.20.2 cmake version doesn't work
03:34.46 dli starseeker, I mean to build with system tcl/tk
03:35.05 starseeker dli: even with the patches to cmake?
03:35.22 starseeker well, presumably 7.20.4 will
03:36.00 dli starseeker, I can remove the 7.20.2 cmake ebuild for the time being
03:36.33 brlcad starseeker: working on the BU_ASSERT now, it should be something obvious
03:36.42 brlcad s/now/for a lil bit now/
03:37.05 starseeker dli: probably simpler
03:37.45 starseeker a cmake patch would be rather... large at this point :-)
03:38.06 louipc :o
03:38.30 louipc who wins the contest by the way?
03:39.18 louipc is looking forward to seeing the logos.
03:42.46 starseeker sweet - bzflag ebuild now updated to 2.4 :-)
03:42.54 dli starseeker, I will ask someone to review the package and update the gentoo main tree
03:47.22 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46012 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Ptr to string, not pointer to char.
03:48.09 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46013 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: Enable BSPLINE support.
04:01.48 brlcad bhinesley: that's nfg
04:03.04 brlcad str only needs to be a char*
04:06.07 brlcad r46012 technically avoids the crash on free, but doesn't fix the problem -- you were closer with bu_strlcpy() thinking
05:02.40 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46014 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Don't dynamically allocate string.
05:08.22 starseeker bhinesley: doesn't get_solid_keypoint still need to write to str?
05:09.55 bhinesley apparently I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
05:10.33 starseeker bhinesley: stay calm :-)
05:10.54 starseeker we've all made our share of this kind of mistake
05:11.50 starseeker don't give up - think about what brlcad said about 46008 and 46009
05:15.21 starseeker bhinesley: sometimes in situations like this it's helpful to make your own isolated C file and just try to get it to do the one thing you're working on
05:22.08 plaes brlcad: awake now
05:22.17 plaes lives in UTC+2
05:24.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46015 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: keep a copy of original ptr to free
05:39.48 plaes brlcad: fftw - 1) tried benchmarking it, didn't notice much difference (maybe I need some bigger models to test with)
05:41.22 plaes fftw - 2) Why cannot it call the PKG_* macros? autoconf works for me.. for cmake the paths to detect fftw and add it to libraries is missing
05:45.04 plaes and 3) fftw chooses different algorithms baased on the size, we had currently only "faster variant for length 256
05:46.10 plaes IIRC, it uses faster algorithms for all powerof two sizes
06:41.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46016 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: Disable BSPLINE again... it's not working
06:46.55 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 0399.125.86.110 07 * r3078 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley: /* Log */ today
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13:07.38 kunigami brlcad: the first time I tried uploading the full boost, the commit was interrupted. (I'm almost sure that was not my connection that failed) does sourceforge has some kind of cap?
13:08.58 plaes you want to bundle whole boost library?
13:09.41 kunigami that was not the first idea, but I'm having troubles in selecting only the required subset
13:09.57 plaes :S
13:11.58 starseeker bhinesley: closer, but you're still passing in str to get_solid_keypoint - you want to pass in the buffer (that's the whole point of mallocing it in the first place)
13:12.15 kunigami I had advances and managed to copy but now I'm stuck with a build error. probably the build scripts were not copied properly. I'll report to boost dev's list
13:13.18 starseeker bhinesley: look at other parts of the code that are working with buffers and string assignment
13:13.24 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46017 10/osl/trunk/boost_1_46_1/: deleting initial boost commits
13:13.31 plaes most of the times bundled libraries cause more damage than they fix.. (security issues, etc..)
13:14.01 starseeker plaes: we will use system libs by default in our configuration if they are available
13:14.28 starseeker but if not, we have to be able to fall back on our local versions rather than fail to build
13:14.59 plaes well, boost is quite popular library
13:15.09 plaes most of the distros have it
13:16.05 starseeker windows is often where we end up needing local copies of things
13:16.38 plaes yeah, package management in windows sucks :(
13:17.04 starseeker there are other issues too (Tcl/Tk on OSX is not built for X11, which we currently need)
13:18.30 starseeker the linux distros always hate bundling (and generally I agree with them) but in the case of something like BRL-CAD we can't always wait for the system to catch up
13:19.04 starseeker (for example, a lot of linux distros will still put tcl/tk 8.4 on by default, which is too old for us now)
13:19.48 kunigami interesting
13:23.45 starseeker or there's the package dli is working on for gentoo - they don't have a tkhtml ebuild, but we're using that now for our doc viewing system
13:24.40 plaes yeah, I'm using Gentoo too, though I'm compiling my own
13:25.10 plaes ah, dli is the one who maintains it
13:25.16 starseeker is also a gentoo user
13:26.11 plaes dlbtw, I fixed dev-tcl/itk to install file ;)
13:27.01 dli plaes, but 7.20.2 is still not in main tree, I don't have access to main tree, only the sci-overlay
13:27.29 plaes dli: why does it depend explicitly on java?
13:28.30 plaes also, Calculating dependencies - * A file is not listed in the Manifest: '/var/lib/layman/science/media-gfx/brlcad/brlcad-7.20.2-r1.ebuild'
13:29.16 dli plaes, the dependency on java is removed already for cmake version :(
13:29.56 dli plaes, weird
13:29.57 ``Erik BRL-CAD does have a JNI interface in src/librtserver that requires the java headers and libraries, and I believe the pdf docs require apache fop which is a java program
13:30.23 dli plaes, sorry, my fault, forgot to check git ls-files
13:31.02 starseeker wants to build a desktop with one of those new AMD 12 core processors :-)
13:31.43 dli plaes, fixed in overlay
13:32.11 plaes it works nice, now if you could add java USE flag too ;)
13:32.12 dli starseeker, in 5 years, netbooks will have that many cores :)
13:34.19 dli plaes, I will do that, need some time to test it though
13:34.29 starseeker is still stuck on two at the moment - house keeps breaking, so minor things like CPU core count take a backseat
13:36.20 ``Erik pats his 650mhz p3 O.o
13:37.04 dli ``Erik, I run an amd (athlon-4 k7) 500MHz
13:39.52 starseeker if I can't emerge world from scratch in less than a minute the machine isn't powerful enough :-P
13:41.18 dli starseeker, I use ebuild qmerge to testing, so, easier than atomic emerge
13:45.17 starseeker dli: cool. nice work, bty - thanks for the time you're putting in
13:45.34 starseeker has some experience with gentoo integration and knows it ain't so simple
13:46.24 starseeker saddles up and heads out
13:54.59 plaes wow, you guys can then test my fftw patchset ;)
14:14.10 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r46018 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bu.h: add BU_ASSERT_SSIZE_T
14:14.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r46019 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/comb/comb.c: Change mi to ssize_t since we store -1 as a magic value and do a < in the assertion.
14:28.42 dli starseeker, JavaVM/jni.h - not found, the icedtea6 jni.h is /opt/icedtea6-bin-1.10.3/include/jni.h
14:56.13 kunigami is there anyway to be warned by subversion when I'm adding a file which does match any pattern on config file?
14:57.04 kunigami Currently, it causes error when I'm already commiting and this way I have to reverse
14:57.16 kunigami *revert
14:58.09 kunigami (I'm referring to those mime types)
15:00.38 ``Erik typically, it'll complain that you need to set the svn:mime-type and svn:eol-style
15:01.22 kunigami yup, but I'd like it to complain when I'm adding the files, not when committing.
15:25.16 bhinesley starseeker: _ged_get_solid_keypoint takes a char**. It changes what *str points to. That's one of the reasons why it was crashing when I attempted to free. There really is not point in allocating space; it never writes to it.
15:27.30 bhinesley _get_get_solid_keypoint does things like *str = "V";, which was throwing me off. (*str = "V") != ((*str)[0] = 'V')
15:29.13 bhinesley so, silly enough, my first commit with "char *str = "V";" actually worked just fine
15:35.29 brlcad right, as long as you don't try to free(str) or write to str, but you could pass &str to a char ** argument and repoint str to something else
15:36.32 bhinesley that's what I ended up doing when I realized that the pointer had changed
15:36.36 brlcad plaes: computing a fft is a pretty quick operation these days so you'd probably want to perform a 256x256 convolution a few million times in a loop, compare before/after
15:37.33 brlcad plaes: PKG macros are only available if pkg_config is installed, which isn't for many platforms our autotools build supports, but then like I said -- that build system is going away completely in a few months in favor of cmake
15:39.09 abhi2011 I have a question about setting up commands in mged, so if a command is to be run through a tcl procedure, then I guess it should not have a entry in the table in mged/setup.c
15:40.07 abhi2011 setting up a tcl script in tclscripts/mged should be sufficient, and this should avoid any conflicts with the setup.c mechanism of running commands ?
15:41.40 bhinesley abhi2011: meaning a purely Tcl command?
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15:41.57 brlcad kunigami: not sure about getting svn to warn when it *doesn't* match a pattern.. though it's not clear what error you'd run into that begs a revert -- if it aborts saying mime types aren't set, you can just set the mimetypes and try again until they're all set
15:42.26 abhi2011 bhinseley: no the logic for the command is in a c file and I have been running it so far using an entry in setup.c
15:42.39 abhi2011 so its not a pure tcl command
15:43.03 abhi2011 what I want is to call the command multiple times from a tclscript
15:43.07 brlcad plaes: java is not required, it just builds a jni binding library if it's detected .. if an ebuild specified it as required, that could be simplified/removed
15:44.15 kunigami brlcad: I need to add an entry to .subversion/conf when it gives an error. But this will only make effect if I revert and add the file again. The reason I'm complaining is that if I'm adding to much code, it takes a lot of time before raising an error. I'm writing a simple script by now
15:44.20 brlcad bhinesley: what about just removing the parameter altogether?
15:44.38 brlcad if you don't use it, it's just overhead logic that will fall out of sync
15:45.15 brlcad abhi2011: you shouldn't need to do anything in tclscripts/mged
15:45.42 brlcad you can call it multiple times from a tclscript already
15:46.20 brlcad if you just want to avoid typing a test proc many times over, put your logic into a .tcl file and "source file.tcl" to run that proc
15:46.39 brlcad calling the command in a loop in order to get interactive updating is not the final form of the command
15:46.48 brlcad it's just a short-term workaround
15:47.06 *** join/#brlcad betta_y_omega (~betta_y_o@
15:47.33 bhinesley brlcad: I could; it would remove a lot of functionality, since we'd only be able to get one type of point. I'm not sure how it would affect getting the coordinates of a BSPLINE/ARS; I haven't been able to get them to work yet in the first place
15:47.53 bhinesley so if I am personally not using it, it should be removed?
15:48.19 brlcad bspline is going to be deprecated/removed so a non-issue there
15:48.38 bhinesley ok, I'll remove that
15:48.40 abhi2011 oh ok, I thought the user would invoke a single command from mged , and then a tclscript corresponding to the command would run to update the position at each step (with the libged command running 1 step each time)
15:48.52 brlcad ars just needs to define a point, perhaps the first point .. which it would have had to do anyways for sed
15:49.29 brlcad abhi2011: no, soonish, the libged command will run all N time steps.. the tcl script is just so you can see updates in the meantime
15:49.45 brlcad getting interactive updating *while* a command is running is going to require a minor modification
15:49.53 bhinesley brlcad: it relied on 3 globals (es_ars_crv, es_ars_col, es_pt), which I do not know how to set
15:49.59 abhi2011 brlcad: ok I understand
15:50.37 starseeker hmm... get solid keypoint apparently allows to select vertex or height.
15:51.16 starseeker or the A/B/C points for sph/ell
15:52.08 starseeker do we actually use that ability?
15:53.05 brlcad bhinesley: quick glance through the code, those are set depending on the editing mode
15:53.22 brlcad lemme see if it's obvious how the default is set
15:53.25 bhinesley starseeker: addressing me? well, it would be neat to incorporate the use of those points into edit.c, but would make for some even more daunting syntax. As it is, no, I do not use.
15:54.06 starseeker bhinesley: more thinking out loud - the ability is in the code, but if we make no use of it it can be removed
15:54.17 starseeker default looks like it might be edsol.c:2565
15:55.32 bhinesley starseeker: case ID_ARS doesn't use the string to select which point
15:56.01 bhinesley it uses es_ars_crv and es_ars_col, which are both set to -1 in edsol.c (?)
15:56.59 brlcad bhinesley: keep in mind that the logic will forever exist in svn (and in mged until it's removed/refactored), so unless you're aiming for the long term proper refactoring (i.e. librt prims) .. you should simplify to just what you need
15:57.45 bhinesley brlcad: no problem
15:58.08 brlcad starseeker: if you're right, then it looks like you can't push an ARS
15:58.31 brlcad so using the first point or average of all ars points would be perfectly adequate
15:58.50 bhinesley I've got to step out for a bit, bbl
15:58.55 brlcad cya
15:59.00 brlcad hits road
16:00.48 brlcad hm, cmake build not catching warnings being spit out by atools build
16:01.05 starseeker am I missing some flags?
16:01.28 brlcad bhinesley: mixing decls and code in edit.c, have to put all decls at the top of a scope for c90 compliance
17:12.22 bhinesley brlcad: ah yes, assuming you're referring to the calloc, I was testing and forgot to move that back
17:23.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46020 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/edit.c: Don't mix decls and code.
17:25.20 bhinesley brlcad: saw what you meant.
17:25.29 plaes brlcad: did you see my answer to your fftw3 questions?
17:32.57 *** join/#brlcad betta_y_omega (~betta_y_o@
17:34.32 brlcad plaes: yes, and I responded back :)
17:35.37 plaes ah, didn't scroll up too much
17:36.05 plaes s/too/that
17:36.07 brlcad <PROTECTED>
17:36.46 plaes whoa, cool
17:36.48 bhinesley brlcad: neat
17:37.18 brlcad you can add your own custom keywords to hilight too, but your nick is a default
17:37.35 starseeker <PROTECTED>
17:37.44 starseeker is that irssi specific
17:37.53 brlcad helps to leave off the leading space there starseeker ... :)
17:37.59 starseeker nods
17:38.14 brlcad that is a client command, but lots of irc clients support it
17:38.28 starseeker sweet
17:38.29 bhinesley saw a student in #gsoc send his /nickserv ident command
17:38.38 bhinesley ...with hundreds in the room
17:38.39 starseeker heh - oops
17:38.44 brlcad yeah, happens, then hilarity ensues
17:38.49 *** join/#brlcad betta_y_omega (~betta_y_o@
17:51.32 *** join/#brlcad betta_y_omega (~betta_y_o@
18:05.47 louipc like password changing :P
18:15.31 *** join/#brlcad betta_y_omega (~betta_y_o@
18:22.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46021 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/: ignore ringworld
18:25.39 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46022 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ (edit.c ged_private.h get_solid_kp.c): Removed **strp parameter of _ged_get_solid_keypoint(), and updated arguments in edit.c. Temporarily disable certain primitive types that we're not yet calculating the keypoint of.
18:31.58 starseeker blinks - apparently all ars does is tessellate itself and then call bot routines
18:34.16 brlcad yeah, it was the quick and dirty way back in the day when it was being implemented
18:34.20 brlcad someone completely intending to go back and improve on it some day
18:35.05 brlcad prime example why you shouldn't half-ass anything, that crap lives on much longer that the dev that contributed it
18:35.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46023 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ars/ars.c: Been commented out for a long time, svn's got our back if we need it - outta here.
18:35.40 brlcad if it's worth doing, do it while it's in context and we'll all waste a little less time
18:36.07 brlcad ars is really just a useful input type, describes geometry using waterlines
18:37.39 brlcad should be a nice smooth surface, or at least an option like dsp for faceted linear interpolation in addition to smooth
19:10.41 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46024 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: Enable retrieval of natural origin of PIPE and ARBN. Hard coded in a tolerance in ARBN for acceptable distance from point to plane, used in calculating origin.
19:11.21 bhinesley I am assuming it is unacceptible to hard code in a tolerance (as in r46024). Where should I get it from?
19:11.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46025 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libpng/ add depends rule, support for 1.7, source our m4 dir
19:14.20 bhinesley I should mention that in the original file, it was set via mged_tol.dist
19:16.51 brlcad bhinesley: the gedp has a ged_wdbp member that holds tolerance settings for the current database
19:17.09 bhinesley oh, cool
19:18.09 brlcad see rt_wdb in raytrace.h (and the respective tolerance structs in libbn)
19:21.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46026 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: get tolerance from db
19:23.45 abhi2011 brlcad: I have modifying the bb function to work on groups and regions :
19:24.01 abhi2011 I am calling rt_gettree() before rt_bound_tree() to evaluate the tree first
19:26.17 brlcad abhi2011: excellent!
19:26.19 brlcad that's looking better
19:26.47 brlcad probably don't need the if (combp->region_flag) conditional if you're going to do the same to both if/else cases
19:27.23 abhi2011 ah yes, but I am not sure if both regions and groups will require the same treatment
19:27.29 abhi2011 I am testing with a region made as follows in mged r part1.r u rcc2.s - sph2.s
19:27.31 brlcad they will :)
19:27.36 brlcad regions are combs
19:27.41 abhi2011 yes right
19:27.49 abhi2011 yes ok
19:27.54 brlcad :)
19:28.00 abhi2011 well , the thing is when traversing the tree in the rt_bound_tree() call , the first call sees the subtraction operator in tp->tr_op and proceeds smoothly down to the left child
19:28.14 abhi2011 however in the left tree where it should find the primitive rcc2.s, it encounters an unknown op 12, I think it should have encountered a tr_op = OP_SOLID for the rcc.s primitive
19:28.28 abhi2011 this is probably related to the fact that the rt_gettree() calls reports missing primitives for the region : db_lookup(rcc2.s) failed in /dummy, db_lookup(sph2.s) failed in /dummy,
19:28.59 brlcad yeah, that's exactly why
19:29.08 brlcad you need more than just the comb put into the inmem
19:29.26 abhi2011 ok
19:29.30 brlcad you have to put the whole hierarchy
19:30.11 brlcad db_functree() is good for that
19:30.15 abhi2011 ok, umm so I should use dbi_walk_tree() and register callbacks
19:30.17 abhi2011 oh ok
19:30.17 brlcad see src/libged/keep.c
19:30.49 brlcad the 'heep' command does the same thing you need to do except it writes to a file and you need to write to the inmem
19:31.06 brlcad er, "keep" command
19:31.29 abhi2011 ah , ok
19:32.20 *** join/#brlcad dli (~dli@
19:32.39 brlcad hm, abhi2011 but wasn't the point of the inmem so you could call rt_gettrees on it?
19:32.50 brlcad which only applied to primitives
19:33.19 brlcad why not just call rt_bound_tree() directly with the same (non-inmem) dbip?
19:33.42 abhi2011 well yes, for primitives I do call rt_bound_tree() directly
19:33.54 abhi2011 or rather
19:34.01 abhi2011 no I dont
19:34.16 abhi2011 its rt_gettree() which is sufficient
19:34.23 brlcad right
19:34.37 abhi2011 however for combs, the rt_gettree() is not sufficient
19:34.45 abhi2011 but i havent tried rt_gettrees()
19:34.56 abhi2011 maybe that will work
19:35.08 brlcad er, that's not my point
19:35.53 brlcad okay, so the problem is a bit convoluted because you lost the caller's rt_db_internal pointer
19:36.05 brlcad first step, make that first parameter const
19:36.07 abhi2011 yes :)
19:36.14 abhi2011 nope that doesnt work
19:36.18 brlcad it can
19:36.26 abhi2011 oh ok
19:36.35 abhi2011 wdb_put_internal() will be unable to free it then
19:36.39 brlcad yep
19:36.45 brlcad so you have to do something about that
19:37.18 abhi2011 well I have tried with const before but I ll try once more, perhaps I missed something
19:37.22 brlcad if you make a copy, then that same ip should be just fine for rt_bound_tree()
19:37.28 abhi2011 ok
19:38.11 brlcad it might even be easier to deal with primitives differently
19:38.57 brlcad instead of using an inmem and calling gettrees(), it might be a lot simpler to fill in an rt_comb_internal yourself with just that one primitive as a leaf node
19:39.22 brlcad then you could call rt_bound_tree() the same for any rt_db_internal regardless of it being a primitive or a combination
19:40.08 abhi2011 ok yes
19:51.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46027 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/: remove the cmake branch as it was reviewed and merged back in April/May 2011. trunk is where the action is now.
19:54.00 *** join/#brlcad dli (~dli@
19:57.43 brlcad starseeker: can the goblin branch be killed?
19:57.59 brlcad hasn't had activity since early 2010
20:17.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46028 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/raytrace.h src/librt/bbox.c): accept sf patch 3390331 (Addition of a new librt function to return the bounding box) from Abhijit ( abhi2011 ). applies cleanly even if it's still a work in progress.
20:18.39 abhi2011 yipee :P
20:18.59 bhinesley abhi2011: looking good, I will probably use that to calculate my bb centers :)
20:19.08 abhi2011 nice :)
20:22.09 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46029 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: credit abhijit nandy with his code contributions to date, namely efforts to implement a librt routine that calculates bounding boxes for given geometry. (see sf patch 3390331 and 3376910)
20:22.38 brlcad abhi2011: so with that, you are now vetted with commit access -- don't break anything ;)
20:23.23 brlcad that also means, however, that you should commit the updates you have right away, though, and then continually commit to svn throughout the day while you work and make progress
20:23.50 brlcad that makes it a lot easier for other devs to track not only what you are doing, but how and why you arrive at various implementation decisions
20:24.11 abhi2011 brlcad: thanks, yes I will be careful :)
20:24.26 brlcad just do a good faith effort to make sure you don't break the build, follow the HACKING guidelines, and work with other devs if an issue comes up
20:24.40 brlcad abhi2011: and congrats ;)
20:24.57 abhi2011 :) haha
20:25.22 abhi2011 yah I ll finish the bb functions and test it before my next commit
20:25.44 abhi2011 i mean first commit
20:26.31 brlcad you're the only one working on that function right now, so if what you have *now* already compiles, you can go ahead and commit it
20:26.39 brlcad then test/fix, then recommit, etc
20:26.46 brlcad you cannot commit too frequently
20:26.51 abhi2011 ok
20:26.59 brlcad you can very easily commit too infrequently (and many do)
20:27.23 brlcad ftw: svn commit -m "blah blah" my_file.c &
20:27.33 brlcad backgrounds the commit with the log message so you can keep coding ;)
20:27.42 abhi2011 yes ok
20:27.50 abhi2011 been using tortoise svn :P
20:28.04 brlcad ah, okay
20:28.24 abhi2011 i mean before for other projects , while in windows
20:28.27 brlcad that's your perrogative, just don't let the tool slow down your interaction and commits :)
20:28.40 abhi2011 yep
20:28.58 abhi2011 i have a question regarding the primary data structures
20:29.06 abhi2011 used in brl-cad
20:29.39 abhi2011 so the tree that the rt_* functions manipulate, thats the main boolean tree used to represent the model
20:29.56 brlcad sure, you can look at it that way
20:29.56 abhi2011 I mean the union tree* structure
20:30.02 brlcad nods
20:30.52 brlcad note that those represent the tree for a combination (i.e., a combination represents a boolean recipe)
20:31.16 brlcad so primitives don't inherintly have a tree because they don't inherintly have a boolean recipe, they are leaf nodes
20:31.39 abhi2011 yes, so the root has the boolean operations being performed on the leaves, for each node , ok but if everthing is present in the tree leaves(which I understand can only be the primitives) then why is there a need to a slid table soltab
20:32.22 brlcad a need to what?
20:33.08 abhi2011 oops... i meant why is there a need for a solid table called struct soltab
20:33.34 abhi2011 it seems to hold extra information about solids in the model
20:33.56 abhi2011 but this could have been packed into the union tree nodes
20:34.24 starseeker brlcad: sure
20:35.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03bhinesley * r46030 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/get_solid_kp.c: Enable retrieval of reasonable default keypoints for the remaining primitive types (METABALL, BOT, ARS, NMG). Remove all FIXME's/unnecessary comments, and trim all line lengths.
20:37.32 brlcad abhi2011: struct soltab are basically unpacked rt_db_internal objects of primitives only
20:38.04 abhi2011 ok
20:38.07 brlcad part legacy part optimized expressiveness
20:38.26 brlcad soltab is basically a prep'd rt_db_internal
20:38.42 brlcad primitive
20:39.04 brlcad starseeker: sure it can go or sure it has value and needs to stay? :)
20:39.16 abhi2011 ok, and I read in some of the docs that an octree based space partitioning is done before rays are shot by rt
20:39.26 brlcad don't want to remove it if there's some residual value there .. but if it's dead in the water, might as well clean up
20:39.54 brlcad abhi2011: spatial partitioning is performed before rays are shot
20:40.05 abhi2011 ok
20:40.07 brlcad so that you only evaluate against primitives that are "near"
20:40.13 abhi2011 yes
20:40.34 brlcad yay, all logo finalists have responded .. time for the announcement
20:40.37 brlcad waddles
21:03.19 DarkCalf brlcad, have you seen Minecraft?
21:15.43 kunigami >.< svn: Commit failed (details follow):
21:15.43 kunigami svn: MERGE of '/svnroot/brlcad/osl/trunk': timed out waiting for server (
21:16.11 kunigami do you mind if I perform several small commits on boost parts?
21:19.14 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46031 10/osl/trunk/boost/: adding boost by parts
21:20.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46032 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/: adding boost by parts
21:23.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46033 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 8 dirs):
21:23.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: Start organizing a functab function specifically for bounding box calculation.
21:23.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: So far, have functions for ell, tor, tgc and rec pulled out from prep - arb8 is
21:23.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: implemented but the way arb prep works means we can't use it there. sph just
21:23.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: calls the ell routine.
21:24.13 starseeker brlcad: it can go
21:25.06 starseeker kunigami: sure - that has to be done sometimes
21:25.07 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46034 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/aligned_storage.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:25.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46035 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/array.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:25.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46036 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/asio.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:25.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46037 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/assert.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:25.50 kunigami ouch,
21:25.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46038 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/bind.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:25.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46039 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/call_traits.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:27.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46040 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/algorithm/ (43 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:29.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46041 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/archive/ (97 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:36.13 brlcad starseeker: awesome, adding the new functab!
21:36.38 brlcad fwiw, that makes librt binary incompatible unless you make the new functab entry be last
21:36.50 starseeker brlcad: starting it anyway - some of these aren't so simple (trying the figure out how the frack to get a list of all vertices in an nmg)
21:36.59 starseeker brlcad: ah, crap
21:37.20 brlcad not .g incompatible, incompat
21:37.24 starseeker I should move it then?
21:37.43 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46042 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/asio/ (310 files in 13 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:37.43 brlcad doesn't matter -- but if it stays as-is, minor should be bumped
21:38.01 starseeker grins evilly - oh good, then we'll do the deprications too
21:38.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46043 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/bind/ (14 files): adding boost by parts
21:38.28 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46044 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/cast.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:38.35 starseeker there has got to be some way to iterate over all vertices in a model for nmg...
21:38.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46045 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/cerrno.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:38.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46046 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/checked_delete.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:38.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46047 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/compressed_pair.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:39.22 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46048 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/concept/ (11 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:39.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46049 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/concept_archetype.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:39.44 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46050 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/concept_check.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:41.37 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46051 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/config/ (73 files in 6 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:41.49 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46052 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/config.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:41.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46053 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/cregex.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:42.08 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46054 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/cstdint.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:42.18 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46055 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/cstdlib.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:42.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46056 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/current_function.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:44.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46057 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/date_time/ (65 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:45.07 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46058 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/detail/ (33 files): adding boost by parts
21:45.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46059 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/dynamic_bitset/ (. config.hpp dynamic_bitset.hpp): adding boost by parts
21:45.39 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46060 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:45.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46061 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/dynamic_bitset_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:45.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46062 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:46.13 abhi2011 I have a question regarding commits, so suppose I have commited 2 or more files but I want to commit only a particular file as of now, can I do that
21:46.25 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46063 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/exception/ (16 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:46.29 abhi2011 *i mean suppose I have modified
21:46.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46064 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/exception_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:46.41 kunigami you can do: svn commit -m "message" name-of-the-file
21:46.51 starseeker sure - svn commit path/to/specific/file -m "message"
21:46.53 abhi2011 kunigami: thanks :)
21:46.54 starseeker er, yeah
21:47.00 abhi2011 yes
21:47.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46065 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/filesystem/ (24 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:47.30 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46066 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/filesystem.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:47.37 plaes brlcad doesn't support STEP ?
21:47.42 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46067 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/foreach.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:47.51 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46068 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/foreach_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:48.24 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46069 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/format/ (20 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:48.35 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46070 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/format.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:49.13 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46071 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/function/ (20 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:49.23 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46072 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/function.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:49.34 starseeker plaes: we're working on it - step-g
21:49.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46073 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/function_equal.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:49.49 plaes aha
21:50.01 starseeker kunigami: uh, you might want to try committing per dir, not per file...
21:50.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46074 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/functional/ (13 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:50.17 starseeker oh, nevermind I see
21:52.16 kunigami starseeker: I could have done a better job committing each dir's first and then all the single files in a single bundle :( sorry
21:52.29 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46075 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/fusion/ (111 files in 21 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:52.43 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46076 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/get_pointer.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:53.31 brlcad starseeker: there's nmg_visit()
21:53.54 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46077 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/graph/ (45 files in 7 dirs): adding boost by parts
21:53.58 brlcad otherwise, I believe it's always treated as a recursive structure so integrity is better preserved
21:54.13 starseeker nods - OK, let me try a trick...
21:54.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46078 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/implicit_cast.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:54.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46079 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/integer/ (. integer_mask.hpp static_log2.hpp): adding boost by parts
21:54.17 brlcad for all regions, for all shells, for all loops, for all edges, for all vertices, etc
21:54.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46080 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/integer.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:54.33 brlcad nmg_visit() has a vertex callback though, so that might be easiest
21:54.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46081 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/integer_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:54.37 starseeker (by the way - is there a way to clear a bu_ptbl without having to free memory?)
21:54.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46082 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/integer_traits.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:54.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46083 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:55.12 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46084 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/io/ (. detail/ detail/quoted_manip.hpp ios_state.hpp): adding boost by parts
21:55.23 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46085 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/io_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
21:55.28 brlcad starseeker: I believe so
21:55.33 brlcad bu.h ftw ;)
21:55.39 starseeker is looking
21:56.29 starseeker ah - bu_ptbl_zero perhaps...
21:56.39 starseeker nope there it is
21:56.41 starseeker bu_ptbl_reset
21:56.42 starseeker :-)
22:01.09 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46086 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/is_placeholder.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:01.51 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46087 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/iterator/ (17 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:02.08 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46088 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/iterator.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:02.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46089 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:02.38 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46090 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/lexical_cast.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:02.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46091 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/limits.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:02.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46092 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/make_shared.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:08.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46093 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/math/ (206 files in 7 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:08.50 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46094 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/mem_fn.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:08.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46095 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/memory_order.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:10.26 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46096 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/mpi/ (55 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:10.39 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46097 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/mpi.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:13.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46098 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (nmg/nmg.c table.c):
22:13.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: This appears to be a working bbox routine for nmg, but I need someone to review
22:13.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: it and make sure I haven't accidently swatted some other prep function during
22:13.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: this re-org. I can get a bbox and raytrace a facetized sphere.
22:31.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46099 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/mpl/ (902 files in 29 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:33.13 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46100 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/multi_index/ (54 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:33.24 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46101 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/multi_index_container.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:33.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46102 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/multi_index_container_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:33.46 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46103 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/next_prior.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:33.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46104 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/non_type.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:34.07 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46105 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/noncopyable.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:34.22 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46106 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/none.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:34.30 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46107 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/none_t.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:35.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46108 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/numeric/ (20 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:35.33 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46109 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/operators.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:35.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46110 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/optional/ (. optional.hpp optional_fwd.hpp): adding boost by parts
22:35.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46111 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/optional.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:36.27 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46112 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/parameter/ (17 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:36.49 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46113 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/pending/ (9 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:36.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46114 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/pointee.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:37.22 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46115 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/pool/ (12 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:41.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46116 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/preprocessor/ (183 files in 35 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:41.39 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46117 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/progress.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:41.58 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46118 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/property_map/ (9 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:46.44 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46119 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/python/ (208 files in 7 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:46.59 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46120 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/python.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:48.36 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46121 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/random/ (61 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:48.51 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46122 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/random.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:49.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46123 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/range/ (45 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:50.09 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46124 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/ref.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:51.47 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46125 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/regex/ (57 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:52.02 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46126 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/regex.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:52.12 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46128 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/regex_fwd.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:52.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46127 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (bot/bot.c bot/g_bot_include.c table.c): Add bbox routine for bots.
22:52.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46129 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/scoped_array.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:52.32 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46130 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/scoped_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:53.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46131 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/serialization/ (51 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:54.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46132 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/shared_array.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:54.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46133 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/shared_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
22:55.53 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46134 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/smart_ptr/ (50 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
22:56.08 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46135 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/smart_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:00.50 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46136 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/spirit/ (209 files in 36 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:01.10 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46137 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/static_assert.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:01.24 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46138 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/swap.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:01.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46139 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/system/ (. api_config.hpp config.hpp error_code.hpp system_error.hpp): adding boost by parts
23:04.48 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46140 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/test/ (126 files in 13 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:06.06 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46141 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/thread/ (47 files in 4 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:06.17 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46142 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/thread.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:06.30 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46143 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/throw_exception.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:06.43 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46144 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/timer.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:06.54 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46145 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/token_functions.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:07.05 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46146 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/token_iterator.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:07.15 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46147 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/tokenizer.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:07.30 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46148 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/tr1/ (. detail/ detail/config.hpp detail/config_all.hpp memory.hpp): adding boost by parts
23:07.46 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46149 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/tuple/ (6 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:07.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46150 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/type.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:10.43 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46151 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/type_traits/ (121 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:11.00 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46152 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/type_traits.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:11.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46153 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/typeof/ (29 files in 3 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:12.13 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46154 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/units/ (. detail/ detail/utility.hpp): adding boost by parts
23:12.43 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46155 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/unordered/ (16 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:12.52 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46156 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/unordered_map.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:13.03 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46157 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/unordered_set.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:13.34 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46158 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/utility/ (15 files in 2 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:13.45 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46159 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/utility.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:13.57 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46160 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/version.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:14.05 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011_ (
23:14.07 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46161 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/visit_each.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:16.11 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46162 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/wave/ (62 files in 5 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:16.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46163 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/wave.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:16.32 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46164 10/osl/trunk/boost/boost/weak_ptr.hpp: adding boost by parts
23:24.12 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46165 10/osl/trunk/boost/doc/ (. src/ src/minimal.css): adding boost by parts
23:32.14 brlcad starseeker: have you been hooking the new bbox funcs into prep?
23:32.21 starseeker brlcad: yeah
23:32.24 brlcad cool
23:32.25 starseeker where I can
23:51.21 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46166 10/osl/trunk/boost/libs/ (481 files in 118 dirs): adding boost by parts
23:52.56 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46167 10/osl/trunk/boost/tools/: adding boost by parts
23:53.42 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46168 10/osl/trunk/boost/tools/build/ (. boost.css index.html v2/): adding boost by parts
23:55.16 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03kunigami * r46169 10/osl/trunk/boost/tools/build/v2/ (21 files): adding boost by parts
23:58.51 ``Erik O.o svn has a builtin variant of .cvsignore? (the ringworld commit caught my eye)

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