IRC log for #brlcad on 20110820

00:01.07 bhinesley abhi2011: you can commit all your files at once if you want to, by using a `svn commit -m "msg"` from the parent directory of the files. Perhaps do a `svn status` to see what files would be included, and `svn diff` to confirm changes first.
00:02.04 bhinesley abhi2011: just a friendly fyi, in case you didn't know :)
00:02.23 abhi2011 bhinseley: thanks, yes, being a bit careful with my first commits :)
00:02.35 bhinesley understandable :)
00:05.56 abhi2011 bhinseley: so the gsoc coding phase is over ?
00:06.42 bhinesley abhi2011: well, the official stop date is on Monday. The recommended stop date has passed.
00:07.29 bhinesley I'm writing manuals for the last command I wrote
00:07.33 abhi2011 ok
00:08.29 abhi2011 so as I understand, you were migrating commands from mged to archer , those which were left
00:12.37 bhinesley That's correct. I migrated a few, and then I started on the oed-related commands. I suggested a complete redesign rather than simply migrating them. brlcad liked it, we expanded on it a bit more, and I've been working on it ever since.
00:13.46 abhi2011 cool :9
00:13.51 abhi2011 *:)
00:14.12 abhi2011 I mean :)
00:14.19 bhinesley hehe, I follow
00:14.28 abhi2011 german keyboards !
00:14.45 bhinesley weird layout of the keys?
00:14.59 abhi2011 yep : qwertz :P
00:33.56 abhi2011 ok so a question, I want to link to the Bullet static libraries and headers
00:34.51 abhi2011 bullet is installed in /usr/local/include/bullet and /usr/local/lib
00:35.22 abhi2011 so what are the changes I would need to make to the CMake build system to allow the proper compilation flags to be added
00:36.03 abhi2011 these flags must be added : -I/usr/local/include/bullet -L/usr/local/lib -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath
03:01.57 starseeker abhi2011: are you asking what to do to your local CMakeLists.txt file to build a BRL-CAD file that needs those libraries?
03:03.56 starseeker a "proper" way to do it would be to add a FindBULLET.cmake file, e.g.
03:04.09 starseeker then call find_package(BULLET)
03:05.11 starseeker hah - cool:
03:06.17 starseeker or actually, there's already a FindBullet.cmake included in CMake itself - better and better
03:06.26 starseeker abhi2011: so just do find_package(Bullet)
03:06.56 starseeker BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS will hold the include directory, and BULLET_LIBRARIES will hold the libs
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09:43.18 abhi2011 starseeker: yes i am asking what to do the local CMakeLists.txt file so I can build a BRL-CAD file that needs those libraries
10:22.18 abhi2011 ok its unable to find the headers still
10:23.01 abhi2011 i think the BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS will have to be added to BRLCAD_INCLUDE_FILE
10:23.18 abhi2011 or the brlcad include path
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11:45.08 starseeker abhi2011: in your CMakeLists.txt, include_directories(${BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS})
11:51.22 abhi2011 starseeker: ok, I am doing all the changes in the top level CMakeLists file, the one in the brlcad directory
11:51.36 abhi2011 in the stage 4 of 9 section , where the libs are detected
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12:12.25 abhi2011 hmm BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR is not found by cmake :
12:12.38 abhi2011 is it an environment variable ?
12:12.54 abhi2011 if so , then its not set, I can try setting it
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12:47.47 abhi2011 ok I put in the install folder manually : include_directories("/usr/local/include/bullet")
12:50.57 abhi2011 now the linker flags need to be inserted : -L/usr/local/lib -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath
16:38.33 abhi2011 hmm I can see the FindBullet.cmake file in /usr/share/cmake/modules, will try to point CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to it
16:43.41 abhi2011 ok, i copied FindBullet.cmake to brlcad/misc/CMake and it has found FindBullet.cmake, but now it complains that /home/abhi/socis/brlcad/misc/CMake/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake is missing
16:44.30 abhi2011 probaby I should add the CMake directory /usr/share/cmake/modules instead and let find all the *.cmake files there
16:52.03 abhi2011 I think I will need to SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${BRLCAD_CMAKE_DIR}; "/usr/share/cmake/modules"; ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") but that would not be portable
18:07.02 abhi2011 ok FIND_PACKAGE(Bullet) works to locate the include directories now, apparently bullet was installed in a non std location
18:08.07 abhi2011 linking still doesnt seem to be occurring however
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