IRC log for #brlcad on 20110828

09:01.02 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalfz (DC@
09:19.28 *** join/#brlcad plaes (
10:24.09 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
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10:45.33 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
13:45.10 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
13:46.37 abhi2011 is there a way to calculate a transformation matrix to convert between co-ordinate systems
13:47.17 abhi2011 bullet's co-ordinate system assumes the y axis as up, but is right handed, just like mged
13:48.09 abhi2011 so objects fall towards the xz plane when gravity is applied
13:48.45 abhi2011 the transformation matrix has to map the translations and rotations to mged's co-ordinate system correctly
13:57.08 abhi2011 i ll try a simple rotation about the x-axis
14:55.21 abhi2011 trying to reset some primtives to the origin before the simulation starts
14:55.47 abhi2011 apparently rt_matrix_transform() applies a translation/rotation to the existing transform
14:56.22 abhi2011 there does not seem to be a functions that can directly set the absolute world transform of a comb/primitive
15:29.17 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
17:19.42 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
17:29.05 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
18:28.00 brlcad abhi2011: perhaps there's a way to specify the coordinate system to bullet
18:29.37 brlcad otherwise, you can just apply the rotation before you feed values to bullet and the reverse when you read values and apply them back on geometry
18:32.40 abhi2011 brlcad: ok
18:33.57 abhi2011 about the bounding box function, I have been trying with combp = (struct rt_comb_internal *)ip->idb_ptr; and rt_bound_tree(combp->tree, tree_min, tree_max)
18:34.32 abhi2011 however rt_bound_tree() does not implement the OP_DB_LEAF case which causes the traversal of the tree to get stuck
18:35.50 abhi2011 so I was considering adding that case, but even if I rt_bound_tree() does get me to the leaf, it seems the leaf only had information about a primtive's name
18:36.22 abhi2011 not its shape information such as a pointer to its ft_bbox() method etc, or any geometry info
18:49.29 brlcad abhi2011: so it sounds like there's some disconnect, that you're not setting up something correctly
18:50.59 brlcad if I recall correctly, you had it working earlier, when you were mimicking what the bb command does (ala _ged_get_obj_bounds)
18:51.13 brlcad now you're basically saying that method doesn't work
18:51.22 brlcad but you had it working for combs, so what's changed?
18:55.53 brlcad IF ip is a comb (which you have to check), then you still have to call rt_gettree() to "load" the members of that comb and calculate the primitive bb's (and THEN you can call rt_bound_tree() to get the overall comb bb)
18:56.57 brlcad read src/libged/get_obj_bounds.c again -- it does what you're trying to do
18:57.12 brlcad it just starts with a char*name instead of an rt_db_internal
18:58.39 brlcad when your function is done and working, it should drop right into _ged_get_obj_bounds() and _ged_get_obj_bounds2()
18:58.58 brlcad (or better still, into the callers of those functions so they can be eliminated)
19:30.08 abhi2011 brlcad: yes I just found that out, that I need to call rt_gettree() for combs, otherwise the members are not loaded
19:30.24 abhi2011 well now I ll get it working
19:35.28 abhi2011 ok I got the reason why I had said rt_bound_tree() was working before
19:36.15 abhi2011 it was with a standalone program which obtained a struct rt_i *rtip directly from the the database file , using rtip = rt_dirbuild(argv[1], title, sizeof(title));
19:36.54 abhi2011 this trip does have the primtives and can be safely passed to rt_gettree(rtip, argv[2]), to load all the primtives for a combination
19:37.19 abhi2011 but in the bb box function, I create an in-mem rtip
19:37.40 abhi2011 which does not know anything about the primitives
19:37.59 abhi2011 as it was not made from the original file
19:39.09 abhi2011 so calling rt_gettree() as follows : ( when I am trying to find the bb for a comb of course), would lead to the members of that comb still not getting loaded
19:40.52 abhi2011 if (rt_gettree(rtip, "dummy") < 0){...
19:42.36 abhi2011 the only thing thats changed is the rtip between the 2 cases (the one where I build rtip using rt_dirbuild() and the bb function case which uses an in-mem rtip )
19:46.44 abhi2011 brlcad: thats why the original rtip that was made from the database file would be needed to get to the primtives, because rt_gettree() needs to get the original rtip
20:14.34 brlcad I'm not sure much of that made sense to me :)
20:16.05 brlcad recounting what you did to me isn't necessary, I know what you did :) it was a question to ask yourself to hopefully help you figure out what you now need to do to get things working
20:18.14 abhi2011 yes ok :) , I am certain now that the original dbip needs to be passed and I ll get the bb using it and wrap up the function
20:18.29 abhi2011 perhaps in the near future i ll be able to remove it
20:19.02 brlcad if it's a comb, your job is really easy
20:19.58 brlcad the only real work remaining is/was supposed to be figuring out how to calculate the bb for a primitive
20:20.14 brlcad you had *A* solution, just not the ideal solution
20:20.55 brlcad so you could go with what you had (using the inmem) ... or figure out how to build an rt_comb_internal by hand with just that one primitive
20:22.31 brlcad I'd suggest getting it to work for both comb and prims using the two methods you already know work, then trying to build the rt_comb_internal as a replacement method for prims
20:22.56 brlcad that way, the code will be at least functional and can be tested for any object type
20:43.09 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
21:02.24 abhi2011 brlcad: yes, I will be building a rt_comb_internal for finding the bb of both prims and combs
21:03.46 abhi2011 the only other thing I will be doing is adding an extra paramter to rt_bound_internal()
21:04.42 abhi2011 will make it like : rt_i rt_bound_internal(struct rt_i *rtip, struct rt_db_internal *ip, point_t rpp_min, point_t rpp_max)
21:05.06 brlcad why? you shouldn't need to do that
21:05.14 abhi2011 ah ha...:)
21:05.20 abhi2011 so that is because
21:05.39 abhi2011 the rtip that I pass to rt_gettree() should be the original rtip
21:05.53 abhi2011 not one created from an in-mem dbip
21:07.19 brlcad it feels like we're talking in circles :)
21:07.53 abhi2011 the in-mem dbip has no geometry information about the primtives in the model, and consequently neither does the struct rt_i* made from it
21:08.25 abhi2011 well, yeah I know it feels that way, and its my fault really
21:09.09 abhi2011 the rt_bound_tree(combp->tree, tree_min, tree_max) method never worked before actually
21:09.13 brlcad sure, that you found out last week -- you'd have to add all of the comb's members (that's why you were researching db_functree())
21:09.22 abhi2011 yes exactly
21:09.35 abhi2011 and db_functree() runs against the same problem see
21:09.45 abhi2011 its unable to add the primtives
21:10.03 brlcad because?
21:10.04 abhi2011 because it uses db_lookup() on the in-mem db_i
21:10.24 abhi2011 the one I create and pass to it inside the rt_bound_internal() function
21:10.24 brlcad you don't run functree on the inmem
21:11.11 brlcad youd run functree on the original dbi to add them to the inmem
21:11.11 abhi2011 yes, I should run it on the original struct db_i
21:11.31 abhi2011 yes, but the original db_i is not passed
21:11.34 abhi2011 to the function
21:11.43 abhi2011 so I would need to pass it
21:12.30 brlcad that would be better than passing an rtip, but still seems unnecessary..
21:12.39 abhi2011 yes, umm why
21:12.51 abhi2011 there is no other way to add the primitives
21:13.14 abhi2011 other than picking them form the original struct db_i and putting them in the in-mem struct db_i
21:16.27 brlcad the why would be because the rt_comb_internal should already have a union tree * filled out
21:16.46 brlcad the inmem one you were trying didn't, but that's obvious why .. you only added the comb
21:18.25 brlcad the caller will be passing you an rt_db_internal that should be filled out, that tree should be passable to rt_bound_tree() as-is .. no?
21:18.42 brlcad if it's not, it sounds like a problem in the caller code
21:19.24 brlcad (like not calling dirbuild or gettrees or something .. don't think it matters which)
21:19.24 abhi2011 yes it should be passable to rt_bound_tree(), however the structure of the tree is wrong
21:20.09 abhi2011 the tree leads to the primtive node , but that node has just the primtive name
21:20.49 abhi2011 it does not have any geometry information and the tr_op is not OP_SOLID
21:20.55 abhi2011 its OP_DB_LEAF
21:20.59 abhi2011 which is not correct
21:21.18 brlcad so why is that, sounds like something not getting set up right
21:21.30 abhi2011 yes so let me explain :)
21:21.39 brlcad like I said -- "it sounds like a problem in the caller code"
21:22.21 abhi2011 hmm yeah
21:22.33 abhi2011 the rt_db_internal() should have a complete tree
21:23.56 abhi2011 but the caller code is very straight forward :
21:24.36 brlcad rt_bound_tree() is clearly used by src/libged/bb.c (via get_obj_bounds.c()) so if they can do the setup, you should be able to too (even if it requires the caller to do something first)
21:25.23 abhi2011 ok
21:25.28 brlcad so if that caller code isn't working right, there's something else you need to have it do
21:26.35 brlcad maybe see what rt_gettree() does since that's what get_obj_bounds.c calls before calling librt
21:26.45 abhi2011 ah!
21:26.46 brlcad you may need to do some subportion of what it's doing
21:27.00 abhi2011 so its called before
21:27.11 abhi2011 yes I ll check it
21:27.13 brlcad there's no point in calling rt_gettree in the caller code because you don't have an rtip
21:27.33 brlcad but maybe there is some other rt function that sets up and initializes the rt_comb_internal properly
21:27.40 brlcad very likely :)
21:27.44 abhi2011 ok
21:28.00 brlcad something related to loading a union tree *
21:29.48 abhi2011 yeah the first thing get_obj_bounds() does it /* Make a new rt_i instance from the existing db_i sructure */ and finally calls rt_gettree() on it
21:31.05 abhi2011 which I could do in my caller code too :P, but lets see if there some other way
21:34.47 brlcad yeah, if the caller had to do all of that, it would defeat the simplicity we're going for
21:35.13 brlcad if you find out that you have to add a dbip parameter, that's fine -- but you should make sure first
21:37.25 abhi2011 well yes, there is no way to intialize the tree of an rt_comb_internal() for a regions without doing walk on the database instance tree using the original db_i
21:38.09 brlcad how do you know that?
21:39.14 abhi2011 because only the original db_i would have the information about the geometry of the primitives
21:40.02 abhi2011 and that db_i would need to be used to look up any primitive names that we encounter while traversing the tree for a comb
21:40.21 brlcad right, okay -- I misread what you were saying
21:40.50 brlcad the question is whether there is already a routine or simple method that will initialize it for you
21:41.02 brlcad other than rt_gettree()
21:46.16 brlcad if something doesn't exist, that actually might be a good case for adding a function that creates a non op_db_leaf union tree suitable for your function (which calling code would then be required to call beforehand)
21:47.31 brlcad basically something like rt_gettree() but specifically for combs, like maybe a new rt_comb_tree() function
21:48.15 abhi2011 ok
21:48.58 abhi2011 i did come across
21:48.59 abhi2011 db_comb_describe
21:49.07 abhi2011 and rt_comb_describe()
21:52.32 abhi2011 ok yeah, adding a function that creates a non op_db_leaf union tree would still require passing the original db_i to it, so all the geometry info about the model is available
21:53.00 brlcad yes, something like: union tree *rt_comb_tree(const struct db_i *dbip, const struct rt_db_internal *ip)
21:55.41 abhi2011 ok
21:55.45 brlcad I hate to say it, because that's probably the way to go, but I think we're getting out of scope
21:55.51 brlcad a bit at least
21:56.27 brlcad figuring out how to implement that function properly would probably take a few days at best, a couple weeks at worst
21:56.33 abhi2011 yeah I dont see any other function in raytrace.h that could make a rt_comb_internal
21:57.10 brlcad plus figuring out the important parts from rt_gettree() is probably a little bit out of depth
21:57.26 brlcad that's relatively complex code so it'd be a challenge
21:57.44 abhi2011 yah that would really go deep into 3D geometry I think :P
21:57.59 brlcad not really
21:58.06 brlcad it gets deep into librt structures is all
21:58.13 abhi2011 ok
21:58.15 brlcad at lot of recursion and complex data structures
21:58.41 brlcad doable, but not immediately relevant for the goals of this project
21:59.07 brlcad so pass the dbip, but add a FIXME note to the comment header with the details we've talked about
21:59.31 abhi2011 ok
21:59.34 brlcad stating the need for something like rt_comb_tree to get a portion of the rt_gettree() initialization
21:59.54 abhi2011 right

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