IRC log for #brlcad on 20110903

01:44.48 brlcad yeah, the two should be decoupled, but even at a low framerate, that penetration shouldn't happen -- implies something is amiss
01:44.55 brlcad still, that is fantastic
01:45.17 brlcad haven't seen a proper brl-cad animation since the old joint days, probably 8 years ago
03:59.59 *** part/#brlcad n_reed (
04:28.20 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (~kunigami@
05:42.02 abhi2011 Thanks everyone :)
05:42.45 abhi2011 brlcad: Yes the view seems to change to accomodate all objects with the 1024 by 1024 image size
05:43.03 abhi2011 I ll play around with the rtcheck parameters to see whats up
05:43.49 abhi2011 I mean rt
05:45.12 abhi2011 Yeah I think the penetration will no happen if I specify a plane as the ground plane
05:46.15 abhi2011 currently I make a box shape with the same parameters as a arb8 shape in mged (the command looks for a gp.s arb8 shape and uses its bb for the ground plane)
05:46.39 abhi2011 but yeah that cant be an excuse, penetration shouldnt happen either way
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12:58.13 brlcad abhi2011: the "what's up" is that a view isn't specified, so it just autosizes the view based on what is being drawn
12:58.50 brlcad the view merely needs to be specified (if you run "saveview" within mged, you'll get a view script that you could re-use to render each frame consistently)
12:59.02 abhi2011 oh ok, I ll try that
12:59.23 abhi2011 I have 1 more question
12:59.30 abhi2011 so I have been trying to draw a stack of cubes
12:59.34 abhi2011 upon each other
12:59.36 abhi2011 in mged
12:59.44 abhi2011 so I run a tcl loop
12:59.54 brlcad I suspect the penetration is because you're using AABBs
13:00.25 brlcad you're passing the aabb's to bullet as simple cubes .. bullet applies rotations to them which causes them to tumble
13:00.38 brlcad you correctly apply the tumble transformation to them
13:01.15 brlcad but don't feed bullet new aabbs (as they get bigger when the arb8 tumbles), so it's allowed to get too close to the surface
13:02.22 brlcad I suspect if you changed the arb8s to all spheres, it wouldn't penetrate (but then the spheres would bounce off each other before they actually touch)
13:02.36 brlcad at least until you get the custom collision handler implemented
13:02.37 abhi2011 yes, but bullet maintains it own aabbs too
13:02.55 abhi2011 thats how it eliminates a large number of objects in broadphase collison detection
13:02.55 brlcad so sounds like three things todo
13:03.54 brlcad 1) you need some means to update the bb to bullet each timestep if that's not happening already, not just reusing the original bb
13:05.13 brlcad 2) you'll need to register a custom collision detection callback for bullet to call, this will be a callback you write that shoots a simple small grid of rays
13:05.33 brlcad 3) render with a view set ;)
13:13.24 abhi2011 ok
13:13.48 abhi2011 yes, actually I dont set the aabb at all in bullet
13:14.08 abhi2011 I just make a box with the same dimensions as the aabb
13:14.29 abhi2011 I suspect bullet updates the aabb, but maybe not
13:15.11 abhi2011 so I was thinking about the sphere dropping on a plane scenario
13:15.35 abhi2011 what I would do now is create a cube aligned to the aabb of the sphere
13:15.39 abhi2011 and start the sim
13:16.08 abhi2011 when the cube touches the ground plane, then bullet would generate a bunch of contact points all along the bottom face of the aabb
13:16.27 abhi2011 however at this point I am arranging for a callback to my code
13:17.42 abhi2011 in this callback function, I ll use rtcheck or something similar to check the regions which overlap, which in this case would be a sphere region and a ground plane region
13:18.25 abhi2011 and I ll modify the contact point list to the 1 single point at the bottom of the sphere which actually makes contact from the region perspective
13:19.10 abhi2011 consequently the sphere region aabb may roll over as its contact points have been modified
13:19.32 abhi2011 note I am not talking about geometry here at all as discussed before
13:20.34 abhi2011 I am dealing simply with regions and their aabbs :)
13:21.14 abhi2011 all this is based on the fact that a tool does exist in brl-cad which can give me a list of contact points when 2 regions overlap in 3d space
13:37.40 brlcad so a tool exists, but I think you'll find it even easier to shoot the rays yourself (where you can easily control the resolution)
13:38.12 abhi2011 ok
13:39.18 brlcad as for the aabbs, that was my point -- you pass the aabb (which you feed to bullet as a box), bullet treats it as a box and begins to tumble and apply rotations
13:39.57 brlcad once you apply that rotation which came back from bullet, the bb needs to be recalculated and set AGAIN in bullet
13:40.22 brlcad if you do that, then there will be no object bounding box penetration
13:40.50 brlcad then you can write the collision detection callback that will more accurately report the contact points when bb's overlap
13:41.44 abhi2011 ok yeah I can do that for sure, it would require calculating the aabb every simulation tick but that should be ok
13:42.01 brlcad yeah, should be instantaneous until the objects get into the thousands
13:42.39 brlcad the collision detection callback is going to be what slows things down a little
13:43.18 brlcad but what I suggest is starting with the bare minimum, shooting two 3x3 grids of rays
13:44.22 abhi2011 ok, but 3 by 3 grid means, if the rays are far apart then they may miss many cubes
13:44.25 brlcad er, 3x3x3 grid of rays, a 3x3 for each axis, giving you 27 rays
13:44.35 abhi2011 ok
13:44.51 brlcad that's just a starting point to make sure things are working
13:44.55 abhi2011 ok
13:45.47 brlcad that number can EASILY be increased for better detection, but it will slow things down at a cubic rate
13:46.02 abhi2011 yes true
13:46.21 abhi2011 no point in resetting the contatc manifold multiple times in the same frame
13:48.06 abhi2011 though different rays would pass through the overlap region in different places, so new points would be generated by every ray within the overlap region
13:50.11 brlcad yes, and the points generated would be precise including the contact point and hit point normal
14:42.53 abhi2011 by the way I came across a strange issue while moving objects into position in mged
14:43.07 abhi2011 so I generally use rt_matrix_transform()
14:43.43 abhi2011 seems if i directly pass it a matrix in the opengl format (after transposing it as brlcad is row major while opengl is column major)
14:43.56 abhi2011 then the rotations are applied first and then the translation
14:44.10 abhi2011 so the object ends up in a wierd place
14:44.44 abhi2011 currently i translate to the origin , do the rotation and then translate again wrt orgin to get to the final position
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20:56.07 CIA-62 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r46563 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/control: Change building dependencies from make to cmake for debian sources
21:04.40 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)

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