IRC log for #brlcad on 20110911

02:11.00 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
02:14.06 starseeker yay, couches are in
02:49.35 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
02:49.44 yukonbob hello, #brlcad
03:48.05 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
03:56.02 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
03:56.11 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (~starseeke@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:16.46 *** join/#brlcad juan_man (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
11:09.55 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
12:27.39 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
13:12.11 kunigami hm, I'm getting the following error with mged after a clean build: (mac os)
13:20.16 CIA-133 BRL-CAD: 03Kunigami 07 * r3155 10/wiki/User:Kunigami: updated profile
13:22.14 CIA-133 BRL-CAD: 03Kunigami 07 * r3156 10/wiki/User:Kunigami: added more information
13:58.05 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
15:02.35 starseeker kunigami: can you get a gdb backtrace?
15:09.15 *** join/#brlcad piksi (
15:13.59 kunigami starseeker: seems a tcl/tk issue:
15:15.06 starseeker erum
15:15.23 starseeker apparently it doesn't like your freetype
15:15.31 starseeker iirc it was finding a freetype in opt?
15:15.46 starseeker do you have one in the "normal" system install for Mac?
15:18.12 kunigami starseeker: yup, I have one at /usr/X11/lib
15:18.37 starseeker if you could, edit your CMakeCache.txt file result pertaining to freetype to point to the one in /usr
15:19.01 starseeker FREETYPE_LIBRARY in particular
15:19.04 ``Erik if linking gets both /opt/local and /usr/X11, there might be symbol issues between the two
15:19.34 starseeker had to jump through hoops for X11 and OpenGL, looks like freetype needs to get added to the mix
15:19.43 starseeker yargh
15:19.44 ``Erik starseeker needs to figure out how to convince cmake to ONLY use /opt/local if those exists O.o :)
15:20.05 starseeker kunigami: then just run "make" again - cmake will rerun itself
15:20.16 starseeker <snort>
15:20.31 starseeker usually go for the system versions
15:21.08 ``Erik personally, I'd favor the macports or fink variants... they tend to be a lot more recent and less ... 'adjusted'
15:21.42 starseeker if I REALLY wanted to get fancy I could try detecting macports/fink installations and then making a sort of global "Use System/MacPorts/Fink" versions of things
15:22.09 ``Erik I think the auto* stuff had exactly that
15:23.11 starseeker what's a good way to reliably detect macports and/or fink?
15:23.28 ``Erik aaaanyways, it's sunday morning, I spent yesterday dragging my sick arse around the rennfest, and I believe my sick arse is going to the botanical gardens O.o
15:23.38 starseeker uh oh
15:23.48 ``Erik um, I believe both have a program called "port"
15:24.02 ``Erik a tcl variant of the fbsd ports or gentoo portage
15:24.10 ``Erik yes, it really is that sick.
15:24.53 starseeker kunigami: you're using macports you said?
15:25.02 kunigami starseeker: yup
15:25.09 starseeker ``Erik: hey, gentoo is copying freebsd more or less :-P
15:25.44 ``Erik quite aware, I believe my first port commit to fbsd was 2001... :)
15:25.47 starseeker kunigami: is the "port" command in your normal system path?
15:26.05 ``Erik no, it's in the macports dir
15:26.11 kunigami starseeker: yes
15:26.23 ``Erik macports will attempt to adjust your $PATH in your .bashrc for you
15:26.30 starseeker ``Erik: so to freebsd folk gentoo is like some sick distorition from a horror movie in the mirror? :-P
15:26.53 starseeker kunigami: does your ports command tell you if it's a macports or fink port?
15:26.59 ``Erik more like a little kid jumping up and down and saying "me too!"
15:27.06 starseeker (e.g. port -v or port --some-option?)
15:27.28 ``Erik $port -v
15:27.33 ``Erik MacPorts 2.0.99
15:27.37 kunigami starseeker: it tells me "MacPorts 2.0.1"
15:27.39 starseeker awesome
15:27.57 starseeker does it happen to tell you where macports is installed?
15:28.07 starseeker or is the path to the port binary a reliable indicator?
15:28.48 ``Erik fink uses /sw/, macports uses /opt/local
15:29.04 starseeker consistently?
15:29.11 starseeker or can users change the install local?
15:29.15 ``Erik glenns did something stupid and work macs use /usr/local/macports or something stupid like that
15:30.05 starseeker nods - so I'd like to key off the location of port if possible
15:30.15 starseeker and then use port -v to identify fink vs macports
15:30.22 ``Erik 99.99% of users will be either /sw for fink or /opt/local for macports
15:30.40 starseeker so /sw/bin/port for fink?
15:31.05 kunigami starseeker: my ports seems to be in /opt/local too. don't know how to get this information from port itseilf
15:31.21 ``Erik I think, it's been a bazillion years since I've used fink
15:31.22 starseeker is assuming some folks will have both fink and macports at the same time, so will have to sort that out (when possible)
15:31.37 ``Erik man 3 read
15:31.40 starseeker kunigami: as long as port is located in /opt/local/bin we should be good
15:31.44 ``Erik er, wait, 1? hrm
15:32.00 ``Erik there's a bash read command, might be usefull... "I cn't guess, tell me"
15:32.46 starseeker find_program(PORT_BIN port) should do the trick and give me the full path to port
15:33.07 starseeker then I'll run port -v (hopefully the fink version supports that too) and snarf macports or fink out of the result
15:33.39 starseeker then do a little path surgery and either enforce or ignore searching in sw or opt/local or whatever (that'll be the trickest bit, probably)
15:34.13 starseeker then I can revert a lot of the changes I made to the FindX11 and FindGL cmake scripts, which would be a Good Thing
15:35.24 ``Erik later tonight, I'll look at my ancient g3 ibook and see if it's fink only and how to detect that... otherwise, everything I have is all mac ports, srry
15:35.35 starseeker no biggie
15:35.59 ``Erik a dmg with a self contained .app is what most mac users will expect *shrug*
15:36.22 starseeker I just have to figure out how to exclusivly search for stuff only system or first macports then sytem (ignoring fink if there) or first fink then system (ignoring macports if there)
15:36.26 starseeker blegh
15:36.51 starseeker nods - but for people doing devel on Mac, the fink and macports installs are a Common Problem
15:37.03 starseeker which means we really should handle it Right if it can be handled Right
15:38.30 starseeker kunigami: you might end up having to play guinea pig to test some detection logic - I don't have a macports mac handy ;-)
15:38.49 starseeker probably won't be today though
15:38.54 starseeker more house stuff to do
15:39.04 kunigami no problem :)
15:39.25 starseeker kunigami: in the meantime, does setting the freetype to your system version work?
15:39.59 kunigami starseeker: nope :( I just edited the path for libfontconfig and I'm compiling again
15:41.11 starseeker absolute worst case we may have to look at what the TEA tcl/tk build is doing for that system - it's always possible the CMake logic missed a trick
15:41.58 starseeker (the autotools build just got fixed thanks mostly to ``Erik and brlcad, so it should be viable to try that as well to see if it works)
15:46.06 kunigami starseeker: changing both libfontconfig and libfreetype paths did the trick. Thanks!
16:22.53 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
16:26.31 kunigami Is there any simple scene where I can apply osl shaders? (besides cornell). All files I'm opening have tons of regions :(
17:07.28 *** join/#brlcad kunigami (~kunigami@
17:18.55 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
18:31.06 ``Erik mossworld.g ?
22:45.52 *** join/#brlcad packrat (

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