IRC log for #brlcad on 20110929

00:50.03 starseeker brlcad: yow, there's a lot of perl code for the docbook stuff
00:50.24 starseeker do we go with that or did you want it translated into CMake+xml?
00:51.48 starseeker wonders how much of this generation of pages can be done using templates and configure_file...
00:54.00 starseeker sets up the autotools build to see what is being done...
00:55.01 starseeker prefers not to rely on perl if we don't have to... don't think there's anywhere else we need it...
00:57.58 starseeker brlcad:
01:00.10 starseeker no dice :-/
02:22.33 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
03:15.23 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46978 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ allow for both xml and fo suffixes to be recognized for generation to work
03:16.26 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46979 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ correct font data to cover font substitution warnings
03:18.38 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46980 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ add targets for testing book covers\nexectute create-book-covers for bot fo and pdf due to files changes with color changes for each volume
04:01.13 brlcad starseeker: installing perl on windows wouldn't be an unreasonable requisite if we want to make building the pdfs on windows possible
04:01.21 brlcad so it's really about converting the logic into cmake terms
04:02.48 brlcad if perl isn't detected, it doesn't try
04:02.52 brlcad just like fop
04:06.07 brlcad starseeker: as for the find_library reply, he sets it up for you right there at the end... "job is to find library files"
04:36.45 brlcad starseeker: sent you what I'd reply, not that you have to use it.. but his response was a particularly heavy stuffed straw-man
04:37.17 starseeker was trying to figure out how to continue the discussion without pissing him off
04:37.46 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
04:38.02 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
04:38.05 brlcad he's intentionally trolling for some reason (or is just a bit of a jerk)
04:38.38 brlcad reminds me of one of the bz devs, hyperbole overload
04:41.24 brlcad left to implement tools like 'ls', you'd not actually get a current listing of files because, well, you can't actually detect if the disk drive failed or if the filesystem is corrupted, so it's better if it just returns the listing that was there at boot-up
04:44.05 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_desk (
04:52.42 starseeker brlcad: he mentioned /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ on ubuntu is a linker script - would that be all <128 characters?
04:56.40 brlcad starseeker: yep that would be, though that's actually one of the points I'm claiming -- that's not a library, it's a gnu linker script
04:57.18 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
04:57.19 brlcad basically a gnu-ld-specific symbolic link of sorts
04:58.11 brlcad it's not a libtool archive .. they actually gang up and use the same filename/suffix pattern -- ld reads the file and recognizes it as an ld script
04:58.19 brlcad f'd up
04:58.29 ``Erik that's... very.... linuxy.
04:58.43 ``Erik sorry, gnu/linuxy
04:59.41 brlcad "special" is the word
04:59.53 brlcad needs-a-helmet "special"
05:00.20 ``Erik meh, synonymous O:-)
05:00.44 brlcad starseeker: that gets back to the original point that the only real way to tell it to try and link it
05:01.17 brlcad if you're cross-compiling, you just don't halt/fail/test/whatever .. though presumably I have a cross-compiler and cross-compilation libs somewhere that will work!
05:02.37 ``Erik that'd be an interesting experiment... install a cross compiler from /usr/ports/, try to build BRL-CAD, then try to run it in an emulator for that platform O.o
05:06.38 starseeker has never tangled with cross-compilation - scary sounding stuff from the early days of bootstrapping computers is where I know the phrase from
05:08.17 ``Erik I used to do it on linux to target win32, and have fairly recently done it to generate an arm fbsd tftp/nfsboot
05:09.41 ``Erik as far as the compiler, it's no big deal, just CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-mingw32 make... figuring out how to set all the right config options and flags can expose a lot in an automatic configuration system, though :)
05:20.16 starseeker once more unto the breach dear friends...
05:48.27 brlcad thinks the glorified fnmatch() comparison was warranted, but not too shabby
05:48.54 brlcad left yourself open to attack in a few places, but the point was in there
06:19.34 starseeker is a rather straightforward sort, not too good at this sort of manuvering
06:45.42 brlcad not that straighforward .. very wordy reply :)
06:47.27 brlcad my tort respones were direct, you're timidly beating around the bush trying to be polite while skirting around your point before getting to it
06:47.38 brlcad at least that's my take, it's still good
06:49.30 brlcad I just suspect he'll nit pick something minor, hemhaw on some irrelevant detail, and ignore your points (like how he basically ignored your earlier reference to AC_CHECK_LIB)
06:52.42 kanzure hi brlcad
06:52.49 kanzure thanks for the scl/step update
07:39.13 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
08:08.45 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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10:14.23 *** part/#brlcad kunigami_ (~kunigami@
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12:19.30 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46981 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/README: added scribus as a program for DB authors for converting eps to svg format
12:22.12 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46982 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/README.DB_authors_notes: add info on pdf graphics and eps conversions
12:29.52 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46983 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ trimmed some fat; added missing tools to dist list
12:49.20 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
13:36.32 brlcad kanzure: no problem
13:41.21 starseeker yawns
13:42.46 brlcad yawns
13:49.15 starseeker
13:49.23 starseeker even better,
13:52.58 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
14:04.39 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r46984 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt:
14:04.39 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: the current setting of compiler flags does not work for the MSVC compiler, it results in a broken build
14:04.39 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: (The CMake standard for MSVC is linking with the C-runtime-DLL, which is OK. The ridiculous gcc flags force MSVC to use its own standards: Linking every DLL statically with a separate C-runtime.)
14:05.18 starseeker d_rossberg: hmm. I just built with MSVC a day or two ago...
14:05.49 starseeker you mean MSVC is mis-interperting a gcc flag?
14:07.10 d_rossberg i'm afraid it misinterprets every gcc flag (see the compiler warnings)
14:08.20 d_rossberg the gcc flags will only be set for the choosen build type
14:09.25 d_rossberg i.e. if you have choosen release for CMake but compiling Debug with your Visual Studio the build could work
14:10.20 starseeker winces
14:10.20 d_rossberg but otherwise asc2g will crash many time during the build
14:11.13 starseeker that business of allowing MSVC and/or XCode to have multiple configs is a real pain
14:11.15 d_rossberg btw: i couldn't find a way to build libitcl.dll
14:11.48 starseeker you mean it crashes?
14:11.52 d_rossberg the CMake defaults are doing a good job for MSVC
14:12.29 d_rossberg there are undefined symbols in itcl
14:12.55 starseeker brlcad: what's your take - should we let the MSVC defaults ride?
14:13.20 starseeker d_rossberg: can you post a build log for itcl? (also, which Visual Studio? I recently built with 10...)
14:23.16 d_rossberg do you mean something like this:
14:24.35 d_rossberg MSVC 2008 (German :)
14:25.28 starseeker that looks right...
14:30.22 d_rossberg all i did was making a svn checkout and choosing an "aBuild" subdirectory as cmake working directory
14:30.51 starseeker what library implements sprintf in MSVC2008?
14:31.20 starseeker that looks like we need another MSVC library in the linker line, but I'm not sure which one
14:33.36 starseeker this might pertain to one of those linker errors...
14:35.15 d_rossberg sprintf is part of the c-runtime library
14:35.31 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
14:35.38 starseeker what do we feed to the linker list to get the c-runtime?
14:41.31 starseeker is there a /GS or /Gs flag in the build somewhere?
14:42.09 d_rossberg i think saying /MD or /MDd does it, /NODEFAULTLIB would remove all defaults (in this case one had to set the libraries all by hand)
14:43.53 starseeker d_rossberg: go ahead and add what you need - I'll try it on 2010 later
14:53.08 d_rossberg 1st: it looks like its a problem with the debug configuration, release is ok (at least at the moment)
14:53.41 brlcad starseeker: they're obsessing over symbolic links, but that's still ignoring the elephant in the room to me -- just looking at the file name makes it a glorified fnmatch() wrapper
14:54.34 d_rossberg then i could compile and link the debug too by changing the c-runtime to debug-dll in the compiler settings
14:55.01 d_rossberg it looks like the is somewhere a /MD instead of /MDd ...
15:03.09 brlcad how are gcc flags getting added to the msvc build? a simple compile test should ensure that they're detected as non-functional
15:03.20 brlcad if they're not, sounds like the compile test is flawed
15:03.25 starseeker hah, cool:
15:04.24 starseeker brlcad: if I understood him correctly, it's when you tell CMake one thing for build configuration and then do the other thing in MSVC
15:04.42 starseeker XCode probably has similar issues
15:04.58 brlcad how would that result in it thinking that -pipe is a valid flag?
15:05.34 starseeker d_rossberg: what were the specific errors you were seeing? (and what compile flags were getting passed in?)
15:05.59 brlcad there should have been a -pipe test (which fails), and both debug and release configs would use $PIPE_FLAG or whatever so it'd never get added
15:06.30 starseeker I don't know if it was pipe specifically
15:06.39 brlcad his error log lists a -pipe
15:07.03 brlcad if pipe got through, they all would probably get through
15:07.13 starseeker d_rossberg: do you happen to have your CMake log handy?
15:08.52 starseeker that's the itcl build, it's probably a lot dumber than our mail BRL-CAD build
15:09.44 starseeker main even
15:10.27 starseeker did he post a build log for the original gcc compile failure?
15:10.45 brlcad not that I saw
15:10.51 starseeker that'd be the one we need
15:11.38 brlcad or examine the build log on our end with that action, cmake as debug, change to release in studio, compile
15:11.44 d_rossberg unknown compile flags are ignored (what you can see in the log)
15:12.07 starseeker ignored and the compile succeeds? (crud)
15:13.00 d_rossberg the problem arise when you replace the reasonable cmake defaults by garbage
15:13.32 d_rossberg then you have the msvc defaults, which are not optimal bor brl-cad
15:13.39 starseeker clang has that same issue - it'll cheerfully ignore unknown flags and succeed
15:14.15 starseeker the cmake defaults shouldn't be getting replaced by garbage though
15:14.19 d_rossberg adding garbage is no problem, replacing the right settings is
15:14.44 starseeker if we need to add MSVC specific compiler tests to make sure the right MSVC settings are there, then we should do that in CompilerFlags.cmake
15:16.00 d_rossberg btw, i think i found the place to chage in the itcl configuration; there are similar settings in other tcl/tk libraries; need some time to test it out
15:16.15 starseeker cool, thanks
17:29.32 brlcad yay, search crashed
17:40.16 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46985 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/search.c: prevent search from crashing if we can't get a directory pointer to a specified path. encountered this with an object erroneously containing slashes in the name.
17:50.23 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46986 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ (db_anim.c db_tree.c prep.c tcl.c tree.c wdb.c): check other callers of DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR() to make sure we don't try to dereference a NULL pointer.
17:56.45 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r46987 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: don't use the file path as the toplevel object name. use its basename instead since the slashes cause hell.
18:10.13 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46988 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/README: add info on the saxon-he xslt 2.0 processor and news of the recent release of the DB xslt 2.0 stylesheets
18:49.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46989 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ current process for DB book covers does not allow parallel make processes so using special .NOTPARALLEL target; also requires having book pdf generation in one recipe from xml to fo to pdf
18:50.48 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r46990 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/README: reword; add release date of new DB stylesheets for XSLT 2.0
20:23.56 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011_ (
20:59.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r46991 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/comb/comb.c:
20:59.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: Gah. Older versions of BRL-CAD are hard-coded to look for oshader in the
20:59.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: attributes when importing combs. This makes the particular label oshader an
20:59.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: actual part of the .g file format itself, and NOT writing it out was breaking
20:59.02 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: import of shaders when a .g file is created in a new version of BRL-CAD and
20:59.03 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: subsequently opened in an older version. Need to check what other hard-coded
20:59.04 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: assumptions got accidently messed with.
22:17.08 *** part/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
22:26.44 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r46992 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/images/component_select.png: Update component_select image.

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