IRC log for #brlcad on 20111019

01:23.21 *** join/#brlcad Otto_ (
01:26.38 *** part/#brlcad Otto_ (
02:16.29 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47299 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( src/other/ turn off our libpng subbuild entirely by default, even for enable-all, just so we're closer to a clean autotool distcheck for release
02:40.07 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47300 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ typo, should be
07:26.20 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
12:09.45 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (
14:56.06 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47301 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ this looks like the last problem remaining with the autotools distcheck. there are two files being generated in resources/brlcad that do not belong in the dist that were causing a problem. have to itemize.
15:01.07 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47302 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ uncomment, was just for debugging
15:01.45 brlcad abhi2011: how's it going? been a while since checked in on progress
15:01.52 brlcad been watching the commits
15:03.26 abhi2011 well brl-cad I am just putting up some pictures in web log explaining my work so far :)
15:03.39 brlcad excellent :)
15:03.51 abhi2011 so basically I have inserted a custom algorithm for collision detection between 2 boxes
15:04.09 abhi2011 and this algorithm inserts manifold points
15:04.13 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r47303 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/bottess.c: fix bad comparison in 5 face split
15:04.24 abhi2011 generated by raytracing in the overlap region(aabb overlap region)
15:04.51 abhi2011 however when I do this I am not able to make a smaller box lie still on a thinner but bigger one
15:05.31 abhi2011 so I am trying to figure out why bullet is not keeping the smaller box stable, even though I insert manifold points exactly as bullet does
15:06.03 abhi2011 it involves investigating the dynamics part of bullet
15:06.18 abhi2011 which is not the easiest thing I have done so far :P
15:06.37 abhi2011 so I have posted the issue in the bullet forums
15:06.40 brlcad lie still?
15:06.45 abhi2011 yes
15:06.56 abhi2011 if a box is lying on a plane
15:07.04 abhi2011 it will stay as it is
15:07.21 abhi2011 that is what I meant by lying still...stationery
15:07.22 brlcad because the bb's don't overlap
15:07.44 abhi2011 well, actually they overlap very slightly
15:07.51 abhi2011 about 0.00001 m
15:07.53 brlcad k
15:08.06 abhi2011 thats allowed for smooth physics
15:08.15 brlcad so that creates a contact interface, presumably
15:08.16 abhi2011 some interpenetration is necesssary
15:08.34 abhi2011 yes correct
15:08.59 brlcad so can you explain the general algorithm to me? or is it written down somewhere?
15:09.08 brlcad given two arbitrary bb's
15:09.11 abhi2011 yes sure, its quite simple
15:09.12 abhi2011 yes
15:09.56 abhi2011 so given 2 bounding boxes I calculate where they overlap
15:10.06 abhi2011 that will also be a cuboidal volume
15:10.10 brlcad giving some smaller intersection box
15:10.20 brlcad smaller or equal, rather
15:10.55 abhi2011 yes thats right
15:11.25 abhi2011 the volume where the 2 aabbs intersect will of course be smaller than the 2 aabbs we are intersecting
15:11.34 abhi2011 or equal of they exactly overlap
15:11.43 abhi2011 *if they
15:11.47 brlcad nods
15:12.30 abhi2011 so there is a function called get_overlap() in simrt.c which does this
15:12.55 abhi2011 so once i have the overlap volume
15:13.07 abhi2011 then I shoot rays along the x axis
15:13.32 abhi2011 specifically from the minimum X towards the maximum X
15:13.47 abhi2011 so if the overlap box is from -1,-1,-1 to 1,1,1
15:13.58 abhi2011 then I shoot rays from -1 to 1 parallel to x axis
15:14.13 abhi2011 the rays will be perpendicular to the yz plane
15:14.17 brlcad that will likely be insufficient (but can be fixed later)
15:14.25 brlcad shooting down just one axis
15:14.37 abhi2011 yes I intend to shoot along the y and z too
15:14.53 abhi2011 but for the simple case that I am testing with
15:15.00 abhi2011 its sufficient
15:15.07 brlcad okay, though .. so you shoot a grid of rays (presumably with one_hit turned off?)
15:15.20 abhi2011 so Iyes
15:15.22 abhi2011 *yes
15:15.36 brlcad so then you have partitions
15:15.38 abhi2011 so the rays shoot though the overlap region
15:15.40 abhi2011 yes
15:15.41 brlcad segments
15:15.46 abhi2011 I have a overlap callback
15:15.59 abhi2011 which records the overlap partitions in a structure
15:16.29 abhi2011 and I later analyze them to see the maximum X, min X etc when the ray is passing through a overlap region
15:16.51 abhi2011 all goed so far :)
15:17.51 abhi2011 so the place where say a ray enters a overlap region is a single point in 3D space
15:17.59 abhi2011 so i make this one of the contact points
15:19.41 brlcad what does bullet want?
15:19.53 abhi2011 the contact points and the penetration depth
15:20.07 abhi2011 so if a body A is penetrating body B
15:20.08 brlcad do you just provide contact points, or points and vectors based on thickness of overlap?
15:20.13 brlcad or a surface?
15:20.40 abhi2011 I provide only the contact points for body B , the depth upto which body B has penetrated into body A and the normal from body B to A
15:20.44 abhi2011 so 3 things
15:21.00 abhi2011 so if we have a box lying on a ground plane
15:21.12 abhi2011 and say the box is body A and the ground is B
15:21.20 abhi2011 then A will slight penetrate B
15:22.15 abhi2011 then I generate contact points for B, which will be slightly inside it
15:22.25 abhi2011 the extent of penetration is the depth
15:22.44 abhi2011 and the normal will simple be 0,0,1 (positive Z axis)
15:23.02 brlcad abhi2011: hold up, gotta run out for a second .. very interesting, to be continued... :)
15:23.14 abhi2011 yeah sure, will get some pics up meanwhile :)
15:23.22 brlcad this is getting into meat and I'm sure I'll have more questions :)
15:23.33 abhi2011 hehe
15:30.30 abhi2011 right so since geometry is involves it will be easier to be on the same page (so to speak :P) :
15:52.58 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
15:58.13 *** part/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
16:00.19 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
16:39.19 abhi2011 more discussion here :
16:39.33 abhi2011 no replies however :(
17:07.29 brlcad abhi2011: your message was trimmed :)
17:07.52 abhi2011 in the forum ?
17:07.55 brlcad yeah
17:07.56 abhi2011 I am still updating it
17:08.08 abhi2011 too much text to put in
17:08.09 brlcad aha! i see
17:08.24 abhi2011 the basic thing i want to convey is
17:08.33 abhi2011 if i look at the bullet points
17:08.43 abhi2011 i see A penetrate B initially
17:08.53 abhi2011 but its gradually pushed out after iteration 12
17:09.00 abhi2011 and by 20 its quite stable
17:09.09 abhi2011 however for me it justs keeps on sinking
17:09.40 brlcad you mean some example that bullet provides?
17:09.42 abhi2011 so the constraint solver is not constraining the contact points , which would have held the box foxed in 3d space
17:10.04 abhi2011 no the example that I am discussing in that thread
17:10.06 brlcad or just allowing the regular collision detection to work
17:10.21 abhi2011 regular collision detection
17:10.32 brlcad you're discussing a LOT of points in that thread
17:10.45 abhi2011 if i allow regular collision detection to work then it holds the box stable on the plane
17:11.16 brlcad might be part why there's no response .. there are lots of questions and they all probably warrant a fair bit of discussion :)
17:11.37 brlcad you mean it's stable after 20 iterations
17:11.51 abhi2011 hmm yeah, yet I am focussing on 1 very simple case, just that there is a lot to it
17:12.07 abhi2011 injecting custom contact points takes some changes to the code
17:12.21 abhi2011 yes its stable after 20 iterations
17:12.32 abhi2011 using regular collision detection
17:13.02 abhi2011 however if I start to inject my own contact points, then its not stable , the box passes right through the plane
17:13.07 abhi2011 as gravity is acting
17:13.43 brlcad so there's something happening with the default collision detection that you're not doing
17:14.45 abhi2011 exactly
17:14.54 abhi2011 i have been seaching for that
17:15.14 abhi2011 the only interface is the addcontactpoints() function
17:16.32 brlcad have you looked at the code for the default?
17:16.46 brlcad or do they have an example that calls addcontactpoints()
17:17.18 abhi2011 yes they have code that calls addcontactpoints() in their default box-box collider
17:17.57 abhi2011 I dont see anything else being set, but its possible that some global member of derived member gets set in the 800 lines+ of code
17:18.05 abhi2011 *or derived
17:18.05 brlcad I'm thinking that you may have to not only provide the contact points and normals, but also invoke some callback to apply the forces
17:18.29 abhi2011 yes that will happen automatically after the points are put in
17:18.37 abhi2011 its all in 1 flow
17:18.48 abhi2011 i just inject the points at the right point in the flow
17:18.53 brlcad i'm saying maybe it's not automatic
17:19.09 brlcad unless you set something that says "do it automatically"
17:19.18 abhi2011 hmm, but the forces do act as otherwise the top box wouldnt move
17:19.19 brlcad that would explain it
17:19.33 brlcad there's still a global gravity force
17:19.44 abhi2011 yes
17:19.51 brlcad it's not applying the new force from the collision interaction
17:20.05 abhi2011 yep, its pretty certain I am not doing something like that
17:20.20 brlcad but then you've defined a cusom collision handler, so I could easily see them adding a callback or state value that lets you override/ignore/modify the force too
17:20.40 brlcad the *collision/interaction* force
17:20.49 brlcad force(s)
17:21.16 abhi2011 yes, the thing is there is no callbacks in the force-application part of the pipeline
17:21.40 abhi2011 only in the collision point generation part there is some callbacks and the possiblity to inject points
17:21.53 abhi2011 so I ll go ahead with gdb
17:22.16 abhi2011 and step through the force-application part and see whats happemning
17:22.18 brlcad doesn't have to be a callback, could just be a bullet function that gets called (recalculateForcesBasedOnNewContactPoints())
17:22.41 abhi2011 yes
17:22.46 brlcad or, like I said, some global environment set up that happens earlier
17:23.20 abhi2011 yes
17:23.49 abhi2011 but apart from that the algorithm is as shown in that google doc
17:24.36 abhi2011 the rays are shot and the entry points can be converted to contact points ...and some extra logic of course for the depth and normals(VCROSS the points)
17:25.31 brlcad nods (though I can't get to google docs until later)
17:25.58 abhi2011 ok, yeah its the same picture as the one on the thread, the white colored background
17:30.10 abhi2011 the last post summarizes it all
17:36.42 abhi2011 wish there was a irc for Bullet too :)
17:37.49 brlcad you mean like #bulletphysics?
17:38.37 abhi2011 hehe clicked on it and got hopeful for a second :P
17:38.52 brlcad hm?
17:39.21 abhi2011 #bulletphysics is not an actual channel , I hoped it was
17:39.31 brlcad it is
17:39.39 abhi2011 oh wait the question mark came
17:39.42 abhi2011 :P
17:39.46 abhi2011 i ll try again
17:39.57 brlcad just type /join #bulletphyics
17:40.01 abhi2011 ah
17:40.03 abhi2011 yes
17:40.05 abhi2011 am in
17:40.13 abhi2011 thanks :P
17:41.25 brlcad abhi2011: have you read ?
17:41.59 abhi2011 no not yet, will have a look
17:43.18 brlcad might not be related, but speaks some about contact pairs with a couple responses
17:43.42 abhi2011 hmm it seems to add points over multiple iterations, I however add them in 1 shot as every iteration is a cold start
17:43.58 abhi2011 that is from the beginning with world setup an everthing
17:44.27 brlcad you using a btGImpactMeshShape ?
17:44.34 abhi2011 no
17:44.36 abhi2011 only boxes
17:44.40 abhi2011 btBoxShape
17:44.45 brlcad k
17:45.24 abhi2011 for all BRL-CAD shapes (the actual shapes are of course resolved based on rt etc etc as dicussed before)
17:46.07 brlcad hm, implies there is a callback for adding contacts
17:46.19 brlcad so perhaps the default is simply "do nothing" when you override
17:46.35 brlcad or setCollisionFlags() needs some magic
17:48.09 brlcad interesting snippet that uses ray casting for collision detection (car demo)
17:48.09 brlcad
17:48.32 abhi2011 oh awesome
17:48.34 abhi2011 :)
17:52.30 brlcad calculateCombinedRestitution() looks somewhat important
17:53.09 brlcad along with the CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK collision flag
17:53.28 abhi2011 yes, I think those will be called anyway as those parts are unchanged
17:53.48 brlcad the example I was looking at called them directly
17:53.54 abhi2011 hmm will verify that though
17:54.00 abhi2011 yes
18:07.36 *** join/#brlcad piksi (
18:13.23 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47304 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/express/express.c: add token printing debug routine
18:17.18 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47305 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ DO need the catalogs to be listed as BUILT_SOURCES so that they're properly cleaned up for distclean. hopefully the last dist issue.
18:18.27 abhi2011 hmm I think I see a way out of this mess :p
18:18.56 abhi2011 so there are basically 2 approaches possible for supporting arbitrary shapes inside Bullet
18:19.53 brlcad yes?
18:19.57 abhi2011 1. The more 'low level' one , where , whenever a body touches another body , I let them penetrate a bit so I can detect the overlap using rays and generate contact points
18:20.29 abhi2011 these contact points are injected into the bullet physics pipeline and are kept fixed in space by the constraint solver
18:20.37 abhi2011 thus fixing the body they belong to, also in space
18:20.49 abhi2011 2. The more higher level approach
18:21.00 abhi2011 which the raycast vehicle appears to use
18:21.10 abhi2011 detect overlap using raycast as usual
18:21.18 abhi2011 however apply the force yourself
18:21.28 abhi2011 at the contact point
18:21.46 abhi2011 instead of hoping-against-hope that bullet will do it for you :P
18:22.02 abhi2011 which it wont :)
18:22.35 abhi2011 so I think this should work for convex shapes too and any arbitrary shape
18:23.29 abhi2011 except that the force at the contact point has to applied in the right direction : normal to the surface, and also on both bodies
18:23.42 abhi2011 but then there is the question of how much force to apply
18:24.29 abhi2011 that has to be calculated using restitution etc and then there is friction, so basically doing a lot of the stuff that bullet should do
18:26.16 abhi2011 hmm guess I ll take the second approach for now since it seems to offer some control over the restitution etc too
18:30.37 abhi2011 for calculating the magnitude of force to be applied at the point of contact, I would need to acceleration of the body in the previous frame
18:32.20 abhi2011 concave objects can have multiple overlap regions(eg wine goblet lying on its side on the floor), but that can be dealt with later
18:50.19 brlcad abhi2011: whichever path you plough down, handling the concave case is going to be critical
18:50.52 brlcad it won't be usable for anything except very simple demos if it only supports convex shapes
18:51.18 brlcad fun and neat, but not practical
18:57.10 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47306 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: rtcheck within mged seems to be working just fine
19:00.55 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47307 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: couldn't get red to crash with multiple/any blanks lines, so shoould be good to go for release. did notice that the mac input bug seems to be back, though.
19:03.56 ``Erik hm, tesla lost the libel case against top gear
19:04.03 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47308 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ define a creation rule for FOP_XML_CATALOG too since it's also a dep on all
19:28.29 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47309 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Accordian.tcl: This is an implementation in Itcl/Itk of an Accordian widget. Internally it uses ttk widgets.
19:29.25 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47310 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/CMakeLists.txt: Added an entry for Accordian.tcl
19:49.21 abhi2011 brlcad: yes i think concave objects will generally cause forces acting at various distances from the body's center leading to torques
19:49.39 abhi2011 if these torques cancel each other out, the body will be stable
19:51.06 abhi2011 like if we take the case of a marble dropping inside a cup
19:51.56 abhi2011 then the forces acting on the bottom points of the marble as it makes contact with the base of the cup will stop its fall
19:52.17 abhi2011 but contact with inside edges of the cup will cause it to roll about for some time
19:57.33 abhi2011 i have 1 question though
19:58.02 abhi2011 wlll the rays report the normals to the surfaces of objects
19:58.42 abhi2011 even if the rays themsleves are entering the targetted object at an angle to the surface
20:08.54 brlcad you can get the surface normals for all hit points
20:09.20 brlcad RT_GET_NORMAL() as well as other means
20:12.36 CIA-48 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47311 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Accordian.tcl: Added the togglePanel method to cadwidgets::Accordian
23:36.47 *** part/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)

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