IRC log for #brlcad on 20111109

01:16.58 starseeker woo hoo!
01:17.04 starseeker does happy dance
01:20.16 starseeker builds successfully too
02:20.43 starseeker Idea: Could we put a CMakeified Boost into our svn repo and use svn:external to pull that as part of a checkout? Then people using a system Boost could just do svn co --ignore-externals and not have to pull Boost at all
02:59.46 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
03:03.28 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
03:32.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:32.50 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.20.2 is posted (20110701) || BRL-CAD is participating in the ESA Summer of Code in Space!
03:57.07 abhi2011 yippeee!!!, the sphere - sphere case also works :), wasnt unitizing the direction vector while shooting rays !
03:58.05 abhi2011 just cant seem to get out of the newbie group :P with rt
04:01.43 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03abhi2011 * r47453 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/ (simrt.c simulate.c): Committing the code used to debug errors in generating manifolds using rt, in case I need to get back to it again quickly later.
04:10.04 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03abhi2011 * r47454 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/ (simrt.c simulate.c): Now the proper working code with all debugging stuff removed.
04:12.02 abhi2011
04:15.51 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3232 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
04:37.13 starseeker abhi2011: any chance of making a video with the spheres?
04:37.38 abhi2011 starseeker: yes I am working on that
04:37.43 starseeker sweet!
04:38.11 abhi2011 I need the spheres to overlap somewhat , to generate contact points and rt does some wierd colors when objects overlap
04:38.48 abhi2011 but it should be ok for small velocites
04:39.08 starseeker hmm. So it's not actually a "true" contact test but a "slightly intersecting" test?
04:39.27 abhi2011 yes thats right
04:39.50 abhi2011 because rt will create contact points based on the overlap area
04:40.06 abhi2011 or rather to put it better
04:40.42 abhi2011 I can create contact points using rt, only when they overlap
04:41.20 starseeker would it be possible to use the intersecting rays to "back up" just to the point where the longest intersecting ray becomes zero, and proceed again from there using the information?
04:41.22 abhi2011 as the rays report overlap regions
04:42.30 abhi2011 by becoming zero you mean, there is no overlap region reported for the longest overlapping ray ?
04:42.39 starseeker something like that
04:42.44 abhi2011 *longest ray
04:42.46 abhi2011 ok
04:42.50 starseeker just a thought
04:42.56 abhi2011 yes I think it should be possible
04:43.14 starseeker basically the idea would be to not have to solid things "merge slightly" when interacting...
04:43.26 abhi2011 yes, I was also thinking that if 2 objects are very close to each other
04:43.27 starseeker but I don't know if that's compatible with the approach - just a random thought
04:43.35 abhi2011 then the air gap will be very small too
04:43.46 abhi2011 so if I shoot rays in their overlap region
04:43.57 abhi2011 and check for the smallest air gap
04:44.18 abhi2011 then at a certain points ...say 0.04 mm, I could generate the points
04:44.44 abhi2011 then the objects have not yet physically intersected as there is still small air gap between them
04:44.49 starseeker nods
04:45.27 starseeker may not need to ensure an air gap even - just stray thoughts
04:45.31 starseeker you're the expert :-)
04:45.44 abhi2011 currently I seem to have an issue with 2 objects penetrating too much into each other, if alowed to do so, when they have high relative velocities
04:46.01 abhi2011 hehe, yep all ideas help :)
04:46.19 starseeker well, it is "bullet" ;-)
04:46.30 abhi2011 hehe yeah
04:47.06 abhi2011 ok I ll make 2 vids, one with a sphere dropped from a low altitude
04:47.15 abhi2011 and an another from a high one
04:47.18 abhi2011 and see what happens
04:47.22 starseeker sweet
04:47.34 starseeker still fantastic progress
04:47.42 abhi2011 thanks :)
04:47.59 abhi2011 cant wait to try the billiard table case with custom forces :P
04:48.04 starseeker who knows - brlcad might even think up some scenarios where overlapping would be useful
04:48.08 starseeker hehe :-)
04:48.22 starseeker "BRL-CAD - now, with pool simulations!"
04:48.48 abhi2011 :)
04:49.02 abhi2011 so , there is this powerful server everyone keeps talking about
04:49.09 abhi2011 bullet is not installed there ?
04:49.14 starseeker um
04:49.16 starseeker dunno
04:49.25 starseeker ``Erik: we have a powerful server?
05:19.27 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
06:05.19 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (75c85d7f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:38.43 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
07:41.18 abhi2011
07:41.25 abhi2011 this is with slow striking spheres
07:42.33 abhi2011 the reaction force from the sphere at the bottom is straight upwards, opposite to the velocity of the upper sphere
07:42.55 abhi2011 yet , it does not seem correct as the reaction should be at 45 degrees to the vertical
07:43.22 abhi2011 so I ll try with the summing normals at the overlapping region approach and check if that gives better results
07:44.49 abhi2011 for fast moving sphere , this more of an issue, as a fast sphere suddenly penetrates deep into the lower sphere :
07:45.10 abhi2011 causing a sudden high reaction force
07:45.22 abhi2011 which does not seem correct either
07:45.33 abhi2011 will try and figure out a solution
07:49.57 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
07:50.03 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3233 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
07:50.47 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3234 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
07:51.29 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3235 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
08:46.50 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3236 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log Nov 9th */
08:50.21 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3237 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Updated Development Time line(Oct 6th) */
08:50.50 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3238 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Updated Development Time line(Nov 9th) */
08:57.04 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3239 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
09:02.09 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03abhi2011 * r47455 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/ (simrt.c simulate.c): Switched to summing of normals approach to generate contact pairs. Added a #define to switch back to velocity based generation quickly if needed.
09:15.07 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03Abhi2011 07 * r3240 10/wiki/User:Abhijit: /* Log */
09:54.30 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
12:10.47 ``Erik starseeker: he might be referring to the new gcc compile farm machine that brlcad was playing on? I think it's 64 power7 cores?
12:12.09 ``Erik gcc110... 64 power7 cores at 3.55ghz, 64g ram, fedora ppc64
12:13.55 ``Erik I see brlcad logged into it right now, and the load is 0... altivec capable, even
12:16.11 ``Erik would guess a hair over half a million VGR's
12:17.36 ``Erik we also have the cat machines, those're 16 xeon cores a whack, not exactly chump change
12:23.11 ``Erik hm, abhi isn't here
12:34.40 ``Erik ffs, this email is going to be a book.
13:54.36 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
13:58.44 abhi2011 ``Erik: Thanks for the mail :)
13:58.57 abhi2011 very insightful
13:59.14 abhi2011 trying to digest all the info now
14:02.35 starseeker abhi2011: nifty video!
14:03.01 abhi2011 hehe, I ll try n pop in a few more stuff
14:03.04 starseeker agree it's not quite right, but still nice progress!
14:05.12 abhi2011 hmm, so the basic idea now is to do zero penetration physics
14:05.19 abhi2011 or to recover from penetration
14:08.32 abhi2011 hehe, agree on the "fairly gross simplifications of geometry" part player characters :P
14:08.35 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
14:08.54 abhi2011 I think bullet uses just a capsule shape for a player, rotating it or making it jump as needed
14:08.55 ``Erik :D most of my background comes from old (quake2 era) video games, so take it with a fat grain of salt
14:09.37 abhi2011 :), yeah me have never done it, so any info is useful
14:09.39 ``Erik back when I was doing it, the 'hot' thing was to have the entire character represented by a stretched sphere
14:09.47 abhi2011 ok
14:10.35 ``Erik the capsule supposedly better represents *shrug*
14:10.48 ``Erik I tried to cc brlcad and starseeker, not sure if they got 'em
14:11.13 ``Erik I think brlcad won't be back until next week, maybe :/
14:11.13 abhi2011 ok, hmm, yes, for large time delta, bullet breaks up the update into smaller internal sub steps
14:11.20 abhi2011 oh ok
14:12.15 abhi2011 was thinking about the " extending the boundary of an object slightly" idea though
14:12.26 abhi2011 I think bullet does it with the basic shapes it uses
14:12.41 abhi2011 but I guess trying that approach for brl-cad shapes would be tough
14:13.31 ``Erik BRL-CAD provides both a bounding sphere and aabb for each primitive, both are easy to extend
14:13.32 abhi2011 'cause the entire periphery of an object would need to be detected and extended
14:14.09 abhi2011 ok
14:14.50 abhi2011 so a ray shot though the primitive, would give the exit point a little but further along than , it would , without extension
14:15.01 abhi2011 and the entry point a little bit earlier
14:15.19 ``Erik oh, and is about as simple as you're going to get for ray-tracing in BRL-CAD, the 'hit' function is more complex than you need, but the rest should be minimal
14:16.05 abhi2011 ok
14:20.22 abhi2011 ``Erik: so by "solve the impulse vector", you mean calculating the reaction force from the collision , by using change in momentum etc ?
14:29.12 ``Erik yeh, though thinking, the resultant velocity vector is what you actually want in the end, not just the delta *shrug*
14:37.56 abhi2011 well yes
14:38.25 abhi2011 actually I let Bullet calculate the resultant velocity :)
14:38.32 abhi2011 I just give it a resultant normal
14:38.38 abhi2011 pointing from object A to B
14:48.36 *** join/#brlcad piksi (
14:54.23 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
15:20.32 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47456 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/clipper/ (clipper.cpp clipper.hpp): Updates from Angus.
17:37.24 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
17:37.39 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47457 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/skt_ed.tcl: Update calls to dist and find_arc_center to reflect the fact that they are no longer in the Sketch_editor namespace.
18:32.43 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47458 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/g-obj.c: Faces were all using the same value due to variable i not being changed in the loop... report from Christopher Pitts, bug tracker #3435642
19:13.47 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r47459 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Added a method for "l". The "g" command will now expand it's argument list.
19:22.12 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
21:43.15 ``Erik nice.
21:43.41 ``Erik possible remote code execution by dumping udp packets at a target machine.
22:17.59 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47460 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/bison_to_lemon.txt: minor update on aliases
22:53.06 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47461 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/CMake/FindLEMON.cmake: add modified lemon_target macro
22:58.52 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47462 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (2 files in 2 dirs): modified CMakeLists for alt lemon macro
23:41.34 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47463 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Get the FindLEMON logic working with the new paradigm (specifying the target header file)
23:53.11 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47464 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/re2c/ (6 files in 2 dirs): switched re2c yacc parser with lemon parser
23:58.07 CIA-109 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47465 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ (CMake/FindYACC.cmake CMakeLists.txt): FindYACC no longer used; removed

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