IRC log for #brlcad on 20111205

02:43.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:43.27 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.20.2 is posted (20110701) || BRL-CAD is participating in the ESA Summer of Code in Space!
05:33.42 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
05:58.31 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47767 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/CMakeLists.txt: apparently doing seomthing wrong, so document the FIXME accordingly mged needs to depend on the tclscripts or it won't work for non default and make install target builds (e.g., make regress)
06:04.45 brlcad wonders what he's doing wrong given that's what looks like the documented way to do it
06:06.15 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47768 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/CMakeLists.txt: ws
12:00.51 *** join/#brlcad merzo (~merzo@
15:22.33 brlcad n_reed: it's not inconceivable that the solids test image is flawed, but would be a little bit surprising
15:24.00 brlcad the regression scripts used to use mater "plastic var=val var2=val2" prior to release 7.0 (open sourcing)
15:25.21 brlcad they were all yanked at 7.0 since a couple had problems (unrelated), but then later returned a few months later in their current form
15:26.12 brlcad presumably butler was specifically testing whether the mater "plastic {var val var2 val}" syntax worked as that was when that change was made
15:31.05 n_reed I agree that the presence of the brace syntax suggests an intent to test said syntax
15:32.41 n_reed still, all my testing thus far suggests that the syntax, at least recently, has not worked as intended
15:34.02 n_reed it could be that the ineffectiveness of the brace syntax simply went unnoticed because it didn't generate any obvious errors (the raytrace and test still succeed)
15:34.27 n_reed of course i could be wrong, and would be happying to continue investigating
15:35.36 n_reed but honestly i think it's best if you look into it yourself, because if your not convinced one way or another, I'm not going to bother with any changes
15:37.42 n_reed s/happying/happy/
15:37.59 n_reed s/your/you're
15:38.38 n_reed need's more caffeine
15:41.10 n_reed NEEDS more sleep too x/
15:46.54 brlcad I just pulled up the "original" solids reference image from before it was tclified
15:47.25 brlcad looks like a bug
15:48.04 brlcad OR he was intentionally testing to make sure {} syntax fails ;)
15:48.49 brlcad that there be funny
15:52.53 brlcad I bet I see what happened. he also added a new dsp primitive to the test, so the image already changed/needed to change
15:53.16 brlcad so a pixdiff would have already been reporting changes, even more easy to overlook those four others that changed due to syntax
15:54.50 brlcad n_reed: looks like you're good to un-revert your fix back in
15:54.58 brlcad just update the reference while you're at it ;)
15:55.38 brlcad the old one doesn't have a dsp or I'd just drop it in, needs a new reference
15:56.31 brlcad cross-check it with a couple platforms to make sure you get no off-by errors ..
15:57.13 brlcad wishes we had a simh vgr
15:58.30 n_reed what is a simh vgr?
15:58.53 brlcad vgr was the name of the original baseline reference computer
15:59.24 brlcad the numerics were stable and rather well-understood for "correctness"
16:00.39 brlcad the benchmark reference images were mostly all created on vgr, so then if you were on a different computer and got pixel values that were ever so slightly off, you could investigate
16:01.20 brlcad off by more than one rgb value, and you were looking at a bug (either in code, or compiler, or hardware ... all encountered over the years)
16:02.32 brlcad simh is the "simulation hardware" project where they simulate various legacy systems (including a couple systems very similar to vgr's hardware)
16:02.54 brlcad basically, it's a VM for really old hardware
16:03.39 brlcad if we could simulate vgr, we could regenerate new baseline images with a fair amount of confidence that they're "correct"
16:04.32 brlcad two of our benchmark images frequently results in a handful of off-by-one differences -- those were the two not generated on vgr
17:13.25 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
17:38.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47769 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/solidspix.asc: changed solids-regress reference image to agree with change in output-pix caused by fix in r47659
17:47.07 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47770 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/parse.c: revert to previous revision
19:33.03 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:50.00 *** join/#brlcad Forth (~Forth@
20:10.54 brlcad starseeker: how do you rebuild a specific object file?
20:12.10 brlcad I just modified vls.c, want to make sure it still compiles, but don't want to relink libbu or some other binary .. is there some/any way to do that?
20:12.49 brlcad old school makefile would have been a simple "make vls.o"
20:22.42 *** join/#brlcad Technicus (
20:24.19 *** join/#brlcad Technicus (
20:28.45 *** join/#brlcad Technicus (
21:45.35 starseeker brlcad: not sure you can :-(
22:03.34 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r47771 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/perplex/scanner_template.c: allow name of lexer routine and app data parameter to be specified with defines
22:04.06 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47772 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (mged/CMakeLists.txt tclscripts/CMakeLists.txt): Make mged depend on all pkgIndex/tclIndex targets. Probably should do the same for archer...
22:05.02 starseeker ah HAH!
22:05.13 starseeker brlcad: try this: make vls.c.o
22:05.58 starseeker I think that'll do what you want
22:07.35 starseeker scratch that - only need to do that for archer if we make archer into a binary target ala mged
22:08.12 starseeker unless we fake an archer build target just to hang those dependencies off of...
22:08.14 starseeker hmm...
22:16.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47773 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/CMakeLists.txt: Make a stab at switching archer over to a real live build target instead of just a configure-time copy. Untested on Windows.
22:20.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47774 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/CMakeLists.txt: Now that we have an archer target, hang the tclscript dependencies off of it.
22:21.15 starseeker re-reads his channel comments and realizes they're a bit mixed - brlcad, in my testing the make vls.c.o worked
22:25.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47775 10/brlcad/trunk/src/CMakeLists.txt: checking clean configure - need tclscripts target lists defined before archer and mged targets are defined so a one-shot configure gets the right information.
22:39.26 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47776 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/CMakeLists.txt:
22:39.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Archer needs some more dependencies called out (mostly tcl/tk packages it uses).
22:39.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 'make archer' now does more or less what you expect - the only exception being
22:39.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: the Docbook man pages. Not sure whether to make those dependencies...
22:41.45 brlcad starseeker: hm, looks like that'll only work if I'm in the cmake subdir for that .o, yes?
22:41.48 brlcad should work
22:42.11 brlcad libbu/tcl.c.o would have been cool
22:44.10 brlcad starseeker: and what was wrong with my ADD_DEPENDENCIES() line? from my reading of the target names, that should have at least gotten the top-level tclscripts/tclIndex and pkgIndex.tcl files
22:45.45 starseeker I think there was a capitalization error somewhere... anyway, the new logic should get 'em all
22:46.05 starseeker tclindex vs tclIndex, I think...
22:46.05 brlcad wouldn't it have given me an error about an unknown dep though?
22:46.32 starseeker um. not sure - let me do a quick test
22:47.08 brlcad and for that same reason, I added the one for pkgindex too -- or did it also have some case problem?
22:47.27 starseeker nope - no error. It's probably figuring it will be defined later or something...
22:48.11 starseeker not sure - as soon as I saw what you were trying to do I knew something more... energetic would be needed, so I just dove into the macro logic
22:48.38 brlcad I knew something more generic was needed
22:48.50 starseeker we *should* be good now
22:48.50 brlcad more questioning why that simple test wasn't working
22:49.15 starseeker unless you want all the docbook man pages added as dependencies of archer/mged when they're turned on
22:49.20 starseeker ah
22:49.45 starseeker looks again...
22:49.49 brlcad yeah, i wasn't just trying to get past it, trying to understand what was going on
22:49.53 starseeker yeah, it was pkgindex not pkgIndex
22:49.57 brlcad makes sense if it's case sensitive
22:50.43 brlcad means I DID understand everything, just a pedantic detail missing from the auto-target naming that the macro was doing
22:50.46 starseeker must confess it's kinda cool to be able to do "make archer" and have it jsut work...
22:50.49 starseeker right
22:50.57 brlcad test confirmed here
22:51.57 brlcad make regress from a new build was failing due to the scripts dep
22:52.45 brlcad a nice side effect now is that you can "make regress", have it compile everything the regress suite uses, then make and see what else is likely not being exercised by the testing
22:52.52 starseeker yeah, make libbu/tcl.c.o doesn't work work... at a guess, they didn't want to populate all the parent make files with all child targets...
22:55.34 starseeker yeah, that makes sense - I was probably always running "make regress" *after* doing make all
22:55.45 starseeker oops
22:55.56 brlcad likewise, I just happened to have a fresh build and was testing nick's discovery
22:56.06 brlcad s/build/checkout/
22:56.33 starseeker talk about an oldie...
22:56.46 brlcad that's not old, less than 10 years ;)
22:57.05 starseeker well, true, but I mean as part of the regression logic/data
22:57.11 starseeker eeep
22:58.19 starseeker brlcad: how do you want me to handle it with the thrid party packages/options? I can just document all 3rd party options in the file, or I can set it up to only document the subset that are already documented for
22:58.25 starseeker third even...
22:58.42 starseeker instructs fingers to get with the program...
23:12.49 brlcad what do you mean? options such as?
23:13.41 brlcad what was documented by configure? it autodocumented subconfigures and we didn't directly document anything that I'm aware of other than the enable/disable-build options
23:13.45 starseeker well, for example, right now there aren't any descriptions for re2c, lemon, tkhtml, tkpng, etc. in INSTALL
23:14.19 brlcad the documenting stopped when cmake docs were rolled in, those mostly all came after
23:14.23 starseeker we do have zlib, png, opennurbs, utahrle, etc.
23:14.32 starseeker right - so what are my criteria for adding things?
23:14.34 brlcad so more enable/disable options
23:14.52 starseeker vs. ignoreing 'em
23:15.25 brlcad if they're significant enough to warrant a src/other building, they should be listed
23:15.40 starseeker alrightie
23:15.59 brlcad all the more reason to be cautious about adopting new deps, they have overhead to be consistent
23:16.34 brlcad can ignore any that are going away in the next 3-6 months (like jove)
23:17.33 starseeker won't be too bad once I get up and rolling, just wanted to be sure I wasn't wasting my time on things you didn't want documented
23:18.59 brlcad could put re2c, lemon, and perplex into their own subdir in src/other, all toggled off just one flag
23:19.34 starseeker really? arrgh :-) after all that nice find logic too...
23:19.58 brlcad don't have to
23:20.01 brlcad it's fine separate
23:20.08 brlcad it's if you wanted to consolidate logic
23:20.38 starseeker nods - worth keeping in mind for later, but right now I'd say leave it as-is, since it's functional
23:20.46 brlcad similarly with hv3 under tkhtml, similarly minor
23:21.50 starseeker nods
23:22.14 brlcad aside from hv3 being a versioned-dir tsker
23:22.35 starseeker should bug bob about trying that shiny new accordian widget out on the new-improved help browser
23:27.39 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47777 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/CMakeLists.txt: mind the advanced markings...
23:28.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47778 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Add some aliases for the strict flags.
23:43.52 starseeker isn't entirely sure if he cares for the idea of enable/disable options for word size
23:46.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r47779 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/fb_obj.c: reorder to avoid the need for forward declarations. make the command table internal to the function (yet still static so it persists).
23:52.40 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47780 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Util.cmake: build the disable options list in a different way.
23:54.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r47781 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Add docs for 32/64 bit BRLCAD_WORD_SIZE
23:57.52 brlcad they don't really make sense for word size
23:58.16 brlcad word size is just that, unless you change it back to configure's meaning being a flag for 64-bit on/off

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