IRC log for #brlcad on 20120318

00:06.53 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49728 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Whoops - not appending here.
00:17.37 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49729 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Restructure - try not to run tests we don't need to run (if we've already go the 64 bit flag, don't need to test the rest.
00:19.46 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49730 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CompilerFlags.cmake: copy/paste strikes again
00:48.58 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49731 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: Tweak Debug flag handling
01:04.21 starseeker ah - that's better
01:06.11 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49732 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CompilerFlags.cmake: whoops - stray macro name holdout
01:37.20 brlcad starseeker: ah, I thought I mentioned that site a long while back
01:37.43 brlcad great resource for step models, I have GBs of data from there
01:51.45 brlcad so yes, to all, we were accepted into GSoC again this year! woot!
03:37.22 brlcad our gsoc profile is now properly filled out:
03:58.07 brlcad been thinking about the hyphen on the new logo, feedback appreciated on the three BRL-CAD_gear_logo_*.png files in
04:00.59 starseeker brlcad: is there a reason the "over" image doesn't have the graphic centered over the text?
04:03.30 starseeker I'd probably take that over the other two...
04:06.59 *** join/#brlcad ardahal (0e8b55c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:08.45 starseeker what about something like this but with thicker "CAD" text?
04:22.50 brlcad no reason other than it was smaller when I was playing with that idea, and it looked more appropriate balanced over the A at that size
04:23.15 brlcad like what you did there though, that is nice fully balanced
04:24.09 brlcad the CAD text and the BRL text are presently intentionally unbalanced (so it stylistically matches the links)
04:25.01 brlcad the more I see it, the more it's been growing on me, I must admit -- though I'd be interested in seeing the opposite (BRL light, CAD bold)
04:25.39 starseeker would probably work better on a light background - firefox is happening to display it on a dark grey bg
04:29.12 starseeker the "mid" layout might do well for a "banner" configuration, although I'd prefer the text a bit larger personally...
04:32.21 brlcad do you now if anyone else been able to give the vm image a try?
04:33.00 brlcad so it sounds like either way, you're more keen on the hyphen at hyphen height, not connecting the L->C like a hinge
04:33.38 brlcad hard to see at that smaller size, but that "hyphen" is actually the same chain link as the bigger three, just with two links
04:48.36 starseeker is trying to download the vm
05:11.04 *** join/#brlcad atneik (3bb22dec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:16.27 *** part/#brlcad atneik (3bb22dec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:40.08 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
09:50.28 *** join/#brlcad Georgiy (4e8bd6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:40.00 brlcad Georgiy: absolutely, but we prefer to hold all of our discussions openly so everyone can benefit
11:40.28 brlcad Georgiy: perhaps you can describe exactly what you're thinking of doing in an e-mail to the brlcad-devel mailing list?
12:26.55 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
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12:55.35 brlcad Georgiy: what sort of work have you done already?
13:14.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
13:14.56 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.22.0 is forthcoming (eta: end of March) || BRL-CAD has applied to participate in GSoC 2012!
13:47.40 Georgiy brlcad: i'm working on vector signal analyzing and generating software for telecomunication technologies (including signal processing). It is big project, we (me and my team) already have spended 2 years for it, and it's not ready (there is a lot of work), in fact this is my first programming project. Also I've partisipiated in two projects where i've done gui (using Qt)
13:48.24 Georgiy brlcad: and plugin for EEGLab (using matlab and C) for 2D & 3D graphs comparison and classification.
13:57.03 Georgiy brlcad: i can give you a link to eeglab plugin wiki but you need know russian :)
14:42.06 *** join/#brlcad simion314 (~quassel@
14:56.53 *** part/#brlcad Georgiy (4e8bd6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:58.24 *** join/#brlcad Georgiy (4e8bd6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:28.15 *** join/#brlcad simion314 (~quassel@
16:14.36 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49733 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_CompilerFlags.cmake): Tweak optimization flag handling.
16:16.10 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49734 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/CompilerFlags.cmake: We're not doing anything specifically with MinSizeRel as yet, so don't wipe CMake's version.
16:16.10 *** join/#brlcad razoraxon (0e8b5206@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:22.27 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49735 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Summary.cmake: add spacer
16:47.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49736 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Add a note suggesting enabling all bundled libs for distcheck, if that has not already been done.
18:20.21 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49737 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ (Distcheck.cmake Few minor tweaks to distcheck
18:22.29 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
18:22.29 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
18:27.09 Stattrav hey folks
18:27.40 Stattrav Shall come back when Sean is active.
18:32.33 Stattrav I wanted to talk about the web development idea implementations.
19:14.37 *** join/#brlcad simion314 (~quassel@
19:45.55 brlcad Stattrav: sean is usually active, just not always on irc -- best to just ask/say what you want and read the resonse(s) in backlog
19:46.17 brlcad someone else is just as likely able to answer questions, and you'll be helped much more quickly ;)
19:47.37 Stattrav btw I was reading through the web development Idea, so what is needed is a two way sync between docbook and mediawiki aint it ?
19:47.52 brlcad which web dev idea?
19:48.12 brlcad we have a lot of potential web work
19:48.12 Stattrav Synchronize with Docbook
19:48.45 brlcad ah yeah, that could be either through mediawiki or drupal frankly
19:48.55 brlcad ideally, it could be something else too really
19:49.12 Stattrav If I were to start with the webwork, benchmark db
19:49.23 Stattrav would be where I'd like to start.
19:49.26 brlcad something that is more modular that fits in with an existing framework would probably get more widespread use
19:49.36 Stattrav so could you help me understand the problem better ?
19:49.56 Stattrav so what you are currently using is a mediawiki aint it ?
19:49.57 brlcad the BRL-CAD benchmark is one of my favorite golden nuggets within our codebase
19:50.13 brlcad we presently use drupal+mediawiki+gallery2
19:51.02 brlcad so for the benchmark project, the best way to explain it is to probably run the brl-cad benchmark on your own system
19:51.27 Stattrav so one needs to build a web API for the submissions of the logs when when runs the benchmark on the individual's system
19:51.43 brlcad right, that's the basic idea
19:52.03 Stattrav and then the web end needs to parse the log file with the regexes and store it according to the db schema ?
19:52.09 brlcad or at least a processing system that reads logs from a mail directory or something similar
19:52.25 Stattrav yes
19:52.36 brlcad or both :)
19:52.54 brlcad the easier it is to submit, the more useful the system will be, obviously
19:53.24 Stattrav Ideally, reading from the mail directory can be a wrapper over the web API
19:53.29 brlcad just will need some mechanism for manually loading logs since some will come from systems that have no networking
19:53.47 Stattrav yes.
19:54.24 Stattrav One could also provide an "upload" page ?
19:54.26 brlcad Stattrav: are you familiar with CIA?
19:54.48 Stattrav not really. Just know what it is
19:55.11 brlcad
19:55.33 brlcad that's way overkill for this, but it's an example of a multi-input processing system that works sublime
19:55.54 Stattrav ohh
19:56.43 Stattrav We had something like this where I was working before getting back into academia
19:57.29 Stattrav you were referring to the diagram. werent you ?
19:59.33 Stattrav brlcad: so could I ask what are the targets for the summers and as said the remnants could be developed later.
20:05.43 brlcad yes, the diagram
20:06.03 Stattrav so a {submission infrastructure} -> {data extraction} -> {db} -> {analysis}
20:07.56 brlcad the summer target would be more about getting the database in place with a processing backend working with a live front end
20:08.10 brlcad the analysis has mostly already happened and is in the report
20:08.26 brlcad so it's just aggregate reporting via the web interface
20:09.17 brlcad i'd keep that aspect very simple -- enough to submit a new entry and see how it fits in with other results in the database
20:09.44 Stattrav aah k. Let me write the draft proposal for the submission ifrastructure, data extraction and storage. Once that is done, I shall ping you for for some comments.
20:10.00 brlcad coding complete would be a real emphasis for that project, making sure the system is not in a partially complete state at most any point of development as much possible
20:10.10 brlcad that sounds great
20:10.36 brlcad if you have a brl-cad install, just run the "benchmark" command and you'll see the report it generates
20:10.40 Stattrav yes
20:10.50 Stattrav done that
20:11.33 brlcad that's basically it, the master run-*benchmark.log file is what we're working with
20:12.52 Stattrav btw I have applied to brlcad before but did not get through :) This was my proposal
20:13.06 brlcad I remember you ;)
20:13.11 Stattrav I've worked with Sahana the year BRLCAD did not apply
20:13.23 Stattrav and then work and then this year back to academia.
20:13.48 brlcad graduate-level or more undergrad?
20:13.59 Stattrav grad-level
20:14.21 Stattrav MSc
20:15.29 brlcad if I recall correctly, you were underconsideration, but just didn't seem to have enough technical background for the (substantially hard) project you were interested in working on
20:15.39 Stattrav true :)
20:17.03 Stattrav shall be back later, classes in the morning. (2am here)
20:17.26 brlcad I think you not only promised implementing robust brep evaluation but also implementing an entire exact precision computing library on top of CSG conversion to BREP to boot
23:24.03 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
23:33.28 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49738 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: it was tkhtml3
23:51.38 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@

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