IRC log for #brlcad on 20120319

00:38.15 brlcad hello stas
00:38.47 stas brlcad, if only you are not a bot, hello
00:40.17 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49739 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Summary.cmake): move the rest of the summary logic to BRLCAD_Summary.cmake, organize, clean-up, header and footer, etc.
00:40.45 starseeker he works like a machine, but he's not a bot ;-)
00:41.15 stas whoa, sorry for that :)
00:42.04 stas actually guys if you have a minute, I wanted to ask about gsoc
00:42.34 starseeker ask away - we read scroll-back, so even if we aren't around better to ask and wait
00:42.55 stas nice, thanks.
00:43.21 stas I read on wiki you are looking for a mainter for brlcad web stuff
00:44.05 starseeker most of the gsoc web related stuff is about new abilities, not so much maintaining
00:44.22 stas the only question I have about this, is how hard is to make you guys change your position about what should be the technologies
00:44.38 starseeker points at brlcad - question for him
00:44.47 brlcad stas: "it entirely depends" :)
00:45.14 brlcad we're not married to any technology, but would need a compelling reason to move to something else given the short timeframe gsoc affords
00:45.23 stas i mean, i know python and php, but tbh, i will never get back to those if it were to write web stuff
00:45.50 brlcad so, a RoR fan?
00:46.00 stas ruby to be fair
00:46.05 stas ror is kinda bloated
00:46.12 brlcad nods
00:46.18 brlcad so what's the idea?
00:46.36 brlcad migrate it all to custom ruby code? :)
00:47.15 brlcad (yes is a valid answer, smilie notwithstanding)
00:47.17 stas not much, write all the stuff you need with a mvc framework, automatize some continous integration (be that travis-ci or a jenkins instance on our own) with a 80-90% coverage
00:47.40 starseeker waits for ``Erik to vote for uncommonweb and lisp...
00:47.43 stas from that point stuff should be a snap to maintain
00:48.08 stas i think lisp would be an overhead :)
00:49.13 stas btw, I saw docbook has a nice lib in ruby
00:49.23 starseeker stas: sorry, inside joke
00:49.26 stas tries to buy you guys :)
00:49.30 brlcad stas: so let me caveat by saying that sounds like a perfectly valid and good proposal to submit regardless and it'd probably get considerable discussion
00:49.53 brlcad but now you're talking in terms that matter
00:50.20 brlcad rewriting to a different CMS or language or platform by itself isn't very compelling on its own
00:50.31 brlcad there should be some compelling tangible benefit
00:50.41 brlcad like imminent or demonstrated docbook integration
00:51.37 stas the benefit will be that we have some tested and good looking tools
00:52.05 brlcad or showing here are the XYZ steps you have to take now, here's the MN steps you have to take later that will save X minutes/hours/days of your life a year from now
00:52.40 stas come again :)
00:52.42 brlcad drupal is arguably tested too, no? :)
00:52.53 brlcad whether it's good looking depends on css fu
00:52.54 stas drupal is hardly maintainable
00:52.56 stas :)
00:53.12 brlcad it's being maintained now (at whatever cost)
00:53.52 stas well lets go wordpress than. the point of getting a new tool like ruby in your stack would also be the quality of the code and result
00:54.38 brlcad so again, what I just said basically amounts to "prove it"
00:54.44 brlcad not by example, but by description
00:55.03 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49740 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Summary.cmake: extra line return
00:55.11 brlcad the docbook angle is a great one, for example, because that's a high-priority topic
00:55.25 brlcad it IS a pain in the ass to integrate docbook with just about everything I know of right now
00:55.32 brlcad at least bi-directionally
00:55.54 stas you have media wiki right now, right?
00:56.01 brlcad so if you could describe a system that provided bidirectional docbook editing, no matter if it was perl scripts and ML code, it'd be very interesting :)
00:56.34 brlcad drupal+mediawiki+gallery2 is the current bulk of infrastructure, plus sourceforge services for the development side of things
00:56.58 stas yep, thats some php stuff in there
00:57.30 stas mediawiki data is plain text basically, that can be converted into docbook
00:57.51 stas drupal now, can be integrated through an API
00:58.24 stas be that some restful json or xml, and simple editing support can be added
00:58.45 stas i think we can even parse html into docbook
00:59.11 stas from that point we can have a repository where our tool will commit docbook format
00:59.51 stas and a cron job that converts all that stuff in pdf/html or *tex
01:00.21 stas sure this is not enough argument to move to ruby, but I saw the other tasks
01:00.33 stas and it probably makes more sense
01:02.02 stas mostly becase we will need database schema that will likely to change, or some fast prototyping tool for generating all kind of graphs and output formats
01:11.35 stas brlcad, if what I wrote makes any sense, I could prepare a more in details list of what and how we can use, some draft proposal
01:15.28 stas !ping
01:25.12 brlcad sorry, phone call
01:26.10 brlcad stas: what you wrote makes sense, but keep in mind that the holy grail is bi-directional editing, which I don't think anyone has working
01:26.54 brlcad that's best served as a mediawiki or drupal or whatever plugin that renders the docbook to something, allows editing, but then ALSO unrenders back to docbook for backend review/commit
01:34.45 brlcad if you have an idea for that, I'm all ears regardless of language
01:35.27 stas brlcad, thanks, I'll do some research. Though so far it still looks like the best option would be to fix drupal and mediawiki
01:36.00 brlcad look forward to reading the application(s) ;)
01:36.10 brlcad good chances this year for well-developed apps
01:39.08 stas not sure yet if i will apply, with php this is pretty straigh, find a format that both media wiki and drupal speaks (probably mediawiki markup +/- html) -> docbook
01:41.26 stas mediawiki has an api, that can be used to update content from docbook, and from there its drupal, with the same code as mediawiki to render and edit it
01:43.39 stas all that might need tweaking is the cron worker that would need to convert diff into wiki format
01:51.00 brlcad stas: it doesn't need to speak to both mw and drupal, just one or the other
01:51.31 brlcad the feature we need a bidirectional web editing interface for docbook, the back-end could really be anything
01:52.13 stas hmm, sounds more like some sort of wysiwyg in javascript
01:52.17 brlcad if you write a solid proposal that involved some language other than php, chances would be very high
01:52.34 brlcad s/would/would still/
01:53.15 brlcad it just seems like it'd be an easier task (again to get bidirectionally) using an existing plugin API to something else so it's integrated
01:53.20 brlcad not necessary though
01:53.22 stas true, but I'm trying to be pragmatic, the tools will end up playing better with php, as those are mediawiki
01:53.47 brlcad developer ability is another consideration
01:54.08 brlcad we're not invested in php presently, at least not substantially
01:54.30 brlcad we're only invested in mediawiki and drupal as a container for data -- user perspective, not development
01:55.06 brlcad the only php we have is a plugin I wrote a few years ago that publishes mediawiki changes to CIA and another GSoC project that built a model repository as a set of drupal plugins
01:55.19 brlcad neither of which is critical to our core website infrastructure
01:55.27 brlcad and easily translated to something else
01:55.30 stas so to reformulate, if I could bring a solution for easy editing of docbook files (wysiwyg, preview, review) you would be happy?
01:56.21 stas in the end, you wont even need wiki, since static html can be generated
01:56.22 brlcad if it was well thought-through, probably very happy
01:56.35 brlcad static html can't be edited
01:56.46 stas i mean, the tool will produce
01:57.15 stas sort of a mediawiki, but with docbook behind
01:57.18 brlcad editing can happy directly to the docbook files or ALSO through a web interface, that's part of the bidirectionality desired
01:58.22 brlcad keep in mind that there's been docbookwiki ( ) around for years but it's insufficient
01:58.30 brlcad the editing interface plainly sucks
01:58.47 brlcad and is only a subset of docbook iirc
02:00.03 brlcad basically a usability fail
02:00.31 brlcad the interesting aspect of mediawiki is that you might be able to preserve mw-syntax (which is far better than db)
02:00.43 brlcad you don't *really* want your editors to have to care that it's docbook on the backend unless it's strictly necessary (mw syntax dominates usability here, simple)
02:01.43 brlcad granted, even showing db tags in a text box is better than nothing ;)
02:07.49 stas actually you can preserve mw as the basic format, since both formats speak html, which is more or less "standard" or should be for the compilers/renderers
02:08.31 starseeker bear in mind the "canonical" form of our documentation is DocBook, and DocBook->HTML->DocBook is lossy
02:08.41 stas also reviving docbookwiki is more like to be a failure, since mw is greatly maintained
02:09.12 stas starseeker, true, was just throwing ideas
02:09.35 stas we would need a tool that speaks for both formats
02:11.01 brlcad if mediawiki were used, you'd want to translate something like to mw-syntax with docbook properties preserved but hidden
02:11.14 brlcad so then you could allow edits but then go back to db without loosing any structure
02:12.28 brlcad that's why part why the language is mostly irrelevant -- it's far from being the hardest part of this problem
02:12.44 brlcad if a plan is solid, it'll get traction
02:13.13 starseeker fwiw - there is an old editor project called qemacs that claimed some WYSIWYG DocBook abilities based on a XML/CSS2 renderer - perhaps that approach would have some useful hints?
02:13.41 starseeker
02:13.50 starseeker
02:14.04 starseeker
02:14.10 stas starseeker, yep, that approach is probably the only one we should consider, since the tools will end up web anyway
02:14.31 stas i'm seriously thinking about a possible javascript library
02:15.19 stas unlikely to have full db format support, but with basic and most used attributes
02:15.37 brlcad starseeker: any thoughts on which of we might be interested in?
02:15.59 brlcad pulling over the viewer, that's a decent fit
02:17.32 starseeker probably don't want to go directly from STEP to Collada - that needs to be staged through an intermediate step, maybe something like the json-based ideas we discussed a while back
02:17.44 starseeker doubts that can be scoped for GSoC...
02:19.27 starseeker don't really care about python...
02:21.59 starseeker even our current clean-up item is a bit tricky because we need to do the merge first...
02:24.38 stas ok guys, thanks a lot for chat, i'm gonna get some sleep.
02:36.12 brlcad stas: you're welcome -- will look forward to talking/reading more
03:03.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3325 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: stub in a STEP viewer from SCL project ideas
03:15.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3326 10/wiki/STEP_Viewer: fill in initial details for a step viewer
03:17.10 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3327 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: ws
06:54.59 *** join/#brlcad Georgiy (4e8bd6a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:40.09 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:45.03 brlcad moin
08:49.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
08:49.20 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
09:22.59 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Ksuzee 07 * r3328 10/wiki/Talk:Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: New page: test
09:23.11 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Ksuzee 07 * r3329 10/wiki/Talk:Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: Removing all content from page
09:36.29 *** join/#brlcad JanC_ (daba13f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:41.14 *** join/#brlcad Jan_C (daba13f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:47.36 Jan_C hi is anyone here? im wondering if i should introduce myself here for your gsoc projects?
09:56.11 d_rossberg Jan_C: i suspect most people here are still asleep, but they will read your messages as soon as they come back to this forum
09:56.29 d_rossberg so don't worre to introduce yourself here
09:58.36 Jan_C hehe, you mean don't worry (about) introducing myself?
10:01.26 d_rossberg yes
10:02.36 d_rossberg another possibility would be the developer mailing list
10:08.50 Jan_C well, just as a short intro: im an undergrad, currently persuing two degrees in math and computer science, with some background in modern physics (ie Einstein and after)
10:10.53 Jan_C i was kinda surprised that there is actually such a science oriented project in gsoc (the one on bending light), im pretty interested in working on it
10:14.21 Jan_C in fact i feel tempted to solve all the gravity problems by writing a library to deal with object in fields, and maybe it can be extended somewhat to electromagnetism
10:21.17 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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11:28.12 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
11:50.46 brlcad hello Jan_C
11:51.29 brlcad glad to hear that you're interested in our science projects, they are pretty interesting overall
11:52.08 brlcad the gravity/physics integration is actually an effort that was started with the european space agency's summer of code in space last year
11:52.33 brlcad still some work needed there, but some of the basic infrastructure is in place
11:53.19 brlcad our dev that worked on it can probably go into more/better detail on where that effort stands
12:41.54 Jan_C hi, regarding the project on simulating celestial gravity, you meant multilevel problems like sun-planets together with planets-moons?
12:50.10 Jan_C i had also taken a brief look at the european space agency summer of code submission, correct me on this, but what was done was a new calculation for the next frame was being made each time from the previous frame?
12:54.06 Jan_C if that is the case, it might not be possible to apply it for celestial gravity because the gravitational field is not constant as the objects moves within each unit of time in the calculation
13:35.20 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@gateway/tor-sasl/witness123)
13:49.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r49741 10/brlcad/trunk/ (BUGS TODO): report of a bug in the idents command output where the first column region counter is printing wrong.
14:02.27 brlcad Jan_C: the field might not be constant, but then it doesn't have to be -- you'd apply a different gravity force each frame (to each object)
14:02.43 brlcad but then that's why they're separate projects, rather different dynamics obviously
14:04.02 brlcad the issue is mostly usability and integration -- you want a system that users can just turn on/off and have it "do the right thing" regardless of the forces involved
14:04.38 brlcad the socis project was just a first step, getting a physics engine actually calculating basic newtonian interactions
14:05.00 brlcad excellent progress (some videos available), but still another summer's worth of work to go probably ;)
14:29.48 ``Erik one of these days, I'll look over the current bullet integration and try to get it working on my machines O.o :)
14:31.37 ``Erik starseeker: ucw/lithp might not be right for that project, it might even be better as perl or tcl O.o ruby is a nice language, though, always liked it more than python
14:32.52 ``Erik stas: you said "ruby" and "not rails", do you consider rails to be a 'necessary evil' to gain ruby, or do you use another framework (sinatra, your own)?
14:33.18 brlcad ``Erik: the VM image should have everything set up and ready to go
14:34.03 stas ``Erik, the only reason I wont use rails in a project that is not very dynamically developed, is that maintainence tasks would require more time than development itself
14:34.30 ``Erik brlcad: with bullet integration? I haven't actually been following the effort... I have a few boxes with bullet, but BRL-CAD's cmake doesn't find it, and I haven't tried tweaking anything
14:35.31 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, that was one of the pieces I asked tom to install so it would be just ready to go
14:36.29 stas in fact, all you would need for, lets say, db storage app, is an orm and rack based framework, but not necessary rails, I would suggest ramaze (plain mvc with rack as only dependency and twice at least less resource consumption)
14:36.48 ``Erik stas: yeah, any dynamic sites tend to require extra work to make static versions if they take much traffic... (hitting even a basic rails page with ab is concerning, not sure if big sites like github and groupon throw loads of machines at it or have done 'clever' things)
14:37.25 stas well, they pay nice fees to amazon, and have clusters of redis/memcache servers
14:40.03 ``Erik I've been programming more functional style than oo (describe with verbs, not nouns), which is at odds with rails... toooo many migration targets, so I kinda moved my focus to ucw :D
14:42.00 ``Erik brlcad: cool beans, gives us a place to go to if we can't walk someone through setting up their machine correctly (or have an issue with the cmake files on a different platform that we haven't run into)
14:44.32 stas brlcad, I found that added some basic docbook editing to wymeditor
14:45.35 ``Erik (I'll note that the new server already has ruby19, rails, devise, thin, etc. in place, plus the apache proxy module to expose the rails/ruby app as a vhost or dir, with ssh support)
14:45.42 stas so, I think we should do a tool like this but for docbook
14:46.11 stas ``Erik, what server?
14:46.52 ``Erik the machine that will eventually move to
14:50.17 stas thats nice, though that woulda been my least problem to solve :)
14:51.38 ``Erik heh, yeah, we can install pretty much anything needed on the new machine, the old one is kinda stuck at the moment
15:05.32 brlcad stas: that's pretty interesting (bxgga)
15:05.49 brlcad looks like it got a few things wrong, but I like the para identification
15:26.45 starseeker stas: you were thinking the best way to approach DocBook<->web would be a separate library that could be integrated into multiple frameworks?
15:27.02 stas starseeker, exactly, a javascript tool
15:27.12 stas since its best suitable for web
15:27.42 stas back to backend there can be any language or library that speaks docbook
15:28.07 starseeker in principle I like the sound of that - could switch frameworks without having to redo anything except the framework<->javascript integration
15:30.40 stas i will do some more research, especially i need to take a look at docbook xml schema, but I'm glad we could find a common-ish point
15:31.51 brlcad except you end up coding itn the worst of all available languages ;)
15:34.41 brlcad just half-kidding ;)
15:47.00 stas brlcad, actually I can't agree more
15:47.01 stas :D
15:49.57 brlcad so you came complaining about javascript and end up convincing yourself and others that javascript is the way to go, good job! :)
15:50.30 brlcad bah, s/about javascript/about php/
15:50.50 stas above all, be that javascript, or php, those are just tools, the final result is what actually matters
15:51.06 stas but I can consider flash too :)
15:53.56 brlcad clearly you'll need to implement a flash engine in javascript first because adobe's is so unstable
15:55.31 stas may I withdraw the flash part I mentioned :)
15:56.46 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
16:18.36 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49742 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (. src/libtclcad/tclcad_obj.c): Apply 49150
17:07.59 Stattrav There is no -Werror in the makefile but why does it treat warnings as errors ?
17:08.51 Stattrav I am using r43163 though
17:09.52 Stattrav pulls in the latest from the svn.
17:10.08 Stattrav nevermind.
17:18.31 brlcad heh
17:22.25 ``Erik javascript isn't all that bad, and you can always use something like parenscript or coffeescript to generate it :D
17:34.10 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49743 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: Don't want to change the configure script generated just because we're doing a multi-configuration build...
17:35.44 starseeker nothing 6000+ commits couldn't fix...
18:02.28 stas :)
19:02.09 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
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19:24.55 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
19:28.17 andrei Hello , my name is Popescu Andrei and I am a second year undergraduate at Polytechnic University of Bucharest
19:29.07 andrei May I ask a few questions about some of the Graphical User Interface projects and Code refactoring projects regarding GsoC and how would that benefit the organisation?
19:29.35 brlcad andrei: absolutely
19:30.29 andrei Well that might sound really wierd
19:30.31 brlcad note that IRC responses are sometimes interactive/instantaneous and sometimes will take a while (maybe a couple hours) before someone responds, but someone does if you're still in the channel
19:30.53 andrei but I would be interested in a project that prolonges more than the GsoC period
19:31.31 brlcad what's weird about that? :)
19:31.32 andrei As the project I choose at GsoC is the first real-deal project I ever attempt
19:31.45 andrei I want to be a starting point and also a point to which I could reffer to
19:31.50 andrei as doing a good job
19:32.18 andrei I noticed the "Impact" Section
19:32.22 andrei on your idea's list
19:32.41 andrei But which of those projects is of greater importance to you
19:32.52 brlcad impact is merely a notion of how many users may be directly affected, not at all a measure of importance or value
19:33.20 brlcad if it's an interesting project to you, then it's important
19:34.00 andrei Well there are several
19:34.06 andrei but I have some limitations unfortunately
19:34.12 andrei I only have knowledge of C and Java
19:34.16 brlcad the topics up there are actually but a tiny subset of things one would work on
19:34.31 brlcad they're up there because they're all very desirable
19:34.53 brlcad several to you, perhaps, but not to us ;)
19:35.11 brlcad see our TODO file and you'll find a couple hundred more ideas
19:35.15 andrei For example
19:35.26 andrei The Visualizing Constructuive Solid Geometry
19:35.38 brlcad probably another hundred or two here:
19:36.08 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee_ (2e9552a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:36.31 andrei I curently work on a smaller scale project, that was assigned to us by university, which is the Google Ai challange replica
19:36.39 brlcad at the bottom of that last one are projects that each would take anywhere from 6 months to 6 years to complete ;)
19:37.07 brlcad okay, neat -- is it open source?
19:37.38 andrei Well , not really , but it s a larger project
19:37.46 andrei that familiarizes us with tools such as git hub
19:39.08 andrei hmm :)
19:39.46 brlcad if it's on github, it's probably open source...
19:39.58 andrei well
19:39.59 brlcad doesn't matter
19:40.11 andrei I didn't say it's open source because it doesn't really serve a purpose
19:40.17 andrei aside of educational purposes that is
19:40.25 brlcad purpose has nothing to do with it
19:40.48 brlcad if it's code, it's under some form of rights management, license, or contract
19:41.07 andrei I am familiar with the open source project
19:41.11 andrei I mean
19:41.14 andrei philosophy
19:42.19 brlcad so then you should know if the code was published or not no? :)
19:42.32 brlcad is it available online somewhere?
19:43.09 andrei The code is entirely written by me and three teammates , I will post it on github in two or three days
19:43.40 andrei Anyway
19:43.47 andrei resuming to Visualizing Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
19:44.13 brlcad drastically different from the refactoring projects .. what draws you to that idea?
19:44.27 andrei Well
19:44.36 andrei In highschool I used to help my physics teacher
19:44.45 andrei develop small E-learning lessons
19:45.09 andrei Using Macromedia Flash
19:46.42 brlcad so you see this as similarly helping users learn and visualize their data
19:46.50 andrei Indeed
19:47.23 brlcad so what did you have in mind?
19:48.26 andrei Well
19:48.43 andrei I have used a few days ago the NS tool to review how a small network is working
19:48.45 andrei and transfering data
19:51.37 andrei I am trying to get familiarized with Tcl / Tk
19:52.01 andrei and probably I don't really have a good enough vision
19:52.04 andrei about what should I do
19:53.01 brlcad fair enough
19:53.31 andrei Actually I m looking over Graphviz
19:53.36 brlcad we certainly have plenty of ideas on the topic, of course, and can discuss it in-depth but it is a tricky project to cut one's teeth on it
19:53.57 brlcad have you used our graphiz exporter yet?
19:54.49 andrei I haven't done it so far , unfortunately
19:54.57 andrei I m trying to do that now
19:55.19 brlcad It's a simple little program, limited options, but does the trick and will show you a hierarchy
19:55.45 brlcad doesn't have a GUI though or any means of editing the graph (other than cracking out a text editor to change the dot file)
19:58.41 andrei I have Ubuntu 11.10 at the moment
19:59.01 andrei I might be wrong but , is the program available for this distribution?
19:59.15 andrei I have ran sudo apt-get install graphviz and it seemed to have been installed
20:02.58 andrei I'm going to have a closer look to the documentation
20:03.01 andrei as I m a bit confused
20:05.22 brlcad is what program available?
20:06.51 andrei <PROTECTED>
20:06.54 andrei the brlcad toolkit
20:07.36 brlcad brl-cad is not a program (or a toolkit) .. it's a suite of applications (hundreds)
20:08.37 brlcad one thing that might help you
20:08.52 brlcad this year we've put together a virtual machine already fully pre-configured
20:09.49 brlcad if you download/install VirtualBox, you'll be able to load and run this disk image:
20:09.59 brlcad you'll need about 6GB of disk space free
20:10.07 brlcad but everything you need is in there
20:10.15 andrei Thank you :) I really appreciate it
20:10.20 andrei I'm sorry for seeming a bit lost
20:10.47 brlcad understandable, it's a lot to take in
20:11.37 brlcad given the complexity, you may end up being more interested in one of the refactoring tasks regardless
20:11.47 brlcad that's one of the best ways to become familiarized with code
20:11.54 brlcad for any project
20:12.22 andrei Hmm
20:14.08 andrei I appologise beforehand if I will be or seem to be annoying, it is certainly not my intention
20:14.45 brlcad not annoying :)
20:14.50 andrei the reason I have set eyes on a "bit harder" project is from 8th of June( When I finish my exam session) until 1st of October
20:14.57 andrei I have absolutely no comitments at all
20:15.19 brlcad our code base is more than a million lines of code
20:15.27 brlcad you could spend years refactoring and still have years to go
20:15.31 andrei indeed
20:15.45 brlcad and refactoring doesn't imply easy
20:15.53 brlcad it's just a good way to get introduced to code
20:16.19 brlcad some refactoring is exceptionally hard, especially to do bug-free and without introducing bad API
20:16.39 andrei so what you mean is that's a good way to start working with your organisation
20:17.01 brlcad gotta run, but there aer other folks in there that can answer other questions too (and the mailing list of course, for more thought-through questions or introductions)
20:17.14 brlcad good way to start working with any org ;)
20:17.44 andrei Goodbye ! Then I will probably have a better look
20:17.48 andrei at the code refactoring projects
20:18.00 andrei Thank you for the really helpful advice
20:46.32 Jan_C hi, regarding the idea of solving for motion through space by getting a different force acting on the object, in practice it would be problematic because there is no guarentee that the planet would stay in orbit
20:48.19 Jan_C if done mathematically with frames close to each other, then that would draw out a more accurate orbit, however thats only with arbituary precision values, if done with float, that would only compound the problem
20:52.57 Jan_C i would propose a whole different approach to the problem from physics equations but that would involve tracing out predefined paths, of course theres no reason why we cant have both and compare the difference
20:56.07 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
21:01.19 andrei Goodnight everyone, will look better into the Virtual machine in the morning
21:01.21 andrei :)
21:23.51 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49744 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Hrm. CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR doesn't work for the install command, apparently - - start experimenting...
21:45.41 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
21:46.43 stas do you guys usually are popular around romanian students? :)
21:52.12 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
22:34.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49745 10/brlcad/trunk/ (misc/CMakeLists.txt src/other/libtermlib/CMakeLists.txt):
22:34.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Stray changes needed for Multi-configuration build tool installation rules.
22:34.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Xcode now successfully installs a build of BRL-CAD. Still doesn't run from that
22:34.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: installed directory, looks like something wrong with Tcl index file
22:34.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: generation...
22:53.57 *** part/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
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22:59.40 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49746 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/TCL_PKGINDEX.cmake: Fix TCL_PKGINDEX in multi-config cases. Gets archer working from install - mged still can't read 'version' variable.

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