IRC log for #brlcad on 20120320

00:20.28 brlcad stas: we've had romanian contributors before, but I don't think there've been any around lately
00:46.03 *** join/#brlcad qballer (
00:46.08 qballer HI
00:46.16 brlcad howdy
00:46.22 brlcad what brings you here?
00:46.23 brlcad j/k
00:46.27 qballer :)
00:47.09 brlcad so yeah, we have one of the oldest networking libs around, highly robust even across networking implementations that predate tcp standardization :)
00:47.20 qballer So what kind of networking modules do you have.
00:47.37 qballer WoW that is ammm OLD :)
00:48.51 qballer Does it require further development?
00:50.38 *** join/#brlcad fallor (~fallor@
00:50.53 qballer ?
00:52.04 *** part/#brlcad qballer (
01:01.31 brlcad hi fallor
01:26.47 fallor brlcad:
01:27.02 fallor hi. sorry.. was away for a bit
01:29.48 fallor BRL-CAD had computer vision in its tags, thats why I came here. Was just browsing through the wiki and project ideas. You guys want to consolidate all you image processing functions in a single library. I think I can help with that :)
01:30.07 starseeker awesome :-)
01:31.00 starseeker yeah, that's the libicv (image conversion library) work
01:31.16 starseeker ``Erik is the one who knows the most about that
01:32.20 fallor I'll talk to him then. He's away it seems
01:33.05 starseeker fallor: irc conversations often aren't real time - check back later, someone will have seen it (we read backlogs of the chat)
01:35.12 starseeker Ah HAH! finally
01:35.36 fallor Sure, thanks starseeker
01:39.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49747 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
01:39.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Problem with MGED not being able to work with the version variable was due to
01:39.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: brlcad_ident output containing the variable path - apparently Tcl didn't like
01:39.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: the dollar-sign and curly brackets. Seeing as that's also not the right path if
01:39.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: someone does do an install, teach BRL-CAD how to get the actual path
01:39.27 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: corresponding to a particular configuration in the case where the installation
01:39.28 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: path is based on the build configuration. Could have punted and required a
01:40.02 starseeker does happy dance
01:42.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49748 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/test_srcs/ Install instructions at the end of builddelta need to be aware of what was used to build BRL-CAD - 'make install' won't do very much when you are using xcodebuild, for example.
02:44.19 *** join/#brlcad Akshat (~chatzilla@
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05:22.11 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
05:44.40 andrei Good Morning:)
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07:50.13 andrei I am trying to do unit tests for the rb tree(create,insert ..etc)
08:04.31 andrei the *order_func parameter represents the pointer to the comparison function ?
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08:42.29 stas brlcad, I see, thanks. andrei good luck :)
08:43.21 andrei Thank you
08:45.42 andrei In order to create a comparison function to test the rb_tree functions , I need to write a generic comparison function
08:46.41 andrei to compare the bu_rb_node-> rbn_package -> rbp_data sections
08:46.43 andrei right?
08:56.39 *** join/#brlcad simion314 (~quassel@
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09:33.24 andrei brlcad, please say when you're arround
09:39.28 brlcad andrei: that's the general idea, yes
09:39.47 brlcad there is a manual page for the redblack API that might help
09:39.53 brlcad brlman libredblack
09:39.59 andrei Well I ve been reading the code for a while
09:40.07 brlcad er, "brlman redblack" actually
09:40.11 andrei and what I understood is that in the node structure
09:40.15 andrei you actually store a list of
09:40.51 andrei sec, let me find the exact name of the structure
09:41.17 andrei bu_rb_package
09:41.21 andrei that contains the generic data
09:46.03 brlcad andrei: I believe that's the general idea though you're not supposed to know that directly ... that's a private structure member
09:46.12 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
09:46.54 brlcad actually, I take that back -- that is the data container
09:47.05 brlcad it's been a while since I've looked at that bit of api myself
09:49.25 brlcad so you have to keep in mind that the API is a data-driven design, classic C, so you're seeing implementation details that must be declared mixed with API that you're expected to use
09:50.02 brlcad I don't think you actually need to know about bu_rb_packages other than maybe for the purpose of creating a comparison func and even then I'm not positive you need to know
09:50.25 brlcad bu_rb_insert() will populate a package for you, for example
09:50.49 andrei hmm
09:50.57 brlcad a good simple test would be to store strings into a rb tree
09:51.20 andrei that was what I was trying to do
09:51.31 andrei and use strlen(string) as a comp function
09:52.01 brlcad you could insert something like "h", "e", "a", "l", "l", "o" .. then delete "a", then traverse all nodes and see if you can find h e l l o
09:52.16 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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09:54.13 andrei <PROTECTED>
09:54.30 andrei regarding arbitrary inserts
09:54.41 andrei I'm not entirely sure at what is the compare function used
09:54.47 andrei as I see there is a pointer to a compare function
09:55.17 andrei ah nevermind
09:56.12 Stattrav brlcad: is there a list of requirements for the brlcad build on linux ?
10:04.48 brlcad Stattrav: have you seen ?
10:05.05 brlcad that's a fully preconfigured checkout and install of brl-cad on linux ready to go
10:05.20 brlcad you'll just need to download VirtualBox and have about 6GB of disk space available
10:05.54 brlcad the doc/README.Linux might list requirements, but they are very very minimal
10:06.05 Stattrav aah :)
10:06.32 Stattrav I was building from SVN and the cmake failed and thus installed the necessary packages
10:06.41 Stattrav I can add to them though
10:07.10 brlcad cmake may fail for a huge range of issues including misconfigured cmake :)
10:07.35 brlcad the actual requirements are something minimal like cmake, make, gcc/g++
10:08.06 Stattrav so bullet, freetype2, libxi-dev, libxft-dev
10:08.10 brlcad plus some optional bits like x11 libs (dev and user), lex/yacc, and a few other assumptions
10:08.14 Stattrav yeah
10:11.30 brlcad andrei: have you read the section of include/bu.h on the redblack structures/functions?
10:11.52 andrei yes
10:11.53 brlcad that's probalby the best starting point
10:11.59 brlcad cool
10:12.02 andrei from what you told me
10:12.08 andrei you want me to use the wrappers
10:12.23 andrei rather than the primary functions
10:13.35 andrei oh, actually not
10:14.02 andrei I thought bu_rb_insert is a wrapper over
10:14.04 andrei HIDDEN int
10:14.05 andrei _rb_insert
10:17.54 andrei just a second
10:17.57 andrei I m trying to get something clear
10:25.44 andrei <PROTECTED>
10:25.45 andrei but
10:27.18 andrei <PROTECTED>
10:27.58 andrei what is the order parameter
10:27.59 andrei role
10:29.00 andrei I can't find the rb_order_func in order to see what it does
10:29.18 andrei ah, nevermind, I found the macro
10:31.35 brlcad you can ignore HIDDEN functions
10:31.38 brlcad they're implementation detail
10:31.41 brlcad HIDDEN is "static"
10:32.17 brlcad when it doubt, just pass a zero ;)
10:32.44 andrei the basic red black tree node has a key and a valu
10:32.46 andrei e
10:49.52 andrei The rb tree in bu.h isn't actually a binary tree of some order?
11:04.50 brlcad andrei: I'm not sure I understand your question
11:05.01 brlcad usually order would be the maximum number of children in a node
11:05.24 brlcad but order might also be related to traversal ordering
11:05.48 andrei exactly
11:06.02 andrei no, now everything became clear
11:06.12 andrei I had no idea what s with the "order" parameter
11:06.28 brlcad if it's in the API, it's probably traversal ordering
11:06.42 brlcad whether to traverse preorder, postorder, inorder
11:07.39 andrei hold on, I ll upload a picture , maybe that will help you understand what I mean
11:08.03 andrei
11:10.44 brlcad a see a tree ... and? :)
11:10.51 andrei and the order represents
11:10.56 andrei the number of the node
11:11.21 andrei if I m not mistaken
11:11.25 brlcad yes ...
11:11.30 andrei order 0 in first node should be node 8
11:11.43 andrei and order 2 is 17
11:11.49 brlcad er ...
11:12.17 brlcad that's not how I'd define order
11:13.16 brlcad one (of many) possible definition of order is the maximum number of children for each node
11:13.28 brlcad for that diagram, that'd be "order 4"
11:13.36 brlcad and it applies to the whole tree
11:13.48 brlcad as each node has potentially four children
11:14.19 brlcad THAT SAID ... order in the API could simply refer to the order of _traversal_
11:16.15 brlcad if I walked that tree, do I get 1,6,8,11,13,... or do I get 13,8,1,6,11,... or 6,1,11,.. etc
11:16.33 brlcad inorder, preorder, postorder, etc
11:17.07 andrei well
11:17.29 brlcad I'd bet rb_* api refers to traversal, not describing the tree
11:17.41 brlcad need a more specific question at least
11:18.15 andrei void
11:18.17 andrei bu_rb_walk(struct bu_rb_tree *tree, int order, void (*visit) (/* ??? */), int trav_type)
11:18.29 andrei the type of "walking " is clearly dictated by trav_type
11:18.49 andrei and it s defined in bu.h as
11:18.58 andrei preorder - 0 , inorder - 1 and post - 2
11:19.36 andrei my understanding is that this function walks the tree in the chosen mode
11:19.53 andrei and applies a function to everynode
11:21.23 brlcad so for that function, I'd agree
11:22.11 brlcad iirc, many of the bu_rb_*() have an 'order' parameter and they don't all mean what it means to bu_rb_walk
11:23.55 brlcad reading through redblack.3 I believe that order parameter refers to which comparison function to use
11:24.28 brlcad it looks like you can store multiple "orders" per node and have a different comaprison function for each
11:26.05 brlcad so basically it's a tree of lists and it's asking which list entry do you want
11:26.27 brlcad most of the time there would only be 1 so it's probably either 0 or 1 depending on where the index starts
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11:29.28 andrei <PROTECTED>
11:30.00 andrei if the order is k , it will access the k'th data container
11:30.11 andrei of the curent node
12:12.27 andrei int comparison=0xdeadbeef;
12:12.30 andrei uhm..interesting :)
12:17.43 andrei brlcad, how can I test the program I have written?
12:22.34 brlcad andrei: have you compiled brl-cad yet?
12:23.07 andrei <PROTECTED>
12:23.11 andrei to add my file aswell
12:23.31 brlcad that should still work but that's our old build system
12:23.38 andrei not sure if it is the right thing to do , I have added it the same way the other test_units were added
12:23.41 brlcad the new build system is the CMakeLists.txt file
12:24.11 brlcad right, so that's all you have to do -- follow exactly what's done for the others
12:24.22 brlcad you're working with an svn checkout?
12:24.50 andrei no, for the moment I was just working on localhost
12:25.25 brlcad er
12:25.40 brlcad where are the sources from?
12:25.54 andrei
12:26.03 brlcad okay, a source download then
12:26.10 andrei yes
12:32.12 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
12:32.14 brlcad so to build, I'd suggest installing cmake then running mkdir .build && cd .build && cmake path/to/sourcedir && make
12:32.16 brlcad ideally, do that *before* you edit CMakeLists.txt just so you can make sure it builds before your changes
12:32.16 brlcad if it fails, though, the first thing we'll almost always tell you is to get an svn checkout :)
12:32.16 *** part/#brlcad simion314 (~quassel@
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12:32.18 brlcad howdy bhinesley
12:34.38 brlcad andrei: he's someone you might be interested in speaking with -- he's a former (outstanding) gsoc student that worked on code refactoring for brl-cad last year
12:36.00 brlcad he might be able to share some persepctive or help answer questions
12:36.07 andrei That's good to know, thank you
12:36.22 andrei just a second, I m setting up my git account on this distribution
12:36.48 brlcad you sould set it up with the svn repo, not a source download, fwiw
12:37.31 brlcad moreover, if you're selected, students are expected to commit daily and throughout the day so you may find the overhead actually counterproductive
12:55.30 andrei I m sorry for the rather newbie question but I m unsure of something
12:56.18 andrei I should clone your repo on my account and commit to mine ( if I get selected) or I should commit on your repository
13:16.00 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee__ (2e9552a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:23.18 starseeker gah - how about telling me *how* cmake failed??
13:29.48 starseeker andrei: you would commit to the svn repository on sourceforge
13:30.21 andrei ah, I see
13:30.54 andrei I had some issues with the installation aswell, so I started the VirtualBox that brlcad recommended
13:43.05 andrei brlcad, this is the program I have written , it supposedly tests several rb_* functions
13:43.43 andrei how can I test it ? I m trying to test in the virtualbox
14:02.08 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
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14:22.48 brlcad andrei: do you have the vm running?
14:23.20 andrei yes
14:23.40 andrei should I give you a pastebin link to the file or should I try to run it myself first?
14:23.58 brlcad yourself first :)
14:24.10 brlcad so when you run the vm, there are two windows
14:24.17 brlcad one is the build dir, the other is the source dir
14:24.25 brlcad run make in the build dir
14:24.45 brlcad if it completes successfully, then you can make your edits in the source directory
14:25.11 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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14:25.13 andrei hold on a second
14:25.17 brlcad after the build succeeds, edit src/libbu/CMakelists.txt and add your test file
14:25.25 brlcad then re-run make again in the build dir
14:25.47 andrei the brlcad-build directory on desktop
14:25.50 brlcad if it works, you'll have your test binary in bin/test_rb or whatever you named it
14:25.53 andrei is empty
14:26.22 brlcad when you started the vm, it presented you with two windows
14:26.28 brlcad did you already close one of those windows?
14:26.28 andrei yes, I ll reboot it
14:26.35 andrei as I ve been playing abit in mged
14:26.45 brlcad you don't need to reboot
14:27.07 brlcad you just need to be in the right directory
14:27.52 jarray52 Do any pre-written open source engineering licenses exist? I'm looking for a GPL like license for open source engineering projects. I apologize in advance if the question is off topic.
14:28.18 brlcad jarray52: what does that even mean?
14:28.48 brlcad you could certainly use just about any OSI license for most open source engineering projects
14:29.08 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49749 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: use BRLCAD_CMAKE_DIR once it's defined
14:30.01 andrei so now I have two windows
14:30.17 andrei the terminal is in /home/brlcad
14:30.36 andrei and the file browser in /usr/brlcad/dev7.21.0
14:30.42 andrei I assume the last one is the build directory
14:31.18 jarray52 brlcad: The project would consist of CAD drawings/BRL CAD models, gcode, mathematical models, and written material that would facillitate manufacture of the product. I would like any user created modifications to be publically available whenever the product is sold or the designs redistributed.
14:31.34 brlcad andrei: so it's already different than it was when you first ran the VM
14:32.28 andrei I think so, yes.
14:33.20 brlcad jarray52: most open source licenses cover content, but you could also pick a license more geared to content like creative commons (cc-by-sa fits your description)
14:33.43 brlcad andrei: so there's a brlcad-trunk-svn dir -- that's your svn checkout
14:33.53 brlcad i.e., your source dir
14:34.10 brlcad there should also be a brlcad-build dir (or similarly named)
14:34.24 brlcad that's your build directory
14:34.53 andrei there is a brlcad-build indeed
14:34.58 andrei but it's empty
14:35.29 brlcad if you cd to it, and run make, what happens?
14:36.04 andrei make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
14:36.21 brlcad okay, so apparently tom nuked it in the latest version
14:36.31 brlcad run "cmake ~/brlcad-trunk-svn"
14:36.36 brlcad in the build dir
14:36.58 andrei I believe the directory is called brlcad-svn , I think it's the same thing tho
14:37.07 brlcad okay, that
14:37.27 brlcad he apparently renamed the dirs in the latest image
14:37.58 andrei it's my fault anyway, I m too unsecure to realise even obvious matters
14:38.31 andrei but I ll try and spend as much time as possible to understand it :)
14:39.58 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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14:48.45 andrei Now it works, I m waiting for make to finish :)
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15:03.02 ``Erik hehehehe
15:04.34 andrei Okaay
15:04.40 andrei that's cool
15:05.32 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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15:08.10 ``Erik amuses me
15:13.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49750 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
15:13.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Nevermind the LoadMacros hack - just prevent the re2c/lemon macro definitions
15:13.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: from being overwritten if they're already defined using Alexander Neundorf's tip
15:13.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: from BRL-CAD
15:13.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: defines 'em first, so the src/other copies won't get loaded (makes sure older
15:13.35 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: versions of macro files that might linger in src/other don't stomp misc/CMake
15:13.36 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: versions) but stand-alone builds will use the local copies. Properly set up
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15:15.46 brlcad ``Erik: heh
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15:29.49 andrei brlcad, it takes quite a while to compile
15:29.56 brlcad yep!
15:30.04 andrei when I will add my file to it, I assume it won't recompile the unchanged files
15:30.14 brlcad right
15:30.47 brlcad there's also a bit of a slowdown running in the vm, so you wouldn't necessarily be working that way all summer
15:30.59 brlcad the image is just to help folks get started
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15:31.17 brlcad later you'd be expected to set up your own environment
15:31.44 brlcad it's a distraction until after students are selected though so no worries for now
15:31.55 andrei If I will get accepted I will change the distribution to one that's compatible
15:32.00 andrei I m pretty unhappy with Ubuntu 11.10 anyway
15:32.13 stas andrei, why? :)
15:32.39 andrei well , it has some minor but annoying bugs
15:33.23 andrei and the fact that some things seem to be created just not to be like windows
15:33.40 stas could you describe any of these?
15:33.45 andrei Yes
15:33.52 andrei if you mean minor bugs
15:34.02 stas was just curious
15:34.09 andrei for example the first time I boot , I cannot change the bootloader option
15:34.15 andrei it s like I have no stdin control
15:34.31 stas thats grub2 actually
15:35.14 andrei aside of that
15:35.27 andrei if I browse with the file manager
15:35.31 andrei to some specific file
15:35.35 andrei I can't get the path anymore
15:35.42 stas ctrl+l
15:35.58 andrei ok I ll really try that now
15:36.15 andrei Ok, my bad, it works
15:36.18 andrei I thought it was disabled
15:36.20 stas :)
15:37.18 andrei I was thinking to switch to archlinux
15:37.24 stas no worries, thanks for feedback, in fact, you can email us anytime for that kind of feedback at :)
15:37.35 andrei :)
15:38.07 andrei Oh , if so , I could search better and provide a more accurate feedback if you want to
15:38.19 stas sure, anytime
15:38.20 andrei Here's another thing I just reminded of
15:38.41 andrei I also own a laptop ( if it is relevant I can mention technical details)
15:39.01 andrei on Windows 7 it has an uptime of about 2 and a half hours
15:39.26 andrei without doing advanced things ( not more than coding and pdf reading)
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15:39.50 andrei on Ubuntu 11.10 it s about 1.45 minutes doing the exactly same things
15:39.55 andrei hours I mean, not minutes
15:40.00 andrei 1 hour and 45 minutes*
15:40.24 stas hmm, that might result from what peripherials are being enabled, like wifi, bluetooth, camera and so
15:40.38 stas agree here, things could be improved
15:40.41 andrei but as I said I will send an email with more relevant and detailed feedback
15:41.25 stas sure, thanks
15:41.37 andrei that was quite a surprise tho
16:06.43 stas brlcad, starseeker I wanted to ask you guys, I'm kinda decided I will apply for the docbook/web stuff project, do you need details about me? like a resume or stuff? :)
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16:19.24 andrei Cmake uses exclusively CMakeLists.txt ?
16:33.31 brlcad stas: that's usually a good idea
16:36.59 andrei brlcad , I ve been reading the CMakeLists for a bit
16:37.15 andrei is there where I should add my source?
16:37.46 brlcad you put your .c file into the src/libbu source directory
16:37.52 Stattrav brlcad: what in the benchmarks do you need to store ? just the summary or the entire run and frame info ?
16:38.06 andrei I already have done that
16:38.22 brlcad andrei: make sure you have a full build, then edit src/libbu/CMakeLists.txt to add your .c file to the build
16:38.23 Stattrav and most importantly I've just submitted my latest benchmarks to
16:38.56 brlcad Stattrav: everything
16:38.58 andrei I have a full build and I have added my file( which is called test_rb.c) in /src/libbu
16:39.12 andrei and I'm stuck at adding it in Cmakelists.txt
16:39.27 brlcad Stattrav: a benchmarks database should preserve the original log file (entirely, unmodified) as well as all useful extractable values
16:39.31 Stattrav brlcad: and uses its own mail server ? IMAP
16:39.50 stas please take a look at this page when you have a minute, if there are questions, just ping me
16:39.51 stas thanks
16:40.55 Stattrav yeah I got that part of storing the entire log. but I was just wondering if I were write the regexes to extract the values what needs to be extracted.
16:41.24 brlcad everything that's useful to extract (which is just about everything not constant)
16:42.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49751 10/brlcad/trunk/ (15 files in 14 dirs): Put documentation output in the doc subdirectory of the data directory
16:44.04 brlcad stas: excellent -- I have a few questions, but I'll save them for next week during reviews
16:44.35 brlcad looks great, just make sure you include a link to it in your proposal write-up
16:45.04 stas thanks, I'll do. anyway, I'll stay around
16:45.40 brlcad great, might get to those questions beforehand then (just not today)
16:48.31 stas deal
16:57.50 Stattrav Oh, nice the benchmark shell script also checks for the --enable-runtime-debug and --enable-optimized
16:59.50 Stattrav brlcad: Since the info as you said is not constant fixing a db schema is not recommended ?
17:03.20 Stattrav oops
17:08.29 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3330 10/wiki/Summer_of_Code/Acceptance: it's their app, however emphasized
17:15.23 Stattrav brlcad: btw what kind of patch can I submit for this web framework ?
17:16.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49752 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt src/libbu/brlcad_path.c):
17:16.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Gah. We were getting away with checking a series of hard-coded subpaths for the
17:16.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: data subdirectory in bu_brlcad_data. Have CMake tell us what the right value is
17:16.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: via brlcad_config.h. Leave the hard-coded paths as a fall-back.
17:20.52 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3331 10/wiki/Summer_of_Code/Application_Guidelines: update with a few more fields for this year, noting the optional additions
17:21.40 andrei brlcad
17:21.40 brlcad gsoc students, just updated our suggested application template and guidelines
17:21.53 andrei when I add CMakeLists in /src/libbu
17:22.20 andrei can I link an executable with multiple files by using target_link_libraries
17:22.29 brlcad Stattrav: what do you mean by "fixing" a db schema? you mean defining one?
17:22.35 Stattrav yeah
17:22.43 Stattrav defining one
17:22.43 andrei for example my test code is called test_rbtree. can I use
17:22.44 brlcad you'll want/need to define one for at least some basic machine characteristics
17:22.46 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 0399.138.178.206 07 * r3332 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas:
17:22.56 andrei add_executable(test_rbtree test_rbtree.c)
17:23.06 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r49753 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libicv/fileformat.c: add parens so the averaging works correctly
17:23.08 andrei ah nevermind
17:23.20 andrei I realised found the answer, thanks anyway
17:23.24 andrei I found*
17:23.37 brlcad andrei: glad to help ;)
17:24.17 andrei I needed a CMake tutorial as I was completely lost in it :)
17:24.35 andrei and it became clear after I read it
17:24.46 brlcad Stattrav: so the entire point of the benchmark database is to characterize a given run against a database of existing runs, so basic hardware metrics will need to be tracked/extracted
17:25.03 Stattrav yes. Machine characteristics, summary of the benchmark run, performance metric, some flags ?
17:25.06 brlcad the problem is that those metrics are not well-defined because of the huge variety of hardware involved
17:25.24 Stattrav version of brlcad being run
17:26.40 brlcad sure, but that's trivial
17:26.42 Stattrav You must already have an instance of MySQL or some SQL running at the moment to support drupal and mediawiki right.
17:27.07 brlcad harder, I might want to know whether there is much/any difference between a quad core cpu and quad-cpu single core machines
17:27.11 brlcad over time
17:27.18 Stattrav ohh
17:27.19 brlcad and that's not easily derived from the log files
17:27.28 brlcad but it's there
17:27.45 Stattrav that could be obtained from the cpuinfo on linux and windows and mac I should check it up
17:27.46 brlcad at least for some logs
17:28.30 brlcad the logs are what they are -- some have /proc/cpuinfo, some have sysctl output, some have uname -a, etc...
17:28.45 brlcad depends on the OS, hardware, tools installed, etc
17:28.56 Stattrav yeah I have seen uname -a
17:29.01 brlcad when it's available, it's shoved into the log
17:29.15 brlcad look at your log (the actual file, not just what was displayed)
17:29.17 Stattrav Python has a crossplatform libs iirc
17:29.41 Stattrav yeah
17:29.47 brlcad we run on more platforms than python :)
17:30.17 Stattrav ohh :)
17:30.21 brlcad our benchmark baseline is a vax 11/780
17:30.37 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 0399.138.178.206 07 * r3333 10/wiki/Convert_BoT_to_Pipe: New page: In the design phase of an aircraft, component positions and locations are continually in flux leading to a lag in models of line routing. Typically when lines are received from an aircraft...
17:30.39 ``Erik sorta
17:30.49 ``Erik sphflake is an o2
17:30.49 Stattrav so info like this right -> "Compile-time debug symbols are available
17:30.51 Stattrav Running on zeppelin
17:30.52 Stattrav Planning to run with 8 processors"
17:31.29 Stattrav logs of each of those sub runs
17:32.19 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 0399.138.178.206 07 * r3334 10/wiki/Convert_BoT_to_Pipe:
17:32.20 brlcad probably don't need the individual logs, those are subject to change
17:32.32 Stattrav had to search for vax 11/780 on google :)
17:32.35 brlcad it's the benchmark suite's job to parse those
17:32.44 Stattrav aah
17:33.12 *** join/#brlcad lixer (dcff0231@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:33.36 brlcad Stattrav: do you know how to write sql schema?
17:34.04 brlcad CREATE ... db table syntax
17:34.20 Stattrav yup
17:34.20 Stattrav sure
17:34.54 brlcad so if selected, you'd probably spend a solid week developing a robust set of tables that capture everything
17:35.29 Stattrav yup
17:36.32 Stattrav give me 5-10 mins, I shall this schema for what I think I can extract so far. just for the heck of it
17:36.45 brlcad a good patch submission could be a quick first-stab at that or some enhancement/fix to the benchmark tool
17:36.45 Stattrav s/shall/shall write/
17:37.06 brlcad think about this in terms of users too, not just raw data
17:37.32 Stattrav ohh, do you have some pending fix to benchmark tool ?
17:38.27 brlcad there's a couple-todo's related to it, like making it output the CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS used to compile rt
17:38.53 brlcad that's potentially an rt mod, but it'd get exposed through the bencmark tool
17:39.33 brlcad another could be a C mod to our libbu basic utility library
17:39.54 brlcad it often outputs (unknown) for the tool name during production compiles
17:40.59 Stattrav ohh
17:40.59 brlcad gsoc students, new project idea just added by one of the mentors:
17:41.04 brlcad just fyi
17:55.11 Stattrav brlcad: which one in the basic utility ?
17:58.45 brlcad try a release build, then re-run the benchmark -- your log file may have some information missing
17:59.29 Stattrav ohh
17:59.32 Stattrav let me check that
17:59.45 Stattrav i have 7.20 on my machine as well
17:59.53 brlcad the libbu routines in question are bu_which() and bu_whereis() along with the one that pulls up /proc/cpuinfo
18:00.22 brlcad the issue is related to our modes of compilation and strictness
18:00.39 Stattrav ohh
18:00.47 brlcad if you compile in a strict compliance mode, you don't get some libc routines, so the implementation falls back to nothing (unknown)
18:01.22 brlcad the fix would need to either figure out something more clever or find/define additional fallback methods
18:02.03 Stattrav ohh
18:04.47 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r49754 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (17 files in 3 dirs): move some sdai sources from clstepcore to cldai
18:19.05 Stattrav brlcad: crudely this
18:19.12 Stattrav the schema that is
18:22.51 brlcad mu gut inclination would be to keep the original logs as files on disk instead of in the db
18:23.39 brlcad so a dev could do their own quick processing or scripting if needed using grep/awk/whatever instead of having to fire up an sql query
18:23.40 Stattrav aah
18:23.52 brlcad not a strong inclination, so welcome comments
18:24.10 Stattrav but you wanted some kind of plots etc
18:24.27 Stattrav replication ?
18:24.32 brlcad sure, but then you will have extracted everythign from the logs into the db
18:24.34 Stattrav as in store them on the disk as well as the db
18:24.47 Stattrav oh yeah that is what i mean
18:24.47 brlcad think of the file as the "paper trail"
18:25.07 brlcad you could regenerate/repopulate the db with the files
18:25.14 Stattrav yes
18:25.37 Stattrav a population script could always be written
18:26.06 brlcad there you have milestone #2 then ;)
18:26.24 Stattrav aahaha
18:27.22 Stattrav that was the first job I had when I was working, write the db population scripts for the load testing. They thought I'd learn the codebase and schema through that
18:28.59 brlcad also, other comments on the schema -- you'll want to try and capture a characterization of the hardware/os/compiler/cadversion (probably four separate other tables)
18:29.17 Stattrav oh yeah
18:29.55 Stattrav and link these tables via id (foreign key)
18:30.10 brlcad right
18:31.49 Stattrav so grep over the codebase reveals that bu_which is used for just uname, sysctl, pwd, tclcadautopath, terminal and editors. That is it right
18:32.48 Stattrav brlcad: btw do you want me to write a sample API for submission via the HTTP or via the mail ?
18:33.36 brlcad an architecture diagram would be more helpful initially
18:33.41 Stattrav sure
18:34.06 brlcad can get to api details later
18:35.01 Stattrav sure
18:36.47 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
18:37.50 Stattrav Cant think of anyother modes of submission apart from HTTP API, via mail, ftp sync. Is there anything else that is commonly used that I am missing ?
18:39.06 brlcad devs that manually drop a log (via scp/cp) into a queue dir
18:39.20 brlcad http and mail should just drop into that queue dir too
18:39.43 brlcad can let cron check every so often, view queue status on web, etc
18:40.19 Stattrav ohh sure
18:40.20 *** join/#brlcad Akshat (~chatzilla@
18:40.35 Akshat hello
18:41.03 brlcad hello Akshat
18:41.45 Akshat i wanted to know about GSoC,and my proposal
18:42.03 Akshat should i proceed
18:42.33 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (2e9552a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:43.57 Stattrav brlcad: sure. tomorrow, I shall present you a diagram/UML for the same. Got to get some things done for my classes tomorrow. thank you btw
18:43.58 Akshat <brlcad> you there
18:44.08 Stattrav Akshat: he is always here. Just ask :)
18:44.09 brlcad ~ask
18:44.09 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:44.40 Akshat ok
18:44.44 brlcad Stattrav: it doesn't need to be uml (and is fine if it is) -- just need the notion
18:44.50 brlcad like the diagram I posted on the list
18:44.54 Akshat i was interested in code reduction can i know which type of code will i get
18:45.21 brlcad Akshat: you get the code you select
18:45.36 brlcad we're not going to give you code and say "reduce this"
18:45.50 Stattrav brlcad: it is easier for me to make one than anything else :) emacs
18:45.52 brlcad you will figure out what to refactor, discuss, and proceed
18:47.03 Akshat nice , i even doen't expect that :)
18:48.32 Akshat <brlcad> i am new to chatzilla, and might be reacting inappropriately
18:49.39 brlcad Akshat: no problem, there are plenty of people around to tell you if/when you're being annoying or doing something wrong ;)
18:49.43 brlcad like that
18:49.46 brlcad that's annoying
19:00.08 *** join/#brlcad Akshat (~chatzilla@
19:02.16 Akshat i am interested in code reduction and fix bugs, i wanted to know in which direction should i work,so that i can provide my best to the project
19:05.07 Akshat hello!!!
19:05.18 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
19:06.42 ksuzee <PROTECTED>
19:07.00 Akshat its good
19:07.35 Akshat so how are you working over it
19:09.45 ksuzee Well, I've already registed on Mail Lists, as Sean advised me. Also, I'm dowloading the sources to start working out with them. And you?
19:11.43 Akshat i have joined today,but they have not replied yet. so what is this "sources" , bunch of code.
19:14.27 Akshat hello!!!
19:14.33 ksuzee I mean the open code of the project
19:15.19 Akshat is that interesting to you
19:15.21 Stattrav Akshat: as brlcad points out, repeated "Hello"s with multiple question marks are annoying
19:15.58 Akshat <stattrav> ok
19:16.55 ksuzee "<Akshat> is that interesting to you" - is it for me?
19:17.56 Akshat <ksuzee> yes , i just wanted to know , is working with that stuff a fun
19:21.39 ksuzee yes, I think, it's quite interesting
19:24.40 Akshat <ksuzee> can you give me link address of that sources, it would be very kind.
19:25.29 ksuzee here's it Everythins's for you)
19:25.59 Akshat <ksuzee> thank you
19:30.48 brlcad even easier, if you download VirtualBox, we've provided a virtual disk image this year with everything downloaded and preinstalled
19:30.51 brlcad
19:31.07 brlcad you'll need about 6GB but it should have everything needed
19:32.34 Akshat <brlcad> thank you for your kind help.
19:32.37 ksuzee Thank you! Indeed
19:32.53 *** part/#brlcad Akshat (~chatzilla@
19:33.25 brlcad ksuzee: helping your fellow gsocer is greatly appreciated, thanks!
19:35.15 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49755 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: whoops - don't need 'Windows' in the exe name
19:36.46 ksuzee brlcad: it's not difficult for me, really
19:38.46 *** join/#brlcad Akshat (~chatzilla@
19:42.12 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
19:59.10 *** join/#brlcad Aun`Shi (
20:10.10 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
20:10.49 andrei back:)
20:22.05 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
20:57.11 Al_Da_Best ``Erik: Hi, I have a few ideas for one of the scientific projects for GSOC, namely the non-vacuum gravity simulator. I was thinking about expanding on the basic falling block(well, object) by adding in a number of adjustable parameters. I was thinking along the lines of making the ground plane variable, so you could alter say, the coeff of restitution and the simulation would model the result
20:57.12 Al_Da_Best of that. Also possibly allow for falling through different fluids and at different depths of fluids (so allowing for a rapid change in density etc).
21:59.50 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
22:20.53 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49756 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): We only want Debug and Release builds for BRL-CAD. Always want Debug flags, even when doing optimized release builds, unless explicitly turned off. Try and correct logic to reflect that - untested on multiconfig.
22:49.51 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r49757 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (33 files in 30 dirs): remove step autotools files
23:19.15 brlcad wb andrei
23:20.08 andrei Thank you
23:20.10 brlcad Al_Da_Best: that would be an awesome project -- you should try to familiarize yourself with the existing simulation code
23:20.28 andrei C90 standards are messing up my logic a bit
23:21.10 Al_Da_Best brlcad, I'm starting to do so, mainly just looking around the source to see where things fit together at the moment
23:25.32 brlcad src/libged/simulate is where the main effort is that resulted in
23:27.23 brlcad some work is still needed, though, as seen:
23:28.18 brlcad ideally, someone working that area would familiarize and finish the pieces remaining, then move on to new features
23:28.19 Al_Da_Best Cool. Yeah the second video clearly shows issues there
23:28.34 Al_Da_Best Indeed. Get the basics down before complicating it
23:38.12 Al_Da_Best Just a small error I've noticed on the Checklist page, the dates for draft/final application are in July instead of March/April (
23:39.02 Al_Da_Best Well, not so much an error so much as aimed at a different event (I think)
23:39.11 brlcad yeah, that was for socis
23:39.25 andrei brlcad
23:39.31 Al_Da_Best Thought it might be
23:39.41 andrei I managed to get the insert/delete functions tester working
23:39.59 andrei however I have some small understanding issues regarding the way the "rb_walk" function works
23:40.02 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3335 10/wiki/Summer_of_Code/Checklist: update dates for gsoc2012
23:42.19 andrei as it is written now , it will only walk through nodes containing data
23:45.23 andrei the "visit" function can only be called with an void *data and a depth parameter?
23:46.28 andrei as it's called by visit(rb_data(root, order), depth); or visit(<node>, depth);
23:58.30 brlcad andrei: glad to hear it's mostly working, but I'd have to read the impl to know the answer to your question, don't recall off the top of my head

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