IRC log for #brlcad on 20120321

00:00.20 *** join/#brlcad co_ (80876466@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:00.36 andrei oh , that's understandable
00:00.58 andrei anyhow I think I have gained a slightly better understanding of the code
00:01.12 andrei I ll just get to sleep and reread tomorrow when I m fresh :)
00:01.47 andrei Goodnight!
01:22.56 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
01:34.48 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49758 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt misc/CMake/ Get the actual install process with multiconfig tools to use dev and rel install locations
01:58.39 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49759 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ More than just the install prefix to handle here...
02:15.48 starseeker finishes Xcode Debug build test... fingers crossed...
02:35.44 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
02:36.09 starseeker and Release succeeds too
02:36.29 starseeker sighs in relief and calls it an evening
03:26.59 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
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11:59.50 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
12:01.23 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
12:53.12 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
12:53.32 andrei Good afternoon!
12:54.35 Al_Da_Best Hi
12:55.15 brlcad good morning!
12:57.20 andrei I have had 6 classes already , morning is far far away for me :)
12:57.28 brlcad ~ugt
12:57.29 ibot it has been said that ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
12:58.05 andrei alright
12:58.08 andrei I appologise
12:58.24 brlcad it's meant to be funny, not so serious :P
12:58.44 andrei hehe
12:58.48 andrei In channels like #apache
12:58.50 andrei it's
12:58.54 andrei Good < every part of the day>
13:03.07 andrei I m trying to get the functional part of my test unit
13:03.08 andrei working
13:03.14 andrei and I believe I m close to it
13:03.34 andrei so I can "tune" it a bit to look better
13:29.07 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
13:35.07 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
13:43.46 andrei Brlcad
13:44.08 andrei I have completed the test unit
13:44.26 andrei that adds nodes, erases , searches and displays them
13:44.31 andrei searches one random node
13:44.51 andrei my " visit' function is actually the display one
13:45.07 andrei what should I further try
13:45.14 andrei I mean should I try the rotate functions
13:46.57 andrei ?
13:53.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r49760 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libicv/fileformat.c: use _DEFAULT png flags instead of _BASE
13:54.37 brlcad andrei: that's awesome
13:54.48 andrei well
13:54.52 brlcad if you can find a way to use all of the public API functions listed in bu.h, that would be ideal
13:55.05 brlcad you say "well" a lot :)
13:55.16 andrei that's because I like water :p
13:55.17 brlcad I think I counted 5 times yesterday
13:55.30 brlcad er, day before
13:55.51 brlcad just funny, no worries
13:55.52 andrei I have several annoying habits I will probably have to get rid of
13:55.59 andrei no more coding in a cave for me , hopefully:)
13:56.05 brlcad well
13:56.07 brlcad hopefully ;)
14:01.38 andrei On a serious note, I really apologize if some of my "habits" are annoying. If it happens please let me know, I usually open to criticism:)
14:01.43 andrei I'm*
14:21.11 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
14:53.03 *** join/#brlcad gnn (~chatzilla@
14:54.24 *** join/#brlcad Neil____ (~chatzilla@
15:35.25 andrei I have copied the function "search" in my test file and modified it to return the node structure instead of the void* ( I need it for the rotate functions) , is this the right way to do it? I haven't found a function to do this
15:35.53 andrei the "search" refers to red black tree search function
15:39.59 andrei I found an alternative, nvm :)
15:40.47 *** part/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
15:50.09 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49761 10/brlcad/trunk/ (CMakeLists.txt INSTALL): Fix description of debug option - no longer conditional, we're using 'em all the time unless explicitly told not to.
15:59.03 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49762 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Downcase some CMake macros...
16:04.32 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
17:20.28 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49763 10/brlcad/trunk/ (10 files in 9 dirs): Rework handling of config.h files, with an eye towards hitting the disk less - seems to shave a couple seconds off the configure process on Linux.
17:30.09 brlcad andrei: on a more serious note, your habits aren't annoying (at least not yet) :)
17:32.44 brlcad as for the void*, you could cast that to a node pointer .. I'd wonder why it was made a void* in the first place .. might not be what it seems to be
17:35.30 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
17:36.02 starseeker little bit more improvement on the Mac... saved about 8 seconds, give or take...
17:42.53 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49764 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: update description
17:48.43 andrei <PROTECTED>
17:49.10 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
17:49.16 andrei the function defined in bu.h returns rb_data(node, order);
17:49.26 andrei so casting it to a structure causes a segfault
17:52.19 andrei I didn't want to edit bu.h ( or at least not yet ) so I just took the curent tree node
17:52.26 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (c1976953@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:58.01 andrei anyway, resuming the bu.h functions testing so I'll be arround.
18:07.14 brlcad I'm not sure I follow what the problem is
18:07.38 brlcad if you had to modify existing bu source code, that is worth understanding in more depth
18:08.54 andrei yes, that's why I avoided doing it :)
18:09.39 andrei the problem was that the rotate tree function needed a node parameter and there is no specific function ( or at least I haven't seen it ) to retrieve a specific node
18:09.48 andrei but it's fixed so doesn't matter
18:10.20 brlcad you avoided doing it, so you didn't?
18:10.28 andrei I did not edit bu.h
18:10.30 andrei :)
18:10.30 brlcad it sounded like you said you did made a mod earlier
18:10.44 brlcad bu.h is just a header, did you have to modify any of the rb_*.c files
18:10.44 andrei well at first I copied the function from bu.h
18:10.50 andrei only mine
18:10.56 andrei which is test_rbtree
18:10.58 andrei :)
18:10.58 brlcad what does that mean?
18:11.07 brlcad so "no"
18:11.15 andrei yes.."no"
18:11.31 brlcad okay, just looking for clarity -- it sounded like you had
18:11.41 brlcad so then how did you get a node?
18:12.11 andrei using the normal search function, I used te the search one to look for a data ( I knew what data I was looking for)
18:12.22 andrei then the node pointer was positioned ( by the function ) exactly where I needed it to be
18:12.39 andrei and I used TestTree->node ( which is the curent node of my RBtree instance)
18:12.57 brlcad so you just misunderstood the API the first time is what basically happened?
18:13.05 andrei nope
18:13.24 andrei for example the function walk
18:13.29 andrei moves from node pointer to node pointer
18:13.45 andrei function search stops when it finds the require node and although it does not retrieve the node pointer
18:13.48 andrei it is still there
18:14.08 brlcad please be specific, do you mean bu_rb_walk() or rb_walk() or ... ?
18:14.16 andrei Hold on
18:14.16 brlcad likewise for "search"
18:14.32 andrei I have only unsed bu_rb_*
18:15.45 brlcad so bu_rb_search() takes a tree, order, and data
18:15.50 andrei yes
18:15.56 andrei and returns the data contained in the node
18:16.07 andrei and I wanted the node
18:16.31 andrei but since my parameter is global it remains modified after the function bu_rb_search() has ended
18:16.46 andrei searched_value = bu_rb_search(TestTree,0,"a");
18:16.47 andrei bu_rb_delete(TestTree,0);
18:17.03 andrei this sequence of code deletes the node containing the letter "a" as data
18:21.08 andrei does it make any sense?
18:24.48 andrei this is my output
18:25.44 brlcad is inaccessible from many locations (including mine) .. maybe try or debian's instead
18:25.58 andrei just a second
18:26.53 andrei
18:28.37 andrei I m sorry for the poor explaining but here's what I did, or at least what I had in mind
18:28.40 brlcad hm, curious that it'd still print the null/deleted node
18:29.09 andrei it does because I specifically searched for it
18:29.13 andrei otherwise it doesn't :)
18:29.16 brlcad okay
18:30.08 andrei this is where I store the red black tree
18:30.10 andrei struct bu_rb_tree *TestTree;
18:30.55 andrei I made it a global variable and as a result when the bu_rb_search() breaks the infinite loop ( while(1) ) {
18:32.13 andrei the TestTree->rbt_current pointer is positioned exactly on the node that has the searched data
18:32.24 *** join/#brlcad bhinesley (~bhinesley@
18:32.44 andrei and the bu_rb_delete() deletes by default the curent node , and that's what I did :)
18:33.48 andrei Sorry again for beeing completely rubbish at explaining this
18:34.10 brlcad that's good and all, how I'd expect it to work (except for the global, unnecessary) .. the confusion is that you were trying to get at a node pointer from a search
18:34.31 brlcad and I guess you learned that you don't need to, that it'll work with the "current" node ?
18:34.46 brlcad or is there still an issue calling burb_rotate()
18:35.05 andrei I learned exactly what you said
18:35.20 andrei I was at first surprised that there isn't a generic search function
18:35.30 andrei but it s not necessary , at least for what I want to do with it.
18:36.23 brlcad so I say again, "so you just misunderstood the API the first time is what basically happened?"
18:36.30 brlcad sounds like "yeah, basically" :)
18:36.46 brlcad not nope
18:37.01 brlcad there's nothing wrong at all with misunderstanding an API, especially when you eventually figure it out!
18:37.23 brlcad you made it sound like you'd modified libbu :)
18:39.14 andrei looking back on our discussion
18:39.20 andrei seems I caused all the confusion
18:40.04 andrei Sorry for that
18:41.58 brlcad it's all good
18:42.15 brlcad you're probably now the defacto leading expert on libbu's redblack tree implementation ;)
18:42.37 brlcad hasn't really worked with that part of the API in years...
18:42.51 brlcad partly because the docs are terrible
18:43.30 andrei I sometimes miserably fail at asking questions( as you have probably noticed)
18:43.44 andrei but that's not because of lack of interest
18:47.01 andrei I sometimes jump too early to the conclusion, but I will try to think more before I speak :)
18:47.28 andrei as it's not a small easy-to-guess source, so the guessing part is over
18:48.36 brlcad code is code, one of the great things about open source code (at least after a while) is the exposure and experience you gain being able to just jump in and ready any code
18:48.51 brlcad regardless of style, purpose, formatting, etc
18:50.33 andrei I wonder how much would it take me
18:50.39 andrei to understand the whole code
18:51.56 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
18:52.07 andrei anyway, I ll get back to testing the libbu api , so I ll have more time to plan the technical details of my proposal
18:52.29 andrei :)
18:57.46 *** join/#brlcad anubhavk (~user1@
18:58.05 anubhavk Hello Sean
18:59.40 anubhavk My skill set limits me to wander only around the web dev projects. and i was specifically interested in the benchmark Performance Databae idea.
19:31.28 ksuzee Sean, hello! Sorry for interrupting. I'm trying to compile test_*.c files which you advised me and there're no common.h and bu.h files. What am I doing wrong?
19:32.45 andrei how are you trying to compile them?
19:33.23 ksuzee gcc filename
19:33.28 ksuzee or not?
19:34.30 andrei it wouldn't work like that because the libraries themselves(if you look the files exists ) include other files
19:34.49 andrei do you have the svn source?
19:35.28 andrei <PROTECTED>
19:35.48 andrei you can either download the virtualbox ( which has everything setup for it) or download the svn file from sourceforge
19:36.02 ksuzee I, ve just done it
19:36.11 ksuzee Sean told yesterday
19:36.17 andrei downloading the virtualbox
19:36.21 andrei or the svn?
19:36.38 ksuzee VB
19:36.45 andrei well
19:36.47 ksuzee then I did this
19:36.49 ksuzee $ cd ; cd brlcad-build $ cmake ../brlcad-svn
19:36.58 ``Erik <-- shakes fist at rt's -B for not being move obvious
19:37.25 andrei what does it say when you run that ksuzee?
19:38.37 ksuzee hm
19:38.48 ksuzee it ended succesfully
19:38.58 andrei then you should just run
19:38.59 ksuzee and I did "make"
19:38.59 andrei make
19:39.15 andrei then you have the binaries
19:39.31 andrei they are located in /brlcad-build/bin
19:39.32 andrei I believe
19:39.36 andrei one second, I ll check
19:39.58 andrei here :
19:40.06 andrei <PROTECTED>
19:40.32 ``Erik andrei: I'd argue that it's impossible to fully understand all the code... by the time you got to 'the end', stuff would have changed behind you :) we tend to have focus areas and rely on eachother
19:40.58 andrei it was just a hyptotehnical question
19:41.13 andrei and it was more like have a good general idea of it
19:41.29 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r49765 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (step/config/ step.dist): remove unused config/*
19:41.31 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r49766 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/wdb_obj.c: Updated file 'wdb_obj.c' adding 'get' into the command list. This change fixes a bug which incorrectly showed that 'get' is not one of the possible parameters to 'db'.
19:42.38 andrei ksuzee: did you find what you were looking for?
19:42.43 ``Erik I'm coming up on 10 years and there're a few bits that're still black boxes to me, but a pretty good feel for general organization and how the major pieces fit together can be attained very quickly, it's pretty well divided and documented for the most part
19:44.18 bhinesley I'm coming in around 4 months, and I only know about some of the black boxes :)
19:44.40 andrei uhm..
19:44.44 andrei I know red black trees !
19:46.43 andrei Erik , if I may ask
19:46.49 andrei why sourceforge instead of github?
19:46.58 andrei It's just a curiosity of mine:)
19:47.12 ``Erik andrei: because there was no github when we went open source
19:47.40 ``Erik the cffi wrapper for BRL-CAD I'm planning on eventually contemplating working on will be on github...
19:48.32 andrei ah
19:48.34 ``Erik like at but probably renamed to cl-brlcad or something
19:48.51 andrei Nothing to see here yet. Move along.
19:49.00 andrei lol
19:49.17 ``Erik ah, I get the 'steps to init a new repo', I clicked 'create project' 11 months ago, according to github
19:49.33 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (c1976953@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:49.57 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:52.33 andrei :)
19:58.17 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49767 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (conv/step/CMakeLists.txt other/CMakeLists.txt): Make sure fedex output depends on fedex_plus build target
20:08.05 *** join/#brlcad leavittx (~leavittx@
20:08.35 andrei function bu_hash_add_entry has an int parameter called new_entry
20:09.08 andrei isn't is used only as a found/not found flag? if it is , why is it a parameter?
20:09.51 andrei
20:12.22 bhinesley it looks like it's the data being added to me
20:13.03 bhinesley n/m
20:14.07 ``Erik because C doesn't do multiple value returns
20:14.17 bhinesley ^--what he said :)
20:14.21 andrei aaah
20:14.24 andrei that make sense
20:14.34 andrei makes even
20:15.23 ``Erik (kinda common pattern is returnval0 = myfunc(args, &returnval1, &returnval2); to fake it)
20:17.21 ``Erik less bad than using globals *shrug*
20:19.28 ``Erik not as cool as (defun myfunc () (values a b c)) ... (multiple-value-bind (a b c) (myfunc) ...) though... O:-)
20:49.51 ``Erik (yowza, throw a little common lisp in chan and it completely kills the party O.o )
20:50.07 bhinesley hehe who knows listp
20:50.09 bhinesley *lisp
20:50.16 andrei lisp?
20:50.19 andrei << I will soon
20:50.25 andrei know a some Scheme
20:50.28 andrei and a bit of Haskell
20:51.39 andrei We re going to study it at the Programming Paradigms course
20:51.45 andrei :)
20:52.06 andrei Erik, do you know lisp?
20:53.10 bhinesley apparently
20:53.15 ``Erik some, but it's a big language... :) I've been using it quite a bit in personal projects and sneaking some into work
20:53.27 andrei perfect *evil grin*
20:54.16 ``Erik is a UCW webapp that emulates fortune(1) (with most of the data ripped from various fortune db's)
20:54.43 andrei as bhinesley said, not many people know lisp
20:55.11 ``Erik ralith used to chum here, he's in #lisp and #lispgames
20:55.52 bhinesley kinda niche these days, it seems:
20:56.30 andrei last year the google AI challenge was one by someone coding in Lisp
20:56.47 ``Erik *shrug* seems to have exploded in growth the last few years with a new generation discovering it... python and ruby got people to open their eyes to other languages, possibly
20:57.49 andrei it s just : lots of irritating silly parentheses
20:57.55 ``Erik (~13 years ago, I was introduced to scheme and derided it for every lame excuse in the book, starting with the parens... now I'm a fan :)
20:59.00 bhinesley obligatory:
20:59.59 ``Erik
21:00.23 andrei <PROTECTED>
21:00.40 bhinesley I think that was all of 'em :)
21:00.44 ``Erik heads out, catch ya'll later
21:00.50 bhinesley waves
21:01.04 andrei Good evening!
21:02.09 andrei bhinesley, aside of the last year project
21:02.18 andrei what are you working on , if I may ask?
21:06.31 bhinesley just preping for finals right now, I don't have any other projects at the moment
21:07.55 bhinesley Programming Languages, Networking, and AI
21:08.05 bhinesley networking is kind of intense
21:09.06 andrei finals?
21:10.05 bhinesley final exams (tests)
21:10.24 andrei ah
21:10.39 andrei I was thinking of some competition - finals
21:10.49 bhinesley hehe
21:12.08 andrei looking over all this code this days
21:12.28 andrei think it will help me read code easier
21:12.44 bhinesley I was participating in the CTF contest, but I gave up on the 4th level, since I don't know assembly (needed to inject shellcode)
21:13.24 andrei hmm
21:13.37 andrei hence modern compilers don t necessarly require one to know assembly
21:13.40 bhinesley andrei: there is so much code, you can read forever... go deep not wide :)
21:14.40 andrei :)
21:14.42 bhinesley assmebly is required for my degree, I just haven't taken it yet
21:14.56 andrei I know a very, very slight bit of assembly
21:15.08 andrei for example to write a bubble sort in it
21:15.17 andrei or stuff like that
21:16.04 bhinesley I can't write a lick :) easy enough to read and get this gist though
21:16.30 andrei well I supposedly studied it for 6 months
21:16.47 bhinesley haha, "supposedly"?
21:16.56 andrei unfortunately the teacher was involved in some government projects
21:17.03 andrei and came to like 40% of the classes
21:17.40 bhinesley your terms are 6 months?
21:18.04 andrei oh I terribly fail
21:18.08 andrei 3 months ,not 6
21:18.28 andrei was thinking about normal year
21:18.33 andrei we have 2 semesters of 14 weeks each
21:18.41 bhinesley ah okay
21:18.47 bhinesley gtg, i'll ttyl
21:18.59 andrei see you around :)
21:21.59 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49768 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tktable/generic/tkTable.h: Change the default background and foreground settings on windows.
21:58.05 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49769 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): Mods to center the various help dialogs over the main application.
21:59.06 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
22:11.42 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49770 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ don't need the wildcard here...
22:16.19 andrei Im off to sleep, will probably finish the rest of tests tomorrow. Good night everyone!
23:03.39 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49771 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ (CMake/ CMakeLists.txt cmake/): go with the mpictor github capitalization
23:04.04 *** join/#brlcad diakatana (
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23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49772 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/ (AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TODO):
23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Go ahead and sync the toplevel files from
23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: - not all of them apply to our
23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: branch as yet, but the idea is to sync the two trees so get these out of the
23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: diff. Eventually we'll have a patch to submit back to the github project, so
23:13.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: updates to these files for things like re2c/lemon will be part of that.
23:21.21 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49773 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Add other toplevel files, update step.dist
23:25.45 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r49774 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/ (step/src/clivfasd/ step.dist): remove SCL clivfasd; deemed obsolete and removed from mpictor git repo in a0353bc
23:38.28 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49775 10/brlcad/trunk/CMakeLists.txt: ws
23:40.23 *** join/#brlcad minalb (

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