IRC log for #brlcad on 20120323

00:00.49 tadbalcer_ oh, I see, could you tell me what is the intention of this topic in GSoC? It's about refactoring thoose trees to use other one or look the same?
00:01.05 brlcad the tree refactoring project is more about API design, trying to come up with a design that will encapsulate most if not all of them into one
00:01.52 tadbalcer_ aaa, now I understand
00:02.04 tadbalcer_ and this thing should be done in classic C ?
00:02.12 brlcad yes, definitely
00:03.13 brlcad it's sort of like you have a big application and some places call printf(), some call fprintf(stdout), some call puts(), ... and more across thousands of lines of code
00:03.52 tadbalcer_ wow, sounds like a real mess
00:04.01 brlcad we want to consolidate them all into just one cad_log() function instead of the printf/fprintf/puts/... variety, so the task involves designing cad_log(), implementing it, then updating all of the printf/fprintf/puts/... places to call it
00:04.18 brlcad except it's not at all as simple as printf/fprintf/puts ;)
00:05.15 tadbalcer_ sounds a little bit like a challange
00:05.34 tadbalcer_ thank you, you realy interested me in this topic
00:06.05 tadbalcer_ could you suggest me some
00:06.25 tadbalcer_ websites or documentations for
00:06.26 brlcad what?
00:06.44 brlcad oh, dude .. finish your sentence before hitting enter/return :)
00:06.49 tadbalcer_ General Tree Walkers? exept the things that I can google :)
00:07.04 tadbalcer_ sorry :)
00:07.29 brlcad the only really relevant research would be about traversal ordering
00:07.54 brlcad maybe
00:08.06 brlcad heh
00:08.45 andrei_ haha
00:08.56 *** join/#brlcad tadbalcer (51be7a6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:09.23 andrei_ by the way
00:09.39 andrei_ the virtualbox saved me a lot of time
00:09.54 andrei_ I tried today to get it working on my main distribution but it failed
00:09.56 brlcad tadbalcer: another is
00:10.05 andrei_ will probably take a closer look in a few days
00:10.25 brlcad andrei_: feel free to identify the cause of the failure, fixing that would be a valid useful patch too
00:10.41 tadbalcer thanks brlcad
00:11.14 brlcad brl-cad is expected to build out-of-the-box on most platforms, but sometimes doesn't depending on our current state of development
00:12.24 andrei_ well the failure could be caused by my OS
00:12.28 brlcad any build failure, even when it's just deficiencies or assumptions in our build system, have historically been viewed as high-priority defects worth accommodating on our end
00:12.56 brlcad very likely was caused by your OS, but the important question is whether it's something we could have detected and prevented failing on
00:13.02 brlcad tadbalcer: you're quite welcome
00:13.24 andrei_ yes, you have a point
00:13.36 brlcad tadbalcer: feel free to join the brlcad-devel mailing list to introduce yourself and your ideas if you've not done so already -- especially as your project ideas start to take shape
00:14.39 brlcad tadbalcer: also, if you are interested in the tree traversal problem, please do review the various implementations in brl-cad so you can begin to get an understanding of the complexity involved
00:15.21 brlcad your proposal would ideally itemize the various tree methods we provide and describe whether/how they would be part of a unified refactoring
00:19.13 tadbalcer brlcad: thanks, surely I join to the mailing list, and surely I would like to look for tree traversal implementations, it would be great if I could help in some way
00:19.31 andrei_ brlcad
00:20.06 andrei_ I have kept changing my mind over the rb_* unit test, between user_input driven test and hardcoded test
00:20.27 andrei_ I decided to leave it as a hardcoded test, I will create a sourceforge account and put it there
00:20.40 andrei_ just let me know if I should change it in some way
00:21.03 tadbalcer I would like to localize the files in project in which thoose algorithm are, but I think i would download the source tommorow
00:21.35 tadbalcer because I can download the whole source, is it right ?
00:22.01 andrei_ it's opensource, so yes:)
00:23.20 brlcad andrei_: you're welcome to add a user-driven input portion, but those usually aren't nearly as useful unless you're looking for a bug or developing the interface
00:23.31 brlcad the default should be automated
00:23.53 andrei_ yes
00:23.53 brlcad tadbalcer: yes, the whole source is available
00:24.03 andrei_ now the only curent user-driven input
00:24.32 andrei_ is a binary choice between the bu_rb_diagnose or walk to display the data
00:25.03 andrei_ because I thought that could make some use
00:26.29 brlcad tadbalcer: if you have any trouble or just want an easier path, we've prepared a virtual disk image this year:
00:26.58 tadbalcer okey :) sorry for stupid question
00:27.00 tadbalcer oh, great
00:27.12 brlcad you'll need about 6GB of space and will need to install VirtualBox (free vm), but it's got everything already downloaded and installed with several code examples (including a link to one of the tree traversal methods)
00:27.27 brlcad the only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask and don't get answered
00:30.04 tadbalcer brlcad: really thanks:) you helped me a lot. I surely study it when I download the pack, but now, if you excuse me, I would go for a sleep
00:30.20 tadbalcer see you soon guys
00:45.40 andrei_ here it is
00:45.43 andrei_
00:45.52 andrei_ it will be on sourceforge aswell
00:45.57 andrei_ I just need to learn how to work with it
00:51.13 andrei_ I have several typo's in that source ._.
00:51.15 andrei_ will fix them now
00:58.32 brlcad will wait for an "official" submission to our patch tracker, but glad to see you are familiar with verion control
00:58.59 brlcad there are examples all over the web on how to make a proper unified diff patch
00:59.14 brlcad "svn diff" will do most of what you need for you
00:59.46 andrei_ I wouldn't really say familiar with svn control, but I m in the process of learning it :)
01:00.16 brlcad git is version control too
01:00.21 andrei_ I know :)
01:00.26 andrei_ but I don t know git perfectly either
01:01.00 brlcad svn is slightly simpler imho, because it requires us all to work together in the same place
01:01.30 andrei_ I agree about that
01:06.15 andrei_ it will probably take me an hour or so
01:06.21 andrei_ to figure out how should I do what you said:)
01:06.46 brlcad heh, well feel free to ask questions or search the web... it's about as common as it gets for open source contributions ;)
01:06.58 brlcad plus just about everyone in here knows it in and out
01:07.35 andrei_ well as a general matter
01:07.54 andrei_ it s probably the best tool
01:07.58 andrei_ programmers have
01:12.16 andrei_ I don't know if I asked before, I dont quite remember
01:12.31 andrei_ what's your cet time? ( gmt thing..)
01:23.16 andrei_ I found like a thousand windows svn tutorials
01:30.04 andrei_ uhm , I believe I found a way to add it using a GUI from the site. It's called Add Artifact , is this what I should do?
01:30.07 andrei_ I m quite confused
01:42.09 andrei_ here is where I think I should uppload the file , please correct me if I m wrong
01:42.10 andrei_
01:49.58 andrei_ anyway, going to sleep. see you :)!
03:46.42 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3340 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012: accepted
03:48.15 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3341 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012: update dates
04:11.28 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
04:12.27 brlcad hello witness123
05:00.31 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
05:29.51 *** join/#brlcad Neil____ (~chatzilla@
07:05.50 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
07:08.56 witness123 hi
07:09.09 witness123 brlcad
07:10.49 witness123 I am interested in working with brlcad
07:11.04 witness123 and i am going through the ideas
07:20.19 *** join/#brlcad KimK (
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07:37.02 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
09:00.33 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
09:00.43 andrei_ Hello!
09:02.48 andrei_ brlcad, are you around?
09:57.57 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
10:10.07 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
12:10.56 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
12:30.27 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
12:30.36 andrei_ Hello!
12:51.02 brlcad good morning andrei_
12:51.17 andrei_ how are you ?:)
12:51.45 brlcad doing great!
12:52.01 andrei_ I m glad to hear that
12:55.16 andrei_ have you seen the image I uploaded?
12:56.05 brlcad yes, you'd left before I could respond
12:56.18 brlcad that is the right place to submit a patch
12:56.49 andrei_ alright, will submit it now then
12:56.57 andrei_ made some minor fixes to is aswell
12:57.31 brlcad you can keep making updates if needed, you just upload them with a different filename (like _v2, _v3, etc)
12:57.43 brlcad so it's clear which is the "latest"
12:58.41 andrei_ except of telling me to specifically change something, from my point of view it seems to be alright now
12:59.38 brlcad do note that the patch is a text file -- you should review the contents to make sure it's what you intended to change
12:59.50 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
13:01.39 andrei_ uhm
13:01.45 andrei_ if I would like to upload the output aswell
13:01.54 andrei_ would "description" be a fit place
13:01.55 andrei_ to paste it?
13:02.35 brlcad sure
13:10.58 andrei_ done :)
13:11.54 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
13:17.44 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (c1976930@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:20.56 ksuzee hello! Is anybody here?
13:21.03 ksuzee I need some help
13:23.16 andrei_ brlcad, I have to go to some classes, I will probably submit the second one with the hashtable when I return , if tis one is ok
13:23.19 andrei_ this*
13:49.55 ksuzee Hello! Could you help me, please. I've found some duplication code with 'Simian'. And, as I understood correctly, this code is supposed to be put in the separate file. Or not?
14:20.57 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49802 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/select.c: Modified the select and rselect commands to optionally select components that are partially contained in the specified area.
14:47.14 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
15:51.51 brlcad Al_Da_Best: I hope you're not procrastinating until the last minute again ... :)
15:52.18 Al_Da_Best honestly wasn't just browsing Reddit.
15:52.25 Al_Da_Best Working on a proposal at the moment actually :P
15:52.31 brlcad excellent :)
15:52.44 brlcad remember too that a strong patch makes for an even stronger proposal
15:52.48 brlcad talk is easy
15:53.22 brlcad of course, both are good :)
15:53.29 Al_Da_Best Yeah, I want to get one done today/tomorrow if I can. Just working out what to do :D There's some Todo's in some of the libged header files for moving a few things to librt, not entirely sure where to put them though.
16:44.32 *** join/#brlcad andrei__ (~andrei@
16:45.02 andrei__ hi
16:45.19 Al_Da_Best Hi
16:45.59 Neil___ Hello, I am interested in the Web Development Projects of BRL-CAD. I have a sound knowledge of PHP and have worked on CMSs before
16:46.41 Neil___ any patch that I can work on?
16:47.19 brlcad Neil___: hmm
16:47.33 brlcad web development patches are a bit tricky
16:47.38 Neil___ ya
16:48.02 brlcad well, two questions
16:48.20 brlcad what programming experience do you have and what web projectsare interesting you?
16:49.34 andrei__ you said well too , brlcad :)
16:49.51 Neil___ brlcad: well i'm interested in all 3. materials database more than the other 2
16:50.04 brlcad andrei_: I think it's more the pause than the use ;)
16:50.24 brlcad most any word is fine in moderation ;)
16:50.35 Neil___ i have worked with PHP, designed a CMS last year and am working on my website right now
16:51.35 Neil___ i also have a beginner's knowledge of Python.
16:53.11 brlcad Neil___: so before focusing on a patch, I'd suggest getting a write-up in place first
16:54.16 brlcad extra time spent on an architecture diagram or even interface mock-ups would be more valuable
16:54.24 Neil___ i see
16:55.19 brlcad what would this site look like, how would it be implemented, does it flow and is easy to navigate, etc
16:55.29 brlcad did you log into the existing materials database prototype
16:56.26 Neil___ i am downloading the source. i couldn't find the existing database
16:56.33 brlcad
16:56.51 brlcad test|test .. just try not to delete an existing material that you didn't create ;)
16:57.08 Neil___ haha. ok thank you :)
16:57.40 andrei__ brlcad: any suggestiosn what patch should I try to fix? or want me to find out why build fails on my distribution when I get home ?
16:58.13 brlcad andrei__: that'd be a perfect starting place
16:58.53 brlcad otherwise, anything on the Contributor_Quickies, our BUGS file, our TODO file, etc
16:59.48 andrei__ right, will be home in roughly two hours :)
17:01.21 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49803 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/lib/Ged.tcl: Mods to support selecting components even if only partially contained within the specified area.
17:04.04 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49804 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): Added more selection modes (i.e. "List (Partial)", "Group Add (Partial)" and "Group Remove (Partial)".
17:06.05 Neil___ brlcad: can I also get the current website of the benchmark performance database?
17:10.18 brlcad no such beast exists
17:10.41 brlcad we do have a set of benchmark log files
17:10.54 brlcad but that's it, the rest is to-be-designed
17:11.06 Neil___ ah ok.
17:11.10 brlcad I'd start by running the "benchmark" tool yourself just to see what it gives you
17:11.22 Neil___ right right. i'll do that
17:11.23 brlcad everything is centered around the log file it produces
17:11.33 Neil___ hmm
17:40.41 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49805 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/erase.c: Modified libged/erase.c/eraseAllSubpathsFromSolidList() to remove display lists only when the corresponding solid is removed from the display.
17:49.20 Al_Da_Best Trying to build on windows, getting a CMake error. It doesn't like "BRLCAD_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS", line 11 in CMakeLists from libbu. Anyone here recently built on win7 x64?
17:51.41 brlcad Al_Da_Best: any other week and we'd be all over investigating that build system failure.... ;)
17:51.52 Al_Da_Best :P
17:51.56 brlcad it could be a lot of things, that code has been in flux lately, and windows gets the least attention
17:52.02 Al_Da_Best Yeah fair enough
17:52.10 brlcad so would be a great patch if you can figure it out, but make sure you're using the latest svn sources
17:52.32 Al_Da_Best I'll run an update, if not, will try to fix it
17:52.39 brlcad also make sure you have the latest cmake installed
17:52.46 brlcad older versions are nfg on windows
17:53.16 Al_Da_Best 2.8.7, I think I'll uninstall any that are around and reinstall latest to make sure
18:17.51 *** join/#brlcad stas__ (
18:34.24 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49806 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): Use COMP_SELECT_MODE_NAMES throughout the GUI.
20:31.00 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~cristina@
20:31.06 cristina hello
20:34.02 Al_Da_Best Hi
20:35.21 brlcad hola cristina
20:40.41 andrei_ brlcad
20:40.57 andrei_ the build fails due to various libraries missing
20:41.19 brlcad and cmake failed to detect they were missing?
20:41.24 brlcad or what?
20:41.29 brlcad did cmake fail or make fail?
20:42.00 andrei_ I believe the cmake works fine
20:42.05 andrei_ but I don't understand something
20:42.38 andrei_ it claims that it didn't find
20:42.45 andrei_ functions that I ve been using in C for a while
20:42.54 andrei_ these 2 for example
20:42.57 andrei_ -- Looking for strsep - found
20:42.59 andrei_ -- Looking for strtok
20:43.00 andrei_ -- Looking for strtok - found
20:44.06 andrei_ I ll try to investigate
20:44.12 andrei_ where does the cmake search for them
20:44.15 andrei_ and if they really exist
20:44.18 brlcad it says found ...
20:44.29 andrei_ oh
20:44.36 andrei_ my bad, linked something different
20:44.38 andrei_ than wanted to
20:45.10 andrei_ -- Looking for strlcat - not found
20:45.11 andrei_ -- Looking for strlcpy
20:45.13 andrei_ -- Looking for strlcpy - not found
20:46.03 andrei_ hmm
20:46.16 brlcad you can look into CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.txt and CMakeError.txt to see why
20:46.22 brlcad but do you really have those?
20:46.29 andrei_ I m doing a recurisve list now
20:46.32 andrei_ to find out
20:46.34 brlcad strlcat() isn't strcat()
20:46.38 andrei_ I know
20:46.42 andrei_ it s the c90 version
20:46.46 andrei_ with less error chance
20:46.47 andrei_ I believe
20:46.51 brlcad not c90
20:46.56 andrei_ no?
20:47.13 brlcad it's bsd api, secure version
20:47.56 brlcad many linux don't have it
20:48.02 brlcad pretty common on bsd-based systems
20:49.11 andrei_ well
20:49.31 andrei_ I don't have those libraries
20:49.40 andrei_ so that would be a cause you can't prevent
20:49.44 andrei_ however it also failed some tests
20:49.52 ``Erik (c90 renamed it strncat() )
20:51.19 andrei_ There are loads of missing binaries and libraries
20:52.29 brlcad o.O .. strncat() != strlcat()...
20:52.57 andrei_ strncat
20:53.01 andrei_ compares parts of two strings
20:53.05 andrei_ I think
20:53.53 brlcad heh, no it doesn't :)
20:54.02 brlcad concatenates one string onto another
20:54.07 andrei_ ah
20:54.09 brlcad "man strncat" ftw
20:54.22 andrei_ I found out a few days ago
20:54.29 andrei_ that I could man C comands in linux
20:54.33 andrei_ tho it's obvious why
20:54.35 andrei_ ._.
20:54.51 brlcad you should use them heavily :)
20:54.56 andrei_ indeed
20:55.05 andrei_ reading the code in /libbu/
20:55.27 andrei_ required me to remind/ learn loads of small code tricks
20:55.37 andrei_ especially since I m not very used to macro s
20:55.46 andrei_ and they are used heavily as checkers
20:56.12 brlcad libbu doesn't employ as many tricks like some of our other libs
20:57.48 andrei_ hehe
20:58.03 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r49807 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/grouper.tcl: Updated to TCL script 'grouper.tcl' commands 'gr' and 'dg'. To improve performance, changed logic to use libged function 'ged_select'. Also script now highlights in yellow objects in the current group.
20:59.35 andrei_ what distribution do you use?
21:00.41 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r49808 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/setup.c: Updated file 'setup.c' for mged. Added the ability to use the libged function 'ged_select' from mged.
21:02.10 brlcad andrei_: I intentionally use a variety of platforms on a regular basis
21:02.22 ``Erik (ok, not strictly renamed it, some minor details are a little different, like what len means and what's returned)
21:02.48 brlcad i tend to gravitate towards macosx for much development, and generally prefer the bsds, but it's all levels of gray
21:03.19 ``Erik if the macros are too much, gcc -E will spit out the results of the c preprocessor to unwind it all
21:03.21 brlcad ``Erik: i'm not sure I'd call that detail little -- it's the entire reason for the function
21:03.55 brlcad plugs a big usability fail caused by the off-by-one behavior of strn*()
21:04.13 ``Erik both are length restrictions on strcat() *shrug* :)
21:04.40 ``Erik (concatenate 'string a b) ; solved! :D *duck*
21:04.49 andrei_ haha
21:04.53 andrei_ that's lisp I d take
21:04.55 brlcad that's like saying the emergency brake and foot brake are both just things that break the car
21:05.13 brlcad if you had to use one for breaking all the time, a lot more cars would be spinning on the road ...
21:05.27 andrei_ brlcad: it just depends who's driving :)
21:05.40 ``Erik what, it's not normal to stop by whipping the wheel and pulling the hand brake? :D
21:05.51 brlcad sure, but there would *still* be more cars spinning as a society
21:05.53 ``Erik no wonder my rear tires are bare
21:06.06 ``Erik s/re/ldish/
21:06.54 brlcad it's like a ghosttown here today
21:08.44 andrei_ speaking of ghosts
21:08.56 andrei_ I ve been in several irc channels
21:09.12 andrei_ and for the number of people in this channel, it's by far the most active
21:09.15 andrei_ I have seen so far
21:09.31 andrei_ I mean , fortunately, I can find brlcad almost anytime
21:10.21 brlcad i meant where i'm physically at right this moment, but good to know ;)
21:11.21 andrei_ I ll try to implement a primitive centroid function
21:12.04 andrei_ do you happen to know if cline would be a good example
21:12.18 brlcad yes
21:12.25 brlcad it'd be a terrible one to start with
21:13.14 andrei_ then what should I start with?
21:13.50 brlcad pick a shape you're familiar with that you can find a centroid definition for on mathworld or wikipedia
21:15.25 andrei_ if the centroid function is already implemented, I should find it in the same file?
21:17.31 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r49809 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Tweak ArcherCore::compSelectGroupAdd, compSelectGroupRemove and compSelectGroupCommon a bit.
21:20.14 *** join/#brlcad witness123 (~witness@
21:23.06 brlcad andrei_: there are no centroid functions impemented
21:23.10 brlcad hellow witness123
21:23.56 andrei_ ah :)
21:27.08 andrei_ I was looking at the torus shape, first that came in mind
21:32.43 cristina brlcad, just wanted to let you know that I've replied to your post for the Visualization CSG project
21:33.05 cristina it's just that my reply started a new topic instead of being added to the already existing thread
21:33.33 brlcad andrei_: torus would be good if you can find the equations
21:33.52 brlcad cristina: no worries on the title
21:34.08 brlcad rather, the subject/thread
21:35.00 andrei_ I found the surface area ecuations
21:35.15 brlcad so you could start with that one instead
21:35.24 andrei_ yes:)
22:12.09 brlcad new opennurbs available
22:48.48 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r49810 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bselect.h:
22:48.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: the __extension__ keyword does not exist in gcc 4.1 and given the FD_SET()
22:48.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: warning (so far) only affects gcc 4.6, make the work-around very unfeature
22:48.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: specific. this is only kosher given this is a b*.h system header wrapper, which
22:48.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: aren't supposed to use cmake/configure feature test results. this fixes an
22:48.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: obscure build failure that was being observed on older systems that failed in
22:48.50 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: backtrace.c with an error: expected expression before 'asm'
22:50.22 Al_Da_Best Is CMake meant to make files in misc? Because there's a file there that needs to be made (contains the "unknown command") but I don't see it being called in the /src/cmakelist.txt
22:51.09 brlcad don't follow
22:51.24 brlcad cmake builds the files in misc/ but has it's own misc/CMakeLists.txt file
22:51.38 brlcad the build files in src/ have nothing to do with it
22:51.53 Al_Da_Best Oh. So misc needs to be built first, seperately?
22:51.55 brlcad Al_Da_Best: did you check out the virtual machine image?
22:51.58 brlcad nope
22:52.09 Al_Da_Best I did yeah, wanted to try and build from svn though
22:52.32 brlcad well it should have instructions for building still that may be helpful
22:52.41 Al_Da_Best Mmk, I'll go look.
23:27.56 *** join/#brlcad Mango_Man (957dd9e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:28.13 Mango_Man what up guys
23:34.20 *** join/#brlcad stas__ (
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