IRC log for #brlcad on 20120326

01:37.14 brlcad minal_bh: depends what scope you're considering, yes and no
01:39.50 brlcad the benchmark itself exists (and has for 20+ years), log files already exist, we already have a web server set up, just no website for visualizing and managing the database of benchmark runs
01:40.33 *** join/#brlcad abhi512 (7ab0e04d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:52.45 *** join/#brlcad abhi512 (~abhi@
01:54.32 brlcad bhinesley: you could have finagled an AI project using BRL-CAD underneath!
02:12.12 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
02:32.10 brlcad hello thiago_
02:34.54 thiago_ brlcad: hello
02:36.34 thiago_ brlcad: I am a student interested in GSoC
02:40.39 abhi512 hey, i am abhishek
02:41.51 abhi512 i am interested in gsoc12
02:44.50 thiago_ Eu tenho muita experiÊncia em C/C++, algoritmos e estruturas de dados mas tenho pouca experiência com geometria computacional.
02:44.52 thiago_ Eu gostaria de saber se é necessário ter muito conhecimento em geometria computacional para participar em um projeto do BRL-CAD para o GSoC.
02:45.17 thiago_ error
02:45.21 thiago_ correct now
02:45.24 thiago_ I have much experience in C / C + +, algorithms and data structures but have little experience with computational geometry.
02:45.25 thiago_ I wonder if it is necessary to have much knowledge in computational geometry to participate in a project for BRL-CAD GSoC.
02:54.49 brlcad computational geometry is not required
02:55.37 brlcad there are a very wide variety of project areas one can work on including graphics, general programming, GUI development, web development, networking, simulation, and much much more
03:01.46 minal_bh hi brlcad : I would like to present my understanding about "Benchmark Performance Database "
03:02.11 brlcad minal_bh: sure
03:02.27 minal_bh 1]The website should offer multiple mechanisms for adding new performance run data: i] Import from log files : Extract log files and insert data into Database.
03:02.35 minal_bh <PROTECTED>
03:03.12 minal_bh iii] If time permits we can use export from Excel file ..
03:03.24 minal_bh 2]It should offer different visualization of performance data
03:03.32 minal_bh <PROTECTED>
03:03.55 brlcad little to no interest in 1iii
03:04.16 minal_bh <PROTECTED>
03:04.18 minal_bh ok
03:04.53 minal_bh I am assuming that data extracted from log files is suitable for RDBMS representation..
03:04.56 brlcad even after items are imported from log files (1i), there will also need to be some way to manually enter additional details (like #cpus, #cores, memory, etc)
03:05.22 brlcad some can be pulled from the logs, but other pieces of information are often not available
03:06.05 brlcad if you run the "benchmark" tool from a distribution of BRL-CAD, you can see what the log file actually looks like
03:06.54 minal_bh after importing log file we can ask user to enter respective information..
03:08.44 minal_bh How much desing details are expected in the proposal ?
03:33.50 brlcad minal_bh: the more the better usually
03:34.13 brlcad at a minimum, should be more than 500 words, but that really is a bare minimum
03:34.29 brlcad it should not just reiterate our project idea detail page
03:35.49 brlcad for example, it'd be good to identify at least the basic architecture being proposed, something like this:
03:36.50 brlcad specific graphic visualizations, interface mock-ups, details on tasks required, timeline, etc
03:38.46 brlcad better to have something brief and complete with a good patch that demonstrates your ability than to have a 20 page proposal that is all talk
03:47.35 bhinesley brlcad: hmm, not a bad idea. There's still advanced AI.
03:49.16 brlcad an AI-related geometry project we had a student working on a few years ago involved using a GA to evolve CSG expressions that match a non-CSG input
03:50.36 brlcad actually worked (though didn't make enough progress to turn it into production-viable)
03:53.00 brlcad some other ideas that have come up involve using AI techniques to solve 3D knapsack packing problems (fit objects into a defined container optimally)
03:53.32 brlcad using search & optimization for 3d route planning
03:55.12 brlcad using shape analysis and classifiers for determining what a given 3d object looks like it might be
03:55.48 brlcad and so on .. ;)
04:18.10 *** join/#brlcad n_reed (~molto_cre@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
04:37.52 bhinesley brlcad: doing something like that is a possibility in Adv. AI (not offered until next winter)
04:38.20 bhinesley glad you mentioned those things though, I woudln't have thought to ask
04:40.20 bhinesley I'm kind of an AI noob, but I'm quite interested in it. I might also propose something to you when my senior project comes around.
04:41.24 bhinesley it would be great to actually contribute to something, rather than some pet project that gets left in a binder.
05:29.39 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
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08:33.15 Neil___ brlcad: hi. I wasn't able to cmake the source in ubuntu. i'm getting this error - "Code to determine current date and time failed!"
09:00.44 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
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09:26.49 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r49812 10/brlcad/trunk/ (misc/debian/rules sh/ update cmake optimization argument for deb/rpm building
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10:44.22 andrei_ brlcad: please let me know when you have time to look over my proposal draft. I need to ask you several questions regarding it.
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12:11.56 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3352 10/wiki/User:Phoenix: /* Interest */
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13:00.24 cristina hello
13:03.35 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
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13:14.59 Neil___ brlcad: hi. I wasn't able to cmake the source in ubuntu. i'm getting this error - "Code to determine current date and time failed!"
13:16.10 jordisayol Neil___: witch ubuntu?
13:16.33 brlcad Neil___: have you tried the VM image?
13:18.46 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
13:19.27 Neil___ brlcad: oh no. i was trying the Linux source
13:20.38 jordisayol brlcad: hello. should I do something else about debug symbols?
13:24.10 brlcad Neil___: I'd suggest trying either an svn checkout or using the VM image (for now)
13:24.29 brlcad otherwise there are too many variables in play that you'd need to investigate
13:24.41 Neil___ brlcad: right. i'll do that. thanks
13:24.42 brlcad jordisayol: you mean like not strip them? :)
13:24.50 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~tuxilina@
13:24.57 jordisayol brlcad: yes, sorry :-/
13:24.59 brlcad thinks debug symbols should be installed :)
13:25.18 brlcad otherwise crash logs become worthless
13:25.20 jordisayol brlcad: even in deb/rpm packages?
13:25.28 brlcad yep
13:25.42 brlcad andrei_: minor point of advice (as I'm happy to look over anyone's proposal draft), but I'd recommend posing questions such that you're not waiting on a specific person to reply
13:26.00 brlcad the whole point is debuggability, and the cost is merely a little disk space
13:26.17 brlcad our install is not that big
13:27.06 brlcad notes his latest software purchase was 11 GB installed .. and it's a game ..
13:28.02 jordisayol brlcad: this will at least duplicate the deb/rpm size
13:28.25 brlcad so?
13:28.31 brlcad it's still insignificant size
13:28.46 jordisayol no, just this
13:30.12 jordisayol brlcad: this is up to you
13:30.44 brlcad basically, is it more valuable to save the user a few mb's of disk space and be unable to help them if something goes wrong, or use a little more disk and get useful reports
13:31.20 brlcad if we had a space constraint like fitting on a CD, then it might matter
13:31.30 brlcad but we don't .. AND it does fit on a CD regardless ;)
13:32.17 brlcad that said, we should figure out why disabling debug doesn't turn the flag off
13:32.18 jordisayol brlcad: IMHO, this is not a disk space problem, but band wide one. If we create deb/rpm bigger than 100 MB. many people will think twisebefore download it
13:33.01 brlcad so be it -- if they're already that much on the fence, then BRL-CAD will probably be too hard for them to use anyways
13:33.25 brlcad disk space ain't got nothing on the learning curve ;)
13:34.11 *** join/#brlcad abhi_512 (~abhi@
13:43.48 brlcad if we had all of our platforms covered so diligently like you do for linux, it might be an option to pull together a "streamlined" release
13:44.45 brlcad where we only include core tools/docs/data in a stripped down form.. probably less than 25MB or maybe even less
13:46.02 jordisayol well, now I have a problem with deb building package. the debian tools automatically strips its binaries/libraries :-/
13:46.20 brlcad a benchmark release is on my todo, might be such an environment for doing that
13:48.49 jordisayol sorry, last comment is incorrect. I forced to do it in the building (i forget this) sorry.
13:49.43 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
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14:14.14 Al_Da_Best brlcad try Shogun 2 for space, ~29Gb currently :)
14:22.06 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03mendesr * r49813 10/jbrlcad/trunk/ (12 files in 8 dirs): Fix MUVES3 issues: MUVES-1472, MUVES-1645, MUVES-1597, MUVES-1646; Updated JScience version in the pom.xml to use the Current MUVES3-Kahona version '4.3.4'.
14:24.47 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
14:37.49 cristina brlcad: I have already had graphviz installed on ubuntu. I can't seem to find any g-dot tool. There's just the dot tool but it won't accept some of the arguments from your example
14:38.04 cristina I've also found a dot command in mged
14:39.54 cristina I assume that the idea of this "g-dot -o file.g top" is to output a dot file for a geometry considering the root the "top" node?
14:44.12 ``Erik hm, my WoW dir is only 23g
14:45.43 ``Erik (and just for fun, "git clone" (read only, updated hourly) :D )
15:23.26 brlcad cristina: g-dot should be in the same directory as mged and a slew of other g-* tools
15:23.47 brlcad it wasn't added until 7.20.4, iirc
15:24.08 brlcad the vm image should have it installed in /usr/brlcad
15:24.25 brlcad /usr/brlcad/dev-7.21.0/bin/g-dot
15:29.20 cristina oh, brlcad, it's there, sorry.
15:35.05 *** join/#brlcad Neil___ (~chatzilla@
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16:02.10 Neil___ how should I run benchmark on windows?
16:04.19 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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16:22.33 brlcad jordisayol: hoping to get back on schedule at the end of this month, but it entirely depends on whether I can get through about 1k commits in that timeframe
16:22.47 brlcad end-of-april at the latest
16:22.55 brlcad aiming for march, though
16:23.03 brlcad rather, first week of april
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16:24.56 jordisayol brlcad: many thanks
16:43.13 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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16:46.33 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r3353 10/wiki/User:Stattrav: Preliminary draft
16:46.43 Stattrav oops :)
16:47.02 Stattrav I shouldnt do that often then, it might spam the hell out people
16:47.30 Stattrav brlcad: I have a diagram drawn on a board and have an image of that
16:48.40 Al_Da_Best Yeah that was my thoughts yesterday :P
16:48.48 Al_Da_Best Not sure if it mentions minor edits
16:49.05 Stattrav true
16:50.10 Stattrav brlcad: I think I can even add an edge between Dev and ftp.
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17:24.30 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r3354 10/wiki/User:Stattrav:
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17:47.33 brlcad Stattrav: you can do that as often as you like
17:47.40 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Stattrav process diagram.jpg]]"
17:48.01 brlcad it's not spam in the least -- it's actual activity ;)
17:48.52 brlcad Stattrav: if only for simplicity, I'd leave ftp out of the picture for now
17:49.11 brlcad providing secure ftp upload is a somewhat non-trivial task
17:49.37 andrei_ hello
17:49.52 brlcad it's doable and fine if you want to tackle that aspect (and a good feature to support), but it will be a little tricky
17:50.27 brlcad probably need a cron job to move from an anon ftp folder that would validate it's a log, sanitize, and copy to real queue folder
17:50.40 brlcad though I suppose http uploads are just as untrusted
17:50.49 brlcad howdy andrei_
17:53.16 andrei_ here is the proposal draft I have been speaking about:
17:53.35 andrei_ It only contains rather personal data , there's much to be added
17:55.31 andrei_ reading the whole code and planing the proposal on it is probably not viable. bhinesley sugested that I should test various comands from mged in archer
17:56.18 andrei_ it there any specific library or part of the code I should look closely. I find dificult to set my starting point
17:56.21 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r3356 10/wiki/User:Stattrav: Added more content
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17:56.38 Stattrav brlcad: I think I can do it
17:56.56 Stattrav brlcad: I've done something such when I was working so that shouldnt be a problem
17:57.44 Stattrav brlcad: yeah the most important part is to avoid spam, so that process of authentication has to be built into the binary which pushes the data
17:58.34 Stattrav brlcad: btw this is a preliminary crude draft
17:59.17 Stattrav
17:59.52 Stattrav btw should I send a mail to the ml ?
18:01.05 Stattrav so that you or the other devs can qualitatively comment
18:07.46 brlcad if you'd like other devs to read it before submissions open, that would be ideal ;)
18:07.52 brlcad they're not all on IRC
18:07.57 Stattrav exactly
18:08.49 Stattrav I shall make it a bit more elaborate and send it in the morning IST. Got some school work to catch up to. :) thanks
18:10.42 andrei_ another question , I tried to list only relevant skills in my proposal, but I do have some basic knowledge of matlab/octave and complex analysis ( for example Fast Fourier Transformation , Frequence sampling etc) should I list those too?
18:16.14 andrei_ brlcad: sorry, I thought I set it to accesible by anyone
18:16.17 andrei_ I ll fix it now
18:18.49 andrei_ fixed it, I'm sorry for that
18:28.04 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (DC@
18:30.09 brlcad andrei_: no problem
18:30.23 brlcad that looks like a really fantastic start, can't wait to read the rest
18:30.38 DarkCalf howdy brlcad
18:30.48 andrei_ funny , first time I wrote, I put all " my heart" in it. Now I disagree with some parts
18:30.48 brlcad howdy
18:33.12 brlcad andrei_: well you still haven't gotten to the detailed description, which is arguably one of the most important parts, so don't spend too much time on the personal parts.. ;)
18:33.24 andrei_ indeed
18:33.39 andrei_ this night I have to finish a project with a hard deadline
18:34.22 andrei_ from tomorrow I ll dedicate all the time available to complete it with what really matters
18:36.42 brlcad great!
19:02.56 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
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19:14.47 starseek1r cristina: sorry I didn't respond earlier - been sick the last few days, not active in channel
19:17.11 starseeker Those people seeing the -g flag appear with debug flags off - is that the latest trunk svn checkout?
19:21.15 cristina starseeker, don't need to apologize. Everybody has their things to take care of
19:22.23 jordisayol starseeker: yes, it is
19:22.44 starseeker jordisayol: interesting... I'm not able to reproduce it here - what platform are you on?
19:22.58 jordisayol linux 64-bit
19:23.11 starseeker huh
19:23.31 starseeker jordisayol: can you try clearing your CMakeCache.txt file?
19:24.42 starseeker cristina: let's see if we can get brlcad to weigh in on what he things of feeding BRL-CAD's CSG geometry into Netgen :-)
19:24.49 starseeker s/things/thinks
19:25.00 starseeker come on brain, communicate with the fingers please...
19:28.10 cristina starseeker: :) if I can contribute somehow, let me know
19:28.40 jordisayol starseeker: there is not a CMakeCache.txt file
19:29.34 starseeker O.o
19:29.34 starseeker jordisayol: in your build directory?
19:30.06 jordisayol starseeker: it exist after cmake command
19:30.10 starseeker right
19:30.37 starseeker so you've cleared your build directory?
19:31.04 jordisayol yes, is a clean build directory
19:31.34 jordisayol in fact is an svn export from brlcad trunk
19:33.01 starseeker weird
19:33.11 starseeker can you post your full configure log somewhere?
19:33.59 jordisayol stdou? yes
19:34.13 jordisayol s/stdou/stdout
19:54.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
19:54.03 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.22.0 is forthcoming (eta: end of March) || BRL-CAD has applied to participate in GSoC 2012!
19:54.07 starseeker in fact, one of our quickie tasks was to separate out libnmg:
19:54.19 starseeker that would make one doozy of a patch to go with an application :-)
19:54.22 brlcad surprisingly still separate given how many years they've been intermingled
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19:59.05 andrei_ I ve read the Simian description
19:59.49 andrei_ but I m still not sure of something, does it only detect copy pasted code ( or very similar code) , or uses Somethins miliar to Moss? ( Semantic tree )
19:59.59 andrei_ something *
20:00.55 andrei_ from what I read so far it mostly detects copy-paste ' s
20:05.34 starseeker cristina: bty - if we have incorrect impressions of Netgen's capabilities, feel free to correct us :-)
20:07.09 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49816 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Ah hah! SCL interfering by CACHE FORCE of the build type - dodge the issue by telling SCL to use whatever build type we've set, but still - need to fix the SCL approach
20:07.17 starseeker jordisayol: ok, got it
20:07.36 jordisayol starseeker: ok, many thanks! :-)
20:08.34 starseeker let me know if anything else like that pops up - we're in the process of syncing with the github SCL tree, and they've got some crud left-over from my original attempt at an SCL CMake build system.
20:09.23 brlcad andrei_: it has options for collapsing names of variables and ignoring formatting
20:10.23 brlcad you can use any tool you like, though, that's just an easy free one
20:10.43 brlcad and there are plenty of places in brl-cad that are nearly exact copy-paste anyways that should be refactored
20:11.11 andrei_ I will try to run Simian tomorrow in the morning anyway
20:11.43 andrei_ Moss is used to check our homeworks and it does have some pretty advanced detection options
20:12.04 andrei_ but the major disadvantage is it compares only sources that are bound to do the same thing
20:12.07 andrei_ or something similar
20:14.20 andrei_ also , it s not necessarly related to refactoring , but I would like to know your opinion over this
20:15.33 andrei_ I believe that some macro's like checking ones( at least in some places) are difficult to understand
20:16.36 andrei_ how about converting them to functions for the respective data structure
20:18.28 cristina starseeker: I'll keep in mind that quickie task you were talking about.
20:18.59 starseeker cristina: does Netgen rely on OpenCASCADE for boolean eval?
20:20.09 starseeker only paper I could scare up quickly:
20:20.18 starseeker doesn't say one way or the other, at a quick glance
20:23.03 cristina starseeker: it doesn't in the CSG 3d case. I used OpenCASCADE for CSG 2d but my extension is not yet integrated into Netgen
20:23.03 *** join/#brlcad atneik_ (~atneik@
20:25.24 starseeker hmm. So, in principle, we could take individual meshes generated by facetizing individual primitives in BRL-CAD (spheres, ellipsoids, etc.) and feed those meshes and boolean expressions Netgen to generate an evaluated mesh?
20:25.25 brlcad starseeker: is there a reason for cachingvariables that the user provides?
20:25.43 starseeker brlcad: um. in what context?
20:25.55 brlcad in a general context :)
20:26.20 starseeker generally, that's how CMake remembers what was passed to it when it is re-invoked...
20:26.21 brlcad like your mail to scl-dev, wouldn't have expected CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to be something we'd even want to cache
20:26.27 starseeker we don't
20:26.32 starseeker they're doing it it in their logic
20:26.47 starseeker I'm saying they don't want to :-)
20:26.55 andrei_ I actually looked again over the check macro's, I was wrong. Don t think you could change those and see an improvement
20:26.55 brlcad ah, okay
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20:27.58 starseeker the reason jordisayol was seeing -g in the Release build was the SCL build forcing things back to Debug when I forgot to tell SCL to use the same build type as everything else (that's what commit 49816 does)
20:28.12 brlcad starseeker: in principle, that's exactly what libnmg does now so by default I wouldn't expect another implementation to be any better (i.e., they'd have to *prove* it's actually better)
20:28.26 brlcad good thing we have a testing framework for that now
20:28.44 starseeker so the final "assembly" of C flags was using the default Debug flags, instead of the Release flags, since SCL buggered up the build type
20:28.53 brlcad got it
20:29.17 brlcad how'd that sneak in? one of nick's merges?
20:29.24 starseeker my fault
20:29.52 starseeker Was syncing with the github SCL CMake logic, and the implications of their forcing CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE didn't register right away
20:30.08 brlcad gotcha
20:31.22 cristina starseeker: I think it should work. However, as brlcad says, one needs to know if this is a better way to generate mesh
20:31.30 jordisayol starseeker: aha. built a new deb, and now it properly works. thanks! :-)
20:32.00 starseeker cristina: I guess the question then becomes how hard it woudl be to feed BRL-CAD test cases into Netgen :-)
20:32.06 cristina Is there a particular situation that doesn't have the expected output?
20:32.18 starseeker jordisayol: awesome!
20:32.33 starseeker cristina: oh, sure lots of them
20:33.15 starseeker not so much individual primitives (although we do have a few issues at that level) but combining lots of meshes to make larger meshes
20:34.03 *** join/#brlcad atneik_ (~atneik@
20:34.07 cristina yes, the overlapping of primitives at different levels I think
20:34.09 starseeker the script in the sh directory is the tool of choice, IIRC
20:35.04 cristina and the "side by side" shapes. I recall this was something that took me a while to figure out how to make it generate a correct mesh
20:35.17 cristina so that's why you want to feed independent primitives
20:35.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03jordisayol * r49817 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/debian/rules: disable strip on deb package building
20:35.56 starseeker right - BRL-CAD can facetize individual primitives (mostly) and the problems come when we start to try merging more complex evaluated meshes on our way up the tree
20:36.27 cristina starseeker: the question of how to feed the BRL-CAD test cases into Netgen is a tough one
20:36.40 starseeker we could generate a bunch of stl output files...
20:37.38 brlcad that alone is "cause for concern" if it has trouble with side-by-side shapes
20:38.05 starseeker I think she's referring to the 2D case?
20:38.33 cristina yes, I was referring to the 2D case
20:39.21 cristina I was just pointing out that I've been told to be careful with these cases because they are tricky
20:39.51 starseeker nods. The question is whether Netgen is capabile of handling large, complex merges cleanly
20:39.56 starseeker (in the 3D case)
20:40.12 brlcad they are very tricky, which is why I've yet to know of a single library that is actually robust for all cases (I believe it's np-complete for floating point)
20:40.30 brlcad or at least np-hard
20:40.51 brlcad moreover, the underlying approach while appealing in its simplicity, is fundamentally flawed from an evaluation perspective
20:41.05 brlcad for implicit geometry
20:42.43 brlcad it's like trying to construct a line segmenet from a jpeg that was rendered from an svg
20:43.23 brlcad the order is wrong, you get your line segments from the svg then render jpeg as needed
20:43.47 starseeker cristina: from the standpoint of a viable BRL-CAD GSoC project, probably better to explore the graph layout for CSG and libnmg projects - demonstraing Netgen's viability would probably be requisit for a viable GSoC project and that's likely too much effort for one application
20:44.30 brlcad it's doable, but man would that be one hell of a lot of information to take in for one summer
20:44.40 cristina :-))
20:44.54 brlcad understanding nmg structure alone so you could even think of hooking in another lib would probably take a month
20:45.58 brlcad another month to evaluate netgen's api for how it can be hooked, another to actually DO the integration ... and however long to test them and document and debug all getting left in the cold :)
20:46.34 cristina I imagine, I didn't work on the mesh generation part either (just on the construction of shapes) so that would be another task to go into details of how the meshing is exactly done
20:46.49 brlcad would be more viable is someone already spent a summer doing libnmg refactoring or developing a new converter so they're familiar with some parts of the code and api
20:47.27 brlcad cristina: so refresh me -- what were you project interests again?
20:47.45 cristina for GSoC 2012?
20:47.47 brlcad and more importantly, what have you started writeups for ;)
20:47.48 brlcad yes
20:48.14 cristina Visualizing Constructive Solid Geometry, this is the project that I am interested in
20:48.35 brlcad right, g-dot
20:48.44 brlcad is that the only interest?
20:48.49 brlcad (nothing wrong if it is)
20:49.27 cristina well, I considered that I'm best fit for this one but if there are any suggestions, I'm willing to take them into account
20:52.27 brlcad hard to say without knowing your interests and experience
20:55.30 starseeker cristina: you want to apply to work on things you would enjoy working on
20:57.00 cristina ok then, I'll stick to the project. I'd like to work on it, and I liked working on the previous one. This is why I chose the same 'topic'.
20:57.12 starseeker very good :-)
20:57.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3357 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: stub in mesh library cleanup
20:57.42 brlcad cristina: keep in mind that they're mostly only similar in concept -- the codes involved are worlds apart ;)
20:58.40 Neil__ brlcad: Hi. For the Materials Database Website, I saw this link: and I was wondering how I should modify it to suit the project. Should I make a similar flow diagram for frontend and backend?
20:59.07 cristina brlcad: I am aware of that, that is why I used 'topic'. The task and approach of the project are indeed different ;-)
21:01.13 cristina I need to go now. bye everyone
21:01.25 starseeker later
21:01.42 brlcad cya
21:01.46 brlcad very good
21:02.18 starseeker should probably fish out that old build of goblin he had going with CMake...
21:09.37 starseeker ah, actually predated CMake
21:09.41 starseeker hmm...
21:11.43 starseeker no, not quite - just no toplevel
21:11.57 starseeker digs a bit more...
21:15.29 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3358 10/wiki/Mesh_library_cleanup: mesh library cleanup!
21:15.51 brlcad starseeker: feel free to embellish if I missed anything:
21:17.02 starseeker which is the paper that spells out the NMG structures? Is that the Butler/Muuss CSG paper?
21:17.18 brlcad I don't have it handy
21:17.28 starseeker goes fishing...
21:17.41 brlcad Muuss91c
21:17.54 brlcad and Weiler87a
21:18.03 starseeker
21:18.26 brlcad yeah, that'd be good to add
21:18.34 starseeker need a pdf version...
21:18.41 brlcad mac will convert
21:19.12 brlcad that'd be a good one to convert the original tek sources to docbook
21:21.33 starseeker hmm - TeX will need some updating even to process as TeX these days, from the looks of it...
21:23.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Starseeker 07 * r3359 10/wiki/Mesh_library_cleanup: Add link to 90nmg paper
21:29.20 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3360 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: stub in nurbs optimization and cleanup
21:31.56 *** part/#brlcad atneik_ (~atneik@
21:43.55 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3361 10/wiki/NURBS_Optimization_and_Cleanup: fill in details of nurbs cleanup
21:43.59 brlcad starseeker: there's another
21:45.15 starseeker cool
21:57.30 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r3362 10/wiki/User:Stattrav:
21:58.12 brlcad is forgetting another great idea that came up recently
22:00.02 brlcad so we got the go ahead from google to include SCL under us an umbrella this year, but they thusfar seem to be uninterested ..
22:00.09 brlcad I don't think we've heard anyone express SCL interest yet, but something to keep in mind
22:01.08 starseeker nods
22:12.13 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49818 10/brlcad/branches/goblin/: remove obsolete goblin branch - glpk toolkit is GPL, and in any case build logic not in a functional state.
22:19.13 brlcad any more ideas come to mind based on recent discussions?
22:19.40 brlcad ah, networking
22:26.19 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3363 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: add a section for networking and stub in a libpkg enhancement task
22:28.57 starseeker there we go:
22:29.41 starseeker quick and dirty compared to BRL-CAD's, but hopefully enough to get up and running on most setups with Tcl/Tk installed
22:35.02 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3364 10/wiki/Package_Library_Extensions: fill out libpkg enhancements
22:41.41 brlcad starseeker: you have seen yes?
22:42.29 starseeker not sure if I've see that one, but have seen similar ones
22:42.43 starseeker last I checked though, graphviz licensing wasn't compatible with BRL-CAD
22:43.07 brlcad it's eclipse license iirc, which I haven't read in full
22:43.55 starseeker looks again - haven't checked in a while
22:44.22 starseeker ah - that's new
22:44.32 brlcad gnuplot is another, they have a lib
22:44.38 starseeker was thinking of the AT&T Source Code agreement
22:44.43 brlcad but might be a little too manual
22:44.47 starseeker gnuplot's license has always been... funky
22:44.51 starseeker unless that's changed too
22:45.13 brlcad graphiz would be ideal, they're one of the better free ones at this
22:45.53 starseeker sure - at the time of my listing adaptagrams and goblin, graphviz was using the old AT&T agreement (IIRC)
22:46.21 starseeker
22:48.05 brlcad that's basically saying it cannot be relicensed because the terms aren't the same
22:48.31 brlcad the last faq question is more to the point but answers gpl-compatibility, not lgpl
22:48.38 starseeker Qt seems to think they aren't compatible:
22:48.47 starseeker (last question)
22:49.34 brlcad nods, was just reading that too
22:49.58 brlcad so there's some new clause it adds
22:50.12 brlcad s/clause/requirement/
22:51.14 brlcad so that sucks
22:51.54 starseeker was hoping one or both of gobin/adaptagrams might have what we need...
22:52.25 brlcad maybe
22:52.45 brlcad frankly our situation may be even (considerably) easier than is handled by a general graph library
22:53.25 brlcad given it's a directed graph with a singular head node, the levels are very well-defined
22:54.53 starseeker nods - could be
22:55.15 starseeker Goblin was particularly interesting in that it already has some Tcl/Tk hooks
22:55.22 brlcad if you assume each model node is postage-sized, say 32x32 -- it's pretty straightforward to just draw your top-level node, then count up children, center, draw connecting lines, recurse
22:56.05 brlcad i mean you might end up with 1k lines of code to do that instead of 30-60k for a library with potentially other dependencies and maintenance costs (build system integration at a minimum)
22:56.18 brlcad really depends what all the library does for us
22:56.25 starseeker nods
22:56.46 starseeker also depends on what sorts of layouts we want to support
22:57.02 brlcad yeah
22:57.05 starseeker the "neato" style circular layouts are kind of nice in some ways
22:58.11 brlcad tree view is probably the expected norm -- they're going to want to treat it like a graphical filesystem browser
22:58.32 brlcad we just have to make sure that the "graph" aspect is represented when nodes are instanced
22:59.02 brlcad so it's clear when you split/duplicate a single node and when you clone a subtree for example
22:59.14 starseeker ah - so that's a little less radical than I was thinking
22:59.48 starseeker maybe just layer something on top of tktreectrl then
23:00.10 starseeker
23:00.53 starseeker brlcad: probably need to re-work the description of that task on the project ideas page
23:05.17 starseeker if we go that route, maybe roll in the "geometry browser as pluggable Tcl/Tk widget" aspect
23:08.23 starseeker brlcad: in some ways we already do track multiple node references with the graphical highlighting in Archer's current widget
23:08.35 starseeker did you have something else in mind?

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