IRC log for #brlcad on 20120331

00:05.32 brlcad crdueck: sph would be perfectly suitable (doesn't get any simpler)
00:06.09 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49848 10/brlcad/trunk/src/vdeck/ (cgarbs.c match.c parsarg.c): ws, style
00:09.20 crdueck brlcad: yes exactly, i'm just confused as to how primitive "objects" are passed to functions. also, is it appropriate to be asking these types of questions or should i be answering these myself? I have been reading lots of source and trying to figure it out for myself before asking here but i'm still confused.
00:09.57 brlcad crdueck: all primitives define a set of callbacks (see src/librt/primitives/table.c) -- you're basically stubbing in a new function for use in a future callback
00:10.23 brlcad it's perfectly appropriate to ask these types of questions, you're not expected to just figure stuff out on your own
00:13.07 brlcad it's hard enough to write the code, this isn't academic -- we want you to learn the code
00:13.32 brlcad questions are just fine, the more specific you can make them the better
00:14.09 brlcad basically, you'd be adding a function that takes an rt_db_internal, and you go from there to figure out the area
00:15.06 brlcad maybe something with a signature like: int rt_ell_volume(fastf_t *volume, const struct rt_db_internal *ip);
00:16.07 brlcad for volume, none are defined yet so you'd be stubbing in the first one
00:16.45 crdueck okay, so i see that rt_db_internal has fields idb_{major,minor}_type, what do these represent? the type of primitive?
00:17.44 brlcad yes
00:18.12 brlcad that's an unwrapped database object
00:18.58 brlcad if you look at rt_sph_prep() you'll see how to crack out the actual rt_ell_internal from it
00:24.54 crdueck by casting the rt_db_internal as a rt_ell_internal and accessing the idb_ptr field
00:25.04 crdueck and that contains the relevent vectors a,b,c to define the ell
00:25.09 crdueck relevant*
00:30.05 brlcad yes, include/rtgeom.h has the definition
01:19.04 brlcad if you really want to get fancy, you could create a test harness that proves the implementation is correct with a few specific test cases (similar to src/libbu/test_*.c)
01:19.25 brlcad examples creating objects programmatically in src/proc-db (e.g. src/proc-db/csgbrep.cpp)
01:21.48 crdueck i'm still having trouble compiling the svn version unfortunately. i'm going to sort that out but i wanted to get my hands dirty with a patch first. like you said, there's time to get everything in working order after the application deadline
01:27.05 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49849 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/comgeom-g.1: correct typo
01:28.45 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49850 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/comgeom-g.1: correct example for current usage
01:38.00 brlcad nods
01:45.23 starseeker for those looking for a good patch topic - the function rt_bot_bbox does not currently create a correct bounding box
01:51.12 starseeker the function rt_bot_prep_pieces_ in src/librt/primitives/bot/g_bot_include.c does produce a good bounding box, so something about that logic is not captured correctly by rt_bot_bbox
01:53.12 brlcad starseeker: I was just looking at that, but a quick check of the function looks like it just iterates over vertices, no?
01:53.53 starseeker that was the idea, but there's some quirk I didn't track down successfully
01:54.12 starseeker I think you were the one who noticed it wasn't working originally...
01:54.29 brlcad I did, but then I don't remember the problem
01:54.44 starseeker bbox was too big
01:55.11 brlcad I remember the brep bbox being too big because of the way it was aligning
01:55.45 brlcad but for bot, I just remember it being "different" and giving rt changes
01:55.49 starseeker brep has other issues, IIRC - I think the bbox is calculated without factoring in the trims
01:56.52 brlcad well, either way that'd be a good one to suggest to the list, maybe with a hint on how to test it
01:57.23 starseeker svn diff -r46385:46386 shows it was turned off, so reversing that will turn it back on
01:58.06 brlcad I didn't suggest it to the nurbs guy just because I thought it'd be better to see nurbs code from him, but bot bbox was the first thing that came to mind actually
01:59.58 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49851 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/ (cvt.c f2a.c mat.c read.c region.c solid.c): ws, style
03:03.47 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/fellow/louipc)
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04:11.11 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Crdueck 07 * r3405 10/wiki/User:Crdueck: GSoC 2012 - crdueck ~WIP~
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07:05.36 andrei_ hello
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07:29.15 andrei_ I m running the script from on the brlcad svn-source. This is the output I recieve. In my opinion the 20k duplicated lines doesn't sound as much. Can someone please check the output I posted is correct ?
07:30.02 andrei_ I m executing while having both brlcad source , simian and the script in the same directory. This is the output I recieve :
07:42.05 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
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12:35.31 cristina hello
12:52.37 Al_Da_Best Hi
13:00.44 andrei_ hey ( just had to be a different greeting way)
13:01.55 ``Erik yargh, mateys, shiver me timbers
13:59.20 starseeker cristina: howdy
13:59.49 starseeker cristina: just curious, were you still interested in the CSG visualization project?
14:02.51 starseeker If so, you might be interested in this CMake-based Goblin source tarball, which has the part of Goblin we can use:
14:20.38 brlcad andrei_: a coverity scan account could certainly be provided, but there's only a couple dozen issues remaining (maybe a week's worth of work)
14:21.57 brlcad andrei_: as for the quantity of duplication, that's not entirely relevant because you probably won't get through more than a few thousand lines in one summer regardless of there being 100k or 20k
14:22.20 brlcad that said I think your simian settings could probably be relaxed a little / changed to detect more patterns of duplication
14:22.51 brlcad if you read the simian manpage, you might find some more duplication
14:23.05 brlcad cristina: how's the proposal coming along?
14:24.13 cristina brlcad, my proposal is not ready yet
14:24.28 *** join/#brlcad atneik_ (~atneik@
14:24.35 cristina I'm behind the schedule
14:24.45 brlcad andrei_: oh, also if you want to schedule time in your proposal to work on coverity issues, that's fine but it probably shouldn't account for more than a couple weeks of work
14:24.55 brlcad cristina: ok
14:25.13 brlcad do you know if you might have a rough draft sometime early this week?
14:25.51 brlcad it'd be nice to see at least a rough draft three or four days before the submission deadline so we have to provide feedback and you have time to respond to that feedback
14:26.38 andrei_ brlcad : I don't know if you noted , I submitted the latest version of my proposal draft here :
14:27.05 brlcad I did not, can't keep track of everyone :)
14:27.23 cristina brlcad I know that it's useful to get feedback and I'll try to make it
14:27.58 brlcad cristina: that would be fantastic, especially given how interesting and useful that project is, hopefully something you're excited to work on :)
14:28.14 andrei_ sorry, I didn't want to make it sound like a reproach
14:29.47 cristina :-)
14:30.29 andrei_ brlcad : anyhow , I have two main issues with my proposal. Focusing on a very specific part of code ( I wil follow your advice regarding simian) and the deliverable section I don t know how to fit it to be neither unrealistic nor insufficient
14:31.44 brlcad andrei_: so especially for a code refactoring project, it's great to scope out some goals and be realistic, but that is also the easiest type of project to rescope and change direction on once you've started
14:32.44 andrei_ so I should have a strict plan and follow it closesly
14:32.47 *** part/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
14:32.48 brlcad so you could work on the largest line counts first, just working down the list; or you could hit up all the issues in a given directory; etc .. but the approach doesn't matter as much as having some initial plan to begin with
14:33.46 brlcad we just need something measureable so that we can determine whether you're making progress or whether we need to adjust your goals
14:34.36 *** part/#brlcad atneik_ (~atneik@
14:34.42 brlcad so you can just pick a plan that is appealing to you, is conservatively reasonable based on your skills, and then just go to town with patches until you get commit access
14:35.02 brlcad I think you already did a patch, yes?
14:35.06 andrei_ yes
14:35.17 brlcad so that's great
14:35.25 andrei_ you mentioned the "patch" to remove a global var
14:35.34 brlcad right, that's an easy starting point
14:35.51 brlcad another might be to actually fix just one of the simian duplications
14:36.23 andrei_ so it's an actual acceptable approach to follow the simian output
14:36.30 brlcad sure
14:36.53 andrei_ I m not sure how I should change the script provided , in order to be more relevant for my cause
14:37.32 brlcad it doesn't even matter whether you start from the top to bottom, bottom to top, or even out of order as long as there's a method to the madness ;)
14:37.54 brlcad andrei_: do you understand what the script is doing?
14:38.20 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
14:38.30 andrei_ it goes through every file in the specified path
14:38.39 andrei_ excluding the stated paths
14:39.38 andrei_ basically it uses simian for every file in source with the selected extension except for those with -not
14:39.46 starseeker cristina: if you're having trouble scoping the project or working out design ideas, please feel free to discuss them in channel
14:39.59 starseeker that's why we're here :-)
14:40.11 brlcad andrei_: that's basically correct
14:40.35 brlcad it runs the 'find' command to get a list of some files (man find) and then it runs the simian command on that list of files
14:40.52 andrei_ it something like ./find | grep " what interests me "
14:41.11 starseeker cristina: we aren't expecting you to have a fully mature, polished solution written up in the first draft
14:41.27 starseeker refinement is a normal part of the process
14:41.29 brlcad andrei_: yeah, sorta
14:41.45 brlcad andrei_: so assuming you're in the right directory, the list of files is what it is
14:41.58 brlcad you can then just focus on the simian command
14:42.29 brlcad if you read the simian manual page and look at the line in the script, you'll see that right now the wiki page example just passes the -threshold=25 option
14:42.39 brlcad there are LOTS of other options iirc
14:42.59 brlcad plus you could get rid of that threshold option and you'll see a lot more
14:43.31 andrei_ you have a point
14:43.52 andrei_ I need a better understanding of Simian to have a good starting point
14:44.00 brlcad again, that aspect doesn't really matter so much right now either other than you should at least read the simian manual page and be basically familiar with what it's capable of if you're going to propose using it all summer ;)
14:44.28 brlcad the 20k you have is certainly plenty and more than you could work on all summer anyways
14:45.00 andrei_ after this discussion I believe that aswell...
14:46.19 brlcad even if you're some amazing hot-shot and you got through all 20k in the first month and you actually didn't introduce bad API or bugs, it's VERY easy to find more work for you -- no worries there whatsoever. ;)
14:46.38 andrei_ haha
14:46.57 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
14:47.26 brlcad I wouldn't expect more than 5% reduction when you add in time for discussion and refactoring that goes along with reducing code
14:48.19 brlcad because usually the best way to eliminate duplication isn't to just make a new function -- it's to utilize an existing function and completely rewriting the place where there was duplication
14:48.19 andrei_ my issue right now is simian and the fact that I have never used it before
14:48.37 brlcad so that is your priority
14:48.40 brlcad read the simian docs
14:49.03 brlcad shouldn't take more than an hour even if you're slow and fall asleep :)
14:49.13 brlcad more likely, 10 minutes
14:49.22 andrei_ oh
14:49.30 andrei_ if you mean the overview they have on their site
14:49.39 andrei_ I have read it when I downloaded simian
14:49.39 brlcad wherever they have their docs
14:50.11 brlcad I mean, can you tell me without looking what that -threshold=25 does? hopefully you can if you're using it
14:50.44 brlcad if not, worth re-reading
14:50.48 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
14:50.51 andrei_ how "deep" to go?
14:51.00 brlcad nope :)
14:51.59 brlcad so, all that means is it's worth re-reading the docs again, now especially that you're run the tool and are a little familiar with the output
14:52.17 andrei_ ah
14:52.18 brlcad it might make more sense and "stick" better
14:52.30 andrei_ I found exactly what I was looking for, I found a page that explain each parameter and what it does
14:53.03 andrei_ as I didn't manage to find any manual in simian before. I do need to have a better look
14:56.34 andrei_ so threshold tells simian to ignore files with less than 25 duplicated lines
14:59.40 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
15:03.45 andrei_ this is how I currently run the script . I consider this a bit better for what I need
15:03.52 andrei_ java -Xms200m -Xmx2000m -jar simian-2.3.33.jar -threshold=10 -reportDuplicateText $files
15:06.58 andrei_ in any case, thanks a lot for the help:) will get back to work.
15:52.50 cristina starseeker, I looked through the functionalities of the Goblin library and I got the idea that their C++ methods could be used to implement the back end graph structures
15:53.40 brlcad andrei_: no problem, good discussion
15:55.12 cristina I'm not familiar with tcl/tk so I'm having some trouble understanding how to use these structures in order to construct the graphical widgets
16:18.47 brlcad cristina: so you have two choices with respect to the gui -- you can aim on implementing something near-term or long-term
16:19.20 brlcad near-term being some time less than 3 years and long-term probably greater
16:19.57 brlcad the difference being the near-term is learning the tcl/tk capabilities of archer, learning how to use their widgets and running with that
16:21.28 brlcad long-term would be to use Qt or some drawing layer that works with Qt canvases or OGRE opengl contexts
16:22.00 brlcad the latter is arguably easier if you don't know Tcl/Tk but wouldn't be a capability put into use for quite some time
16:23.22 brlcad basically, more flexibility in the long-term but more rapid development and widespread use with a near-term approach
16:23.33 brlcad (tcl/tk is really pretty easy to learn)
16:23.48 *** join/#brlcad matovitch (5c672642@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.53 matovitch hello
16:23.56 brlcad so something to keep in mind
16:23.58 brlcad hello matovitch
16:34.03 cristina brlcad, I assume it's better if the result of this project would be put in use sooner
16:34.14 cristina I see that there's still a migration to archer phase. Is this why you mentioned the 3 year period?
16:34.17 brlcad both are valuable, it's what is more interesting to you
16:34.38 brlcad yes, migration TO archer is still under way and will take at *least* 2-3 years
16:35.08 brlcad archer will stay in use then for 2-5 years afterwards probably while a new interface is built up
16:35.29 cristina aha, so I would have to make use of the capabilities of mged and later, after they are entirely migrated, use the ones of archer?
17:01.50 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
17:02.20 brlcad cristina: no entiendo
17:03.00 brlcad if you use tcl/tk, you do have access to all of the current capabilities of mged/archer now (which is a lot)
17:03.41 brlcad whereas with Qt, you'd have to implement a lot more low-level access to walk the hierarchy (not hard, but it'd be another week or two of work)
17:06.43 cristina brlcad: ok. yo entiendo ahora
17:08.41 cristina I misunderstood something. I thought archer is going to replace mged
17:09.43 brlcad it is
17:10.40 brlcad for all intensive purposes, they are one in the same .. archer is about to go into alpha status and will "merge" with mged within the next two years
17:11.11 brlcad it all depends on the length of the alpha and beta timeframes, but it's estimated to be around 2-3 years
17:12.08 brlcad the underpinnings to archer are nearly identical to mged, though, so the real difference would be with a qt-interface
17:15.09 cristina this is what I wanted to know. If there are any differences between mged and archer on the tcl/tk capabilities that I'm going to learn
17:28.30 brlcad there are some differences, but they're pretty minor -- archer and mged share most of the same underlying commands that you'd use
18:07.28 starseeker cristina: for a CSG viewing widget, you would actually be creating (initially) a stand-alone Tcl/Tk widget with an API, and then hooking that into mged/archer as a second step (as I understand it)
18:07.40 starseeker assuming you go the Tcl/Tk route, of course
18:11.10 starseeker when it comes to the "get geometry information" aspects, there are several possibilities - you can either use commands at the Tcl/Tk level, or use BRL-CAD's C library API's "behind the scenes" - you'll probably be doing a bit of both, at different levels
18:14.40 starseeker To create the widget, the pieces needed are a) ability to extract BRL-CAD's geometry hierarchy and format it in such a way that it can be fed to a graph layout API (Goblin or some other choice) b) take the output from the graph generator and use that to create a visual layout (in Tcl/Tk or some other toolkit) and c) make the visual layout interactive
18:17.24 starseeker That gives you some milestones to focus on, since each stage builds on the previous stages and the individual stages can each be tested
18:19.31 starseeker Goblin has an application in it called goblet that does some visual graph layouts, so that's a starting point
18:20.05 starseeker or at least, something to study to see how c++ data -> tcl/tk graphics can be accomplished
18:21.50 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
18:22.19 starseeker cristina: if you don't have time to work out all the details of how you would generate the visual widgets, then that's something to schedule in your timeline for your application
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18:41.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Matovitch 07 * r3406 10/wiki/User:Matovitch: First edit :)
18:43.54 cristina starseeker: I am going to include a "research" period in which I can decide this
18:50.00 *** join/#brlcad matovitch (5c672642@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:50.09 matovitch hello
18:58.31 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49852 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Mark the SCL variables as advanced
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19:01.45 harmanpreet hi..!! may I know how can I made page on wiki of brlcad? I created my account, but couldn't find any way to create page there.
19:02.15 matovitch I had the same problem. ^^
19:02.38 matovitch Your page is already create.
19:03.09 matovitch Go to the /User:your_name and edit
19:04.31 Al_Da_Best Welcome to Wiki's :P Yeah, every page exists as soon as it gets edited
19:16.44 harmanpreet thanks matovitch..!!
19:16.56 matovitch you're welcome
19:26.49 andrei_ brlcad : I have just finishing removing a global variable , but it does fit the word "minimal" a bit too good.
19:27.51 andrei_ there is a counter in /libbu/ globals.c called bu_n_realloc which is incremented by a function in malloc.c but is never used aside of that
19:27.56 andrei_ I have simply commented it.
19:42.54 andrei_ and the same with bu_n_malloc
19:43.29 andrei_ are they still needed in case of debugs, or is this a acceptable fix?
20:18.41 bhinesley brlcad: I'm working on a proposal for adding -exec to the search command.
20:19.02 bhinesley we've talked before about registering libged commands, so that a list of them can be obtained
20:19.17 bhinesley can't seem to find the relevant log entries...
20:19.47 bhinesley but it seems this will be necessary for the project
20:20.41 bhinesley I'm assuming there is a particular way you'd like this implemented..?
20:22.51 bhinesley I'll give you a chance to respond before I ask you anything specific :)
20:26.48 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49853 10/brlcad/trunk/src/vdeck/ (cgarbs.c std.h): ws, align code chunks
20:34.43 andrei_ if those above-stated are acceptable global removals , on what should I move on? Moving to Simian output?
20:38.24 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Matovitch 07 * r3407 10/wiki/User:Matovitch:
20:38.32 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49854 10/brlcad/trunk/src/vdeck/cgarbs.c: update K&R to ANSII C function arg style
20:39.34 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49855 10/brlcad/trunk/src/vdeck/vdeck.c: ws, style
20:40.00 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Matovitch 07 * r3408 10/wiki/User:Matovitch:
20:43.34 brlcad andrei_: I'm thinking you didn't attempt a recompile
20:44.06 brlcad try this: grep bu_n_malloc src/*/*.c
20:44.10 andrei_ I did
20:44.24 andrei_ and I used eclipse to check the dependencies upon /libbu/
20:44.38 andrei_ ooooh
20:44.47 andrei_ a second
20:45.00 andrei_ I think I ignored the upper dependencies. Right.
20:45.52 andrei_ src/libbu/globals.c:long bu_n_malloc = 0;
20:45.54 andrei_ src/libbu/malloc.c: bu_n_malloc++;
20:45.55 andrei_ src/rt/main.c:longmdelta = bu_n_malloc - n_malloc;
20:45.57 andrei_ src/rt/main.c: n_malloc = bu_n_malloc;
20:46.00 andrei_ this is what I got.
20:46.07 brlcad I know the result, no need to paste it :)
20:46.58 andrei_ it could be added as a parameter to the hidden function
20:47.43 andrei_ anyhow, so much for the quick joy. Thanks for help and getting back to fixing this properly.
21:05.42 crdueck i've posted a first draft of my application to the wiki, it's still very rough and i'd very much appreciate any feedback. you can find it here: thanks
21:06.58 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49856 10/brlcad/trunk/src/vdeck/vdeck.c: ws
21:08.01 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Bhinesley 07 * r3409 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley/gsoc2012/search_proposal: /* Prior commitments */
21:17.26 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49857 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/ (3d.h solid.c tools.c): ws
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22:20.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Bhinesley 07 * r3410 10/wiki/User:Bhinesley/gsoc2012/search_proposal: /* Summary */ aka outline (for the more in depth "description" section)

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