IRC log for #brlcad on 20120404

01:01.35 brlcad hah, nice relevant comment on the gsoc mailing list from one of the wikimedia folks relevant to that thing I keep telling you, starseeker :)
01:01.57 brlcad speaking about one of the reasons for "release early, release often"
01:02.05 brlcad she says "nothing is ever DONE, it is just DUE"
01:02.07 brlcad so true ;)
01:03.34 andrei hey brlcad
01:04.13 andrei did you have any chance to look upon my proposal draft?
01:04.27 andrei as in the latest one
01:05.25 brlcad heh
01:06.13 brlcad there's no way I could keep track of every revision of everyone's proposal ;)
01:06.34 brlcad so probably not, but they do all get read in waves
01:06.50 brlcad once or twice before the deadline if there's enough time
01:08.06 andrei I know there are enough things to do aside of reading proposals
01:08.16 brlcad if you take the feedback I gave earlier to heart and make sure you've addressed every comment and double-check the detail you're providing, your timeline, our guidelines, etc .. then you'll be fine
01:09.04 brlcad andrei: I'm certainly not the only one to read them too, just so you know -- I'm just the chatty one more likely to respond before the deadline
01:10.51 andrei I know it takes time to be discussed and such , but may I ask how are my chances of getting accepted ?
01:11.58 brlcad you can always ask
01:13.37 andrei from your point of view, how are my chances of getting accepted with BRL-CAD?
01:14.24 brlcad well, greater than 0%
01:14.29 brlcad less than 100%
01:14.38 brlcad you can always ask, but that doesn't mean you'll get a useful answer :)
01:16.00 brlcad there's frankly no way to actually know what your chances are because we don't yet have the final count of submissions and slot allocations from google
01:17.28 brlcad generally speaking, your chances are fantastic just by applying to brl-cad (compared to, say, gentoo) ... if you put good effort into your proposal, stay engaged and express ongoing interest, and keep involved in discussions/coding then chances are even further increased
01:18.17 brlcad that's probably not a satisfying answer, but that's as good as it gets for gsoc .. super competitive program means it's outright not possible to accept all of the fantastic students that step forward
01:19.58 andrei This probably is the normal way things go in real life
01:20.01 andrei I m just new to it :)
01:20.42 andrei also, after 6th of april am I still allowed to submit patches( for example solutions to small duplications) ? if so, just out of curiosity , do they matter at all for the application?
01:24.46 brlcad it's open source
01:25.04 brlcad you can keep submitting patches until the day aliens suck you up to their mothership
01:25.28 andrei that's good to know
01:26.06 andrei by the way, I m sorry for the previous questions. Probably it's not very pleasant to get asked those questions plenty of times each year
01:26.14 brlcad patches help show your interest in the project and interest in contributing to open source, so certainly they can help -- as long as they're good patches
01:26.46 brlcad patches that take longer to review and comment on than they took to write aren't so helpful
01:26.58 brlcad that's why it's good to review your patches before you submit them to make sure they're golden
01:27.17 brlcad they should be easy to review, apply cleanly, and provide a clear improvement
01:29.56 andrei I m trying to keep a balance between focusing on my studies and focusing on open source development. I enjoy working on open source, but without certain knowledge and guidelines from courses I would be useless , even as eager as I am.
01:31.54 andrei I find it very easy to go too much in one of the mentioned directions.
02:48.08 starseeker actually, after the aliens get you too if the mothership has good bandwidth :-P
02:50.03 starseeker brlcad: yeah, yeah :-P I'm not after "done", just "no known open issues"
02:59.46 brlcad those two aren't far from each other ;)
03:01.29 brlcad "no actualized problems remaining" might be easier to satisfy
03:02.07 starseeker fair enough
03:03.48 starseeker supposes "no known open issues" and "we support FreeBSD" are pretty much incompatible - right ``Erik :-P
03:19.32 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
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05:16.46 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
05:30.21 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49905 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Take a stab at making configure_file cmakefiles appending more robust
06:45.30 *** join/#brlcad jimmiebtlr_ (62f5dd5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:02.54 Stattrav brlcad: for secure http submissions, will sending a confirm link to the user upon submission make it tedious w.r.t usability ?
07:34.45 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
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08:41.46 matovitch hey
08:58.55 brlcad hello
09:02.41 Neil__ brlcad: Hi Sean! For the materials database, I've prepared a mock-up of about 5 different webpages, prepared an initial sql schema and submitted a bit of code. Anything else I can do for the patch?
10:19.54 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
10:22.03 *** join/#brlcad piksi_ (
11:13.18 ``Erik starseeker: 'support' is an awfully loose concept, all it really means is 'not summarily ignored' (and fbsd support is typically pretty good, I'd imagine there are linux variants that have a harder time right now)
11:14.12 ``Erik starseeker: we 'support' osX, even though that step generator crash has been lingering there for a bit... :D
11:22.58 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
11:23.11 *** join/#brlcad Bumerang (~bumerang@2001:67c:1220:c1a3:21a:6bff:fece:176d)
11:30.50 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
11:32.53 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
12:12.32 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
12:47.01 Bumerang Hello! I'm interested in applying for the GSoC project "Consolidate image processing" and my question is - Is this topic already taken (or it's being communicated with other student)? Thanks for reply
12:50.16 brlcad Bumerang: there's no such thing as "taken"
12:51.07 brlcad I don't recall if someone is working on a proposal for that topic, so you're on fairly equal ground (i.e., submit it!)
12:53.47 Bumerang Thanks again
13:01.59 *** join/#brlcad thiago (~thiago@
13:13.05 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49906 10/brlcad/trunk/ (bench/CMakeLists.txt pix/CMakeLists.txt): collapse more custom logic into a call to BRLCAD_ADDDATA
13:18.23 starseeker Ooo - Qt 5 hit Alpha
13:19.24 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49907 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Couple cleanups
13:27.27 *** join/#brlcad phoenixyjll (3b941b48@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:41.02 andrei hello
14:25.01 *** join/#brlcad npcdoom (~npcdoom@
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14:36.37 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49908 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/BRLCAD_Util.cmake: move definition of BRLCAD_TARGET_NAME
14:55.25 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
15:24.54 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49909 10/brlcad/trunk/ (bench/ misc/CMake/ sweep up the benchmark outputs too when doing distclean
15:27.10 brlcad mm, good catch
15:27.30 brlcad that's user-visible
15:29.20 brlcad starseeker, I'm conflicted as to whether distclean should touch the summary file -- historically, that's a no-no
15:29.47 brlcad for consistency, it might just be better to print a message saying that one exists and it must be manually removed
15:33.14 brlcad or keep track of whether one existed before running the benchmark, then it could be deleted if distcheck created it
15:45.09 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49910 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/CMakeLists.txt: Teach the regress build target how to clean up after itself
15:49.00 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r49911 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp: removed unused dir var
15:50.00 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r49912 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/metaball/metaball.c: get a const address before calling rt_metaball_point_value() so we can avoid a bug in older versions of gcc where it doesn't pick up on the const cast.
15:54.27 *** join/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
16:35.04 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
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16:57.14 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r49913 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/ (6 files in 2 dirs): remove unused variables as seen in SCL git 1492641 and 2b31086
17:10.41 *** join/#brlcad xth1 (~thiago@
17:17.01 brlcad lot of "set but not used" warnings in src/conv/step
17:19.32 andrei brlcad : I chose the refactor plan by taking the larger ones first , then the ones that appear more than others however I intend to add an exception . When a considerable number of files in a directory have duplicated lines, and the total is above a certain value I intend to rework the whole directory
17:19.38 andrei does this approach seem realistic?
17:21.06 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
17:23.22 andrei also , should I add a "debug" method in my proposal? the one I suggest is probably trivial ( using printfs at key points) but gdb doesn't seem viable for this as there are plenty of files that depend on others.
17:24.59 bhinesley I'm going to have to pull out of the race, guys.
17:25.16 bhinesley my classes this quarter are going to require more time than I though
17:25.28 Al_Da_Best :(
17:25.32 bhinesley ... which runs over the first 3-4 weeks of gsoc
17:25.55 bhinesley Al_Da_Best: indeed :(
17:27.01 andrei best of luck with those , bhinesley
17:27.28 bhinesley andrei: thank you, gl with gsoc
17:27.38 *** join/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
17:27.47 andrei thank you aswell! Also, thank you for the help provided !
17:28.02 bhinesley not a problem; I will still be here
17:32.52 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
18:00.33 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (2e9551a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:02.53 ksuzee <brlcad>Hello, Sean! Are you here?
18:08.45 brlcad hi ksuzee
18:09.30 brlcad andrei: sure that's realistic
18:09.39 brlcad the point was to just have a specific approach in mind
18:09.56 brlcad then have some specific ones identified so we can measure your progress
18:10.31 brlcad i'm not sure what you mean by debug method
18:10.51 ksuzee I need some your help)) You've told, that my example of code in the proposal is bad
18:11.11 ksuzee And told to write you about it here
18:12.26 brlcad so yeah, that was a curious example to select
18:13.16 brlcad in that particular instance, those functions are surrogates for standard library functions
18:13.39 ksuzee aaa
18:13.48 ksuzee so they couldn't be changed?
18:13.54 brlcad they are intentionally attempting to be a replacement for an already-defined function, so their signature should not change
18:14.36 ksuzee I unerstand now
18:14.47 brlcad moreover, they all behave in subtlely different ways and my initial read of your refactoring didn't handle all of the cases and behaviors that it was replacing
18:15.23 brlcad it was good to identify an example like that, just not that one ;)
18:17.46 ksuzee Ok, I understand your advise))) So, it's better to give as an example smth like that, but not with this functions?
18:18.22 brlcad yeah
18:18.46 brlcad how did you arrive at that example?
18:18.55 brlcad it came up in a simian report?
18:19.09 ksuzee yeah
18:19.45 ksuzee in the same thread with other code like "copy-pasts"
18:20.32 brlcad interesting, because those are very very short functions
18:20.46 brlcad there's bigger duplication than that
18:21.45 andrei brlcad: what I meant by debug is
18:22.11 andrei if the function that I rewrote sends sigserv for example
18:22.22 ksuzee I know))) But I tryed ti find smth really small only as an example)
18:22.43 andrei there has to be a way to step by step the function and see why it breaks down
18:23.40 andrei for example, if I would rewrite malloc and it only segfaults on a single call
18:23.59 andrei but that call is included in a much larger function
18:24.07 andrei I m not sure how to use gdb to see this
18:29.01 ksuzee So, I understand you)) Thank a lot for help. I'll write when I find a better example
18:29.02 brlcad isn't familiar with segserv, maybe you mean sigsegv? :)
18:29.31 *** part/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
18:33.28 andrei ah, fail
18:33.34 andrei sigsegv
18:43.28 brlcad that's a pretty easy debug case actually
18:43.34 brlcad gdb will halt where it crashes
18:43.46 brlcad catching the signal
18:44.11 brlcad still, that doesn't need to be part of the proposal other than to say that you intend to test and discuss your changes
18:44.29 brlcad and debug them if an issue arises, or revert the change
18:44.37 andrei ah, alright it's ok then
18:44.51 andrei also ,another thing that came into my mind recently
18:46.13 andrei I m about to change the proposal a bit in order to be easier understood even if you have no connection with it(i.e. add links to the concepts etc) . Should I do that?
18:46.21 *** join/#brlcad xth1 (~thiago@
18:46.52 brlcad sure
19:01.19 Neil__ brlcad: Hi Sean! For the materials database, I've prepared a mock-up of about 5 different webpages, prepared an initial sql schema and submitted a bit of code. Anything else I can do for the patch?
19:02.36 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
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19:37.19 ``Erik brlcad: regress/vls fails on 32b (%lld) and I have some concerns about the approach, I'd argue that the 'ground truth' results should be static strings, not generated from snprintf()
19:38.48 *** join/#brlcad thiago__ (~thiago@
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20:18.17 *** join/#brlcad kane_ (5ce4f9a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:19.03 kane_ Hi brlcad team, i am Mesut from germany, i am here to introduce myself for the gSoC.
20:24.01 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
20:31.36 brlcad hello kane_
20:31.42 brlcad welcome!
20:38.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Mesut 07 * r3477 10/wiki/User:Mesut: my proposal
20:38.33 kane_ Hi
20:38.49 kane_ i have postet my proposal on the wiki ^^^
20:39.32 kane_ i hope your enjoying reading it :)
20:41.30 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Mesut 07 * r3478 10/wiki/User:Mesut: My proposal
20:52.50 brlcad kane_: awesome, thanks!
20:53.06 brlcad kane_: please also submit it to google-melange if you've not done so already
20:53.27 brlcad if you're on irc when I read it (which I have no idea when that might be), I'll certainly give you feedback
20:54.55 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
20:57.56 kane_ Thank you! I have posted it on gSoC and sent it through the mailer. Only posting a patch left :)...
20:58.16 *** join/#brlcad jimmiebtlr_ (62f5dd5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:07.57 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (u3131@unaffiliated/stattrav)
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22:13.21 Stattrav so choice of mediawiki is soley based upon the fact that already uses it and a seperate web service is a pain to maintain in a long run.
22:14.12 Stattrav I've elaborated it a bit more in both the proposal and the email.
22:35.03 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
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