IRC log for #brlcad on 20120406

00:01.18 *** part/#brlcad bjorkintosh (
00:16.46 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
00:55.26 *** join/#brlcad Thetawaves (
00:59.04 Thetawaves who wants to talk about google summer of code?
01:07.14 starseeker ``Erik: trying to make in the regression directory robust to pathnames with spaces in them
01:07.20 crdueck i think i have a working patch for, this time quoting variables correctly instead of using IFS.
01:07.25 starseeker simply quoting them isn't enough
01:07.28 starseeker or wasn't...
01:07.38 crdueck i'll just upload the patch to pastie instead of the tracker
01:07.53 crdueck because i dont know if i've tested it thoroughly
01:07.59 starseeker if it does work, you'll want to update the previous patch
01:08.00 starseeker sure
01:08.36 crdueck
01:08.49 crdueck i will update the patch on the tracker if it works
01:10.56 starseeker starts testing...
01:11.17 starseeker crdueck: for something like this, brlcad will be the best reviewer
01:29.12 crdueck its still not failing the header tests because the FOUND variable gets overwritten for each file in INCFILES
01:29.47 crdueck so unless the last file in INCFILES has one of the offending private headers it'll always pass
01:36.59 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
01:45.18 starseeker you know, I might be able to work around this...
01:46.38 crdueck okay, i'm not sure if i'm understanding the tests correctly. i made a dummy file "bad_include.h" in include/ with the contents "#include "bio.h""
01:47.07 crdueck and backed up my changes to, reverted it to the svn original and the tests still pass
01:47.16 starseeker um
01:49.12 crdueck can you confirm that? it could very well be just me
01:49.33 starseeker I'm not set up to right now crdueck
01:49.45 crdueck okay
01:49.50 starseeker hopefully brlcad will come on later and straighten us both out :-/
01:50.02 crdueck hopefully :)
02:07.38 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
02:44.49 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
02:47.20 starseeker blinks
02:54.18 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49930 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/CMakeLists.txt:
02:54.18 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: Well, flawfinder is running now alright. Complaining about chmod use in libbu's
02:54.18 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: fchmod.c, but we're already using fchmod whenever we can - chmod is for Windows
02:54.18 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: situations where nothing better(?) is available. Don't want to hault regression
02:54.18 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: on that, so remove flawfinder regression from the overall list but leave the
02:54.19 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: target defined in case it's needed.
03:06.01 *** join/#brlcad thiago_ (~thiago@
03:48.14 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
03:49.32 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
05:19.49 *** join/#brlcad thiago (~thiago@
05:38.15 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
05:58.13 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49931 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Checkpoint - working to make odd pathname case functional again, probably still more to do.
06:08.43 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~cristina@
06:47.28 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
08:18.19 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:18.19 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || BRL-CAD release 7.22.0 is forthcoming (eta: end of March) || BRL-CAD has applied to participate in GSoC 2012!
08:42.55 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
08:56.28 brlcad flawfinder was never enabled (hence all the minor syntax bugs in the script) because it has numerous false positive and (more importantly) intentional "flaws" being used in our code that would need to be accounted for
08:56.53 brlcad similar to src/libbu/test_vls.c accounting for passes and known/intentional failures
10:18.13 *** join/#brlcad tuxilina (~tuxilina@
10:18.23 tuxilina hello
11:07.02 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~cristina@
11:07.05 cristina hello
11:41.17 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49932 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/ add missing continuation backslash
12:31.47 *** join/#brlcad npcdoom (~npcdoom@
12:31.47 *** join/#brlcad npcdoom (~npcdoom@gugve/developer/npcdoom)
12:39.59 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~tuxilina@
12:45.36 *** join/#brlcad Thetawaves (
12:56.21 *** join/#brlcad thiago (~thiago@
13:01.06 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (2e9552a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:21.10 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
13:56.26 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (2e9552a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:17.50 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49933 10/brlcad/trunk/ ( src/ src/conv/ modify autotools build system for vdeck move; build and install confirmed vdeck bin and man page installed and working
14:57.29 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
15:14.30 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3500 10/wiki/User:Phoenix: /* Contact */
15:14.59 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3501 10/wiki/User:Phoenix: /* Contact */
15:39.38 *** join/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
15:42.11 brlcad waves
15:49.49 Al_Da_Best Hallo
15:56.31 starseeker brlcad: is it worth keeping flawfinder logic in there then?
15:56.51 starseeker what with Coverity and strict flags and whatnot?
16:00.35 *** join/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
16:07.58 brlcad sure, it detects more than strict flags and coverity is inaccessible to some -- it just needs a few exceptions added to the script and probably a few options enabled/disabled so it can be used like strictness
16:09.37 brlcad it'd be nice to develop it into yet another tool in our belt of V&V efforts
16:17.21 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
16:17.24 andrei_ hello
16:17.55 Al_Da_Best Evening
16:36.14 *** part/#brlcad atneik (~atneik@
16:41.49 brlcad howdy andrei_
16:41.56 brlcad just provided feedback on your second proposal
16:42.19 andrei_ just give me a moment to read it then
16:42.47 brlcad if you have a preference between your first and second proposal, that would be good to note in the proposal itself (not just first/second, but main interest)
16:43.10 brlcad unless you don't have a preference, in which case it's fine as it is or you can say that too ;)
16:43.33 andrei_ sure , I will add it in both my proposals
16:43.44 andrei_ Thank you very much for the feedback on such a short notice
16:44.18 brlcad happy to do it
16:44.33 andrei_ a question regarding the second project, as I have stated in it I have a primitive messaging multi-client - server program that works on sockets
16:44.46 andrei_ right now I m trying to put it on github and add a link to it in my second proposal
16:45.02 andrei_ I hope that isn't percieved as a negative point
16:45.24 brlcad how would that be negative?
16:45.42 brlcad I'm not a huge fan of github, but I don't really have anything against it ;)
16:45.52 andrei_ I didn't want to post homeworks or various things developed at school
16:46.06 andrei_ because open source is totally different, in a good way:)
16:46.31 brlcad still not seeing how that's a negative (or a positive)
16:46.37 andrei_ ah, then it's alright
16:47.09 brlcad frankly, code you've written isn't nearly as interesting as code you've read and written
16:47.18 andrei_ but reading code is much harder
16:47.20 brlcad just about any first year CS student can write code
16:47.26 andrei_ at least for me :)
16:47.30 brlcad that's the point
16:47.49 brlcad it is much harder to read and update existing code, that's why we ask for patches instead of code samples
16:48.12 andrei_ however, reading code really expands your understanding
16:48.53 brlcad you could have implemented your own raytracer and CAD system since you were 7 years old, half in assembly with an awesome gui .. and still TOTALLY suck at working on BRL-CAD :)
16:49.54 andrei_ I started looking for organizations for GsoC a lot earlier than the time when they listed
16:50.08 andrei_ I looked up the ones I knew like debian, gnome , opensuse etc
16:50.25 brlcad yeah, that's a problem every year
16:50.42 andrei_ I do believe that brl-cad has one of the most challenging projects
16:50.50 brlcad you don't know who will be participating until it's time to apply :)
16:51.07 brlcad we don't try to be challenging ...
16:51.13 andrei_ well
16:51.13 brlcad it's just a complex domain
16:51.17 andrei_ that's what I meant
16:51.23 andrei_ it s strong liked with math, geometry
16:51.40 andrei_ but honestly that's what made me come here
16:51.59 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
16:52.03 andrei_ at first I chose some project that it seemed interesting to me
16:52.11 andrei_ now I realised I had no clue how to do that
16:52.18 brlcad which was that?
16:52.31 andrei_ just a second
16:53.14 brlcad it's funny really .. some of the most interesting ones are some of the hardest .. yet new non-CS devs will still apply for those topics
16:53.45 andrei_ Geometry Conversion Library
16:53.47 brlcad lots of physics students are interested in the non-vaccuum gravity simulation, but THAT is some hard code to write well
16:54.23 andrei_ yes, those that can code are good engineers are very rare
16:54.35 brlcad yeah, libgcv would be a little difficult .. lots of API to figure out in advance
16:55.19 andrei_ but as I said
16:55.52 andrei_ the fact that brl-cad is challenging and different
16:55.57 andrei_ is what made me come here
16:56.27 andrei_ I believe you only properly learn difficult matters
16:56.30 andrei_ when you have to face them
16:57.19 brlcad most people learn by doing
16:57.49 Al_Da_Best Best way to learn is to teach. Next best way is to just do it
16:58.04 andrei_ I believe that in order to proper teach something
16:58.12 andrei_ you have to know in depth of what you speak.
16:58.13 louipc can't properly teach if you don't know what you're doing
16:58.46 louipc andrei_++
16:59.06 andrei_ there is no clue of what will happen and I don t want to speculate over it
16:59.10 Al_Da_Best Well within reason yeah, you need some faint idea of what to do
16:59.30 andrei_ but for example, if I will get accepted and finish my proposed project on time
16:59.45 andrei_ I will probably try something more difficult, even if it requires me to learn
16:59.48 andrei_ math for example
17:00.18 louipc Al_Da_Best: nah you need better than a faint idea. otherwise you get thrown offguard by a question you wouldn't have considered if you had not in depth knowledge of the subject
17:02.36 Al_Da_Best Sure, but to get to that depth of knowledge it would be better for you to start by teaching others relatively simple things and move up, and you would learn more along the way
17:03.49 louipc well, I'm not convinced of that method
17:04.04 andrei_ Al_Da_Best, I do understand where you re trying to get
17:04.05 louipc I've had teachers 10 yrs in the ... academic side of the field
17:04.11 louipc that had no clue what they were doing
17:04.19 louipc could not answer questions
17:04.21 louipc horrible
17:04.41 andrei_ sadly this is also the sittuation here with hardware-oriented classes
17:05.59 andrei_ at least for me, a teacher plays a key role in how much I like the respective course
17:06.34 Al_Da_Best Yeah an un-enthusiastic teacher is pretty bad. Most of my teachers have been pretty good so far
17:07.46 andrei_ this is what I like about GsoC
17:07.52 louipc I think teaching is more of a test of what you know, rather than a method of learning what you should know
17:07.59 andrei_ agree
17:08.46 Al_Da_Best Yea. But for example, doing a presentation to the rest of your class will help you a lot as well
17:09.02 louipc if you really know what you're talking about, and you can speak in reasonably comprehensible terms, than you can teach most people
17:09.18 louipc sure, you will learn where you're lacking
17:09.27 louipc when those questions pop up
17:10.49 crdueck hey brlcad, did you get a chance to look at the issues starseeker and I were having with regress/ last night?
17:15.00 louipc anyways... I'd prefer that aspiring teachers learn by doing, then teach, rather than learn by teaching while spoiling many young minds :P
17:15.33 Al_Da_Best Doing is more fun too
17:27.16 andrei_ brlcad, I have tried to fix what you mentioned in the feedback as good as possible . Thanks again :)
17:28.08 *** join/#brlcad xth1 (~thiago@
17:28.19 brlcad crdueck: can you be more specific?
17:29.19 brlcad it worked for me when I originally added the script, and that was the only goal ;)
17:29.31 brlcad it wasn't meant to be hooked into the nightly regress just yet
17:29.42 brlcad script would need support for marking false positives
17:30.17 brlcad as for the path issues, that's better debugged with a case example
17:30.21 crdueck brlcad: okay sure, starseeker had brought up an issue with the script when you tried to feed it filepaths with spaces. I had made some changes (mostly just quoting variables) so that it could handle whitespace properly
17:30.58 crdueck but then when i was testing the private/public headers, i was getting false positives even when i reverted my changes
17:31.54 brlcad oh, you said .. I was thinking for some reason
17:32.55 crdueck no worries, my changes produced correct behaviour with filepaths with whitespaces. I can pastie them for you to take a look at if you'd like because its not ready for the patch tracker quite yet.
17:34.45 brlcad crdueck: private/public headers, I presume you mean the bio.h, bin.h, bselect.h header checks?
17:35.09 brlcad or the common.h check
17:35.23 crdueck yes, the bio.h, bin.h... header checks
17:36.04 crdueck i tested it with "echo '#include "bio.h"' > include/bad.h"
17:36.09 crdueck and got a false positive
17:36.39 brlcad how's that a false positive?
17:36.50 brlcad if it matched it, that's what it was supposed to do
17:37.23 brlcad if it didn't find it, then it wasn't a false positive .. it was a false negative ;)
17:37.52 *** join/#brlcad Neil__ (~chatzilla@
17:38.16 crdueck ahh okay, false negative then. it didnt find it and all the checks passed
17:38.55 brlcad grep '[^f]bio.h' include/*.h /dev/null
17:40.21 crdueck in this case grep finds the bad includes in bad.h
17:41.01 brlcad okay, so next
17:41.41 brlcad INCFILES="`find ${TOPSRC}/include -type f \( -name \*.c -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cxx -o -name \*.h -o -name \*.y -o -name \*.l \) -not -regex '.*src/other.*' -not -regex '.*~' -not -regex '.*\.log' -not -regex '.*Makefile.*' -not -regex '.*cache.*' -not -regex '.*\.svn.*' -not -regex '.*pkg.h'`"
17:41.50 brlcad echo $INCFILES | grep bad.h
17:43.00 brlcad then: FOUND="`grep '[^f]bio.h' $INCFILES /dev/null | grep -v 'include/bio.h'`"
17:43.12 brlcad echo "FOUND is $FOUND"
17:47.47 crdueck nothing is found. i'll get the other output to a txt file in a sec
17:51.36 brlcad oh, sorry
17:51.50 brlcad INCFILES="`find include -type f \( -name \*.c -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.cxx -o -name \*.h -o -name \*.y -o -name \*.l \) -not -regex '.*src/other.*' -not -regex '.*~' -not -regex '.*\.log' -not -regex '.*Makefile.*' -not -regex '.*cache.*' -not -regex '.*\.svn.*' -not -regex '.*pkg.h'`"
17:52.00 brlcad from the top level source dir
17:52.10 brlcad then the rest
17:57.58 crdueck i had set TOPSRC to the toplevel source dir like it does in the script. i'll try it again
18:03.53 crdueck still nothing at the end:
18:06.01 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3502 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Proposal: /* Works already done in BRL-CAD */
18:15.35 brlcad line 79 doesn't make sense
18:18.12 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3503 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Proposal: /* Works already done in BRL-CAD */
18:19.56 crdueck i think echo is treating "$INCFILES | grep bad.h" as one string
18:20.02 crdueck its not piping it to grep
18:22.49 brlcad what is the actual command you typed/ran
18:22.53 *** join/#brlcad Guest53071 (~chatzilla@
18:23.08 crdueck echo $INCFILES | grep bad.h
18:27.10 brlcad it looks like you have something aliased to echo or it's a script
18:28.01 brlcad something is expanding the grep command too
18:28.48 crdueck grep is aliased to case insensitive and colored. It still doesnt work even with /bin/echo, if it was being aliased
18:32.56 crdueck okay, my usual shell is zsh. I tried the whole thing over in sh and it worked. I should have tried that first, apologies.
18:36.22 brlcad works in zsh for me just the same
18:37.38 crdueck i dont have any strange aliases for zsh though, so thats strange
18:38.37 brlcad if you run "alias", doesn't list anything for echo?
18:38.58 crdueck zsh 4.3.17
18:42.19 crdueck nothing
18:43.22 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
19:04.20 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:06.37 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49934 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Reworking of tclscript copying seems to have broken multiconfig - try a simple fix.
19:08.16 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r49935 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ ( bunch of script file missing their invocation line to ensure we get /bin/sh instead of the user's shell
19:08.17 brlcad hm, well can't efficiently diagnose/fix it like this, but see if that does the trick
19:32.49 crdueck okay, but the original issue was that if i put a bad header file in include/, the public header private header checks still passed, when my understanding is that they shouldnt be. This could just be a problem on my end, so i'd like someone else to confirm/deny it.
19:34.34 crdueck sh-4.2$ cat include/bad.h
19:34.34 crdueck #include "bio.h"
19:34.34 crdueck sh-4.2$ FOUND="`grep '[^f]bio.h' include/*.h | grep -v 'include/bio.h'`"
19:34.34 crdueck sh-4.2$ echo "FOUND is $FOUND"
19:34.37 crdueck FOUND is include/bad.h:#include "bio.h"
20:21.17 *** join/#brlcad kane__ (5ce737c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:33.33 brlcad hello kane__
20:33.49 brlcad crdueck: the fix I applied in r49935 should "fix" it
20:35.07 kane__ Hi
20:37.07 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49936 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Need to run this, regardless of the install path, for all multiconfig setups now since we need fully qualified build paths in the install scripts for copying generated files.
21:03.13 kane__ Sean, you have asked me about my thesis, what my plan is if i am been late. Shall i answer here, or it is better to send a mail?
21:08.45 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
21:26.34 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
21:53.42 brlcad kane__: better to reply as a comment to your proposal at this point
22:00.26 andrei_ brlcad, just out of curiosity. Is google playing any role in the student ranking ?
22:00.47 andrei_ In other words do they check who gets accepted and their proposal / activity or stuff like that
22:08.40 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
22:13.23 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49937 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/region.c: fix typo
22:58.41 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49938 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ Simplify this logic a bit, since we don't care about comparing the old path to the new one in an if statement
23:42.29 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r49939 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/comgeom/region.c: ws
23:55.22 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r49940 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/ (3 files): Needs more verification, but this seems to fix the issues the distclean and distcheck targets were having with the odd pathnames test. As a bonus, distclean is now portable, simpler, and faster than the old approach.

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