IRC log for #brlcad on 20120421

00:36.32 kanzure why'd we need a new voting thread
00:36.34 kanzure oh well
00:36.42 brlcad nods
00:37.13 kanzure brlcad: have you ever played with
00:37.18 brlcad given the discussion, a vote seems kind of silly too
00:37.48 kanzure "voting" just replicates the failures of tc184-sc4
00:37.54 brlcad there's never going to be a consensus and any majority is easily biased by faction/collusion
00:38.07 kanzure
00:38.18 kanzure somehow i hax0red my way into getting in the tc184-sc4 group
00:38.26 brlcad wow
00:38.40 kanzure before their previous site went offline
00:38.55 brlcad yeah, I usually refuse to be on committees on principle
00:39.06 kanzure they weren't exactly letting anyone join
00:39.11 kanzure i thought they would be STEP pros or EXPRESS pros
00:39.12 kanzure but nope
00:39.16 kanzure looks like a clusterfuck
00:39.50 kanzure lots of "GUYS where is our next meeting? north korea? ok let's do north korea"
00:40.37 kanzure but that waterbury guy from NASA is on the list
00:41.06 brlcad I have not played with implicitcad
00:41.40 brlcad clearly what is needed is more management and oversight
00:41.47 kanzure i like the concept but i still see a need for direct surface manipulation (not implicit surface manipulation)
00:41.52 kanzure haha yeah right
00:41.53 brlcad not people actually writing step code
00:41.58 kanzure rofl :(
00:42.13 kanzure did you see that solidworks fired their head tech guy?
00:42.21 kanzure they decided to switch solidworks kernels away from parasolid to v6
00:42.27 kanzure and their tech lead refused
00:42.28 kanzure so they fired him
00:42.35 brlcad heh, no I didn't
00:42.47 brlcad good for him
00:42.59 kanzure yeah
00:43.14 kanzure nobody knows how to write kernels anymore, they'd probably screw up a move to another engine
00:43.28 kanzure esp. since they didn't write parasolid
00:44.11 brlcad he can probably get a job at any one of their competitors without a problem, and if not them due to some no-compete clause just as easily at 100 other companies with deep pockets for skills like that
00:44.48 kanzure and probably make >50% more money
00:45.22 kanzure so, i've been thinking of hiring someone other than me to write nurbs algorithms
00:45.34 kanzure i've given it a shot and it's taking me too long to get reasonable results
00:46.39 kanzure do you have any thoughts about this?
01:20.20 brlcad thoughts as in .. what are you writing nurbs algorithms for??
02:56.42 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 0396.234.234.5 07 * r3508 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/Project_Ideas: /* Other Tool Projects */ Not for this year, but add a note to flesh out a description of possible clone/pattern tool improvement task for later use...
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15:04.37 kanzure brlcad: well, none of the open source "nurbs libraries" seem to do anything
15:04.47 kanzure opennurbs just hides all the useful stuff in the commercial for-pay library
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19:33.55 louipc kanzure: fork fork fork
19:34.47 kanzure fork who?
19:35.10 louipc the nurbs libraries
19:35.16 kanzure hrmm maybe..
19:35.22 kanzure it wouldn't help.. the hard part isn't open source
19:35.44 louipc but it could be
19:35.58 louipc if you don't, it will never be
19:36.20 kanzure i don't understand how forking useless crap is helpful here ?
19:36.55 louipc auh didn't know that... wonder why brl-cad would be using useless crap
19:37.08 kanzure it uses it for the basic nurbs representation in a few places
19:37.18 kanzure i am making a number of assumptions here,
19:37.25 kanzure like that you're replying to my previous messages regarding opennurbs
19:37.32 kanzure many of the intersection algorithms in opennurbs are not open source
19:37.36 kanzure brlcad does not include them or use them
19:37.37 louipc that's correct
19:38.06 kanzure nurbs representation (knots and control points) is somewhat easy to code
19:38.27 kanzure but building a robust library for boolean operations on their surfaces is apparently time intensive
19:38.39 louipc hard stuff is more fun to code anyways
19:38.42 kanzure has some random work i've done in this area
19:38.55 kanzure sure! but i haven't been able to get that much help from anyone who has previously implemented this
19:40.16 kanzure at one point i thought writing a wrapper around ESOLID might be a good way forward:
19:40.19 kanzure
19:40.21 kanzure (at least until i rewrite their implementation)
19:40.39 kanzure but unless you know the whole system, your rewrite is going to look like garbage:
19:40.42 kanzure
19:40.46 louipc yea
19:41.51 kanzure btw that's a wrapper around this:
19:41.52 kanzure
19:41.55 louipc is that nurbs?
19:43.26 kanzure actually it's a library for surfaces made up of rational polynomials
19:43.32 kanzure including bezier curves
19:43.36 kanzure so it's somewhat related to nurbs
19:43.42 louipc also, why would you waste time to rewrite it? source code is there
19:43.45 kanzure effectively it's the same or a "close enough" solution
19:43.47 kanzure
19:43.49 louipc and we were talking about nurbs
19:43.54 kanzure no licensing
19:43.58 kanzure and the author is non-responsive
19:44.23 kanzure also: arguably we should have at least 1 person in the open source world who can do this and maintain a library properly, heh
19:44.37 kanzure it would be bad to use some code that nobody understands
19:45.21 kanzure i don't remember if i call chris as chris or sean, but he mentioned that esolid might be a bad idea to wrap around due to that licensing ambiguity
19:45.27 kanzure but the only other option is opencascade, and getting that codebase into shape is a nightmare
19:45.33 kanzure (plus their own set of licensing issues)
19:48.43 louipc eh
20:43.14 brlcad the license isn't technically ambiguous, is a bsd-style-except-non-commericial license making it pretty much incompatible with everything except cc-nc
20:44.07 brlcad it needs to be relicensed through the university
20:44.25 brlcad and of coruse good luck with that :)
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