IRC log for #brlcad on 20120430

01:00.10 *** join/#brlcad mohitdhingras (~root@
01:32.05 starseeker crdueck: feel free to experiment
02:10.22 *** part/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/fellow/louipc)
02:24.02 starseeker crdueck: we have to carefully manage search paths when specifying 32 vs 64 bit building, since CMake's default search routines don't check to make sure a library found is built for the correct word size
02:49.33 starseeker on most of the systems I have tested to date, 64 bit libs went into lib64 - if we have lib32 32 bit, lib64 64 bit, and lib uncertain there is a mess to resolve
03:01.47 crdueck starseeker: i asked in my distro's channel and the ambiguity is because 32-bit support was implemented as an afterthought, and so the default is 64-bit. the file path problem would very likely only affect archlinux users
03:46.01 *** join/#brlcad abhi2011 (~chatzilla@
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13:08.19 ``Erik starseeker: 3 off by many on solids
13:08.36 starseeker otherwise it builds?
13:09.02 ``Erik um, with everything bundled, it still flipped out about finding the macports png.h, so I turned strict off and it built
13:09.05 starseeker (make -k I think should proceed with running the rest of 'em...)
13:09.17 starseeker oh, right - you also need to add... letsee...
13:16.54 ``Erik still seems to pull the macports png.h
13:17.17 starseeker growl.
13:17.42 starseeker ok, nevermind - may need some of the improvements in trunk to avoid that issue
13:58.13 ``Erik only regress issues are the old 3 off by many solids and 'gui' in mged
14:00.15 starseeker O.o
14:00.19 starseeker what's up with gui?
14:08.19 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50367 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/CMakeLists.txt: Correct typo.
14:09.16 ``Erik looks like a lib mismatch, X from macports vs GL from system
14:09.48 starseeker oh, right
14:10.01 starseeker ok, that's specific to the macports
14:10.07 starseeker tries on his non-macports mac
14:10.15 ``Erik does that commit allow total exclusion of macports shtuff?
14:10.34 starseeker which, 50367?
14:10.41 starseeker that's just a Windows thing
14:10.58 starseeker ignoring all macports stuff requires include dir order sorting
14:35.44 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50368 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/CMakeLists.txt: Don't use numbers for bools
15:06.36 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50369 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/step/src/express/ (CMakeLists.txt expprint.c): Remove this file - removed in trunk, not needed, causing build issue on mac for release build.
15:10.48 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50370 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/src/other/libz/CMakeLists.txt: Add workaround for MSVC2010 64 bit and zlib from trunk r49887
15:12.08 ``Erik building system X instead of macports fixes that mged gui issue
17:12.15 *** join/#brlcad jordisayol (~jordisayo@unaffiliated/jordisayol)
17:22.01 kanzure decided to take a break on nurbs :p
17:22.03 kanzure
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18:00.19 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50371 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindX11.cmake: Tweak search paths for X11
18:00.58 starseeker crdueck: Does r50371 help on archlinux?
18:07.58 brlcad kanzure: nifty -- you ever attend the molecular modeling BoF?
18:08.06 kanzure BoF?
18:08.21 brlcad birds of a feather, at a conference
18:08.26 brlcad siggraph for example
18:08.28 kanzure hrm. never heard of it
18:08.32 kanzure nope have't been to siggraph
18:08.42 kanzure
18:12.05 brlcad love the animations
18:12.28 kanzure downside: this code base suffers from bit rot
18:12.44 kanzure the last known working distro to run it was ubuntu 7.04
18:12.58 kanzure soo i created a chroot .tar.gz
18:13.13 kanzure now i guess i need to start upgrading to successive ubuntu versions, run the tests and fix bugs
18:17.59 brlcad it's not easy to write code that specific that cannot be trivially updated.. ;)
18:18.33 kanzure huh?
18:18.54 kanzure i think you mean "it's not easy to write code that specicfic that *can* be trivially upgraded"
18:18.57 kanzure *speciic
18:19.00 kanzure *specific jeeze
18:19.46 kanzure or "it's easy to write specific code that cannot be trivially updated"
18:30.53 crdueck starseeker: r50371 finds the correct libraries and builds fine now
18:39.35 starseeker crdueck: awesome
18:40.43 kanzure starseeker: hihi
18:47.03 starseeker kanzure: howdy
18:47.17 starseeker kanzure: gave up on NURBS for a while eh?
18:50.45 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50372 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMake/FindX11.cmake: Note that archlinux prompted the tweak to X11 search paths.
18:51.29 kanzure starseeker: heh well not really. just doing other things
18:54.49 starseeker nanoengineer looked cool, but would have taken quite a lot of work to polish up iirc
18:57.30 starseeker would be awesome to see someone bring it back to life
18:57.48 starseeker it was/is GPL?
19:01.55 brlcad kanzure: actually, I meant the opposite .. :)
19:02.32 kanzure starseeker: gpl 2 and gpl 3 (wtf?)
19:02.33 brlcad I can usually get code to compile on linux I wrote 10 years ago in just a few minutes (on ANY distro)
19:02.45 kanzure brlcad: i would greatly appreciate your help, then
19:02.46 brlcad the harder ports are to a different OS
19:02.55 kanzure again, i made a chroot to get it running from the original packages
19:02.59 kanzure but i would love for it to work on modern systems
19:03.10 kanzure then i can package up a .deb or something
19:03.36 brlcad what's the history of that code, you write most of it?
19:03.56 kanzure nope
19:04.06 kanzure mark sims founded nanorex inc. 2004-2009
19:04.12 kanzure dumped about a million/year on 10 developers
19:04.27 kanzure v1.0.0 released march 2008, v1.0.1 the following month
19:04.36 kanzure v1.1.1 is the current release
19:05.40 kanzure in 2010 mark gave me the source codde
19:05.47 kanzure well, he gave me the repository i mean
19:05.58 kanzure and i converted from cvs->svn->git and preserved the history
19:07.07 brlcad hm, gplv2+, shame.. :/
19:07.08 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50373 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ChangeLog: Tack on the other changes to ChangeLog
19:07.28 kanzure brlcad: technically, nanorex can relicense this code base
19:07.34 kanzure and mark is still around.. Mark Sims <>
19:09.00 starseeker kanzure: that'd probably be essential before we could do much of anything with it...
19:09.27 kanzure mark is really nice and obviously an awesome person for even making this open source
19:09.55 kanzure so if you want to put some effort into getting it licensed more appropriately, i'd be willing to help out
19:10.47 starseeker brlcad: what do you think? any chance molecular engineering capabilities would be of interest to BRL-CAD?
19:11.20 kanzure heh
19:12.04 kanzure modularizing nanoengineer and breaking it up into stuff that brlcad could cannibalize would be a great outcome, in my opinion
19:12.05 brlcad there's a reason I've attended nearly every molecular engineering bof at siggraph .. it's on the very fringe of our domain but a philosphical fit
19:12.53 kanzure (there are already modules, but i mean "releasable" modules or "separable" modules)
19:13.30 brlcad I'd love to get to the point where I can model something at a macroscopic scale, but then keep zooming in to see/modify underlying molecular structure
19:13.56 kanzure the data structures for that would be a bit wonky
19:14.01 brlcad csg lends itself very well for compactness of representation that would be needed
19:14.11 kanzure there's no reason you need to have precise atomic definition of your curve.. but at the same time, it's not an infinite curve either
19:14.46 brlcad I'm more interested from a materials science perspective
19:15.17 brlcad create a metal plate for example and simulate it getting cracked
19:15.34 brlcad now change the molecular structure to a different configuration, what's the effect?
19:16.31 brlcad could compare different alloys, represent non-homogenous regions (like bone), accurate anatomical modeling
19:17.34 kanzure ah i see, sure
19:17.46 kanzure most of nanoengineer uses pdb files
19:17.53 kanzure so you can import basically any molecule from pubchem or ncbi
19:18.11 brlcad nods
19:18.15 starseeker kanzure: is nanorex (the company) still active? That may be a factor in whether they'd consider non-GPL licensing - a fair number of companies use GPL because it preserves (practically speaking) the possibility of also selling commercial licensing for a fee
19:18.15 kanzure one of the features on the wishlist is the ability to model large systems like those in the concept video:
19:18.23 kanzure
19:18.36 brlcad I started on a pdb-g a few years ago, but didn't finish it in my afternoon playing around
19:18.37 kanzure starseeker: the company is not active, but mark has been paying the hosting bills so the sites are still up
19:20.36 starseeker well... the most straightforward way would be for someone to email and ask...
19:21.12 kanzure sure
19:22.19 starseeker brlcad: you want to, or should I?
19:22.22 kanzure i wonder how large-scale molecular machines would be modeled.. storing atom positions for everything is unwise
19:22.41 kanzure starseeker: if you or brlcad choose to send that email, can you email me a draft first? Bryan Bishop <>
19:23.07 starseeker kanzure: I assume you prefer one of us to ask instead of doing so yourself?
19:24.01 kanzure uhh, i am still sorting through my feelings haha
19:24.10 starseeker heh
19:24.14 kanzure i really wanted to get nanoengineer working on modern distros before i pinged mark again
19:24.47 starseeker ah - have some concrete benefits in hand?
19:25.01 brlcad a tit for tat is in order, have something to show what the value is
19:25.10 kanzure yeah.. so far the majority of the work i have done is converting old cvs/svn repos to git
19:25.25 brlcad maybe starseeker you could give the compile a go on gentoo
19:25.32 starseeker nods
19:25.43 starseeker that'd be the best place for sure, for something like this
19:26.05 starseeker I tried once some time ago, but don't recall now what the issues were
19:26.05 brlcad if it compiles/compiled on ubuntu, should just be build system issues, dependencies, minor code assumptions
19:26.31 starseeker kanzure: what GUI library does it use?
19:26.37 kanzure pyqt 4.3.3
19:26.41 brlcad I can probably give it a go in a week or two
19:26.52 kanzure here is how i built the ubuntu chroot
19:26.52 kanzure
19:27.01 kanzure or you can download it in the parent directory
19:27.04 starseeker I'll take a quick wack at it tonight and see how it looks
19:27.08 kanzure coolio
19:27.33 starseeker kanzure: fair warning - if I get serious about it the build system's converting to CMake :-)
19:27.45 kanzure aww but the build system actually /works/
19:27.53 kanzure this is the one part of it that is functioning :P
19:28.01 starseeker on MSVC too?
19:28.11 kanzure uh good question, i don't have that environment setup for testing at all
19:29.43 starseeker a working build system is actually the best starting point
19:30.20 kanzure there are also some unit tests
19:31.52 starseeker hasn't tangled with pyqt for a while...
19:32.18 starseeker remember glancing at what they were doing to make that linkage work and going a bit pale
19:33.01 starseeker ah, crud
19:33.16 starseeker now I remember - PyQt is GPL
19:33.31 starseeker nuts
19:34.20 starseeker speaking of software that likes to preserve licensing opportunities...
19:34.40 starseeker kanzure: how heavily is the nanoengineer code invested in PyQt?
19:35.28 kanzure i don't know what to tell you
19:36.03 kanzure there's lots of code that relies on it in cad/src/
19:36.22 starseeker nods - it's a tough question to answer without digging
19:36.31 starseeker didn't know how far into the code you had gotten
19:36.49 kanzure i have poked around a bit but i'm not ready to delete or rewrite large portions :)
19:37.15 starseeker nods - it's stuck at GPL then unless/until it looks viable to not rely on PyQt
19:38.51 starseeker looks like PySide is the LGPL alternative, but I have no idea how comparable the two are
19:39.38 starseeker cross platform looks a bit iffy...
19:39.50 kanzure holy crap what the hell is cad/src/platform_dependent/
19:39.58 kanzure the message is menacing
19:40.42 kanzure ah it might have been qt3 leftovers
19:40.59 kanzure "Here are those functions we can't allow Qt3 Windows users to run:"
19:41.55 starseeker yeah, back in the day (IIRC) Windows Qt was even more restricted than other platforms
19:42.03 kanzure libpython23.a.gz and libpython24.a.gz in the repo.. not cool
19:42.53 starseeker yeah, PyQt is probably the biggest GPL anchor
19:43.00 starseeker heh - ouch
19:43.55 starseeker PyQt is like SISL - they have a good sound reason not to ever go LGPL
19:44.25 CIA-128 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r50374 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-20-6/: Tag 7.20.6
19:46.09 starseeker kanzure: hmm -
19:47.06 kanzure that doesn't look too horrible
19:47.26 kanzure "Supporting Both APIs" now that's neat..
19:47.44 kanzure
19:47.51 kanzure " [] is an example of centralizing the knowledge of PySide and PyQt without using monkey-patching. It serves both to point out what differences exist as well as keeping your code binding-agnostic."
19:47.58 kanzure "This is important for when needing to support both bindings, usually when transitioning from one to the other and needing to continue to support older distributions that do not yet come with PySide."
19:48.15 kanzure starseeker: the other issue is that i would really like to make sure i get contributor license agreements
19:48.28 starseeker hmm?
19:48.41 starseeker in what sense?
19:48.42 kanzure there is lots and lots of value with making sure someone actually owns the copyright of this, even if it's an organization somewhere
19:48.53 kanzure well for instane, all apache contributors sign documents before their code is accepted
19:49.12 starseeker yeah, and it's one of the major hurdles to contributing to Apache projects
19:49.40 starseeker I don't think even Qt itself requires that...
19:49.52 kanzure really? how does trolltech keep the licensing straight
19:50.59 starseeker hmm... I guess they do, actually - they just don't require copyright assignment
19:51.04 starseeker
19:51.06 kanzure fascinating.
19:51.26 kanzure *instance
19:53.44 starseeker kanzure: to be honest, I doubt I'd bother with a setup that requires a contributor agreement under normal circumstances, particularly when copyright assignment is required - there are too many interesting things to work on that don't require the hoop jumping
19:54.23 kanzure yeah, i could be convinced to agree with that pretty easily
19:54.49 starseeker kanzure: brlcad would have more insight on the fine points of our own setup
19:58.12 starseeker oh, here it is - "Authors and other BRL-CAD contributors must comply with the copyright
19:58.15 starseeker terms for their respective contributions unless otherwise noted or
19:58.18 starseeker arranged. This includes an implicit assignment of copyright for any
19:58.20 starseeker and all contributions being made."
19:59.03 kanzure hey if that's good enough for the legal experts in the military.. then it's good enough for me
19:59.25 starseeker kanzure: again, better to ask brlcad about all that - he was there :-) It was before my time
19:59.45 starseeker was just looking at our own COPYING file
20:03.01 brlcad for most matters of rights management, it's more an issue of what your goals are -- whether you're more interested in growing your community or protecting your asset(s)
20:04.14 brlcad no protection is foolproof, there's always legal risk so it's really about levels of risk assessment and cost
20:05.50 brlcad of course explicit copyright assignment is better for a litigeous perspective than implicit assignment, that's intuitive but then there's a cost associated
20:06.37 brlcad explicit assignment via forms will invariably reduce contributions from the global pool of candidate contributors
20:07.18 brlcad if reaching the most contributors were your only goal, no assignment would fit just fine
20:08.24 brlcad if protecting your already-widely-popular asset (e.g., apache) was the most important, go for the forms
20:09.46 kanzure right, i suppose so
20:09.54 kanzure i don't have a strong opinion either way on nanoengineer
20:09.54 brlcad we're in the middle willing to take on a little risk, protecting our assets but encoruaging contributors
20:10.18 brlcad yeah, someone might argue that they never explicitly agreed to our terms even though we usually have an audit trail, but then our response can always be to yank their contributions entirely
20:10.23 brlcad no code is sacred ;)
20:10.37 starseeker kanzure: you mentioned "lots and lots of value" earlier - what did you have in mind there?
20:11.06 brlcad then the only risk is *their* contributions causing financial harm, which is incredibly hard to demonstrate with open source not being sold for a profit
20:11.25 kanzure starseeker: a managing organization can do more if it knows its permissions
20:12.13 brlcad that's a problem of documentation
20:12.21 brlcad it should be stated very clearly (and explicitly)
20:12.42 brlcad and reiterated in dialog so you have audit
20:21.41 starseeker kanzure: "do more" - do *what* more? Did you have something specific in mind?
20:22.43 kanzure nope :)
20:23.13 kanzure i guess people worry about companies like nanorex owning their contributions, and then making money on their "open source" work
20:23.28 kanzure i mean, asymmetrically
20:23.32 brlcad it's all about being sued or wanting to sue
20:23.48 kanzure if it was bsd, then anyone would be able to setup a similar operation
20:23.51 kanzure etc. etc.
20:24.10 brlcad and would you *really* care
20:24.18 brlcad and would that harm you
20:25.12 kanzure stop asking hard questions!
20:25.15 kanzure haha
20:25.51 starseeker kanzure: Oddly enough, you can find a few instances where the Modified BSD/MIT style licenses actually end up getting more commercial support, because companies aren't scared of using the code
20:26.15 starseeker clang/llvm being one of the more recent large scale instances - webkit is another
20:26.45 brlcad what could someone do to your contribution/code/creation/whatever that might cause you to sue them for damages -- if you would very unlikely take the efforts to sue, then you only have to be concerned with others suing you
20:28.56 kanzure starseeker: yep, i'm aware and see why that happens
20:43.45 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (DC@
20:48.19 starseeker kanzure: generally speaking, grabbing BSD code and closing it up is helpful to an organization only when they can't share improvements to the original code without exposing trade secrets or "giving the competition a leg up", so to speak. There *are* instances where those concerns are legitimate, but any company parting ways with the original codebase is taking the full burden of supporting that code
20:49.26 starseeker internal forks of that nature have a nasty tendency to diverge from the original code base, and subsequent integrations get progressively more difficult if there is no code sharing going on
20:49.49 starseeker all of which is non-revenue-generating work for the company
20:51.06 kanzure opencascade recently released their own "community version" git repo.. it's pretty funny
20:51.10 kanzure it has no revision history really
20:51.17 kanzure i guess they were scared about oce.git
20:51.52 starseeker yeah, I remember seeing that. They also want forms signed from contributors, and the oce crowd didn't react well to the idea
20:52.12 starseeker they also balked (again) at the notion of using a standard license
20:54.25 starseeker shrugs - we'll just keep going our own way. Personally I'd be much more inclined to pick apart Ayam and Varkon than opencascade
20:54.43 kanzure yeah, i tried picking apart opencascade and it's not worth it, <standard rant goes here>
20:55.39 starseeker brlcad figured that out a long time ago - I took a bit longer (ooo, shiny pictures) but figured it out eventually
20:56.55 starseeker The FreeCAD guys are welcome to it - personally I hope they succeed - compeition/alternatives are always a good thing
21:21.30 kanzure something is fundamentally very wrong with opencascade if *none* of their programmers have the chops to prevent code massacre on their scale
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23:45.24 starseeker wow nanoengineer is a big repo - looks like you really did preserve the history :-)
23:47.40 kanzure yes :)
23:47.44 kanzure that was very important to me
23:48.09 kanzure however.. there's also some random large binary files in there that i forgot to remove before everyone cloned
23:48.19 starseeker winces
23:48.41 starseeker yeah... might be worth redoing it without those, if that's practical
23:48.59 kanzure everyone would have to update their git repos
23:53.00 starseeker kanzure: might be worth it?
23:53.18 starseeker otherwise we're stuck with this huge download forevermore
23:58.12 kanzure hrmmmm
23:58.13 *** join/#brlcad juanman (~quassel@unaffiliated/juanman)
23:58.35 kanzure starseeker: well let's look at how much space would be cleared up exactly
23:59.21 kanzure find . | grep gz
23:59.26 kanzure these are all 40 kilobyte files
23:59.41 kanzure cad/src/ is 42 MB

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