IRC log for #brlcad on 20120522

02:00.51 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
05:06.18 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03phoenixyjll * r50628 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/pipe/pipe_brep.cpp: Add some control to deal with special cases and add a few comments.
05:07.14 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r3705 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 1 */
06:29.32 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
07:04.01 *** join/#brlcad kane_ (
07:45.00 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
07:57.53 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
07:58.11 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
08:14.19 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
09:35.19 *** join/#brlcad nFFF (
09:35.37 nFFF Is this about cad or speciifcally brl cad? :D
09:37.30 *** part/#brlcad nFFF (
09:46.47 *** part/#brlcad kane_ (
09:51.01 *** join/#brlcad kane_ (
11:29.10 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
11:56.56 kane_ Is there a name convention for class names?
12:33.46 d_rossberg looking at HACKING i would say: mixed case starting with uppercase letter, e.g. DmQtWidget (?)
12:48.46 ``Erik there really hasn't been any primary c++ development in BRL-CAD itself, so I don't think there really IS a convention... the two big c++ parts are integration of OpenNURBS (so follow the OpenNURBS convention) and the STEP stuff (so follow the STEP convention)... 'normal' c++ is packed camel case
12:57.12 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
13:18.48 *** join/#brlcad npcdoom (~npcdoom@gugve/developer/npcdoom)
13:32.14 *** join/#brlcad kane_ (
13:42.38 *** part/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
13:43.22 *** join/#brlcad kane_ (
13:44.56 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksu@
13:59.10 ksuzee hello
14:00.29 ksuzee I need somebody's help
14:06.32 Stattrav what kind ?
14:07.45 ksuzee connected with my project)
14:07.57 Stattrav me out then ;)
14:08.34 ksuzee yes, I know) But thanks anywhere))
14:13.29 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
14:23.58 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
14:53.09 brlcad ksuzee: you have to be more specific than that (and you don't have to wait for a reply on irc)
14:54.14 ksuzee ok) I will)
14:54.17 ksuzee So
14:55.33 ksuzee such question: if duplicated functions are situated in different files in one directory and I want to reduct it
14:56.10 ksuzee what should I do with them
14:56.21 ksuzee To put in other NEW file
14:56.38 brlcad depends on whether the directory is a library or application and depends whether the duplicated function is public or private, and how significant the function is
14:57.14 brlcad in general, you can often/usually break the function out into a new file
14:58.12 ksuzee Most of all I've found are in libraries
14:58.14 brlcad the only time you shouldn't do that is when it's a really tiny function (maybe less than 10 lines) or when there's already a collection of related functions that it belongs with
14:58.58 brlcad so talk about a specific example
15:00.13 ksuzee ok, I'll write in 5 minutes
15:00.17 *** part/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksuzee91@
15:04.25 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksu@
15:06.31 ksuzee I'm here
15:06.38 ksuzee here's good example
15:07.07 ksuzee libged/track.c and wdb_track.c
15:08.05 ksuzee Both of them сontain function crdummy
15:08.42 ksuzee but this function's static
15:09.47 ksuzee so what's better to do with it
15:10.30 ksuzee and similar examples are in different libraries
15:27.07 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (u3131@gateway/web/
15:36.46 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r50629 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/tclcad_obj.c: Change bu_vls_printf format strings use of %llu to %zu. This fixes a recent breakage on Windows.
15:51.57 brlcad ksuzee: okay, so in that particular example, ignore all of the duplication coming from wdb*.c files
15:52.08 brlcad that wdb interface is going away soon
15:52.41 brlcad you'll find a LOT of duplication in those files, but they can all be ignored
15:56.56 ksuzee aaaa, okay
15:57.42 ksuzee as soon as I remember in some other libraries there're wdb* too
15:57.57 ksuzee so ignore them everywhere
15:58.07 ksuzee ?
15:58.17 brlcad no, just the libged ones
15:58.33 brlcad there's an entire libwdb .. don't ignore that ;)
15:59.07 brlcad just the src/libged/wdb* files
15:59.32 brlcad or don't ignore them and eliminate them .. even better
15:59.42 brlcad wdb_track would be a good one to eliminate
16:00.11 brlcad but that is a considerably harder task, though, forewarning
16:02.49 ksuzee ok, at first I'll ignore them and will eliminate it later, when I'm more familiar
16:02.59 ksuzee But as an example
16:03.32 ksuzee would it be normal to make new file for such functions
16:03.35 ksuzee ?
16:09.11 brlcad andrei: I'm sending out an announcement today, so please update your wiki pages as soon as you can (e-mail with more info)
16:10.12 *** part/#brlcad kane_ (
16:10.33 brlcad anyone else needing to clean up their wiki page, now's the time to do it
16:12.37 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03128.63.32.74 07 * r3706 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012: /* Non-Vacuum Gravity Simulator */
16:58.50 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav_ (~Stattrav@
17:21.29 *** join/#brlcad jbschw (4355ee10@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:27.48 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksu@
17:34.54 Stattrav brlcad: Have you got a chance to look at the patch ?
17:41.23 brlcad Stattrav: I plan to later today
17:42.00 brlcad at least, I plan to look at patches, and will be looking at them in to the order they were submitted providing review and feedback for those outstanding
17:42.05 Stattrav brlcad: cool thanks. I have a query which I shall be posting on the ML
17:42.23 Stattrav that is with respect to the code organization etc
17:42.32 brlcad okay
17:42.44 brlcad worth discussing here?
17:43.02 Stattrav sure
17:43.45 Stattrav so currently I am writing these scripts etc and where should this code go ?
17:43.52 Stattrav where should I create the directories ?
17:45.00 brlcad we have a web module in svn
17:45.09 brlcad you can put everything there
17:45.32 brlcad
17:45.34 Stattrav the root folder you mean
17:45.42 brlcad probably in htdocs/benchmark
17:45.43 Stattrav ohh that one
17:46.49 Stattrav sure thanks
17:52.46 brlcad Stattrav: so that's a good example of the type of question that doesn't really need to go to the mailing list -- it's not an item warranting deep thought or discussion, just an answer
17:53.20 Stattrav aah #TIL :)
17:54.08 brlcad can always ask here when in doubt and on the mailing list if you don't get an answer or if it's useful for others to know
17:54.46 brlcad e.g., your mentor isn't on irc, so if it's something he should know -- then definitely post (or repost summary if discussed here) to the mailing list
17:54.46 Stattrav thanks.
17:55.21 Stattrav I am creating a folder called sql to keep the schema files in that folder and plan to commit as well.
17:55.56 Stattrav which shall be such as htdocs/benchmark/sql
17:56.00 brlcad nods
17:56.18 brlcad you can run "svn add" now even without commit
17:56.22 brlcad for dirs and files
17:56.44 Stattrav yeah did that
17:58.54 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r50630 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/fedex_plus/ (classes.c classes.h selects.c): apply more changes from SCL git 290850a: cleanup some multiple inheritance code - passing around attribute list to print routines instead of rebuilding it
18:02.03 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~cristina@
18:04.31 brlcad hi cristina
18:05.20 cristina hello brlcad
18:05.53 brlcad good morning!
18:06.28 cristina good morning as well! (here is night) :)
18:06.37 brlcad ~ugt
18:06.37 ibot ugt is probably Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
18:06.50 brlcad :)
18:07.19 cristina ah, yes
18:07.29 cristina good morning then:D
18:09.41 Stattrav good morning to you all then :)
18:11.15 *** join/#brlcad jbschw (
18:11.15 cristina brlcad, I am at the step where I should access the geometry hierarchy for a certain database in use. Where should I put this implementation? in src/mged?
18:12.45 brlcad cristina: well it depends, what's the goal?
18:13.03 brlcad ideally, you should implement as much as possible as generalized library functionality
18:14.20 brlcad so it'd become either a command in src/libged with a tiny binding in src/mged (and possibly src/libtclcad) .. or it's even lower hierarchy traversing functionality that belongs in src/librt .. or it completely general utility functionality that belongs in src/libbu .. etc
18:15.09 brlcad generally speaking, very little new code should go into src/mged
18:15.17 brlcad literally bare minimum
18:16.51 cristina well, the purpose is to get this geometry hierarchy and use it further in feeding it to GOBLIN or Adaptagrams
18:22.49 cristina but accessing the geometry hierarchy shouldn't be a command, should it? I will create a command called, let's say, 'igl' (Interactive Graph Layout) and access the data there
18:24.45 brlcad cristina: generally speaking, it's powerful to make everything in the GUI built on top of command-line functionality
18:24.56 brlcad so most if not everything you do in the GUI can be scripted
18:25.20 brlcad you don't have to do things that way, but it is how much of mged and archer are composed
18:26.58 brlcad the geometry browser in src/tclscripts/geometree is a simple example of this MVC (model, view, controller) paradigm in action
18:27.46 brlcad there's a geometree command that kicks off the gui, the gui is necessarily build in tcl/tk but then calls several libged commands as part of the implementation
18:28.42 brlcad that creates a series of reusable layers that all have distinct features being added
18:29.33 brlcad for your project, I could see there being an 'igl' or whatever command that kicks off a gui, but then that gui is build on one or more commands/subcommands that do the actual processing
18:29.50 brlcad s/build/built/
18:30.32 cristina I understand now. So there should be useful commands that are called behind the gui (like accessing the hierarchy for example)
18:30.40 brlcad your mentor may have some other or better ideas as well
18:31.05 cristina ok, I will ask him as well
18:31.15 brlcad yeah, that would be my inclination, just because that is the most reusable -- but you'd have to be more specific than "accessing the hierarchy"
18:31.35 brlcad accessing the hierarchy is performed by a hundred other commands and doesn't mean much at all by itself ;)
18:32.16 cristina hm, yes, I looked through the source code and found a bunch of functions that access the tree in different ways and for different purposes
18:33.09 brlcad for example, 'search' walks the hierarchy looking for objects matching specified criteria; the 'tree' command walks the hierarchy and prints it in text form; the 'reid' command walks a hierarchy and updates numeric identifiers on objects sequentially; the 'clone' command walks a hierarchy and creates a copy; etc....
18:33.35 brlcad there are literally about 100 of those ;)
18:35.25 brlcad I could see you adding a 'graph' or 'dag' command, for example, that somehow returns the data for the directed graph that your graph layout GUI would call
18:36.00 brlcad or modifying the tree command with a -g graph option, or some other existing command
18:36.24 brlcad (best to not introduce new commands if we don't need to)
18:37.34 cristina the tree command with an additional option is a good idea
18:38.12 cristina it shouldn't print it but instead return a data structure with the directed graph, right?
18:38.42 brlcad in tcl, those concepts are nearly identical
18:38.55 brlcad in C, they're definitely different concepts
18:39.03 brlcad so it depends who is calling it
18:39.52 cristina I understand. so if I'm using the command for the GUI then it would be a similar concept
18:40.08 cristina I was referring to C
18:43.35 brlcad if you're accessing from C, then you already have direct access to the hierarchy information via existing librt hierarchy traversal functions
18:44.01 brlcad at some point, you're presenting to the user -- that's the code in question, whether it's C or Tcl/Tk
18:46.38 cristina ok, so if I need it for the GUI, I create a command and return the data corresponding to the DAG and if I need it in C, I reuse the already implemented functions. I found one here src/librt/db_tree.c
18:51.50 brlcad you'll be using the implemented functions regardless
18:52.07 brlcad which you use depends on what you need and what you're doing with it
18:52.19 cristina n_reed: can I have your opinion on this one? I talked to brlcad about what commands should be implemented for the Interactive Graph Layout and one got this idea, that several commands could be created that can be called when the GUI is built. For example, a command for accessing the directed acyclic graph 'dag' and feeding it to the GUI. What is your opinion on this approach?
18:52.20 brlcad there are about a half-dozen ways to walk the tree
18:52.36 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r50631 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/fedex_plus/ (5 files): apply rest of SCL git 290850a: change output suffix of aggregate select types from 's' to '_agg'
18:53.51 cristina brlcad: you are right, I was just pointing out that I shouldn't create a new command if I need to use in C some already existent functions
18:59.50 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3707 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012:
19:00.42 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3708 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code: past tense
19:01.40 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r3709 10/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012:
19:03.45 cristina brlcad: here it says that GSoC is in its sixth year but in fact it is in its eight
19:05.56 cristina thank you for telling me about the commands
19:07.17 brlcad cristina: that's for the catch on 97
19:07.21 brlcad er, thanks
19:07.54 brlcad I think it was originally worded as OUR sixth year participating (two passively)
19:08.11 cristina brlcad: you're welcome
19:08.34 cristina I thought about that and questioned myself if I should tell you or not
19:12.23 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Ksuzee 07 * r3710 10/wiki/User:Ksuzee:
19:20.27 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
19:20.53 brlcad cristina: why question yourself on that?
19:28.02 cristina brlcad: because it might have referred to BRL-CAD's participation in GSoC
19:28.38 cristina but it participated 4 years and not 6
19:29.54 cristina nevermind, this was just a hypothesis inside my head
19:53.38 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r50632 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/cleditor/SdaiHeaderSchemaClasses.h: apply header guard symbol change from SCL git d1cd32b
20:07.23 brlcad actively participated 4 times, passively 6 times
20:09.17 brlcad I was involved in gsoc prior to brl-cad getting accepted, which led to our first official involvement in 2008
20:15.12 ``Erik with bzflag?
20:28.39 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Stattrav 07 * r3711 10/wiki/User:Stattrav/GSoC2012_log: Updation of logs for day 22
21:27.41 crdueck brlcad: on sf you commented on my ell surface area patch, saying it had been accepted in r50615, but r50615 added the volume function. which one is correct?
21:28.25 brlcad crdueck: which sounds correct? :)
21:29.34 crdueck well then i assume the volume function. there was just a little confusion
21:33.05 brlcad you don't need to assume, there's only one possibility
21:54.57 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03tbrowder2 * r50633 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/README.Linux: add more info on required packages for Debian-based systems
22:03.23 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r50634 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: made edits to skt_ed.tcl without testing, make sure it still works -- particularly for the user-reported failure case: circles
22:13.16 crdueck which header do primitive callback functions belong in?
22:13.29 *** join/#brlcad jbschw_ (
22:14.04 crdueck *definitions for primitive callback functions
22:19.42 brlcad crdueck: they don't
22:19.59 brlcad they're not public API
22:20.21 brlcad they're declared in src/librt/primitives/table.c manually for the callback table, but that's about it
22:20.28 brlcad everything goes through the table api
22:21.02 brlcad or the newer newly being developed object API also in src/librt/primitives
22:21.35 crdueck okay, i want to modify libged/analyze to use the callback functions. how should i go about that?
22:31.21 brlcad ah, very good
22:40.13 brlcad crdueck: well that will involve adding two callbacks to the rt_functab table
22:41.19 brlcad its definition is in include/raytrace.h, add the callbacks then you'll have to add NULL for all of them in table.c (except for the few you've now implemented)
22:42.20 brlcad crdueck: save that work for after you have commit access -- you probably are eligible already, but your patches need a quick reviewing
22:59.49 crdueck brlcad: okay, i'll take a look at those files. thanks
23:18.42 CIA-65 BRL-CAD: 03Cprecup 07 * r3712 10/wiki/User:Cprecup/GSoC2012_progress: 21/05/2012, 22/05/2012 progress logs
23:29.09 *** join/#brlcad jbschw (

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