IRC log for #brlcad on 20120706

00:09.16 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03crdueck * r51436 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/part/part.c: added rt_part_volume() and rt_part_surf_area()
00:10.07 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03crdueck * r51437 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/table.c: updated rt_functab entry for part to include the new callbacks
00:11.11 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03crdueck * r51438 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/analyze.c: added new analyze_part function
00:30.57 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r51439 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Add a little more flexibility to loop pl output.
03:21.28 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Crdueck 07 * r4057 10/wiki/User:Crdueck/log:
04:04.05 crdueck brlcad: could you please take a look at the email i sent to the mailing list?
04:37.34 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
04:41.40 andrei_ hey
04:43.08 andrei_ how should I generate files so that it does not take so much.
05:16.02 andrei_ I m stuck with my script, it has some errors and I can t find the cause.
05:16.12 andrei_ (standard_in) 1: parse error
05:16.17 andrei_ awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: division by zero attempted
05:39.10 andrei_ trying to figure out on myself meanwhile
07:40.16 andrei_ With the current status of the script ( ran it 4 times * on two different set of data ) the variation is +/- 0.001.
07:42.11 andrei_ I ll proceed to recording data. Hopefully won t need so much time.
07:51.39 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~DarkCalf@
09:22.51 andrei_ I m currently stuck with my script . The log_file seems to not exist. tho it should be created when server starts
09:22.57 andrei_ there are no tpkg running in background.
09:23.26 andrei_ I ll be working on it myself meanwhile.
09:27.55 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (andrei@
09:36.30 *** join/#brlcad stas_ (~stas@
10:31.25 *** join/#brlcad Jak_o_Shadows (~Fake@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135)
10:55.19 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03phoenixyjll * r51440 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp_brep.cpp: Implement degree reduction to Bezier curves to simplify the representation of the dsp top surface. But still a long way to go.
11:04.39 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r4058 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 7 */
11:05.17 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r4059 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 7 */
11:07.47 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r4060 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 7 */
11:08.27 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r4061 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 7 */
11:08.49 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Phoenix 07 * r4062 10/wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2012/Reports: /* Week 6 */
12:02.56 *** join/#brlcad Jak_o_Shadows1 (
12:03.03 *** join/#brlcad Jak_o_Shadows1 (~Fake@unaffiliated/jak-o-shadows/x-0479135)
12:35.32 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksu@
12:36.15 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Ksuzee 07 * r4063 10/wiki/User:Ksuzee/Reports:
12:36.35 CIA-50 BRL-CAD: 03Ksuzee 07 * r4064 10/wiki/User:Ksuzee/Reports:
12:40.38 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
12:56.07 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (andrei@
13:26.44 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
14:04.35 brlcad crdueck: replied, but haven't dug in too deep
14:07.17 brlcad andrei_: stuck how so?
14:09.58 ``Erik starseeker:
14:10.29 brlcad andrei_: does it work if you ssh to localhost instead?
14:27.43 brlcad andrei_: since you have stable variation on one file and one packet size, next up is to graph one file for variable packet sizes
14:34.23 brlcad run every packet size 1 through 2048, then 2048 to 4194304 in increments of 2048
14:34.49 brlcad that's 4096 samples at two different scales (two different graphs)
14:37.57 brlcad probably should use the same file for all, 4194304 bytes big or some multiple bigger
15:29.02 crdueck brlcad: thanks for your reply on the part primitive topic, but I meant the email I'd sent earlier titled "next steps for my project", which hasnt gotten any replies yet.
15:29.45 brlcad crdueck: okay, I'll get to it hopefully this weekend -- I have a massive e-mail backlock and lots of pending deadlines to deal with
15:29.57 brlcad crdueck: what was the gist?
15:30.22 brlcad if you're done with the analyze functions, that's great ;)
15:32.05 crdueck yes, there arent too many more primitives that can be analyzed in terms of surface area and volume, so i'm running out of things to do in terms of what i proposed in the GSoC application
15:32.24 crdueck i was wondering if there was an obvious extension to the work i'd already done
15:33.36 brlcad crdueck: there's always more work to be done
15:35.07 brlcad so I find it hard to believe that you've actually correctly implemented several of the harder primitives... dsp, extrude, sketch, and brep come to mind, maybe pnts too
15:35.23 brlcad if any aren't done, that's what's next
15:35.34 brlcad if you have TODO items on any of the ones that are done, that's what's next
15:35.53 crdueck i've looked at them, but how would one analyze sketch?
15:36.13 brlcad if you really do believe everything is done, then next up would be to prove it
15:36.32 brlcad sketch certainly has area
15:37.35 brlcad solving area for a sketch surface is similar to solving it for a brep/nurbs surface
15:38.58 brlcad i believe you implemented dsp, but do know that dsp 1) can be smooth or faceted and 2) can have holes
15:39.22 crdueck okay, well i'll look into analyzing brep, and then try sketch from there.
15:39.35 crdueck i havent done anything with dsp though.
15:40.18 brlcad sketch is probably easier
15:40.41 brlcad piecewise simple, might be able to use some sort of painter's algorithm
15:42.12 brlcad break it down into a tessellation, then just have to deal with the arc/circle/bezier pieces
15:44.51 crdueck alright, i'll work these more difficult primitives. I may have questions about how they're used since they arent common geometric shapes
15:58.26 brlcad crdueck: they're crazy-common, just not basic euclidean :)
18:16.24 *** join/#brlcad stas_ (~stas@
18:21.34 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
18:21.38 andrei_ hei
18:21.50 andrei_ wrong lol.
18:22.18 brlcad hei lol.
18:23.05 andrei_ brlcad, why would I use 4194304 ?
18:23.14 andrei_ I used 65000 because as far as I know that is the tcp payload
18:23.47 brlcad what happens if you tell libpkg to go bigger?
18:24.29 andrei_ I haven't tried.
18:24.36 brlcad exactly :)
18:24.59 andrei_ I thought I said what the issue was
18:25.24 andrei_ in order to determine the average I erase the log_file after 10 iterrations
18:25.32 andrei_ 10 iterations are used for one average
18:25.51 andrei_ if I wouldn't erase it the first 10 values would influence the second 10 values.
18:25.57 brlcad right, that make sense
18:26.21 andrei_ I ll paste the two lines that cause trouble
18:26.28 brlcad and no, you didn't say that was the issue
18:26.40 andrei_ sorry then ...
18:26.45 andrei_ ssh andrei@ 'cat log_file' | awk '/Elapsed_time/{sum+=$2;n++} END {printf "Elapsed_time %.5f\n", sum/n}'
18:26.52 andrei_ ssh andrei@ 'rm log_file'
18:26.59 andrei_ there is a " wait " after first ssh
18:27.08 andrei_ if I run 1 iterations it is all good.
18:27.14 andrei_ ( 1 set of 10 )
18:27.26 andrei_ if I run more, ssh / awk complains about file not existing
18:27.31 andrei_ I guess I m timing something wrong
18:27.37 brlcad sure, no I get the issue -- so you've either got to change how you sum elapsed time, or you need to restart the log file
18:27.56 andrei_ yes
18:28.14 brlcad I'd personally suggest shutting down the tpkg server after every use if you're not
18:28.32 brlcad I think you are, but should be sure
18:28.39 andrei_ shouldn't it shut down by itself after transmision is finished?
18:28.48 brlcad you tell me
18:28.57 andrei_ well I read that in tpkg.c
18:29.04 andrei_ and I haven't changed that
18:29.06 andrei_ so yes
18:29.07 brlcad okay
18:29.32 andrei_ if I would shut down tpkg, that wouldn't solve the issue
18:29.37 brlcad easiest is probably to just change how you're dealing with the log
18:29.38 brlcad don't delete it
18:30.13 andrei_ could I echo " null "
18:30.14 andrei_ ?
18:30.20 andrei_ like this echo " null " > log_file ?
18:30.59 brlcad not sure what that would accomplish
18:31.49 brlcad if the server always starts before the client by making the client wait for the log file to exist, it's not clear why the log file wouldn't always exist
18:33.06 andrei_ this is the current script
18:34.25 andrei_ perhaps you see something that I don't. I don't understand why it doesn't work.
18:37.51 brlcad yeah, you have a bug ;)
18:37.57 brlcad sees it
18:38.39 andrei_ where?
18:39.45 brlcad how could line 30 possibly not find log_file?
18:41.55 andrei_ if it's not there?
18:42.22 andrei_ on remote machine the file is in /home/andrei
18:42.37 brlcad and under what circumstance will that file not exist?
18:42.51 brlcad what circumstance in the code logic
18:44.11 andrei_ if the server or client do not start properly ?
18:44.23 brlcad print a "STARTING SERVER" and "STARTING CLIENT" before both, run your script, see what happens
18:48.05 andrei_ I get 10 sets of Starting Client / server
18:48.11 andrei_ Elapsed_time 0.15133
18:48.12 andrei_ <PROTECTED>
18:48.15 andrei_ then the valid data.
18:48.27 andrei_ Then the error occurs
18:48.53 brlcad read just the "STARTING SERVER" and "STARTING CLIENT" lines
18:49.24 brlcad server -> client -> server -> client -> ...
18:49.43 andrei_
18:49.47 andrei_ yes, I see nothing wrong
18:55.00 brlcad maybe pay attention to the ordering of the elapsed time line
18:55.36 brlcad print a message before the "cat log_file" line
18:57.48 andrei_ ah
18:57.51 andrei_ I m an idiot.
18:57.53 andrei_ I found it
18:58.07 andrei_ avc never becomes 0 again , in never recycles
18:58.10 andrei_ meh
19:01.53 andrei_ now regarding the 3d graph
19:02.08 andrei_ should I be interested in total packages sent / package size / speed / file size?
19:02.15 andrei_ which one of those 3
19:02.35 andrei_ I m not sure what to choose from packages sent or package size
19:02.41 andrei_ both can be determined from the other
19:19.06 brlcad andrei_: yay :)
19:19.20 brlcad don't do 3d next, just 2d for those two ranges
19:19.50 brlcad if that looks good, then can define a similarly useful range for data sizes
19:20.15 andrei_ so the file size should be fixed.
19:20.27 brlcad right,
19:20.41 andrei_ great, that would speed up things by aproximatively 47 hours :)
19:20.48 brlcad I suggested 8MB earlier
19:21.14 brlcad note your * 1000 multiplier isn't quite right/useful
19:21.22 brlcad should be 1024
19:22.34 brlcad packet size 1 through 2048, then 2048 to 4194304 in increments of 2048 .. all using a randome bs=1024 count=8192 file
19:27.26 andrei_ I have started the script for 1 -> 2048
20:03.33 *** join/#brlcad andrei_ (~andrei@
20:04.44 andrei_ brlcad, there s some wierd issue
20:04.52 andrei_ server starts on remote
20:05.01 andrei_ when client starts it s stuck on connecting to ...
20:05.15 andrei_ I rebooted both stations, changed sockets.
20:05.59 andrei_ any clue what might cause this?
20:06.39 brlcad does it hang if you replace with localhost? (don't forget to rename log_file to server_log_file and client_log_file to differentiate)
20:09.38 andrei_ I get connection refused
20:14.13 andrei_ I ll find the issue.
20:33.43 andrei_ brlcad
20:33.55 andrei_ it reading 8mb byte by byte does take a while.
20:42.57 andrei_ brlcad, what should I do . 1 - 2048 simply takes too long.
20:59.38 andrei_ there are a couple of issues, will fix them in a few hours. I need to rethink the whole script.
21:01.29 andrei_ this is the current status : . Sometimes it does not connect properly and it takes way too long to process the parameters you suggested.

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