IRC log for #brlcad on 20120716

15:10.05 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
15:10.05 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || logs: || Congratulations to our 11 accepted GSoC students!!
16:39.26 *** join/#brlcad Al_Da_Best (
17:44.45 *** join/#brlcad ksuzee (~ksu@
17:57.27 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03anrgmrty * r51540 10/brlcad/trunk/include/analyze.h: analyze.h unused functions for voxelize removed
17:59.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03anrgmrty * r51541 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/voxelize.c: callback functions removed from analyze.h and included here
18:01.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03anrgmrty * r51542 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/g-voxel.c: callback functions for printing voxel data, rt_prep_parallel moved to voxels.c
18:06.52 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03anrgmrty * r51543 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libanalyze/voxels.c: rt_prep function added into voxelize function of voxels.c, callback removed
18:34.32 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03crdueck * r51544 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/opennurbs_ext.h: Ray intersection using ON_Intersect() was producing strange results, the simple formula used originally works much better
18:36.15 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r51545 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Removed a debug statement.
18:36.49 brlcad starseeker: so my self-consistency alarms are going haywire reading r51468
18:38.06 brlcad you made a *DATA() macro now need to specify a DATA path everywhere and a *MAN() macro not have to specify a path everywhere
18:38.35 brlcad I would expect not specifying it for both everywhere or specifying it everywhere (in which case the macro seems to fail)
18:40.28 brlcad from not to mention r51468 just made us diverge a lil farther from the GNU Coding Standards (not that it matters a whole lot, but they're at least consistent)
18:42.18 brlcad I think the issue was that you wanted 'man' in prefix/man so you took a b-line for that door instead of dealing with the underlying issue of datadir not being what you want for a default?
18:44.19 brlcad having mandir default to "datadir/man" unless overridden makes complete sense (and is consistent with infodir, htmldir, docdir, and probably a few others we don't use)
18:58.36 starseeker brlcad: um... I suppose what I should have done was to rename what is currently BRLCAD_ADDDATA into something more generic and defined BRLCAD_ADDDATA as a macro that called that and tacked on DATA_DIR...
18:59.28 starseeker to be honest, I've been paying zero attention to the GNU Coding Standards...
19:07.39 brlcad starseeker: yeah, that would have taken care of the replication/api consistency issue
19:08.31 brlcad but the other side effect is moving mandir, shouldn't that mean bu_brlcad_data/man is no longer valid?
19:09.10 brlcad it'd be getting lucky on a default build because it's sitting in bu_brlcad_root
19:17.43 starseeker brlcad: <shrug> just tell me where you want the man pages to go - I'm fine with whatever
19:18.17 starseeker is working on fixing the ADDDATA thing now...
19:28.13 starseeker the main point was that MAN_DIR should control where *all* the man pages go, both normal and DocBook
19:35.29 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r51546 10/brlcad/trunk/ (40 files in 40 dirs): Fix so we don't need to use DATA_DIR everywhere - put MAN_DIR back to the DATA_DIR by default, until we figure out what we want to do as a standard behavior.
19:35.59 brlcad unless overridden, I think they should go into data/man but then at some point we need to revisit our layout so that datadir==rootdir/share by default
19:36.57 brlcad the original problem being solved was only partially solved with the datadir=prefix/share/brlcad/VERSION
19:37.03 starseeker brlcad: that should be as simple as setting DATA_DIR to share instead of it's current version dependent value...
19:37.46 starseeker why did we do that, anyway? The only advantage I know of is that bu_brlcad_data can do a consistency check to make sure it's pulling the right version of data, and we could achieve that result with a standard file in the root of the data dir...
19:38.22 brlcad it should, but I bet it's not -- at least not across all of the places it's implied
19:38.44 starseeker takes a deep breath and plunges in...
19:38.59 brlcad the goal was getting closer to following the Linux Filesystem Standard
19:39.06 brlcad for having a root-installed brl-cad
19:39.10 brlcad prefix=/usr
19:39.17 starseeker ah, right.
19:39.23 brlcad supporting multiple installed versions
19:39.52 brlcad so for *that*, /usr/share/brlcad/VERSION for data makes perfect sense, that's what you want
19:39.53 starseeker did we give up on that finally? Most of that was being driven by the Linux distros...
19:39.59 brlcad no, just ran out of time
19:40.41 starseeker <snort> - if you're installing in /usr, it may be perfectly reasonable to require that only one version of BRL-CAD be around - that's probably the model most of the distros would follow
19:40.57 starseeker plus, we'd still hit the "librt already exists" issue
19:41.31 brlcad not necessarily, libdir needed to also be /usr/lib/brlcad/VERSION, and handling binaries was another issue
19:42.24 starseeker could actually try those settings - would be a good workout, since in principle I should have sufficient control to do that correctly
19:42.27 brlcad major packages that you'd compile against supported the versioned directory approach and LFS supports it
19:42.33 brlcad well before you do
19:43.11 brlcad I'm trying to remember, but I think the solution that brought all of the build system changes to a pause (aside from running out of time) was a change in methodology
19:44.48 starseeker methodology?
19:46.28 brlcad a much simpler approach is to just set prefix/root to a single path (e.g., /usr/share/brlcad/rel-7.24.0) and then have something else create symbolic links in /usr/bin, /usr/lib/brlcad/VERSION, /usr/man/brlcad/VERSION, /usr/include/brlcad/VERSION etc
19:47.17 brlcad that way we can support multiple installs, potentially switch 'default' versions on-demand, and should comply with LFS
19:47.39 brlcad I'd have to write it all down to make sure the paths are right, at least we should if it's going to be revisited...
19:48.21 brlcad no sense going through the trouble if we still fail LFS or get bitching from Debianauts
19:49.05 starseeker brlcad: hmm - not sure how the symlink part would work
20:01.55 *** join/#brlcad andrei__ (~andrei@
20:02.47 andrei__ hello
20:02.50 brlcad howdy
20:03.21 ``Erik the purpose for multiple versions is just library support for third party applications, right? wouldn't /usr/lib/<version>.so be adequate?
20:03.47 brlcad I believe that fails LFS
20:04.21 brlcad and I wouldn't say that's the sole purpose
20:05.07 ``Erik woops s/\.so//,
20:05.24 andrei__ brlcad,``Erik : any of you had a chance of looking at the graphics ?
20:05.28 ``Erik what are the other purposes? (7 why's, wee)
20:06.37 ``Erik looks now O.o
20:09.43 ``Erik seems a bit noisy, is there any kind of smoothing/curvefit that can be done? I can't really tell if there's "weirdness" from those pics :/
20:10.06 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03188.25.160.102 07 * r4183 10/wiki/User:Popescu.andrei1991: /* Performance measuring */
20:10.25 ``Erik or maybe pick a slice of data to look at, like 1 packet size through the file sizes, or visa versa?
20:10.51 andrei__ the last one might be more useful, I did run each test 10 times then computed an average
20:11.15 andrei__ I mean for each set of parameters there were 10 iterations
20:11.19 ``Erik ?
20:11.59 andrei__ that is the graphic with the first two merged
20:12.30 andrei__ I don't understand the question
20:12.33 ``Erik can you filter out the outliers in the data set? maybe a slice of data done as box plots?
20:12.59 ``Erik is elapsed time in seconds?
20:13.03 brlcad andrei__: what happened? those graphs don't look at all right
20:13.28 andrei__ brlcad : I know. I checked everything, ran the script 10 times( instead of 5, because I got 4 machines)
20:13.41 andrei__ I shall upload on the page every tool/algorithm I used for processing the data
20:13.46 andrei__ maybe I m doing something wrong
20:13.48 ``Erik which time are you recording? wall time? cpu time? user? system?
20:13.54 andrei__ wall time
20:14.00 andrei__ I use gettimeofday()
20:14.10 brlcad andrei__: just take a step back for a second -- you had a beautifully smooth curve for one package size
20:14.24 brlcad I should see that curve in but it's nowhere to be seen
20:14.35 brlcad not a single one is smooth
20:15.26 brlcad so something is very flawed, either in the data or in the way you're graphing it
20:16.33 andrei__ after filtering the text file I obtained an array of 24 x 1024 values. Perhaps the error occurs when I convert it to a matrix
20:17.46 brlcad those elapse_time values aren't quite believable
20:18.20 brlcad you're trying to tell me that nothing took longer than 0.00016 seconds to transfer?
20:18.22 ``Erik loopback with 0copy network stack might do that :/
20:18.46 andrei__
20:18.57 andrei__ This is my octave plotting program
20:19.04 brlcad you sent 8MB of data in less than 0.00016 seconds? really? :)
20:20.44 andrei__ this is what I gathered, shall I try a single test to see how much does it take ?
20:20.51 brlcad that's a rate of 48.8 GB/s if my numbers are right
20:22.26 andrei__ I m transfering a 8Mb file with package size 2048 to see how much it takes
20:22.33 brlcad if anything, youur graph doesn't show you, which like I said should be there somewhere
20:23.45 brlcad andrei__: curious why you don't just feed your raw data to gnuplot?
20:24.26 brlcad three columns of csv data is all you should end up with
20:26.05 andrei__ brlcad : I manually ran a test to transfer a 8MB file on 2048 packages. Took 0.5
20:26.24 brlcad so your graph is only off by about 3 orders of magnitude, great ;)
20:27.08 brlcad try to make a single csv
20:27.19 brlcad I can graph it here on my end using other tools
20:27.34 brlcad while you're investigating
20:28.47 andrei__ where should I upload the raw data files ?
20:30.41 brlcad will probably work
20:31.47 starseeker brlcad: yeah, when /usr/brlcad/lib becomes /usr/brlcad/lib/brlcad/VERSION some of the tclscript logic for finding things doesn't hold water
20:32.08 starseeker need a way to find out the values of BIN_DIR, LIB_DIR, etc. from tcl
20:36.25 *** join/#brlcad andrei (~andrei@
20:37.35 andrei 1 - 2048 : 2048 - 4194304 :
20:40.01 brlcad those already don't look right
20:40.16 brlcad the end of the first should meet up with the second set, no?
20:41.41 andrei nope. the end of the first means transfering an 8mb file with 2048 packages, the first from second means transfering a 1byte file with 2048 package
20:44.22 brlcad er, so then those times are something else altogether from what I thought they were
20:45.08 brlcad this is very confusing, are you familiar with csv?
20:45.35 andrei No but if I need to I will
20:45.44 brlcad it's just comma-separated-values
20:45.51 andrei ah
20:46.16 brlcad when all is said and done, you should have a table of data with N columns
20:46.32 ``Erik that any spreadsheet program can read in
20:46.37 andrei I m running a test to see if what script returns( including average ) is the same of what I obtained manually
20:47.35 brlcad still, before getting into CSV -- explain those two outputs again -- you just said 1 - 2048 : .. and the end of the first means transfering an 8mb file with 2048 packages
20:48.17 brlcad so that is one graph transferring 8MB with package size set to 1, 2, .. 2048 yes?
20:49.20 andrei One graph is : files 1 - 8MB(powers of two) in packages from 1, 2 .. 2048
20:49.26 brlcad if that's true, then why'd you also give 2048 - 4194304 : ... they have nothing to do with each other if that's transferring a 1byte "file" with 2048-4MB sized packages
20:49.59 brlcad no wonder the graphs are a mess.. doesn't sound like you have the data organized... :)
20:51.33 brlcad you can't just increase the package size while increasing the file size -- you're sampling some sort of diagonal across the 3d surface
20:53.07 andrei I am quite confused now
20:53.40 andrei two imbricated for's should mean that for file size X it tests all package sizes, then move onto the next file size
20:55.51 brlcad right
20:56.03 brlcad that's not what you just said that data set represents
20:56.32 brlcad this is why you need CSV
20:57.42 brlcad a file with three columns: data_size, package_size, elapsed_time
20:57.53 brlcad in fact, that's your first row
20:58.19 brlcad so second line would be something like: 1, 1, 0.0000001234
20:58.33 brlcad third line: 1, 2, 0.0000001235
20:58.56 brlcad fourth line: 1, 3, 0.000001220
20:58.57 brlcad etc
20:59.07 andrei the scripts don t take so much time now, I ll double check again that everything is correct.
20:59.19 andrei But I did test several script results with manual results
20:59.23 andrei and the error is of 0.001
20:59.41 andrei (manually computed average)
21:00.07 brlcad after 2048 lines, the next row increases the data_size: 2, 1, ....
21:00.36 brlcad I don't doubt that you're capturing timings -- I think maybe you're just not tabulating it right
21:00.48 brlcad put it into a single table
21:01.06 brlcad heck, you can make your script print that exact line for what it's testing
21:01.29 andrei yes, I will do that now
21:09.29 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~quassel@
21:09.39 *** join/#brlcad cristina (~quassel@unaffiliated/cristina)
22:04.10 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03crdueck * r51547 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch_tess.cpp: added HIDDEN to declaration of auxillary functions. new algorithm for approx_bezier() to split at the point of maximum deviation, produces far less carc_segs for the same tolerance. some code cleanup
22:39.18 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r51548 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/CMakeLists.txt: brlcad-config is executable
22:44.24 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r51549 10/brlcad/trunk/ (8 files in 7 dirs):
22:44.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: Do some experimentation with altering LIB_DIR. Need some introspective ability
22:44.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: to know the relative library path, so add a command that can give us that.
22:44.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: DOC_DIR needs some work - should be more like MAN_DIR and not necessarily assume
22:44.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: DATA_DIR is the final destination. Looks like the main problem with moving
22:44.25 CIA-23 BRL-CAD: things out of lib is (surprise) the Tcl/Tk initialization process and packages.

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