IRC log for #brlcad on 20120914

02:15.07 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~DarkCalf@
02:21.33 DarkCalf waves to brlcad
03:30.52 *** join/#brlcad elf_ (~elf@
03:33.02 elf_ oops didn't see I was disconnect
06:08.15 *** join/#brlcad yiyus (
10:01.35 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav|Cloud (u3131@gateway/web/
11:10.44 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
12:20.11 elf_ solved that problem with the way images were showing too dark to see anything in the simulation, it was a lighting problem, setting up an attribute for the default light of the scene did the trick
12:20.32 elf_ here's the latest updated page of the simulation
12:20.50 elf_ and here's the video
12:58.40 brlcad elf_: that's showing up in psychadelic flashing pink and blue on my screen
12:58.45 brlcad is that intended??
13:14.44 elf_ It is supposed to be all pink, the blue was there from somewhere, couldn't figure out from where though. The thing is that without the -A30 parameter the rt command keeps the image darkened, like this one , if I add the lighting the geometry is properly lit but the colors are much more stronger
13:15.53 elf_ and no matter what color I set up for that mater plastic command or any color I set with comb_color command when I rt it outside mged I get that "psychadelic pink"
13:23.52 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi477 (
13:33.27 *** join/#brlcad elf_ (~elf@
14:09.44 brlcad elf_: but what does an individual frame look like
14:11.19 elf_ brlcad, this is what an individual frame looks like
14:11.47 brlcad yeah, that's way too bright
14:12.10 brlcad so couple problems to fix
14:12.13 elf_ I know, though you saw in the other youtube link, without the light it shouldn't be that bright
14:12.27 brlcad first off, ignore youtube
14:12.32 elf_ The lighting it's only on 30% so definitely not that bright
14:12.34 brlcad that's just one more layer of compression
14:12.40 elf_ okay
14:12.45 brlcad the problem is in the conversion from image frames to movie
14:13.00 brlcad the movie should look like the image frames
14:13.08 brlcad if it doesn't, it's a movie encoding problem
14:13.29 elf_ I used imageMagick
14:13.52 brlcad using imagemagick is fine
14:14.02 elf_ no compression, except the one that the convert command from ImageMagick does
14:14.40 brlcad so lets step back, do you have a set of image frames that aren't A30?
14:17.11 elf_ yes I do
14:17.37 brlcad also, this image ( needs to be redone... suggest a full window screenshot, move the model down a little bit so everything is in view
14:18.05 brlcad could make the window a little bigger and zoom 1.3 more or so
14:18.19 brlcad er, make the window a little *smaller*
14:18.27 elf_ okay
14:21.12 brlcad 10:17 < elf_> yes I do <-- can you show me? :)
14:21.35 elf_ yeah a sec, was going to upload a pic but imageshack is being dificult
14:24.28 elf_ Here
14:25.00 brlcad er ,that's a black image
14:25.37 elf_ no, that's the thing it's a dark image, but if you look under the right angle you'll see the plane and the cube above it
14:25.57 elf_ it's some kind of dark pink or something
14:26.23 brlcad if that's a render frame, then your scene isn't right
14:27.02 elf_ It's what I get after running the simulate script so yeah a render frame
14:27.08 brlcad I yes, I see it now
14:27.10 brlcad that's not right
14:28.28 elf_ I thought it was supposed to look something like the image after I run the raytracing tool in mged so that's why I asked yesterday if I can do something like that in the script
14:28.32 brlcad that's what you get if you exactly follow your tutorial steps?
14:28.41 brlcad or did you add a light to the scene or something?
14:29.07 brlcad it should look the same as when you run it in mged
14:29.22 elf_ That's what I get if I follow the tutorial steps, running the simulate script, both the one with the viewset and the one without it, without the -A option
14:29.54 elf_ In mged I get both the cube and the plane in a gray color
14:29.59 elf_ on the black background obv
14:31.57 brlcad I'm going to try the steps now myself -- while I'm doing that, perhaps you can create a better mged screenshot or fix up the paragraph before the mater commands to explain what the other options are -- suggest just running "mater cube.r" and answering the interactive prompts so people can see what each is
14:33.29 elf_ okay
14:44.09 brlcad (like you did for the 'in' command)
14:45.23 brlcad instructions say "sed box" but I think you meant sed cube?
14:46.35 brlcad you say "We want our ground plane and cube to have a texture" but that's not true or what you later describe
14:46.45 brlcad you want it to have color and material properties
14:46.49 brlcad texture means something else
14:46.51 elf_ yes I modified that now when I am adding the explanations for the mater
14:46.58 elf_ sed box was old
14:47.16 elf_ you are right about the texture
14:48.16 brlcad after "You should get the following answer:" ... that is not what I get following your instructions
14:48.31 elf_ you get cube gp and sim.c
14:48.37 brlcad nope
14:49.31 brlcad okay, so I think I see where some of the problems are coming from
14:50.13 brlcad what's in sim.c for you?
14:50.15 brlcad l sim.c
14:51.07 elf_ the cube and the gp regions grouped
14:51.27 brlcad that's not precise
14:51.32 brlcad what does l sim.c say
14:51.52 elf_ sim_gp.r sim_cube.r bb_reg_sim_gp.r bb_reg_sim_cube.r
14:52.16 brlcad l sim_cube.r
14:52.44 brlcad so that is most definitely not "the cube and the gp regions grouped" for starters
14:53.06 elf_ meant to ask you how do you copy paste from the mged window?
14:53.43 brlcad it's four objects, presumably regions, created by the simulate command .. what those four objects are depends on what is in them
14:53.55 brlcad what platform are you on?
14:53.59 elf_ linux
14:54.11 brlcad it's the same copy-paste as any other X window
14:54.22 brlcad usually select text, then middle mouse
14:55.18 elf_ it's not working, tried ctrl+c / ctrl+shift+c then to paste it in here
14:55.47 brlcad do you have a three-button mouse?
14:56.08 elf_ sim_cube.r: REGION id=1000 (air=0, los=100, GIFTmater=1) --Shader 'plastic {tr 0.2 re 0.2} 'Color 50 0 0 u cube [0, 0, -0.291666] scale 1
14:56.15 elf_ that worked the mouse
14:57.19 brlcad so there it looks like the simulate command is creating it's own copy of the two regions you were displaying (cube.r and gp.r), making sim_cube.r and sim_gp.r
14:57.25 brlcad don't know what the other two objects are for
14:58.00 brlcad next thing to add to the tutorial is to show them the scene you had them create
14:58.15 elf_ Yeah. that I knew, it is supposed to work like that, in the simulate.c file I think, it needs those 2, that's why the ground region needs to be named gp.r
14:58.31 brlcad you tell them all these in/mater/r commands, then jump straight to simulate without showing them what you made
14:59.08 brlcad elf_: you may know it, but you're not *saying* it .. and it's certainly not being made clear in the tutorial... :)
14:59.20 elf_ You are right
14:59.55 brlcad before the "Now we are ready to run the simulate command" line .. I suggest adding two more commands
15:00.01 brlcad ae 35 25
15:00.03 brlcad autoview
15:00.18 brlcad then embed a screenshot there of what that looks like
15:00.34 elf_ okay
15:00.58 brlcad that way they'll know if they got anything wrong, they can see the scene, and it's more clear what happens when the simulate command runs
15:01.12 elf_ the other 2(bb_reg_sim_cube.r and bb_reg_sim_gp.r) are the bounding box for the simulation
15:01.25 elf_ right I will add those
15:02.15 brlcad the problem is that sim.c puts them all together -- that means you'll have overlapping regions, which is wrong to render
15:02.58 elf_ I do have overlapping regions, lots of those actually. So uhmm how can I get those out of the sim.c?
15:03.00 brlcad technically wrong to model but the simulate command is a work in progress
15:03.55 brlcad g bb.c bb_*.r
15:04.14 brlcad rm rm sim.c bb_*.r
15:04.31 brlcad oops, just: rm sim.c bb_*.r
15:04.51 elf_ hmm will try it
15:05.15 brlcad elf_: after autoview, add an "rt" command -- that's a better window to screenshot
15:05.31 brlcad or "rt -W"
15:06.05 elf_ ok
15:07.16 brlcad also suggest changing tra 0 0 100 to tra 0 0 50 (no use starting so high, just makes it hard to see the box
15:08.14 elf_ yes, it can get even lower for a better view, with the ground plane a little smaller, it will look better
15:11.19 brlcad try this view:
15:12.13 brlcad ae 35 15
15:12.21 brlcad tra 0 10 0
15:12.38 brlcad rather: ae 35 15 ; autoview ; tra 0 10 0
15:12.47 brlcad then rt or rt -W
15:13.01 brlcad the ground plane size is good
15:15.52 brlcad i like the size ratio you came up with, I think that works well
15:16.17 brlcad just started really far apart and 35 25 is an odd angle for watching it drop
15:16.20 elf_ It looks good
15:16.35 elf_ with your settings I mean :)
15:17.59 brlcad so suggest making all those updates and redo just the first video and we'll see what it looks like
15:18.48 elf_ okay working on it and on the wiki page
15:19.03 brlcad note the video script command needs to change, rt -a 35 -e 10 .. and not sim.c but "sim_cube.r sim_gp.r"
15:19.21 brlcad (and should explain why those two earlier)
15:19.26 brlcad you don't want the bb's
15:20.06 brlcad before Z, can explain what sim.c is, show the l listing with four objects
15:20.08 elf_ right, then I should let them see that the sim.c group is not just the sim_cube.r and sim_gp.r but also the 2 bb, and we don't want those there
15:20.40 brlcad don't need to go through those steps I gave you to remove the bb, can just use those two regions instead of sim.c
15:20.51 brlcad but should explain that and why
15:21.01 elf_ got it
15:21.25 brlcad so thats a lot of things .. you going to remember all of that? :)
15:21.51 elf_ That's what I have all this convo for :)
15:27.52 brlcad 1) full window mged screenshot at intro, 2) sed box/cube, 2a) 0 0 50, 2b) still have "matter" in there, 3) set up view, run rt before simulate, 4) add rt window screenshot, 5) explain sim.c, 6) draw sim_cube.r sim_gp.r, 7) add screenshot after "draw cube.r" after simulate to see difference, 8) update simulation script -- no A30, no sim.c, 400 steps. also suggest letting it be default size (512x512) so you don't have to explain that there, let the second one be
15:28.56 brlcad can double-check me with the convo, but that's most of what I recall plus a couple other details
15:29.45 elf_ Thank you for summarizing it :)
15:30.02 brlcad after you rebuild the first simple animation, we'll see what that looks like with the other updates
15:30.28 *** join/#brlcad paulproteuss (
15:30.33 paulproteuss brlcad: Hey, are you Sean? (:
15:31.00 brlcad paulproteuss: hi and it depends who is asking ;)
15:31.12 brlcad or more specifically, why you'd be asking that :)
15:31.32 paulproteuss I'm Asheesh, and I'm curious if there are any bitesize brlcad bugs that might interest Hopkins students this weekend (see also )
15:31.52 brlcad ah, hey asheesh
15:31.54 paulproteuss Doc fixes, or compile warning fixes, or tiny tiny feature additions, etc.
15:31.56 brlcad I heard about that
15:31.58 paulproteuss (-:
15:32.07 paulproteuss I thought you might have, but I also thought I'd try pinging you directly to see what happens.
15:32.08 brlcad congrats on the setup
15:32.21 paulproteuss Thanks!
15:32.22 brlcad you still in sanfran?
15:32.45 paulproteuss Generally, though at the moment I'm in Baltimore, prepping!
15:33.00 brlcad nods, very good
15:33.13 brlcad so what level of effort are you thinking .. how tiny?
15:33.29 brlcad like 10 minute tiny, or 60 min tiny, or 1 day tiny?
15:33.33 paulproteuss 10-60 min
15:33.50 paulproteuss Up to 90 I suppose, but given variance of experience between students, those numbers vary.
15:34.25 paulproteuss There could be some epic C hackers who can fix one-day bugs in one hour, but mostly I expect freshman and sophomores.
15:34.26 brlcad we have but they're anywhere from 10 minutes to 20 hours (mostly depending on user experience)
15:34.59 brlcad I have an openhatch account, but I think I'd created it before tasks could be added
15:35.06 brlcad or there was some problem, don't recall, that was more than a year ago iirc
15:35.11 paulproteuss Wow, this is one great page.
15:35.56 paulproteuss libbn docs fixes seems pretty great to me.
15:36.07 brlcad yep
15:36.23 brlcad there are a couple dozen files
15:36.37 brlcad so moving the comments for just one file would be a perfect patch that'd probably take less than 10 minutes
15:37.04 brlcad quick recompile to make sure a typo wasn't fat fingered in
15:37.37 paulproteuss And it's svn, so seems relevant
15:38.13 brlcad hah, nifty -- hadn't seen missions
15:38.49 paulproteuss Every once in a while I wonder if we should move that to its own site.
15:39.12 paulproteuss But for now, I'm focusing on the events, and will consider web tech ramifications another time!
15:39.26 brlcad ahhhh.. that's right -- now I'm remembering
15:40.18 brlcad you have that cool bug tracking interface, but not one for sourceforge and not one for a "raw"/xml/whatever dump format to be added manually... :)
15:41.20 brlcad looked into migrating some of our tasks into trac, but that effort was stalled
15:41.44 paulproteuss Behind the scenes there's an epic rewrite of the bug import code, which will make it a bajillion times less stressful to add support for other tracker types.
15:42.27 paulproteuss The epic rewrite makes there be less code, which is what good rewrites are for!
15:42.33 paulproteuss But anyway. (-:
15:42.48 brlcad :)
15:49.32 brlcad paulproteuss: so I'm reminded that the event is tomorrow, do you need anything else other than that wiki page? I can probably flesh out a few more VERY EASY coding entries before tomorrow
15:51.33 paulproteuss One thing I want to do is test how long it takes to compile brlcad before I accept too many new suggestions from you.
15:51.41 paulproteuss Let me go kick that off!
15:51.51 brlcad dev guide goes into detail on participation including patches:
15:52.41 paulproteuss Nice!
15:52.44 brlcad best is the new cmake build system, compiles in parallel much better than autotools
15:52.55 paulproteuss If you update that wiki page, just ping me so I can be sure to know about the task.
15:53.09 paulproteuss I'm keeping a private spreadsheet for my own notes about what tasks I've personally looked at that seem excellent.
15:53.55 brlcad my 5-year old 2-core laptop compiles the whole package in about 15 minutes, latest macbookpro compile was about 3 minutes iirc
15:54.19 paulproteuss Well that's just totally excellently fast.
15:54.31 paulproteuss By contrast, LibreOffice takes about 3.5h, and Firefox 3h, on my laptop.
15:54.37 paulproteuss I guess C++ actually is slow to compile. Who knew?
15:54.50 brlcad yeah, our C++ sources doubled our compile time
15:55.04 brlcad about 25% of our sources are c++ and they account for at least 50% of the compile time
15:55.21 brlcad well that and docbook/xml processing ...
15:56.37 paulproteuss Oh, computers.
15:57.14 brlcad paulproteuss: don't know if it's any use, but we pulled together a VM with BRL-CAD pre-downloaded into a linux distro with all dependencies installed, it's available
15:57.48 brlcad freebsd and haiku have similar setups handy to help new contributors jump in
15:59.06 brlcad don't think it'll save you time for tomorrow, but maybe something to mention that some projects might offer
16:02.01 paulproteuss Amusing that svn checkout will probably take way longer than the build.
16:45.55 brlcad just updated
16:46.14 brlcad hm, looks like CIA is AWOL
16:55.34 brlcad paulproteuss: just saw your acm note in my digest, replied with a brief summary
16:55.43 brlcad mainly for others, of course
17:04.32 elf_ brlcad, here's how the gif looks like right now
17:05.01 elf_ I don't like the fact that the image seems to be moving by all when the cube comes closer to the ground plane
17:05.17 elf_ I think it has something to do with the way the view is set...
17:05.25 elf_ or it might be something else?
17:05.44 brlcad elf_: that's something to talk about in the tutorial
17:05.55 brlcad and is motivation for the second script
17:06.02 brlcad but don't worry about it right now
17:06.17 elf_ okay
17:06.50 elf_ uhmm the file is also kinda large... 1.5mb I think the limit to the site is 1mb
17:08.26 brlcad still want to make sure the color is right .. don't worry about adding animations yet
17:09.08 brlcad so for the two rt images you embedded, can you make them be the full render
17:09.35 brlcad either the full rt window or at least the full 512x512 image
17:09.58 brlcad can run "rt -W -o file.png" to stash the rendering
17:10.27 elf_ Ahh I updated the wiki file if that's what you are asking
17:10.50 brlcad also missing the tra after autoview to get it centered better for the mged screenshots
17:11.01 brlcad I'm referring to the wiki page
17:12.01 brlcad and iterations still seem too short
17:12.09 elf_ okay, I will add the tra and I am sorry but I don't understand what do you mean by making them full render?
17:12.18 brlcad want to see the box hit the surface, the animation ends too early
17:12.45 brlcad check the 1,2,3,4,5,... list again .. there are a couple more things in there that I don't see too
17:13.03 elf_ Iterations are 185 for the cube to be on the plane, that's what I ran the first script with
17:13.07 elf_ and it landed on the ground
17:13.18 elf_ more of it and it gets inside the plane
17:13.47 brlcad so the collision detection failed :)
17:14.10 elf_ yep
17:14.18 elf_ not entirely though
17:14.40 brlcad that was working, so maybe a question for abhijit or the first code you can work on, but for the animation, just let it go through
17:14.59 brlcad stopping the video just looks odd
17:15.03 elf_ it got in the ground plane, it looked like half of the cube was in the ground plane then it turned on it's side then the simulate stopped
17:15.17 elf_ there are another 5 images after the gif that I showed you
17:15.38 elf_ okay, will add the 5 more images till the cube stops moving
17:16.39 brlcad what I meant about "full render" is that and appear to be screen captures, not the actual rendered image
17:16.53 brlcad subtle difference only because your screen capture is off by a pixel
17:17.49 brlcad it should either be the actual render image (rt -W -o file.png) or the actual full window with the title bar and all, captured with a window-capture tool
17:18.02 brlcad not just eyeballing it with your mouse
17:18.16 elf_ okay, got it, didn't know I could do the rt -W -o trick
17:20.27 brlcad doesn't need to be in the instructions, more for you to get the image
17:21.12 brlcad and you did know, note your animation script uses that option ;)
17:21.51 elf_ right again :))
17:46.36 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
17:46.36 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@unaffiliated/stattrav)
18:22.10 brlcad elf_: is what you actually get after autoview + tra 0 10 0 ?
18:24.27 elf_ Hmm, I am not sure, I might have put some zoom in it, it doesn't look like the other ones
18:39.24 elf_ brlcad, here's the page and I added the simulation with the viewset gif in 256x256 format, I have to add a smaller version of this one (the one without the viewset)
18:39.46 elf_ but I started rendering the one with the viewset in 800x800pixels and it takes some time
18:40.00 elf_ uhmm like a lot of time
19:02.15 brlcad don't do the big one yet!
19:03.31 brlcad elf_: it still doesn't look right
19:03.36 elf_ kay will stop it it didn't get too far anyway
19:04.02 brlcad so with the first one, what does one of the actual movie frames look like?
19:04.45 elf_
19:05.33 brlcad hat doesn't look right
19:06.09 elf_ what's amiss?
19:06.14 brlcad you may be dealing with a bug, but try running this: rt -a 35 -e 15 -o test.png sim.g sim_gp.r sim_cube.r
19:06.41 brlcad and: rt -a 35 -e 15 -o test2.png sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:06.43 elf_ no that's the one with the viewset
19:06.58 brlcad what?
19:07.16 brlcad run those two commands outside of mged
19:07.47 elf_ the one that I showed you it's the image with the view set, from the small gif from the wiki page
19:08.13 elf_ this is the one from the link with the bigger anymation I posted
19:08.29 brlcad okay, but still doesn't look right
19:08.44 elf_ will run the commands in a terminal
19:09.01 brlcad that is WAY darker than it should be, looks like zero ambient
19:11.12 elf_ test 1
19:11.14 brlcad if that's a bug, it needs to be isolated and fixed
19:11.24 elf_ test 2
19:11.47 brlcad okay, so it's not the simulation causing a problem
19:12.08 brlcad try: rt -a 35 -e 15 -o test3.pix sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:12.35 brlcad followed by: pix-png -o test3.png test3.pix
19:14.11 elf_
19:14.59 brlcad okay, and if you run this: rt -a 35 -e 15 sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:15.06 brlcad does it show up dark in the window
19:16.08 elf_ if I run that in mged or out of it?
19:16.14 brlcad out
19:17.03 elf_ Compile-time debug symbols are available
19:17.03 elf_ Running on elfy
19:17.03 elf_ Planning to run with 4 processors
19:17.03 elf_ bin/rt -a 35 -e 15
19:17.03 elf_ opendb s3.g;
19:17.04 elf_ tree gp.r cube.r;
19:17.05 elf_ db title: Untitled BRL-CAD Database
19:17.07 elf_ DIRBUILD: cpu = 0.15601 sec, elapsed = 0.181747 sec
19:17.09 elf_ <PROTECTED>
19:17.11 elf_ <PROTECTED>
19:17.13 elf_ Additional mem=2535424., #malloc=94473, #free=79936, #realloc=4 (14537 retained)
19:17.15 elf_ 08607f50 TOL 5.000000e-04 (sq=2.500000e-07) perp=1.000000e-06, para=9.999990e-01
19:17.17 elf_ BRL-CAD Release 7.22.0 The BRL-CAD Optical Shader Library
19:17.19 elf_ <PROTECTED>
19:17.23 elf_ <PROTECTED>
19:17.25 elf_ ogl_getmem: shmget failed, errno=22
19:17.27 elf_ ogl_getmem: Unable to attach to shared memory.
19:17.29 elf_ ogl_getmem: malloc failure
19:17.32 elf_ fb_open: can't open device "/dev/ogl", ret=-1.
19:17.33 elf_ rt: can't open frame buffer
19:17.35 elf_ damn long thing... short story it doesn't open anything
19:17.57 brlcad huh, that's odd
19:18.24 brlcad specify the framebuffer: rt -F/dev/oglp -a 35 -e 15 sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:19.16 elf_ I get a transparent window with the plane and cube
19:19.30 brlcad starseeker: couple lines that would be great to add to your .vimrc ...
19:19.30 brlcad :highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
19:19.31 brlcad :match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
19:19.57 brlcad so you can see where you drop those turds that carl chases after
19:20.24 brlcad elf_: i don't understand what that means
19:20.41 brlcad the question is whether it shows up dark like the other images were
19:21.29 elf_ it doesn't show up dark like other images cause the whole window is transparent, like glass and you paint on it the cube and the ground plane
19:21.40 brlcad if a window is transparent, you're saying you can see through it
19:21.49 brlcad screenshot?
19:23.45 brlcad then try: rt -W -a 35 -e 15 -o test4.png sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:24.02 elf_
19:24.45 brlcad wtf
19:25.04 elf_ told you it was transparent...
19:25.09 brlcad is that your desktop background?
19:25.37 brlcad expecting to see the window decoration
19:27.04 elf_
19:27.13 elf_ yes that's the desktop background
19:27.46 elf_ I use the screenshot in ubuntu and it is setted not to show the window decoration
19:27.55 elf_ I can take another one with the decoration
19:27.59 brlcad ah
19:28.27 brlcad so the short term fix is to add -W to your first script
19:28.48 brlcad -W -s256
19:28.50 elf_ I hope this has nothing to do with the fact that I didn't install mged, I am running it from the folder where I build it, so I use bin/rt bin/mged etc for commands
19:29.00 brlcad that shouldn't matter
19:29.04 elf_ okay
19:29.07 elf_ wanted to make sure
19:29.33 brlcad is this also "transparent": rt -F/dev/X -a 35 -e 15 sim.g gp.r cube.r
19:31.29 brlcad it's suspicious that it says /usr/brlcad/dev-7.22.0 for the install path
19:31.40 brlcad should be /usr/brlcad/dev-7.22.1 if building from an svn checkout
19:33.18 elf_ the latest command Compile-time debug symbols are available
19:33.19 elf_ Running on elfy
19:33.19 elf_ Planning to run with 4 processors
19:33.19 elf_ bin/rt -F/dev/X -a 35 -e 15
19:33.19 elf_ opendb sim.g;
19:33.19 elf_ tree gp.r cube.r;
19:33.21 elf_ rt: rt_dirbuild(sim.g) failure
19:34.07 elf_ I didn't build from the latest svn checkout... it was from the latest official release
19:35.20 brlcad ok
19:35.27 brlcad so the dirbuild failure is something you're doing
19:35.36 brlcad all the other examples I gave were sim.g
19:35.46 brlcad so you either removed the .g file or you replaced with another
19:36.02 brlcad it looks like you used s3.g
19:37.41 elf_ the s3.g file I am using is the same as the sim.g file you are using
19:38.40 elf_ but you are right now I ran it with the wrong file
19:38.55 elf_ and with that command I get a dark window
19:40.00 brlcad okay, so redo the anim with -W -s256 and should make a more interesting script for the higher quality one
19:42.08 elf_ A more interesting script?
19:42.14 elf_ What do you have in mind?
19:42.21 brlcad a multipass render
19:42.50 brlcad so right now you have it rendering a 800x800 directly to a pix file, then converting the pix to a png
19:43.29 brlcad suggest starting an fbserv, rendering into it twice, then extracting your png
19:43.35 brlcad what's your screen resolution?
19:45.09 elf_ 1366x768 pixels
19:45.20 brlcad ouch
19:45.21 brlcad okay
19:45.28 brlcad you can add this to the beginning of your high-res script:
19:45.48 elf_ I am on a laptop.. that's why
19:46.01 brlcad fbserv -W 360 -N 640 5 /dev/X &
19:46.21 brlcad then change the line that says: rt -M -s800 -o image$i.pix \
19:47.35 brlcad to say: rt -M -w 360 -n 640 -W -F5 \
19:48.23 brlcad then duplicate that whole block to the EOF
19:48.37 brlcad and change the second rt -M -w 360 -n 640 -W -F5 \ to say ...
19:49.19 brlcad rtedge -M -w 360 -n 640 -W -F5 -c "set ov=1" \
19:49.49 brlcad finally, instead of pix-png -s800 image$i.pix > image$i.png ...
19:50.11 brlcad run fb-png -F5 -w 360 -n 640 image$i.png
19:51.01 brlcad add a "kill %1" command after the for loop to shut down the fbserv
19:52.11 elf_ like this ?
19:53.10 brlcad yep!
19:53.46 brlcad check your script, though
19:53.50 brlcad don't need rm -f image$i.pix for example
19:54.43 brlcad any reason you don't simulate to 200?
19:54.55 brlcad nice round number
19:55.14 brlcad even if it stops moving at 190, that's be useful
19:56.25 elf_ I actually let it run till 200, but it doesn't go further than 190 it just stops there and stays like that for a long time
19:56.52 brlcad that's fine .. the extra animation frames will make the video better
19:57.20 brlcad so that should keep your laptop hot for a while :)
19:57.44 elf_ it will :))
19:57.52 brlcad while it's rendering, you can update the text to explain everything that changed and what does what
19:58.33 brlcad I'd try to reduce the paragraph that start "In order to create an animation...."
19:59.16 brlcad it can be a little more brief, like not needing to explain 512x512 being the default there
20:00.09 brlcad azymuth is a typo :)
20:00.48 elf_ you are right :)
20:01.08 brlcad the imagemagick explanation should be right after the brief script too
20:02.12 brlcad along with that video
20:02.41 brlcad THEN proceed with, "well, that's great, but lets stop the view from constantly changing and make it look better..."
20:04.51 elf_ okay will move it upper
20:06.30 brlcad then you don't have to explain imagemagick and creating the video for the "big finale"
20:08.30 elf_ You are right, it makes more sense to show them the movie and the gif creation after the first script, it's more logical, like a gradual learning process
20:16.49 *** join/#brlcad CIA-69 (
20:36.22 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03JessebiufgpyaxjPiombino 07 * r4427 10/wiki/Undoubtedly_the_preferred_sorts_of_belly_button_rings: New page: Pattern and magnificence is simply not just confined to clothing and textiles. There is certainly a complete new earth awaiting you throughout the kind of human human body piercings, one p...
20:36.42 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4418 10/wiki/Compiling: update with instructions for the relatively new cmake build system
20:40.33 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4419 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
20:42.20 elf_ brlcad, what does the -W option does for the rt/rtedge command
20:42.32 elf_ the man page is not working and I can't figure it out
20:43.26 elf_ I mean the F5 command.
20:44.42 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4420 10/wiki/Compiling: update debian deps
20:45.11 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4421 10/wiki/Compiling:
20:47.19 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4422 10/wiki/Compiling:
20:47.53 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4423 10/wiki/Compiling: /* Install */
20:48.37 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4432 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
20:50.29 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r4424 10/wiki/Contributor_Quickies: link to compiling
20:50.47 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Simulation rt 190.png]]"
20:50.51 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4433 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
20:51.15 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4435 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
20:51.18 brlcad brlman fbserv
20:51.43 *** join/#brlcad stas (~stas@
20:51.54 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4434 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
20:54.57 brlcad "brlman brlcad" too .. it describes framebuffer options there
21:00.01 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4436 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
21:02.31 elf_ I found it, thanks I was trying man brlcad and other things and didn't work, obv :)
21:10.18 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4429 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
21:15.05 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Undoubtedly the preferred sorts of belly button rings]]": spam
21:15.06 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:JessebiufgpyaxjPiombino]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked): Spamming links to external sites
21:15.08 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Simulation 256x256.gif]]"
21:15.08 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Geometry of simulation.png]]"
21:25.58 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Geometry of simulation.png]]"
21:31.38 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Simulation rt 100.png]]"
21:32.41 elf_ run the script for 200 steps(the first one) but it stopped after 186 got this
21:32.49 elf_ trying again for 200 steps
21:46.52 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Draw sim.png]]": The sim_gp.r, sim_cube.r and cube.r regions after running the simulation.
21:47.20 elf_ brlcad the latest image that I can get without corrupting the db is #191, after that there are no more images generated due to db corruption
21:52.07 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded "[[Image:Simulation rt 100.png]]": Simulation of the cube falling with the initial and final position of the cube.
21:59.04 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r0 10/wiki/Special:Log/upload: uploaded a new version of "[[Image:Simulation large.gif]]"
21:59.07 elf_ I have a problem with the second script, it doesn't see the second viewset
21:59.17 elf_
21:59.22 elf_ that is the error
22:00.06 elf_ and here is the script
22:00.27 elf_ doesn't see the viewsize and the rest of it
22:03.47 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03Elf11 07 * r4438 10/wiki/Mged_simulation:
22:10.31 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
22:18.00 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
22:48.04 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r52442 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: looks like new autoview scale option isn't working right (at least on mac). updates status bar scale, but not the wireframe.
22:51.45 *** join/#brlcad crdueck (
23:14.41 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03carlmoore * r52448 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: remove trailing blanks/tabs; fix 1 spelling
23:14.53 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52447 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Instead of worrying about whether the patch and patch_edges maps are in sync, just build the edge set on the fly. Have to do that in many places anyway.
23:14.54 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r52444 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/test_botpatches.cpp: Quiet the plotting output by default.
23:14.56 CIA-69 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r52443 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: comment on nirt's trailing spaces, probaly a good newbie quickie
23:24.19 *** join/#brlcad louipc (~louipc@archlinux/fellow/louipc)

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